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Unreal pasts and subjunctives

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1 It's just struck midnight. It's high time we (leave)!
2 If only we (have) a phone! I'm tired of queuing outside the public phone box.
3 You (have) better take off your wet shoes.
4 He walks as if he (have) a wooden leg.
5 He talks as if he (do) all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it.
6 Father: I've supported you all through university. Now I think it's time you (begin) to support yourself.
7 I wish I (know) what is wrong with my car.
8 It looks like rain; you (have) better take a coat.
9 I wish I (ask) the fishmonger to clean these fish. (I'm sorry I didn't ask him.)
10 It's time we (do) something to stop road accidents.
11 The cheese looks as if rats (nibble) it.
12 It's high time they (mend) this road.
13 He always talks as though he (address) a public meeting.
14 He treats us as if we (be) all idiots.
15 Wife: I'd like to get a job.
Husband: I'd much rather you (stay) at home and (look) after the house.
16 If you (tie) the boat up it wouldn't have drifted away.
17 I wish you (not give) him my phone number. (7 'm sorry you gave it to him. )
18 If only he (know) then that the disease was curable!
19 Suppose you (not know) where your next meal was coming from?
20 You talk as though it (be) a small thing to leave your country for ever.
21 I hate driving. I'd much rather you (drive).
22 If only I (be) insured! <But I wasn 't insured.)
23 If you (not take) those photographs we wouldn't have been arrested.
24 I wish transistor radios never (be) invented.
25 If only I (keep) my mouth shut! (/ said something which made matters much worse. )
26 I'll pay you by cheque monthly. ~
I'd rather you (pay) me cash weekly.
27 When someone says something to me, I translate it into French, and then I think of a reply in French,
and then translate it into English and say it. ~
It's high time you (stop) doing all this translation and (start) thinking in English.
28 I said 'Sunday'. ~
I wish you (not say) Sunday. We'll never be ready by then.
29 But I told you what to do. ~
I know you did. If only I (take) your advice!
30 A flower pot fell off the balcony on to the head of a man who was standing below. It was most
unfortunate that he happened to be standing just there. If he (stand) a foot to the right or left he'd have
been unharmed.
31 That man has brought us nothing but trouble. I wish I never (set) eyes on him.
32 Can I take your best umbrella? ~
I'd rather you (take) the other one.
33 If you (have) a peep hole in your door you would have seen who standing outside and kept the door
34 I wish I (not try) to repair it. I only made it worse.
35 If I (not have) rubber gloves on I would have been electrocuted.
36 He looks as though he never (get) a square meal, but in fact his wife feeds him very

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