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Spring • 2 0 0 8


“In the latter days, the sun shall rise from the west” • Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him)

8 What is Sin? An 11 Can prophets 20 Original Sin: 24 An Islamic

overview of sin and be a source of Does the Bible Ministry in Jail:
how to overcome it. guidance if they teach that all are A Carnegie
are sinful? born sinful? scholar’s
SPRING 2008 1
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
he Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization,
international in its scope, with branches in over 178 countries in
Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia, and Europe.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in 1889 by Hadhrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas (1835-1908) in Qadian, a small and remote village
in the Punjabi province of India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of
the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions (The
Mahdi and Messiah). The Movement he started is an embodiment of the
benevolent message of Islam – peace, universal brotherhood, and submission
to the Will of God – in its pristine purity. Hadhrat Ahmadas proclaimed
Islam as the religion of man: “The religion of the people of the right path”
(98:6).The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was created under divine
guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values.
It encourages interfaith dialogue, diligently defends Islam and tries to correct
misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance,
love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes
in and acts upon the Qur’anic teaching: “There is no compulsion in religion”
(2:257). It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any

After the passing of its founder, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has
been headed by his elected successors. The present Head of the Community,
Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, was elected in 2003. His official title is
Khalifatul Masih V or Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah..
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908)

Editor Editor's Notes:

Falahud Din Shams The Muslim Sunrise is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 15000
Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, Phone 301.879.0110, Fax 301.879.0115,
under the auspices of Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer and National President. The views
Editorial Board and opinions expressed by individual contributers in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA.
Imam Mubasher Ahmad
Hasan Hakeem The Muslim Sunrise welcomes letters to the editor, questions and submissions. Email us at
Dr. Shanaz Butt or go online to
Amjad Mahmood Khan, Esq. Library of Congress Call Number BP195.A5 M8
Naveed Malik
Mailing Address: The Muslim Sunrise, 2 S 510 Route 53, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137,
Phone: (630) 790-4100, ext. 206, Fax: (630) 793-4100.
Staff Editors
Naser Shams Muslims follow the name of God’s prophets with the prayer alaehis salaam or ‘may
Ata-ul Malik Khan peace be upon him,’ and for the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sallallaho alaehi wasallam
or ‘may peace and blessings of God be upon him.’ Companions of prophets and
Bilal Rana righteous personalities who have passed away are saluted by radhi-Allaho anhu/a or
Maham Khan ‘may Allah be pleased with him/her.” While such salutations have been abbreviated
Dr. Sabiha Khan in the text for readability (as, sa & ra respectively), we encourage all Muslims to
offer these prayers as if set out in full.

Staff Writers Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (1872-1957) was the first Ahmadiyya Muslim missionary to
Dr. Zia H. Shah arrive in America. In 1921, he founded the Muslim Sunrise, which stands today as the
longest running Muslim publication in America. The magazine seeks to open discussions
Shazia Sohail on Islam and topics relating to religion in general. It highlights the role of Islam in an ever
Saad Ahmad changing global society. It provides a platform for public opinion on contemporary issues
Arif Humayun and presenting their solutions from an Islamic perspective.

Hasan Hakeem, Design/Layout

Fateh Shams, Circulation
Cover Photo: Designed by John Haviland and opened in 1829, Eastern State is
considered to be the world’s first true penitentiary. Its revolutionary system of
incarceration, dubbed the Pennsylvania System, originated and encouraged solitary
confinement as a form of rehabilitation.
2 MuslimSunrise
In This Issue
8 What is Sin?
An overview of sin and how to overcome it.

11 How to Get Rid of Sin

Various religious perspectives in identifying sin. Spring 2 0 0 8 • Vo l u m e 88 • Issue 1

18 Did the Prophets Commit Sins? 15 Poetry Corner

Determining if messengers of God can be sinful and Fajr Adhaan - the call to the morning prayer.
simultaneously be a source for guidance.

16 From the Archives

20 Original Sin
Sense about Islam - A December 1930 article
Does the Bible teach that all are born sinful?
seeks to dispel myths about Islam.
22 My Sin is Your Virtue
An evaluation of different religious values. 31 Questions and Answers
Obedience to non-Muslim governments, and
24 An Islamic Ministry in Jail fighting wars against other Muslim nations.
A Carnegie Foundation scholar’s observation of the
Ahmadiyya Jail Ministry in Lake County, IL.
News, Views and Reviews
27 St. Patrick’s Day and the Christian Trinity
A look into the origins of the Irish holiday and its 34 Viewpoint
relationship to the Trinity. It is not man’s place to judge blasphemers.

33 Response: The Next-Gen Taliban 35 Press Publications

Exposing the errors of a Taliban worldview. The teddy bear controversy, and forgotten
Ahmadiyya Muslim women.

Departments 36 Book Review

Hard Power: The New Politics of National Security.
6 Editorial
38 Perspective
7 The Friday Sermon Nature’s response to sin...
Truth of the Promised Messiah.

SPRING 2008 3
From the Holy Qur'an
Al-An`am Chapter 6 : Verse 121

And eschew open sins as well

as secret ones. Surely those
who earn sin will be
rewarded for that which
they have earned.

4 MuslimSunrise
Opening Commentary
Salvation Depends on Faith

affirm repeatedly and em- possible happens. blessings. One particle of faith is bet-
phatically that if religious doc- It is through faith that we are con- ter than a thousand volumes of philoso-
trines had been self-evident like vinced of the existence of God. He re- phy.
philosophical propositions and math- mained hidden from philosophers, and Faith is not only the means of
ematical equations, they would cer- thinkers could not discover Him; but achieving salvation in the hereafter, but
tainly not have been considered the ba- faith leads to God even a humble one also provides deliverance from the tor-
sis for achieving salvation. Dear breth- who is clothed in rags, and enables him ments and curses of this life. We find
ren, rest assured that salvation de- deliverance from soul-melting sor-
pends upon faith, and faith is related rows through the blessings of faith.
to the unseen. If the underlying re- It is faith through which a perfect be-
ality of things had not been con- liever finds comfort and joy in the
cealed, there would have been no midst of anxiety, agony, torment and
faith, and without faith there would sorrow, and when he is confronted
be no salvation. It is faith alone with failure in all directions and all
which is the means of winning Di- the familiar doors appear locked and
vine pleasure. It is a ladder for barred. Perfect faith removes all feel-
achieving nearness to God, and a ing of distance and separation. There
spring for washing away the rust of is no wealth that can be compared
sin. We are dependent upon God to faith. In this world everyone, with
Almighty, and it is faith that discloses the exception of the believer, is over-
this dependence. We are dependent whelmed with grief. In this world ev-
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908)
on God Almighty for our salvation eryone is afflicted with the agony of
and our deliverance from every ill. Such loss and unfulfilled desires, except a
deliverance can be achieved only to converse with Him. The power of believer.
through faith. The remedy for the tor- faith is the means of contact between a Faith! how sweet are your fruits
ments of this life and the hereafter is believer and the True Beloved. This and how fragrant are your flowers;
faith. When, through the power of faith, power leads a poor humble one who praise be to Allah, how wonderful are
we find that a difficulty is not impos- is rejected of mankind to the palace of your blessings and what beautiful lights
sible of resolution, it is resolved for us. holiness, which is the throne of Allah shine in you. No one can reach the Ple-
It is through the power of faith that we and, gradually removing all intervening iades unless he is inspired by you. It
are able to achieve that which appears obstructions, reveals the countenance has pleased God Almighty that now you
to be impossible and contrary to rea- of the Eternal Beloved. should arrive and philosophy should
son. It is through the power of faith that Arise then, and seek faith and bum depart. Nothing can stop His grace.„
miracles and extraordinary events are the dry and useless tomes of philoso- [A'ina-e-Kamilit-e-Islim, Riil}.ini Khazi'in, vol. 5, pp.
270-273, footnote].
witnessed, and what is considered im- phy; only through faith shall you achieve
SPRING 2008 5
society. The second category is achieving higher levels of
behavior that directly impacts and spirituality. In the final analysis, it
damages society. The final stage is our union with God that is the
of sin is described as open and ultimate goal and it can be
defiant behavior against the accomplished only by following
commandments of God. His guidance and doing our
A few kinds of sin are minor in utmost to please Him.

ver the centuries God nature, and are forgivable through
has provided guidance God’s mercy for His creation. Letter to the editor:
to the human race The others must face some degree We appreciate the gratis
through revelation. Prophets and of punishment before the subscription to your very
messengers of God who forgiveness stage. It is like a professional and informative
appeared in every nation and person who needs to be magazine. We find information in it
region of the world delivered His hospitalized and endures painful that is useful for instructing our
message to their respective surgical procedures before health students. I have come to appreciate
people. All divine messages is restored. The degree of the Ahmadiyya teachings and their
comprised of dos and don’ts, temporary suffering corresponds universal application.
good acts and evil deeds, or a to the intensity of disease and
Your Spring issue for 2007 on
code of ethics. sickness. God’s Prophets I found especially
According to chapter Ash- Avoiding sin is essential step in interesting with information that can
Shams in the Holy Qur’an, the our journey of spiritual elevation. be shared with our students. As a
basic knowledge of good and evil There are three stages of good Christian minister I am fascinated
is revealed or ingrained within behavior as well. The first stage is with the Holy Quran’s reference to
every human soul. Every soul is when we perform a good deed in the prophets found in the Bible.
born innocent and has the option expectation of the same in
to do evil or good. An advanced exchange. The second stage is I am currently researching all
when we do a good act without information regarding the Temple
and sophisticated code of
of Solomon. I would be most
behavior, essential for human any expectations of return. The interested in the Muslim teachings
spiritual development, is required final stage is of good behavior about the Temple and Solomon, if
of any religion. Spiritual guidance without even being conscious of any. Might I suggest a future issue
emanating from God through it or having any thoughts of a of The Muslim Sunrise be devoted
revelation is the only avenue due reward. These emanate naturally to the Muslim Temples around the
to God’s infinite and ultimate through intense love of others. world? An understanding as to why
knowledge of things. This is the kind of love that a they are holy and their historical
In the codes of behavior offered mother gives her child. significances would be fascinating.
by religions, intentional violations It is an interesting phenomenon
Thank you for changing our
of God’s commandments are to study the concepts, subscription address and for
referred to as “sin.” The Holy descriptions and explanations of continuing to share your magnifcent
Qur’an describes levels of sins in sins in various religions. We need publication with us.
three categories. The first to study them in our endeavor to
category is indecent behavior that avoid the behavior that displeases Sincerely,
only affects the perpetrator and God so we can elevate ourselves Rev. F. Lee Thompson
has no bearing on other people in by spending our energies in IDAHO

6 MuslimSunrise
The Khalifa’s
Muslims. They are being forced
into ridiculous court cases and le-
gal obstacles.

Friday Sermon: In addition, the Al Arabia sat-

ellite channel which aired Ahmadi
programs was blocked without
prior warning by many powerful
A r a b g o v e r n m e n t s . We d e t e r-
Summary of the Friday Sermon, mined this only after several Arab
delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor viewers wrote in to complain
about the cessation of our pro-
Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, Head of
grams. However, as Allah is the
the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Best of Planners, we contacted a
Community, on February 8 , 2008. European satellite company and
are now contracting through them.
n his Friday sermon, Hadhur As is our experience with the ways
spoke about the verity of the impediments come, and blessings of Allah, this Euro-
Promised Messiah’s mission. pean company has a much broader
and will certainly coverage, and our message is now
He said the effects of prayer continue to come, but broadcast to many more viewers.
manifest during trials and tribula- every Ahmadi should Temporary impediments come,
tions and that God is recognized and will certainly continue to
through prayer. Without turning to
fight back with the come, but every Ahmadi should
God with prayers, faith is mean- remembrance of fight back with the remembrance
ingless. All Ahmadis should turn Allah, or in other of Allah, or in other words,
to God, not only in times of ad- prayers.
versity, but when enjoying comfort
words, prayers. With the 100 year anniversary
and prosperity. However, the faith Hadhur recited (62:4) and of our Khilafat fast approaching,
of believers is strengthened during commented that it relates to the we can expect even greater envy
difficult times, and their worship latter-days. The verse ends with from antagonistic groups. How-
is enhanced. the two Divine attributes Al Aziz ever, as is the case with jealousy,
The Promised Messiah (on and Al Hakeem (The Mighty & the this only reaffirms that we have
whom be peace) wrote that great Wise). This implies that none can something they desperately want –
misfortunes come to pass from the stop what the Mighty and Wise the Caliphate. They lost it with
time one supplicates a prayer, un- God decrees, and His message will their disobedience and they con-
til the acceptance of the prayer. reach wheresoever He wills it to, tinue to remain lost. Universally,
However, those firm in faith sense regardless of any impediments. our opponents openly declare that
Allah’s support even in these dif- Hadhur said persecuted the Muslim world cannot progress
ficult times. One should never get Ahmadis should be patient and without Khilafat. They are abso-
anxious nor nurture negative feel- should continue in prayers. In ad- lutely correct. Ironically, they are
ings that Allah is not ‘listening’. dition, Ahmadis who are enjoying quick to point out the problem, but
Hadhur said a recent initiative peaceful areas of the world should they continue to fight the solution.
has been formulated to harass pray for their spiritual brethren. Hadhur said we should pray
Ahmadis in some countries. It is Believers are like one body, if one that Allah protect us from their
rooted in jealousy and is designed part aches, the entire body feels evils and keep us steadfast. We
to cause governments to take ac- the pain, and Ahmadis should feel should also pray for them, who
tions against Ahmadis. However, the pain of any human being. have strayed from the truth. May
this fire of jealousy will end up in In particular, Ahmadis in Paki- Allah grant them guidance to the
the self-destruction of the enemies stan, India, and Indonesia are fac- Promised Messiah (on whom be
of Ahmadiyyat. ing the harassment of ignorant peace). Ameen.

SPRING 2008 7
What is
Mubasher Ahmad, M.A. LL.B.
Consumption of liquor reaches its height
on Christmas Eve.
Breaking the Law of God

t may seem easy to identify a “sin” in any In general, sin is understood as anything
given belief system, but when looked at against the commandments of God. It could
from different religious perspectives, a Sinful Creeds? be an omission of what God wants us to
particular “sin” in one faith may not be a perform, or a commission of what He for-
wrongdoing for the followers of other religions. Identifying sin becomes all the more bids us to carry out. Sin is lawlessness,
The same act could be wrong in one religion, challenging when major world religions transgression, and rebellion against Divine
but commendable in another. For example, in uphold conflicting creeds, and the very fun- dictates. But in Christian theology, St. Paul
Sikhism to cut hair is considered a sin; but the damentals of one faith are acts of sin in oth- takes exception to the Divine Law. He
Buddhist monks keep shaven heads and ers. For example, Christianity upholds the claimed that no one would be declared righ-
faces; and to cut one’s hair during the pil- doctrine that God has a triune personality. teous in God’s sight by observing the Law,
grimage of Hajj is a required meritorious act He was born in the person of a man called because through the Law believers become
for Muslims. In Buddhism and Jainism, kill- Jesus, and suffered death to save human- conscious of sin (Romans 3:20). In a reli-
ing any animal, even a worm, is strictly for- ity from the bondage of sin. Although Hin- gion such as Buddhism which is silent
bidden. In Hinduism, the cow is a sacred duism accepts the concept of God’s incar- about God, sin is not defined as an offense
animal and is revered like a mother-figure. nation as a man, it is a blasphemous sin in against God's established instructions. It is
Its killing is a grievous sin. However, for Judaism and Islam. Moreover, Christians a deviation from the rules and regulations
Jews, Christians, Muslims, and many oth- believe there is no salvation without faith of the moral or spiritual order of the faith –
ers, slaughtering animals and eating their in Jesus’ atoning sacrificial death, whereas the Dharma – which naturally carries a nega-
meat is common. In fact, animal sacrifice is Jews view him as a false prophet who suf- tive consequence for an individual or soci-
an integral part of these faiths. Similarly, fered an accursed death on the cross. Hin- ety at large. Any act that one may feel is
drinking alcohol is an abhorrent sin in Is- dus worship many gods and goddesses and “unnatural” against the pure conscience
lam, but not so in Christianity and Judaism. make their images in human and animal embedded in human nature could be con-
In the Bible, wine is a gift from God and forms. Monotheists condemn this as idola- sidered as sin. Another way to understand
drinking alcoholic beverages is a part of try - the most heinous of all sins. Thus, an the nature of sin is by defining it as “miss-
Jewish and Christian social and religious entire belief system can be viewed sinful if ing the mark.” But this does not imply that
life. Wine is used in communal ceremonies in conflict with the fundamentals of another all human imperfections are sins. If a stu-
of marriage and the Feast of Passover. The religion. This is why some religions con- dent misses good grades in an examination,
first miracle performed by Jesus was chang- sider apostasy as an unforgivable or eter- it is no sin. It is necessary, therefore, to
ing water into wine at a Jewish wedding. nal sin. define the ultimate standard, the benchmark

8 MuslimSunrise
relevant to sin. For example, if the ultimate if that becomes the only means of survival in strangers. Lying, cursing, bearing false witness,
objective is to have a loving relationship with terms of life and death then it is not a sin. Out of stealing, betraying a trust, deceiving, injustice,
God, then any act, thought, or tendency that all the categories of sins, none can be attributed back-biting, and being cruel are some of the
keeps the believer away from God’s love would to a new born child. The most one may assume commonly accepted sins against others. Other
become a sin. It would also include all the fac- is that humans are self-centered by nature, and sins relate to human sexual behavior, such as
tors that may cause a person to be led towards gratifications of some basic instincts may be fornication, adultery, incest and homosexuality.
an act of sinful nature. Whatever tends to cause expected. But this tendency does not make a One of the most grievous sins is to take inno-
an obstruction between man and God, or be- person a “sinner” until a clear commandment of cent life. Thou shalt not kill is fundamental to
comes a hurdle in the way towards one’s ulti- God, or some rule of moral or spiritual discipline the Divine Law of all religions. Sanctity of life
mate moral or spiritual objective, becomes a sin. is broken. Frailty of human character is taken cannot be desecrated. In Islam, some sins also
for granted, but sin cannot be attributed to in- relate to financial matters. These include brib-
Islamic Perspective nate human nature. ing, gambling, deceiving in business transac-
tions, and practicing usury. The Holy Qur’an
From the Islamic perspective, the ultimate Categories of Sins clearly forbids conferring secretly with each
purpose of man's creation is to “worship” God other for committing any sin or transgression
(51:57); that is, to know and love Him so much Sins can be divided into three main catego- (58:10). Sins may be open or discreet, and the
that one’s personality transforms and starts re- ries: sins against God, sins against other hu- Holy Qur’an forbids both kinds saying, “And
flecting the beautiful attributes of God. Thus, man beings, and sins against self. God is the eschew outward sins as well as inward sins”
the final objective for man is to become God’s moral and spiritual Lawmaker, and He estab- (6:121).
image on earth. In other words, man becomes lishes His own rights as well as the rights of His
united with God, becomes one with Him. In- creatures. A believer has obligations to comply Many religions recognize rights pertaining
deed, for achieving this purpose, one has to to one’s own self. To hurt one’s self is consid-
devote one's life entirely in service of God by ered an enormous sin. Use of intoxicants and
surrendering personal egotistical inclinations to other self destructive habits or addictions such
His will. Such selfless service to God requires as drug-abuse, gluttony and sloth are sins
The Biblical story of the against one’s own person. Suicide is a major sin
obeying all of His commandments, using vari-
ous human faculties to the maximum. Any thing
serpent whispering to Eve and it is unforgivable in Islam. It deprives one-
that takes one away from the worship of God in is well known. The Holy self from repentance and seeking forgiveness
this sense, or diminishes one's love for Him or Qur’an says that it was of God.
for His creation would amount to sin. Islam cat- Satan that deceived her
egorically rejects the concept of what is known and her husband. The Sources of Sin
as “original sin.” All humans are born pure and Qur’an mentions another
innocent, without any tarnish of sin on their What are the sources of sin? What causes
souls. According to the Holy Qur’an, the mis-
entity named Iblis, one of man to rebel against God or to tread on the rights
take committed by Adam and Eve resulted from the jinn, who rebelled of others? Is it some evil entity outside the hu-
a state of forgetfulness. Once they realized their against God man mind, or is it something inside the human
error, they felt a deep sense of remorse, and psyche itself? Various belief systems have tack-
asked God for His help and forgiveness. They led this question in diverse ways.
had to face some consequences of their mis- with God's directives to establish all the three The Biblical story of the serpent whisper-
take, and lost the carefree bliss of living in the kinds of rights. Failing in his responsibility to- ing to Eve is well known. The Holy Qur’an says
Garden, but their repentance and prayers were wards any one of these obligations makes a that it was Satan that deceived her and her hus-
accepted by the Merciful and Ever-Forgiving person sinful. band. The Qur’an mentions another entity
God. They were forgiven and subsequently The greatest of God's rights is that He Alone named Iblis, one of the jinn, who rebelled against
remained connected with God. No one “inher- should be worshipped based on personal love God: “And recall when we said to the angels,
ited” sin through the process of reproduction. for Him, and not for any selfish motive. In Islam, ‘Make obeisance to Adam.’ So they obeyed
If sin is defined as breaking God's law, and steer- therefore, shirk (associating anyone as a part- except Iblis, he refused stubbornly and waxed
ing away from God's love, then no one is born ner with God) is the greatest of all sins. In Juda- proud, and he was already one of the disbeliev-
in sin. An act of sin is perpetrated when a per- ism and Islam, to make His graven image is an- ers” (2:35). Iblis objected to God giving prefer-
son is able to make distinction between right other major sin. The greatest right of fellow hu- ence to Adam over him, and said to God, “If you
and wrong as prescribed by God, and he/she man beings is that they should be loved with grant me respite until the Day of Resurrection, I
intentionally chooses to go against God's will. full sympathy. will most certainly bring his [Adam’s] progeny
If there is no intention to break the Law of God, All major religions place great emphasis on under my sway, having overpowered them, I
but a wrongful act takes place accidentally, it is upholding the rights of others. Respect and shall destroy them for sure, except a few.” (The
considered to be a slighter sin. At times, a per- obedience of parents holds great value among Holy Qur’an 17:63).
son may not be able to follow a commandment the moral obligations towards others. The list For Satan, delusion and deception are ef-
of God to the letter, and is compelled under par- of sins against other human beings is very long fective tools to lead mankind to commit sin. He
ticular circumstances to do what might be oth- and comprehensive in most belief systems. It makes sinful acts appear beautiful and pleasing
erwise wrong. This is not a sin. For example, to includes sins against close relatives, spouses, to senses, and advantageous to our selves
eat the flesh of swine is forbidden in Islam, but neighbors, community members, and even (16:64). According to Matthew [4:1-11], Jesus
SPRING 2008 9
was himself tempted by Satan on three occa- lose hope, nor despair of the mercy of God. we tend to become victims of temptations.
sions. Thus, sensual joy, satisfying base in- Reformation and redemption may look diffi- Security from sin is obtained through the
stincts, or material gains are the main attrac- cult, but are always possible. Regardless of grace of God. Once a man’s heart and mind
tions. Pride, self aggrandizement, and finding the gravity of one’s sins, God has empowered are “possessed” by God’s grace, then his
fault and disrespect to others are common each and every one of us to overcome our conscience keeps a watch over his thoughts
causes for many wrongdoings. Therefore, it is shortcomings and weaknesses. Sin can be and actions, and he gains a new strength to
said that Satan runs in everyone’s blood- overcome with full trust in God's love, His help fight against sin. He experiences a natural
stream. It becomes rather impossible to blame through prayers, and the necessary remedial aversion to sin, and joy in virtue.
an outside entity while indulging in sinful measures.
thoughts or activities. Having a free will, hu- Prudent Planning and Keeping
mans remain responsible when they choose to Love and Fear of God Good Company
follow Satan. Therefore, to avoid sin, it is ex-
tremely important that we should have full Love and fear of God play an important
knowledge and correct understanding of the In addition, the Holy Qur’an teaches us
role in shunning sinful inclinations and over- that keeping the company of the righteous
subtle and deceptive nature of Satan’s power coming evil temptations. To shun sinfulness,
of enticement working from within us. When a is conducive to developing a strong moral
one should always keep in mind that death is a character to resist sin. It states, “O believ-
person strays away from the source of real and certainty, and one day our earthly life is sure
everlasting joy – that is God – he/she commits ers! Fear Allah, and be with the truthful”
to end; and then, after death, there is certainly (9:119). A virtuous domestic and social en-
sin. Thus, sin hurts one by encroaching upon accountability before God for all our actions.
true happiness, and becomes a source of pain vironment plays a vitally important role in
Those who do not believe in the Hereafter tend keeping a disposition against sins. To cre-
and torment in this life and the Hereafter. In to be bold in committing sins. Once a person is
this sense, every one remains responsible for ate a morally wholesome and appropriate
fully convinced that there is an Almighty God environment, one has to make a conscious
the ultimate success or failure in his/her devo- watching over him/her, and Who would pun-
tion to God. effort and diligent planning. In fact, proper
ish him/her for his misdeeds, then it becomes planning and praying to God go hand in
rather difficult to disobey Him. Once the deadly hand. The Messiah and Mahdi of our time,
Remedies for Sin nature of sin is exposed as a poison for the Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (may Allah’s
soul, resulting in a tormented spiritual death, peace be on him) says, “Man needs to es-
How to refrain from sin is a central ques- then naturally man would desist from commit- chew sin, and do good deeds. He should
tion for humanity. For those who believe in ting it. To have certainty and complete faith in worship God the Exalted and obey Him.
God, all acts of sin can be redeemed through the existence of God, to have full knowledge When he stays away from sin and worships
the Grace and Mercy of God. His Grace and of His powers, and to realize one's account- God, his heart is filled with abundant bless-
Mercy are attracted by earnest prayer, sincere ability to Him in the Hereafter, are the main ing, and this is the goal of man’s life …When
repentance and virtuous acts. The Holy Qur’an factors that help us to retain our righteous- he prudently develops a plan, and commits
states man is fashioned in the best of forms, ness and piety. Once the heart becomes fully himself fully to earnest prayer, then God Al-
saying, “Surely, We have created man in the drenched in the Greatness and Glory of God, mighty grants him salvation, and conse-
best make” (95:5). Humans have full potential no one dares to break His Law. But if one holds quently he comes out of sinful life.
to remain connected with God, and to become dearer someone other than God in one's heart, (Malfoozat, vol.9, pages 397 and 406.)
one with Him. From birth the natural relation- then the misplaced love leads to sin. God is As God is the Most Loving, He fully re-
ship between man and God is healthy and well- often replaced by our love for the self, uncon- sponds to man’s life of worship, and be-
balanced. The human heart is like a mirror de- trolled gratification of natural urges, or mate- stows His blessings, mercy and grace upon
signed to absorb and reflect the light of God. rial gains of this life. In short, any thing that the seeker of His love. God helps and leads
Sin acts like a poison, or a dark cloud. By com- keeps us away from God's love, mercy and him towards Himself, and grants him a taste
mitting an act of sin, or entertaining even a grace, can be called sin. Nevertheless, even of His union and full reconciliation in this
sinful thought, the wholesome spiritual rela- when we lose His love, there are ways to re- very life. God becomes the Eternal Source of
tionship between man and God undergoes a gain and absorb God's love, grace and mercy. happiness and joy in a man's life. In other
negative change. If not corrected, the heart words, it is always possible for man to attain
gradually loses its brilliance and darkens in Seeking God’s Help through a spiritual height where acts of virtue flow
proportion. If a sinful state is not effectively Prayer through him naturally, and he begins to dis-
cured in a timely manner, spiritual death may To save ourselves from sin, and to re- like acts of sin. It is an uphill struggle, but
become imminent. Metaphorically speaking, main unsullied, we must seek help through success is promised. “Those who avoid
the heart becomes engulfed in darkness. Sin prayer from the Gracious and Merciful God. grave sins and all indecencies, excepting
can make a man the worst of the worst – the The Holy Qur’an states, “O, ye who believe! only minor faults, for them your Lord is of
lowest of the low (95:6). But man is endowed Fear God and seek means of nearness to Him, immense forgiveness. He knows you well
with wonderful powers and natural faculties and strive in His way that you may prosper” from the time He created you from the earth,
to rebound into the light of the Ever-Forgiving (5:36). Sincere remorse must be expressed in and when you were covered up in the
God Who loves him. The helping factors are full humility. Asking for forgiveness of sins wombs of your mothers. So ascribe not
many, but of the utmost importance are faith from God helps fortify us against the on- purity to yourselves. He knows best him
and good works (95:7). A person should never slaught of sins. Without Divine protection, who is truly righteous” (The Qur’an 53:33).„

10 MuslimSunrise
How to Get Rid of Sin
...according to the world’s great religions

By Waqas Malik

o err is
human is a
which means that people
make mistakes from time to
time. Sin is an error with
spiritual consequences,
which results from poor
control over human desires
and animal instincts. The
recognition of an error
comes from the knowledge
of it. If someone doesn’t
know that an action being
performed is wrong, then a
correction will not occur. How does one go about identifying sin? Let’s turn to the guidance given by dif-
There are two main sources for the recogni- ferent religions on how to identify and then
Such errors will continue to tion of sin. First and foremost is through di- get rid of sin. Specifically, we will examine
vine guidance. The second is through the es- what Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and
be committed until made tablished values of human existence. The sec- Islam teach about identifying and removing
ond source of ‘established values’ includes it.
aware of it. The same is the inner moral qualities bestowed by God, which In Hinduism, the term used for sin is paya,
guide those who seek His help from sin. This which means actions that violate Dharma.
case with sin. It is therefore also includes the feelings of remorse one gets Dharma is code of conduct. It is following
when one commits a theft, or when one com- rules and laws established in accordance with
established without a doubt, mits a murder. It is established by all nations Hindu Scriptures (Vedas). There are no spe-
that to get rid of sin one and all religions that murder, stealing, and ly-
ing are all sins. This is what is meant by es-
cific actions which are defined as sinful but
general guidance is given around Hindu
must be able to recognize tablished values. Allah has given an inner Dharma, such as good thoughts, words, ac-
mechanism to all humans to judge one’s ac- tions and company of the wise. Failure to
and identify it. You can only tions as good or bad. For example, when one comply with this Dharma will result in sin.
wrongly punishes an innocent person, one Committing a sin creates bad karma. Karma
fight what you can see. knows that this action is wrong through this means deeds. Some factions among Hindus
inner mechanism.

SPRING 2008 11
add the caste system to be part of Hindu egory. Judaism mentions that sin occurs as as Moses prayed for forgiveness of his fol-
Dharma, while others do not. The caste sys- animal instincts incite to evil. This is stated lowers, similarly prayers to God should be
tem puts each person in a specific role. That in the Torah (Old Testament) as: made to attain forgiveness of sins. Then
is the Dharma for that caste. Everyone in a “And the God smelled a sweet savor; there are more ritualistic approaches to get
particular caste has to follow the code of and the God said in his heart, I will not rid of sin. ‘Yom Kippur’ is annual event,
conduct (Dharma) established for that again curse the ground any more for man's which is a day spent to get rid of sins com-
caste. Failure to follow or do otherwise is sake; for the imagination of man's heart is mitted during the year. The word ‘Yom’
considered a sin. For example, means ‘Day’ and ‘Kippur’ means
the supreme caste, Brahmin, is ‘Atonement,’ so the term means
to rule over all. Their role is to ‘Day of Atonement.’ This day is
give commands and be rulers. spent confessing sins and tres-
They cannot marry into lower passes of religion. Complete fast
castes. Such an act will be con- (no food or drink) for the whole
sidered sinful. Moreover, the day and night is required if
lower castes are made to serve health and age allow, no work is
Brahmins. So once someone is to be performed, no washing or
born in a caste, their life is laid bathing, no anointing one’s
out by the caste system. body, or engaging in sexual rela-
According to Hinduism, if tionships. This has similarities
one dies in a sinful state then in with Islam’s practice of fasting
the next life that person can be during the month of Ramadan.
reincarnated as an animal such Christianity defines sin as fail-
as a dog or a cat. Hinduism pre- ure to obey the commandments
scribes one big remedy to get- of God. This definition is drawn
ting rid of sin that is to call the by Christians from the disobedi-
names of its Gods. There is a ence of Adam and Eve which re-
story in Hindu mythology which sulted in the ‘Original Sin.’ Origi-
mentions a man (Ajamila) who nal Sin is fundamental to Chris-
lived all his life in sin and was tian belief. It means that Adam
forgiven for calling the name and Eve’s sin of disobeying
Krishna by accident on death God’s instructions resulted in the
bead. There are also other prac- eternal damnation of human race.
tices based on Hindu myths, Now each and every human that
such as bathing in the River is born carries that original sin.
Ganga, India to wash away sin This sin stays with that person
and become purified. unless and until they believe in
Judaism defines sin as a Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
failure to comply with divine Thus, anyone who does not be-
commandments. Sin results lieve as Christians believe carries
from the violation of divine law. this original sin and can never get
Judaism teaches that sin is an rid of it even by living a pure and
action, not a state of mind. As Moses (Peace evil from his youth; neither will I again smite pious life. According to Christians, the rea-
be on him) brought a law for his followers, any more everything living, as I have done.” son Jesus (Peace be on him) came was to
any deviation from that law is considered Genesis (Chapter 8, Verse 21) die for the sin committed by Adam and Eve.
a sin. This law mainly comprises of the Ten Judaism teaches that God forgives sin Apart from the original sin, Christianity
Commandments (Exodus Chapter 20, because of His attribute of mercy. This is teaches moral values and follows the same
Verses 2-17). The Hebrew word for sin is stated in Torah as: Ten Commandments set out by the Torah.
avera, which means transgression. Accord- Anyone who does not follow or violates
ing to Jewish Scriptures there are three “Pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of these teachings commits a sin. To get rid of
main categories of sin. The first one is when this people according unto the greatness of sin Christians practice formal confessions.
someone commits a sin intentionally. This thy mercy, and as thou hast forgiven this This teaching comes from Bible where it is
is the most serious category. The punish- people, from Egypt even until now.” Num- mentioned:
ment for this sin is highest. The second one bers (Chapter 14, Verse 19)
is when someone commits a sin acciden- “Confess your faults one to another, and
tally. This is less serious, yet punishment This verse indicates how Moses (Peace pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
can be given for such a sin. The third one be on him) asked for God’s mercy just as The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
is when someone commits a sin in igno- he had shown His mercy before. The To- man availeth much.” James Chapter 5 Verse 16
rance. This is not even considered sin and rah prescribes sacrificing of animals when
no punishment will be given for this cat- one commits a sin, and then mentions that In accordance with the above verse the

12 MuslimSunrise
Holy Qur’an mentions many sins to make humans as
aware as possible. For instance:

“And whoso associates partners with Allah has indeed

devised a very great sin.” Al-Nisa Chapter 4, Verse 49

“Shall I inform you on whom the evil ones descend? They

descend on every lying sinner.” Al-Shuara Chapter 26, Verse 223-223

Christians have created formal confessions, And spy not on one another, neither back- due to lack of belief in Allah. If one be-
where a sinner will confess the sins com- bite one another. Would any of you like to lieves that Allah exists and is watching over
mitted in front of a righteous or holy man. eat the flesh of his dead brother? Certainly, one’s actions, then one would never com-
This ought to trigger a prayer for the sinner you would loath it. And fear Allah, surely, mit a sin.
which will ward off the committed sin. Allah is oft-Returning with compassion and

is Merciful.” Al-Hujurat Chapter 49: Verse 13 The Promised Messiah (peace be on
slam’s claim of being a universal, him) explained sin as:
final, and complete law given by “The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah,
God is reinforced when one but He will punish them for their deception. “God is the source of eternal happiness
studies its teachings about how And when they stand up for Prayer, they and pleasure for man’s life. When a person
to identify and get rid of sin. Islam stand up lazily and to be seen of men, and separates from Him or leaves Him in one
lays complete guidance for mankind on how they remember Allah but little.” Al-Nisa way or another, about such a state of a per-
to identify sin, methods to guard against it, Chapter 4: Verse 143 son it is said that he has sinned.”
and how to get rid of it. Islam divides sin Malfoozat, Vol. 10, pp.357
into two major categories. The first one The above verses call out actions which
being Gunah-e-Kabira, which means the earn Allah’s displeasure and are considered This clearly explains that sin is not only
greater sin. The second one is Gunah-e- sinful. The Holy Qur’an identifies many ac- an action according to Islam, but it can be
Saghira, which means the lesser sin. The tions as sinful in order to provide guidance a state. Everything that takes a believer
biggest or greatest sins are those mentioned to believers. It does not leave any ambigu- away from the Perfect Creator, the One Su-
in the Holy Qur’an. These include ity and explains vividly with reasoning the preme, the Provider of peace and blessings,
associating partners with Allah, adultery, great sins one must stay away from. The is a sin. This is one of the marked differ-
theft, and murder, to name a few. The lesser Holy Qur’an does not just give specific sins ences of Islam compared to other religions.
sins are those which one commits due to a believer should beware of, but goes be- It mentions sin as a state and a journey
occasional carelessness, even when yond that. The Holy Qur’an gives general towards or away from Him. One is progress-
someone is trying to safeguard against sin. guidance based on principles which help a ing towards Allah when one is moving
This includes being rude or being late. believer determine whether an act is sinful away from sin. Similarly one is moving away
Holy Qur’an mentions many sins to make or not. One of the verses which gives such from Allah when progressing towards sin.
humans as aware as possible. For instance: guidance is: Therefore, eliminating sin can be used as a
mechanism to attain nearness to Allah.
“And whoso associates partners with “You are the best people raised for the Islam teaches that Allah is oft-return-
Allah has indeed devised a very great sin.” good of mankind; you enjoin good and for- ing with Compassion and Merciful. It is the
Al-Nisa Chapter 4, Verse 49 bid evil and believe in Allah.” Al-Imran great Mercy of Allah which envelops all
Chapter 3, Verse 111 and leads to salvation. In the Holy Qur’an
“Shall I inform you on whom the evil Allah says:
ones descend? They descend on every ly- This verse mentions that any act which
ing sinner.” Al-Shuara Chapter 26, Verse 223. is not for the good of mankind, evil in na- “And whoso does evil or wrongs his
ture, and against the belief of Allah is a sin. soul, and then asks forgiveness of Allah,
“O ye who believe! Avoid much suspi- Islam teaches that the purpose of man’s cre- will surely find Allah Most Forgiving, Mer-
cion; for suspicion in some cases is a sin. ation is to come closer to Allah. Sin results ciful.” Al-Nisa Chapter 4, Verse 111

SPRING 2008 13
yet he wanted to repent and seek
Islam is unique in its dealing with ‘how forgiveness of his sins. Therefore, he
to get rid of sin.’It takes two approaches sought after the advice of another wise
which are comprehensive in nature. First, it Islam is unique in man. This wise man told him that true
prescribes Istaghfar which means ‘prayer repentance will wash away his sins and
for forgiveness’ before a sin is commit- its dealing with ‘how would earn God’s forgiveness. Upon
ted. Secondly, it prescribes Tauba which hearing this the man was happy. The
means ‘repentance.’ to get rid of sin.’ It wise man also told him to move away from

where he had committed all the murders
staghfar is to guard oneself and move to another city and live among
ag ainst sin to begin with. takes two approaches pious people. He immediately took upon
Humans slip time to time and are this journey, but was met with death
put in situations where they can which are before he could reach his destination.
choose to do good or evil. For The Angel of Goodness wanted his soul
them to choose good over evil, they can comprehensive in to be in Paradise because of his
use Istaghfar for divine help. Allah, Who repentance, while the Angel of
is All Knowing and All Powerful, is the
Best Helper of all. Istaghfar symbolizes
nature. First, it Punishment wanted his soul to be in Hell
on account of murders committed by him.
the inherent weakness in humans and the This matter was brought before God, and
greatness and power of Allah. Through prescribes God asked the two angels to measure the
true and sincere Istaghfar, Allah not only distance between the source and
washes away past sins but helps guard Istaghfar which destination of this man. If he is closer to
against future sins through His Grace the source then put him in Hell and if he
and Mercy. It should be noted that great means ‘prayer for closer to the destination then put him in
stress in Islam is laid upon safeguarding Heaven. When the measurements were
against sin, instead of a reactionary
approach of how to get rid of sin after it
forgiveness’ before a made, the man was closer to his
destination and his soul was put in
is committed. This is a clear, distinct, and Paradise. It is said that God made him
proactive approach explained in Islam. sin is committed. closer to the destination as God had
The Promised Messiah (Peace be on him) accepted his repentance and forgiven
writes in Malfoozat (Vol. 4, p. 308) that Secondly, it his sins. There are two fundamental
the reason why fear of Allah should be principles taught by this story. One, that
inculcated in one’s heart is to guard prescribes Tauba sincere intention and action is required
against sin. If one fears Allah and is to get rid of sin. Second, God is ever
mindful of the consequence of a sinful
action, one would never commit a sin. It
which means Merciful and even forgives sins as
grievous as a hundred murders, provided
is like a thief knowing that the police is there is a true repentance.

watching over all the time and even one
small theft will lead to an instantaneous ll religions have provided
arrest. Such a thief will never steal, and ways to get rid of sin.
cease to exist as a thief. Similarly, sin will Many are common among
cease to exist in the life of someone who He had committed 99 murders when he them, but Islam incorpo
truly fears Allah. This fear of Allah leads felt great remorse for his actions. He rates all of the means pre-
to Taqwa (Righteousness). wanted to seek forgiveness or find out scribed by earlier religions. To get rid of
Tauba is more specific repentance of ways to get rid of the great sins he had sin, solid determination and complete
a particular sin. It requires the highest committed. In a state of complete faith in Allah is needed. Determination
level of awareness and great remorse of restlessness he sought the advice of a combined with sincere prayers of help
a committed sin. Tauba is also known as wise man in hopes that the wise man will from Allah will ward off all sin. Without
returning back to Allah. Sincere Tauba guide and help him. He asked the wise this all efforts and remedies are
washes away all sin. A Hadith by Hazrat man if God will accept the repentance of ineffective.„
Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased a man who had committed 99 murders and
with him) narrates that the state of a forgive his sins. The wise man replied, Waqas Malik belongs to a small village by the
person who repents of his sins is of a “Forgiveness and repentance of such a name of Dulmial, situated near the city of Chakwal,
person who never committed that sin. man will never be accepted by God.” Pakistan. He was born in an Ahmadi family and re-
ceived his early education in the Middle East. His
This is also related in a story which Upon hearing this, the murderer felt great family then moved to Pakistan where he started
signifies Islam’s prescription of how to disappointment, and animal faculties his professional studies in Computer Engineering.
get rid of sin. overtook him and he murdered the wise He came to the United States through a student
exchange program and graduated from Iowa State
It is related in a story that once a man man. Now he had committed 100 murders. University. Currently he is part of the Seattle Chap-
committed many atrocities and murders. He felt even more remorse and restless, ter in the Pacific Northwest region.

14 MuslimSunrise
Poetry Corner
“Fajr Adhaan”
The Muslim Call to Morning Prayer
By R. Earl Barclay

Forgetful now of slumber sweet,

Allaho Akbar!
They fill each avenue and street.
God is the greatest of all!
It is the hour of prayer.
The dawn is rising in the East,
Haya alal-Falah!
With golden flag unfurled,
Come to Success!
Gilds dome and arch and minaret,
Beneath the mosque’s high lifting dome,
Paints home and grove and parapet
They kneel in humble prayer:
Of all the Moslem World.
Before the tasks of everyday,
La-ilaha il-Allah!
The faithful bow to God and pray.
To God Alone is worship given!
The morning hour of prayer.
Upon the towering minaret,
The Muezzin stands out
God is the greatest of all!
Above the Mosque in the city square,
Each of the Faithful kneeling there,
Sends forth the morning call to prayer,
Knows the power of God
Along deserted streets.
To smooth the way, make sweet the hours,
Muhammadur Rasul-ullah!
To give success or fame or powers
Muhammad is God’s Prophet!
To faithful hearts in prayer.
On couch of silk and bed of sand,
The Faithful hear the call;And shaking from their eyes the sleep,
None may be worshipped but God!
The rich, the poor, the strong, the weak,
More musical than clarion bells,
All heed the call to prayer.
Or Angelus at eve,
Haya alas-Salah
Or temple bells of Manadalay,
Come to Prayer!
Or whanging gong of all Cathay,
The beggar in his door-way stirs,
The Moslem call to prayer.
The rich man rises too.

SPRING 2008 15
From the Archives:
The Muslim Sunrise, Dec., 1930

Sense About Islam

By Alois S. Kanpp
(Muhammad Basheer)

o the average
European, or
American, a follower
of Islam is regarded to be a
blind unreasoning fanatic
who in his delusion follows a
discredited religion of a
decaying people. Such
superficial observers remind

one of the English parson often wonder how many people in ets of science and progress had to battle
who gave a sermon on the Western World today realize that the combined forces of ignorance and su-
Islam contains much more of the true perstition that thundered and raved un-
religion. He started out by teachings of Jesus than Christianity der the banner of Christianity. Truly, the
saying that any religion that does. The Christian churches of today misguided religious zeal of the Crusades
have little to say about the Prophet Jesus, and the Inquisition did all it could to push
was not Christian was not the Son of Man, as he constantly called man back once more toward the state of
worth talking about, and himself, but most of their religion is de- barbarism and perhaps even cannibalism
rived from Paul. Go to most any Protes- from which he had emerged thousands of
therefore he would talk about tant church and listen to a sermon, and years before. The kings of Europe, who
the religion of Jesus. Further you will note that the preacher will say gave all their aid to the Crusaders against
he said that there was no “Paul” ten times before he says “Jesus” the Saracens of Spain and to the insane
just once. Most of our so-called Chris- exploits in the Holy Land, frequently had
Christianity in the religion of tianity should be called “Paulanity.” in their courts good Moslems as physi-
Rome, and therefore he, Now Paul never saw Jesus, and what cians and astronomers, because science
is much more serious than that, he never and learning was extinct among the Chris-
when talking about entered into the spirit of Jesus. Paul was tians. The term Algebra, Chemistry, or Al-
Christianity, wanted it a militant crusader, devoid of all the love chemy show that these sciences came
distinctly understood that he and kindness toward all mankind of his from Arabia. The Moslems calculated the
master. His brilliant eloquence about procession of the equinoxes while Chris-
meant the Protestant religion. things that he did not understand, his al- tianity was concerned with the question
And finally he maintained most insane attitude toward women makes of how many angels could dance around
it sometimes hard to understand for the the point of a needle and like edifying
that the only sound earnest student how he ever could have subjects. Gerbert, Archbishop of Reims,
expression of Protestantism been taken so seriously. All the blood- who later became Pope under the name of
shed of the Christian church after Silvester II, a man, remarkable for his
was in the Church of England. Constantine, the tragic buffoonery of the learning, so far ahead of his time that he
Therefore, to him religion Middle Ages, and modern unchristian at- was accused of witchcraft by his own
meant just the Church of titude in the church can be understood church, had been a student at the Mos-
and explained by the teachings of Paul. lem university at Cordova. He was later
England, nothing more, Catholicism is truly the religion of Peter, called the greatest scholar of his age. His
nothing less. Any religion and Protestantism the religion of Paul. papacy lasted only four years, from 999
What we call modern science in the to 1003.
outside that was merely Western World is only a little over a hun- Islam means Peace, and the greeting
misnamed as religion. dred years old. And even then the proph- of a Moslem is “Assalamo Alaikum,” Peace

16 MuslimSunrise
with you! If the Christians had a similar gro slave and that all slaves were Chris- that make man happier and freer and more
greeting wars would be less frequent. The tians, made to be in some way, and the easily able to attain spiritual evolution
Catholic Church uses such a greeting owners were not too particular how this and the religion of Muhammad is pre-
only in the mass of the bishop “Pax was accomplished. cisely the same. But Christianity has trav-
Vobiscum” but it is restricted to this cer- The evil of strong drink was recog- eled further in terms of time, and being of
emony and not in the language of the nized and dealt with by Muhammad and an eastern origin has been misunderstood
people, most of whom do not know the once for all abolished. No man may be a and perverted by Western minds. If Chris-
meaning of this salutation. Moslem and use strong drink. A drunkard tianity were to be founded at this time and
Slavery has been virtually abolished is unknown in countries where Islam is in our part of the globe, it would not be
by the founder of Islam who directed that the prevailing religion. Of the five hun- so misinterpreted, although Jesus would
any slave can buy his freedom by becom- dred millions of Moslems very few have probably be crucified again by the very
ing a Moslem, for no professor of the faith ever tasted alcoholic liquor. The only people who profess to be his followers.
may hold a coreligionist in slavery. moderation to him is total abstinence for Islam is a newer religion by about six hun-
Muhammad himself set the example by lib- the individual and prohibition for the dred years and what’s more it is today
erating his own slaves of whom there were state. How many of us wish that we could largely and principally confessed by
many. It is well to remember that this hap- send some of the editors of our truth dis- peoples and races that can understand the
pened more than twelve hundred years torting newspapers to some Islamic coun- language of the Prophet and are familiar
before Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the try to take lessons on the result of prohi- with the oriental flowery metaphors of
emancipation of the Negro slavery in bition. religious teachers. For these reasons Is-
Christian America. We also must not for- The teachings of Jesus were the Fa- lam has preserved much more of the origi-
get that Christianity has done really noth- therhood of God and the Brotherhood of nal teachings of its founder than
ing toward breaking the bonds of the Ne- Man and includes all of the principles Christianity.„

ishah describes his (The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa)
bedding as a sack of hide filled with leaves. She
says: " We never ate bread made of wheat for three
consecutive days. There were times when months
would pass and we did not eat meat or bread, instead
filled our bellies with dates and some milk, except for an odd present
when someone would slaughter a sheep and send us a piece of meat."

Umar narrates: "I went into a small room which was occupied by the
Holy Founder of Islam. He was lying on a straw bedding so rough in
nature that on the side he was leaning, I saw straw marks all over his
body. I scanned the room and it was empty, there was nothing except for
a small bucket for water and one or two odd things. I knew him to be
the most beloved of God, a person who had reached the summit of hu-
manity. This contrast so overwhelmed me with sorrow that I started to
cry." The Holy Prophet turned to me and said: "Umar, what has ailed
thee?" I said: "O Messenger of God, God loves you so much, you are
the best ever created by Him, yet I see you in this state of extreme aus-
terity. You don't have proper bedding, you don't have any articles to
decorate your house, there is nothing." The Holy Prophet smiled and
said: "Umar, would you prefer worldly things of this life to what is in
store for us by God in the life to come?" Umar replied: "Surely the
things to come will be better".

SPRING 2008 17
Did the Prophets of God Commit Sins?
By Shahina Bashir

Despite the concept of

What is sin? original sin and
According to the Oxford dictionary, atonement, the Bible
“sin” means, “breaking of divine or frequently describes the
moral law, especially by a conscious
act.” Sins and mistakes are not synony- prophets of God as sinless
mous. Humans are fallible and prone to
make mistakes. A mistake is described individuals. With regard to
as an error which is not intentional. The
actions of men are judged by their in- Noah, the Bible states,
tentions. “Noah was a righteous
Keeping the dictionary meaning of
the word “sin” in context, we can now man, blameless in his
attempt to answer the question: “Did the
prophets of God commit sins?” generation; Noah walked
with God” (Genesis 6:9).
Who is a
Prophet? Regarding Abraham it
no god but I; so worship Me alone. And states, “When Abram was
Before we can answer if prophets of they say, ‘The Gracious God has taken
God committed sins, we need to identify to Himself a son.’ Holy is He. Nay, those
ninety-nine years old, the
the persons appointed by God as guides whom they so designate are only His Lord appeared to Abram,
for mankind. That is, what kind of life honored servants: They speak not before
did they lead and what kind of character He speaks, and they only carry out His and said to him, ‘I am God
did they possess? The men whom God commands” (21: 26-28). In another place
appointed to such a high office must have the Qur’an states: “And it is not possible Almighty; walk before me,
led blameless lives free from moral for a prophet to act dishonestly…” (3:
weakness. They should be the flag bear- 162). These verses clearly demonstrate
and be blameless” (Genesis 17:1).
ers of high moral standards that are in- the actions of the prophets which leave
comparable with other men around them. them free from conscious and willful dis-
The prophets were no doubt ordinary hu- obedience to God.
mans and possessed no divinity. How- The Qur ’an speaks of individual of original sin. They believe that it was
ever, they reflected the divine attributes. prophets with the highest praise. One Adam’s disobedience to God which made
They exhibited sublime qualities that prophet has been referred to as Siddiq him lose his place in the Garden of Eden.
served as a paragon of morality for their (the one who never lies), another has Humankind is considered sinful regard-
followers. How else could the prophets been said to be purified by God and was less of how hard one works to earn the
lead people from darkness to light if they brought up in Divine presence, and yet pleasure of God. The Christian doctrine
too were buried in ignorance? another is described as one with whom of atonement rejects the Quranic teach-
God was well pleased. The Holy Prophet ings about the sinlessness of the proph-
The Testimony of Muhammad was called Sa-diq and Ami-
n, which means truthful and trustworthy,
ets. Christians view Jesus Christ as the

The Holy Qur’an respectively. Thus, we can see from the

only sinless human being. If there were
humans other than Jesus who were also
testimony of the Qur’an that the proph- sinless, then the doctrine of atonement
The Muslims hold the Qur’an as the ets of God were sinless individuals. would lose its significance. Therefore,
direct word of God. Thus, it is the best according to Christians, prophets of God
source to tell us about the sinless nature The Testimony of had to be sinful people whose salvation
of the prophets. The Qur’an clearly states
that prophets cannot be disobedient to The Holy Bible would depend on the blood of Christ.
Despite the concept of original sin
God: “And We sent no Messenger before and atonement, the Bible frequently de-
thee but We revealed to him: ‘There is The Christians believe in the doctrine scribes the prophets of God as sinless

18 MuslimSunrise
individuals. With regard to Noah, the and have labeled him a sinner. The verse
Bible states, “Noah was a righteous man, often referenced for such accusations is
blameless in his generation; Noah found in Surah Al-Mu’min (40:56): “So
walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). Re- To say that the have patience. Surely, the promise of Al-
garding Abraham it states, “When Abram lah is true. And ask forgiveness for them
was ninety-nine years old, the Lord ap- prophets of God for the wrongs they have done thee and
peared to Abram, and said to him, ‘I am glorify thy Lord with His praise in the
God Almighty; walk before me, and be committed sins is evening and in the morning.” Since crit-
blameless” (Genesis 17:1). ics misunderstand “dhanb,” they imme-
diately and incorrectly conclude that
tantamount to
Misunderstood Prophet Muhammad sought forgiveness
from God for the sins which he commit-
words disbelief. They are ted.

Questioning the Holy Qur’an, some men of lofty Conclusion

critics have misunderstood certain Ara-
bic words, resulting in the mistaken con- character and are To say that the prophets of God com-
clusion that the Qur’an does not support mitted sins is tantamount to disbelief.
the concept of sinless prophets. The most far above the They are men of lofty character and are
important of these words is istighfa-r. far above the ordinary human in spiri-
The general meaning of the word
istighfar is “seeking forgiveness of sins.”
ordinary human in tual status. They are, however, not divine
and are subject to human weaknesses.
However, this is not the only meaning
of the word. It also means seeking pro- spiritual status. They Yet, they are the chosen few protected
from willful disobedience to God. If the
tection from sin. We have already estab- prophets of God made any unintentional
lished that the Qur ’an testifies to the are, however, not mistakes, they were immediately for-
sinless nature of prophets. Thus, the given by God. The Holy Bible’s refer-
word istighfar when used in reference to divine and are ence to Adam’s disobedience to God and
prophets could only mean seeking pro- his banishment from the Garden of Eden
tection from sins. Since prophets too are
fallible, they need Divine protection to
subject to human is refuted in the Qur’an where it states,
“And We said, ‘O Adam, dwell thou and
remain sinless.
The second misunderstood word is weaknesses. Yet, they thy wife in the garden, and eat therefrom
plentifully wherever you will, but ap-
dhanb, which generally means “sin.” proach not this tree, lest you be of the
However, this word has a wide range of are the chosen few wrongdoers. But Satan caused them both
meanings -- it can be applied to short- to slip by means of it and drove them out
comings and weaknesses. A prophet of protected from of the state in which they were. And We
God and other righteous men are never said, Go forth hence; some of you are
satisfied with their deeds and actions to
the point they always strive to do better.
willful disobedience enemies of others and for you there is
an abode in the earth and a provision for
This understanding of the word ensures
that a person remains humble in the eyes to God. If the a time. Then Adam learnt from his Lord
certain words of prayer. So He turned
of God. towards him with mercy. Surely, He is
Another word that is at times misun- prophets of God Oft-Returning with compassion, and is
derstood is khata-. This word denotes all Merciful” (2:36-38).
unintended actions, mistakes, and errors made any The testimony of the Holy Qur’an,
of judgment. When used in the context the Holy Bible, and clarification of cer-
of prophets, this word does not imply
unintentional tain Arabic words referring to ‘forgive-
ness’ leave little doubt regarding the
mistakes, they were morals of God’s prophets. The answer is
Accusations obvious: the prophets of God did not

Against Prophet immediately commit sins.

Muhammad sa forgiven by God.

Shahina Bashir heads the Aleem
Academy, a private Muslim school. She
resides in Maryland.
Critics of Islam constantly launch al-
legations against the Prophet Muhammad

SPRING 2008 19
Does the

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
that All
are Born
By Naser-ud-Din Shams

riginal Sin is the Christian
belief that all human
beings are born sinful.
As the story goes in the Book of
Genesis, the first man Adamas and his
wife Eve were created sinless and
placed in the Garden of Eden.
However, a serpent tempted Eve
into eating the forbidden fruit of the
“tree of knowledge of good and
evil,” and sharing it with Adamas.
St. Augustine, the bishop of Hippo Regius, is Consequently, God condemned the
revered for his defense of Original Sin

two and expelled them from Eden.
All children born thereafter
inherited this sin, sentencing them
to eternal damnation. The only way

to cleanse oneself of this sin would
be to accept Jesus Christ’s sacrificial
atonement on the cross to pay the
penalty of that sin. This is
symbolically represented when
children are baptized.

20 MuslimSunrise
This belief is fundamental to mainstream tion. It is highly unlikely that he would have teousness of the righteous will be upon
Christianity and is deeply engrained in the ignored a belief as foundational as all men himself, and the wickedness of the wicked
Christian mind. However, it has seldom been are born in sin – the only cleansing for which will be upon himself.”
evaluated against the teachings in the Bible. would be his sacrificial atonement. How- If God revealed the above words to
Such an evaluation reveals a questionable ever, we find no mention of Original Sin in Ezekiel as, then Original Sin stands in con-
origin and debatable authenticity of the doc- the words of Jesusas. tradiction to His words. Thus, Jews do
trine. In addition, allowing Paul to author fun- not believe in Original Sin.
damental doctrines, or anyone else for that Although there are several verses in
History & Background matter, is a serious trespass of Christ’s au- the Old Testament that indicate all men are
thority. In Hebrews (12:2) Jesusas is referred sinful or have sinned, this is understood
The formal doctrine of Original Sin is to as the author and finisher of our faith. as hyperbole to express man’s unworthi-
largely accredited to St. Augustine of Hippo Therefore, all Christian teachings must be ness before the Face of God (e.g. Ps 130:3,
(354-430AD). In rebuttal to the beliefs of rooted in the words of Jesus as . No one Jb 4:17, Ecc 7:20, etc.). Figurative state-
Pelagius, a contemporary ascetic, August- should have the authority to add or override ments abound throughout the Old Testa-
ine claimed that unbaptized infants go to hell any of his teachings. ment.
as a result of Adam’s sin. Augustine’s writ- Quite contrary to the belief that all men Similarly, Jesus as used exaggerated ex-
ings framed the foundation of Original Sin are sinful, we find several exceptions in the pressions of humility. For example, in the
and were accepted as official doctrine in the four Gospels. Jesusas is quoted as saying, Gospel of Mark, a rich young ruler ad-
Councils of Carthage (418AD), Orange “…the righteous [will go] to eternal life” dressed Jesus as Good Teacher, but Jesus as
(529AD) and Trent (1545-1563AD). On the (Matt 25:46). He also says, “…I came not to responded, “Why do you call me good?
other hand, nothing remains of Pelagius’ call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” No one is good except God Alone” (10:18).
writings except what his adversaries wrote (Mrk 2:17). These verses indicate that the
of him. righteous (Greek: Dikaios) are sinless be- Other Points
Along with Pelagius, others rejected the cause they inherit eternal life and have no
concept of Original Sin. Theodorus (c.350 need of repentance of sins. Original Sin gives rise to more ques-
– 428AD), the bishop of Mopsuestia, denied Several people are righteous (Greek: tions than clarity. For example, if Adam’s
that Adam’s sin was the source of death. In Dikaios) or holy (Greek: Agios) in the New sin caused physical death (Romans 5:12),
harmony with this view, Caelestius (c.400AD) Testament, indicating they are sinless. The man to toil upon land (Gen 3:17), and
held that Adam’s actions did not affect the following are described as righteous: women to bear children in pain (Gen 3:16),
entire human race. Abraham as (Gal 3:6), Noah as (Heb 11:7), then accepting Jesus’ sacrificial atonement
Other critics of Augustine’s views point Melchisadec (Heb 7:2), Lotas (II Peter 2:8), to pay for the penalty of sin should elimi-
out his influence by Manichaeism, his faith and Zachariahas and his wife Elizabethra (Luk nate these conditions. However, all Chris-
before he accepted Christianity. 1:6). In fact, Jesusas himself condemns the tians are subjected to all three.
Manichaeism originated in Persia, founded scribes and Pharisees by saying, “That upon Other questions involve the status of
by a man named Mani, and entertains the you may come all the righteous blood shed Mary ra, the mother of Jesus as, and Jesus as
belief that human nature is evil. It is alleged upon the earth, from the blood of righteous himself. If sin was hereditary, as the doc-
that Augustine formulated his views of Origi- Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of trine of Original Sin alleges, then how could
nal Sin under the influence of Manichaean Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple Mary ra avoid it? She would have inherited
beliefs. and the altar” (Matt 23:35). Here Jesusas calls it from the bloodline of her forefathers.
In rebuttal, defenders of Original Sin claim Abel and all of the martyrs righteous. Further, if Jesus as was sinless, then what
its existence far before Augustine. They cite Johnas the Baptist is described not only need was there for him to be baptized by
Paul where he writes, “…just as through one as righteous, but holy (Mrk 6:20) in the same John as the Baptist?
man sin entered into the world, and death way Jesusas is called holy in Luke 1:35. In
through sin, and so death spread to all men, fact, Johnas the Baptist was born sinless as Conclusion
because all sinned” (Romans 5:12). They he was filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in
also cite the practice of infant baptism con- his mother’s womb (Luk 1:15). In addition, Although the author of Original Sin is
ducted before Augustine’s time. As agreed all of the prophetsas since creation are called not clear, the New Testament bears out it
in the Council of Nicaea (325AD), baptism holy in Luke 1:70. was not Jesus as. He never preached the
was performed for the remission of sins. doctrine. We also find several verses in
The Old Testament the Old Testament which contradict it in
Jesusas & the New Testament principle.
The Old Testament also seems to dis- Original Sin is one of many examples of
Amidst the confusion and finger-point- agree with the concept of Original Sin. Like mainstream Christian teachings which have
ing, it is unusually surprising why no one several similar verses, Ezekiel 18:20 states, questionable foundations. The fact it was
seems to be asking what Jesusas preached. “The person who sins will die. The son never taught by Jesus Christ as, the very
If Jesusas was the Messiah, as is believed by will not bear the punishment for the father’s man after whom the Christian faith was
all Christians, it was his responsibility to iniquity, nor will the father bear the pun- named, does little more than beg
teach every doctrine fundamental to salva- ishment for the son’s iniquity; the righ- skepticism.„

SPRING 2008 21
When we learn about other religions,
there are some differences that stand out in
black and white contrast to the beliefs we
have been taught all our lives. One religion

Sin is
acclaims an act as a virtue, while another
religion views it as a sin. How is this pos-
sible when all religions share the same
Source - God?

For example, in Islam, cleanliness is
considered extremely important. The Qur’an
and hadith tell us how to do wudhu (cleans-
ing) before each prayer. If we pray five times

a day, then we are washing five times a day.
When we go to the mosque, the hadith, or
the sayings of the Holy Prophet sa, instruct us
to be clean for jumuah, the congrega-
By Allison Khan tional Friday prayer. We are instructed to

eligion teaches morals that guard wear perfume so that we smell nice. The Holy

against wrong thinking and wrong Prophet sa is reported to have said the Friday

doing. Believing in a moral code should prayer is greater than Eid, which illus-
elevate us, if we are sincere in our belief. Most religions trates how important this prayer is in the
of the world agree on basic moral values: treat your life of a Muslim. To make sure that the
family well, take care of your neighbors, be kind to atmosphere at the mosque is pleasant,
animals and give charity to those in need. These values we are told not to eat onions and garlic
improve the quality of life within the community. before we go, so that those saying their
When we help our neighbor, we increase his love for prayers next to us aren’t turned away by
us, but more importantly we improve everyone’s unattractive odors.
quality of life.
22 MuslimSunrise
One teacher colleague told me that when and cake soaps. The Hindus have so much In Islam, believing that you are powerful
he taught in Thailand, he could smell soap faith in the holiness of the cow that the sup- on a level with your Creator is a sin. Allah is
everywhere in the marketplace when the ply outstrips the demand, according to Julian Omnipotent—the All Powerful. The prayers
people were going to the mosque for Friday West. As a result, a book on cow’s urine and of the prophets are antithetical to the Wiccan
prayers. He made the Muslims of Thailand cow dung is posted on the internet describ- beliefs. We beg forgiveness from our Cre-
sound so attractive to me. I could see the ing how to make your own cow dung medi- ator because He is the Master of the Day of
mosque, hear the adhaan calling everyone cine, by adding water and squishing it to- Judgement.
to prayer, as they walked to the mosque in gether by hand and if that is not sufficient, What is the power of a man? As Freud
clean clothes, smelling of soap. add more water and leave it to ferment for pointed out, we are full of ego. No matter
Christians have a saying that “cleanli- another six hours and then squeeze the dung how insignificant our good qualities are, we
ness is next to godliness,” but I have never again to get more curative value from the tend to magnify them, because this is the
heard anyone say that all the Christians dung available. mission statement of our ego. That is why
smell clean on Sunday. The reason is be- Another belief conflicting with my own Allah prescribes that we go into sajdah, by
cause Islam is more prescriptive. The Bible is the Trinity. Christians who learn about prostrating our heads onto the floor to sub-
does not tell all adherents of Christianity that Islam are confused why Muslims view the due the ego that arises with very little en-
they must be clean for worship. If there is no Trinity as a sin. couragement. If we imagine Allah, the All
requirement, then how can the requirement The Holy Qur’an proclaims the Oneness Mighty standing in front of us while we pray,
be fulfilled? of Allah. there is no room for ego or powerfulness.
Louis XIV, the king of France, a Catholic, Growing up Christian, I was taught the Rather, we are warned that we are each in
is famous for his antipathy to cleanliness. Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy charge of a kingdom and we should fear the
He had a total of three baths in his entire life. Ghost. All accounts were supported by the day when we are held to account for that
One was for his coronation. Well, we know use of triads. There were three sons, three kingdom, because no one is perfect.
for certain that he could afford a bath, as a trials, three princesses or three witches in all Islam is the only religion where a people
king, but his religion did not demand it of the fairy tales. The storytelling tradition al- of the Book have been given the ninety-nine
him, so it was not his habit to bathe. What ways uses three examples to support the ar- names of Allah, which teaches us ninety-
was the effect on his soul that he should gument. Christians include Trinity in church nine qualities of Allah. He is the Most High,
live for years, unwashed? and street names, and hail it as the unifying the Most Powerful, the Most Beneficent.
Islam is so particular about cleanliness symbol of Christianity. How foolish we look if we say we have the
for prayers that it is said that if the imam is How can two religions who claim to be- best hair or the best walk or even that we
not clean, then the prayers of those who fol- lieve in the same prophets: Abraham as , have the best job? How long are we walking
low him will have their prayers answered by Isaacas, Mosesas and Noahas have such dif- on the earth for? We are insignificant. The
Allah. Islam is very clear about the habits of ferent views? gifts we have are all from Him. Consequently,
the believers: for example, if a person pray- Islam states emphatically Laa ilaha il- the only intelligent response to our Maker
ing passes gas, he must return to the wash- Allah —“There is no god but the One God.” is to give thanks.
room and do his wudhu again. Allah’s re- Judaism, which is based on the Old Testa- All people who believe in their
quirement is clearly directing believers to ment also adheres to the Oneness of God. religion can achieve good things, but
strive to the highest levels of physical clean- So how could a religion that comes after Ju- those who have the best teachings can
liness in their efforts to attain the highest daism and before Islam believe God is three? achieve the most good. In this age,
level of spiritual cleanliness. Trinity is a sin in Islam because the Holy science clearly supports the Islamic
In stark contrast to Islam, Hindus believe Qur’an tells us that associating partners with requirement of washing repeatedly to
that the cow is holy, and therefore anything Allah is a sin. Allah can forgive anything He avoid all the germs and the illnesses
produced by the cow has purifying quali- chooses, but the only sin He will not forgive that result from not washing. Even
ties. Julian West, in New Dehli, wrote an ar- is associating partners with Him. though I grew up being told repeatedly
ticle called A gift from the gods: bottled cow’s The Bible says “I am a Jealous God.” about the Trinity, it did not make it
urine. This is not some ancient belief, What should God be jealous of? Everything comprehensible to me. Islam clarified the
handed down by uneducated people. It was belongs to Him. The only thing He could be components of the Trinity by explaining
written in 2002. According to the article, “the jealous of is if man begins to say that He that God is Allah, “the Son” is really a
urine, which is being sold under the label shares His powers with someone else. prophet or messenger and the Ho l y
‘Gift of the Cow’, is being…promoted by the The Wiccans are modern day witches. Ghost is Gabriel, the archangel who
government of Gujarat.” This act is a virtue They believe they follow the ways of an ear- brings mankind revelation. Once we
in Hinduism, although other religions would lier time—the Celts. They believe in a God acknowledge that we are insignificant
differ. and a Goddess. Again, Islam would say that and sinful people, compared to the
Some Hindus believe in the curative their idea of a virtue—giving God a partner power and perfection of our Creator,
power of the urine so much that one woman as if He was a human who suffers bouts of there is a better chance that our prayers
claimed to drink cow’s urine for three years loneliness—is a sin in Islam. will become helpful to us and those
and claimed it cured her chest tumor. The third tenet of the Wiccans states, around us. Follow your heart: follow the
The Hindus have saved mistreated cows, “We acknowledge a depth of power far religion with the most spiritual
which is admirable, and it is their urine and greater than that apparent to the average knowledge.
dung that are used in “medicinal” lotions is sometimes called supernatural.”

SPRING 2008 23
An Islamic
in jail
By Matthew Streib, Northwestern
University Medill School of Journalism

AUKEGAN, Il.--It’s
8:30 in the morning,
and Hasan Hakeem,
President of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community, Zion, is pulling a tan suit jacket
from a plastic sleeve in the trunk of his van.
“You can’t dress casually if you want them
to respect you,” he says. “Now, if I showed
up in a t-shirt, they would think I was sick
or something.” He is focused, in a quiet
hurry to enter the Lake County Jail.
Lake County Jail Chaplain Hasan Hakeem with inmate, John Blair, who converted
As Hakeem walks through the front to the Islamic faith during his incarceration. Blair was one of several inmates who
doors, however, he slows down markedly. participated in a 30-day fast during the Holy Month of Ramadhan last year.
He jokes with the guards, chats with other Photo by Matthew Strieb/Lake County Jail, Waukegan, IL
chaplains, says hello to folks in the admin-
istration. When moving from room to room,
he makes a point of not pushing the button can be a powerful tool for rehabilitation at His son is being held on charges related to
that alerts the guards that he needs them to a time when Islam’s presence in the penal sys- armed robbery.
open the doors. tem is under scru- “Sometimes I’m there three, four days a
“They can see tiny. week,” he says. “I just get this feeling that
me on the video,” B e f o r e they need me, and I’m there. If I can’t go, I
he says, giving a Hakeem, the Lake start to feel guilty, as though I’ve failed some-
small wave to a County Jail one.”
camera. “They have hadn’t had a He spends as much time at the jail and
a lot to do. I don’t Muslim chaplain dealing with inmates’ families as a full-time
want to annoy in almost a de- job, but it isn’t a job. Hakeem isn’t paid, and
them. This is their cade, largely be- still manages to juggle his responsibilities as
house, I have to re- cause there were an imam and a freelance writer on the side.
spect that, and be few Muslim in- About six months ago, Hakeem met with
as respectful as I mates. But early inmates as a traditional visitor would — with
can.” this year, when a large sheet of Plexiglas dividing them. But
Hakeem has some inmates Hakeem decided that if he were actually go-
made it his mission said they were ing to have an impact on these people’s lives,
to change the way Muslim, the jail he’d have to see them face-to-face.
inmates at the jail called Hakeem, So he told the jail’s administration that if
view the world and who was initially he were to continue guiding inmates, he would
themselves, remov- reluctant. have to have free movement throughout the
ing them from the “I hate jails, I jail, as chaplains are generally afforded.
negative way of life learned on the street. still do,” he says. “If you told me 10 years By the jail’s policy, Hakeem must visit be-
But his ministry doesn’t stop with in- ago I’d be working in the jail, I’d have called tween meal times, often affording him as little
mates in jail. He and his community at the you a liar. But I changed my perspective on as 90 minutes, so he never gets to everyone
Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam in Zion, Ill. incarceration and what leads to a person be- he needs to see. He doesn’t seek out new
embrace them in the community after they ing incarcerated and how to save them be- inmates to talk to, as he says conversion is
are released. cause my youngest son is incarcerated right not his mission.
Hakeem is proving that the Muslim faith now because of some stupidity that he had.” Nevertheless, his reputation for humility

24 MuslimSunrise
and empathy has spread throughout the He hands Blair a Qur’an, one of 300 his
prison. When he walks into a cell block, in- mosque bought for the jail, and promises to
mates crowd around him as if he were a celeb- come back soon.
rity, shaking his hand and bumping fists to When Hakeem says he’ll provide more
say hello. In the few months that he has been than just lending an ear, he means it.
there, about 20 have accepted Islam as their He shows up at bond hearings and trials
faith. The jail holds about 700 inmates. as a character witness, and if he can’t go, he
Since 9/11, Islam’s place in prisons has sends a member of his mosque. He acts as a
been under increased scrutiny, as many have liaison and a support for family members, help-
worried that its spread could allow for the ing them deal with having a family member in
infiltration of radical ideologies. jail, and addressing their concerns of faith if
For example, in September 2006, the U.S. the inmate became a Muslim. And on this day,
Senate Homeland Security and Governmen- before he arrived at the prison, Hakeem spent
tal Affairs Committee held hearings in which an hour with Blair’s family, consoling them
the FBI and Homeland Security urged prison and conveying messages.
officials to conduct more extensive back- Hakeem also acts as an intermediary be-
ground checks on workers and volunteers tween them and the administration, being the
who meet with inmates. Members of Congress inmates’ voice and the administrations’ evalu-
are also looking at possible reforms in prison ator for authenticity. “I’ve had it with people
security as a way to combat the spread of filing tons of grievances. I don’t want to hear
extremist Islamic beliefs. Lake County Jail Chief all that crap, you’re in jail, you should be think-
Because of this, many prisons have been ing about how to save your soul.”
hesitant to hire new Muslim chaplains, fear- Warden Jennifer By taking authentic religious needs di-
ing liability issues. Witherspoon says that rectly to the administration, he avoids bureau-
Nevertheless, Lake County Jail Chief War- cracy, meets inmates’ needs, and saves the
den Jennifer Witherspoon says that Hakeem Hakeem has been an administration paperwork.
has been an invaluable resource. “He doesn’t invaluable resource. “He But it’s not only in jail that Hakeem reaches
just limit himself to speaking to the Muslims; out to inmates. He has adopted a mantra from
he transcends that,” she says. “He brings doesn’t just limit himself Christian prison groups: “Meet them at the
knowledge and experience to the younger to speaking to the Gate.” When inmates are released, Hakeem
guys and the older guys can relate to him makes sure that they are welcomed at his
because of his age. If anyone had a stereo- Muslims; he transcends mosque. He and the congregation try to find
type of a Muslim as being violent or radical, that,” she says. “He work for them, places to stay, and job train-
he’s shattered it.” ing, but his main goal is to watch their spiri-
Hakeem sees his work as part of a larger brings knowledge and tual and moral development.
mission to combat what he characterizes as experience to the younger “A lot of people just say ‘Get them jobs,’
the growing threat of society’s bottom class. as though that’ll fix everything. It has to be
“We’ve been ignoring the underbelly of guys and the older guys more than just a job. A job doesn’t change a
society for too long,” he says. “This gang can relate to him because person; it just makes life more difficult for him.
problem is deeper than al-Qaeda and all that We’ve got to mentor them.”
stuff we talk about. There are people out there of his age. If anyone had The Ahmadiyya mosque in Zion occupies
who have nothing to lose and have no fear. a stereotype of a Muslim a location that has been sentimental to the
They’re a real terrorist threat to our country, faith for a century. In the early 1900s, news-
and they’re mobilizing. We can’t just lock as being violent or papers in the United States brandied the
them up and forget about them anymore. They radical, he’s shattered it.” sensationalist drama of a zealot founder
come back. We’ve got to change how they of a new Christian sect that formed Zion
think.” Apostolic Christianity, had been hurting, as as a new Jerusalem.
When Hakeem meets a new inmate, he his grandmother, Betty, had said that she was The figurehead, John Alexander
doesn’t ask why he is in jail. Hakeem says it’s preparing to die. Dowie, was vehemently anti-Muslim. In
not the most important thing, and it will come Blair, an imposing, muscular figure, was response, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, an ob-
out eventually. Instead, he discusses their raised by the women in his family, and his scure Muslim cleric, who said he was the
feelings, their relationships, and where they chest and arms are covered in their names in Messiah and Mahdi, from India, chal-
are spiritually. He plans his visits accordingly, homage. He wears a ‘Betty’ tattoo above his lenged him to a prayer duel. The first one
forming a mental schedule about who he heart. to die was the one who was wrong.
needs to visit. Hakeem sits close to Blair, leaning in at- Dowie died in March 9, 1907. The Ah-
On a recent visit he sat down with John tentively, his gaze unmoving, as though no madiyya Muslim Community , which grew
Blair, who is awaiting trial for attempted mur- one else existed in the world. from Ahmad’s teachings, founded a mis-
der and other violent charges. “Don’t worry, we’ll watch out for them,” sion in Chicago. The Ahmadi community in
Blair, 25, a recent convert to Islam from he tells Blair, placing a hand on his shoulder. Zion has made a point in reaching out to the

SPRING 2008 25
community that spurned them a century ago. of the holy prophet Muhammed, peace
The Christian sect still survives, albeit under be upon him, were a small group of cast-
a new name.
The city’s quality of life has fallen pre-
“Remember that outs,” he said at a recent service.
“We need to be a force of positive
cipitously since the closing of its nuclear those first change in this world and see outside of
power plant, its main source of income,
in 1998. Currently, about 12 percent of followers of the ourselves. It’s the people who are incar-
cerated, the people who are sick, the
the population lives below the poverty
Holy Prophet people who are cast-away. We have a re-
sponsibility to serve God and community.
In 1996, 15-year-old Ed Shimenti, Jr. Muhammed, (saw) If we’re going to serve the community,
was unfulfilled with his life in the impov-
erished city and was looking for an alter- were a small let’s not give lip service — let’s do it,
let’s be people of action.”
native to involvement in gangs. With a
friend, he began attending mosques on
group of cast- Hakeem knows that not everyone
can be rehabilitated, and he has
Friday. His mother, Joni, says she was ad-
dicted to crack at the time, and that she
outs.” chalked up a loss or two. But he re-
fuses to give up. For people like
thought he was just doing it to rebel. Fareed Sharif, a former gang member
heart. “It’s difficult. We need to concern
“I thought he did it to get out of who is now a reformed member of the
ourselves with how others feel. If they
school early on Fridays,” she says. “I did mosque, knowing that someone be-
feel unsafe, we need to think about that
not support of him wearing that hat [a lieves in people like him is one of the
very seriously and find how to make them
kufi] in the house or at school.” things that most helped him turn his
feel safe. But this is something very im-
But Shimenti kept going, and made life around.
friends with the Ahmadiyya Movement “This place is amazing,” he says.
On Fridays, during services at the
in Islam at 2103 Gabriel Ave. The commu- “Hakeem helped me to know that there
mosque, he frequently reminds his
nity embraced him, and Hakeem person- is One God, that he loves me, and that
congregants of the importance of his
ally took him under his wing. When he cares what happens to me. Now, I
Shimenti wanted to attend the interna- am protecting my soul.” „
“Remember that those first followers
tional annual convention in Toronto, they
dipped into their own pockets to fund his
trip. In Canada, Shimenti met with the
Ahmadi Khalifa (spiritual leader of the
Ahmadiyya Muslims), a rare honor.
“[He was] a man with an aura of power,
but was very meek and humble meeting
with myself and members of the Zion
mosque,” says Shimenti.
Nevertheless, his mother, a devout
Christian, fervently disapproved of
Shimenti’s interest in Islam, and refers to
his visit to Canada as “brainwashing.”
Hakeem met with her, saying that given
Shimenti’s situation, it would probably
be Islam or the streets.
Shimenti stopped attending the
Ahmadi mosque. Shimenti is again turn-
ing to Islam to change his life, and
Hakeem is again acting as his mentor.
By reaching out to former inmates, the
community has been burned before, how-
ever. Once, Hakeem says, a former inmate
was allowed to live inside the mosque.
He was employed at a gas station owned
by one of the mosque’s members, and
caught stealing from the cash register.
“It was a bad experiment, real bad,”
says Hakeem. Now, he says, some of the
Hakeem meets with two inmates, one African Hebrew and the other,
a Muslim. It’s important to be inclusive of all faiths, said Hakeem.
members do not approve of his reaching “Christians, Moors and atheists attend our Friday Service in the Lake
out to inmates, something he takes to County Jail. “The pathway to salvation is not limited to Muslims.”

26 MuslimSunrise
Saint Patrick's Day and the Christian Trinity
B y Dr. Z i a S h a h

aint Patrick's
Day is annually
celebrated, on
March 17, the
day on which
Saint Patrick died. The day
is a national holiday in Ire-
land. In Canada, Australia,
the United Kingdom and the
United States, it is widely
celebrated but is not an
official holiday. All over the
world we see the symbol of
Saint Patrick and Trinity in
the form of three leaflet
shamrock on display.
It is said that Saint Patrick's
Day is celebrated by both
Christians and non-Chris-
tians by wearing green,
eating Irish food and/or
Legend also credits Patrick with teaching the Irish about
green foods, imbibing Irish
the concept of the Trinity by showing people the shamrock,
drink, and attending pa-
a 3-leaved clover, using it to highlight the Christian belief
rades. There is a saying
of 'three divine persons in the one God' (as opposed to the
that, "Everyone wants to be
Arian belief that was popular in Patrick's time).
Irish on St. Patrick's Day."
The St. Patrick's Day pa- as being a celebration of way he introduced Christian-
rade in Dublin, Ireland is Irish culture, Saint Patrick's ity to Irish people speaks
part of a five-day festival; Day is a Christian festival volumes about missionary
over 500,000 people at- celebrated in the Catholic appeal. The best clue may
tended the 2006 parade. Church, the Church of Ire- lie in the national flower of
The largest St. Patrick's Day land, and some other Ireland, the shamrocks.
parade is held in New York denominations. Encyclopedia Wikipedia has
City and it is watched by two Saint Patrick introduced the following to say about
million spectators. As well Christianity to Ireland. The Saint Patrick:
SPRING 2008 27
“Pious legend credits Patrick with philosopher or scientist. Although the
banishing snakes from the island, though idea was crystallized only in the modern
post-glacial Ireland never actually had scientific era, its origins go back to the
snakes; ….. Legend also credits Patrick dawn of history, and are intimately bound
with teaching the Irish about the concept up with religion. Our distant ancestors
of the Trinity by showing people the must have had a rudimentary notion of
shamrock, a 3-leaved clover, using it to cause and effect. The purpose of making
highlight the Christian belief of 'three di- tools, for example, has always been to
vine persons in the one God' (as opposed facilitate the manipulation of the environ-
to the Arian belief that was popular in ment. ….. Although certain regularities
Patrick's time). Whether or not these leg- of behavior were apparent to these early
ends are true, the very fact that there are people, the vast majority of natural phe-
so many legends about Patrick shows nomena remained mysterious and unpre-
how important his ministry was to Ire- dictable.” 4
land.” 1 Even if these legends are not true From these early beginnings the sys-
this universal display of shamrock serves tematic human observations began to
to indoctrinate the gullible into Trinity. grow. The pantheistic cultures of Hin-
What we never see or hear is the fact that duism or Buddhism believed that the
shamrock may also have four (4) leaf- physical world was a holistic tapestry of
lets: interdependent influences. According to
The Encyclopedia Britannica online this view God’s relationship with Nature
has the following to say on this issue: is that of a partner rather than that of a
“Before the end of the 7th century Patrick sovereign. This holistic
had become a legendary figure, and the conceptualization did not yield to objec-
legends have continued to grow. One of tive study of nature that required a de-
these would have it that he drove the gree of reductionism.
snakes of Ireland into the sea to their Set against this way of looking at the
destruction. Another, probably the most
Before the end of the 7th world were the monotheistic religions.
popular, is that of the shamrock, which century Patrick had Almost 2000 years BC, Allah revealed
has him explain the concept of the Holy himself to the prophet Abrahamas and
Trinity, three Persons in one God, to an
become a legendary figure, gave him a powerful message of Mono-
unbeliever by showing him the three- and the legends have theism. As the teachings of Monothe-
l e a v e d p l a n t w i t h o n e s t a l k . To d a y ism, got established in the Middle East,
Irishmen wear shamrocks, the national
continued to grow. One of the Jews conceived of God as the Law-
flower of Ireland, in their lapels on St. these would have it that he giver. This God being independent and
Patrick's Day, March 17.” 2 separate from His creation, imposed laws
We share the joy of cultural celebra-
drove the snakes of Ireland upon the universe from without. Nature
tion with our Irish countrymen, but what into the sea to their was supposed to be subject to laws by
we take an exception to is the ‘doctrine Divine decree. 5
of Trinity’. The proofs of Trinity, in gen-
destruction. Sir Isaac Newton saw that there is no
eral lie in rhetoric, gimmicks and legends changing of the laws of nature and that
like the ones associated with Saint the Universe follows the rules of math-
Patrick. If Christians were to offer any and run away from reason and rational- ematics. He published his Principia in
serious proofs for their claim of Trinity, ity. It is self evident that faith cannot be 1687. But fifty years before Newton,
those should have been focused on show- divorced from reason. If man needed Galileo Galilee had said, “The book of the
ing the testimony of three Gods in Laws faith alone, any cult would be as good as universe is written in mathematical lan-
of Nature and study of nature. In the any religion and all human affairs will guage, without which we wander in vain
words of Khalifatul Masih IV, regarding completely collapse. Therefore, let us through the labyrinth.” 6 The scientists
European Christian philosophers, subject the doctrine of Trinity to rational were borrowing from each other, until one
“Kierkegaard is proved so right in his examination. could track it back to the teaching of
warning to the priests to maintain a sul- Monotheism in the Holy Quran and the
len silence about the divine mystery of Laws of Nature and Monotheism Torah. Allah Said in the verse of Sura
Trinity; rather than invite trouble by ven- Rum:
turing to defend it with instruments of In the words of Paul Davies, a Profes- “So set thy face to the service of re-
reason.” 3 But what Kierkegaard could not sor of Mathematical Physics and a pro- ligion with single-minded devotion. And
see is that, in this age of enlightenment, lific writer on the subject of ‘Science and follow the nature made by Allah, the na-
with millions of websites, it will be hard Religion’, “The concept of the law of na- ture according to which He has fashioned
to hide behind the veil of ‘faith’ alone ture was not invented by any particular mankind. There is no altering the creation

28 MuslimSunrise
of Allah. That is the right religion - but The Holy Quran says: Is He, then, the heavens and the earth other gods
most men know not.” (Al Rum 30:31) Who creates like one who creates not? beside Allah, then surely both would
According to Paul Davies, “In Renais- Will you not then take heed?16 There is have gone to ruin.” 21 And again it says,
sance Europe, the justification for what one theme in the creation of this universe ‘nor is there any other god along with
we today call the scientific approach to be it living or non-living. In the living Him.” 22 These quotes imply that, had
inquiry was the belief in a rational God beings there is similar RNA and one kind there been any other god besides the One
whose created order could be discerned of DNA. Theory of evolution ties all liv- Who combines in Himself all perfect at-
from a careful study of nature. Part of ing beings to one ancestry or lineage. tributes, both heaven and earth would
this belief came to be that God's laws were Dr. Abdus Salam, the co-recipient with have been corrupted. Since it was inevi-
immutable.”7 Scientific culture was domi- St e v e n We i n b e rg a n d S h e l d o n L e e table that at times this plurality of gods
nated by adherence to the absolute in- Glashow of the 1979 Nobel Prize for Phys- would have acted against one another,
variance of laws of Nature, The laws of ics for their work in formulating the and their differences would have resulted
nature underwrote the meaningfulness of electroweak theory, which explains the plunging the universe into chaos, each
the, scientific enterprise and assured its unity of the weak nuclear force and elec- one of them would have worked for the
success. To prove claim of Paul Davies, tromagnetism, had inspiration of his work welfare of his own creation; for whose
let me quote an example as mentioned by from his belief in Unity of God. 17 comfort, he would have considered it per-
John Barrow , ‘In the absence of “the “To a Muslim mystic, Allah is to be missible to destroy others. This too
concept of a divine being who acted to sought in eternal beauty. And for Salam, would have led to chaos.” 23
It is easy for unprejudiced who has
not been indoctrinated with the concept
of Trinity, to see that our Universe
speaks of one Creator, call him Allah or
St. Patrick, patron saint by whatever name but there cannot be
of Ireland, first chose the three creators of this world. 24
shamrock as a symbol of The Plant Kingdom
the Trinity of the
Who originates creation and then re-
Christian church because peats it, and Who provides for you from
of its three leaflets bound the heaven and from the earth? Then is
there a god besides Allah? Urge them:
by a common stalk. Bring forward your proofs if you are tell-
ing the truth.” (Al Naml 27:65)
Plants called shamrock include the
wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) of the fam-
ily Oxalidaceae, or any of various plants
of the pea family (Fabaceae). As men-
legislate what went on in the natural b e a u t y c o m e s t h r o u g h f i n d i n g n e w, tioned before, according to Irish legend,
world, whose decrees formed inviolate subtle, yet simplifying patterns in the St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, first
'laws' of Nature, and who underwrote sci- natural world. Anything that threatens chose the shamrock as a symbol of the Trin-
entific enterprise,’ Chinese science was to confuse the issue seems to him ugly, ity of the Christian church because of its
condemned to a ‘curious stillbirth’. 8 filling him with an utmost physical revul- three leaflets bound by a common stalk.
There were certainly other factors in the sion and driving him to clean it away, Wood sorrel is shipped from Ireland to other
development of science, but it cannot be much as one would remove mud from a countries in great quantity for St. Patrick's
denied that monotheism was a powerful shrine.” 18 The physicists are now work- Day.25
necessary paradigm, for the budding ing on a string theory that will unite all
flower of science to blossom. forms of matter and energy into one. If It is common knowledge that leaves
After several centuries of scientific de- there had been in the heavens and the come in different styles, shapes and sizes.
velopment, now when we look at our Uni- earth other gods besides Allah, then However, the vast majority of the leaves
verse, it can speak to us of only one Cre- there would have been chaos in the Uni- have a single leaf or leaflet. So if leaves
ator, call him Allah or by whatever name verse. 19 This is the fundamental nature were to serve as an argument for anything,
but there cannot be three creators of this of multiple egos and entities, with con- they can only be an argument for One Su-
world. 9 There are no creations of the Holy tradicting visions, struggling with each preme God. But what is a better argument
Ghost or of Jesus Christas that we can other. 20 for monotheism in Plant Kingdom is the fact
see. 10 11 12 We Muslims love Jesus Christ In the words of Promised Messiah as , that all plants have descended from one an-
dearly and applaud him as a great prophet. “The Holy Quran sets forth an argument cestry and have one kind of RNA. In plants
But he did not create anything to merit a in support of His being One, without as- RNA is the basis of genetics like DNA in
status equal to Allah All-Mighty. 13 14 15 sociate, by stating: “If there had been in the animal kingdom.

SPRING 2008 29
If there is a mystery in leaves, it is With this in mind, let us review the being was deprived of a single chromo-
not in the number of leaflets in shamrock following analysis, about son ship of some out of the 46 necessary for the
but is in the mechanisms that help leaves Jesus Christ, by Khalifatul Masih IV, making of all human beings, the result
to seek light, it is in the molecule of chlo- Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad in his book, would be something chaotic, if there was
rophyll and it is in the fact that the leaves “Christianity a Journey from Fact to Fic- anything at all. Scientifically, Mary
make the food for the whole animal king- tion”: could not provide the 46 chromosomes
dom from very basic raw materials of car- “First of all, let me remind you that alone, 23 had to come from somewhere
bon dioxide, water and few minerals, and the mother and father participate equally else.
cook the food, if you will, through the in producing a child. The cells of human If God is the father then that presents
agency of sunlight. beings contain 46 chromosomes, which several options. One; God also has the
If there is mystery and miracle in the carry the genes or character bearing same chromosomes that humans have,
plant kingdom, it lies in the interplay be- threads of life. The ovum of a human and these must have been transferred
tween the creation and the word of God. mother possesses only 23 of the 46 chro- somehow to the uterus of Mary. That is
All Knowing God mentioned about His mosomes, which is half the number unbelievable and unacceptable; if God
creations forcefully in the Holy Quran found in each man and woman. When has the chromosomes of human beings
centuries before the invention of micro- the mother's ovum is ready and avail- it means he is no longer God. So as a
scope that was needed to see the pres- able for insemination, the other half of consequence of belief in Jesus as the
ence of pollens and sexes in flowers: the chromosomes which it lacks, is pro- literal 'Son' of God, even the divinity of
vided by the male sperm, which then the Father is jeopardized.
“Holy is Allah, Who created in pairs, enters and fertilizes it. This is the de- The second possibility is that God
of that which the earth grows, and of sign of God, otherwise, the number of created the extra chromosomes as a su-
themselves, and of that which they know chromosomes would begin to double pernatural phenomenon of creation. In
not.” (Al Yasin 36:37) with every generation. As a result the other words, they did not actually be-
second generation would have 92 chro- long to the person of God, but were cre-
If there is mystery and miracle in the mosomes; humans would soon be trans- ated miraculously. This would automati-
plant kingdom, it lies in the mechanisms formed into giants and the entire pro- cally lead us to reject Jesus' relationship
that help water be sucked up from the cess of growth would run amok. God has to God as one of child and father, and
roots to the leaves of Australian Moun- so beautifully planned and designed the would result in the all-embracing rela-
tain Ash trees up to 435 feet high. 26 phenomenon of the survival of species tionship of the Universe to God, that is,
Incidentally, the Ahmadi Muslims be- that at productive levels of regenerative the relationship of every created being
lieve that even miracles occur within the cells, chromosomes are halved in num- to its Creator.” 27
realms of ‘laws of nature’, whether those ber. The mother's ovum contains 23 chro- No matter how hard we may try, there
are known to us at present or not. mosomes and so does the father's sperm. does not seem to be any way out of this
As such, one can reasonably expect half riddle of paternity, except to exchange
“This is the creation of Allah. Now the characters bearing genes of the child the doctrine of Trinity for the doctrine
show me what others besides Him have to be provided by the female and half by of Monotheism. We invite our Christian
created. Nay, but the wrongdoers are in the male partner. This is the meaning of brethren to the common teaching of
manifest error.” a literal son. There is no other defini- Monotheism which is in fact still clearly
(Al Luqman 31:12) tion of being a literal son which can be present not only in the Old Testament
ascribed to any human birth. There are but also in the New Testament, as is re-
“Originator of the heaven and the variations in the methodology of course, viewed in another article in this volume,
earth! How can He have a son when He but there are no exceptions to the rules Trinity: in the Holy Quran and the Bible.
has no consort, and He has created ev- and principles just explained. In the words of the Holy Quran, “Say to
erything and has full knowledge of all Focusing our attention on the birth the people of the Book, ‘Let us agree
things?” (Al Anaam 6:102) of Jesus, let us build a scenario about upon one matter which is the same for
From the Human Genome project we what might have happened in his case. you and for us, namely, that we worship
know that each human being is coded The first possibility, which can be sci- none but Allah, and that we associate
by approximately 50,000 to 100,000 entifically considered, is that Mary's un- no partner with Him.’” (Al Imran 3:65)
genes. They are spread over 46 chro- fertilized ovum provided the 23 chromo- We invite our fellow Christian breth-
mosomes half of which one gets from somes as the mother's share in the form- ren to a pure concept of monotheism.
ones mother and half from the father. ing of the embryo. That being so, the Acceptance of this teaching will take
To determine the paternity of any hu- question would arise as to how the ovum away the fundamental conflict that exists
man being the conventional method is was fertilized and where did the remain- between mainstream Christian doctrine
to study the genes of the individual ing 23 essential chromosomes come and rationality. In the words of Jesus
a n d h i s o r h e r p a r e n t s . W h e n e v e r, from? It is impossible to suggest that Christ, "Then you will know the truth, and
there is a question or debate about Jesus' cells had only 23 chromosomes. the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) In-
paternity, the genes and the chromo- No human child can be born alive with deed, if we accept or yield to any truth, it
somes are examined. even 45 chromosomes. Even if a human guides us to greater and greater truth.

30 MuslimSunrise
In addition, the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (on whom be peace and the “Obedience
blessings of God) says:
“He who obeys me, obeys God; he to me is
who disobeys me disobeys God. He who
obeys his authority obeys me; he who obedience to
disobeys his authority disobeys me”
(Muslim, Kitab-al-Imarah).
God, and
This hadith illustrates the concept of obedience to
obedience. Loyalty and obedience be-
long, by right, only to God, the Creator, authority is
obedience to
When the Holy Qur’an states, “O Master, and Lord of men and nations.
ye who believe! Obey God and Others derive their authority from Him.
obey the Prophet and obey those They reflect the Authority, which is me.”
in authority from among you.” (4:60), God’s. A Prophet is a vicegerent of God,
does this relate just to the Muslims in a messenger, and bearer of divine ordi- Holy Prophet Muhammad sa
authority? nances. To obey a prophet is to obey God.
Similarly, one who has authority among bring about change. However, if this is

The Arabic expression in author men is responsible for discipline and or- insufficient, then citizens may perma-
ity from among you should not der among God’s creatures, safeguarding nently leave their nation or suffer the le-
mislead anyone into thinking that the rights of citizens, and most impor- gal ramifications for refusal to fight, such
loyalty is limited to Muslim authority. The tantly, his own conduct. Obedience to as imprisonment or fines.
verse teaches obedience to all authority such a person is pleasing to God. In fact, Islam is a religion of principles. Prin-
over the communities we live in. From it is obedience to God. Truly said the ciples have priority over persons. Per-
among (Arabic min) also means over or Holy Prophet sa , “Obedience to me is obe- sons may be sacrificed for the sake of
of or in. The verse teaches decorum and dience to God, and obedience to author- principles - not principles for the sake of
discipline in public policy and affairs. It ity is obedience to me.” persons. When Muslims are in war
makes loyalty to ruling authority an Is- against each other, as was the case dur-

lamic duty. Ruler and ruled are pictured Tw o c o u n t r i e s , b o t h w i t h ing the Khilafat of Ali, both sides’ casu-
in the verse as one group, and the verse Ahmadi populations, go to war. alties are considered martyrs.
identifies members of a community as ei- Ahmadis in the two countries True, Ahmadis owe spiritual allegiance
ther governed or governors. The gov- profess loyalty to their respective na- to one leader or Imam. How, one may ask,
erned owe allegiance and obedience to tions. What are Ahmadis to do in such a can they be permitted to take part in mu-
the governors. So long as Muslims en- situation? Will they still side with their tual killing? The answer is again the same:
joy the freedom to preach and practice respective governments and engage in The Ahmadi Imam is not a dictator or ruler
their faith, it is irrelevant whether their mutual killing? who orders his followers as he pleases.
governors are Muslim or not, and they The Ahmadi Imam, or Khalifa, is himself

must be obeyed to keep order within so- This question is not new - nei subject to Islamic Law, the Shariah. The
ciety. ther for us, nor the rest of the Shariah is above the Khalifa, not the
The Promised Messiah, founder of world. Our answer has always Khalifa above the Shariah. We may quote
the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (on been this: Yes, even in such a situation, from the statement of the Second Khalifa,
whom be peace), writing about the above Ahmadis must remain loyal to their re- Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud
verse states: spective governments. This belief of ours Ahmad:
“The Holy Qur’an commands, ‘Obey is not of our making. It is a belief taught “No Khalifa has the power to alter any
Allah and obey His Prophet and obey by God and explained by His Prophet. It of God’s ordinances. The Khalifa is not a
those in authority among you.’ Believ- is a belief we cannot alter nor dilute. If dictator. He is only a deputy. He is bound
ers are to obey those in authority, besides loyalty to respective governments results t o c a r r y o u t a l a w, t o p u t t h r o u g h
God and His Prophet. To say that ‘those in the killing of Ahmadis by Ahmadis, it another’s commands. He is subject to
in authority’ does not include a non- will be a natural consequence just as it that law, those commands, as much as all
Muslim government would be a manifest was when Muslims engaged in wars the others in the fold.” (al-Fazl, April 5,
error. For, a government or authority against each other. 1949)
whose ordinances are in accordance with Obviously, Muslims should be active We s h o u l d r e m e m b e r t h a t t h e
the Shariah (that is, they are not in con- in pursuing the path of peace within the Ahmadiyya Khilafat is a spiritual institu-
flict with it) is ‘authority from among legally defined norms of their respective tion. It has and seeks no political power
you.’ Those who are not against us are nations, but when these avenues fail and or statehood. Ahmadis seek to advance
among us. The Qur’an, therefore, is un- war is inevitable, Ahmadis must maintain only by spiritual methods. They and their
equivocal on the point. Obedience to loyalty to their nations. If citizens leader are content to live as loyal citi-
governmental authority is one of its im- strongly protest wars, they can act within zens under governments, which guaran-
peratives.” (Works and Speeches, Vol. (i), p. 261) the legal channels of their countries to tee freedom in religious matters.

SPRING 2008 31
rect, radical Islamists pressed their ad- ing. “Participating in this election
An Exerpt from the New vantage to terrible effect in assassinat- would amount to treason against the
York Times Magazine ing Benazir Bhutto during a rally on mujahedeen,” he said. I asked about

Dec. 27. Bhutto’s family and her party the others in the party who had de-
clearly have no faith in the probity of cided to run for office. Muhammad
President Pervez Musharraf ’s govern- shook his head in disappointment and

ment, and many - including Nawaz explained how, following the govern-
Sharif, Bhutto’s nearest rival in the Pa- ment operation against the Red
kistani opposition - have accused the Mosque rebels in Islamabad,
government of creating the security Pakistan’s capital city, in July, Presi-
s i t u a t i o n t h a t l e d t o h e r m u r d e r. dent Musharraf put religious leaders
Musharraf responded in a nationally under tremendous pressure.
televised speech on the evening of “Musharraf threatened to raid several
By NICHOLAS SCHMIDLE Jan. 2 by doubling his insistence that madrassas,” Muhammad said. “The po-

terrorists were responsible: “We need litical mullahs got scared.”
ne day last month, I climbed to fight terrorism with full force, and I Maulana Fazlur Rehman is exactly
onto a crowded rooftop in think that if we don’t succeed in the the sort of “political mullah” whom
Quetta, near Pakistan’s fight against terrorism, the future of Muhammad portrayed as running
border with Afghanistan, Pakistan will be dark.” Efforts at demo- s c a r e d . I n t h e p a s t y e a r, t h e J . U . I .
and wedged myself among cratic integration by parties like the chief has tried to disassociate himself
men wearing thick turbans and rangy J.U.I. have now been overshadowed by from the new generation of Taliban
beards until I could find a seat. We con- the violence of their antidemocratic Is- wreaking havoc not only across the
verged on the rooftop that afternoon to lamist colleagues - a network of border in Afghanistan, as they have
attend younger Taliban fighting on both sides for years, but also increasingly in Pa-
the open- of the Afghan-Pakistani border, jihadis kistan. At the same time, Rehman has
ing cer- pledging loyalty to Al Qaeda and any been trying to persuade foreign am-
emony number of freelancing militants. Dis- bassadors and establishment politi-
for Jamiat rupting and discrediting democracy cians here that he is the only one ca-
Ulema-e- m a y, o f c o u r s e , b e t h e p o i n t . T h e pable of dealing with those same
Islam’s Bhutto assassination could well make Ta l i b a n . ( R e h m a n t o l d m e t h a t h e
campaign moderation impossible, as Islamist radi- never offered Muhammad a chance to
office in cals savor their disruptive power - and enter the election; he even added that
this dusty enraged mainstream parties threaten the J.U.I. had already expelled the
city in the the stability of the government itself. Ta l i b a n g u r u “ o n d i s c i p l i n a r y
south- For now, the Bhutto killing has given grounds.” ) In the process, some Is-
western the opposition a rare unity, and the lamists maintain that Rehman has sold
province of Baluchistan. Jamiat Ulema-e- elections, although delayed to Feb. 18, them out. Last April, a rocket whistled
Islam, better known by its abbreviation, may well go ahead. The J.U.I. remains over the sugarcane fields that sepa-
J.U.I., is a hard-line Islamist party, widely determined to continue campaigning. rate Rehman’s house from the main
considered a political front for numerous Six weeks, however, could prove to be road before crashing into the veranda
jihadi organizations, including the a v e r y l o n g t i m e i n P a k i s t a n ’s e m - of his brother ’s home next door. A few
Taliban. In the last parliamentary elec- battled politics. months later, Pakistani intelligence
tions here, in 2002, the J.U.I. formed a In Quetta, Maulvi Noor Muhammad, agencies discovered a hit list, drafted
national coalition with five other Is- who is 62, sat on the madrassa’s cold by the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban,
lamist parties and led a campaign that concrete floor wrapped in a wool blan- with Rehman’s name on it.
was pro-Taliban, anti-American and ket as he leafed through a newspaper. “The religious forces are very di-
spiked with promises to implement Speaking in Pashto through an inter- vided right now,” I was told by Abdul
Shariah, or Islamic law. The alliance, preter, he said that Maulana Fazlur Hakim Akbari, a childhood friend of
known as the Muttahida Majlis-e- Rehman, the J.U.I. chief, had visited Rehman’s and lifelong member of the
Amal, or M.M.A., won more than 10 three times in the previous few weeks J.U.I. I met Akbari in Dera Ismail Khan,
percent of the popular vote nationwide to persuade him to enter the election. Rehman’s hometown, which is situated
— the highest share ever for an Islam- Muhammad claimed to have refused in the North-West Frontier Province.
ist bloc in Pakistan. The alliance each time because he believed the According to this past summer ’s U.S.
formed governments in two of the J.U.I. had drifted from its core mission: National Intelligence Estimate, ap-
country’s four provinces, including to lead an aggressive Islamization cam- proved by all 16 official intelligence
Baluchistan. paign and provide political support to agencies, Al Qaeda has regrouped in
A cool breeze blew across the roof- what he referred to as the mujahedeen, the Tribal Areas adjoining the province
top a term for Muslim fighters that can shift and may be planning an attack on the
If the government’s version is cor- in meaning depending on who is speak- American homeland.„

32 MuslimSunrise
The Next -
The Taliban objective of establishing an
Islamic state is a mirage. They failed to

implement that in Afghanisan; their Saudi
Arabian and Pakistani mentors have

similarly failed in their respective countries.

By Arif Humayun

created and a younger, more be at least compatible with the West-
icholas Schmidle (Next-Gen radicalized leadership has taken con- ern Law.
Tal i b a n , N e w Yo r k trol. This is confirmed by the Mufti’s Nicholas Schmidle’s conversation
Times, 6 Jan 2008) cor son, Maulana Fazul-ur-Rehman, who with Abdul Ghafoor, a school teacher
rectly summarizes the assumed leadership of the JUI after and jihadist with a Master degree in
treacherous ideology h i s f a t h e r ’s d e a t h . Islamic Theology from Pakistan, pro-
fueling terrorism in Pakistan. He The “war against terror” is an vides irrefutable evidence of how
poignantly documents Taliban’s basic ideological war where Islam has been flawed Islamic concepts have cor-
objectives – establishment of an Is- exploited for political purposes. The rupted the young minds. Such ‘edu-
lamic state where Shariah is imple- concept of Jihad as a violent and cated’ yet medieval minds will con-
mented and Jihad is the norm to sub- terrorist activity gained currency tinue to create future jihadis. The
due opponents. His findings should among mainstream Muslims about war on terror must also be fought on
become the basis for any strategy to 150 years ago as a reactionary move- the intellectual front by teaching the
deflate the irreconcilable notions of ment to global affairs. In 1979, that correct Islamic concepts. Providing
Islam and terrorism. flawed concept was reinvigorated by meaningful ‘modern’ education and
Global politics first glorified vio- large funds, arms and military train- employment will further help chan-
lence under the concept of Jihad af- ing by the US, Saudi Arabia and Pa- nel their energies towards construc-
ter the Soviet occupation of Af- kistan. Brainwashed madrassa stu- tive endeavors.
ghanistan; it later demonized Jihad dents became tools for this political T h e n e w Ta l i b a n l e a d e r s h i p ’s r e -
after accomplishing the objectives. objective. Convinced of their righ- jection of their mentors shows they
That unleashed genie of political Is- teousness after the Soviet defeat the are out of control. They recently
lam cannot be bottled up by military radicals took on other groups that murdered several tribal elders who
means only; military action com- did not accept their convoluted in- tried to negotiate peace with the Pa-
bined with conscientious intellectual terpretation of Islam. So much so, k i s t a n m i l i t a r y. S i m i l a r l y, t h e y r e -
efforts is required to explain the the new leadership even shuns their jected appeals from the Imam of
proper meaning of Shariah and Jihad mentors who helped create them in Kaa’ba (Mecca) to help defuse the
to these brainwashed radicals. the first place. Red Mosque situation. Maulana
Thirty years ago, the Soviet in- Radicals have hijacked Islam and Fazlullah, a protégé of the Red
vasion of Afghanistan provided the the mainstream Muslims have to re- Mosque clerics, is now leading the
“Islamic” façade to the assert control. Rejecting the flawed current insurgency in Swat, a settled
“Mujahideen” insurgents. A fatwa concepts of Sharia and Jihad has to Pakistani region.
from Mufti Mahmood, a leading Pa- be the beginning. The Quran ex- T h e Ta l i b a n o b j e c t i v e o f e s t a b -
kistani political cleric and founder of plains Jihad as a means of self ref- lishing an Islamic state is a mirage.
Jamait-ul-Ulama-i-Islam (JUI), de- ormation and does not sanction any They failed to implement that in
clared Jihad against the Soviet oc- form of violence or terrorism. Sharia Afghanisan; their Saudi Arabian and
cupation as a religious obligation. is the development of laws, based on Pakistani mentors have similarly
The JUI-run madrassas provided the Islamic principles and on reasoning, failed in their respective countries.
initial crop of ‘jihadis for that insur- precedence, and consensus, among It is time that the Muslim world real-
g e n c y, c r e a t e d p r i m a r i l y b y t h e U S , scholars. Formulated several centu- izes the folly of allowing the
Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Several r i e s a f t e r t h e P r o p h e t M o h a m m a d ’s politicization of Islam and its hijack-
Ta l i b a n l e a d e r s ( i n c l u d i n g M u l l a h death, this was to be an evolving i n g b y t h e Ta l i b a n . T h e y s h o u l d
Omar) are a product of the JUI process that was terminated after the launch an intellectual front in the
m a d r a s s a s . I r o n i c a l l y, t h e f o u n d i n g fall of the Ottoman Empire. Had that Wa r o n Te r r o r a n d p r e s e n t t h e c o r-
f a t h e r s o f t h e Ta l i b a n m o v e m e n t p r o c e s s c o n t i n u e d o b j e c t i v e l y, rect interpretations for Sharia and
have lost control of the monster they Shariah Law would have evolved to Jihad.„

SPRING 2008 33
News, Views and Reviews Viewpoint

“It is Not Man’s

Place to Judge
JANUARY 11, 2008

By Sardar Anees Ahmad,

Waterloo, New York

Imprisonment, 40 lashes, and a fine – all

for allowing a teddy bear to be named
Muhammad! A group of hoodlums rape
an Arab woman, and the Saudi religious
court orders her to receive 90 lashes! Ex-
tremists always lean on “Islam” to jus-
tify their actions. But does Islam con-
done this behavior?
We l l , t h e Q u r a n c o n d e m n s b l a s -
phemy on ethical grounds five times, 1
but forbids man from punishing the blas-
phemer. In fact, the Quran instructs man
to quietly disassociate from the com- mosque? The same Muhammad sa who or physical retaliation. In fact, many
pany of blasphemers until they change then later cleaned the urine with his own Ahmadi Muslims have migrated from
their behavior. Blasphemy is a crime hands? The same Muhammad sa who Pakistan so the situation does not
against Allah, not man. Consequently, forgave Meccans who dumped the worsen.
man has been given no authority to pun- entrails of a camel on his back while he Nevertheless, while naming a teddy
ish the blasphemer. It is God Who can was prostrating before God? This is the bear ‘Muhammad’ can hardly be
read a man’s heart, not man. For example, man who encouraged the punishment of c a t e g o r i z e d a s b l a s p h e m y, i t d o e s
just as God supports a true prophet, He naming a teddy bear after him out of highlight an important point. The
is responsible for punishing a false love? Muslim world’s sensitivity is not an
claimant. If the prophet is true and man The same Muhammad sa who ordered isolated case. America, and at least 15
attempts to obstruct his progress by la- that a rapist should be executed? The “progressive” European nations, has
beling him a blasphemer, it is man who same Muhammad sa who likened women laws punishing blasphemy. This isolated
will suffer. If the prophet is false, man unto “crystal”? The same Muhammad sa case underscores the perverse view
has no need to intervene, as God will. who forgave a woman who attempted to extremists hold in dealing with
Either way, it simply does not make assassinate him by feeding him poisoned blasphemy.
sense, nor is it allowed, for man to pun- meat? This is the man who encouraged And to the poor woman who has
ish the blasphemer. a helpless woman to be punished for a endured what no one should ever have to
Regarding rape, the Quran declares crime committed against her own self? experience, our heart bleeds for you. What
just the calumny of chaste women as N o w, t h e r e a d e r s h o u l d a l s o b e a horrible crime these jurists have
tantamount to damnation – leave alone r e a s s u r e d t h a t M u h a m m a d ’s sa n o b l e committed against this innocent daughter
rape. 2 Moreover, the Quran declares tor- example of tolerating blasphemy did not of Arabia! The very people appointed to
ture to be worse than killing. 3 die with his passing. Sudan's Article protect its citizens! Indeed, it is regarding
If not the Quran, Prophet 125, under which the innocent teacher such criminals that the Prophet
Muhammad sa must have encouraged it. was charged with blasphemy, is similar Muhammad sa completely disassociated
The same Muhammad sa who, as the de to Pakistan's Articles 295b and 295c. himself from, declaring that the clergy of
facto ruler of Medina, forgave Abdullah Article 295 is notorious for punishing the Latter Days, “would be the worst
Ubay bin Salul’s blasphemy? The same religious minorities with fabricated acts creatures under the firmament of heaven.”4
Muhammad sa who later would lead his of blasphemy, especially the Ahmadiyya So where are these extremists getting
funeral prayer? The same Muhammad sa Muslim Community. Yet Ahmadi Muslims these ideas from? Certainly not from the
who forbade anyone from harming a have maintained a pristinely pure public Holy Quran, or the Holy Prophet
Bedouin who passed water in the relations résumé – never guilty of verbal Muhammadsa.
34 MuslimSunrise
News, Views and Reviews Press Publications
Originally printed in the 12/6/07 edition of the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Teddy Bear Controversy

As a Muslim, I would like to express my

dissatisfaction with the Sudanese government
for letting the British teacher go to court over a
simple misunderstanding. The teacher who re-
ported her should have explained, instead, that
the name of the Holy Prophet shouldn't be given
to an animal.

This mistake would never have occurred in

the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam, a sect that
builds schools and hospitals free in impover-
ished countries. The Ahmadis, who are be-
sieged around the world by extremists, continue
to grow and do good works, such as feeding
the poor and sending doctors to every world-
wide disaster. Ahmadiyah; e.g. the prophethood of dren so they can preserve their identity.
Ghulam Ahmad and the death of Isa. Ahmadi women are not only precious
In short, all Muslims are not alike. Generally, those who were not born into for their own religious community, but
Ahmadi families face greater challenges also for Indonesian society at large. Un-
Allison Knight Khan compared to those who belong to fortunately, because of their religious
Powder Springs, Georgia Ahmadi families. This is because when beliefs many people tend to ignore the
they made their decision to join fact that Ahmadi women can be seen as
The forgotten Ahmadiyya women Ahmadiyah, they had to deal with con- remarkable models of how women deal
frontation or even exclusion by their own with hardship. Instead, many people pre-
Wa t c h i n g violence against families. fer to judge Ahmadi women simply as
Ahmadiyah on TV (again!) has encour- Thus their first struggle with being followers of a deviant sect.
aged me to present another side of the Ahmadis is to convince their families Lajnah Ima’illah Indonesia, the
Ahmadiyah which usually receives little that they have the right to choose their Ahmadiyah women’s wing, may be less
public attention; i.e. Ahmadi women. own beliefs. In this regard, I would say known compared to other women’s or-
People might know the Aisyiah of this is one of the ways that Ahmadi ganizations in Indonesia. This despite
Muhammadiyah or the Muslimat of women practice their freedom, freely se- the fact more than 1,000 of its members
Nahdlatul Ulama, but few realize that lecting their religious affiliation. are registered eye donors, making the
Ahmadiyah also has its own women’s Another consequence of being part organization the one with the most
organization, namely Lajnah Ima’illah In- of a minority religious group is that they registered eye donors in the country.
donesia. have to cope with discrimination from This great contribution is often ig-
Being part of a minority, as well as of those who express enmity toward nored due to their controversial reli-
a controversial religious group, is not Ahmadiyah. Discrimination potentially gious beliefs.
an easy for women. As the teachings of occurs not only in the surrounding Looking at a different side of
Ahmadiyah are regarded as heresy and neighborhoods but also in the work- Ahmadiyah, I hope, can help people un-
a deviation within Islam, Ahmadi women place. Therefore, it is important to note derstand that differences need not lead
have to face the stigma of being consid- that extra bravery and extra self-endur- to enmity. We should appreciate minor-
ered by some as infidels or apostates. ance become necessary in order for these ity groups, which in truth make signifi-
More than that, many of them have to women to survive. cant contributions to society. Why not
experience discrimination, alienation and With regard to the role of Ahmadi build tolerance and begin to develop our
even violence. Thus, Ahmadi women women as mothers, they have the extra country together?„
face a more complex social life than most task to protect and prepare their chil-
women in Indonesia. dren to live as Ahmadis. Children often The writer Winy Trianita is a graduate
Some Ahmadi women were born into become the target of mockery because student in the Interdisciplinary Islamic
Ahmadi families, but others became they are different from their friends. Studies Program at UIN Jakarta.
Ahmadis because they were attracted to Thus, Ahmadi women play an important Indonesia . She can be reached at
the controversial doctrines of role in building confidence in their chil- winy_three @

SPRING 2008 35
News, Views and Reviews Book Review
Hard Power: The New Politics system, and also focuses on forming strate-
of National Security, Kurt M. gic alliances the world over to promote mu-
Campbell and Michael E. tual national-security and economic interests.
O’Hanlon and Campbell redefine the role
O’Hanlon (Basic Books 2006). of the president to primarily protect the Ameri-
can people, and the role of the military to pro-
Review by Shazia Sohail, tect its allies and economic interests. Protect-
Hillsborough, CA ing the homeland, which has traditionally been
understood to be the constitutional role of the

ampbell and O’Hanlon’s Hard military, has been relegated to the sphere of
P o w e r : The New Politics of homeland security. The budget proposed for
National Security serves a two- the former is roughly ten times that of the latter.
fold purpose. First, it is a forceful The rationale for this redefinition is based not
manifesto for the judicious use of hard on the constitution or traditional American val-
(meaning military) power in foreign policy ues but on the voters’ wishes. An exaggerated
issues, addressed to both Democratic and sense of legitimacy is ascribed to what the vot-
Republican presidential candidates alike. ers may or may not want to see and hear. They
Second, it is a well-crafted effort to raise underestimate the intelligence of the American
the self-esteem of the average American by people by assuming that those who take the
playing down the damage done by the tough military action approach to national se-
present government’s botched attempt at curity come across as strong in character to
wielding “hard power” in Iraq. In roughly the average voter.
250 pages, it supplies an array of subjective The authors also lament the fact that
advice to enable the presidential candidates “America’s will to engage confidently and
to speak convincingly on the campaign trail
on a variety of subjects related to National
O’Hanlon and assertively in the world” has been severely
damaged and “future leaders will have to work
Security. Campbell redefine the hard to mitigate the damage.” During the
The topics for these talking points range course of reading the book one can see re-
from the composition of the military, im- role of the president to peated attempts to restore the self-esteem of
proving homeland security, and winning the average American by carefully taking the
the long-term war on terror, to security im- primarily protect the bite out of some harsh realities of the present
plications of the nation’s energy policy, administration’s misadventure in the Middle
China’s potential rise to super-power status, American people, and East. Crucial details like the astronomical cost
and nuclear nonproliferation. The authors’
approach to foreign policy is predominantly
the role of the military of the Iraq war, Iraqi death toll, and US sup-
port of a repressive regime in Saudi Arabia
neo-conservative, but they prefer to align
themselves with “hard power Democrats,” a
to protect its allies and are somewhat underplayed, which only serves
to weaken their claim of our moral ascendancy
group that is critical, not of the conception of economic interests. against China. But by and large their views
Bush’s national-security strategy, but rather are a welcome departure from characterizing
of its implementation. When looked at in iso- Protecting the the current global conflict as a fight between
lation, some of the foreign policy suggestions good and evil.
proffered to settle current disputes and fore- homeland, which has Hard Power is a carefully thought out and
stall similar ones from recurring are excel- well written book, one that convincingly ar-
lent and display deep insight on the authors’ traditionally been gues the case in favor of keeping errant na-
part, but when examined in the context of the
overall role of global police proposed for the
understood to be the tions around the world in check with a con-
stant and credible threat of strong military
United States military, their impact tends to
be diminished.
constitutional role of action. If the criterion employed for use of
military force was simply restoration of basic
The authors’ chief audience is a small the military, has been human rights, as agreed upon by a wide con-
group of Democrats that agrees with the cur- sensus of nations, this book would make per-
rent administration’s view of “American relegated to the sphere fect sense. But, as some would argue, invad-
exceptionalism and the power of Democracy ing a country for the sake of protecting our
and American values” but tempers it with fol- of homeland security. own “economic interests” is somewhat less
lowing strong military action with competent than palatable and, almost certainly, unsus-
reconstruction of government and economic tainable.

36 MuslimSunrise
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community condemns vulgar images
About those Danish Cartoons, again...

he Ahmadiyya Muslim Community strongly condemns news from Denmark that a
series of caricatures which caused a great deal of controversy two years ago have
been reprinted. Such caricatures are extremely hurtful to all peace loving Muslims
and not just those fanatical extremists who have tarnished the image of Islam.

Let there be no doubt that such caricatures are extremely provocative and inflammatory.

The Danish newspapers have allegedly justified their actions on the basis of defending their right to
‘freedom of speech’. However such vulgarity regarding any sacred person of any religion can
never be justified. Freedom of expression is not a licence to forget about the heartfelt sentiments of

Those who have allowed these cartoons to be published ought to be in no doubt that there actions
will cause anguish to millions of people around the world.

The Press Secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Abid Khan said:“Muslims regard the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the most excellent model of virtue and dignity in
the history of mankind. And thus these images are utterly offensive to any Muslim and indeed to any
person who cares for the feelings of others.

The journalists involved know very well the reaction these cartoons caused two years ago. And
thus by reprinting them they know that they are likely to cause severe distress to many millions of
people around the world. What then can be the benefit of displaying such vulgar images?

It is reported that the Danish authorities have apprehended three persons in respect of a plot to
harm one of the journalists involved with the original cartoons. If the Danish authorities are correct
then we wholly condemn the motives of those three people as their actions can never be justified.
However neither can the subsequent response of those Danish news editors who have allowed
these hurtful repellent images to be publicly displayed once again.”

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has spread throughout the world by adhering to its message of
‘Love for All, Hatred for None’. It is hoped that this message is taken to heart by all people no
matter what their colour, creed or religion. By printing these cartoons certainly those responsible
have not followed this message of love but have in fact taken the opposite path.

It is further hoped that this sad episode does not result in the violent reaction that was witnessed
two years ago. As Muslims we defend the honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) through our words and through our prayers and not through senseless violence that is never

Abid Khan (Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)

SPRING 2008 37
We have heard in the mosque so many Islam is also a religion of nature because
times, “Islam is a religion of nature.” What nature enforces its teachings.
does it really mean? Is it something that When I came to the USA, there was a

Nature’s sounds good and therefore, we are happy

to hear it? We feel good when we walk out
sexual revolution going on in America. I had
to take a test for syphilis because Vietnam

response to of the mosque that our religion is unique.

What are the practical implications of this
vets were getting it from fornication.
People want to sin with the plan of ask-
sin... statement? Do we even know how nature
interacts with a religion?
ing God’s forgiveness later, but nature pun-
ishes them before they get a chance. By
The basic rule that exists in nature is the time they found some solution for syphi-

ne Friday afternoon, death. Nature kills unless you defend your- lis, another disease called herpes took over.
my secretary came to self. Let me say for the computer buffs, By the time something was discovered to
my office and said she death is the ‘default’ in nature’s program. If suppress herpes, the aids virus showed up.
we don’t wear clothes and find shelter, na- I emphasize that they are only able to sup-
had a question. She was ture would kill us. press these diseases, not cure them.
wondering why my religion Nature can bring us viruses and make Nature can be brutal when it comes to
allows men to have more us sick. If we don’t take medicine, it would commandments involving sexual activity.
mean death. It is the same rule in the spiri- Any problem you see in society, such
than one wife, but women are tual world. Unless we make an effort to pro- as high divorce rates, abortions, teenage
not allowed to have more tect ourselves, we will face a spiritual death suicides and pregnancies, results from vio-
than one husband. by default. Islam provides that protection. lating the teachings of Islam. Thousands
Another way to look at it is that Islam’s of people die on the highways each year
Late Friday afternoon, I have a hard time teachings are based on human nature. The because the commandment not to drink al-
discussing anything especially after two o’ segregation of sexes in mixed company is cohol is violated. Politicians don’t make a
clock. I just want to get the week over with something that Westerners laugh at. They big deal of this, knowing that it kills many
and go home. I told her to think about this call it backward and fundamentalism. times over the number of people killed at
issue over the weekend and I will definitely Watch what happens at a mixed cocktail the World Trade Center on 9/11. It would
discuss it on Monday. party of the Westerners. Within half an hour, have a devastating effect on their congres-
She was a ladies start gathering on one side and men sional cocktail parties.
good secretary. on the other. Their conversations are dif- Nature always takes over and punishes
She followed the ferent. Men talk about sports and politics. I the society for wrongdoing. It’s the result-
instructions and have no idea what ladies talk about because ant widows, orphans and parents losing
marched in my I don’t hang around them to find out. I could their young sons and daughters, which is
office on Mon- try to guess, but that could get me in the real tragedy.
day morning. Be- trouble. The point is that they mingle in Some teachings may not be clear how
fore I could say groups because their nature demands it. they fit within nature. We know that most
anything, she They are much more comfortable in their of the teachings, as we see them and expe-
told me she had group to express themselves. rience them, fit the criteria. We must con-
thought it It is due to nature’s requirement that clude that the rest of them must also be
through and it men are allowed to be married with more consistent with that principle.
would not work. than one wife. This allowance actually There is a very basic thing in nature
Upon my asking comes in the context of war, which results about which the Holy Qur’an has given us
how she arrived in widows and orphan girls. Men get killed direction. Work in the daytime and get rest
at that conclusion, she said for one thing, you in the war. The ratio of women becomes and sleep at night. Most of the crime takes
wouldn’t know who the father of a child is. It much higher than the surviving men. Either place at night. That is when all the bad ele-
just does not fit in the scheme of nature. they will be on the streets, become prosti- ments come out. The scavenger animals as
Love thy enemy and turn the other cheek tutes or die of hunger and disease. Islam well as the humans come out of their holes.
are a couple of the clichés people hear in tells the surviving men to take care of them. If only this basic instruction was followed,
church. They all sound good and make Take them as legal wives and have legal nature would help lower the crime.
people feel graceful, but what do they mean? children with them. They will inherit prop- Just think about any situation or prob-
When people walk out of church do they erty and live with respect. Unlike Western lem, and look for a solution consistent with
really think they can act on them? Do they culture, Islam would not allow mistresses nature. It will bring you to the teachings of
even understand what they imply in one’s or girlfriends. Of course, the allowance is Islam. Your conscience will give you the
character? Do they know anyone who re- open as an option for many conditions. War answer.
ally has practiced these things? is only an example. Remember this rule: When your con-
I know the way one person understood If you seek a solution in line with na- science tells you to do something, don’t
it. He had a sign outside his shop on ture, you’ll find it in the teachings of Islam. argue with it.
Peterson Avenue - “Love thy enemy, it’ll My secretary found that out on her own.
drive him crazy.” That is why it is the religion of nature. Falahud Din Shams
38 MuslimSunrise
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
1908 -- 2008

he word Khilafat means succession, and the Khalifa is a successor to a
Prophet of Allah whose goal is to carry to completion the tasks of
reformation and moral training that were seeded by the Prophet. The
community of followers of a Prophet of Allah continues to nurture its faith and
practices under the blessing of the institution of Khilafat for as long as Allah
wishes. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

“Allah had promised to those among you who believe and do good works that
He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from
among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them
their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in
exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will
not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be
the rebellious.” (Surah Al-Nur, Verse 56).

SPRING 2008 39
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