Tranmission and Design

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Power to be transmitted (P) =200 MW

Transmission Line Length (Lt) =130 km

Selection of Most Economical Voltage and Number of Circuits

The most economical voltage is given by the following empirical formula:

l P 1000
Veco  5.5 
1.6 N c cos 150
where, Standard Voltage levels are:
l = length of transmission line =130Km 66 kV
132 kV
P = Power to be transmitted =200 MW
220 kV
cosϕ = Power factor =0.95
400 kV
For Nc  1 500 kV

Then, using the above values 700 kV

750 kV
130 200 1000
Veco1  5.5   211.92kV 765 kV
1.6 1 0.95 150
1000 kV
Nearest Standard Voltage V1 = 220 kV
For Nc  2
Then, using the above values
130 200  1000
Veco 2  5.5   153.90kV
1.6 2  0.95  150

Nearest Standard Voltage V2 = 132 kV

Checking Technical Criterion

Surge Impedance Loading (SIL):
For Nc  1
Characteristic Impedance (Zc1) =400 Ω
V12 2202
SIL1    121MW
Z c1 400
For Nc  2
Characteristic Impedance (Zc2) = 200 Ω
Line Length (km) mflimit
V 2 1322
SIL2  2   87.12MW
Z c 2 200 80 2.75
160 2.25
Calculation of Multiplying factor (Mf): 240 1.75
For Nc  1 320 1.35
P 200 480 1.0
mf1    1.65
SIL1 121
640 0.75
For Nc  2
P 200
mf 2    2.29
SIL2 87.12

From Table, for 130 Km line length, mflimit of the line lies between 2.75 and 2.25.
Therefore, using interpolation to find mflimit for 200km
2.25  2.75
mf limit  2.75  (130  80)  2.43
160  80

Here, both mf1  mflimit and mf 2  mflimit . Thus both Nc  1 and Nc  2 satisfy the technical
criteria. So we have to calculate Power Margin (PM) as follow:
Plimit 1  mf limit  SIL1  2.43  121  294.03MW
Plimit 2  mf limit  SIL2  2.43  87.12  211.70MW

Since Plimit 2 is near to given P, so choosing double circuit 132kV line


Voltage Level for given Power Transmission = 132 kV

Number of Circuits (NC) =2
Number of Earth Wires (Ne) =2
Air Clearance and Conductor Spacing Calculation

1) Minimum air clearance required from earthed object is given by

VLL  1.1 6.5
a   FS
3 10
132  1.1 6.5
   8 inches
3 10
 62.49 inches  158.72cm  1.58m
Maximum String Swing  max   45o
2) Length of string (l )  a secmax  1.58  sec 45o  2.23m

 
3) Cross arm length Cl  a 1  tan  max   1.58 1  tan 450  3.16m

(l  a )
4)Vertical distance between two adjacent line conductor( y ) 
2 2
 x l a
1    
 y   2a 
2.23  1.58

2 2.23  1.58 
1  0.3  
 2  1.58 
 4.08m
Where, 0.25 < x/y< 0.333
Taking x/y = 0.3

5) x  0.3  y  0.3  4.08m  1.22m

6) Width of tower (b)  1.5a  1.5  1.58  2.37m
7)Distance between the earth wire and the topmost conductor(d )  3Cl
 3  3.16  5.47m
8) Right of way (ROY)  2Cl  b  2  3.16  2.37  8.69m

Air Clearance from Earthed Object (a) = 1.58 m

Length of String (l) = 2.23 m
Cross arm Length (CL) = 3.16 m
Width of Tower (b) = 2.37 m
Vertical Distance between two adjacent line conductors (y) = 4.08 m
Height of Earth Wire from Top Most Conductor (d) = 5.47 m
Horizontal Distance between Two adj. line conductors = 8.69 m
Number of Disc Selection

For all the calculations of number of insulator discs, we considered following value of
different factors:
FWR = Flashover Withstand Ratio=1.15
NAC = Non-Standard Atmospheric Condition=1.1
FS = Factor of Safety=1.2
SSR = Switching Surge Ratio = 2.8
SIR = Switching to Impulse Ratio = 1.2
EF = Earthing Factor = 0.8 (for Nepal)

System Voltage = 132 kV
Max. System voltage = 145.2 kV

a. 1-minute Dry Test

Equivalent Flashover Voltage = 1 min. dry withstand voltage  FWR  NAC  FS
where, 1 min. dry withstand voltage is given in table A-2 for 145.2 system voltage = 265kV
 Equivalent FOV  265  1.15  1.1  1.2  402.27kV
Nearest higher 1 min. dry FOV voltage (in table A-3) = 435 kV
From table A-3, for 1 minute dry FOV = 435 kV, no. of discs =7
∴ No. of disc = Nd1 = 7

b. 1-minute Wet Test

Equivalent Flashover Voltage = 1 min. wet withstand voltage  FWR  NAC  FS
where,1 min.wet withstand voltage is given in table A-2 for 145.2 system voltage = 230 kV
 Equivalent FOV  230  1.15  1.1  1.2  349.14kV
Nearest higher 1 min. wet FOV voltage (in table A-3) = 370 kV.
From table A-3, for 1 minute dry FOV = 685 kV, no. of discs =9
∴ No. of discs = Nd2 = 9
c. Temporary Over Voltage Test
Temporary o/v = EF × maximum system voltage = 0.8 × 242 = 116.16 kV
Equivalent FOV = Temporary o/v × √2 × FWR × NAC × FS
= 116.16 × √2 ×1.15 × 1.1×1.2 = 249.37 kV
Wet season is the worst condition.
Thus, nearest higher FOV (from table A-3, 1 min. wet FOV) = 250 kV
∴ No. of discs = Nd3 = 6

d. Switching Over Voltage Test

Switching o/v = Maximum per phase peak voltage × SSR
∴ Switching o/v = 145.2 × × 2.8 = 331.95 kV

Equivalent s/w FOV = Switching o/v × SIR × FWR × NAC × FS

Where, SIR = Switching to Impulse Ratio = 1.2
Equivalent FOV = 331.95 × 1.2 × 1.15 × 1.1 × 1.2 = 604.69 kV
The nearest higher voltage (in table A-3, impulse FOV) = 610 kV
∴ No. of discs = Nd4 = 6

e. Lightening Over Voltage Test

Equivalent impulse withstand o/v = 550 kV (from table A-2) for 145.2 kV
Equivalent impulse FOV = Equivalent impulse withstand voltage × FWR × NAC × FS
= 550 × 1.15 × 1.1 × 1.2 = 834.9 kV
Nearest higher voltage (in table A-3, impulse FOV) = 880 kV
∴ No. of discs = Nd5 = 9
S.N. Test No. of Discs
a. 1 min. Dry Test 7
b. 1 min. Wet Test 9
c. Temporary O/V Test 6
d. Switching O/V Test 6
e. Lightening O/V Test 9

∴ The No. of discs required for our design (Nd) is 9.

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