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Lab 1 - Introduction to SQL

- Starting MS SQL Server 2014
- Managing tables in MS SQL Server 2014
- Practicing SQL statements
- Getting started with Oracle
- Lab 1 – Database system (Instruction)
- Lab 1 – MySQL, and Lab 1 – Oracle
- Book: Beginning SQL Server 2012 for Developers

Task 1: Starting MS SQL Server 2014

<Follow the instruction in Lab 1 – Database system>
Task 2: Managing tables in MS SQL Server 2014
<Follow the instruction in Lab 1 – Database system>
Task 3: Practicing SQL statements
Write queries to
- create a database as the example in
- create a table as the example in
table.htm in the above created database,
- insert some rows into the above table and select all rows to check the table data.
Design a database CreGarDb including 2 tables presenting the two following relations:
Income (ID, Date, Content, Amount, Source, Note)
Expense (ID, Date, Content, Amount, Target, Note)
Write queries to
- insert data into the two tables, then
- show the total amounts of Income and Expense, and
- check if they get profit or deficit.
Task 4: Getting started with Oracle
<Follow the instruction in Lab 1 – Oracle>

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