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Topics Theoretical

Datatypes 30th july 2018

Constraints and Indexes 30th july 2018
Set Operators 30th july 2018
Joins 30th july 2018
Temporary Tables
String Functions 1st Aug 2018
Aggregate Functions 1st Aug 2018
Date Functions 2nd Aug 2018
Ranking Functions 2nd Aug 2018
CTE(common Table Expression) 3rd Aug 2018
T-sql 4th Aug 2018
SP 4th Aug 2018

Interview Questions

UST Global Interview questions CTS Interview Questions

views complex scenario ssis

view and table difference

parameter listining
query tuning
temp table inside a view --no we cannot

cte and temp table difference

table variable

diff delete and truncate

why stored procedures

primary key and unique key
duplicate records find
schema means default dbo
default dbs's
slow running query
ssis variables and parameters difference
package performance
precedence constraint and data flow path
lookup transformation
execute sql task execute t-sql task
deployment model
master package and child package
incremental load and first time load
dimension and fact table
will you apt incremental load in fact tables
error handling
Practical Status
30st july 2018 completed
30st july 2019 completed
30st july 2020 completed
30st july 2021 completed
1st Aug 2018
1st Aug 2018
2nd Aug 2018
2nd Aug 2018
3rd Aug 2018
4th Aug 2018
4th Aug 2018

Theoretically I should Clear

critical Need Bad Practice
Repeate Daily

HCL Interview questions Tek systems

sql rate 8 how to remove special charecters from string

Joins can we store historical data using sql(SCD)

a 1122 b 1122 inner join 8 reords in which scenario you can use lookup and fuzzy lookup
cte and temp tables string and date functions
table scan----
index scan

index heap
key lookup

date functions
string functions

split function
aggregate function
diff sp and function
surrogate key
diff natural key and surrogate key
diff sub query and co related sub query
char and varchar diff
ranking function
duplicate identified
sql latest futures
ssis rate 7.5
basic transformations
conditional split
derived column
foreach loop container
connections available
check point properties
break point
dynamically configuration
error handling
precedence contraint
failure clour
row sampling
merge join
fuzzy lookup
Dimension modelling
Merge TSQL (SCD1, SCD2)
Wrapping and executing the packages by creating a master package.
Configuring the packages.
Scheduing the Packaages (Agent, Cmd Prmpt)
How to run packages in execute 32 bit and 64 bit environments
Excel, CSV, tab, Oracle source DB, SQL Source & Destination transformations
LKP, SCD, Cache Transform, Data conversion, Union All, (All common transormations)
Indexes, Date & String functions, Joins, Stored Procs, user defined functions,Execution Plan, Update Statistics.
All control flow transformations with example.
Reading multiple files from a physical path using for each container and
moving files from one location to another location.
Script Task examples
Load Log on the packages.
Variable creation and usage in Control Flow, Data Flow etc., and Global Variables as well.
Error handling

Brillio technologies

emp table
duplicates removing how many types

table a table b
5 1 3 1 o/p of all joins 15
views we cannot use order by clause
can I use to delete a record from a table using view
primary key and foreing key
cascade we can use

composite key
automatic cluster index

identity column insert column manually ----we need to enable property

SP and Functions difference

5 parameters in SP I don’t want to pass 3 of them how to achieve

we can make default null
32 times

how to identifiy error record

merge ssis
lookup and fuzzy lookup diff
SCD in ssis and sql
magic table
package configuration variable and parameters
deployment model
Ftp task
batch file with password
foreach loop container
Emphasis Adobe datawarehouse

Table Variable use SCD types

diff table variable and temporary table lead and lag functions
CTE (Common table Expression) star schema and snow flack schema
corelated-subquery and sub-query
Merge in sql
In ssis how you will use temporary table

how to pass a values to the variables in run time

ssis catalogs---- environment variables

ssrs---different types of Reports

Cascading Parameter
Range Parameter
deploying the reports
Robert Bosh

cursors and co-related subquery difference

why we need dynamic queries

Function and Store Procedure difference
dml operation in functions possible
Heap table

a,b c-z
c,3 3,4,5
ssis challenges

package performance and sql query tuning

conditional split

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