Pkeexae: ."0-", 5 Ivkek&Ffi, K

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"0-",=5 I
s IVKek&ffi,K pKeexae caKX's


> Rezervdm comera

lo hotel
> Sundm lo room-


rc ExERqsE l Ascultoliceletreidiologurigicorelofi'lecuimoginile *
corespunzitoore. t



rc ExERcsEz Ascultoli propozifiile utile de moi ios 9i repefofi.le.

l d like to make a resenalion. Al dori sa rezera o camera.

When is it for?
Do you want a single or a double room? Doriyi o camerd cu pat dubk snu cu un
With a shower ot abath? Cu dus sau cu cada?
There aren't any towels in my room. Nu am prosoate in cameri,
I'd like to order an ilarm call. At dori sa conand un aoel de

re ilERctst3

gi repetofifexlul.

Receptionist: "Hello, reception. Betty speaking. Can I help vou?,'

Hotel guest: "Yes. I am 1)-__-- 398 and I'n afraid there
nen't any 2) here. "
Receptionist: "0h, I am terribly sorry, sir. I'll see to it immediately."
Customer: "0K. And can I 3) something to eat as well?"
Receptionist: "Of course. What would you 4) 7"

Customer: "A pizza I think. A tomato and ham pizza -

and a bottle of beer, please."
Receptionist: "Anlthing else, sir?"
Customer: "No, that's all. Thank you."
Receptionist: "You're 5)
GRouP3 ffi5
T EXERC|SE 4 cgrplerof.diologul, Asculrofi texrul, verificofi
rdspunsurile ;i repetofi.

Receptionist: "Hello, the Red Lion hotel. How can I l) you?"

Susan: "Hello. I'd like to 2) a resefvation, please."

Receptionist: 'Certainlv. When is it 3) 7"

Susan: "The 8th and 9th of Februan'."

Receptionist: "Do you want a single or a 4) room?"

Susan: "A single room, please, with a shower."

Receptionist: "0K, I have a room available for you.

What's your 5) , please?"

Susan: "Susan Hill."
Receptionist: "0K, Ms Hill, you have a reseruation for E
the Sth and lth of February. A single I

room with a shower. It's $48 a night."

Susan: "0K. Thankyou."

Receptionist: "Not at all, Madam."

rc ExtRqsE 5 punetipropozitiilein ordine corecrd. Asculrofl

diologul ;i repetofi textul. P

I Hotel guest: "Yes, that's right. Thankyou."
! Hotel guest: "7.15, please."

! Hotel guest: "It's 398."

! Hotel guest: "I'd like to order an alarm call."

I Receptionist: "Not at all, sir."

! Receptionist: "Certainly, sir. What time?"

! Receptionist: "And what is your room number, sir?"

! Receptionist: "So it's an alarm call for room 398

'ar 7 .l5.Is rhar fighr?"

I Receptionist: "Reception, Evelvn speaking.

Can I help you?"

reG@ItxERcrst6 Citifinumerolele ordinqle de moi ios, oscultof

When you are phoning a hotel, you may need to talk about dates and numbers
Cind faceyi rezeruare trebuie si utilizayi numerale si sa exprimali data.

lst Znd 3rd 4th )m 6th

/tn 8th 9ttt 1Orh I lrh rz1'}l
r3rh t4.h 15rh l6rh rTrh 1Sth

t9th 2Orh 2 lst 32nd 43rd 54]]|.

55th /otn 6 /tn 98th 100rh l0lst

T ilERClSE 7 Ascultofi CD.ulgi reperoti.

/A/A rA /a a /a
lst January l0th May 22nd September e
Znd February l3th June 23rd 0ctober 10 May :-
3rd March I 7th July 25th November

4th April 21st August 31st December 2003


V z


January tanuLrie Iuly iulie SE SCNE SE CITESTE (
February libruarie August au{ilst lstJanuary, 1998 the first ofJanuarl. ninelcen ninet)-cighr o
March martre September septembrie 2 May, 200.1 the second of May, two thousand and three
Anril aorilie October octombrie July 5th, 2000 July lhe fifth, two thousand
lvlay mal November noiembrie August 20, 1980 August the twentieth, nineteen eighty =
June tultt€ December decembrie t6/2/04 the si{teenth of February, two thousand and four


3-19 - terminofio ,,TEEN' 20-90 - terminotio ,,-TY

- eleven 20 - twenty 99 - ninety-nine

2- twelve 21 - twentv-one {cu crotimd) 100 - one hundred
3- thirteen 30 - thirty 200 - nvo hundred
+ - fourteen (otenfie lo ortoqrofiel) 40 - forty {otentie lo ortoqrofiell 300 - three hundred
5 - fifteen (otenfie lo ortoorofiel] 50 - fifry {otentie lo ortoorofiel} 400 - four hundred
6 - si\teen 60 - sixty 500 - five hundred
- seventeen 70 - seventy 101 - one hundred and one
tl- eighteen 80 - eighry 999 - nine hundred and ninety-nine
19 - nineteen q0 ninety 1000 - one thousand

Cheia exerciciilor o gisiti in plimtul 5, grupa r.

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