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Observing Objective Observing The Joke Machine Before reading Look at the picture and read the title with the children. Ask them to say what they think the story will be about. Ask the children: Can you guess what a joke machine does? During reading Ask the children to read the story. Praise and encourage them while they read, and prompt as necessary. Ask them to point out the question marks and encourage them to read the questions in the story with expression. Check that the children: ™@ can break longer new words into syllables when working them out, e.g. skeleton, chatterboxes i read all the high frequency words on sight. Group and independent reading activities Text level work To prepare and re-tell stories individually and through role-play in groups, using dialogue and narrative from text. Ask the children to work with a partner. Tell them each to write eight questions about the story, beginning their questions with “Who", “What”, “How” and “Why” In turn, each child asks a question to his/her partner, who then finds the answer in the story. Can the children identify the words in the text that answer the questions? Objective Observing Objective Observing Sentence level work To be aware of the need for grammatical agreement in speech and writing, matching verbs to nouns/pronouns correctly, e.g. “Iam”; “the children are”. You will need to write the following sentences from the story on the board, using two choices of verbs for some, and two choices of pronouns for others: Everyone was/were in the playground. “| has/have got a good joke.” “That is/are a terrible joke.” We was/were telling jokes. WelUs were telling jokes. “Tell Vme later.” “I/Me want to get home tonight.” “| don’t think Mrs May would let we/us.” Ask the children to read each sentence and write it using the correct verb or pronoun, Do the children read the sentences aloud to check for sense? Word level work To split familiar oral and written compound words into their component parts. You will need to write the following words on the board: everyone, playground, inside, chatterbox, motorway, something. Ask the children to write the following words on to strips of paper and cut each word into two separate words. Tell the children to mix up the individual words and see how many compound words they can make by joining two words together. Do the children find new words, e.g. “everything”, "someone"? Speaking and listening activities Objectives Focus on the main point; include relevant detail ; listen to others reactions ; take different views into account. @ Ask the children how the children in the story managed to raise money using the joke machine. Some children could calculate and explain to the group how much money the children would have raised if they sold all 50 jokes at 50p each. @ Ask the children, in pairs, to discuss the ideas for raising money in the story and to list some new ideas. ® Ask some pairs to share their ideas with the rest of the group. Cross-curricular link << Numeracy: Understanding addition and subtraction Writing Objective To produce simple flow charts or diagrams that explain a process. @ Discuss what the Joke Machine was and how it worked. @® Model how to create a flow chart that explains how to make a joke machine. @ Ask the children to produce their own flow charts.

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