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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2017) xxx, xxx–xxx

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Renewable energy technologies for sustainable

development of energy efficient building
Arvind Chel a,*, Geetanjali Kaushik b

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, N-6,
CIDCO, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431003, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, N-6, CIDCO, Aurangabad,
Maharashtra 431003, India

Received 25 October 2013; revised 14 January 2017; accepted 27 February 2017

KEYWORDS Abstract The energy conservation through energy efficiency in the building has acquired prime
Sustainable building; importance all over the world. The four main aspects for energy efficiency in a building include first
Renewable energy; and foremost the nearly zero energy passive building design before actual construction, secondly the
Economics; usage of low energy building materials during its construction, thirdly use of energy efficient equip-
Building energy efficiency ments for low operational energy requirement and lastly integration of renewable energy technolo-
gies for various applications. These aspects have been discussed along with their economics and
environmental impacts briefly in this paper.
The first aspect is related to the prior design before construction of a solar passive building tech-
niques adapted all over the world not only for passive heating/cooling but also for daylighting the
building. Second is utilizing the low embodied energy building materials for building construction.
The third aspect deals with the operational energy conservation using energy efficient equipments in
the building. Lastly, the building has to include utility of integrated renewable systems for hot water
heating, solar photovoltaic electrification, etc.
Ó 2017 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction sumer of fossil energy after industry and agriculture. The

Asia-Link program is an initiative by the European Commis-
In the present day, the dwelling and habitat are invariably sion to promote and spread the knowledge on sustainable built
linked to making buildings as comfortable and convenient pos- environment with nearly zero energy approach. In this sustain-
sible all over the world. The building sector is growing at a able built environment program, there is promotion toward
rapid pace by investing 30–40% of total global basic resources. the integration of proven renewable energy technologies with
The present day buildings have become the third largest con- the building for various applications such as water heating,
heating/cooling and electricity production. The operational
* Corresponding author.
energy use in the building is of growing importance all over
the world.
E-mail address: (A. Chel).
The building labels have been introduced in European
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
countries, such as ‘Passive House’ in Germany and ‘Minen-
1110-0168 Ó 2017 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
2 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

ergy’ in Switzerland to certify standardized low energy build- the cold countries, the passive heating designs are integral part
ings [1]. Sources place the amount of energy expended in the of passive buildings e.g. sunspace, Trombe wall, air handling
building sector in Europe to about 40–45% of total energy unit with air-air heat exchangers and the air tightness with
consumption [2]; about two-thirds of this amount is used in the required air change per hour. In the hot and dry climatic
private buildings. Other sources claim, that in industrialized zones, passive cooling designs include the heavy design of wall
countries, energy usage in buildings is responsible for approx- and roof cooling using water evaporation, roof texture designs,
imately 50% of carbon dioxide emissions [3,4]. the earth-water heat exchangers, passive downdraft space cool-
Hence, sustainability assessment of buildings is becoming ing, solar refrigeration, etc. Secondly, the aspect regarding
necessary for sustainable development especially in the build- usage of the low energy building materials (such as fly ash
ing sector all over the world. The main goals of sustainable bricks; fiber reinforced bricks; wood and stabilized adobe
design were to reduce depletion of critical resources such as blocks) is becoming popular especially in India, Middle East,
energy, water, and raw materials; prevent environmental Europe, USA and UK. The embodied energy of the building
degradation caused by facilities and infrastructure throughout should be low so as to achieve building a low energy houses
their life cycle; and create built environments that are safe, pro- for sustainable habitat development. The third aspect deals
ductive and effective utility of the water and solar energy. The with the operational energy conservation using energy efficient
tool for building environmental assessment system (BEAS) has equipments such as LED lighting, five star rated fans, refriger-
been proposed by Burdova and Vilcekova and carried out at ation and air-conditioning equipments in India . Lastly, the
Slovakia given in Table 1 [5] for all resource conservations. aspect of using integrated renewable systems such as solar
Hence, there exists a tremendous potential to conserve water heater for the hot water utility, small wind turbine or
energy in buildings. Energy conservation measures are devel- solar photovoltaic electricity generation at the roof top of
oped for newly constructed buildings and for buildings under building are discussed in this paper with their economic anal-
refurbishment. However, to achieve a significant reduction in ysis and environmental emissions.
energy consumption in the building apart from the standard
energy-efficiency methods, proven renewable energy technolo- 2. Energy conservation in building
gies should be implemented and integrated with the passive
building [6]. In the European Union, from year 2020 all new There are four broad ways to reduce the energy consumption
buildings are going to implement all the aspects to achieve of building which ultimately results in mitigating emissions
the nearly zero energy building for the operational energy con- of CO2 emissions through energy conservation. These aspects
servation. The four main aspects for energy efficiency in a are described as follows:
building are discussed in this paper for sustainable develop-
ment in the building sector all over the world. a. Comfort passive building design and its orientation for
The first aspects are related to the utility of solar daylight, harnessing solar energy.
passive heating/cooling designs and provision for rain water b. Low embodied energy materials for building
harvestation to be integrated with passive building based on construction.
the prevailing climatic conditions of the site in the world. In

Table 1 The building environmental assessment system (BEAS) at Slovakia [5].

A. Site Selection and A1. Site Selection Use of land with high ecological sensitivity value; Land vulnerable to flooding; Land
project planning close to water endangered contamination; Distance to commercial and cultural
facilities; Distance to public green space, etc.
A2. Site Development Development of density; Possibility of change of building purpose; Impact of the
design on the existing streets scapes, etc.
B. Building B1. Materials Use of materials that are locally available, Re-use and recycling, etc.
Construction B2. Life cycle analysis Embodied energy of building materials; Global warming potential of material for
construction, etc.
C. Indoor Thermal comfort; Humidity, Acoustic; Day lighting; Indoor air quality; Total volatile
Environment organic compound, PM 10, etc.
D. Energy D1. Operational Energy Heating energy consumption; Energy consumption for domestic hot water; Energy
Performance for Air handling unit; Energy for cooling, energy for lighting, energy for appliances,
D2. Active systems using Solar water heaters; Heat pump; Photovoltaic technology; Heat recuperation, etc.
renewable energy sources
D3. Energy Management Operation and management; Control of lighting systems; occupant sensors and
technical control of appliances, etc.
E. Water Reduction and regulation of water flow; surface water run-off, drinking water supply;
Management filtration ‘gray water’, etc.
F. Waste Measures to minimize waste resulting from building operation; Measures to minimize
Management emission from building construction, operation and demolition; Handling risk of
hazardous waste resulting from facility operation, etc.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
Renewable energy technologies for an energy efficient building 3

c. Energy efficient domestic appliance to conserve the I. Direct gain – In this system, the actual living space is a
building operational energy. solar collector, heat absorber and distribution system.
d. Building integrated renewable energy technologies. South facing glass admits solar energy into the house
where it strikes directly and indirectly thermal mass
materials in the house such as masonry floors and walls
2.1. Passive building design as shown in Fig. 1. The direct gain system will utilize 60–
75% of the sun’s energy striking the windows. In a direct
The most sustainable energy technique is to conserve energy as gain system, the thermal mass floors and walls are func-
much as possible. Passive solar building design can aid energy tional parts of the house. The thermal mass absorbs
conservation efforts because building design is directly related solar radiations during daytime and radiates the heat
to energy use. Buildings with passive solar building designs energy during nighttime into the living space [10] as
naturally use the sun’s energy for free of charge heating, cool- shown in Fig. 1.
ing and daylighting. This reduces the need to consume energy II. Indirect gain – In an indirect gain of solar passive heat-
from other sources and provides a comfortable environment ing system, thermal mass is located between the sun and
inside. The principles of passive solar design are compatible the living space. The thermal mass absorbs the sunlight
with diverse architectural styles and can be renovated with that strikes it and transfers it to the living space by con-
existing building for net zero energy use [7]. duction. The indirect gain system will utilize 30–45% of
the sun’s energy striking the glass adjoining the thermal
2.1.1. Passive solar design principles mass. There are three types of indirect gain systems
 Thermal storage wall systems (or Trombe wall).
Passive solar design integrates a combination of building fea-
 Water wall.
tures to reduce or even eliminate the need for mechanical cool-
 Roof pond systems.
ing and heating and daytime artificial lighting. Designers and
builders pay particular attention to the sun to minimize heat-
ing and cooling needs. The design does not need to be com-
In indirect gain solar passive heating system, Trombe wall
plex, but it should involve knowledge of solar geometry,
absorbs and stores heat during the day. Excess heat is carried
window technology, and local climate. Given the proper build-
out by passage air between wall and glass through ther-
ing site, virtually any type of architecture can integrate passive
mosyphon principle into the interior space as shown in
solar design [7].
Fig. 2. At night Trombe wall vents are closed and the storage
The basic natural processes that are used in passive solar
wall radiates heat into the interior space as shown in Fig. 2. In
energy are the thermal energy flows associated with radiation,
water wall indirect solar passive heating system, the wall is
conduction, and natural convection. When sunlight strikes a
composed of water stored in the transparent/opaque contain-
building, the building materials can reflect, transmit, or absorb
ers. During daytime water absorbs solar heat and radiates heat
the solar radiation. Additionally, the heat produced by the sun
during night. The five basic elements of passive solar design are
causes air movement that can be predictable in designed
spaces. These basic responses to solar heat lead to design ele- shown in Fig. 3.
ments, material choices and placements that can provide heat- An indirect gain solar passive design that provides both
ing and cooling effects in a home. Passive solar energy means heating and cooling is the thermal pond approach, which uses
that mechanical means are not employed to utilize solar water encased in ultraviolet ray inhibiting plastic beds under-
energy. There are some rules of thumb which must be lined with a dark color, that are placed on a roof. Hence, this
considered for effective solar energy utilization through system is known as roof pond solar passive heating/cooling
passive solar systems [8,9]. The building energy management system. In warm and temperate climates with low precipita-
can be achieved smartly using the nearly zero energy building
concept [9].

2.1.2. Passive solar heating

The goal of all passive solar heating systems was to capture the
sun’s heat within the building’s elements and release that heat
during periods when the sun is not shining. At the same time
that the building’s elements (or materials) are absorbing heat
for later use, solar heat is available for keeping the space com-
fortable (not overheated). Two primary elements of passive
solar heating required are as follows:

 South facing glass for northern region and vice versa.

 Thermal mass to absorb, store, and distribute heat.

There are three approaches to passive solar heating systems

– direct gain, indirect gain, and isolated gain. Figure 1 Direct gain: thermal mass absorbs heat in day through
window and radiates in night [10].

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
4 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

Figure 2 Trombe wall with air circulation open during day and
closed in night [11].

tion, the flat roof structure serves directly as a ceiling for the Figure 4 Roof pond stores heat daytime and radiates in
living spaces below (Fig. 4) thereby facilitating heating and nighttime for winter and reverse in summer [11].
cooling for the spaces below. In colder climates, where heating
is more desirable, attic ponds under pitched roof glazing are
effective. Winter heating occurs when sunlight heats the water, with little concern about the orientation of the structure or
which then radiates energy into the living space as well as optimal building form [11].
absorbs heat within the water thermal mass for nighttime dis-
tribution (see Fig. 4). III. Isolated gain – An isolated passive solar heat gain system
During nighttime in winter months, movable insulation is has its integral parts separated from the main living area
covered over the roof pond and hence it radiates heat in the of a house [10]. Isolated gain involves utilizing solar
interior living space as shown in Fig. 4. During daytime in energy to passively move heat from or to the living space
summer months, the movable insulation is covered over the using a fluid, such as water or air by natural convection
roof pond so that solar heat gain is minimized and water or forced convection [12]. Examples are sunroom and
absorbs heat from the room to provide the cooling effect inside convective loop through flat plate air collector to a stor-
the living space. While during nighttime in summer months, age system in the house as shown in Fig. 5 [10]. The abil-
the movable insulation is removed and the water radiates heat ity to isolate the system from the primary living areas is
outside the room by absorbing the heat from the interior living the point of distinction for this type of system. The iso-
space [11]. One of the major advantages of this approach is lated gain system will utilize 15–30% of the sunlight
that it allows all rooms to have their own radiant energy source striking the glazing toward heating the adjoining living
areas. Solar energy is also retained in the sunroom itself.

Figure 3 Passive solar design: control using overhang, location of aperture, thermal mass design and distribution of gain.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
Renewable energy technologies for an energy efficient building 5

V. Flat plate solar collector: It is attached to the structure

separately and uses a fluid (liquid or air) to collect solar
heat gain. The heat is transferred through ducts or pipes
by natural convection to a storage area – comprised of a
bin (for air) or a tank (for liquid), where the collected
cooler air or water is displaced and forced back to the
collector. If air is used as the transfer medium in a con-
vection loop, heated air coming from the collector is
usually directed into a rock (or other masonry mass
material) bin where heat is absorbed by the rocks from
the air. As the air passes its heat to the rocks it cools,
falls to the bottom of the bin and is returned to the col-
lector completing the cycle. At night the interior space of
the structure is heated by convection of the collected
radiant energy from the rock bin. If water is the transfer
medium, the process works in much the same way except
Figure 5 Isolated heat gain system through integrated solar that heat is stored in a tank, and as hot water is intro-
collector for isolated heat gain [10]. duced, cooler water is circulated to the collector. In nat-
urally occurring convection systems (non-mechanically
assisted) collectors must be lower than storage units,
which must be lower than the spaces to be heated as
shown in Fig. 6 [11].

2.1.3. Passive solar cooling

A combination of proper insulation, energy-efficient windows
and doors, daylighting, shading, and ventilation will usually
keep homes cool with a low amount of energy use [13]. The
approaches include use of operable windows, wing walls and
thermal chimney. Natural ventilation can be created by pro-
viding vents in the upper level of a building to allow warm
air to rise by convection and escape to the outside. At the same
time cooler air can be drawn in through vents at the lower
level. This lower vent is provided where there are trees planted
Figure 6 Flat plate solar heat gain collector with water/air besides the building to provide shade for cooler outside air
convection loop [11]. [14].

(I) Ventilation and Operable Windows

o Place operable windows on the south exposure.
o Casement windows offer the best airflow. Awning (or
hopper) windows should be fully opened or air will be
directed to ceiling. Awning windows offer the best
rain protection and perform better than double hung
o If a room can have windows on only one side, use two
widely spaced windows instead of one window [15].

(II) Wing Walls

Wing walls are vertical solid panels placed alongside win-

Figure 7 Top view of wing walls airflow pattern [15]. dows perpendicular to the wall on the windward side of the
house. Wing walls will accelerate the natural wind speed due
to pressure differences created by the wing wall as shown in
IV. Sunroom (or solar greenhouse): It integrates a combina- Fig. 7 [15].
tion of direct gain and indirect gain system features.
Sunlight entering the sunroom is retained in the thermal (III) Thermal Chimney
mass and air of the room. Sunlight is brought into the
house by means of conduction through a shared mass A thermal chimney employs convective currents to draw air
wall in the rear of the sunroom, or by vents that permit out of a building. By creating a warm or hot zone with an exte-
the air between the sunroom and living space to be rior exhaust outlet, air can be drawn into the house ventilating
exchanged by convection [10]. the structure. Thermal chimneys can be constructed in a

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
6 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

narrow configuration (like a chimney) with an easily heated Energy in buildings can be categorized into two types: (1)
black metal absorber on the inside behind a glazed front that energy for the maintenance/servicing of a building during its
can reach high temperatures and be insulated from the house. useful life, and (2) energy capital that goes into production
The chimney must terminate above the roof level. A rotating of a building (embodied energy) using building materials.
metal scoop at the top which opens opposite the wind will Study of both the types of energy consumption is required
allow heated air to exhaust without being overcome by the pre- for complete understanding of building energy needs [19].
vailing wind. Thermal chimney effects can be integrated into Presently the embodied energy of building materials con-
the house with open stairwells and atria as shown in Figs. 8 tributes anywhere from 15% to 20% of the energy used by a
and 9. This approach can add into the aesthetic of the home. building over a 50 year period. Homeowners have tremendous
influence as to what materials are used and can specify those
(IV) Other Ventilation Strategies materials with low embodied energy, thus reducing the amount
o Make the outlet openings slightly larger than the inlet of fossil-fuel energy used during production [20]. Use of low
openings. embodied energy materials in buildings can greatly reduce
o Place the inlets at low to medium heights to provide the energy consumption in buildings and also minimize the
airflow at occupant levels in the room. environmental impacts of building construction. Table 2 shows
the embodied energy of the commonly used construction
Passive solar building cooling design is used to (1) slow the The construction industry is one of the largest in terms of
rate of heat transfer into a building in the summer, and (2) employing manpower and volume of materials produced
remove unwanted heat from a building. The principles of phy- (cement, brick, steel and other materials). Demand and supply
sics are holistically integrated into the exterior envelope. This gap for residential buildings is increasing every year. Cement
is much easier to do in new construction. It involves a good (>75 million tonnes per annum), steel (>10 million tonnes
understanding of the mechanisms of heat transfer: heat con- per annum) and bricks (>70 billion per annum) are the largest
duction, convective heat transfer, and thermal radiation (pri- and bulk consumption items in the Indian construction indus-
marily from the sun) [16]. try. Minimizing the consumption of the conventional materials
by using alternative materials, methods and techniques can
2.2. Embodied energy in buildings result in scope for considerable energy savings as well as reduc-
tion of CO2 emission [19]. The modern tendency is to use
An important goal for the building sector is to produce build- energy intensive material in buildings such as Aluminum, steel
ings with minimum environmental impacts. Energy use is a and glass. Hence, the consumption of these metals should be
central issue as enormous energy is used in the construction kept to a minimum, in order to keep the energy in a building
of buildings [17]. Hence it is important to consider low embod- low. Varieties of materials are used for the construction of
ied energy materials that reduce the energy in the building con- masonry walls.
struction. Embodied energy is the energy consumed by all of It is important to look for alternative materials with low
the processes associated with the production of a building, embodied energy. Five types of building blocks viz. stone,
from the acquisition of natural resources to product delivery, burnt clay brick, soil–cement block, hollow concrete block
including mining, manufacturing of materials and equipment, and steam cured mud block were considered for embodied
transport and administrative functions [18]. energy analysis and it was found that stone blocks do not con-
sume any thermal energy, whereas burnt clay bricks consume
maximum amount of energy among the alternatives studied.
Soil–cement block with 6% cement is the most energy efficient
block consuming only 23.5% of burnt clay brick energy. Soil–
cement block and hollow concrete block with 7–8% cement
have similar embodied energy values, i.e. about 30% of the
burnt clay brick energy. Steam cured mud blocks consume
about 60% of burnt clay brick energy. This can be attributed
to high percentage of lime and fuel used for steaming opera-
tions. Building materials are transported over distances in
excess of 100 km in many urban centers in India. Diesel energy
spent for transportation could be about 5–10% of energy spent
during manufacturing process for burnt clay bricks. Energy
spent in transporting high-energy materials such as steel and
cement is negligible when compared to the energy spent in
the manufacture of these materials.
The embodied energy analysis of various buildings compo-
nents reveals that the energy content of burnt clay brick
masonry is 2141 MJ/m3. The soil–cement block masonry is
most energy efficient at one-third of the energy of burnt clay
brick masonry, while the concrete block masonry has about
40–45% of energy content of burnt clay brick masonry. The
use of stabilized mud blocks (SMB) filler blocks in solid rein-
Figure 8 Thermal chimney [15]. forced cement (RC) roof/floor slabs leads to 20% reduction

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
Renewable energy technologies for an energy efficient building 7

Figure 9 Thermal chimney effect built into home [15].

bricks and RC slab has 30% less embodied energy when com-
Table 2 Embodied primary energy of building materials [21]. pared to RC framed structure building. The use of energy effi-
cient alternative building technologies can result in
Ranking Building Material Primary Energy Input considerable reduction in the embodied energy of the build-
ings. Load bearing soil–cement block masonry and SMB filler
Very high Aluminum 200–250 slab have resulted in 62% reduction in embodied energy when
energy Plastics 50–100 compared with RC framed structure building and 45% reduc-
Copper 100+ tion when compared with burnt clay brick masonry and RC
Stainless steel 100
solid slab building [19].
High energy Steel 20–60 The results of the above discussed work give useful tips for
Lead, Zinc 25+ selecting an energy efficient building technology leading to
Glass 12–25 considerable reduction in embodied energy of the building as
Cement 5–8 a whole. Even though the results pertain to Indian conditions,
Plaster board 8–10
many other developing nations have similar construction prac-
Medium Lime 3–5 tices, where these results can be conveniently extrapolated and
energy Clay bricks and tiles 2–7 used. Adobe (or mud) houses that use adobe, cow dung and
Gypsum plaster 1–4 other very low energy intensive material lead to very low emis-
Concrete sion of CO2 in comparison with concrete or brick buildings.
In situ 0.8–1.5
Based on embodied energy analysis, the energy payback
Blocks 0.8–3.5
Precast 1.5–8
time for the mud-house was determined as 18 years [22]. The
Sand-lime brick 0.8–1.2 embodied energy per unit floor area of R.C.C. building
Timber (sawn) 0.1–5 (3702.3 MJ/m2) is quiet high as compared to the mud-house
(2298.8 MJ/m2) [22]. The annual heating and cooling energy
Low energy Sand, aggregate <0.5
saving potential of the mud-house were determined as
Flyash, RHA, <0.5
1481 kW h/year and 1813 kW h/year respectively for New
volcanic ash
Soil <0.5 Delhi composite climate [22]. The total mitigation of CO2
Adobe <0.2 emissions due to both heating and cooling energy saving
potential was determined as 5.2 metric tons/year [22]. The
annual carbon credit potential of mud-house was determined
as €52/year. Similar results were obtained for the different cli-
in energy content. Masonry vault roofs are more energy effi- matic locations in India. The mitigation of CO2 emissions was
cient than solid RC slab. Tile roofs have least energy content determined as 58 metric tons due to construction of renovated
when compared with other roofing systems. A comparison of mud-house of floor area about 94 m2 compared to RCC struc-
three types of buildings: a multi-storey building; conventional ture house [22]. The carbon credits earned were determined as
two-storey load bearing brickwork building and another two- €580 due to mitigation of CO2 emissions from construction of
storey building using alternative building technologies, has mud-house instead of R.C.C. structure building (assuming
been done. It is found that the embodied energy of multi- €10/metric ton of CO2 mitigation) [22]. Hence, total embodied
storey RC framed structure building is the highest at 421 GJ energy of building can be substantially reduced when energy
(21 tonnes of coal equivalent) for 100 m2 built-up area. Build- efficient/alternative low embodied energy building materials
ing with load bearing masonry structure using burnt clay are used.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
8 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

2.3. Building integrated renewable energy technologies building’s architecture and the environment. Solar energy sys-
tems are also preferred for aesthetic reasons, in order to avoid
Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are the negative phenomena of diesel engines for heat and electric-
continuously replenished. The various forms of renewable ity (e.g. smokes, chimneys). It is also important to apply them
energy are derived directly from the sun, or from heat gener- if they are harmoniously implemented into the existing, local,
ated deep within the earth. The electricity and heat generated and natural particularities of the environment through good
from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal planning and wise environmental studies.
resources, and biofuels and hydrogen derived from renewable The exploitation of solar energy systems toward sustainable
resources are also included in this definition [23]. The renew- development applications could take the form of the creation
able energy technologies include solar power, wind power, of innovative buildings, equipped with bioclimatic features
hydroelectricity, micro-hydro, biomass and biofuels [24]. aiming at the saving of energy. As it is known that the sector
According to global status report 2007, about 18% of glo- of buildings is responsible for about 35% of the final energy
bal final energy consumption in 2006 came from renewables, consumption and for the 40% of the gas emissions, it is esti-
with 13% coming from traditional biomass, such as wood- mated that the saving of energy can arrive at 60% when solar
burning. Hydropower was the next largest renewable source energy systems are used for heating and cooling purposes.
providing 3%, followed by hot water/heating which con- Besides, a new directive from European Commission (EC)
tributed 1.3%. Modern technologies, such as geothermal, has been placed into force with regard to the obligation of
wind, solar, and ocean energy together provided some 0.8% energy saving in the newly constructed buildings. Thus, RES
of final energy consumption [25]. Therefore the technical application to buildings with improved performance and aes-
potential for their use is enormous, which exceeds all other thetic integration can result in the rising of the standards of liv-
readily available sources [26]. ing [27]. There are following building integrated solar energy
Significant amount of heat and electricity needs of buildings systems adopted worldwide:
can be effectively covered by using solar thermal collectors and
photovoltaic. In the coming years, other renewable energy (I) Flat Plate Thermosyphon Units (FPTU) and Integrated
sources (RES) such as wind turbines, biomass and hydrogen Collector Storage (ICS)
(produced only from RES) can be also applied, minimizing
the use of the conventional energy sources. RES and nuclear These systems are small size solar water heaters, aiming to
energy can be considered the alternative energy sources to cover domestic needs of about 100–200 liters of hot water per
avoid greenhouse effect. Between these two energy sources, day [27,28]. ICS solar systems are simpler and have lower cost
only RES are clean and compatible with the environment, than FPTU systems, as they consist of solar collector and
are almost uniformly distributed globally, can be easily used water storage tank mounted together in the same device
from all people with minimum market trust and ownership (Fig. 10). These systems can be used as separate units for
undertaking and of course are inexhaustible [27]. one family houses and also in series connection with an insu-
Renewable energy technologies have several benefits such lated storage tank inside the building, regarding larger size
as sustainability and security of energy supply, increased applications.
employment, and long lifetime of energy systems. Even if the
cost of solar energy systems remains in high levels it seems (II) Solar Collectors with Colored Absorbers
to be in compliance with European and international commit-
ments. This is due to the fact that solar technology is a very The solar collectors with absorbers of different colors than
friendly one in environmental terms for buildings and urban black could be an interesting solution for the wider application
applications. This kind of technology is also highly important of solar energy systems. These colored collectors have lower
for the economy of most countries as they can replace the absorptance and hence operate with lower thermal efficiency
expensive and imported conventional energy sources (oil, than that of the usual black type collectors but they are more
gas, coal and nuclear fuels). Solar Energy Systems can be
applied in a very harmonic way on buildings to cover the heat-
ing, cooling, electricity and lighting needs. The facades and the
horizontal or inclined roofs of houses, hotels, athletic centers,
etc, constitute appropriate surfaces for an expanded use of
solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels.
Buildings can be designed according to the bioclimatic
architecture for the minimization of the energy needs and the
environmental impact of them, using new heat-insulating
materials and special glasses (e.g. smart windows), which
reduce effectively thermal losses during the winter and energy
consumption for cooling during the summer. Under these
aspects, the prospective energy savings in the buildings (espe-
cially in the new buildings) can be more than 50% of the
energy consumption of standard buildings and become a regu-
lar procedure for the built environment construction [27].
The installation of devices and active solar energy units is
related to their cost increase and their harmonization with
Figure 10 ICS systems with flat and tubular storage tank [27].

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
Renewable energy technologies for an energy efficient building 9

interesting to architects for applications on traditional or mod- roof as shown in Fig. 12 [32]. A novel PV-Trombe wall is
ern buildings. Regarding cost, an additional amount of about shown in Fig. 12 [32].
20% to increase the collector area, can be considered to over- The PV module provides electricity and also chimney effect
come their lower thermal output compared to the collectors which can be utilized to heat the room in winter by recircula-
with black absorber of the same type. The application of blue tion of room air through vents. The same PV-Trombe wall can
collectors in white buildings in islands, or red brown collectors cool the room by providing chimney effect to circulate the out-
in buildings with inclined roof and traditional architecture and side air to carry away the heat gain and thereby cooling the
of other color on modern buildings, could contribute to a room air through induced ventilation in the chimney as shown
wider use of solar thermal collectors [27,29]. in Fig. 12. The arrangement can be made into the PV-Trombe
wall by inducing the flow of cool air into the room from sha-
(III) Solar Collectors with Booster Reflectors dow side of the room and then passing it through the chimney
which also provides cooling effect inside the room.
There are many buildings which have horizontal roof and
solar collectors can be installed in parallel rows, placed at a (VI) Fresnel Lenses for Building Atria
proper distance, in order to avoid collector shading during
winter. The space between the parallel rows can be used to pro- Fresnel lenses are optical devices for solar radiation concen-
vide additional solar radiation on the collector aperture sur- tration and are of lower volume and weight, smaller focal
face by placing booster reflectors from the collector top of length and lower cost, compared to the thick ordinary lenses.
the one row to the collector bottom of the next row. These The advantage to separate the direct from the diffuse solar
reflectors can contribute to the increase in the thermal energy radiation makes Fresnel lenses suitable for illumination con-
output by about 20–50% and from spring to fall this type of trol of building interior space, providing light of suitable inten-
installation is suitable for collector operation in higher temper- sity level and without sharp contrasts. The Fresnel lens
atures, adapting therefore space cooling requirements [27,30]. concept has been suggested for solar control of the buildings
to keep the illumination and the interior temperature at the
(IV) Unglazed Solar Collectors comfort level [33]. Laboratory scale experimental results give
an idea about the application of this new optical system. The
The optical annoyance from reflected light, the use of glass collection of 60–80% of the transmitted solar radiation
coatings that diffuse reflected light is the most appropriate through the Fresnel lenses on linear absorbers leaves the rest
solution. More often and to avoid the problems from the glare, amount to be distributed in the interior space for the illumina-
it is considered worthy to use uncovered (unglazed) solar col- tion and thermal building needs. In low intensity solar radia-
lectors for low temperature applications (swimming pools, pre- tion, the absorber can be out of focus, leaving all light to
heating of water, etc). The unglazed solar collectors can be come in the interior space and to keep the illumination at an
alternative to typical collectors with glazing, for water heating acceptable level. The Fresnel lenses can be combined with ther-
up to about 35 °C (Fig. 11). In this perspective, uncovered col- mal, photovoltaic, or hybrid type photovoltaic/ thermal absor-
lectors can be combined with colored surface for an even more bers to collect and extract the concentrated solar radiation in
interesting integration of solar collectors in facades and the form of heat, electricity or both.
inclined roofs of buildings [31].
(VII) Building Integration of Solar/Wind Systems
(V) Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Systems
Another interesting subject that has been studied is the
building integration of solar and wind energy systems. Both
The solar energy systems that provide electricity and heat
of these devices appear to be the most interesting among
simultaneously are the hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T)
renewable energy sources for the built environment. The
systems, which consisted of PV modules coupled to water or
facades and the horizontal or inclined roofs of houses, hotels,
air heat extraction devices achieving a higher energy conver-
athletic centers and buildings of other types are appropriate
sion efficiency of the absorbed solar radiation [32]. Such instal-
surfaces for the application of solar energy conversion systems
lations can contribute to building natural ventilation,
as they are the photovoltaic panels and the thermal collectors
operating as solar chimneys on building facade and inclined
for the electricity and heat demand respectively.
Apart from them small wind turbines (WT) can be mounted
on building roofs, mainly at locations with satisfactory wind
velocity potential. The use of small WT to typical grid con-
nected residential buildings, hotels, etc, is recently suggested
to provide electricity supply and they are suitable mainly for
decentralized applications. In addition, they can be effectively
combined in complementary operation with photovoltaic and
solar thermal collectors [34]. In this direction, there are various
systems developed, such as wind turbines of horizontal
(HAWT) or vertical (VAWT) axis, wind concentrators. Hybrid
photovoltaic-wind and/or Diesel systems can offer great abili-
ties in the production of energy based on solar and wind
energy. In regions where sunshine and wind conditions are
Figure 11 Solar collectors: (a) glazed insulated, (b) unglazed
good, like the Greek islands, the combined use of photovoltaic
insulated, (c) unglazed [27].

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
10 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

Figure 12 PV-Trombe wall for (a) winter heating and (b) summer cooling [32].

and wind turbines has great results for most of the day-night
period and also for a very large period of a year, with the ther- (VIII) Smart air handling unit of a nearly zero energy building at
mal collectors covering thermal needs all year round. Belgium
The combination of photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) and WT
In cold climatic conditions, the fresh ambient air
systems has been suggested as a new concept and the multiple
pre-heating is carried out by using preheated capacity of
energy conversion systems are the hybrid wind (electric) or
Earth-water heat exchanger integrated with the water air heat
solar (electric and thermal) systems (i.e. WT or PV/T). They
exchanger (WAHE) as shown in Fig. 13 [36]. The further
are considered suitable in rural and remote areas with electric-
heating occurs due to heat exchange between exhaust room
ity supply from stand-alone units or mini-grid connection. WT
air and the preheated fresh ventilation air at the air-air heat
or PV/T systems can also be used in typical grid connected
exchanger (AAHE). Additional heating of ventilation air
applications [35]. For stand-alone WT and PV systems, diesel
occurs due to the central heating coil coupled with the solar
generators are used in case that solar and wind energies are not
water heater as shown in Fig. 13 [36]. There is circulation of
sufficient to cover the electrical load.
the ventilation air to the dedicated spaces of the house with dif-
A very important issue that makes hybrid systems interest-
ferent flow rates as set by the user during daytime and night-
ing solution for the production of energy is the complementary
time along with set smart control sensors for efficient control
function of the photovoltaic panels and the wind turbine. PV
operation of underground EWHE pump and AAHE. These
panels can be useful only in daytime and under a certain solar
houses are air tight since it’s integrated with smart air handling
radiation. On the other hand, WT can produce energy only
unit for efficient room air heating operation at Belgium [36].
when the wind velocity is above a certain rate. So, PV and
WT systems can effectively be combined with PV for sunny
3. Economics of renewable energy technologies
days and WT for windy nights or for the cloudy days. Also,
during winter, where the solar radiation is generally at a low
rate, PV systems cannot reach a sufficient performance while 3.1. Economics of PV system for building
WT can offer a lot to energy supply. During summer months,
PV systems have fascinating results, which could compensate The unit cost of electricity for the typical PV system which can
for the unsteady performance of the WT. be used for building is summarized in Table 3 [37]. Several val-
Hence, new solar energy systems of better view than the ues of installed cost in dollars per peak watt were considered
usual types, such as the integrated collector storage (ICS) solar along with three different values of minimum attractive rates
water heaters and the thermal collectors with colored absor- of return (or discount rate (d)) [37].
bers are suggested for a wider and more aesthetic application In all these calculations, it was assumed that (i) the useful
of solar energy to buildings. The horizontal roofs of buildings life of the PV system is 20 years, (ii) the annual maintenance
can be effectively used for the conversion of the incoming solar cost is 2 percent of the total capital cost of the system, (iii)
radiation if booster reflectors are mounted between the parallel taxes and insurance costs are not to be paid and (iv) capacity
rows of the collectors. Lighting and temperature control of utilization is 25% [36]. The optimum size and cost for PV sys-
atria or other interior building spaces can be achieved with tem components (such as PV array, battery bank, inverter and
Fresnel lenses combined with linear multifunctional absorbers. solar charge controller) with respect to number of full-sunshine
Alternatively to the building integrated photovoltaic, new hours on the optimally titled surface corresponding to the
solar devices, the hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) systems, location of site in the world map were reported by eminent sci-
can be used to provide electricity and heat. The wind energy entists [37]. The optimal tilt for PV array was reported equal to
systems, such as the small wind turbines with horizontal or the latitude of the place. The seasonal variation of this opti-
vertical axis can be considered interesting RES devices for mum tilt angle for winter and summer months can be consid-
the buildings, which can be effectively combined with PV or ered in the range of latitude ±15o, +15 considered during
PV/T solar systems. winter months and 15 during summer months [38].

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
Renewable energy technologies for an energy efficient building 11

Figure 13 Smart air handling unit of nearly zero energy building designed for heating fresh air [36].

Table 3 Unit cost of electricity from photovoltaic technology Table 4 Unit cost of electricity for wind power generation (O
for building [37]. & M cost = 2% of capital cost, life = 20 years, discount
$/Watt Unit cost of PV electricity ($/kW h) rate = 12%) [37].

d = 5% d = 10% d = 15% Capital cost ($/kW) Unit cost of electricity ($/kW h) from wind
power system for different values of capacity
20 0.92 1.25 1.64 utilization factor (CUF)
16 0.73 1.00 1.31
12 0.55 0.75 0.98 CUF = 0.20 CUF = 0.25 CUF = 0.30
8 0.37 0.50 0.66 500 0.044 0.035 0.029
4 0.18 0.25 0.32 600 0.053 0.042 0.035
2 0.09 0.12 0.16 700 0.062 0.050 0.041
1 0.04 0.06 0.08 800 0.070 0.056 0.047
900 0.079 0.063 0.052
1000 0.088 0.070 0.058
1100 0.097 0.078 0.065
3.2. Economics of wind power system for building 1200 0.106 0.085 0.071

Table 4 presents the economic numerical calculation results for

wind power generation. The capital cost as well as capacity uti-
lization affects the unit cost electricity from wind turbine to that of the conventional cheapest water heating options for
power generation systems. At higher values of discount rate, high values of capacity utilization with low values of discount
capital cost accounts for 80% of the total cost of wind gener- rate (d).
ated electricity [37]. Thus, reduction in the capital cost of wind
turbines will have a direct impact on the unit cost of electricity 3.4. Economics of solar water pumping system for building
generated from the wind resource. In brief, the wind electricity
cost can be reduced by (i) reduction in capital cost and (ii) The effect of water demand and pumping head on the unit cost
increased energy output as a result of improved aerofoil, larger of water is given in Table 5 [37]. The solar PV surface pump
turbines and the introduction of more efficient operating was used for maximum of 10,000 m3 water demand at 10 m
strategies. The capital cost will be reduced as a result of inno- head while for all water demands of 20 m head were met by
vations which may include the use of lighter weight materials using the submersible solar PV water pump. As expected,
and designs leading to lower manufacturing costs. increase in water demand results in reduced cost of pumping
water for all resource technology combinations reported in
3.3. Economics of solar hot water system for building Table 6 [37]. The reason behind this is improvement in the
capacity utilization for all resource technology combinations
There are different conventional options for obtaining the use- except solar PV pumps.
ful thermal energy and their cost comparison is given in Table 5
(a) [37]. The efficiency of fuel utilization and unit price of fuel 3.5. Economics of solar PV lanterns for building
used for water heating have maximum effect on the unit cost of
useful thermal energy delivered. The unit cost of useful thermal In the commercial street markets in developing countries, the
energy delivered by solar hot water system is presented in the use of solar lanterns has increased tremendously because of
Table 5(b) [37]. As expected, the unit cost of useful thermal low cost option without any pollution as compared with con-
energy delivered critically depends upon the total number of ventional (petromax or kerosene) lamps in the street markets.
days when the solar heated water is delivered to or used by The cost comparison was made based on the January 1996
the investor. The unit cost of solar water heater is comparable price (1 US $ = Rs. 35). These solar PV lanterns need to be

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
12 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

Table 5a Unit cost of useful thermal energy for water heating systems [37].
Fuel Unit Calorific Value (MJ/unit) Efficiency of Utilization Unit Price Unit cost of useful
of Fuel (Rs./unit) thermal energy (Rs./MJ)
Electricity kW h 3.6 0.9 3 0.93
kW h 3.6 0.9 5 1.54
LPG kg 45 0.6 16 0.59
kg 45 0.6 25 0.93
Kerosene kg 45 0.4 7.5 0.42
kg 45 0.4 14 0.78
Fuelwood kg 16 0.1 1.5 0.94
kg 16 0.25 1.5 0.38
Natural Gas kg 39 0.6 2 0.08
kg 39 0.6 2.5 0.11

Table 5b Unit cost of useful thermal energy for solar water heating system [37].
Capital cost (Rs.) Capacity Utilization Unit cost of useful thermal energy delivered (Rs./MJ)
d = 6% d = 8% d = 10% d = 12%
15,000 0.1 2.55 2.87 3.21 3.56
0.2 1.27 1.43 1.60 1.78
0.3 0.85 0.96 1.07 1.19
0.4 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.89
0.5 0.51 0.57 0.64 0.71
0.6 0.42 0.48 0.53 0.59
0.7 0.36 0.41 0.46 0.51
0.8 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.45
0.9 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40
20,000 0.1 3.40 3.82 4.28 4.75
0.2 1.70 1.91 2.14 2.38
0.3 1.13 1.27 1.43 1.58
0.4 0.85 0.96 1.07 1.19
0.5 0.68 0.76 0.86 0.95
0.6 0.57 0.64 0.71 0.79
0.7 0.49 0.55 0.61 0.68
0.8 0.42 0.48 0.53 0.59
0.9 0.38 0.42 0.48 0.53

promoted for rural and semi-urban areas in developing coun- rainfall and freshwater sources. The conventional distillation
tries such as India, China, South Africa. Two hurricane lan- using fossil fuels are more complicated than solar distilla-
terns are needed to provide illuminance equivalent to 3 W tion systems. The conventional systems require capital
solar PV lanterns for identical conditions [37], while the light amortization, maintenance and operation cost. The unit cost
output of 11 W solar PV lantern is comparable to a petromax. of distilled water produced by conventional distillation
In view of this, the cost per hour of illumination of 3 W solar systems will depend upon the above factors besides the cost
PV lantern was compared with cost per hour of illuminance of fuel used. The solar assisted distillation systems are
from two hurricane lanterns. Similarly, cost comparison was similar to the conventional desalination systems in all
made between 11 W solar PV lantern and petromax. The cost respects except for the energy source and associated solar
comparison results are given in Table 7. The market price of energy collection sub-systems. Solar assisted distillation sys-
kerosene was considered as Rs. 8/liter (January 1996) [37]. tems are even more complicated in operation than conven-
Hence, in the present case, these solar lanterns are more eco- tional plants due to its dependence on a variable input
nomical because of rise in fossil fuel prices. source.
In principle, other renewable energy sources such as wind
3.6. Economics of solar distillation for drinking water supply in energy, biomass energy and ocean thermal energy can be used
arid area buildings for distillation. A comparison of the estimated distilled water
cost produced from various conventional distilled methods
The conventional solar stills are the simplest devices for with solar assisted distillation techniques is presented in Table 8
providing distilled water in the remote arid areas with little [37].

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
Renewable energy technologies for an energy efficient building 13

Table 6 Unit cost of water pumping for different heads [37].

Annual demand of water (m3) Type of pump set Unit cost of water (Rs/m3) for the head of
5m 10 m 20 m
7000 Solar PV 0.907 2.640 5.17
Windmill 0.612 0.830 Not applicable
Producer Gas Diesel 0.885 1.131 1.375
Biogas Diesel 0.562 0.728 0.847
Diesel Engine 0.610 0.848 1.113
Electric Motor 0.493 0.563 0.650
10,000 Solar PV 0.882 2.610 Not applicable
Windmill 0.428 Not applicable Not applicable
Producer Gas Diesel 0.656 0.864 1.103
Biogas Diesel 0.411 0.545 0.664
Diesel Engine 0.467 0.637 0.938
Electric Motor 0.359 0.420 0.507

4. Economics of solar lighting and passive heating/cooling Table 8 Cost comparison of distillation systems for fresh
techniques for building water production [37].
Sr. Distillation Techniques Distilled water cost,
There are various passive solar heating/cooling and solar light- No. d = 10% (US $/m3)
ing techniques. The economics of these systems are briefly dis- A. Conventional Distillation Methods
cussed below: 1. Single Purpose, Multistage Flash 1.74
4.1. Economics of daylighting in buildings 2. Thermal Vapor Compression 1.02
3. Single Purpose, Long Tube, Multiple 1.05
There are various daylighting techniques used for natural Effect Distillation
4. Dual Purpose, Long Tube, Multiple 0.61
lighting of interior space of buildings to cut down the artificial
Effect Distillation
lighting energy requirement of the building during daytime. 5. Seawater Reverse Osmosis 0.71
There is courtyard in the Indian Habitat Centre in New Delhi
(India) to serve the purpose of employ relaxation with fountain B. Solar Assisted Distillation Methods
and natural beauty of in-house plants. It is shaded with trans- 6. Solar Pond, Long Tube, Multiple 0.80–0.88
Effect Distillation
parent colored plastic sheets so that it allows light intensity
7. Solar High Temperature Parabolic 0.87–0.91
which is desired for normal illuminance for relaxation. Simi- Mirrors- Long Tube Multiple Effect
larly, in TERI retreat building in New Delhi (India), semi- Distillation
transparent PV modules are placed over the staircase roof to 8. Parabolic mirrors, Thermal Vapor 1.32–1.44
provide natural light required for walking on the staircase. Compression
This daylighting system leads to artificial lighting energy 9. Solar High Temperature Parabolic 0.88–0.90
savings. Consider a skylight building located at Solar Energy Mirrors, Seawater Reverse Osmosis
Park, IIT Delhi (India), which provides an average amount
of 400 Lux (or Lumens/m2) on the floor throughout the year.
This is equivalent to 10,000 lumens for 25 m2 of floor area. It is
known that the average efficacy of energy efficient 15 W CFL If the cost incurred in retrofitting of skylight is Rs. 14,000
lamp is 40 Lumen/W. Hence, the natural skylight is equivalent then the simple payback period can be estimated nearly
to 17 CFL lamps of 15 W. If natural light is available for 5 years. Hence, it is economical to retrofit skylight in the exist-
6 h/day then daily energy saving from 17 CFL lamps is calcu- ing building for obtaining natural light inside the room. How-
lated as 1.53 kW h/day. The annual energy saving from this ever, the availability of skylight inside the room varies with
natural skylight in the building is calculated as 559 kW h/year. time and day of the year for the particular location. Hence,
If the cost of electricity is Rs.5/kW h, then the annual amount it is desired to analyze the availability of natural light and ori-
of reduction in electricity bill can be determined as Rs. 2795/ entation of building for the particular location in the world
year. before utilizing skylight in building. There are lots of research
in this area to design skylight based on the location of building

Table 7 Cost per hour of illumination of solar PV lanterns [37].

Two Hurricane Lanterns 3 W Solar PV Lantern Petromax Lantern 11 W Solar PV Lantern
Cost of Lighting (Rs./hr) 0.86 0.23 0.73 0.61

Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.
14 A. Chel, G. Kaushik

in the world i.e. climate specific building design or also known matic data [40]. The monetary annual cash inflow of EAHE
as solar buildings. was calculated as €448/year while annual cash outflow for
operation and maintenance was €240.9/year. The annual miti-
4.2. Economics of retrofitting Trombe wall for passive heating in gation of CO2 emissions into the environment with and with-
buildings out integration of EAHE were estimated nearly 16 tons/year
and 8 tons/year and corresponding carbon credits of €320/year
Based on the case study of Trombe wall for passive heating of and €160/year respectively [40].
building used for honey storage in winter months [39], the fol-
lowing results were obtained. 5. Conclusion on building and sustainable development
Before Retrofit of Building
Equipments: Air heater (oil filled radiator) 2.3 kW and Modern day buildings are highly energy intensive with a signif-
Desert cooler 746 W (1 HP) icant consumption of energy right from the construction phase
to the operation and maintenance stage, owing to global
 Annual energy consumption of the building is 4404 kW energy crisis suitable strategies needed to be developed to
h/year. address energy conservation in buildings.
 Comprises of 3312 kW h/year for air heater and 1092 kW There are various methods to reduce the use of conven-
h/year for desert cooler. tional energy from fossil fuels to meet the energy requirement
 Energy intensive honey storage building. for the building. The combination of various solar passive
 The annual electricity bill to the stakeholder is Rs. 13,212/ design aspects can easily be integrated in new buildings based
year for cost of electricity Rs. 3/kW h. on the site, orientation of building and local climatic condi-
tions. The retrofit of Trombe wall as solar passive heating
After Retrofitting of the Building with Trombe Wall design concepts in honey storage building had shown promis-
Equipments: Trombe wall and Desert cooler: ing results for winter heating. Similarly, the use of proper
design of daylighting can lead to tremendous reduction in
 Annual energy consumption reduces to 1092 kW h/year use of artificial lights during daytime and thereby reduces the
(only for desert cooler). energy consumption by building for lighting. Hence, integra-
 Large saving of energy 3312 kW h/year for heating room air tion of solar passive features into the building leads to reduc-
in winter. tion in energy consumption of building which ultimately
 Electricity bill Rs. 3276/year reduces the CO2 emissions and helps in sustainable develop-
 Saving of electricity bill of Rs. 9936/year after retrofit using ment. The second important aspect is the use of low embodied
Trombe wall. energy and locally available building materials for building
 Total Trombe wall retrofit cost Rs. 10,000 (approximately) construction to avoid tremendous energy input in construction
in India. of building and thereby reduces the CO2 emission from the
 Simple payback period is less than 1 year. building sector. The third aspect is to reduce energy consump-
tion of building for operation using energy derived from fossil
Based on this case study, the passive heating concepts are fuels. So, as a feasible alternative the focus is on the promotion
most suitable for cold climatic conditions in the world e.g. of renewable energy technology in meeting building energy
Canada, Europe and in India e.g. Leh, Ladakh regions. requirements. When the building energy is completely met by
renewable energy system then it is known as a highly energy
4.3. Economics of integrating Earth to Air Heat Exchanger efficient or zero emission green building. The economics of
(EAHE) for passive heating/cooling of buildings various renewable energy systems is given for the acceptance
of these technologies as compared to the conventional energy
There are lots of case studies of integrating Earth to air heat sources.
exchangers with buildings for space heating/cooling in build- All the European Union member countries have a very crit-
ings all over the world. One of the case studies discussed here ical target to meet from the renewable source of energy. The
is based on the EAHE integrated with adobe house for heat- target is to meet 12% of total energy consumption from renew-
ing/cooling of building in New Delhi composite climatic condi- ables out of which 21% of electricity to be met from renewable
tion in India [40]. The results of this study showed that annual energy systems up to 2010 [27]. Hence, there is urgent need to
energy saving potential of adobe house before and after inte- develop policies all over the world for building integrated
gration of EAHE with the renovated adobe house are renewable energy systems.
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Please cite this article in press as: A. Chel, G. Kaushik, Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building, Alexandria Eng. J.

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