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Jalan Brigjen Zein Hamid No. 33, Medan
061 – 7880109 / 061 – 7880108

CLASS : VIII A – B – C - D


Dialogue I
Bellboy : 1. __________ bring the suitcase for you, Sir?
Mr. Wijaya: Oh, 2. ________. Thank you.
Bellboy: 3. ____________, Miss?
Sarah: Oh, 4. _______. Thank you. 5. _________ carry this by myself. It’s not that heavy,
Bellboy: Ok, then. 6. _________, follow me, Sir.
Mr. Wijaya: 7. __________.

1. a. May I b. sure c. How about you d. no e. Yes

2. a. May I b. sure c. How about you d. no e. Yes
3. a. May I b. sure c. How about you d. no e. Yes
4. a. May I b. sure c. How about you d. no e. Yes
5. a. can I get you b. All right. c. Please d. I can e. I do
6. a. can I get you b. All right. c. Please d. I can e. I do
7. a. can I get you b. All right. c. Please d. I can e. I do

8. I didn’t ________ very well last night.

a. sleep b. sleeping c. slept d. is sleeping e. is slepting

9. Did you _________ your coat in the café?

a. leave b. leaving c. left d. is leaving e. is lefting

10. Where can people see a lot of wild animals alive besides in the forest and jungles?
a. at the museum b. at sea c. at the zoo d. at home e. at school

11. Which animal is the biggest?

a. An elephant b. a boar c. a wild-ox d. a lion e. an ant

12. ______ many people standing outside the movie theater today.
a. There is b. There are c. There was d. There were e. Is there

13. ______ a small cat playing with some toys yesterday.

a. There is b. There are c. There was d. There were e. Is there

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14. ______ four chairs and one table in the dining room yesterday.
a. There isn’t b. There aren’t c. There wasn’t d. There weren’t e. Are there

15. Why ______ so many cars parked near the library today?
a. Are there b. Is there c. There are d. There is e. There isn’t

16. Students _____ study hard get good grades.

a. When b. who c. whom d. what e. which

17. The cookies ______ you baked are really delicious.

a. Why b. which c. when d. who e. whom

18. I _______ my homework yet.

a. have finish b. has finish c. did finished d. haven’t finished e. finish

19. My father is on the way. He _______ home yet.

a. haven’t arrived b. hasn’t arrived c. didn’t arrived d. arrived e. arrive

20. I have never ______ to Paris.

a. Yet b. now c. just d. ever e. often

21. ______ you ever been to New York?

a. Are b. were c. do d. have e. has

22. Carrousel = ________

a. Joker b. carnival c. merry-go-round d. kiosk e. stand

23. Sad = _______

a. unhappy b. triumph c. fantastic d. gain e. score

24. career = _______

a. occupation b. cup c. round d. excitement e.fantastic

25. Stall = ________

a. Stand b. kiosk c. come near d. do well e. delighted


1. Complete the dialogue. Use the expressions you have learnt (offering something,
accepting an offer, or declining an offer).
A : _____________________________
B : Yes, thank you.
A: May I take this one?
B: ______________________________
A : _____________________________
B : Thank you, I can do this.

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A : What can I do for you?
B : _____________________________

2. Make a short dialogue. Use the expressions you have learnt (accepting an invitation or
declining an invitation) .
a. A: Would like to come to my birthday party?
B: That ______
b. A: What about going to the concert tonight?
B: _______
c. A: Would you go with me to the cinema?
B: I’d like to, but _______
d. A: Come and join our English conversation club on Sunday morning.
B : I’m sorry. I ________

3. Complete the dialogue. Use the expressions you have learnt (agreement, disagreement,
denial of fact, or admitting fact).
Amir : Look at the game. It’s fantastic. ______________________________
Susan : _______________________________________________________
Amir : Let’s see the game.
Susan : _______________________________________________________
I’m afraid the ball can hit us.
Amir : ________________________________________________________

4. Complete these short dialogues with the following questions.

 What is your opinion of studying all night?
 What do you think of coming early to school?
 What are your views on pollution?

a. Didi: ______________________________________________
Mira: In my opinion, it is a very serious problem.
b. Sara : ______________________________________________
Nina : In my opinion, it is not good. Our body and mind need to have rest, too.
c. Agus : ______________________________________________
Bima : I think it is good for students not to be late.

5. Write down your holiday experience.

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