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Backyard Mushroom growing: Recommending suitable substrate/s for cultivation

Bimal K Chetri, Merman Gurung, Dawa Damchoe, Bijay Gurung and Prakash Sanyasi

Excerpt Items Quantity

Banana shows positive result

• Mushroom is very much part of Bhutanese diet. Bhutan imports above Old CGI sheets 3 nos
80% mushroom from outside. Kanglung favours mushroom growth. Aluminium bowl 1
Why not try yourself? To some its silly as we are tuned to buying, to Wood items a few old planks
some nasty & alergic and to some yummy. Tools hammer and saw
Tails 2−kg
Total cost: Nu.1000 only
Nutritional value of mushroom (Oyster)
Create suitable environment inside and out mushroom Figure 7: PINNING process
Mushrooms classified as vegetables in Bhutanese diet, but they are not shed Paddy is the best substrate
scientifically plants. Fungi is a separate kingdom, neither plants nor
animals. Mushrooms provide several important nutrients https:// 1. Maintaining and recording shed environment like light, temperature, You heat and humidity is super important .
may also click here Nutritional value for detail. One ounce of raw oys- 2. At least you should be able to read a newspaper inside the shed, with
ter mushroom gives about 28 calories and 0.35 grams of fat, 2.85 grams temperature 15-20 degree Celsius.
of protein and 2 grams of fiber. The same amount provides 361 mg 3. When you observe cotton like growth all over and see pinning happen-
of potassium, 0.095 grams of Vitamin B6 and 33 g of folate https: ing, open the plastic wrap for timely spray of water.
// 4. Super importantly steps to be followed with clean hands to prevent
other mold attack. Figure 8: Ready for harvest
Mushroom farming
A shed which covers area of 12m2 was constructed using locally available
bamboo and timber except for roof made from corrugated galvanised iron Complete process till harvest
(CGI) sheet and accordingly the effects of substrates on growth of mush-
room is carried out[1]. You may choose your own shed size.

Figure 3: Substrate processing

Substrate processing

Figure 1: Selection of ideal place and construction of shelter (A-C)

Methods and Material

Use of different substrate
1. Spawn (mushroom seed) supplied by Khangma, RNR @ low cost.
2. Collection of locally available substrate based on its nature
3. Chopping and sterilization [4]. Figure 9: Your OYSTER is ready for havest in a cycle of one month
4. Packing and hanging [3]. Figure 4: Substrate sterlizationa and bagging done on plastic sheet
Paddy showed best result, followed by banana trash and chayote
leaves mixture

1. Paddy straw ideal for mass cultivation.
2. Banana dried leaves and spathe is a good option.
3. Common dried grass another.
4. Mixture of all three is even better.

• Eat your own organic fresh mushroom and experience ecstasy taste.
• Save your pocket.
Figure 5: Paddy straw • Enjoy weekend with mushroom and family

Paddy straw ideal substrate

[1] Jawad Ashraf, Muhammad Asif Ali, Waqas Ahmad, Chaudhry Muhammad Ayyub,
and Jamil Shafi. Effect of different substrate supplements on oyster mushroom (pleu-
rotus spp.) production. Food Science and Technology, 1(3):44–51, 2013.
[2] Jeremy S Brooks. The buddha mushroom: conservation behavior and the develop-
ment of institutions in bhutan. Ecological Economics, 69(4):779–795, 2010.
[3] Jeremy S Brooks and Doley Tshering. A respected central government and other
obstacles to community-based management of the matsutake mushroom in bhutan.
Environmental Conservation, 37(3):336–346, 2010.
[4] ZA Shah, M Ashraf, and M Ishtiaq. Comparative study on cultivation and yield per-
Figure 2: Substrate selection and assembling formance of oyster mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus) on different substrates (wheat
Figure 6: Use of banana trash straw, leaves, saw dust). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 3(3):158–160, 2004.

Contact Address for starting your own:

Bimal K Chetri
Department of Envriinment and Life Sciences, Sherubtse College
bimal — +(975) 17624985

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