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Tree Nursery Bed Operators (TNBOs)
Training report

Sunday Micheal
Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise (METGE)
P.O Box, 1595
Mbale Trees programme

27th-28th July, 2018

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…
Mt Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise Ltd (METGE) is implementing Tree Planting Project
(TPP) in the six districts of greater Mbale with the view of supporting the growing of 10
million trees by 2020. The Tree Planting Project is implemented through four partners;
Share An Opportunity Uganda (SAO), Salem Brotherhood Uganda, Bungokho Rural
Development Centre (BRDC) and Mt Elgon Agroforestry Community Cooperative
Enterprise (MEACCE).
At the core of the project are nursery beds that act as the source of tree seedlings for
the communities/beneficiaries. Currently, there are 39 nursery beds; Mbale (39),
Sironko (2), Bulambuli (2), Manafa (3), Bududa (3) and Namusindwa (6). The day to day
management of the nurseries is undertaken by nursery operators supervised by
partners. BRDC oversees 12 nurseries and 12 operators while Salem has 9 nurseries
and 12 operators. SAO and MEACCE have 9 nurseries and 9 operators each.
Needs assessments for TNBOs was conducted during field visits. Inadequate basic
knowledge in nursery bed management and record keeping were the main areas of
concern. These required capacity building to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
TNBOs. This capacity building training was conducted at Reliance Hotel, Mbale district.

TNBOs and facilitators who participated in the training

Project overview and training objectives

This was done by the project coordinator who informed participants of the important role
they are currently playing that contributes to environmental conservation in different

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…
communities. He also told them to pay particular attention to the training because, the
knowledge they were to get from different experts is very vital.
In his presentation further, Mr. Francis Alinyo, gave an overview of the Tree Planting
Project. The purpose of the presentation was to make sure participants understand the
goal and objectives of the project, donors and implementing partners, and a brief
highlight of the project achievements and upcoming events. Francis informed
participants that tree planting is one step but the trees need to be grown by
beneficiaries. Areas facing challenges of climate change like mudslides, extended
drought and flooding are lacking trees that act as breaks and catchments of water and
soil. This does not only displace people but also affects food and nutrient security of
hundreds of households. The Tree Planting Project provides cheap and climate smart
alternatives (use of trees and shrubs) to increase agricultural productivity, provide
additional income opportunities from tree products, and guarantee improved
environmental outcomes that sustain the productivity gains.
Francis presented the key achievements of the project, which included; production and
planting of over seven million trees seedlings to more than 10,000 beneficiaries as well
as supporting bee farmers. Key among the upcoming project activities included farmer
training on tree management/silviculture, to establish model villages, supporting more
bee farmers and installing more energy saving Lorena stoves.
He concluded by sharing the training objectives which included the following;
 To equip participants with basic skills and knowledge in the management of good
nursery beds.
 Hands-on practical sessions on tree nursery operations and trees management –
thinning, pruning, spacing, species identification etc.
 Record keeping and management skills to enhance quality of data collected
 To equip participants with community mobilisation and monitoring skills

Mr. Francis Alinyo during the deliverance of opening remarks

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…
The Training details
Day one: Presentation on fundamental nursery operations
Module 1: Seed bed preparation and nursery bed set up
The session was facilitated by Mr. James Mwalye, the district Forest Officer, Mbale. His
presentation focused on requirements needed to establish a standard tree nursery bed
(basic tools and materials), criteria for choosing a nursery site, dimensions of a seed
bed, common nursery operations like; bed construction, soil mixing, orientation and
management. The basic considerations for an ideal nursery site should have at least ¾
of the following requirements; easily accessible, good permanent water supply, gently
sloping, well drained site and good supply of suitable soil materials. James emphasized
that sites with heavy clay soils, swampy valley bottoms and exposed hilltops should be
Module 2: Sowing techniques and management of trees
This was facilitated by Ms. Christine Athieno, the NaFORRI technician at Mbale resource
Centre. Focus was on techniques TNBOs can use to successfully raise/propagate and
manage seedlings for different tree species. She noted that;
Propagation; can be done in different ways. Some methods require a significant amount
of work and expenditure, whereas other methods are simple and involve no cost. Simple
and cheap methods are always preferable, but for certain species such methods may not
work well. Examples of simple and cheap methods are;
 Use of wildings, cuttings planted directly at the desired site and direct seed
sowing at the desired site.
Labour-intensive and more costly methods are:
 Use of seedlings raised from seeds or cuttings in central nurseries. Some of the
seeds require pre-sowing treatments to break the dormancy. The following major
methods can be used carefully; socking in hot water and scalirification.
Management; of trees begins from the seed bed until the tree matures. Practices
include; weeding, watering, pests and disease control, correct spacing, pruning, thinning
and manure application on timely basis.

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…
Ms. Christine Athieno in a sit down training of TNBOs on different sowing techniques and tree
Day 2: Training on species identification, local seed collection and record
Module 1: Species identification and local seed collection
This was intended to build the capacity of TNBOs in identifying trees prior to their
production as well as give guidance to farmers. This included giving examples of
common trees in the region spelling both their local and English names. Their different
growth patterns, importance and management practices were discussed.
Local seed collection was intended to sustain local genes in the region as well as
building capacity of TNBOs in this area. Guidance was given based on the following
 Qualities of a good mother: as one with; healthy and free of diseases and
insects, nearly mature, good producer of desired products like timber, fruits etc,
and growing in the midst of a healthy stand of the same species. This is because,
the tree’s offspring will usually resemble its mother.
 Timing of seed collection: the optimum time is as soon as the seed is mature. It
was also noted that trees become ready at different times and show different
 How to collect seeds: this include; collecting from natural seed fall, shaking the
tree, pruning of seed bearing branches, collecting seeds from felled trees and
climbing trees to collect seeds.

Mr. Mwalye during his deliberation about local seed collection and species identification
Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…
Module 2: record keeping
This was presented by Mr. Sunday micheal who discussed the relevance of record
keeping and how they are properly managed. Different records for nursery activities
were discussed in a participatory manner and these included; activity reports and plans,
seedling distribution, acknowledgments for tools, seeds and equipment, local seed
collection and visitors records. Practical session was conducted and TNBOs
participated in filling the developed templates to check whether they will suit their work.

Module3: Practical sessions

Seed bed preparation, nursery bed construction, soil requirements, potting, sowing,
record keeping, tree management and making plant tea sessions were conducted. The
training intentionally involved these practical sessions to enable participants gain hands-
on skills on the various nursery operations. Most of the practical sessions were
facilitated by Mr. James Mwalye, Mr. Sunday Micheal, and Mr. Jonathan Mansette

Left: TNBOs are being guided on making a standard seed bed. Right: one of the TNBOs
participating in record keeping activity

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…
Appendix 1: Training programme
Venue: Reliance Hotel, Mbale
Day one

Time Activity Lead person

8:00-9:00 Arrival of participants All
9:00-9:30 Participants take breakfast All
9:35-09:55 Briefing of participants Mr. Francis
10:00-12:50 Training session 1 DFO Mbale and Micheal
 Nursery bed set up
 Seed bed preparation
13:00-13:50 Lunch All
14:00-15:55 Training Session 2 Christine
 Sowing techniques for different tree
 Trees management (spacing, branch and
root pruning and thinning methods)
16:00-17:00 Training session 3 Mr. Mwalye
 Practical on making standard seed beds,
sowing, pruning and spacing)
17:00 Breaking off All
Day two

Time Activity Lead person

7:00-7:40 Participants take breakfast All
8:00-9:30 Training Session 1 DFO Mbale
 Species identification
 Importance of different tree species
9:35-10:30 Training session 2 Micheal and
 Local seed collection and storage DFO Mbale
 Pests and disease control
10:30-10:55 Break
11:00-12:50 Training session 2 Micheal
 Record keeping for
-Seedling distribution
-Nursery activities performed
-Practical record taking
13:00-13:55 Practical on making plant tea Jonathan
14:00-14:10 Closing remarks Francis
14:15 Lunch and departure

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…

S/N Name Organisation Tel.
1 Munga Lawrence SAO 0777285101
2 Naula Alaisa SALEM 0705595929
3 Taddeo Wamayi SALEM
4 Walanja Wilson SALEM 0784592193
5 Namonya John SALEM 0777073561
6 Kisiki Philip SALEM 0752904295
7 Masaba Nathan SAO 0773702700
8 Wananda Jackson SAO 0773453646
9 Makawa James SAO 0775694505
10 Kiirya Mesulam SALEM
11 Mwayafu Samuel BRDC 0773194341
12 Mary Wetaya BRDC 078882293
13 Loy Pokoto BRDC 0779126813
14 Makwasi Davis BRDC 0780375130
15 Loy Mulekhwa BRDC 0786090548
16 Joshua Mulekhwa BRDC 0751687287
17 Walumoli Perezi BRDC 0773538908
18 Tom Guloba BRDC 0789004119
19 Mwakwe Bernard SALEM 0751612828
20 Wasike Martin BRDC 0793375120
21 Wamono Akisoferi BRDC 0774579657
22 Tom Waganiala SALEM 0778477189
23 Wesaka Rogers BRDC 0713438060
24 Wananda Robert MEACCE 077392302
25 Wamateke George SAO 0788527764
26 Munialo Hannington SAO 0774492592
27 Consolate Mwalye SAO 0770802453
28 Sylvia Wananda SAO 0775769074
29 Nanoga swaliki SALEM 0774693602
30 Nappa Jackson SALEM
31 Masaba Micheal BRDC 0753185981
32 Wamundu Emmanuel BRDC 0774805231
33 Nakasala Robert.A. MEACCE 0779749999
34 Matsanga Simon MEACCE 0779839566
35 Kambira James MEACCE 0776000237
36 Wanjusi Julius SALEM 0774492583
37 Watuwa Augustine MEACCE 0776366231
38 Nabumati Annet SAO 0783232292
39 Khatete Joseph MEACCE 0778442325
40 Gibaba Yusuf MEACCE 0776000596
41 Mungawu Benjamin MEACCE 0775551562
42 Muzaki Pamela MEACCE 0789307083
43 Neumbe Safira MEACCE 0782607364
44 Nangai Samson MEACCE 0774639842
45 Malinga Alex BRDC 0785869302
1 Sunday Micheal METGE 0774705030
2 Athieno Christine NaFORRI 0774524787
3 Jonathan Masette BRDC 0712279509

Mount Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise
Our Tree…Our future…

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