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A New
The role is really that
of top instructor


lmost from the outset of my avia- Confident (yet humble) — The first First comes self-assessment.

A tion career, I always thought my

primary calling was to be an
instructor and to be the best at
that position. However, as it played out,
I never reached those goals because I
time you are given the title of standards
captain, you ought to feel something be-
tween fear and nervousness. The ques-
tions that come to mind immediately
are: Am I good enough? And how can I
important in a standards captain, no
doubt about it. But in the end, you are
being charged with ensuring others
measure up to what your organization
was always diverted to another role, be expected to measure others when I considers to be a minimum level of pro-
quite often as a standards captain. I al- am so imperfect? But these doubts pass fessionalism. If you are not confident
ways seemed to be in competition for as you come to realize that you have you can do this and don’t have the cred-
the top instructor slot, but I soon no- been given the role because of a dem- ibility with your peers, you will have a
ticed that many pilots sought the job as onstrated ability to do your job well. difficult time succeeding.
a means to another “I” word: income. You must eventually approach the role Another way to approach this is to
I wanted the assignment for the sake knowing you can do it. (Otherwise you look at what makes a bad standards
of instruction. In time, I learned that will fail.) captain. I’ve seen a few over the years.
a standards captain with the right at- Capable (yet humble) — You cannot What follows are three examples of the
titude can be the best instructor in any enforce a standard with which you fail type:
flight department. to comply. The old axiom, “Do as I say, (1) I’m here because I’m so good
So, if you are assuming that role for not as I do” almost never works and — Some captains end up in the stan-
the first time, or even if this is a subse- least of all for a standards captain be- dards role because they’ve outlasted
quent time at bat, know that you can cause peer pilots (and they are peers) the competition. They are typically
combine your roles in standards and know your actions and that the title weaker pilots who think their position
instruction to be the best at both. First, can be easily retracted. At best, they alone means they are better than ev-
you must assess yourself and your envi- will nod politely and continue as before eryone else and typically critique oth-
ronment. Then you need a plan. Finally, once you have left the room. At worst, ers against personal techniques, not
learn how to give honest and diplomatic they will openly (or secretly) mock you. written guidance.
feedback to those you are charged with Either way, your credibility is shot. (2) I’m here so now I ca n coast
overseeing as well as those who over- Knowledgeable (yet humble) — You — Some capta i ns w i l l have sol id
see you. cannot enforce a standard you don’t backgrounds and fine records of per-
I’ve had several times at bat as a flight know, and making it up along the way formance and may even start out as
examiner, check airman and standards will not fly with those who are more good flight examiners. But they end up
captain. These positions had different knowledgeable than you. One way to thinking they no longer have to put in
names in the U.S. Air Force, in commer- quickly lose credibility is to adamantly the work to keep proficient and knowl-
cial aviation and in business aviation. critique someone who quickly pulls out edgeable. Soon the examinees will out-
Regardless, I’ve concluded that the best the book to prove you wrong. shine the examiner.
people in the standards role had one thing Humble (yet confident, capable and (3) I’m here to thin the herd — Some
in common: a sense of humility. knowledgeable) — A sense of humility is captains will have suffered at the hands Business & Commercial Aviation | November 2017 37

A standards captain is also a
line captain.

noticed many Gulfstream pilots build-

ing their own instrument approaches
into airports where the approach in
question didn’t exist in aircraft naviga-
tion databases.
If only one pilot is failing a standard,
you might have a very narrow problem
to address. But if many pilots are fail-
ing the same standard, you might have
a more systemic issue. It turned out a
very well respected simulator instruc-
tor had been preaching a technique in
violation of our company rules as well
as those of the FAA. Our spotlight on

the problem forced the training vendor

to retrain the rogue instructor.
Once you’ve assessed yourself and
the organization, you can come up with
a plan of attack for the new job. You
of harsh check rides over the years the middle and will be a target for those might find that you are joining a well-
and will seek to do the same now that above and below. established standards department or
they’ve got the chance to do so. Rather than set standards, a stan- replacing a highly respected standards
Embrace those attitudes and perfor- dards captain ensures others meet captain who was doing everything just
mances at your peril. them. However, while that statement right. Your task is merely to fit in and
is true in theory, in smaller flight de- continue what has been an exemplary
The Better Approach par tments where ever yone wears standards organization. But that is a
many hats the line between “set” and very rare situation. You will more likely
Part of your self-assessment should in- “measure” becomes blurred. So, from find yourself with a greater challenge.
clude a review of how you fly the line. where do the standards originate? The Was the previous organization dys-
That does not refer to your stick and sources are several: functional? Not respected? Or perhaps
rudder skills as a pilot. If you have been Government — As pilots, we have no there were no true standards and you
selected to be a standards captain you shortage of governing rules and regu- are starting from scratch.
should have long ago reached the skill lations. In fact, we have so many that If working from scratch, it will be
levels needed to earn the respect of the it is easy to find ourselves in the dark up to you to create a standards group.
organization and your peers. Rather, because the rules vary by region and To do so, you will need to understand
“how you fly” refers to how well and are changing faster than they can be your organization’s needs before you
consistently you live up to the stan- reliably published. But as a standards can translate them into your new stan-
dards that you are charged with enforc- captain you have to do your best to keep dards group’s procedures. It will be up
ing. There is no room for hypocrisy. up and you must have a good library to to you to introduce yourself in your new
After you’ve made an honest assess- fall back upon. role to the organization and live up to
ment of what you bring to the job, you Organization — Your flight department your promises.
need to fully understand your position should have written guidance of some If you are joining a dysfunctional
in the organization. We often said in sort, preferably a company, flight or standards group that works for an un-
the Air Force that the commander sets general operating manual. In any case, aware organization, you will need to
the standard, the training department you don’t have a standard unless that tread lightly. You need to convince the
teaches the standard, and the stan- standard is enumerated and published. lead standards captain of the need for
dards department evaluates how well Individual — Because of the credibility stronger standards and obtain “buy
the training department is doing its job. you bring to the job, your personal tech- in” from above and below. It may help
A poor performance was more a reflec- niques may be looked upon as “the way to find real-world examples of similar
tion on the trainers than on the trainee. it must be done.” The more credibility circumstances resulting in aircraft ac-
In a smaller flight department, the you have in an organization, the more cidents or other ill effects and show how
training department is probably an recognized this personal standard be- a better standards program can pre-
outside outfit like FlightSafety Inter- comes. But you need to understand that vent these.
national or CAE SimuFlite. You may techniques are not enforceable stan- Examine the existing standards
also have a small retinue of individual dards. You can recommend them as the program to find where the organization
instructors in the flight department. best way to do things, but you cannot is lacking or failing to live up to its respon-
In fact, you may wear two hats and be insist they be followed as procedure. sibilities. Ask others still in the standards
one of those instructors. No matter the You must also remember the verti- group, or those who have recently de-
size of your organization, you need to cal nature of the organization and your parted, why things exist as they do. Use
“think vertical” when it comes to your place in it. As a standards captain for these explanations as a guide to steer
role as a standards captain. You are in a large management company, I had your efforts to repair what is broken.

38 Business & Commercial Aviation | November 2017

Line operation observation

If you are joining a dysfunctional

standards group with marching orders
to fix it, you’ll need to elevate the failing
team. Listen to leadership’s complaints
about the group and their ideas to im-
prove the situation. Reach out to line
pilots, other crewmembers and others
in the flight department for more input.
If members of the previous standards
group are still in the flight department
you may have to be very diplomatic with
your questioning, such as: “What can I
do to make your job easier and safer?”
and “What worries you?” or “How can
we elevate this flight department to the

next level?”
If you are lucky enough to be join-
ing a great standards team in a great
flight department you’ll need to learn
from the best and find your own niche υ⁳Observe crew performance under bring them up. A few procedures, how-
to make things even better. Start in the normal operating conditions. ever, may be dated or your organiza-
“learn mode” while trying to maintain υ⁳Assess the effectiveness of training tion has agreed to institute something
the high level of performance you are programs. better. In this case, these workarounds
fortunate to find yourself in. In a larger υ⁳Determine awareness of company should be documented. Once things are
standards group there will be experts policies and regulatory requirements. agreed to by the organization, they be-
in many subdivisions and areas where υ⁳Provide a feedback opportunity for come procedures that must be followed
expertise is shared. Find one of those crews. and it will be up to you to critique pilots
shared areas or an area where exper- The LOO is a vital function and every who fail to do so.
tise is lacking, and become that expert. flying organization should have some By contrast, techniques are things
No matter which situation you find form of such a program. This can be you and others have decided are good
yourself in you should remember the accomplished by an outside auditor, a ideas and will make your job easier,
adage, “If you don’t know where you are standards captain who is also assigned more efficient and safer. But if these
going, you will end up someplace else.” to fly the line, or even a guest pilot from are not specified by “the book,” they
You need to have an end result in mind the next hangar. If you are that stan- are not mandatory. You can recom-
before you devise your plan to get there. dards captain you need to learn how to mend that pilots adopt them, but you
conduct a line operation observation. cannot fault them for failing to do so.
Measuring and I’ve provided a guide on how to set up a If you know a procedure is not being
LOO program, how to select and train followed by more than just a few pilots,
Enforcing Standards standards captains and how to conduct you will have a difficult time convincing
the LOO itself: http://www.code7700. them that what they are doing is wrong.
There are check rides and then there com/loo.htm “Everyone does that,” can be a power-
are check rides. One that ends with a ful argument. Even worse, if you were
new type rating, license or admission Providing Feedback Up and unaware that “everyone does that” and
into a new tier of aviation is of the for- are offered that as an excuse, you might
mer. Everything else is of the latter. Down the Organization feel you are stuck. You are witnessing a
Having given both types, let me explain. systemic issue, one that is generated by
If you are in the business of adding to Providing feedback up to manage- the system, not by the pilots. This calls
a pilot’s license, or granting the pilot’s ment and down to the line is the most for a few extra steps.
first license for that matter, then you difficult part of standardization. You During the critique you should first
have an exact list of accomplishments can have the greatest insights and the ask why the pilots think the breach of
you must observe and an exacting list best answer to fix what is broken, but procedure is OK and sincerely listen
of requirements that must be met. That if you lack the skill and diplomacy to to their responses. Then you can say,
is pretty cut and dried. telegraph those ideas you might as well “Let me look into this, but let me also
If you a re a sta nda rds capta in not have had them in the first place. recommend you start following this
charged with monitoring the pilot But before you even cross that line, procedure because . . .” and give the
health of an organization and perhaps you need to understand the difference reasons. If their reasons appear valid, it
observing pilots on the line, you have between procedures and techniques. may be time for you to look into getting
a different calling. You can call this a The former is something “the book” the procedure changed. Otherwise,
check ride if you like, but I prefer the says you must do. Most procedures are you will need a discussion with the
term “line operation observation,” or obviously important and will rarely, if trainers and management to come up
LOO. Its purpose is to: ever, generate any pushback when you with a solution. Business & Commercial Aviation | November 2017 39


You should conduct a fair and un- by our company operations manual coordination. While you should not be-
biased debriefing based on identifi- using airport obstacle analysis soft- gin a critique citing chapter and verse
able factual items. A balance between ware. Right after takeoff the crew of the rule or regulation, it is always
friendliness and firmness should be accelerated to 200 kt. and the flight helpful to know where the procedure
maintained. If everything went well, was fairly uneventful. During the de- is listed in case the response is, “Who
you should cover the flights chrono- brief I asked them if they would have says so?”
logically. had obstacle clearance had they lost Critiquing techniques — If you have a
Always keep in mind the line opera- an engine 500 ft. above the runway. better technique that complements an
tion observation requires a thorough They didn’t understand why they existing procedure, you should offer
debrief. You can be brutally honest if wouldn’t. When I pointed out their the technique as a friendly suggestion.
you phrase your critiques skillfully. obstacle clearance was based on fly- You should make it clear that the tech-
The observed pilots should welcome ing at V2+10 kt. and had they lost the nique is not required but a good idea.
the feedback if they understand the engine at 500 ft. when they were do- For example, let’s say most of your
entire exercise is aimed at helping ing 200 kt. all of the software’s as- pilots prefer to remove the chocks as
them and will not circle back to hurt sumptions would be invalid. “Could soon as the brakes are set during the
them. A few examples from line ob- you have cleared the peak at 7,000 ft. preflight. They say this ensures they
servations I have given over the years: MSL?” I asked, adding that I didn’t won’t forget them. But let’s say you
υ⁳Two Bombardier Global Express pi- know the answer. But I cautioned, prefer to keep the airplane chocked
lots made FMS programming errors ”You cannot assume you will because until the fuel truck pulls away, to en-
resulting in one descent that was too the takeoff weight was based on dif- sure you don’t move with a vehicle
early and a second that was too late. ferent a s su mptions .” Both pi lots parked so closely. If your technique is
Both said their FMS was prone to agreed this was a big, big problem. not mandated by your company opera-
these types of miscalculations. They I recommended that if they loaded tions manual, you should not “scold”
were simply waiting for the FMS top to the specified takeoff weight, they the pilots for pulling the chocks. You
of descent cue. “The box can be pretty keep the speed prof ile, even w ith would do better to note the dangers
smart until its pretty stupid,” I agreed. both engines operating, until the ob- involved w ith hav ing a fuel tr uck
But then I showed them how simple stacle was beat. They agreed. parked within a few feet without hav-
arithmetic could help them double- If you think there will be a lot of ing the airplane chocked, and recom-
check the box’s math. discussion, you should try a facilita- mend they leave the chocks in place. If
υ⁳Two Falcon 900 pilots didn’t trust tive approach to flush out the details you feel strongly that your technique
the dual mode of their dual FMS setup of procedures and techniques to be should be procedure, you should rec-
but didn’t know how to use the initi- learned. Pilots tend to learn best when ommend it be added to the operations
ated transfer function, either. The participating in the learning process manual.
dual mode would commit them to and will “buy in” to a change in be- L et ting management know — Up -
programming errors without a sec- havior better this way. One effective per management will want to know
ond chance, yet the initiated transfer facilitation method is to: when their pilots have excelled and
mode would have solved the problem. υ⁳Start with an overview of the LOO, you should certainly share that infor-
Instead they operated independently, covering the positive points only. mation. When the news is less than
and simultaneously programmed their υ⁳Cover other points and ask a few stellar, however, there are a few tech-
FMS in tandem. I watched as they did opening questions per issue. niques to improve how well your cri-
this right after takeoff while the pi- υ⁳Get the pilot to do the thinking and tiques are received:
lot hand-flew without looking at his talking. υ⁳If the problem stems from a short-
instruments or outside. I timed the υ⁳Summarize at the end (it can be coming in the manuals or training
event. “You flew with the wings per- useful to get the pilot to summarize), environment, say so. Rather than say
fectly level for 20 sec. while heads steering the conversation in the direc- the pilots were unable to properly
down,” I said. “I’m not sure I could tion you think best. sequence the FMS for an RNAV ap-
have done that. Let me show you how Try to cover good as well as bad proach, say their training was inade-
initiated transfer can fix this.” points. With the good points, empha- quate and perhaps a greater emphasis
υ⁳Two Bombardier Challenger 604 size that you will profit from having on this item is in order.
pilots had expertly f lown from one seen them in action. For example, “I υ⁳If the individual pilot seemed rusty,
small airport to another and my only am going to add that technique to my say so. Blaming the pilot’s proficiency
critiques were trivial in nature. When bag of tricks!” With the bad points, on a lack of flying can tell management
I was done, they started to pepper me try to interject procedures and tech- the pilot needs to fly more (if that is
with questions about company pro- niques that will help them avoid them true), or that the pilot isn’t keeping in
cedures. I had an answer for all but in the future. the books and requires motivation.
one question. They were very happy Critiquing procedure — The best way υ⁳But in some cases the fault lies with
to receive direction on the questions to critique a procedure that was ex- the pilot and no amount of “sugar coat-
I had answered. The one unanswered ecuted poorly or omitted completely ing” will soften the blow. I once had to
question revealed a glaring omission is to show how the procedure makes let a chief pilot know that his son was
in our company manuals that we im- operations safer or more efficient. unfit to f ly a Cessna Citation Ultra
mediately fixed. Following published procedures also because he simply could not keep up
υ⁳Another Challenger crew loaded make the pilot’s actions more pre- with the airplane. The chief pilot as-
their aircraft to a weight authorized d ictable a nd that en ha nces crew sured me he only paired his son with

40 Business & Commercial Aviation | November 2017

the strongest captains, but he appre- make changes and voice the concerns
ciated my honesty. I began the steps of line pilots.
needed to have our management com- A standards captain in a smaller
pany disqualify the pilot but the chief organization also holds this unique po-
pilot must have read the handwriting sition. The chief pilot in a smaller or- MAR CH 1, 2018
on the wall and pulled his son from the ganization may fly the same schedule
flight department. as his line pilots but might not under- The National Building Museum
As pilots we are expected to never stand the challenges faced by newer Washington, DC
compromise safety. But as profes- and less-experienced pilots. Here is
sional business pilots we are also em- where the standards captain can serve
ployees paid to help the company get
its work done and our decisions can of-
an invaluable service, letting the boss
know how things are for everyone else. Celebrate the
ten have measurably adverse impacts
on the company’s bottom line. Non- The ‘I’ Words people that are
union pilots flying the line don’t have
much of a voice with management. A After a career of instructing and eval- changing the face
standards captain does. uating as a military and civilian pilot,
Complaints — Pilots can be reluctant I’ve found instructing more rewarding of aviation &
to complain to management, especially than evaluating but evaluating an even
if they think management will react more effective method of instructing aerospace.
negatively. As a standards captain, at a higher level. More times than not,
you can listen to the same complaints the evaluating role meant higher pro-
and perhaps come up with a solution motion, job status and more of that
short of notifying management. Or, other “I” word: income.
with your level of experience, you can But we need to be clear about one One Grand Laureate Winner
phrase the complaint in a way that will very distinct disadvantage of a stan- will be announced for
not anger management. Or, finally, dards captain’s job when compared to Excellence in Business Aviation.
with your credibility, you can convince that of a line instructor pilot. To do the
management something needs to be job well, the standards captain deals
done. You can provide the line pilot an with negative as well as positive news. Join us and meet the people that
avenue not normally available. A pilot may feel threatened by a stan-
I once provided a series of line ob- dards captain who points out proce- embody the trailblazing spirit of
ser vations in a f light depar tment dures are not being followed. But the innovation and transformation.
that was going through considerable news a standards captain brings to se-
turnover. As I praised a senior pilot’s nior leadership can be unpalatable as
performance, he made an offhanded well. Telling the boss that the cheap- Additional Grand Laureate
comment about how management est training vendor isn’t satisfactory categories include Space, Defense
didn’t appreciate experience because can cause management to question
they were paying new hires more than the decision to promote you to stan- and Commercial Aviation.
some of the older pilots. I brought this dards in the first place.
up to the director of aviation who said As a line instructor, you can be an
it wasn’t true. He wasn’t aware of the effective agent of change, but your
pay inequity rumor and took steps to dissenting opinions can be easily dis-
assure his more-experienced pilots missed. As a standards captain you
that their seniority was valued with have a leadership position in the orga-
higher pay. nization that requires you to speak up
Suggestions — Sometimes an idea when you detect the rules and regula-
isn’t a complaint, it is just a sugges- tions are not being followed. You will
tion about how to do something better. likely be pressured at some point to
But the person making the suggestion look the other way, and this brings
feels reluctant to speak up or is unsure up one last “I” word to consider:
that the effort will be successful. Here integrity.
again a standards captain can provide You bring a certain amount of in-
the necessary “mojo.” tegrity to the job and your standards
A standards captain holds a unique captaincy will either add to your repu-
position between line pilots getting tation of integrity, or will erase it com-
Reserve your place today!
the job done and a large organization’s pletely. If you survive this test of your
management team unfamiliar with integrity, your reputation as a stan-
the normal trials and tribulations of dards captain will grow. I’ve found
day-to-day line flying. But the stan- that a standards captain who is re-
dards captain is a member of upper spected by both management and the
management and thus equipped with line can be the best instructor of them
a louder and more credible voice to all. BCA Business & Commercial Aviation | November 2017 41

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