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Unit Planning Template

Title Of Unit: Quadratic Functions Subject/Course/Grade:

Mathematics/Integrated 2/Grade 10

Dates of Unit: Sept 10 - Designer: Michael Eric Smith


Stage 1- Desired Results

● Math HSF.IF.C.7a
● Math HAS-REI.B.4b

Big Idea or Concept: Essential Questions:

● To understand what quadratic functions are and ● What makes a function a quadratic function?
how to solve and graph them ● How does the make up of the quadratic equation
● To know how real world situations can be give you a basic idea of the graph?
modeled with quadratic equations ● What are some real world problems that can be
● To be able to look at a quadratic equation and be answered by solving and graphing quadratic
able to justify which would be the most efficient equations
way of solving it. ● How can you find the vertex of the graph of f(x)
=ax^2 + bx +c
● How can you solve a quadratic equation using
graphing, completing the square, using square
roots and using the quadratic formula?
Students will understand/know… Students will be able to …
● Students will know that every quadratic equation ● Students will be able to find the vertex and x
has two solutions and y intercepts of a quadratic equation
● Students will know how to look at the graph of a ● Students will be able to graph a quadratic
quadratic equation and put it in context equation by making a table or finding the
● Students will understand there are different vertex
forms of a quadratic equation will know the best ● Students will be able to find the solutions of a
way to find the graph and solve it quadratic equation by finding square roots, by
● Students will know which key features are graphing it, by factoring it, by completing the
important when looking at how a quadratic square, or by using the quadratic formula
equation and its graph are related ● Students will be able to recognize when the
solutions to a quadratic equation are complex
and what that means for the graph

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Monitoring and Feedback Other Evidence:
● lessons will be used which gives them ● At the end of every day in the unit, students will be
feedback (formative) asked to assess their learning through a writing
● I will use our curriculum program, Big Ideas piece ( either in their notebook or a technology
math, to have then do practice assignments platform)
(formative) ● Students will present answers to the class up at
● Our district LMS, called Empower, will be used to the board, either individually, with a partner or in
for quizzes. Electronic feedback can be given groups
here (formative) ● Exemplar responses to certain problems, where it
● Our district assessment platform, called fits, will be shown to the students before the
Schoolcity will be used for mastery assessment at assessment
the end of the learning target. Data is created ● Will create videos explaining a topic they learned
that we can look at individually as a whole
● We will create opportunities for peer review of
student work
● Will begin with a quick review assessment on
graphing (diagnostic)

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

Day 1: Will start with a short diagnostic review of making a table and graphing. Students will use Desmos to
investigate quadratic equations and how changing a and c effect the graph. They will look at equations in the
form f(x) = ax^2 and f(x) = ax^2 +c. Will use a Padlet to do a check for understanding how changing a and c
effects the graph. They will use Big Ideas for a homework assignment.

Day 2: Students will be asked to graph quadratic equations by making a table. They will have to be able to
name the maximum, minimum, and axis of symmetry and analyze using Desmos.They will now extend to
equations in the form f(x) = ax^2 + bx +c. Will use Desmos again. Will use the playlist on our Empower LMS
to have students watch a you tube video and fill in a google form before they come to class. They will have
homework on Big Ideas

Day 3: Students will now find the graph of a quadratic equation by finding the vertex. They will use –b/2a and
the equation to find the vertex and then find a point on each side of the vertex to sketch the graph. With a
partner, they will use any method of their choosing to record a video of them walking through the process of
graphing the quadratic equation by finding the vertex. They will send me the link through Empower.

Day 4: Will start the day by differentiating instruction based on the Flipgrid videos, with students helping
other students. Students then will be assessed on the first three days with a quiz from Big Ideas math. From
here we will introduce vertical motion word problems by having them do a parabola Goosechase where they
have to find 4 real-world examples of a vertical motion problem. They will do a Padlet as they leave class
where they send me one of the examples they found and why it is represented by a quadratic graph.

Day 5: Students will do a flipped lesson where they watch a video in Empower on how to do a vertical motion
work problem and write a summary of the video they watched. They will bring the summary to class where
they share it with at least one person and discuss how to do the problem. They will have practice problems
from Big Ideas math.

Day 6: We will start in differentiated groups based on how well students are able to solve vertical motion
problems from looking at the homework. Students will then identify zeros, extreme values and symmetry of a
quadratic graph, and interpret these in terms of a context. They will create their own vertical motion problem
and do a Flipgrid where they give us their problem and its solution.
Day 7: Students will compare quadratic functions each represented in a different way (e.g., as equations,
tables, graphs or written descriptions). I will assign a different way to all of the groups and have them make
posters and we will do a gallery walk. We will take

Day 8: Students will review in differentiated groups and take an overall assessment on this learning target on

Day 9: Students begin a new learning target and will solve a quadratic equation by graphing it and finding the
x-intercepts. They will do this by reading through the Big Ideas ebook. The other half of the period we will
look at the results from the summative test and create some peer groups to do some re-teaching for those
that didn’t score will.

Day 10: Students will solve a quadratic equation by taking square roots. Will create a Peardeck presentation
for this. Will have practice on

Day 11: Students will solve a quadratic equation by completing the square. They will do a Flipgrid in which
they have 2 minutes to try to explain in their own words the process of completing the square. If they want to
do it with a partner, they have to take turns as they explain the steps.

Day 12: Students will review in differentiated groups, using peer tutoring and resources from Big Ideas.
Students will them be assessed on the first three methods of solving a quadratic equation by taking a quiz in
Empower. Will then present a Google slide presentation on how to solve a quadratic by factoring. Will have a
Padlet where they briefly explain the process of factoring a polynomial. Will practice on IXL.

Day 13: Students will solve quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula. Students will watch an
embedded video on Empower and fill out a google form answering a few questions about the quadratic
formula. Will have practice on

Day 14: We will start with differentiated groups based on how students solving quadratic equationsq. We will
then look at quadratic equations that have complex solutions and will know how that affects the graph of the
function. As a review, students will do a Goosechase where they have to find examples of solving a quadratic
equation by the four methods we learned the last few days.

Day 15: Students will review and have an overall assessment of this learning target on Schoolcity


Stage 4- Technology Integration

Padlet – This will be used as a check for understanding and a way for my students to comment on
other students work . I would say this is Collaborative, Adoptive. Day 1, 4 and 12

Desmos – This is a tool where students can analyze graphs by quickly typing in an equation or more
than one equation and compare and contrast them. Would say that this could be Active, Adaptation
because hopefully students will independently go to this site when they are working on anything
having to do with graphing. Days 1-4
Empower – This is our district LMS so it will be used every day. We create playlists that have
activities, videos, google forms, and assessments embedded in them. We also using it to send
messages to students and give feedback. Our gradebook comes directly from the playlists and
include any activities that get scored through the platform. Would say this is Goal-Oriented and
Adoption because students use this to track progress and evaluate results with reflection. Use

Google Forms – Will create these and embed them in playlists so students are interacting with new
information as they are watching a video or reading a text. This is taking the place of turning paper
in so I would say this is Active and Adoption. Use Day 2 and 13 – Will use this almost every day for independent guided practice. It does give them
feedback if they get a question wrong and is adaptive and gives them a SMART score after working
on problems for a certain amount of time. I would say this is Adaptation and Active because they will
sometimes choose lessons to do as based on what we are reviewing as opposed to being assigned a
lesson. Use Day 10, 12, and 13

Flipgrid – Will use Flipgrid to have students send quick videos to me either answering a prompt or
summarizing something they learned. This could be Active or Collaborative depending on if they send
an individual or partner video. I think this could Adoption or Infusion, depending on if they are told
to use it or if I gave them the voice and choice on how to send me the response. Day 4,11

Schoolcity – This is the platform we use to administer end of topic exams to students. These are
mastery tests and students must get a 75% or better on a group of problems on a given learning
target. This replaces old paper and pencil hand scored tests, so when we are talking about where
this falls on the Matrix, it is definitely Active and I guess Adoptive. Day 8 and 15

Big Ideas Math – This is the curriculum product we adopted this year. We can create homework
assignments, have them interact with their student ebook that has tutorials and feedback videos to
check for understanding problems. There are other resources such as STEM videos, Apps, a game
closet that I will use. Because of all the resources, I would say it could be Constructive, and maybe
Adaptation or Infusion because of some options the students have available when using the
curriculum. Use almost every day

Goosechase – Can create cool activities that are engaging to the students. Because of the different
activities they are doing, this could be Transformational and Constructive. Day 4 and 14

Google Slides – I may want to present material in my own way, so I will create a slide presentation
for a couple of my lessons. Would think this would be Entry and Constructive. Day 12

Peardeck – Will want to create a more engaging presentation for one of my lessons, so I will try
Peardeck. Would also be Entry and Constructive.. Use Day 10

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