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Mahabharata: Preparation For War

When Arjuna reached Dwaraka, he found to his surprise

Duryodhana was also camping to seek help from Sri
Krishna. His purpose was to ask for Sri Krishna's army to
fight on his side. Next day, Duryodhana reached the palace
of Sri Krishna and was told to wait for a while as Sri
Krishna was asleep. Soon Arjuna also went. Duryodhana
took his seat at the head of the Lord, while Arjuna sat at the
holy feet. In a while Sri Krishna opened his eyes to see his
dear friend and disciple at his feet. Said the lord, "O Arjuna,
what brings you here so early in the morning?"

But Duryodhana could not wait, he intervened and said, "O

Krishna, I have come before Arjuna. Therefore, please speak to me first." The lord jested, "But I
saw Arjuna first. Let him talk to me first." But the sober Arjuna himself told the lord, "No,
Duryodhana is right. He has come before me. " Thus given chance, Duryodhana asked of Sri
Krishna to fight on his side. Sri Krishna said, "But Duryodhana I have vowed not to pick up arms
in this war. But army can be on your side. Decide what do you want, me or my army."

The foolish Duryodhana thought : "There is no use of Sri Krishna if he is not fighting, I will ask
for his huge army." Thus all army of Sri Krishna went to the side of Kauravas. Arjuna was
pleased for all Pandavas wanted was gracious lord on their side. He thanked Duryodhana for his

The War of Mahabharata

Books 5-10 recount the 18-day war between the

Pandavas and the Kauravas. The Kauravas have eleven
divisions to stand against the seven of the Pandavas. The
two armies are described as two oceans, crashing against
each other. Both sides agree to abide by certain rules of
war: no fighting humans with celestial weapons, no
fighting at night, do not strike someone who's retreating
or unarmed, or on the back or legs. All these rules will
eventually be broken.

On the side of Kauravas Bhishma was to lead the front. Besides, Dronacharya, Duryodhana,
Jayadratha, and many more would fight against Pandavas. Karna would be out of picture till
Bhishma was alive and leading the Kauravas. On Pandavas side Sri Krishna became the charioteer
of Arjuna. Besides five brothers, king Virata, Abhimanyu - son of Arjuna --, Ghatotkacha - son of
Bhima from Hidambi, brother of Draupadi, and many more joined the forces.

Birth of the Gita

Just as the battle is about to start, Arjuna falters at the sight

of his relatives and teachers, now his sworn enemies. He
breaks down and refuses to fight. O Krishna, I am unable to
decide my further plan of action. I surrender myself at your
holy feet. O Lord, please guide me through this difficult
uncertainty as I am your disciple and you are my Teacher."
Sri Krishna Tells The Gita

narrator of the story and father of Pandu and

1 Ar-juna
2 Bhi-ma leader of the Pandavas, rightful heir to the throne
wife of Pandu and mother to the five Pandavas and
3 Na-kula and Saha-de-va
4 Bhish-ma wife of Dhritarashtra
5 Duh-sa-sa-na strongest of the Pandava brothers
6 Dhri-ta-rash-tra wife to the five Pandavas
7 Gan-dhari teacher of the Pandavas and Kauravas
8 Drau-pa-di half-uncle by marriage of Pandu and Dhritarashtra
9 Kun-ti warrior, secret son of Kunti, ally of the Kauravas
10 Vyasa supporter of the Pandavas and avatar of Vishnu
11 Du-ry-odh-ana mightiest of warriors
12 Kar-na Pandava twins
13 Yu-dhish-thira blind king, father of Duryodhana and the Kauravas
14 Dro-na leader of the Kauravas
15 Krish-na brother to Duryodhana

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