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Immunology Post-Test 2018

Clonal selection - 1Ag,1lymphocyte, 1Ab

HSC source- BM (Thymus)
From which is the NK/K cell derived - BM
TCR is found in most CD4+cell & CD8+cell - TCR2 (90%; TCR1:<10%)
The TCR composed of Alpha and Beta heterodiemr - TCR 2(TCR1: gamma and delta)
Storage site of T cell in LN- Paracortex (B cell: cortex; B cell,T cell & APC: Medulla)
Bloood lymphocyte enetr the LN thru which of the above? - HEV (also in thymus and
PALS as lymphocyte storage site in which of teh following organ? - SPLEEN
CD4- CD8- origin? -THYMUS (as well as CD4+ and CD8+)
Stage III thymocyte- Medulla (Stage I and Stage II: Cortex)
Role of thymic STROMA - to “educate” the thymocyte
The following thymocyte will be secreted to become CD4+ - Low Affinity for surface A
g-MHC I (High affinity: negative selection)
CD16 - NK/K cell
“w” designated on the CD memb conote? - (1) CD Memb is still under “workshop”
(2) that the identity of the CD mol is still uncertain
B cell marker indicates prodxn of Auto-Ab - CD25
Makes cells attractive to HIV - CD4
Lineage marker of T cell- CD3
Maturation marker of stage I thymocytes - CD1
Receptor’s for sheep’s rbc- CD2
Maturation marker of B cell - MHC II
Lineage marker of B cells- CD20
Negative selection of thymocytes - Clonal deletion (what is Clonal exhaustion and Clo
nal --? )
Immune system fails to release the second siganl (cytokines) - Clonal anergy
B cell selection - (1) mature B cell are positively selected; (2) self reactive Bcell is negati
vely selected
Storage site of T cell? - LN, BM and Spleen (Thymus: prodxn)
Activators of lymphocytes - Bacteria, Tumor Ag, TSST1, and Virus ecoded protein
Immunology Post-Test 2018

Cell receptor to the presence of a Viral Ag-MHCI complec - Tc cell (CD8+ or Cytotoxic
Tcell binds to MHC I)
“Foreigness of Ag”- it presumes a marker for which the immune system has a specific
This Ab cross links with the mast cell to release histamine? - IgE (Type I hypersensitivit
which Ab class inactivates B cells by teh crosslink of its receptor - IgG (in Classical path
Aka “reagin”- IgE
Is highly specific - CDR (what is CDR???)
Activate binding site of paartope of the Ab receptor to epitope - CDR
Indicates Ab maturation- IgM-IgG shift (IgG more efffective; abundant)
Anti-I - PAP/ Mycoplasma pneumoniae
ANti-i- CMV
C1 complex is held together by? - Calcium ions
Which preserves the complement? -NONE (chioces: presence of anticoag, long term s
torage in the ref, 50C for 30mins)
Activator surface of Alternative pathway- Bacterial cell wall; Viral cell wall
MAC is initiated by? - C5b
Complement mediated lysis- creation of membrane pores
Inhibits cytokine - IL10
Activates B cell- IL4
Mitosis of T cell- IL2
Causes differentiation - IL6
Tumor marker - All (?)
Major Transplant Ag - HLA-A,- B, -C, -D/DR
HLA identified by LMT? - HLA-A, -B, -C
HLA identified by MLR? - HLA-D/DR
MCT (+)-color lyzed cell
MLR (+) - presence of radioactive CO2
Donor: HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-D; recepient: HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-D?- Zero Ag restriction
Separates T cells from B cells - Panning and Ficoll--
Immunology Post-Test 2018

Presence of preformed Abs- Hyperacute

Inflammatory mediators- Histamine, serotonin, leukotriene, Bradykinin
Cellular response to inflammation - Migration of leukocytes (dilatation of the vessels-
do not involve CELLS)
APC to Tcell and Bcell- Monocyte and Microglial cells (why not langerhans???)
What is Respiratory burst? ------
Cellular receptors- LAM, Tc, NK/K cells
Schistosomas larva - IgE, mast cells, Eosinophils
Secondary response to Ficoll- IgM (why???)
Secondary immunedeficency- Moniliasis(how??) and AIDS
Type 1 hypersensitivty- HAy fever

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