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The Journey around Baltic States - Introduction & Schedule - Part 5 1

東南歐 20 日 (巴爾幹半島: 斯洛維尼亞、克羅埃西亞、蒙特內哥羅、阿爾巴尼亞) +希臘

台達旅行社 2740-6958 導遊 胡齊鳴

第 8 天( 0523, Wed ) 特洛吉爾 Trogir 史普利特( Split )

今天之行程第一站是希貝尼克 Šibenik,不同於由希臘人,伊利里亞人和羅馬人建立的亞得里亞海沿岸的其他城市,希貝
尼克由克羅地亞人創立,主要景點有 :
1. 聖雅各大教堂( Cathedral of St. James)(1431-1535)世界遺產,見證了 15~16 世紀意大利北部,達爾馬提亞和托斯卡納之
2. 克爾卡國家公園(Krka National Park)大約 18 公里,不過克爾卡國家公園,喀斯特地質造成湖泊、瀑布,不過規模遠
3. 藍洞,身邊許多朋友都想看藍洞,由於天候或潮汐影響而關閉,需要強大的人品,才能看的到藍洞,而多數人都是去
義大利的卡布里島的藍洞,不過史普利特外海的比謝沃島 Biševo 上有著相同一樣的美景, 由於洞口狹小,需要換平

今天之行程則是赴 Krka 之 Kornati 國家公園參觀遊覽( 這是由觀景平台俯瞰 )

這位於亞德利亞濱海線之石灰岩潟湖國家自然生態公園始建於 1980 年 7 月 24 日;面積 220 km2,由 89 座島嶼組成,絕大
部分為無人孤島,而且面積小於 1 km2。海岸線長度 238 km。

Kornati 濱海國家公園之宣傳海報

Kornati National Park Trogir


我們參觀的是 Kornati 國家公園其中一處景點,稱科爾卡 Krka National Park 名氣遠小於十六湖

科爾卡國家公園 : 面積 109 km2 創設於 1985 年,是 220 多種動物之棲息地,出海口是亞得里亞海的科爾卡河, ★流經園
大自然秀麗景觀。 4

1761 年由 Krsto Supuk 以碳酸鈣石塊所建之 St Nicholas 簡易小教堂





園區內較著名之 Skradinski Buk 瀑布,長 800 m, 寬 200~300m,錯落交疊,最大落差 46m,

利用此豐沛之水資源攔壩,於 1895 年當年地方政府修建水力發電廠;運行直至一戰爆發 7

由於科爾卡 Krka 國家公園開放民眾戲水,所以成為熱門的天然泳池;範圍也相當大,所以門票中包含接駁船

離開科爾卡 Krka National Park, 繼續沿著亞德里亞海岸前行,沿路如 Drnis 路標經常有考古博物館。 9

進入克羅埃西亞之 Sibenik

Sibenik 之觀光景點與歷史 :
Venetian rule left Šibenik with four beautiful fortresses: St. Michael, St. John, Šubićaevac and St. Nicholas. Old part of the town, full of churches,
old noblemen palaces and typical Dalmatian stone houses centuries old is very interesting. Town walls are also well preserved. One of the most
interesting sights is medieval monastery garden.
1. Katedrala sv. Jakova (Cathedral of St. James or Cathedral of St. Jacob), Trg Republike Hrvatske 1. 9:30-18:30. This basilica is
considered as one of the major attraction in the city. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Construction started in 1431, and it was not
finished until 1536 due to Turkish wars. Several successive architects built it completely in stone in the 15th and 16th centuries, both in
Gothic and in Renaissance style. The interlocking stone slabs of the Cathedral's roof were damaged when the city was shelled by Serbian
forces in 1991. The damage has since been repaired. It has a beautiful baptistery worth seeing it, and the curiosity is it has been built with
stone only, without any kind of binder. Another one is 72 human heads carved in stone on the external part which belong to unknown
individuals, passers-by, sailors, merchants and peasants who posed as the cathedral was being built. Statues of Adam and Eve are also
curious; Adam is covering his breasts, and Eve is covering not her breasts, but her stomach. 15 kn.
2. Gradska vijećnica (Old city hall). Formerly known as Plathei Communis, it was built from 1533-1536.
3. Crkva sv. Barbare (Church of Saint Barbara). A beautiful small church dating from the 15th century with an asymmetric facade with a
clock. Now it houses the Muzej crkvene umjetnosti (Museum of Church Art).
4. Biskupska palača (Bishops Palace). (1439-1441) 10
5. Kneževa palača (Dukes Palace).
6. Četiri bunara (4 draw-wells), Palih omladinaca 2 (up the steps from the Cathedral square for the square and down the steps enter the
former reservoir), It is an underground complex of water reservoirs, built in the 15th century for city's water supply. Now it's a multimedia
exhibition center Bunari - Tajne Šibenika ("Bunari - Secrets of Sibenik"). The reservoirs are now dry and decorated as a museum/gallery
and a cafe. It has 7 sections: (Šibenik's treasure, food and drink, shipwrecks around Šibenik, persons from the past). Concerts and
stand-up comedy shows often take place at the cafe. Very interesting spot.
7. Crkva i smostan sv. Frane (Church and monastery of St. Francis), Trg Nikole Tomaszea 1 (at the eastern edge of the old town). Dating
from the 16th century.
8. Perivoj Roberta Visianija (Park of Roberto de Visiani). A nicely decorated little park with fountains dedicated to Roberto de Visiani –
botanist, poet and philosopher who was born in Šibenik.
9. Srednjovjekovni vrt sv.Lovre (Medieval garden of the monastery St. Laurence), Sv. Lovre (take the Don Krste Stošića street, then 6th turn
right), Extremely rare medieval monastery garden, restaurated in 2007 by Dragutin Kiš, who won a millenium Flora award in Japan in
2000. Won the first prize at school gardens contest in Croatia. It contains various plants, especially those used in pharmacy and as spices.
It has a quiet cafe, where you can quietly enjoy the view to the Šibenik's old part and the sea, the atmosphere and the odor.
10. Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (St. Michael's fortress). Ruins of the 13th century now converted into a summer stage. It's an empty shell inside, but
views onto surrounding city and the bay are quite promising.

俯瞰這聖雅各伯主教座堂 St James Cathedral, Sibenik 十字造型是中世紀( 文藝復興時期 )教堂建築之典範

文藝復興格式古色古香之聖雅各伯主教座堂 St James Cathedral, Sibenik


St James Cathedral 之北側正門( 獅門 )、亞當與夏娃、石龕之聖雅各與聖彼得、與石墩上的石獅,出自大師 Giorgio da Sebenico,

Juraj Dalmatinac 之手 ;這銅門則是 1967 年由 Grga Antunac 雕鑄

門上之彈孔, 則是內戰遺留之痕跡

畫面下方教堂中眉由 71 個形態各異的男人、女人、孩子臉裝飾的浮雕,展現了哥德與文藝復興藝術的成功融合。

後堂外牆之裝飾則是獨具特色之士紳、庶民( 包括異族傭兵、衛士 )與獅頭為主,此創舉顯示 15 世紀時宗教革新之主張

平民化之人本主義( 文藝復興之主流思想 )

St James Cathedral 之側門

這座全國最重要之文藝復興建築經典雅各伯主教座堂 St James Cathedral, Šibenik 登錄於 UNESCO 2000 年之名單中,最早可
追溯至 1298 年,之後於 1431 年成為古羅馬式主教座堂,分別由義大利之大師 Francesco di Giacomo, Lorenzo Pincino, Pier Paolo 22
Bussato, Bonino da Milano (負責西側 ), and Giorgio da Sebenico (Juraj Dalmatinac,負責西側與北側立面之浮雕工程 ) and to Croatian
ones Andrija Budčić and Grubiš Šlafčić.完成這偉大之設計創作,委託威尼斯大師 Pincino & Busato,Juraj Dalmatinac, 佛羅倫斯大公
Nicola 興建於 1431~1535 年,其特色是整體是由單一石材材質( 來自之 Brac, Korcula 之白色大理石、)興建,採用預鑄式結構。

西側石門及其 12 門徒之雕像, 出自大師 Bonino da Milano 之手。


正門外共和國廣場之教堂石雕設計大師 Juraj Dalmatinac


壁龕內則是聖徒, 如面海的聖馬可、面內之聖米薛爾及聖雅各

主教堂前之廣場最初亦是區域之行政中心,包括 Duke's palace, 市政廳、主教公署、也是行刑場;二戰期間市政廳全毀,

戰後由 H. Bilinic 負責重建。


正殿後方之洗禮堂 Baptistery,其穹頂之聖靈恩賜文藝復興風格浮雕作品是 Juraj Dalmatinac(1441~73 年)雕塑


天使手捧羊皮昭書 歷史倖存之瑰寶,不愧列入 UNESCO

隔日清晨在細雨中再訪此聖雅各伯主教座堂 St James Cathedral, Sibenik


舊城區拾級而上,沿著中世紀之防禦性城牆可至 St. Ana 古堡


Galbiani Palace 是 Sizgoric Palace 南側之陽台 ( 觀禮台 altana ),其建築格式明顯受到 15 世紀鄂圖曼之影響

東門壁龕內則是 15 世紀由 Bonino da Milano 所雕塑之守護者 St. Mihovil

中世紀老城區內保留良好的曲折巷道 ( 當然也易於防守與側退 )與水井


Peter Krešimir IV, called the Great (died 1075), 在拜占庭允諾下,於 1059~74 年成為 Croatia and Dalmatia 之郡王,稱之為 The
Kresimirovic branch of the House of Trpimirovic。這也是克羅埃西亞的民族英雄與 Sibenik 之奠基者;故 Sibenik 也被稱為»the
Krešimir’s City« (Krešimirov grad).。近年於海濱區 19 世紀之 Robert Visaini Parke 老植物園內豎立一座現代風格之雕塑以茲紀念。

另外值得一題的 Sibenik 古城區,為了吸引更多觀光客之駐留,將舊皇宮區重新翻修與改裝,將原有歐洲最古老( 1870 年設

立, 仿照威尼斯之 Teatro La Fenice 劇院,號稱南歐最大最美的劇院,1896 年首度裝上電燈;元老級第二 )之劇院成立國家
劇院 Croatian National Theatre in Šibenik (Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Šibeniku)。
國家劇院 1868 年 Antun Zuccaro 所繪象徵 Dalmatia 護衛女神,與周圍圍繞之知名藝術家 Faust Vrančić (文藝復興時期之通才, 35
發明降落傘), Nikola Tommaseo ( 19 世紀之義大利文學家), Antun Vrančić ( 16 世紀之主教間外交官), Martin Kolunić Rota (16 世紀之
畫家), and Andrija Medulić (16 世紀文藝復興時期之雕刻製版師)之穹頂畫

西貝尼克 Sibenik 與今日行程之參觀地點史普利特 Split 及特羅吉爾 Trogir、Krka National Park 均是鄰近的著名景區。所以將

其歸於同一篇幅。緊接著來到不遠之特洛吉爾 Trogir
特羅吉爾,史普利特西邊 27 公里處的小島。城市的起源可以回溯到西元前三世紀古希臘所建築之殖
民都市,然後有羅馬人和威尼斯人的影響下創造的。舊城區仍保留中世紀面貌傳承至今,於 1997 年註冊為 UNESCO
世界文化遺產。歷史悠久的城市核心,約十個教堂和 13 世紀的眾多建築物;如城門(17 世紀)和城牆(15 世紀)
, 聖羅
浮大教堂(13 世紀), 聖尼可拉修道院(11 世紀),卡梅爾倫哥碉堡(15 世紀)


以小石橋連結亞德里亞海岸的特洛吉爾 Trogir ★古城(南邊另一座橋接 Otok Čiovo 島),西元前三世紀希臘人來到這小海島,

建立取名 Trogir 之港口(希臘文原意:「山羊的皮毛」)。歷經二千餘年統治王朝多次更迭,小鎮處處皆是歷史刻劃的古樸遺
跡,15 世紀由威尼斯城邦自治共和國 Republic of Venice 所建之 Kamerlengo 城堡與 St Marc 塔樓外,其古羅馬( 如 Cathedral of
St Lovro )、哥德式(如 13 世紀之 Cipiko Palace )、文藝復興及巴洛克風格之建築在長約 500m 的舊城港區聖望保祿二世廣場盡
情展現,加上 Radovan 港邊,Otok Čiovo 島迷人純淨的亞 德 里 亞 海 白色湛藍的海,配上 Split 外海的 Brac 島上生產的石灰
石混搭大理石打造的老民居,如同迷宮般的老城區歷經風霜 ; 風化粗糙的外牆,配上鮮明對比橘紅色的屋瓦,白色或墨
不遠出有文藝復興時期聖塞巴斯提安教堂 Church of St. Sebastian 與始建於 1193 年威尼斯式樣高聳入雲塔樓之聖羅倫斯大教
堂 ( Katedrala Svetog Lovre, Cathedral of St Lawrence, Trogir ),1997 年古城區被聯合國教科文組織列入 UNESCO 世界遺產名單。
島城有兩座對外的城門,城的北方是「北門」( North Town Gate,又稱為「陸門」),南方是「南門」( South Town Gate,又稱
為「海門」),走過與克羅埃西亞本土連接的小石橋就可以由北門進入 Trogir。北門是一座晚期文藝復興式的城門,重建於
17 世紀,以灰白粗石構成。石門上立著一尊 Trogir 守護神 Sv. Ivan Trogirski 的 雕 像 ,雕 像 雖 然 已 飽 經 風 霜,卻 仍 非 常
Statue of St Lawrence, St Lawrence Square, Trogir
這城市的標誌性建築之一;其歷史可以追溯至 12 世紀之羅馬天主教聖羅倫斯大教堂 ( Katedrala Sv Lovre, Cathedral of St
Lawrence, Trogir)。於 1111 年為懷念主教 John 去世,而被統治之匈牙利 Koloman 國王命名為 St John's Cathedral ( Sveti Ivan)。15
世紀將原有之古羅馬樣式改裝成哥德式之嬌飾風格。16 世紀之塔樓,底層是由 Stejhan & Matej 設計之哥德式,1420 年威尼
斯統治時期相繼由 Matija Gojkovic, Palazzo Ca d'Oro, Trifun Bokanic 進行改裝;細部裝飾則由 Matija Gojković, Ivan Budislavić, Grgur
Vidov and Petar Pozdanić 等參與其中。正門之石雕則是 Master Radovan 之作品


北 門 及 Trogir 守 護 神 Sv. Ivan Trogirski 的 雕 像 St. Lawrence Cathedral, Trogir, Croatia

教座堂是這座城市的標誌性建築之一。教堂的歷史可以追溯至 12 世紀。

Trogir Romanesque Portal to St. Lawrence Cathedral in Croatia


聖羅倫斯主教座堂 Cathedral of St Lawrence, Trogir 正門門巖之石雕與昨天拜訪之聖雅各伯主教座堂 St James Cathedral, Sibenik 42


正殿 主祭壇之十字架
主祭壇之耶蘇受洗浮雕 44

信徒歷年奉獻之聖物與禮器 ( 寶物展示室 )






: 文藝復興風格,置放 St. Ivan Orsin 主教靈柩之禮拜堂 The Chapel of the Blessed Ivan Orsin
這位 Ivan Orsin 主教何許人也 ? 話說中世紀早期,拜占庭之勢力日微,此城位於大陸與 Ciovo 島間之特羅吉爾 Trogir 受到
外族之威脅日增,因早先 Salona 就被 Avars 與斯拉夫人之侵略。因此自七世紀克羅埃西亞之王子就在不遠之 Biaci 籌建皈
依羅馬天主教之 St Martha 教堂與古堡;逐漸成為居民的信仰中心。814 年之 Carlemagne 併吞後,Dalmatian 區域包括特羅吉
爾歸屬於日耳曼之法蘭克 Frankish 統治。1064 年之詔書設置 Sr. Doimus 修道院,特羅吉爾國王也享受到騎士團之保護與特
權。1111 年藉由 Ivan Orsini 主教之外交斡旋,特羅吉爾敞開大門歸順匈牙利之國王 Koloman,成為位於 Biograd na moru 克羅



St. Ivan 為主之天使穹頂


威尼斯城邦自治共和國 Republic of Venice,早在 8 世紀已脫離東(神聖)羅馬帝國之管轄,成為獨立之自治邦;於中世紀已掌

控了歐洲與阿拉伯海上貿易之路;加上 1204 年其海軍於第四次十字軍東征時攻陷君士坦丁堡,成為不可一世之強權,取 60
代拜占庭帝國控制了愛琴海克里特島、埃維亞島、塞浦路斯( 15 世紀)之戰略據點。於 16 世紀時期總督府甚至與教宗儒略
威尼斯參議院;而非羅馬之教宗。於 16 世紀時其勢力被鄂圖曼取代;1669 年克里特島由鄂圖曼統治。1797 年拿破崙入侵
威尼斯,隨後割讓給奧地利。1805 年又成為拿破崙義大利王國一部分,1814 年又被奧地利占領。在 1848 年起義中威尼斯
共和國曾短暫復國,但很快便被奧地利征服,成為倫巴第-威尼西亞王國的一部分。1866 年脫離奧地利,統一到以撒丁尼

建於 14 世紀的露臺 (即鄂圖曼帝國建築之特色之一: 可稱為敞廊) Toranj Gradskog Sata & Gradska Loza,牆上的浮雕是 1471
年 Nilola Firentinac 的作品,刻畫著法官審判的場景,當年此地是法庭所在地,中間空白處原本刻有威尼斯飛獅,在墨索里
尼進攻此地時,居民奮怒的將它去除。 61


中世紀老城之石磚舊弄,古意盎然 半野生之白密刺薔薇 Rosa alba semi plena / Hedgerow Rose


濱海區也於 Grad Trogir 古堡舉行國際考古暨遺產展

繼續行程,目的地為史普利特 Split

這經濟發達之亞德里亞海岸,天然峽灣商港 : 史普利特 Split 舊城區模型


地中海郵輪必停靠之港灣,街頭之觀光人潮 這海港 打造猶如法國之坎城

史普利特 Split :

這座號稱歐洲保留羅馬古蹟最佳之所在地史普利特 Split ( 古名為 Spalato ),是克羅埃西亞第二大城,人口超過 20 萬。但觀

光之旅客每年高達近 400 萬之人潮 ( 2008 年之統計數據) 。 位於市中心的舊城區是 1700 年前古羅馬戴克里先退位後的皇
鎮壓基督教徒而出名的戴克里先,他的宗廟現在竟變成基督教大教堂。基於特殊文化的背景及遺跡的歷史價值,2000 年
時已註冊為 UNESCO 文化世界遺產。

首先映入眼簾之濱海區舊城區之皇宮外牆 地陪介紹這原本為戴克裡先退位後的皇宮歷史
回顧歷史 : 古羅馬帝國自屋大維建立元首制之後,羅馬的統治機構開始由共和制向專制君主制轉變,而建立統一之戰將
為多米努斯(意為主人),成為羅馬第一位名實相符的皇帝( 正因為如此,戴克裡先之前的羅馬帝國最高統治者稱為元首
princeps,戴克裡先及其以後的稱為皇帝 dominus )。他在小亞細亞(今天的土耳其)尼科佩多市建立新都;與 Mausximin、
Galerius、Constantius 施行四帝共治之分權制度,戴克里先和 Mausximin 為共治皇帝,分享奧古斯都的頭銜、Galerius 和 Constantius
自己的宮廷中,充分享受皇帝的威嚴,並利用眾神之父朱庇神 Jupiter 之子來神化自己。於 303 年頒佈敕令,禁止基督徒舉
歐洲的基督教發展史上受到的最大一次迫害。313 年君士坦丁和李錫尼在米蘭共同發表《米蘭敕令》
教徒的集會場所以及教會財產。從此以後,羅馬帝國的統治者改變了對基督教的政策,392 年,基督教最終成為羅馬帝國
的國教。在經濟上設立金本位制之貨幣( 每枚金幣為 1/60 磅, 約 5.45 g )。
舊城區皇宮聳立於北邊"金門" 有位以斯拉夫語取代拉丁語聖經的名樞機主教 Gregory of Nin 雕像,相傳碰他的左拇指據說
會帶來幸福,所以吸引一堆人前來,被摸得亮晶晶。"銀門"為東門,現在則為露天果菜市場,"銅門" 為南門面海,咖啡廳

銅門( 又稱海門 Porta Aenea ),在當時這裡即是一皇家碼頭之船塢

城牆壁厚達 2.1m,中間兩條 11 m 寬之拱廊大道;不同層次之磚石,也是考古鑑定年代之參考依據

293 年羅馬皇帝戴克里先 Diocletian 在岸邊建造一座奢華皇宮,之後續成為羅馬帝國統治者的休閒度假勝地,西羅馬帝國滅

亡後變成東羅馬帝國的一部分。 七世紀時附近 Salona 鎮難民為躲避斯拉夫人入侵,逃入厚實城牆的巨大石造宮殿裡,並
商船呈現港灣一片榮景。 70

★戴克里先宮( Dioklecijanova palača , Split ):建於 295~305 年之羅馬帝國宮殿,採用卡拉奇島 Brac 之白色大理石,戴克里先

Diocletian ( 245~312 ) 皇帝退位( 284~305 年擔任第四帝制之羅馬皇帝 )後即居於此( 因他出生於 Spalato 之附近, 即今日之
Split )。歷經拜占庭、維尼斯、奧匈帝國之統治;展現各朝代之建築風格。 呈長方形占地 4 公頃,前臨亞得里亞海,南高
22m、北高 18m、長達 215m,有 16 座塔樓和東西南北( 銀、鐵、銅、金門)四座防禦城門,牆壁厚達 2.1m,中間兩條 11 m
寬之拱廊大道,宮殿前方是寢宮,沿海拱廊長 160m, 寬 7.3m,可瞭望海景和海岸景色。這座 1700 年歷史之古羅馬宮殿遺
址於 1979 年聯合國教科文組織 UNESCO 列為世界文化遺產。

高 57m 仿古羅馬建築格式的★鐘樓建於 13~16 世紀,1890~1906 年重建並保持原樣式,是斯普利特 Split 最明顯的地標

遊客可爬上 183 階之螺旋樓梯,俯瞰這古城全貌。

★聖多米努斯大教堂( Katedrala Svetog Duje , Cathedral of St Domnius):七世紀時,信奉天主之羅馬天主教成為主導後,將羅馬

皇帝戴克里先(殘害天主徒之羅馬皇帝 )的石棺移走,把有 24 根科林斯式圓柱環繞的八角形陵寢改建成之古老天主教教

高 57m 仿古羅馬建築格式的★鐘樓,建於 12~16 世紀,1908 年再重建,是斯普利特 Split 最明顯的地標,鐘塔基座鎮守大

門的兩頭石獅子( 來自埃及,This treasure from Luxor, Egypt is one of three sphinxes in Split from the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III. He
ruled Egypt for almost 54 years. When he died in 1425 BC, he was buried in the Valley of the Kings. ),西元前 1500 年以黑色花崗岩雕刻
The 1,700 year old Temple of Jupiter was converted into a baptistery in the 7th century. About 500 years later, a font was placed inside. It was
large enough for total body immersion during the baptismal ceremony. This 12th century carving graces its front. Some historians believe the
king on his throne represents Peter Krešimir IV the Great who rule Croatia from 1059 until 1075. Others believe it is successor, Demetrius
Zvonimir. He was king until 1089.
廣場附近咖啡廳地下所挖掘之羅馬時期之馬賽克地磚 74

When Roman Emperor Diocletian built his elaborate palace at the turn of the third century, he also commissioned the Temple of Jupiter.
Jupiterov Hram honored the mythological Roman god of gods who Diocletian also claimed was his father. During the 7th century, the temple
became a Christian baptistery. It is called Saint John’s Baptistery in tribute to an 8th century archbishop who is entombed under this elaborate
ceiling of carved stone.

Inside the City Museum of Split are three floors of artifacts, paintings, sculptures and exhibits tracing some of the glorious history of Split and
nearby Salona dating back to the 12th century. But before you walk inside to explore this collection at Musea Grada Splita, you are impressed
with the courtyard of the Papalić Palace. This Late Gothic and Renaissance architecture by Juraj Dalmatinac served as the mansion for Dmine
Papalić and his family during the 14th century. The museum was established in 1946.

Inside the City Museum of Split are three floors of artifacts, paintings, sculptures and exhibits tracing some of the glorious history of Split and
nearby Salona dating back to the 12th century. But before you walk inside to explore this collection at Musea Grada Splita, you are impressed
with the courtyard of the Papalić Palace. This Late Gothic and Renaissance architecture by Juraj Dalmatinac served as the mansion for Dmine
Papalić and his family during the 14th century. The museum was established in 1946.

The Katedrala Svetog Duje’s high altar is spectacular. Built in 1767 by Giovanni Morlaiter, it is crowned by a semi-dome with paintings by Matej
Pončun. On either side are two large gilded angels suspending a regulatory. The cathedral is dedicated to Saint Domnius. He was the Bishop of
Salona when he was beheaded at the command of Diocletian in 304 AD. Ironically, the relics of Split’s patron saint are now in the mausoleum
built in 305 AD for the Roman emperor who ordered his death. Conversely, Diocletian’s remains have disappeared.

Statue of St. John the Baptist Temple of Jupiter Split ;苦行僧之臉部與手部之表情扣人心弦,由 20 世紀生與此, 成名於維也納、
巴黎、羅馬之名師 Ivan Mestrovic( 1883~1962 )操刀,其雕鑄的技巧突破傳統,令人稱讚。可算是羅丹新藝術風格之傳承人 79

The remains of Saint Domnius were once kept in this early 15th century altar at Split’s cathedral. This ornately carved sarcophagus by Bonino
da Milano now contains the body of Saint Arnir. He was Split’s bishop when he was martyred in 1180. Nearby are two other things to appreciate
in what some historians call the world’s oldest cathedral. The first are the two huge wooden front doors. They were carved during the 13th
century by Andrija Buvina. Then take the steps leading to the cathedral’s treasury where you will see religious artifacts, some dating back to the
6th century.

★寧斯基主教雕像( Grgur Ninski , Gregory of Nin ):克羅埃西亞 10 世紀的主教勇於向羅馬教皇挑戰,爭取以斯拉夫語及文字代

替拉丁語進行宗教彌撒,成為克羅埃西亞的民族英雄。1957 年由 Ivan Mestrovic 所雕鑄之雕像被豎立皇宮大門城外,成為
members of a singing association named Klapa Šufit. “Klapa” means “a group of friends.” Wearing traditional outfits accented with a red sash,
they perform Dalmatian folk music called capella. The voices of this ensemble blend together perfectly and are enhanced by the stone walls of
the Vestibule at Diocletian’s Palace.

戴 奧 克 里 齊 安 皇 宮 列 柱 廊 中 庭 位 於 皇 宮 的 正 中 央,東 邊 是 皇 帝 陵 寢,西 邊 是 神 殿,南 面 是 皇 室 居 住 的 地 方 ,

中 庭 長 寬 約 35 x13m, 長 的 一 面 各 有 六 根 花 崗 石 圓 柱 , 柱 與 柱 之 間 串 連 著 拱 門 與 雕 飾 的 檐 壁 , 這 些 粉 色 花 崗
石 柱 都 是 當 時 遠 從 埃 及 的 路 克 索 運 來 的,一 旁 還 有 來 自 埃 及 的 人 面 獅 身 雕 像 …如 今 的 列 柱 廊 中 庭 已 成 為 一 個
傳 來 幾 曲 嘹 亮 的 人 聲 無 伴 奏 合 唱 (阿 卡 貝 拉 ),循 著 歌 聲 走 進 皇 宮 前 廳,約 6-8 人 圍 成 半 弧,清 一 色 是 男 歌 手 ,
民 謠 , 這 些 克 羅 埃 西 亞 民 謠 與 演 出 形 式 有 個 名 稱 , 叫 ~克 拉 帕 (Klapa), 詞 義 是 『 一 群 朋 友 』
The Palaća Dragišić (de Caris) was a mansion for Juraj Dragišić in the middle of the 17th century. This writer who was also known as George de
Caris died in 1658. The building’s courtyard contains some of his collection of ancient monuments. A century later it became the home of the
Geremia family. This Baroque building was extensively renovated during the 19th century. It now appears to be filled with seasonal rental

Split was under the rule of the Republic of Venice from 1420 until 1797. In 1435, the Venetians built a castle near the shoreline outside of the
southwestern wall of Diocletian’s Palace. This octagonal tower is all that remains. It is a formidable reminder of the strength of the Venetians
from over 200 years ago. Mletačka Kula is located in Braće Radić Square, also called Fruit Square.

西面鐵門廊道 壁龕內之首任聖安東尼 St Domnius 主教,304 年過世

This magnificent clock and bell tower crown the façade of the Church of Saint Francis. It was built by the Franciscans during the 13th century at
the former location of a 5th century church. Inside is even more impressive. There is a courtyard surrounded by elegant arcades. You will also
see at Sv. Frane some of the burial sites of Spilt’s famous citizens including the sarcophagus of Marko Marulić. During his lifetime (1450-1524),
this famous author was hailed as the father of the Croatian Renaissance.

譽為克羅埃西亞文學之父之,文藝復興時期之人道主義與桂冠詩人 Marko Marulić ( 1450~1524 ), 由 Ivan Meštrović 雕鑄, 1925;

聽說他也曾有段與市長女兒間淒美的愛情故事;被迫出走至 Solta 孤島之修道院;他亦專研精神心理學( 嶄新之領域)。

500 元庫納之封面人物

Split 處處是古蹟、教堂;古城內唯一的大街


皇宮與 St Domnius 教堂參觀卷

This red, Neo-Renaissance building with a long arcade is one of three forming Republic Square. Collectively, they resemble a Venetian piazza
and are called Prokurative. The fourth or southern side has an open view of the waterfront. The Trg Republike was commissioned by the town’s
visionary major, Antonio Bajamonti. He was in office for almost twenty years from 1860 until 1880. This square is a popular venue for outdoor
concerts and festivals.

Next to the Iron Gate, which is also called Porta Ferrea, is this unique clock with 24 Roman numerals. The Tower Clock was added next to
Crkva Gospa od Zvonik or the Church of Our Lady of the Bell Tower during the 11th century. It is best seen from Pjaca Square along the western
outside wall of Diocletian’s Palace. The chapel was founded in the 6th century.

15 世紀後半,經 Giovanni Battista De Gubbio 富商購得加上孔雀之浮雕圖記

Split’s first town hall was erected during the mid-15th century. In 1906, this Gothic-style building with a touch of Venetian design opened as
Split’s City Hall. Sometimes referred to as the Communal Palace, it is now a museum called Stara Gradska Vijećnica. They have rotating
exhibits of contemporary artists and photographers. It is located near the Iron Gate in Narodni Trg which translates into People’s Square. The
locals call it Pjaca.
The Golden Gate was the primary portal into Diocletian’s Palace when the retired Roman Emperor lived here in the early 4th century. Notice the
empty niches on the façade of the Porta Aurea. These once housed grand statues including one of Emperor Diocletian. This is the outer gate. It 86
leads to a 30 by 30 foot courtyard where there is a second gate into the northern section of Old Town.

介紹一下克羅埃西亞這裡的特產號稱黑金之黑松露 Tartufi ( Truffles, 法文稱為 Truffe ): 稀少而珍貴,人類至今仍然無法在實
驗室裏培育之松露( 如克羅埃西亞 Motovun, 義大利 Alba, 法國 Perigord 之等山區 )為法國王室盛宴中的著名香料。與魚子
醬、鵝肝醬等高級美食並列,號稱美食“三大天王”。 因含有類似雄性賀爾蒙雄烯酮的氣味,雌性動物對它特別敏感,所
松露其養份來自寄生的橡樹、白楊樹、柳樹樹根和土壤,顏色和氣味會因樹種而不同; 一個地方如果生長過松露,土地
和植物的養份會被松露吸收殆盡,在一段時間內無法生長出其他東西。白松露的全球產量約三噸,相對於年產量约 35 噸
的黑松露,更为珍貴稀少。黑松露季節:每年 1 月到 3 月,每公斤約 800-1200 歐元;白松露季節:每年 10 月到 12 月,每
公斤約 2000-8000 歐元。可惜高貴之新鮮品不准進口。 松露並不是生長在地表上層,且不知道生長的具體位置。即使知

A Benedictine monastery was built outside of the northern walls of Split in 1069. It was a Roman Catholic convent. The nunnery was later
dedicated to St. Arnir. He was an Archbishop of Split before being stoned to death in 1180. The complex suffered a devastating fire in 1888 and
was completely demolished in 1945 except for this 18th century bell tower and a small chapel.

1941 年法西斯佔領期間下令移除,1954 重新聳立。這民族之表率 Grgur Ninski 主教雕像亦豎立於 Varazdin 及 Nin。

This huge bronze statue in Giardin Park by Ivan Meštrović is of Grgur Ninski. It is considered good luck to rub his toes. Gregory of Nin was very
radical while the Bishop of Nin from 900 until 929. He instructed the churches in his diocese to celebrate the mass in the Croatian Glagolic
language and not in Latin. He lost his position as a result. In 1570, the Dalmatic region of Croatia was allowed to celebrate the mass in their
native tongue. Finally, in 1962 during the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church adopted the same policy and the Latin Mass changed
forever. In the background is the St. Arnir campanile.

The Silver Gate is the eastern entrance to the Diocletian’s Palace or Old Town of Slit. Porta Argentea is located at the intersection of Hrvojeva
and Krešimirova Streets next to the Green Market. Residents once believed this gate was protected by Saint Apollinaris. After Saint Peter made
him a bishop in Ravenna, the capital city of the Western Roman Empire, he was martyred in 79 AD.

城門上之 UNESCO, 1979 標誌




克羅埃西亞之觀光海報 : 湖心島;類似斯洛維尼亞 Bled 湖心島

旅館 : Hotel Zagreb, Split, Croatia 90

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