Collection FSCs December 7-th 2017 Part of Iinternet Conference With Koltsov Akselrod PDF

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Collection FSCs. December 7-th 2017.

Part of iInternet
conference with Koltsov, Akselrod

FSC — Functional State Corrector

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Начало → Collection FSCs. December 7-th 2017. Part of iInternet conference with Koltsov,
Conference leader: Today we are going to talk only about Exclusive Functional State
Correctors. We are going to discuss all 12 FSCs that exist nowadays in the Company. That
is why we selected from our incoming mail only questions that are connected with
Collection series. We are going to dwell on other questions at other our conferences. Now I
want to give word to Koltsov Sergey Valentinovitch.

First question, Sergey Valentinovich, in result of the Collection FSCs testing, which was
done by the Company specialists and partners, and which continues now, it became clear
that the action of these FCSs is much wider, than was initially declared in our descriptions.

Koltsov S. V.: All these collection FSCs have a property of narrow targeted influence on
one hand, on the other hand in order to give accented specific effect they pose systemic
action as well. That is why their systemic action will be wider that was given in a
description. One should not forget that generally speaking, there are 22 dynamic
stereotypes of people, that is 22 various kinds of people, and so when they say a standard
phrase: «bringing harmony into a human organism», then everyone will have his own
harmony. One should not forget about this. That is why one should not expect that
everyone would fit the same pattern. So, yes, their action will be wider, everyone will have
his own manifestations, depending on accumulated problems. So nothing surprising is

I think that it is sensible to generalize information on these correctors action not earlier than
half a year later, because it is not possible to collect good statistics earlier – who cured
what and what influenced most. All we are saying now is a preliminary information, only

time may tell.

Conference leader: We had information about FSC «Bereginya», that it is aimed not only at
restoration of health and rejuvenation of feminine reproductive system, but also men may
use it in order to establish good relations with women. Alexander Efimovitch hints: in order
to increase sexuality – well, additional aspect in relations.

Koltsov S. V.: Well, I do not know, Alexander Efimovitch will tell in more details, for me it is
a kind of unexpected message, but the time will tell.

Conference leader: For example FSC «Nephrite» is targeted at the restoration of the
urogenital system health, but it appeared that it also accents biliary excretion, and have
another additional spectrum of action. Is it real? Is it possible?

Koltsov S. V.: It is possible, but it is not a specific action of this corrector. I checked it
myself, I made such FSC for myself, and periodically put it under myself, when it is
convenient. I can say surely, it influences well the spinal column. In case of chronic
disease, some specific vertebras in the spinal column are obliged to twist a little. That is
why it is absolutely no wonder that when internal organs functions start to restore, then
corresponding segments of the spinal column shall get free. It looks natural, all FSCs shall
have such a property, that is specific FSCs shall influence various spinal column segments.
Yesterday I had a precedent, one of my relatives has chronical diseases of pancreas and
gallbladder, he felt not well last week, was in banya two times, nothing helps! Looks sour. I
came to him and say: «I made a special corrector for you». He says: «well, yes». I checked
him, he is closed top and bottom and say: «How are you using it?» He says: «I am holding
it at the solar plexus». I say: «It is not enough! Start with putting it at the top of the head,
then under the «fifth point» (under the first chakra)». Almost all collection FSC are opening

Conference leader: The main point is to use them correctly, right?

Koltsov S. V.: Generally speaking yes, one should not forget that in case of some
indisposition, for example when there is a felling of muddiness in the head, it is the first
indicator that you are closed from top and at the bottom. Start using an FSC not from the
specific place (problem organ projection) for which it is designated, but exactly starting from
the top of the head and the coccyx area.

Conference leader: Very valuable recommendation, my friends.

We have testimonies on FSC «Yudek», during testing it turned out that it restores functions
and potential of large intestine cells, despite the fact that its information is designated for
working with thyroid gland.

Koltsov S. V.: It does not surprise me at all, because normalization of the hormonal
background automatically leads to normalization of fermentative functions in various
hormonal organs, that is why there is nothing surprising here.

Conference leader: What other features of collection FSCs can you comment? What
surprised you in collection series or may be in some specific correctors?

Koltsov S. V.: Nothing surprises me anymore. I am the first to be surprised when I am doing
them and sometimes check at myself. One recommendation, that I am repeating again and
again, is for those who purchased the «Olgyr», nowadays strange viral diseases are
wondering around, which cause a stuffy nose, irritation in the throat…. Remember about
this, even if you caught a banal cold, use «Olgyr» at the final stage of the health restoration
process, in order to escape provoking, God bless you, development of something
unnecessary. It is a very valuable hint by Okoneshnikov, I am not a medical worker, so it
would never come into my head.

Conference leader: May be you want to give recommendations or pay attention at some
interesting features in connection with other correctors?

Koltsov S. V.: Much depends on personal preferences here, depending on what one likes
most. For example my wife does not part with «Indi». For good health! If she likes it. What
else could be said here?!

Conference leader: Really splendid corrector!

Koltsov S. V.: Yes, it is multifunction, time will come when we it will present us surprises!

Conference leader: Tell us about FSCs «Mamma» and «The Mighty Water», which were
released not long ago.

Koltsov S. V.: Well, I cannot say anything about «Mamma» due to absence of mentioned
organs. But I can comment about «The Mighty Water» - a very interesting spring.
Nowadays, when winter started I had to do labor therapy. When it snows I take a shovel in
hands and shovel aside the snow, and so «The Mighty Water» helps well here. Take a pair
of small glasses, about a liter of water in total, and go to shovel for a couple of hours, and
everything is fine, helps the process – it goes on with pleasure, this is important.

A bit later we are going to have another FSC, which is similar…..

Conference leader: Please, we are not going to say anything about this now! All in due
time. We are talking about 12 FSCs we have.

Conference leader: Next question, do all collection FSCs interact harmoniously with each
other, for example in pumpings? Or may be there are some antagonists? Or maybe some
are interacting better with each other?

Koltsov S. V.: No, there are no antagonists, there could not be antagonists. One shall
understand that everyone has its own spectrum, its own melody. In case you are going to
pick up related melodies – for God's sake!

Conference leader: Here is a question – shall one make breaks in FSC use, giving oneself a
rest? What collection FSC could be used constantly and what in doses?

Koltsov S. V.: I also do not use them every day. The only habit is that I am always starting
my morning with a liter, liter and half of water, structured at FSCs. This goes by definition.

Well, I am using three various correctors.

Conference leader: That is, you are using Collection FSCs for solving tasks you have to,
and it is possible to use them during long time without breaks?

Koltsov S. V.: The fact is, that when one is using them regularly, one starts to feel any
attempt of «closing» him at the thin level. I have a number of people around, who do not
believed in FCS and things alike, but now they are calling me regularly: «Check me, check
my wife or children». What it means «check?» - they cut, each one of them, a curl of hair,
and they are laying in my place in packets, I go and pick one and check (with a pendulum).
Either everything is well or not.

Conference leader: Sergey Valentinovitch, you said several times that collection FSCs are
designated not simply for prophylaxis and correction, but for removal of some diseases, we
have specific themes.

Koltsov S. V.: Generally speaking, yes, these collection FSCs are for people with neglected
cases. These people may start to see a light in the window.

Conference leader: Does it means that in case of Collection FSCs use, the necessity to see
doctors and take medicines falls apart?

Koltsov S. V.: Under no circumstances, because the curative process shall go under
doctor's supervision, because there is no normal diagnostics at home. Normalization of all
clinical tests will be a final criteria.

FSCs are additional medical remedy, doctors said this many times. When they ask: «How
to cure this or that?», it is prerogative of doctors. At medical conferences they report
specific methodics for curing various diseases with the use of FSCs in addition to
medicines and other remedies.

Conference leader: Sergey Valentinovich will return to us later, and now I am going to give
microphone to the Company lecturers.

Akselrod A. E.: Good afternoon, dear friends! I am very glad to participate in event like this
and share information with you. I am going to tell you about very interesting results, we
received during recent journey, but let’s start from the beginning.

Let’s start with my favorite corrector “Olgyr”. As soon as Sergey Valentinovich said that
even in case of commonplace cold one shall finish treatment with work with the upper and
lower chakras with FSC “Olgyr” in order to disband possible complications, this very
moment I pulled this FSC out and sat on it. And I was amazed! Look, I was not able to
climb out of the state of cold, because on voyages living conditions are not always very
good. Tilled up with correctors I am holding on this intense rhythm all 9 years, but in case
you have to sleep in cold premises, you feel this despite the correctors. What I am about? I
sat upon the “Olgyr” and immediately felt changes in my state, improvement started at
once. On the matter – how long shall one sit, I recommend you to pay attention at
recommended water structuring time with the Collection correctors. When it comes to
“Olgyr”, you know that water structuring time is not less than 10 minutes, hence I
recommend to sit on it with one’s lower chakra for 10 minutes and then put it at the upper
chakra for another 10 minutes.

What is FSC “Olgyr” action? It is unique, I can say strait that it is a brilliant in our crown of
anti-parasite production, and I will tell you why. It is the only FSC that is on one hand anti-
parasite and on the other hand it is able to remove negative psycho-energetic influences,
that is evil –eye, witchcraft, spoiling to death and other not good things. And so, what
“Olgyr” properties do we know? It aids correction, restoration of the cellular immunity,
normalization of the immune system work in general. It poses prophylaxis and correction
action….. Pay attention at these two words, I will constantly accent them, it means two
important moments: “prophylaxis” – in case you are using “Olgyr” then nothing will ever
happen, and if God bless there is something present it starts to correct. Not long ago I sold
“Olgyr” to a woman who just said that she needs it. I understand in what cases they ask for
“Olgyr” and say: “You know, in addition to it one shall use…” and list to her all our anti-
parasite line – this is numbers 1, 2, «Flora and Fauna» for all kinds of fungi, “Natural
Antibiotic” of the current year, plus our supplements –“Sanita” and EVOchlorophyll. I am
listing all these to her with a sad face, she looks at me not understanding why I have such
physiognomy, and I start to ask her questions, it is not polite to ask her directly about the
problem. Then it strikes her what I have in mind: “Well, no, I am taking it for prophylaxis”. I
wanted to kiss her but have to do with hugs from sheer joy. You shall understand that
prophylaxis is created! And in case someone had it in your kin, then use it obligatory! I am
ready to agree with our genius scientist Koltsov Sergey Valentinovitch, who said 9 years
ago: “Oncology is either parasites or psycho-energy influence”. Practice proves this! You
see, practice proves this. Everyone who has pathologically modified cells, when start to
remove psycho-energy influences, they all have reaction. It means there is something to be
removed. I saw this at every such case. May be it is in combination with parasites invasion
– when they do a break in one’s bio-field, then there is no energy in this place, internal
acidulation takes place and parasites feel well there. And so, FSC “Olgyr” poses
prophylaxis and correcting influence at formation of organism defense from outer factors
that provoke mutation of health cells into pathologically modified, the ones that are dividing
unrestrictedly, as you understand, it is very bad. I stress it once again: prophylaxis and
correction. I am saying that FSC “Bereginya” should be in every family in which there is a
woman, FSC “Nephrite” should be in every family in which there is at least one human
being at least with one kidney, then by my opinion FSC “Olgyr” should be at every family
member as prophylaxis. Have this in mind. Note that in USA they reveal twice more
oncology cases than in Russia, and they have death rate 4 times lower. Why? Because
they are catching it at early stages. Again Sergey Valentinovitch is 100 % right when he
says: “You can do nothing without medicine”. How can one do without diagnostics?! 52 %
of Russians do not go to doctors. One man approached me, I ask “What problems?” He
says: “Well, I have some tumor” and shows a large lump at the body. I say: “What is it?” He
says: “I do not go to doctors” You see?! “I never go to doctors!” One dame came to me in
summer time in a long thick black trousers, I would even call them pants. I say: “What
problems?” She says: “I have layered growth”. I say “What?” it happened to be a tumor. I
say: “well, take this and work” and give her with what to work. She worked, says: “Yes, it
became twice smaller”. I say: “Write testimony”. She writes and I am reading at the top line:
“Layered growth at leg with size 10 by 12 centimeters”. You hear, she has a tumor of 10 by
12 centimeters size and I say to her: “Why you do not go to doctor?” She replies: “I am

afraid they will tell me something bad”. Like small children! Correctors do not substitute
medicine. As Sergey Valentinovitch put it they supplement medicine. Remember this and
tell to everyone. Yes, supplement powerfully, but you would do nothing without diagnostics.

Let’s move further, FSC “Olgyr” takes participation in restoration and correction of the cells
apoptosis process. Translating this into Russian – apoptosis is a natural process of cells
dying, when it is disassembled at parts and utilized. But in case this process does not take
place and one has accumulation of old cells, the body ages and grow decrepit. In other
words FSC “Olgyr” should be included into our crown of rejuvenating correctors. Exactly
rejuvenating. That is why if you are thinking about rejuvenation, add it to number 8, 15,
“Apple of Youth” and our other rejuvenating FSCs.

Aids prophylaxis, correction, slowing down of pathologically unlimited growth of cells in our
organism. You know what cells grow pathologically unlimitedly. It is these cells with which
“Olgyr” copes. Aids creation of medium which is unfavorable to the growth and
development of pathologically modified cells.

Aids correction and regress of all negative processes in pathology modified cells nodes – to
put it better in tumors, that is turns this processes back. Helps to correct the state of
immunity in case of inflammatory, bacterium and viral diseases. I stress it once again –
“Olgyr” entered and started to shine brightly in a row of our antiparasite products. God
bless, in case something happens, one shall use it all. Absolutely all, I repeat once again:
1, 2, “Flora and fauna”, “Natural Antibiotic” of the current year.

We are moving on. Aids prophylaxis, correction and disbandment of non-sanctioned

intrusions into one’s bio-field and outer negative programs. It is negative energy-information
influence I was talking about. And this is a very important moment. Because, to our sorrow,
this is commonplace phenomenon. May be not realizing what they are doing, people are
coming to “specialists” – all kinds of grannies, extrasensory practitioners, and do all kinds of
bad things that lead to most serious problems with health, and not only health. I would
never forget like in the city of Kansk a giant looking Siberian women came to me, she has a
height of a bear, and she told me that during last year there was 10 situations when she
nearly died. Four awesome car accidents, three cavitary surgeries, a bear nearly killed her
at hunting and so on. When she said this to me, I replied: “That is someone is killing you!”
She says: “And I know who it is”. You understand, they are not even hiding! That is FSC
“Olgyr” happens to be universal, it works with problems both at physical and mental levels.

Aids creation of powerful energy defense. That is, you may carry it on yourself. Similar to
other correctors, at which Mayan Teurgy channels are recorded, you can hold it between
palms of your hands mornings and evenings for 7-10 minutes a day, and this “Olgyr”
channel will open at you.

Water structuring time – not less than 10 minutes.

I want to illustrate all these with testimonies. I said to the man who had a tumor: “Let’s
check if it is a result of outer influence?” I give him to drink 4-5 glasses of water.
Remember, no matter how good these new collection FSCs are, no matter what miracles
they would do, but no one abolished instruction, which is given with every corrector. And it
is written here that every day one shall drink water – 30 milliliters per kilo of body weight.
On my part, I always add that in case you are drinking beverages that deduce water, and
they are: tea, coffee, cola, alcohol, then you shall add equal quantity of water. One shall do
this clause! As practice shows, correctors do not work by two reasons: in case one is in a
state of neglected dehydration or in case of powerful energy-informational influence. And
so I give him water to drink, give him FSC “Olgyr” to hold between palms, and tell what
phrase to say. This is my author’s method, I called it technoexorcism, I showed how it
works several times at internet conferences – what is happening to people, how it all goes
out. That is it is proved by years of practice, at hundreds of people, works brilliantly. He
holds the corrector, eyes closed, and says the first phrase: “All negative influences at me
and those who did them, forgive me, I forgive you and let it go”. Then, in case influence is
present, it shows out in one of three reactions: either one remembers or mentally sees an
episode, connected with some person or persons, and this is exactly the person who did it,
people see both dead and alive people, known and unknown, may be even close people.
Second reaction – something appears in the body, as a rule it is pain, very often it is lump.
Eructation, nausea, vomiting may appear – it is very good, it means we nailed and
removing death spell. Or it could be sleepiness, yawning – it is very good too, it means we
nailed and removing spoiling or an evil eye. Speaking the phrase until it goes away. And
the third variant is when there is nothing of the kind, but there is some image in front of
closed eyes – either abstract image – everything is black, grey, color stripes, splashes, or it
could be some specific image, people often are seeing an eye. They see a road, cloud, a
dog, a cat, a hen, that is what was used for in magic ritual. It could be everything. Someone
saw an edge of the coffin, someone a jacket, but I repeat, very often it is an eye. And one is
speaking and speaking the phrase, unless it all goes away. It is seen at one’s exterior,
when a lot is removed, one becomes energetically light, face smoothens, one starts to look
some 10-15 years younger. Shoulders straighten up, people feel themselves light, start to
smile, laugh, several times they sang, because the feeling of deliverance caused to burst.
And so this man, who had surely not good tumors, holds “Olgyr” and it is seen by his
reaction that he saw who did it, felt pain, that is everything worked classically. That is
“Olgyr” powerfully removes psycho-energy influences. And so I am going to read for you
several testimonies.

After surgery they prescribed 6 chemo-therapy courses to a woman, she used “Olgyr”
intensively, and in result she endured procedures easily. Probably they will cancel
remaining courses after the third one. She is very glad, doctors are astonished.

A woman is 45, uses FSC for a long time and solved many health problems, but she
suffered headaches frequently. When she started to use FSC “Olgyr”, she drunk structured
water and waved with an FSC – fine girl, pleased my soul with the use of waving! Let me
quote for you the passport once again, in order to disband any doubts, it could be said that
waving is just following the recommendations. The second clause reads: “carry an FSC at
the body, changing its position periodically”. When we are waving with an FSC, then what
are we doing? We change its position periodically, but with a high speed. And what practice
showed during all these years? To wave is the same that to put, but processes speed up
hundred times. By two orders! In a direct meaning of this word. And so, she drunk water
and waved with an FSC – noticed that corrector eases her state. Month later papillomas
disappeared. As you know papillomas has viral origin, “Olgyr” fights parasites.

This witty woman is in my command and she wrote: “I am using an anti-viral cocktail – it is
FSC no 1 antyparasite, “Olgyr”, “Flora and Fauna”. Previously I used number 1 in
accordance with the situation and suddenly it dawned on me - may be “Indi” or “Danilovo
Lake” helped. That is they helped to dawn on. FSCs is prophylaxis. And so I started to use
it on a daily basis, like morning vitamin pills – drink water and put in various places. And so
for the first time I do not have seasonal manifestations of the immunity lowering. In my case
it was light inflammation of bronchi and herpes.

During last year I was constantly thick – asthenia, apathy, low hemoglobin. Doctor said:
“You shall restore immunity”. I am adherent of non-medicated methods of health
improvement, sometimes use FSC, but not in a system, so I was enthusiastic when “Olgyr”
appeared. Three weeks of active and regular use – pumpings, structured water drinking –
weakness and constant feeling of indisposition disappeared, powers appeared, I joined
yogi group.

In spring they diagnosed multiple diffuse mastopathy, this made me to go in my woman’s

health. The use of FSC “Olgyr” during two months gave positive result – the number of
nodes reduced, breast became softer at palpation, painful feeling disappears. In parallel
this woman takes EVOchlorophyll capsules and EVOlit Sorb – very clever!

Probably I am going to face chemo-therapy. I am actively using FSC “Olgyr” for immune
system activation and preparation for a serious procedure. During one month I am feeling
myself better.

I want to accent once again the importance of pulse-dynamic influence, it is the waving.
One shall take FSC “Olgyr”, take any three other correctors, tie them with a rubber circle,
people are calling these construction differently – triangle, pyramid. One shall take “Olgyr”
in hand, put a triangle on it and wave over the projection of a problem place – either it is a
node of pathologically modified cells, or call it a tumor. One shall wave with a considerable
amplitude. Why it is important that amplitude be high? In case one waves lightly, then FSC
with a triangle stays above the same place, and it is not a pulse-dynamic influence, it is
static influence, despite the fact that you are doing movements. Pulse is when now there is
an influence and then there is not. Influence, no influence – with high amplitude.

Despite it is not exactly my theme today, I have a testimony on another FSC, but here one
used pulse-dynamic influence. She used “Mamma”. A woman has fibrocystic breasts for 32
years. I am going to talk a little about FSC “Mamma” as an illustration of the method. Look
at this lines (shows a sheet of paper with hand drawn lines on it) – she measured her
mastopathy size with her fingers and before and after doing waving. Later I measured with
a scale what she measured with her fingers and draw. Here is her testimony. Size was 10.3
centimeters and 45 minutes later it became tree times smaller – down to 3.5 centimeters.
Its volume decreased five-fold, cyst was very hard and became softer. Painful feeling
decreased 10 times. She waved with FCS “Mamma” and triangle with high amplitude. Cyst
form also changed, at first it was round, then a small piece remained, nodes disappeared
later. That is we have unique production that works wonders, then let’s use it correctly
according with methods, developed during long years of practice.

The next corrector, I am going to tell you about is “The Spring of Lamas”. This FSC
influences organism in complex and at all levels – both thin and physical. Starts health
restoration programs at the level of sub-consciousness. Normalizes the state of nervous
system, bringing into balance processes of irritation and inhibition. Releases the state of
internal aggression and tension. That is why, in case some one is tense and aggressive in
your family, you may simply put this corrector under the mattress. It will influence this
person and he would not even know. Why I recommend this? Because many people
complain, for example a husband does not want to hear anything, saying: “you are busy
with trifles”, and so on and on. I will tell you why exactly under the mattress, it is also from
practice. Once a woman, whose husband gave up drinking, wrote a testimony about
number 5, she put it this way: “One shall put under the mattress because under the pillow
he will find it and throw away, but under the mattress it is not seen and working”.

And so, “The Spring of Lamas” aids finding the steady state of internal harmony and
perception of the world “here and now”. Starts powerful processes of liver cleaning and
regeneration, at damages of various character: intoxication, fatness, and other. Normalizes
the work of various systems and organs: cardio-vascular, hematogenic, hormonal.
Restores metabolism, corrects weight physiologically. Effectively works with animals in all
physiology and health restoration aspects, along with restoration of physical balance.
Recorded polarization, that is information image, of water from the Spring of lamas in
Mongolia. Generally it is a rarest thing, they would not allow anyone there, but they admit
Sergey Valentinovitch. Many thanks to him. Look, you do not have to go into Mongolia,
tickets are expensive, you should not ride in a jeep along the Gobi desert where there are
no roads! Sergey Valentinovich, am I right? Listen, when I arrived into Mongolia, I said
“Why there are only jeeps on your streets?” They said: “You would not drive another way”. I
thought that it is a joke, it appeared it is not. Really one would not drive through. At that,
everyone is on jeeps.

It is recommended to put it at the third energy center, at the right hypohondrium, that is at
the liver area. Look, among all Collection FSCs this one is most long-playing, one shall
treat water not less than 25 minutes. By the way, I do it simple, in order to avoid
remembering how long one shall structure water at this or that collection FSC, either it is 5,
10, 15, 20, 25 minutes….. In case you are going to treat water with any collection FSC,
calmly put it for 25 minutes, and you would not miss. But most of all I like an advice, which
Sergey Valentinovich gave many years ago, answering probably a million’s time a question
how to treat water with an FSC, he said: “Most simple way is take water you are going to
drink tomorrow and put it for a night”. Nothing could be better!

On one side, it is enough to put a glass of water at the corrector and pour water into it, and
it will be treated during these seconds the water pours in. That is treated enough to make
(kinesiology) tests at presentations. Such water already gives energy, increases muscles
elasticity, all these happens instantly. However, on the other side, if you have to record full
information images, which are recorded at our FSCs, then you shall hold water at FSCs
longer than an instance. I stress once again, momentary treatment is enough (only) for
demonstration purposes.

Now several testimonies:

Elena, 63 years. I had psoriasis starting from April 2016. In July 2017 I was at consultation
of Center Region lecturer Merzlyakova Elena, she recommended to me the following
scheme for my problem. Mornings and evenings after return home a shower or bath with
the «Danilovo Lake» FSC. In the morning, before 8 a.m. two glasses of water, structured at
FSC no 2, and a quarter of teaspoon of curcuma (spice); pumping of chakras with FSC 18
from bottom to top and from top to bottom. During the day time from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.
carry at the waist either 18 or «The Golden Sand», at the liver – «The Spring of lamas». At
the projection of the problem place FSCs no. 2 and 7, interchanging them; drink water,
structured at «The Spring of lamas». In the evening time, from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. carry
«The Sacred Cave» at the fourth chakra, at the problem place carry «Lhasa» or
«Amaranth», drink water, structured at FSC no. 2. In the night time – from 10 p.m. until 6
a.m. use EVOchlorophyll suppository, place «The Lurking lake» at the navel; «Lhasa» or
«The Sacred Cave» under the pillow, number 10 at the problem place. I fulfilled all
recommendations, at first spots became larger and brighter. I remind you, that improvement
goes through the acute phase – do not be frightened, but what is the most important, warn
people, to prevent them being frightened.

Generally speaking it is wonderful, when I give correctors to someone to see how they are
working, and one has pains, and in case pain becomes stronger – then nothing could be
better. It means very fast process of improvement takes place. Take for example the same
lymphostasis – elephantiasis – when hand or leg is like a log. Previously, when we had only
four blue FSCs and there were nothing more available, I gave number three to women,
number four to men, and they put it either at hand or leg. And they had acute phase, and
they would be frightened if I would not warn. Because, when doing it the first time I was
frightened myself, there was a feeling that they started to inflate this trouser leg or a sleeve.
That is, for half an hour there was enlargement of the edema. During next half an hour it
returned into a normal state, and for the rest of the lecture time, and you remember what a
favored time it was – my lectures lasted 6 hours, that is during four hours, four hours and
half, it reduced in half! And people saw this on themselves. That is why we should not be
frightened with acute phase manifestations, warn people that it is marvelous and feel
gladness having them. And remember, water levels acute phase manifestations. That is
why all wise people are drinking 4-5 glasses of water, prior to taking an FSC into their
hands. And so, I fulfilled all recommendations, at first spots enlarged and became brighter,
and by the end of August skin integuments cleaned, but in case of temperature drops skin
acquires cyanochroic color. I purchased not expensive Russian herbal liniments for hands
and face, structured them at the«Sourse of Life»FSCs, lubricated skin and they restored
completely. Such a good testimony.

Continue. A woman in the age of 70, diabetes in the second stage, sugar level 8.4. And so,
during one month she drunk water, structured at FSC «Spring of Lamas», the next month –
water, structured at FSC «Balance», carried it at the body. Sugar level decreased up to
6.4, legs ceased to edema. Small wounds at the left leg, with 1 centimeter diameter,
disappeared, only red spots remained.

Edwina, age 41. I am using Center Region production starting from 2014, I was looking for
an effective and safe way of getting free from the eczema of a parasitic origin, later
diagnoses was confirmed with bio-resonant testing. I had multiple nodes at legs and at the
back side of palms of the hands. Reddening was followed with painful feelings and a strong
itching. Production of the Center Region Company saved me from this trouble, «Sanita»
anti-parasite line at the first place, I took several courses. Along with this I worked with
FSCs 16 and 20, regularly drunk water structured at FSCs 1 and 2, carried FSC 19 24
hours a day for blood, liver and pancreas cleaning, and also carried collection FSC «Spring
of Lamas» at the liver area for three weeks. In spring and summer period I took
EVOchlorophyll – solution and capsules. Recent testing showed absence of parasite
invasion. Now the skin is clear, but insufficient allergic rushes take place in case of dietary
regimen violations. I have a strong desire to say: «Then do not violate», but later a thought
comes: «You are violating it yourself, that's why you are silent and say nothing». I continue
to drink water, structured at FSCs 1 and 2, «Spring of Lamas», do voluminous pumpings of
the liver area and criss-cross pumpings morning and evenings. Take EVOlit sorb twice a
day. Feel myself well, because Center Region Company products not only help to solve
health issues, but it is also an additional source of energy. I recommend everyone to
became acquainted with this production and use it for your good.

Next testimony. Problems with liver were after me since my childhood, after hepatitis. Diet
and medicines intake became norm for me. I took FSC «Spring of Lamas» as another
newfangled remedy for health support, but used it diligently for 2 months. Result: they
canceled intake of medicines, diet changed considerably to widening of the list of products.
Liver projection stopped to ache at loads. Astonished, glad – are to soft words to express
what I feel! I decided to busy myself with the restoration of health with FSCs more actively.

And we are switching to the last two collection FSCs, at which the action still goes on (at
the time when this conference took place). In case you still did not purchased them – do
this, and not only for yourself. Because I will tell you straight, Sergey Valentinovich is
absolutely correct, some time shall pass for serious researches. You know, there are very
interesting reports at our medical conferences. There are strictly scientific ones, when they
take control and experimental group, and conduct experiment with a double blind method.
Yes, time shall pass. But even what we have now is stunning – so powerful they are.

A lot was already said about these FSCs - “Nephrite” and “Bereginya” at the Moscow event
that took place November 25-th, first I am going to tell you about their properties in general,
and after that about my own interesting experience.

And so, FSC “Nephrite” aids prophylaxis and correction of urinary system inflammatory
diseases of various origin: viral, bacterium – it is pyelonephritis, cystits, glomerulonephritis,
prostatitis. I will tell you the statistics, it is the following, not cheery. It was said by Chief
andrologist of Russian Federation at a conference for specialists at men’s diseases, and he
said the following phrase: “All men sitting in this auditorium, who are above forty, already
have problems with the prostate”, they started to make noise: “we are doctors, we are doing
this or that….”. He says: “I am reporting you Russian statistics”. Women have also not
consolatory situation – during last 5 year endometriosis morbidity rose by 26 %,
inflammatory diseases rate rose by 10 %, menstrual cycle violations rose in 1.6 times. And
during the same 5 years the rate of reproductive organs inflammatory diseases among
young people in the age of 15-17 years rose 50 times. So sad medical facts. Sterility rose
abruptly, nowadays every 7-th woman…. Give a deep thought to it, every seventh in the
age from 20 until 45, what they consider to be a fertile age, is sterile. Every seventh. Plus 5
millions of sterile men. 5-6 millions of sterile woman, 5 millions of men. So, Sergey
Valentinovitch, FSC “Bereginya” appeared in good time.

Let’s return to “Nephrite” – aids prevention and regress of stones formation in kidneys and
other urinary system organs. I want to repeat again the phrase, which I said in the
beginning: “….in case you will drink sufficient amount of water”. Our immunity “switches off”
in case we are chronically dehydrated, this results in our blood becoming like kissel with
erythrocytes stuck together and leucocytes shrink and became 2-3 times smaller. Read
again the report by the dark-field microscope specialist at the eighth medical conference,
she looked at blood in the dark-field microscope and how our Company products influences
it. You see, one shall drink water! Or stones would not solve even with “Nephrite”. Where
stones are forming from? From a viscous urine. The habit not to go into lavatory in due time
is horrible. Women are more prone to this, and they have more stones. “Nephrite” is a
specialized FSC, just drink water! And of course remove the influence (outer programs).
Have in mind that according to Chinese medicine kidneys are energy accumulator of our
organism. That is why, in case something is not well with kidneys, it will definitely influence
our energetic. That is why I want to give you an advice: in case of any problem with health
add “Nephrite” in order to give energy to kidneys, this will help your body to cope with a

We continue. It helps prophylaxis and correction…. Again, similar to “Olgyr” I pay your
attention at these two words: “prophylaxis” and “correction” – that is in case there is nothing
of the kind we carry it in order to escape having it, in case we have – using it in order to
remove. …. of neoplasms of various nature in the urinary system organs: prostate
adenoma, cysts in kidneys, urinary bladder polyposis and so on. Here I want to recommend
you this methodic: You take “Nephrite” in hands put on it a triangle, made of three other
FSCs, and wave with high amplitude above the projection of this (problem) place. For
example, in case of problems with prostate, a man sits down at a chair and waves lower
the chair level and higher, that is with high amplitude. For example let’s say that below
knees and up to throat is high amplitude. Influence surely will take place through the entire
body, because triangle empowers the influence of any corrector, which you are holding in
hand, and at which you put the triangle, that is why you will influence all these neoplasms.

All men who approached me – all in considerable age with serious problems, they drunk 4-
5 glasses of water, no matter how strongly they opposed, and they opposed strongly, why?
Because what is suffering when men have prostate problems? They have problems at
urination. But made them to drink water, saying: “later you will go and see yourself how the
things are, and you will thank me”. And so they waved and waved, then went out and
looked and returned with tears of joy in their eyes. I would not accent this in details, but they
had a feeling of tremendous relief.

FSC “Nephrite” aids prevention and correction of asymptomatic bacteriuria of pregnant

women and people, who are constantly using urinary catheter. I want to accent your
attention that at recent conferences doctors are saying plainly that pregnant women not
only can but shall use FSCs. If you remember, in the very beginning Sergey Valentinovitch
said a phrase, which we all quoted: “It is better not to interfere with the Divine disposal”. He
said this very cautiously, understanding well that naturally it is possible to use FCSs. I will
never forget, when me and my wife were waiting for a child, I approached Sergey
Valentinovitch and asked: “Is it really allowed?” And he said to me: “It is needed” Our son is
already 7, he entered school. That is why I want to accent once again this theme – I
already said what awesome sterility rate we have. Every seventh woman. And so, imagine,
a pregnant woman walks by and they envied her. And what is envy? In case one has
powerful energetic, the influence takes place, the moment an envious though goes! It is a
tragedy when there are no children in family and there is a desire to have them. People are
suffering. People are different, you see, not everyone has energetic at the appropriate
level. Even unconscious though may pose influence. That is why, as soon a woman comes
to know that she is pregnant, she has to carry “Healthy Generation” (at the belly) – influence
both at fetus and at her, and an FSC that protects, that is mirrors. These are numbers 21,
23, and as it turned out recently also number 13 and “The Black Mountain”. Yes, any of
abovementioned FSCs has mirroring effect.

Helps to support physiology level of adrenal glands hormones and sexual hormones, that is
reproductive system hormones both at men and women. At this very moment, every time I
am telling about FSC “Nephrite” at internet conferences, I do such a warning, I say the
following: “Probably you will have this effect, do not be frightened”. What it is about? First of
all I shall explain, what it means “adrenal glands hormones and sexual hormones will come
to norm”? In translation at normal language it means incredible, fantastic rejuvenation,
when we abruptly return into the age of end of the growth – 25-27 years. Levels of
hormones are decreasing with passing years. It is exactly aging. And what “Nephrite”
does? It brings their level into norm, and we are becoming younger. It is similar to the
effects of FSC no 8, when hormonal rejuvenation also takes place, with the use of FSC 8
four glands start to work as in youth, but what takes place in accordance with testimonies?
Half of testimonies – everything was marvelous, one grows younger at full speed, all are
asking you: “Did you made a lifting?”, you look into the mirror and have joyful feeling. One
has a feeling of himself like in the period of youth, bad habits of youth are returning back
when one rejuvenates due to our products! Do you understand?! Bad habits – many
testimonies. But another half of testimonies – not conspiring, people from various cities and
countries described their sensations in the same words: “nightmare, body is caused to
ache and warp, sleep disappears completely”. What took place? People became frightened
and put it aside and did not use. Some lecturers proposed to put these correctors not under
the pillow but at legs, but listen, we are a 80 % of liquid medium. Either you put FSC under
the head or under legs, the information image will be copied, and powerful rejuvenation will
start in a moment. What we recommend to do in this case? Not to be frightened! Use it
gently, the most simple way is to drink structured water. Drink water. Your body liquid
medium will receive informational images from water, and “Nephrite” will influence softly,

What else? Same recommendations as with number 8 when rejuvenation goes with
difficulties, with pronounced acute conditions – drink structured water, treat your meals,
take baths and showers, placing “Nephrite” at the water tap. In case you are using
cosmetics – night or day – treat cosmetics with the FCS “Nephrite”. You are going to have
same effects but softened. But I repeat once again, you are going to have fantastic

Aids removal of edemas and lowering of the blood pressure, in case it was stipulated by
urinary system diseases. Aids detoxication and homeostasis support. What is
homeostasis? Look, we have parameters, which should be held in a narrow corridor of
values. Take for example body temperature, in case it will be higher than 42 – we die, in
case it drops below 30 – we die all the same. Here is a corridor. Along with mechanisms
that track the parameter value. Similarly with pressure – it could be either too high that we
will die, or too low. Or my favorite example is the blood PH level – hydrogen potential, its
change by one tenth….. Support of homeostasis is one of the main functions that are in our
organism. And so FSC “Nephrite” aids detoxication and homeostasis support, this plays a
decisive role for human being health support, ensuring all physical processes flow inside
their normal values corridors.

Another example – submit to a blood test – then doctors are looking, if various blood
parameters are in normal borders or not.

FSC “Nephrite” aids elimination of symptoms, that follow urinary system diseases: pains in
the back of the spine and in the bottom of the belly, dysuria and so on. Aids restoration of
kidneys filtration ability.

Mayan Cosmic Teurgy channel Baka (Бака) is recorded at the FSC “Nephrite”, water
structuring time – not less than 5 minutes.

Look, it is the same we said about “Olgyr”. It is because Mayan Cosmic Teurgy channel is
recorded. Thanks to Sergey Valentinovitch, there is no need to say gratitude affirmations
and visualize the desired result for 3-10 minutes (things one shall do when working with
classical cosmoenergy channels). It is very convenient to use these correctors, you may
hold it between palms of your hands, and in 7-10 minutes the channel opens at you,
according to Sergey Valentinovitch it works as long as needed and closes on its own.

Another small remark about “Nephrite” and water. There are diseases of the heart, kidneys,
at which doctors say “one should not drink much”. First of all, note that doctors are talking
about water not-treated with correctors. Why it is not recommended? When you swallow
ordinary water, I show this to the newcomers regularly at my lectures, you are losing
energy and power, because when we drink ordinary water we spend energy for turning it
into the structured one. Inside, we are made not from bottled water, no matter how tasty it
could be, not from water from a cooler neither from tap water. We have another kind of
water inside. Physicians even have a special term for it: “boundary water”. That is water
parameters are like ones at water at the submarine surface when it moves, why?
Cavitation takes place, and phenomenon of cavitation moves blood, as at last was
established by medical science, of course water changes its properties, that is it is
structured, energetically active. In case of kidneys diseases, yes it is not allowed to drink
much water. When it comes to water, treated with FSCs, well it is also not good to drink
much at once, but no one is saying that one shall drink much at a time. I want to remind
you, what we were talking about all these 9 years? In case of serious problems, believe
me, in case doctors say that one should not drink much water in case of heart and kidneys
diseases, the problems are really serious. We were saying: “start drinking water slightly”. I
say: “every day add 30 milliliters to the quantity you are currently drinking. Until you reach
the needed quantity”. Edemas are possible, I shall say this straight. We know this already
for 9 years. One starts to use FSCs, starts to drink the recommended amount of water and
swells – hand swell, legs swell, the entire body swells. As Sergey Valentinovich explained
to us, it is kidneys performance normalization takes place. What is the mechanism of it?
When body is dehydrated, body stores the drops of water it has, and edema develops.
Once you start drinking water, at first it starts to store more. But after some time, 2-3 weeks
later it becomes clear to our body that it has as much water as it needs, and edemas
disappear. Similar story may happen with the kidneys. And so, how to drink water?
Recently there was wonderful conference in Vladivostok city, and Ludmila Ivanovna
Radkova, as a highly experienced professional doctor, when answered questions, blurted
out the “main military secret”: “drink slightly and you will reach needed volume”. What is
slightly? Literally several sips at a time, and you may do this often. Yes, it could be not very
convenient, but it is a question of your health. This is your health. She also gave another
wonderful advice: “In case of serious problems – considerable age and kidneys are
suffering, take baths”. More to it, in case you have difficulties taking a bath, everything
could be with age, do baths for legs, baths for hands, let down your legs and arms into

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