Middle East Facts

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Panel - Expanded
 Background:
The Tr ucial St at es of the Persian Gulf c oast gr anted t he UK control of their def ense and for eign affairs
in 19th c ent ury tr eati es. In 1971, si x of t hes e stat es - Abu Dhabi, 'Ajman, Al Fujayrah, Ash Shari qah,
Dubayy, and Umm al Qaywayn - merged t o form t he United Ar ab Emir ates (UAE). They wer e joi ned i n
1972 by Ra's al Khaymah. The UAE's per capita GDP is on par wit h those of leading W est European
nati ons. For more t han t hree decades, oil and gl obal fi nance drove the UAE's economy. However, in
2008-09, the confluence of falling oil prices, coll apsing real est a te prices, and t he int ernational banking
crisis hit the UAE es peci all y hard. The UAE essentiall y avoided t he "Ar ab Spring" unrest seen
elsewhere i n the Mi ddl e East in 2010 -11 and in an eff ort to stem potential unrest , the government
announced a multi - year, $1.6-billi on i nfrastruct ure i nvestment pl an for the poorer nort her n emirat es and
aggressivel y pursued advocates of politic al ref orm. The UAE in r ecent years has played a growi ng r ole
in regional aff airs. In addition t o donati ng billi ons of dollars in econ omic ai d to help stabili ze Egypt, the
UAE was one of the first countri es to joi n t he Def eat -I SIS coalition, and is a key part ner i n a Saudi -led
military c ampai gn i n Yemen.
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Panel - Expanded
 Location:
Middle East, bor deri ng t he Gulf of Oman and t he Persi an Gulf, bet ween Oman and Saudi Ar abia
Geographic coordin ates:
24 00 N, 54 00 E
Map references:
Middle East
total: 83,600 sq km
land: 83,600 sq km
water: 0 sq km
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 116
Area - comparative:
slightl y lar ger t han South Car olina; slightly smaller t han Maine
Land boundaries:
total: 1, 066 km
border countries (2): Oman 609 km, Saudi Ar abi a 457 km
1,318 km
Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 12 nm
contiguous zone: 24 nm
exclusi ve economi c zone: 200 nm
continent al shelf: 200 nm or to the edge of t he c onti nent al mar gin
des ert; cool er in east ern mount ains
flat, barren coastal pl ai n mergi ng i nt o rolli ng sand dunes of vast desert; mountai ns in east
mean elevation: 149 m
elevation extremes: l owes t poi nt: Persian Gulf 0 m
highest point: Jabal Yibir 1,527 m
Natural resources:
petr oleum, nat ural gas
Land use:
agri cultur al land: 4.6%
arable l and 0.5%; permanent crops 0.5%; permanent past ure 3.6%
forest: 3.8%
other: 91. 6% ( 2011 est.)
Irrig ated land:
923 sq km (2012)
Population - d istribution:
populati on is heavily concentrat ed t o the nort heast on the Musandam Peni nsul a; the t hree lar gest
emirat es - Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Shar jah - are home to nearl y 85% of the popul ation
Natural hazards:
frequent sand and dust storms
Environment - current issues:
lack of natur al freshwat er r esources compensat ed by des alination plants; deserti fication; beac h
poll ution from oil s pills
Environment - international agreements:
part y t o: Bi odi versity, Climate Change, Climat e Change - Kyot o Prot ocol, Des ertification, Endangered
Species, Hazardous W astes, Marine Dumpi ng, Ozone Layer Prot ection
signed, but not ratified: Law of the Sea
Geography - note:
strategic l ocation along southern appr oac hes t o Strait of Hor muz, a vit al transit poi nt for worl d crude oil
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People and Society :: UNITED AR AB EMIRATES

Panel - Expanded
 Population:
6,072,475 (Jul y 2017 est.)
not e: the UN estimat ed the country's tot al popul ation was 9, 400, 145 as of mi d -year 2017; i mmi grants
make up mor e than 88% of the t otal populati on, accor ding to UN dat a (2017)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 110
noun: Emirati(s)
adj ecti ve: Emirati
Ethnic groups:
Emirati 11. 6%, South Asian 59.4% (includes Indian 38.2%, Bangladeshi 9.5%, Pakistani 9.4%, ot her
2.3%), Egyptian 10. 2%, Philippi ne 6. 1%, ot her 12.8% (2015 est.)
Arabic (official), Persian, Englis h, Hindi, Ur du
Muslim (official) 76%, Christian 9%, ot her ( primaril y Hindu and Buddhist, less t han 5% of t he popul ation
consists of Parsi, Baha'i, D ruze, Sikh, Ahmadi, Ismaili , Dawoodi Bohra Muslim, and J ewish) 15%
not e: repr esents the tot al populati on; about 85% of t he populati on consists of nonciti zens (2005 est.)
Age structure:
0-14 years: 21. 01% (mal e 652, 718/femal e 622,850)
15- 24 year s: 13.51% (mal e 487,558/femal e 332,829)
25- 54 year s: 61.14% (mal e 2,828, 731/f emale 884, 233)
55- 64 year s: 3. 27% (mal e 147, 429/femal e 51, 097)
65 year s and over: 1. 07% (male 40,226/f emal e 24,804) (2017 est.)
Dependency ratios:
total dependency r atio: 17.4
youth dependency ratio: 16.2
elderl y dependency rati o: 1.2
pot ential support ratio: 83.4 ( 2015 est.)
Median age:
total: 30.3 years
male: 32.1 years
femal e: 25 years (2017 est .)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 115
Population growth rate:
2.37% ( 2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 28
Birth rate:
15. 1 birt hs/1, 000 populati on (2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 128
Death rate:
1.9 deat hs/1, 000 popul ati on (2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 225
Net migration rate:
10. 5 mi grant(s)/1,000 population (2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 9
Population distributio n:
populati on is heavily concentrat ed t o the nort heast on the Musandam Peni nsul a; the t hree lar gest
emirat es - Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Shar jah - are home to nearl y 85% of the popul ation
urban popul ation: 86.5% of tot al popul ation (2018)
rate of urbanizati on: 1.71% annual r ate of change (2015 -20 est.)
Major urban areas - population:
Dubai 2.785 milli on; Shar jah 1. 571 milli on; ABU DHABI (capital) 1.42 milli on ( 2018)
Sex ratio:
at birth: 1. 05 male(s)/female
0-14 years: 1.05 male(s)/female
15- 24 year s: 1. 47 mal e(s)/femal e
25- 54 year s: 3. 2 male(s)/female
55- 64 year s: 2. 93 mal e(s)/femal e
65 year s and over: 1. 69 male(s)/femal e
total populati on: 2.18 mal e(s)/femal e (2017 est.)
Matern al mortality ratio:
6 deaths/100,000 live birt hs (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 165
Infant mo rtality rate:
total: 10 deaths/ 1,000 li ve births
male: 11.6 deat hs/1,000 li ve births
femal e: 8. 3 deaths/ 1,000 live births (2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 137
Life expectancy at birth:
total populati on: 77. 7 years
male: 75 years
femal e: 80. 4 years (2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 69
Total fertility rate:
2.32 chil dren bor n/woman ( 2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 87
Health expenditures:
3.6% of GDP ( 2014)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 171
Physicians density:
1.56 physicians/ 1,000 populati on ( 2014)
Hospital bed density:
1.2 beds/1, 000 populati on (2013)
Drinking water source:
urban: 99.6% of popul ati on
rural: 100% of popul ation
total: 99. 6% of popul ation
urban: 0. 4% of populati on
rural: 0% of populati on
total: 0.4% of populati on ( 2015 est.)
Sanitation fac ility acc ess:
urban: 98% of populati on
rural: 95. 2% of popul ation
total: 97. 6% of popul ation
urban: 2% of popul ation
rural: 4. 8% of popul ati on
total: 2.4% of populati on ( 2015 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult p revalence rate:
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS - deaths:
Obesity - adult prevalence rate:
31. 7% ( 2016)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 20
Education expenditures:
definiti on: age 15 and over can read and write
total populati on: 93. 8%
male: 93.1%
femal e: 95. 8% (2015 est.)
Unemployment, youth ages 15 -24:
total: 12.1%
male: 7.9%
femal e: 21. 8% (2008 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 108
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Panel - Expanded
 Country name:
conventional long f orm: Unit ed Arab Emirat es
conventional short form: none
local long form: Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah
local short form: none
former: Tr ucial Oman, Tr ucial Stat es
abbreviati on: UAE
et ymology: s elf-descriptive countr y name; the name "Arabi a" can be tr aced back many centuri es B.C.,
the anci ent Egyptians ref erred t o the regi on as "Ar Rabi"; "emir ates" derives from "amir " the Ar abic
wor d for "c ommander," "l or d," or "pri nce"
Government type:
federati on of monarchi es
name: Abu Dhabi
geogr aphic coordi nat es: 24 28 N, 54 22 E
time differ ence: UTC+4 (9 hours ahead of W ashingt on, DC, duri ng St andard Time)
Administrative divisio ns:
7 emir at es (imarat, singular - imarah); Abu Zaby ( Abu Dhabi), 'Ajman, Al Fujayrah, Ash Shari qah
(Sharjah), Dubayy (Dubai), Ra's al Khaymah, Umm al Qaywayn
2 December 1971 (from t he UK)
National holid ay:
Independence Day (National Day), 2 December (1971)
histor y: pr evious 1971 (pr ovisi onal); lat est draft ed in 1979, became permanent May 1996
amendments: proposed by the Supreme Council an d submitt ed t o the Feder al National Council;
passage requir es at l east a two -thir ds majority vote of Feder al National Council members present, and
approval by the Supreme Council pr esident; amended 2009 (2016)
Legal system:
mi xed l egal syst em of Isl amic law and civil l aw
International law o rg anization participatio n:
has not submitt ed an ICJ jurisdiction decla r ation; non -part y state t o the ICCt
citizenshi p by birth: no
citizenshi p by descent onl y: the fat her must be a ci ti zen of the United Ar ab Emi rates; if the fat her is
unk nown, t he mot her must be a citizen
dual citizenship r ecogniz ed: no
resi dency requir ement for natur alization: 30 years
limited; note - rul ers of t he seven emir ates each s elec t a pr oportion of voters for the Federal Nati onal
Council (FNC) that t ogether account for about 12 percent of Emir ati citizens
Executive branch:
chi ef of st ate: Presi dent KHALIFA bi n Zayi d Al -Nuhayyan (since 3 November 2004), ruler of Abu Zaby
(Abu Dhabi) (since 4 November 2004); Vice Presi dent and Prime Mi nister MUHAMMAD BIN RASHID Al -
Maktum (sinc e 5 J anuary 2006)
head of government: Prime Minist er Vice Presi dent MUHAMMAD BI N RASHID Al -Maktum (since 5
Januar y 2006); Deput y Pri me Mi nisters SAI F bi n Zayi d Al -Nuhayyan, MANSUR bin Zayi d Al - Nuhayyan
(bot h since 11 May 2009)
cabinet: Council of Mi nisters announc ed by the prime minister and approved by t he presi dent
elections/ appoi ntment s: president and vice pr esident indirectl y el ected by the Feder al Supreme
Council - composed of t he rulers of t he 7 emirat es - for a 5-year t erm (no ter m limits); election last hel d
3 November 2009 (next el ection NA); prime mi nister and deputy prime mi nister appoi nted by t he
election result s: KHALIFA bin Zayi d Al -Nuhayyan reelected pr esident; FSC vote NA
note: there is also a Federal Supreme Council (FSC) composed of the 7 emirate rulers; the FSC is the
highest constituti onal aut hority i n the UAE; establishes general policies and s anctions federal
legisl ation; meets 4 ti mes a year; Abu Zaby ( Abu Dhabi) and Dubayy (Dubai) rul ers have eff ective vet o
Legislative b ranch:
descri ption: unicameral Federal Nati onal Council (FNC) or Majlis al -Ittihad al- W atani (40 seats; 20
members i ndir ectly elected by an el ectoral c ollege whose members ar e sel ected by each emirat e rul er
proporti onal t o its FNC membership, and 20 members appoint ed by the rul ers of th e 7 constituent
states; members serve 4- year t erms)
elections: l ast held on 3 October 2015 (next to be hel d in 2019); note - t he elect oral coll ege was
expanded fr om 129,274 el ectors in the Dec ember 2011 el ection to 224, 279 i n the October 2015
electi on; 347 candidates i ncludi ng 78 women ran f or 20 contested seats in t he 40 -member FNC
election result s: 19 men and 1 woman wer e el ected; seats by emirat e - Abu Dhabi 4, Dubai 4, Sharjah
3, Ras al-Khai mah 3, Ajman 2, Fujairah 2, Umm al -Quwai n 2; not e - onl y 1 woma n (from Ras Al
Khaimah) won an FNC s eat
Judicial b ranch:
highest court(s): Feder al Supreme Court (consists of the court pr esident and 4 judges; jurisdiction
limited t o federal cas es)
judge sel ection and ter m of office: judges appoi nted by the f ederal presi dent f ollowing approval by
the Federal Supreme Council, the hi ghest exec uti ve and l egislative aut horit y consisting of t h e 7 emirat e
rulers; judges ser ve until r etirement age or the expiry of their appoi ntment t erms
subor dinate courts: Federal Court of Cassati on (det ermines the constitutionalit y of l aws pr omulgat ed
at the federal and emirat e l evel; federal l evel courts of fi rst instance and appeals courts; the emir ates
of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Ra's al Khaymah have par allel c ourt systems; the ot her 4 emirat es have
incorpor ated their courts into the federal syst em; not e - the Abu Dhabi Gl obal Market Courts and t he
Dubai I nter national Fi nancial Cent er Courts bot h adjudicat e civil and commercial disputes.
Political p arties and leaders:
none; political parti es are banned
International o rganization partic ipation:
ABEDA, AfDB (nonr egi onal member), AFESD, AMF, BIS, CAEU, CI CA, FAO, G -77, GCC, IAEA, IBRD,
ICAO, ICC (national commi ttees), ICRM, IDA, IDB, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO,
Inter pol, IOC, IPU, ISO, I TSO, ITU, LAS, MIGA, NAM, OAPEC, OI C, OIF ( obs erver), OPCW , OPEC,
Diplomatic representation in the US:
chi ef of mi ssi on: Ambassador Yusif bi n Mani bin Sai d al -UTAYBA (since 28 Jul y 2008)
chancer y: 3522 I nt ernational Court NW , Suite 400, W ashingt on, DC 20008
telephone: [1] ( 202) 243-2400
FAX: [ 1] (202) 243- 2432
consulat e(s) ge neral: Bos ton, Los Angel es, New Yor k
Diplomatic representation from the U S:
chi ef of mi ssi on: Charge d'Affair es St even C. BONDY (since 22 March 2018)
embassy: Embassies District, Plot 38 Sector W 59 -02, Street No. 4, Abu Dhabi
mailing addr ess: P. O. Box 4009, Abu Dhabi
telephone: [971] ( 2) 414-2200
FAX: [ 971] (2) 414- 2603
consulat e(s) general: Dubai
Flag description:
three equal hori zont al bands of gr een (t op), whit e, and bl ack with a wi der vertical red band on the hoist
side; the fl ag i ncor por ates all four Pan - Arab col ors, which i n this case r epr esent fertility (gr een),
neutralit y (white), petr oleum resources (bl ack), and unity (red); red was the traditional col or
incorpor ated int o all flags of the emirat es bef or e their unificati on
National symbol(s):
gol den f alcon; national col ors: green, whit e, bl ack, red
National an them:
name: "Nas hid al-watani al -imarati " (Nati onal Ant hem of the UAE)
l yrics/musi c: AREF Al Sheikh Abdull ah Al Hassan/Mohamad Abdel W AHAB
not e: music adopt ed 1971, lyrics adopt ed 1996; Mohamad Abdel W AHAB als o composed the music for
the ant hem of Tunisia
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Panel - Expanded
 Economy - overview:
The UAE has an open ec onomy with a high per capita income and a si zabl e annual trade s urpl us.
Successful efforts at economic diversification have r educ ed t he portion of GDP f rom the oil and gas
sector to 30%.
Since t he discover y of oil i n the UAE nearl y 60 years ago, the country has under gone a prof ound
transformati on fr om an impoverished r egi on of small desert pri ncipalities to a moder n stat e with a high
standar d of li ving. The government has increased spendi ng on job creation and i nfrastructur e expansion
and is openi ng up utiliti es to gr eat er pri vate sect or involvemen t. The country's free trade zones -
offeri ng 100% f orei gn ownership and zero t axes - are hel ping t o attr act forei gn i nvestors.
The gl obal fi nancial crisis of 2008 - 09, ti ght i nter national credit, and defl ated ass et prices constricted
the economy i n 2009. UA E aut horities tried to blunt the crisis by increasing spending and boosting
liqui dity i n t he banking sec tor. The crisis hit Dubai hardest, as it was heavil y exp osed to depressed r eal
estate prices. Dubai l acked sufficient cas h to meet its debt obli gati ons, prompti ng global conc ern about
its solvency and ultimat el y a $20 billi on bailout from t he UAE Centr al Bank and Abu Dhabi Gover nment
that was refi nanced i n Mar ch 2014.
The UAE’s dependence on oil is a significant long -t er m chall enge, alt hough t he UAE is one of t he most
diversified countri es in the Gulf Cooperati on Council. Low oil prices have prompt ed t he UAE to c ut
expenditur es, includi ng on some soci al pr ogr ams, but the UAE has sufficient assets in its soverei gn
investment f unds to cover its deficits. T he gover nment reduced fuel subsidi es in August 2015, and
introduc ed excis e taxes (50% on sweet ened car bonat ed beverages and 100% on energy drinks and
tobacco) in October 2017. A five -percent value- added tax (VAT) was i ntroduc ed i n January 2018. The
UAE's strategic pl an for the next f ew years foc uses on ec onomic di versification, promoti ng t he UAE as
a gl obal trade and tourism hub, devel oping i ndustry, and creati ng mor e job oppor tuniti es for nati onals
through improved educati on and increased pri vate sector em ployment.
GDP (purchasing power p arity):
$691.9 billion (2017 est.)
$682.8 billion (2016 est.)
$662.7 billion (2015 est.)
not e: data are i n 2017 doll ars
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 33
GDP (official exchange rate):
$378.7 billion (2017 est.)
GDP - real g rowth rate:
1.3% ( 2017 est.)
3% (2016 est.)
3.8% ( 2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 182
GDP - per c apita (PPP):
$68, 200 (2017 est.)
$69, 300 (2016 est.)
$69, 200 (2015 est.)
not e: data are i n 2017 doll ars
country comparison to the world: 14
Gross nation al saving :
24. 8% of GDP (2017 est.)
27. 5% of GDP (2016 est.)
29. 7% of GDP (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 54
GDP - composition, by end use:
household consumption: 50. 5%
gover nment consumpti on: 12. 1%
investment in fixed capit al: 20.4%
investment in inventori es: 1.3%
export s of goods and ser vices: 94.9%
import s of goods and ser vices: -79. 2% ( 2017 est.)
GDP - composition, by secto r of origin:
agri cultur e: 0. 9%
industr y: 49.8%
ser vices: 49.2% (2017 est .)
Agriculture - products:
dat es, veget abl es, wat ermelons; poultr y, eggs, dair y products; fish
petr oleum and petr ochemic als; fishing, al umi num, cement, f ertilizer, commercial ship repair,
construction materi als, handicrafts, textil es
Industrial p roduction growth rate:
-0.1% ( 2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o t he worl d: 187
Labor force:
5.344 million
not e: expatriat es account f or about 85% of the workforce (2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 79
Labor force - b y occu pation:
agri cultur e: 7%
industr y: 15%
ser vices: 78% (2000 est.)
Unemployment rate:
1.6% ( 2016 est.)
3.6% ( 2014 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 13
Population below poverty line:
19. 5% ( 2003 est.)
Household income o r consumption by percentage share:
lowest 10 %: NA%
highest 10 %: NA%
revenues: $83.44 billion
expenditures: $112. 4 billi on
not e: the UAE federal budget does not account for emirate -l evel spendi ng in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
(2017 est.)
Taxes and o ther reven ues:
22% of GDP ( 2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 139
Budget surplus (+) or defic it ( -):
-7.6% of GDP (2017 est.)
country comparison to the world: 193
Public debt:
60. 3% of GDP (2017 est.)
62. 7% of GDP (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 76
Fisc al year:
calendar year
Inflation rate (consumer p rices):
2.1% ( 2017 est.)
1.8% ( 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 101
Central bank d iscount rate:
Stock of narrow money:
$134.8 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$129 billi on ( 31 Dec ember 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 33
Stock of broad money:
$355.8 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$333.6 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 32
Stock of domestic c redit:
$412.5 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$389.9 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 32
Market value of public ly traded sh ares:
$195.9 billion (31 December 2015 est.)
$201.6 billion (31 December 2014 est.)
$180.3 billion (31 December 2013 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 34
Curren t account balan ce:
$7. 878 billion (2017 est.)
$8. 412 billion (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 24
$314.7 billion (2017 est.)
$298.6 billion (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 18
Exports - commodities:
crude oil 45%, natur al gas, reexports, dried fish, dat es (2012 est.)
Exports - p artners:
Indi a 10. 1%, Iran 9. 9%, Japan 9.3%, Chi na 5. 4%, Oman 5%, Switzerl and 4. 4%, South Kor ea 4. 1%
$241.3 billion (2017 est.)
$230.3 billion (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 21
Imports - commod ities:
machi nery and transport equi pm ent, c hemicals, food
Imports - p artners:
Chi na 8.5%, US 6. 8%, Indi a 6. 6% (2017)
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold:
$89. 79 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$85.39 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 28
Debt - external:
$239.7 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$218.7 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 33
Stock of direct foreig n investment - at home:
$144.3 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$134.8 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 39
Stock of direct foreig n investment - abro ad :
$124.9 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
$114.6 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 33
Exchange rates:
Emirati dirhams (AED) per US doll ar -
3.67 (2017 est.)
3.67 (2016 est.)
3.67 (2015 est.)
3.67 (2014 est.)
3.67 (2013 est.)
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Panel - Expanded
 Electricity access:
popul ation without electricit y: 177,824
electrification - tot al population: 98%
electrification - urban areas: 99%
electrification - rur al ar eas: 93% (2012)
Electricity - productio n:
119. 7 billi on kW h (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 32
Electricity - consumption:
110. 6 billi on kW h (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 32
Electricity - exports:
0 kW h (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 98
Electricity - imports:
0 kW h (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 118
Electricity - installed generating c apacity:
28. 9 milli on kW (2015 est.)
countr y compari son t o the worl d: 34
Electricity - from fossil fuels:
99. 5% of tot al inst alled capacity (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 29
Electricity - from nuclear fuels:
0% of t otal i nstall ed capaci ty (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 36
Electricity - from hyd roelectric plants:
0% of t otal i nstall ed capaci ty (2015 est.)
country comparison to the world: 158
Electricity - from o ther renewable sources:
0.5% of tot al i nstalled capacity (20 15 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 151
Crude o il - production:
3.106 million bbl/ day (2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 10
Crude o il - exports:
2.684 million bbl/ day (2014 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 5
Crude o il - imports:
0 bbl/day (2014 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 87
Crude o il - pro ved reserves:
97. 8 billi on bbl (1 J anuary 2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 7
Refined petroleum products - p roduction:
479, 400 bbl/ day (2014 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 34
Refined petroleum products - consumption:
901, 000 bbl/ day (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 26
Refined petroleum products - exports:
334, 900 bbl/ day (2014 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 26
Refined petroleum products - imports:
413, 700 bbl/ day (2014 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 23
Natural gas - production:
60. 18 billi on c u m (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 15
Natural gas - consumption:
69. 63 billi on c u m (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 13
Natural gas - exports:
11. 08 billi on c u m (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 21
Natural gas - impo rts:
20. 53 billi on c u m (2015 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 15
Natural gas - proved reserves:
6.091 trillion c u m (1 J anuary 2017 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 7
Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy:
245 milli on Mt (2013 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 26
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Communications :: UNITED AR AB EMIRATES

Panel - Expanded
 Telephones - fixed lin es:
total subscriptions: 2,285,809
subscripti ons per 100 inhabit ant s: 39 (July 2016 est.)
country comparison to the world: 56
Telephones - mobile c ellular:
total: 19,905,093
subscripti ons per 100 inhabit ant s: 328 (Jul y 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 59
Telephone system:
gener al assessment: modern fi ber - optic int egrat ed s ervices; di git al network wit h rapidl y growi ng us e of
mobile-cell ul ar tel ephones; key centers ar e Abu Dhabi and Dubai
domestic: microwave radi o rel ay, fi ber - optic and coaxial c abl e
international: country code - 971; li nked to t he i nt ernational submari ne c abl e FLAG (Fi ber-Optic Li nk
Around the Gl obe); l andi ng poi nt for bot h the SEA -ME-W E-3 and SEA-ME-W E-4 submarine cabl e
net works; satellit e earth st ations - 3 Int elsat ( 1 Atl ant ic Ocean and 2 I ndi an) ( 2016)
Broadcast media:
exc ept f or the many or gani zati ons now operati ng i n medi a free zones i n Abu Dhabi and Dubai, most TV
and radi o stations remai n government -owned; wi des pread use of s a tellit e dis hes provides access to
pan-Ar ab and other i nter national br oadc asts; restrictions sinc e June 2017 on some sat ellite c hannels
and websites ori ginating fr om or otherwis e link ed t o Qat ar (2018)
Internet country code:
Internet users:
total: 5, 370, 299
per cent of popul ation: 90.6% (Jul y 2016 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 74
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Transportation :: UNITED AR AB EMI RATES

Panel - Expanded
 National air transpo rt system:
number of regi st ered air carri ers: 12
invent or y of regi ster ed ai rcraft op er ated by air car riers: 498
annual passenger traffic on regi stered air carriers: 84, 738, 479
annual freight traffic on r egi ster ed air carriers: 16.647 billion mt -km (2015)
Civil airc raft registration country code prefix:
A6 ( 2016)
43 ( 2013)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 100
Airports - with paved runways:
total: 25
over 3, 047 m: 12
2,438 to 3, 047 m: 3
1,524 to 2, 437 m: 5
914 to 1,523 m: 3
under 914 m: 2 ( 2013)
Airports - with unpaved runways:
total: 18
over 3, 047 m: 1
2,438 to 3, 047 m: 1
1,524 to 2, 437 m: 4
914 to 1,523 m: 6
under 914 m: 6 ( 2013)
5 (2013)
condensat e 533 km; gas 3, 277 km; liqui d petrol eum gas 300 km; oil 3, 287 km; oi l/gas/water 24 km;
refined products 218 k m; water 99 km ( 2013)
total: 4, 080 km
paved: 4, 080 km (i ncludes 253 km of expr essways) (2008)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 157
Merchan t marine:
total: 618
by t ype: gener al cargo 97, oil tanker 26, other 495 (2017)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 34
Ports and termin als:
major seaport(s): Al Fujayrah, Mi na' Jabal 'Ali (Dubai ), Khor Fakkan (Khawr Fak kan) (Shar jah),
Mubarr az Island (Abu Dhabi), Mina' Rashi d (Dubai), Mina' Saqr (Ra's al Khaymah)
contai ner port(s) (TEUs): Dubai Port ( 15, 585, 000), Khor Fakkan (Khawr Fakkan) (Shar jah) (4,414,000)
LNG t erminal(s) ( export): Das Island
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Military and Security :: UNITED AR AB EMIRATES

Panel - Expanded
 Military expenditures:
4.86% of GDP (2017)
4.99% of GDP (2016)
5.66% of GDP (2014)
6.06% of GDP (2013)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 6
Military branches:
Unit ed Arab Emirat es Armed Forces: Critical Infr astructure Coast al Patrol Agenc y (CICPA), Land
Forces, Navy, Air Force and Air Defense, Presi dential Guard, Joi nt Avi ation Command ( 2018)
Military service age and obligation:
18- 30 years of age f or compuls ory milit ary s ervice f or men, optional servic e for women; 17 years of age
for mal e vol unt eers with parent al approval; 2 -year general obli gation, 12 mont hs for secondary school
graduat es; women may tr ai n for 9 mont hs regar dless of educ ation (2016)
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Transnational Issues :: UNITED AR AB EMIRATES

Panel - Expanded
 Disputes - internation al:
boundary agreement was s igned and r atified wit h Oman i n 2003 f or entire border, inclu di ng Oman's
Musandam Peni nsul a and Al Madhah enclaves, but cont ents of the agr eement and detail ed maps
showi ng the ali gnment have not been published; Iran and UAE dispute Tunb Islands and Abu Mus a
Island, whic h Iran occupi es
Illic it drugs:
the UAE is a dr ug tr ansshi pment poi nt for tr affickers given its proximit y to Sout hwest Asian drug -
produci ng c ountries; the UAE's position as a major fi nancial cent er mak es it vul ner abl e t o money
launderi ng; anti -money-l aundering controls improvi ng, but i nformal banking remai ns unregul at ed

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