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Proxy Server

Amaba, Marcus Albert M. August 12, 2018

CPE51FC1 Engr. Ariel E. Isidro


1. To configure an ordinary server to function as a proxy server

2. To configure the server to provide a faster and secure internet service to each


Part 1: Squid Installation

1. Download the squid 4.2 in the browser in your virtual machine. The version
needs to be the latest one.
2. Using the terminal, extract the downloaded file using the command ‘tar’.

3. Go to the directory and run the command ‘./configure’.

4. Run ‘make’ command to recompile the files.

5. Run ‘sudo make install’ to copy results produced by previous step and
copies them to to their appropriate locations.
6. The command will produce these output at the end lines.

7. Root access is needed so run ‘sudo –i’ to access as root.

8. Run the squid –z command to check for errors.

9. Change the ownership of the log ownership to nobody so it can be accessed


10. Run squid again as root.

Part 2: Squid Testing

1. Check that the client machine can not be connected to the internet by

2. Verify the failed connection by connecting using the client web browser.
3. Check the IP Address. In this case, Windows 7 was used. Remember the
IP Address to be put in the configuration file.

4. Edit the configuration file by running the command.

5. By adding the line acl src <IP Address > in which the IP address of the
client machine will be included. In this case, was used.

6. Designate port 3128 ti listen to internet request.

7. Check the IP Address of the server as it will be used in the client machine
as it will be used as proxy server.

8. Configure the client machine network settings by setting the manual

proxy server to the address of the centOS server with port 3128 as its
9. Switch to the centOS server then issue the command ‘squid –z’ command
first followed by the ‘..squid start’.
10.Refresh the browser. It should be able to connect to the internet now.

I noticed that directories can be accessed within the user interface or by

using the CLI. I also observed that certain tasks are easier to be done in user
interface like downloading the file. However, extracting and compiling the
files is easier using the CLI.


In this activity, I learned the concept of a proxy server. From the word
‘proxy’ itself, it acts as a gateway between another server and a local
connection. I also learned how to setup one by following and executing the
process above. This learning can be used in the future to facilitate security
and administer control in a network for our future careers.


I recommend practicing this activity using a machine with GUI and a

machine with CLI as to practice setting up proxy server in both interfaces. I
also recommend to check your connection settings and machine settings.
Make sure that only bridged adapter is enabled.


In this activity, CentOs which is a simple server was used as a proxy server
by using squid. It worked by using the CentOS address as a proxy server in
the client settings and used port 3128 as the listening port. It also made a
more secure connection by allowing only a single machine to connect to the
internet. You may also have control on internet connectivity by using a
certain server as a proxy server.

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