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Electrotorque Plus  FLASH Downloading Procedure

The following procedure will load the Flash “personality” into an Electrotorque Plus
AFM control. This procedure requires that a computer be connected to the drive via the
RS-485 link. This would be done via the RS-232 to RS485 adapter existing on an
excavator or via another converter such as the P&H 89Q139 Interface connected
directly to the J8 connector on the control. The flash files will be loaded using a terminal
program. The following procedure illustrates the process using Windows
HyperTerminal. (Refer to a separate document for assistance in setting up a
HyperTerminal session.) The below procedure has the HyperTerminal “*.HT” file
located in the same directory (C:\FLASH_HYPERTERMINAL) as the files to be

1. With power off the drive control, start a

HyperTerminal session. The lower left
corner of the screen that appears should
indicate that you are “Connected”.
(Settings should be 19.2 baud, 8-N-1-(N).)
Again, refer to the separate document
describing the HyperTerminal
configuration if necessary.)

2. You should now power up the drive

and during power-up, press the
“right arrow” key on the face of the
unit. This will enter the drive into
its Boot Loader mode as shown at
the right and prepare it for flashing
the memory.

3. Your HyperTerminal screen will also report

that communication has been established.

4. With communication established, type in the
letters d and f followed by the [Enter] key to
initiate the loading process. (This keystroke
command may easily be remembered as it
simply stands for Download Flash.)

5. After entering the df command the existing

memory will be erased. Wait for the
completion of this process prior to
continuing. (Refer to step 6.)

6. When the memory has been erased and the

drive is ready to be flashed, the screen at
the right will appear. At this point you must
select and send the appropriate
“personality” file to the drive. (Note that if
excessive time is spent prior to selecting
and sending the file, a timeout error will
occur and you will have to start over.)

7. To select the file, use the Transfer > Send

File… pull down.

8. Select the appropriate file. As indicated
earlier, this example has the files in the
same directory as the “*.ht” file so the file
options immediately appear. If your system
is configured differently, migrate to the
proper area and open the appropriate file.

9. With the file selected, you will be shown the

following screen. Insure that the Protocol
selected is Xmodem and that the proper file
is indicated. Press the Send button.

10. File transfer will start and this screen

will report the status of the download.

11. Upon completion, you will be returned to the

main HyperTerminal window with the successful
download being reported. At this point you
should reset the drive by cycling power (or
entering an “ rs “ command via HyperTerminal).
The process is now complete and you can
disconnect and close your HyperTerminal


DFS -- FLASH_Downloading_2.doc -- 06/03

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