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No. L-20567. July 30, 1965.

contract refers to that moment in the

PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, life of a contract when there is finally
petitioner, vs. MANILA SURETY & a concurrence of the wills of the
FIDELITY CO., INC. and THE COURT contracting parties with respect to
OF APPEALS (Second Division), the object and the cause of the
respondents. contract.—Every contract has the
following essential elements: (i)
Agency; Duty of agent to act with the consent, (ii) object certain and (iii)
care of a good father of a family.—An cause. Consent has been defined as
agent is required to act with the care the concurrence of the wills of the
of a good father of a family and contracting parties with respect to
becomes liable for the damages the object and cause which shall
which the principal may suffer constitute the contract. In general,
through his non-performance. contracts undergo three distinct
stages, to wit: negotiation, perfection
Same; Same; Bank liable for neglect or birth, and consummation.
in collecting sums due its debtor.—A Negotiation begins from the time the
bank is answerable for negligence in prospective contracting parties
failing to collect the sums due its manifest their interest in the
debtor from the latter’s own debtor, contract and ends at the moment of
contrary to said bank’s duty as their agreement. Perfection or birth
holder of an exclusive and of the contract takes place when the
irrevocable power of attorney to parties agree upon the essential
make such collections. elements of the contract, i.e.,
consent, object and price.
Suretyship; Surety released when Consummation occurs when the
assigned funds permitted by creditor parties fulfill or perform the terms
to be exhausted without notifying agreed upon in the contract,
former.—By allowing the assigned culminating in the extinguishment
funds to be exhausted without thereof. The birth or the perfection
notifying the surety, the creditor of the contract, which is the crux of
deprives the surety of any possibility the present controversy, refers to
of recoursing against that security, that moment in the life of a contract
and therefore the surety is released. when there is finally a concurrence
Philippine National Bank vs. Manila of the wills of the contracting parties
Surety & Fidelity Co., Inc., 14 SCRA with respect to the object and the
776, No. L-20567 July 30, 1965 cause of the contract.

G.R. No. 170530. July 5, 2010.* Same; Government Contracts; Words

SARGASSO CONSTRUCTION & and Phrases; A government or public
DEVELOPMENT contract has been defined as a
CORPORATION/PICK & SHOVEL, contract entered into by state
INC./ATLANTIC ERECTORS, INC. officers acting on behalf of the state,
(JOINT VENTURE), petitioner, vs. and in which the entire people of the
PHILIPPINE PORTS AUTHORITY, state are directly interested.—A
respondent. government or public contract has
been defined as a contract entered
Contracts; Elements; Stages; The into by state officers acting on behalf
birth or the perfection of the of the state, and in which the entire
people of the state are directly authority of law, creating and
interested. It relates wholly to conferring it. And it is well settled
matter of public concern, and affects that he may make only such
private rights only so far as the contracts as he is so authorized to
statute confers such rights when its make. Flowing from these basic
provisions are carried out by the guiding principles is another stating
officer to whom it is confided to that the government is bound only to
perform. A government contract is the extent of the power it has
essentially similar to a private actually given its officers-agents. It
contract contemplated under the goes without saying then that,
Civil Code. The legal requisites of conformably to a fundamental
consent of the contracting parties, an principle in agency, the acts of such
object certain which is the subject agents in entering into agreements
matter, and cause or consideration or contracts beyond the scope of
of the obligation must likewise their actual authority do not bind or
concur. Otherwise, there is no obligate the Government. The
government contract to speak of. moment this happens, the principal-
Same; Same; While contracts to agent relationship between the
which the government is a party are Government and the contracting
generally subject to the same laws officer ceases to exist. (emphasis
and regulations which govern the supplied) It was stressed that … the
validity and sufficiency of contracts contracting official who gives his
between private individuals, a consent as to the subject matter and
government contract, however, is the consideration ought to be
perfected only upon approval by a empowered legally to bind the
competent authority, where such Government and that his actuations
approval is required.—Contracts to in a particular contractual
which the government is a party are undertaking on behalf of the
generally subject to the same laws government come within the ambit
and regulations which govern the of his authority. On top of that, the
validity and sufficiency of contracts approval of the contract by a higher
between private individuals. A authority is usually required by law
government contract, however, is or administrative regulation as a
perfected only upon approval by a requisite for its perfection.
competent authority, where such
approval is required. The Same; Same; The authority of
contracting officer functions as agent government officials to represent
of the Philippine government for the the government in any contract must
purpose of making the contract. proceed from an express provision
There arises then, in that regard, a of law or valid delegation of
principal-agent relationship authority—without such actual
between the Government, on one authority being possessed by
hand, and the contracting official, on Philippine Ports Authority’s (PPA’s)
the other. The latter though, in general manager, there could be no
contemplation of law, possesses only real consent, much less a perfected
actual agency authority. This is to contract, to speak of.—P.D. 857
say that his contracting power exists, likewise states that one of the
where it exists at all, only because corporate powers of respondent’s
and by virtue of a law, or by Board of Directors is to “reclaim…
any part of the lands vested in the form part of, and are read into, the
Authority.” It also “exercise[s] all the contract without need for any
powers of a corporation under the express reference thereto; more so,
Corporation Law.” On the other to a purported government contract,
hand, the law merely vests the which is imbued with public interest.
general manager the “general
power… to sign contracts” and “to Same; Same; Doctrine of Apparent
perform such other duties as the Authority; Words and Phrases; The
Board may assign…” Therefore, doctrine of apparent authority, in
unless respondent’s Board validly the realm of government contracts,
authorizes its general manager, the has been restated to mean that the
latter cannot bind respondent PPA government is not bound by
to a contract. The Court completely unauthorized acts of its agents, even
agrees with the CA that the though within the apparent scope of
petitioner failed to present their authority; Apparent authority,
competent evidence to prove that or what is sometimes referred to as
the respondent’s general manager the “holding out” theory, or doctrine
possessed such actual authority of ostensible agency, imposes
delegated either by the Board of liability, not as the result of the
Directors, or by statutory provision. reality of a contractual relationship,
The authority of government but rather because of the actions of a
officials to represent the principal or an employer in
government in any contract must somehow misleading the public into
proceed from an express provision believing that the relationship or the
of law or valid delegation of authority exists.—Petitioner’s
authority. Without such actual invocation of the doctrine of
authority being possessed by PPA’s apparent authority is misplaced.
general manager, there could be no This doctrine, in the realm of
real consent, much less a perfected government contracts, has been
contract, to speak of. restated to mean that the
government is NOT bound by
Same; Same; Applicable laws form unauthorized acts of its agents, even
part of, and are read into, the though within the apparent scope of
contract without need for any their authority. Under the law on
express reference thereto, and, more agency, however, “apparent
so, to a purported government authority” is defined as the power to
contract, which is imbued with affect the legal relations of another
public interest.—It is of no moment person by transactions with third
if the phrase “approval of higher persons arising from the other’s
authority” appears nowhere in the manifestations to such third person
Notice of Award. It neither justifies such that the liability of the principal
petitioner’s presumption that the for the acts and contracts of his
required approval “had already been agent extends to those which are
granted” nor supports its conclusion within the apparent scope of the
that no other condition (than the authority conferred on him, although
completion of fendering of Pier 2 as no actual authority to do such acts or
stated in the Notice of Award) ought to make such contracts has been
to be complied with to create a conferred. Apparent authority, or
perfected contract. Applicable laws what is sometimes referred to as the
“holding out” theory, or doctrine of court are entitled to great weight on
ostensible agency, imposes liability, appeal and should not be disturbed
not as the result of the reality of a unless for strong and cogent
contractual relationship, but rather reasons.—To rule on the first issue,
because of the actions of a principal there is a need to quote the findings
or an employer in somehow below. As a rule, conclusions and
misleading the public into believing findings of fact arrived at by the trial
that the relationship or the authority court are entitled to great weight on
exists. The existence of apparent appeal and should not be disturbed
authority may be ascertained unless for strong and cogent
through (1) the general manner in reasons.
which the corporation holds out an
officer or agent as having the power Agency; Common Carriers; Air
to act or, in other words, the Transportation; Where a passenger
apparent authority to act in general, was fully aware of the need to send a
with which it clothes him; or (2) the letter to a particular office of an
acquiescence in his acts of a airline for the extension of the
particular nature, with actual or period of validity of his ticket, he
constructive knowledge thereof, cannot subsequently use what was
whether within or beyond the scope done by airline agents, who acted
his ordinary powers. It requires without authority, in confirming his
presentation of evidence of similar flights.—From the aforestated facts,
act(s) executed either in its favor or it can be gleaned that the petitioner
in favor of other parties. was fully aware that there was a
need to send a letter to the legal
Same; Same; Same; Apparent counsel of PAL for the extension of
authority is determined only by the the period of validity of his ticket.
acts of the principal and not by the Since the PAL agents are not privy to
acts of the agent—the principal is the said Agreement and petitioner
not responsible where the agent’s knew that a written request to the
own conduct and statements have legal counsel of PAL was necessary,
created the apparent authority.— he cannot use what the PAL agents
Easily discernible from the foregoing did to his advantage. The said
is that apparent authority is agents, according to the Court of
determined only by the acts of the Appeals, acted without authority
principal and not by the acts of the when they confirmed the flights of
agent. The principal is, therefore, not the petitioner.
responsible where the agent’s own Same; Same; Same; The acts of an
conduct and statements have agent beyond the scope of his
created the apparent authority. In authority do not bind the principal,
this case, not a single act of unless the latter ratifies the same
respondent, acting through its Board expressly or impliedly.—Under
of Directors, was cited as having Article 1898 of the New Civil Code,
clothed its general manager with the acts of an agent beyond the
apparent authority to execute the scope of his authority do not bind
contract with it. the principal, unless the latter
ratifies the same expressly or
Evidence; As a rule, conclusions and impliedly. Furthermore, when the
findings of fact arrived at by the trial third person (herein petitioner)
knows that the agent was acting for breach of contract of carriage, the
beyond his power or authority, the breach must be wanton and
principal cannot be held liable for deliberately injurious or the one
the acts of the agent. If the said third responsible acted fraudulently or
person is aware of such limits of with malice or bad faith. Petitioner
authority, he is to blame, and is not knew there was a strong possibility
entitled to recover damages from the that he could not use the subject
agent, unless the latter undertook to ticket, so much so that he bought a
secure the principal’s ratification. back-up ticket to ensure his
departure. Should there be a finding
Same; Same; Same; The admission of bad faith, we are of the opinion
by a passenger that he had to submit that it should be on the petitioner.
a letter to the airline’s legal counsel What the employees of PAL did was
requesting for an extension of the one of simple negligence. No injury
validity of his tickets is tantamount resulted on the part of petitioner
to knowledge on his part that mere because he had a back-up ticket
employees of the airline had no should PAL refuse to accommodate
authority to extend the validity of his him with the use of subject ticket.
tickets.—The admission by Same; Same; Same; To warrant the
Cervantes that he was told by PAL’s award of exemplary dam-ages, the
legal counsel that he had to submit a wrongful act must be accompanied
letter requesting for an extension of by bad faith, and the guilty party
the validity of subject tickets was acted in a wanton, fraudulent,
tantamount to knowledge on his reckless or malevolent manner.—
part that the PAL employees had no Neither can the claim for exemplary
authority to extend the validity of damages be upheld. Such kind of
subject tickets and only PAL’s legal damages is imposed by way of
counsel was authorized to do so. example or correction for the public
Same; Same; Actions; Pleadings and good, and the existence of bad faith
Practice; The failure of a defendant is established. The wrongful act
to raise the defense of lack of must be accompanied by bad faith,
authority of its agents in its answer and an award of damages would be
or in a motion to dismiss is cured allowed only if the guilty party acted
where the said issue was litigated in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless or
upon.—However, notwithstanding malevolent manner. Here, there is no
PAL’s failure to raise the defense of showing that PAL acted in such a
lack of authority of the said PAL manner. An award for attorney’s fees
agents in its answer or in a motion to is also improper.
dismiss, the omission was cured
since the said issue was litigated [No. 39037. October 30, 1933]
upon, as shown by the testimony of THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK,
the petitioner in the course of trial. plaintiff and appellee, vs. PAZ
Same; Same; Damages; In awarding AGUDELO Y GONZAGA ET AL.,
moral damages for breach of defendants. PAZ AGUDELO Y
contract of carriage, the breach must GONZAGA, appellant.
be wanton and deliberately injurious
or the one responsible acted PRINCIPAL AND AGENT; PERSONAL
fraudulently or with malice or bad LIABILITY OF AGENT.—When an
faith.—In awarding moral damages agent negotiates a loan in his own
name and executes a promissory answer was due to fraud, accident,
note under his personal signature mistake or excusable negligence but
without express authority from his also that he has a meritorious
principal, giving as security therefor defense.
real estate belonging to the latter, Same; Same; Pleadings; Failure of
also in his own name and not in the defendant to file an answer on the
name and in representation of said last day for pleading, excusable;
principal, the obligation so Reason.—The failure then of the
contracted by him is personal and is defendant to file his answer on the
not binding upon the af oresaid last day for pleading is excusable.
principal. The order setting aside the dismissal
of the complaint was received at
HARTFORD BEAUMONT, assignee of 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon. It was
W. Borck, plaintiff and appellee, vs. therefore impossible for him to have
MAURO PRIETO, BENITO LEGARDA, filed his answer on that same day
JR., and BENITO VALDES as because the courts then held office
administrator of the estate of Benito only up to 5:00 o’clock in the
Legarda, deceased, and BENITO afternoon. Moreover, the defendant
VALDES, defendants and appellants. immediately filed his answer on the
(See U. S. Supreme Court decision in following day.
this same case, p. 985, post.)
Same; Appeals; New Trial; New trial
1.PRINCIPAL AND AGENT; not to be granted if it will serve no
LIABILITIES TO THIRD PERSONS.— purpose, and defense is
Although, according to article 1717 ineffective.—It is evident then that
of the Civil Code, when the agent acts the defendant’s appeal can not
in his own name he is not personally prosper. To grant the defendant’s
liable to the .person with Beaumont prayer will result in a new trial
vs. Prieto., 41 Phil. 670, No. 8988 which will serve no purpose and will
March 30, 1916 just waste the time of the courts as
well as of the parties because the
Nos. L-25836-37. January 31, 1981.* defense is nil or ineffective.
COMMERCE, plaintiff-appellee, vs. Mercantile Law; Negotiable
JOSE M. ARUEGO, defendant- Instruments; Bills of Exchange; A
appellant. party who signs a bill of exchange as
an agent, but failed to disclose his
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; principal becomes personally liable
Defaults; Requirements for setting for the drafts he accepted.—An
aside an order of default.—It has inspection of the drafts accepted by
been held that to entitle a party to the defendant shows that nowhere
relief from a judgment taken against has he disclosed that he was signing
him through his mistake, as a representative of the Philippine
inadvertence, surprise or excusable Education Foundation Company. He
neglect, he must show to the court merely signed as follows. “JOSE
that he has a meritorious defense. In ARUEGO (Acceptor) (SGD) JOSE
other words, in order to set aside the ARUEGO.” For failure to disclose his
order of default, the defendant must principal, Aruego is personally liable
not only show that his failure to for the drafts he accepted.
Same; Same; Same; Accommodation paper conforms with the definition
party; Liability of an accommodation of a bill of exchange, that paper is
party.—In lending his name to be considered a bill of exchange. The
accommodated party, the nature of acceptance is important
accommodation party is in effect a only in the determination of the kind
surety for the latter. He lends his of liabilities of the parties involved,
name to enable the accommodated but not in the determination of
party to obtain credit or to raise whether a commercial paper is a bill
money. He receives no part of the of exchange or not.
consideration for the instrument but
assumes liability to the other parties G.R. No. 75640. April 5, 1990.*
thereto because he wants to NATIONAL FOOD AUTHORITY,
accommodate another. (NFA), petitioner, vs.
Same; Same; Same; Liability of an COURT, SUPERIOR (SG) SHIPPING
acceptor or drawee is primary; A CORPORATION, respondents.
party, a lawyer, who intends to be
secondarily liable should not have Civil Law; Agency; Agent’s apparent
signed as an acceptor or drawee.—In representation yields to the
the instant case, the defendant principal’s true representation and
signed as a drawee/acceptor. Under the contract is considered as entered
the Negotiable Instruments Law, a into between the principal and third
drawee is primarily liable. Thus, if person.—Consequently when things
the defendant who is a lawyer, really belonging to the principal (in this
intended to be secondarily liable case, Superior Shipping Corporation)
only, he should not have signed as an are dealt with, the agent is bound to
acceptor/drawee. In doing so, he the principal although he does not
became primarily and personally assume the character of such agent
liable for the drafts. and appears acting in his own name.
In other words, the agent’s apparent
Same; Same; Same; A commercial representation yields to the
paper which conforms under the principal’s true representation and
definition of a bill of exchange is a that, in reality and in effect, the
bill of exchange; Acceptance; Nature contract must be considered as
of acceptance is important only in entered into between the principal
the determination of liability of the and the third person (Sy Juco and
parties, hut not to determine Viardo v. Sy Juco, 40 Phil. 634).
whether a commercial paper is a bill Corollarily, if the principal can be
of exchange or not.—Under the obliged to perform his duties under
Negotiable Instruments Law, a bill of the contract, then it can also demand
exchange is an unconditional order the enforcement of its rights arising
in writing addressed by one person from the contract.
to another, signed by the person
giving it, requiring the person to G.R. No. 95703. August 3, 1992.*
whom it is addressed to pay on RURAL BANK OF BOMBON
demand or at a fixed or (CAMARINES SUR), INC., petitioner,
determinable future time a sum vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS,
certain in money to order or to EDERLINDA M. GALLARDO, DANIEL
bearer. As long as a commercial
MANZO and RUFINO S. AQUINO, mechandise to its destination and a
respondents. contract to transport passengers to
their destination.—Before we
Agency; Banks; Mortgages; Agent resolve the issues raised by BA, it is
who signs a Deed of Mortgage in his needful to state that the nature of an
name alone does not validly bind airline’s contract of carriage
owner of mortgaged estate.—In view partakes of two types, namely: a
of this rule, Aquino’s act of signing contract to deliver a cargo or
the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage in merchandise to its destination and a
his name alone as mortgagor, contract to transport passengers to
without any indication that he was their destination. A business
signing for and in behalf of the intended to serve the travelling
property owner, Ederlinda Gallardo, public primarily, it is imbued with
bound himself alone in his personal public interest, hence, the law
capacity as a debtor of the petitioner governing common carriers imposes
Bank and not as the agent or an exacting standard. Neglect or
attorney-in-fact of Gallardo. malfeasance by the carrier’s
employees could predictably furnish
Same; Same; Same; Same.—The bases for an action for damages.
above provision of the Civil Code Same; Same; In determining the
relied upon by the petitioner Bank, is amount of compensatory damages in
not applicable to the case at bar. breach of contract involving
Herein respondent Aquino acted misplaced luggage, it is vital that the
purportedly as an agent of Gallardo, claimant satisfactorily prove during
but actually acted in his personal the trial the existence of the factual
capacity. Involved herein are basis of the damages and its causal
properties titled in the name of connection to defendant’s acts.—In
respondent Gallardo against which the instant case, it is apparent that
the Bank proposes to foreclose the the contract of carriage was between
mortgage constituted by an agent Mahtani and BA. Moreover, it is
(Aquino) acting in his personal indubitable that his luggage never
capacity. Under these circumstances, arrived in Bombay on time.
we hold, as we did in Philippine Therefore, as in a number of cases
Sugar Estates Development Co. vs. we have assessed the airlines’
Poizat, supra, that Gallardo’s culpability in the form of damages
property is not liable on the real for breach of contract involving
estate mortgage. misplaced luggage. In determining
the amount of compensatory
G.R. No. 121824. January 29, 1998.* damages in this kind of cases, it is
BRITISH AIRWAYS, petitioner, vs. vital that the claimant satisfactorily
COURT OF APPEALS, GOP MAHTANI, prove during the trial the existence
and PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, of the factual basis of the damages
respondents. and its causal connection to
defendant’s acts.
Common Carriers; Air
Transportation; The nature of an Same; Same; Warsaw Convention; In
airline’s contract of carriage a contract of air carriage, a
partakes of two types, namely: a declaration by the passenger of a
contract to deliver a cargo or higher value is needed to recover a
greater amount.—Admittedly, in a Notwithstanding the foregoing, we
contract of air carriage a declaration have, nevertheless, ruled against
by the passenger of a higher value is blind reliance on adhesion contracts
needed to recover a greater amount. where the facts and circumstances
Article 22(1) of the Warsaw justify that they should be
Convention, provides as follows: “x x disregarded. In addition, we have
x x x x x x x (2) In the transportation held that benefits of limited liability
of checked baggage and goods, the are subject to waiver such as when
liability of the carrier shall be limited the air carrier failed to raise timely
to a sum of 250 francs per kilogram, objections during the trial when
unless the consignor has made, at questions and answers regarding the
the time the packages was handed actual claims and damages sustained
over to the carrier, a special by the passenger were asked. Given
declaration of the value at delivery the foregoing postulates, the
and has paid a supplementary sum if inescapable conclusion is that BA
the case so requires. In that case the had waived the defense of limited
carrier will be liable to pay a sum liability when it allowed Mahtani to
not exceeding the declared sum, testify as to the actual damages he
unless he proves that the sum is incurred due to the misplacement of
greater than the actual value to the his luggage, without any objection.
consignor at delivery.”
Same; Same; Same; Same; Evidence;
Same; Same; Tariffs; An air carrier is Objection to evidence deemed
not liable for the loss of baggage in inadmissible for any reason must be
an amount in excess of the limits made at the earliest opportunity, lest
specified in the tariff which was filed silence when there is opportunity to
with the proper authorities, such speak may operate as a waiver of
tariff being binding on the passenger objections.—Indeed, it is a well-
regardless of the passenger’s lack of settled doctrine that where the
knowledge thereof or assent proponent offers evidence deemed
thereto.—American jurisprudence by counsel of the adverse party to be
provides that an air carrier is not inadmissible for any reason, the
liable for the loss of baggage in an latter has the right to object.
amount in excess of the limits However, such right is a mere
specified in the tariff which was filed privilege which can be waived.
with the proper authorities, such Necessarily, the objection must be
tariff being binding on the passenger made at the earliest opportunity, lest
regardless of the passenger’s lack of silence when there is opportunity to
knowledge thereof or assent thereto. speak may operate as a waiver of
This doctrine is recognized in this objections. BA has precisely failed in
jurisdiction. this regard.
Same; Same; Pleadings and Practice;
Waivers; Benefits of limited liability Same; Same; Evidence; Factual
are subject to waiver such as when findings of the trial court, as
the air carrier failed to raise timely affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are
objections during the trial when entitled to great respect.—Needless
questions and answers regarding the to say, factual findings of the trial
actual claims and damages sustained court, as affirmed by the Court of
by the passenger were asked.— Appeals, are entitled to great
respect. Since the actual value of the respect of plaintiff’s claim against a
luggage involved appreciation of third-party in the original and
evidence, a task within the principal case with the object of
competence of the Court of Appeals, avoiding circuitry of action and
its ruling regarding the amount is unnecessary proliferation of law
assuredly a question of fact, thus, a suits and of disposing expeditiously
finding not reviewable by this Court. in one litigation the entire subject
Actions; Pleadings and Practice; matter arising from one particular
Third-Party Complaints; Words and set of facts.”
Phrases; The third-party complaint
is a procedural device whereby a Air Transportation; Agency;
‘third party’ who is neither a party Damages; An agent is also
nor privy to the act or deed responsible for any negligence in the
complained of by the plaintiff, may performance of its function and is
be brought into the case with leave liable for damages which the
of court, by the defendant, who acts principal may suffer by reason of its
as third-party plaintiff to enforce negligent act.—Parenthetically, the
against such third-party defendant a Court of Appeals should have been
right for contribution, indemnity, cognizant of the well-settled rule
subrogation or any other relief, in that an agent is also responsible for
respect of the plaintiff’s claim.—In any negligence in the performance of
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company its function and is liable for damages
of the Philippines v. Tempengko, we which the principal may suffer by
expounded on the nature of a third- reason of its negligent act. Hence, the
party complaint thus: “The third- Court of Appeals erred when it
party complaint is, therefore, a opined that BA, being the principal,
procedural device whereby a ‘third- had no cause of action against PAL,
party’ who is neither a party nor its agent or subcontractor.
privy to the act or deed complained
of by the plaintiff, may be brought Same; Same; Same; International Air
into the case with leave of court, by Transport Association (IATA);
the defendant, who acts as third- Member airlines of the IATA are
party plaintiff to enforce against regarded as agents of each other in
such third-party defendant a right the issuance of the tickets and other
for contribution, indemnity, matters pertaining to their
subrogation or any other relief, in relationship.—Also, it is worth
respect of the plaintiff’s claim. The mentioning that both BA and PAL
third-party complaint is actually are members of the International Air
independent of and separate and Transport Association (IATA),
distinct from the plaintiff’s wherein member airlines are
complaint. Were it not for this regarded as agents of each other in
provision of the Rules of Court, it the issuance of the tickets and other
would have to be filed independently matters pertaining to their
and separately from the original relationship. Therefore, in the
complaint by the defendant against instant case, the contractual
the third-party. But the Rules permit relationship between BA and PAL is
defendant to bring in a third-party one of agency, the former being the
defendant or so to speak, to litigate principal, since it was the one which
his separate cause of action in
issued the confirmed ticket, and the constituted on the motor vehicle in
latter the agent. question in favor of the former.—
B.A. Finance Corporation was
Actions; Pleadings and Practice; deemed subrogated to the rights and
Third-Party Complaints; The obligations of Supercars, Inc. when
purpose of a third-party complaint is the latter assigned the promissory
precisely to avoid delay and circuity note, together with the chattel
of action and to enable the mortgage constituted on the motor
controversy to be disposed of in one vehicle in question, in favor of the
suit.—Accordingly, to deny BA the former. Consequently, B.A. Finance
procedural remedy of filing a third- Corporation is bound by the terms
party complaint against PAL for the and conditions of the chattel
purpose of ultimately determining mortgage executed between the
who was primarily at fault as Cuadys and Supercars, Inc. Under
between them, is without legal basis. the deed of chattel mortgage, B.A.
After all, such proceeding is in Finance Corporation was constituted
accord with the doctrine against attorneyin-fact with full power and
multiplicity of cases which would authority to file, follow-up,
entail receiving the same or similar prosecute, compromise or settle
evidence for both cases and insurance claims; to sign, execute
enforcing separate judgments and deliver the corresponding
therefor. It must be borne in mind papers, receipts and documents to
that the purpose of a third-party the Insurance Company as may be
complaint is precisely to avoid delay necessary to prove the claim, and to
and circuity of action and to enable collect from the latter the proceeds
the controversy to be disposed of in of insurance to the extent of its
one suit. It is but logical, fair and interests, in the event that the
equitable to allow BA to sue PAL for mortgaged car suffers any loss or
indemnification, if it is proven that damage.
the latter’s negligence was the
proximate cause of Mahtani’s Same; Same; Agency; In granting B.A
unfortunate experience, instead of Finance Corporation the
totally absolving PAL from any aforementioned powers and
liability. prerogatives, the Cuady spouses
created in the former’s favor an
G.R. No. 82040, August 27, 1991.* agency.—In granting B.A. Finance
BA FINANCE CORPORATION, Corporation the aforementioned
petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF powers and prerogatives, the Cuady
APPEALS, Hon. Presiding Judge of spouses created in the former’s favor
Regional Trial Court of Manila, an agency. Thus, under Article 1884
Branch 43, MANUEL CUADY and of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
LILIA CUADY, respondents. B.A. Finance Corporation is bound by
its acceptance to carry out the
Civil Law; Subrogation; B.A. Finance agency, and is liable for damages
Corporation was deemed subrogated which, through its non-performance,
to the rights and obligations of the Cuadys, the principal in the case
Supercars, Inc. when the latter at bar, may suffer.
assigned the promissory note
together with the chattel mortgage
Civil Procedure; Evidence; Judgment exparte by private respondents. It
of the Court of Appeals is conclusive was only when the petitioner filed
as to the facts and may not the instant petition with this Court
ordinarily be reviewed by the that it later raised the
Supreme Court.—Moreover, B.A. aforementioned issue. As ruled by
Finance Corporation would have this this Court in a long line of cases,
Court review and reverse the factual issues not raised and/or ventilated
findings of the respondent appellate in the trial court, let alone in the
court. This, of course, the Court Court of Appeals, cannot be raised
cannot and will not generally do. It is for the first time on appeal as it
axiomatic that the judgment of the would be offensive to the basic rules
Court of Appeals is conclusive as to of fair play, justice and due process.
the facts and may not ordinarily be
reviewed by the Supreme Court. The [No. 8346. March 30, 1915.]
doctrine is, to be sure, subject to GUTIERREZ HERMANOS, plaintiff
certain specific exceptions none of and appellant, vs. ORIA HERMANOS
which, however, obtains in the & Co., defendant and appellant.
instant case.
Same; Appeals; Issues not raised COUNTERCLAIM.—If a creditor is
and/or ventilated in the trial court, under obligation to render an
let alone in the Court of Appeals, account of the result of certain
cannot be raised for the first time on commercial operations carried on
appeal.—Finally, B.A. Finance between him and his debtor, even
Corporation contends that though the latter may
respondent trial court committed unquestionably appear to owe him a
grave abuses of discretion in two certain sum, it is impossible to
instances: First, when it denied the determine whether said plaintiff
petitioner’s motion for creditor is or is not entitled to collect
reconsideration praying that the the whole amount claimed in the
counsel be allowed to cross-examine complaint until it is demonstrated by
the affiant, and; second, when it the account rendered at the request
seriously considered the evidence of said debtor whether or not his
adduced ex-parte by the Cuadys, and creditor owes him anything which,
heavily relied thereon, when in truth although it may not entirely offset
and in fact, the same was not the sum claimed by the creditor, may
formally admitted as part of the at least reduce his indebtedness by
evidence for the private respondents that amount.
(Memorandum for the Petitioner, p.
10). This Court does not have to 2.ID.; RECONSIDERATION OF
unduly dwell on this issue which APPROVAL.—After an account has
was only raised by B.A. Finance been submitted by the party
Corporation for the first time on obligated to render it and it has been
appeal. A review of the records of approved by the one whom it affects,
the case shows that B.A. Finance it cannot be again revised at the
Corporation failed to directly raise latter's request. unless it be
or ventilate in the trial court nor in demonstrated that in the approval
the respondent appellate court the thereof intervened deceit, fraud, or
validity of the evidence adduced
error gravely prejudicial to the party the one who now claims that such
who gave said approval. payment ought to be made annually
instead of semiannually; and the
3.PRINCIPAL AND AGENT; assent and acquiescence given
RESPONSIBILITY OF AGENT FOR seventeen times cannot later be
ACTS OF PRINCIPAL.—When an changed in order to set aside said
agent in executing the orders and semiannual payments, repeatedly
commissions of his principal carries made in accord with the other party,
out the instructions he has received once the accumulation of interest on
from his principal, and does not the principal has been authorized by
appear to have exceeded his article 317 of the Code of Commerce.
authority or to have acted with
negligence, deceit, or fraud, he G.R. No. 114311. November 29, 1996
cannot be held responsible for the
failure of his principal to accomplish COSMIC LUMBER CORPORATION,
the object of the agency. petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS
and ISIDRO PEREZ, respondents.
OF PERFORMANCE.—When one Agency; Special Powers of Attorney;
party to a mutual obligation fails Compromise Agreements; Sales; Pre-
duly to carry out his agreement, he Trial; Ejectment; A special power of
thereby releases the other, who does attorney for an agent to institute any
not thus become delinquent. action in court to eject all persons in
Delinquency commences when one the principal's lots so that the
of the contracting parties fulfills his principal could take material
obligation and becomes invested possession thereof, and for this
with power to terminate the purpose, to appear at the pre-trial
contract because of failure on the and enter into any stipulation of
other's part to carry out the facts and/or compromise agreement
agreement. but only insofar as this is protective
of the rights and interests of the
5.INTEREST; STIPULATION AS TO principal in the property, does not
TIME OF PAYMENT.—In the absence grant any power to the agent to sell
of a written contract regarding the the subject property nor a portion
date when mutual interest, verbally thereof.—We agree with petitioner.
stipulated at the rate of 8 per cent a The authority granted Villamil-
year, should be paid, the approval Estrada under the special power of
given by one of the interested attorney was explicit and
parties to seventeen accounts exclusionary: for her to institute any
submitted semiannually by the other action in court to eject all persons
for a period of more than nine years, found on Lots Nos. 9127 and 443 so
during which the interest was paid that petitioner could Cosmic Lumber
semiannually, gives rise to the take material possession thereof,
presumption that the interested and for this purpose, to appear at the
parties had verbally contracted to pre-trial and enter into any
that effect, especially when this stipulation of facts and/or
verbal contract is sustained and compromise agreement but only
continually corroborated without insofar as this was protective of the
protest or objection on the part of rights and interests of petitioner in
the property. Nowhere in this execute. A special power of attorney
authorization was Villamil-Estrada is necessary to enter into any
granted expressly or impliedly any contract by which the ownership of
power to sell the subject property an immovable is transmitted or
nor a portion thereof. Neither can a acquired either gratuitously or for a
conferment of the power to sell be valuable consideration. The express
validly inferred from the specific mandate required by law to enable
authority "to enter into a an appointee of an agency (couched)
compromise agreement" because of in general terms to sell must be one
the explicit limitation fixed by the that expressly mentions a sale or
grantor that the compromise that includes a sale as a necessary
entered into shall only be "so far as it ingredient of the act mentioned. For
shall protect the rights and interest the principal to confer the right upon
of the corporation in the an agent to sell real estate, a power
aforementioned lots" In the context of attorney must so express the
of the specific investiture of powers powers of the agent in clear and
to Villamil-Estrada, alienation by unmistakable language. When there
sale of an immovable certainly is any reasonable doubt that the
cannot be deemed protective of the language so used conveys such
right of petitioner to physically power, no such construction shall be
possess the same, more so when the given the document.
land was being sold for a price of 170
P80.00 per square meter, very much
less than its assessed value of 170
P250.00 per square meter, and SUPREME COURT REPORTS
considering further that petitioner ANNOTATED
never received the proceeds of the Cosmic Lumber Corporation vs.
sale. Court of Appeals
Same; Same; Same; Same; The Same; Same; Same; Courts;
express mandate required by law to Jurisdiction; The nullity of the
enable an appointee of an agency settlement between an agent and a
(couched) in general terms to sell third person impairs the jurisdiction
must be one that expressly mentions of the trial court to render its
a sale or that includes a sale as a decision based on the compromise
necessary ingredient of the action agreement.—It is therefore clear
mentioned.—When the sale of a that by selling to respondent Perez a
piece of land or any interest thereon portion of petitioner's land through
is through an agent, the authority of a compromise agreement, Villamil-
the latter shall be in writing; Estrada acted without or in obvious
otherwise, the sale shall be void. authority. The sale ipso jure is
Thus the authority of an agent to consequently void. So is the
execute a contract for the sale of real compromise agreement. This being
estate must be conferred in writing the case, the judgment based
and must give him specific authority, thereon is necessarily void.
either to conduct the general Antipodal to the opinion expressed
business of the principal or to by respondent court in resolving
execute a binding contract petitioner's motion for
containing terms and conditions reconsideration, the nullity of the
which are in the contract he did settlement between Villamil-Estrada
and Perez impaired the jurisdiction may assume different shapes and be
of the trial court to render its committed in as many different ways
decision based on the compromise and here lies the danger of
agreement. attempting to define fraud. For man
Actions; Courts; Judgments; in his ingenuity and fertile
Annulment of Judgments; Pleadings imagination will always contrive
and Practice; A party may now new schemes to fool the unwary.
petition the Court of Appeals to 171
annul and set aside judgments of
Regional Trial Courts.—Under VOL. 265, NOVEMBER 29, 1996
authority of Sec. 9, par. (2), of B.P. 171
Blg. 129, a party may now petition Cosmic Lumber Corporation vs.
the Court of Appeals to annul and set Court of Appeals
aside judgments of Regional Trial Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
Courts. "Thus, the Intermediate Same; Extrinsic fraud refers to any
Appellant Court (now Court of fraudulent act of the prevailing party
Appeals) shall exercise wi wi wi wi in the litigation which is committed
(2) Exclusive original jurisdiction outside of the trial of the case,
over action for annulment of whereby the defeated party has been
judgments of the Regional Trial prevented from exhibiting fully his
Courts wi wi wi x" However, certain side of the case by fraud or
requisites must first be established deception practiced on him by his
before a final and executory opponent.—There is extrinsic fraud
judgment can be the subject of an within the meaning of Sec. 9, par. (2),
action for annulment. It must either of B.P. Blg. 129, where it is one the
be void for want of jurisdiction or for effect of which prevents a party from
lack of due process of law, or it has hearing a trial, or real contest, or
been obtained by fraud. from presenting all of his case to the
Conformably with law and the court, or where it operates upon
above-cited authorities, the petition matters, not pertaining to the
to annul the decision of the trial judgment itself, but to the manner in
court in Civil Case No, D-7750 before which it was procured so that there
the Court of Appeals was proper. is not a fair submission of the
Emanating as it did from a void controversy. In other words,
compromise agreement, the trial extrinsic fraud refers to any
court had no jurisdiction to render a fraudulent act of the prevailing party
judgment based thereon. in the litigation which is committed
Same; Same; Same; Same; Fraud; outside of the trial of the case,
Words and Phrases; Fraud may whereby the defeated party has been
assume different shapes and be prevented from exhibiting fully his
committed in as many different side of the case by fraud or
ways, and here lies the danger of deception practiced on him by his
attempting to define fraud, for man opponent. Fraud is extrinsic where
in his ingenuity and fertile the unsuccessful party has been
imagination will always contrive prevented from exhibiting fully his
new schemes to fool the unwary.— case, by fraud or deception practiced
For sure, the Court of Appeals on him by his opponent, as by
restricted the concept of fraudulent keeping him away from court, a false
acts within too narrow limits. Fraud promise of a compromise; or where
the defendant never had knowledge fraud upon his principal for his own
of the suit, being kept in ignorance exclusive benefit, he is not really
by the acts of the plaintiff; or where acting for the principal but is really
an attorney fraudulently or without acting for himself, entirely outside
authority connives at his defeat; the scope of his agency. Indeed, the
these and similar cases which show basic tenets of agency rest on the
that there has never been a real highest considerations of justice,
contest in the trial or hearing of the equity and fair play, and an agent
case are reasons for which a new will not be permitted to pervert his
suit may be sustained to set aside authority to his own personal
and annul the former judgment and advantage, and his act in secret
open the case for a new and fair hostility to the interests of his
hearing. principal trascends the power
afforded him.
Agency; Fraud; Equity; When an
agent is engaged in the perpetration [No. 21237. March 22, 1924]
of a fraud upon his principal for his JAMES D. BARTON, plaintiff and
own extrinsic benefit, he is not really appellee, vs. LEYTE ASPHALT &
acting for the principal but is really MINERAL OIL Co., LTD., defendant
acting for himself, entirely outside and appellant.
the scope of his agency—the basic
tenets of agency rest on the highest 1.PRINCIPAL AND AGENT;
considerations of justice, equity and AUTHORITY OF SELLING AGENT;
fair play, and an agent will not be SALES TO SUBAGENT.—An agent
permitted to pervert his authority to who is clothed with authority to sell
his own personal advantage.—It a given commodity cannot bind the
may be argued that petitioner knew principal by selling to himself, either
of the compromise agreement since directly or indirectly. It results that
the principal is chargeable with and the principal is not obligated to fill
bound by the knowledge of or notice orders taken by the agent from his
to his agent received while the agent own subagent, unless the principal
was acting as such. But the general ratifies such sale with full knowledge
rule is intended to protect those who of the facts.
exercise good faith and not as a
shield for unfair dealing. Hence there 2.EVIDENCE; PRIVILEGE OF
is a well-established exception to the ATTORNEY AND CLIENT; LOSS OF
general rule as where the conduct PRIVILEGE.—The privilege which
and dealings of the agent are such as protects communications between
to raise a clear presumption that he attorney and client does not extend
will not communicate to the to a copy of a letter written by the
principal the facts in controversy. client to his attorney which comes to
The logical reason for this exception the hands of the adverse party.
is that where the agent is Where the authenticity of such a
committing a fraud, it would be document is admitted, the court will
contrary to common sense to take no notice of the manner in
presume or to expect that he would which it was obtained.
communicate the facts to the
principal. Verily, when an agent is
engaged in the perpetration of a
[No. L-2886. August 22, 1952] deception and the disregard of the
GREGORIO ARANETA, INC., plaintiff technicality would pave the way for
and appellant, vs. PAZ TUASON DE the evasion of a legitimate and
PATERNO and JOSE VIDAL, binding commitment. "The courts
defendants and appellants. will not ignore the corporate entity
in order to further the perpetration
1.CONTRACTS; SALE; MORTGAGE.— of a fraud." (18 C. J. S., 381.)
The proviso in a contract of sale of
real estate that 10 per cent of the 4.PRINCIPAL AND AGENT; AGENT,
purchase price should be paid only DEFINED; CIVIL CODE, ARTICLE
after the mortgage on the property 1459.—An agent, in the sense used
should have been cancelled, is not in article 1459 of the Civil Code, is
onerous or unusual. It was not one who accepts another's
onerous or unusual for the vendee to representation to perform in his
withhold a relatively small portion name certain acts of more or less
of the purchase price before all the transcendancy. (10 Manresa, 46th
impediments to the final ed., 100.)
consummation of the sale had been
removed. 5.ID.; ID.; ID.—The ban of paragraph
2 of article 1459 connotes the idea of
2.ID.; DECEIT IN ITS EXECUTION.—A trust and confidence; and so, where
vendor could not be considered to the relationship does not involve
have been deceived into signing a considerations of good faith and
deed of sale of real estate, where the integrity, the prohibition should not,
circumstances show (1) that she is and does not apply. To come under
intelligent and well educated and the prohibition, the agent must be in
had been managing her affairs; (2) a fiduciary relation with his
that she had an able attorney who principal.
was assisting her in a lawsuit; and
(3) that she has a son who is a 6.ID.; ID.; ID.—A person who acts as
leading citizen and a business man a go-between or middleman
and knew the English language very between the vendor and the vendee,
well if she did not. If she signed the bringing them together to make the
deed of sale without being apprised contract themselves, without any
of its import, it can hardly be power or discretion whatsoever
conceived that she did not have her which he could abuse to his
attorney or her son, who took active advantage and to the owner's
part in the negotiations, read it to prejudice, is not an agent within the
her afterwards. meaning of article 1459 of the Civil
ENTITY.—The fiction of corporate 7.ATTORNEY AND CLIENT; CIVIL
entity of a corporation, which has CODE, ARTICLE 1459.—Attorneys
long been organized and has are only prohibited f rom buying
engaged in real estate business, will their client's property 'which is the
not be disregarded apart from the subject of litigation (Art. 1459, No. 5,
members of the corporation, where Spanish Civil Code). Where the
the corporate entity was not used to questioned sale of the property of
circumvent the law or perpetrate the client was effected before the
subject thereof became involved in of acceptance," was unconscionable,
the present action, the prohibition void and unenforceable in so far as
does not lie. the said stipulation would stretch
the vendor's liability for those
8.BANKS AND BANKING; checks beyond 90 days. It was not in
CERTIFICATION OF CHECK; accord with law, equity or good
DEPOSIT DURING JAPANESE conscience to hold a party
OCCUPATION NULLITY OF, UNDER responsible for something he or she
EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 49.—Under had no access to and could not make
banking laws and practice, by the use of but which was under the
certification "the funds represented absolute control and disposition of
by the check were transferred from the other party.
the credit of the maker to that of the
payee or holder, and, for all intents 10.SALE; LOSS OF THE FUNDS
and purposes, the latter became the REPRESENTED BY CHECKS IN
depositor of the drawee bank with PAYMENT; TIME FOR PAYMENT.—
rights and duties of one in such In adjudging the vendee to be the
relation"; the transfer of the party to shoulder the loss of the
corresponding funds from the credit amount of the check issued in
of the depositor to that of the payee payment of the obligation, and
had to be coextensive with the life of ordering the vendee to pay the
the checks, which in this case was 90 amount to the vendor, the judgment
days. If the checks were not was not intended to be in the nature
presented for payment within that of an extension of time of payment.
period, they became invalid and the
funds were automatically restored to 11.CONTRACTS AND OBLIGATIONS;
the credit of the drawer though not RESCISSION; CASUAL BREACH OF
as a current deposit but as special CONTRACT.—"The general rule is
deposit. Where the checks were that recission will not be permitted
never collected and the account for a slight or casual breach of the
against which they were drawn was contract, but only for such breaches
not used or claimed, and since that as are so substantial and
account "was opened during the fundamental as to defeat the object
Japanese occupation and in Japanese of the parties." (Song Fo & Co. vs.
currency," the checks "became HawaiianPhilippine Co., 47 Phil.,
obsolete -as the account subject 821, 827.)
thereto is considered null and void
in accordance with Executive Order 12.ID.; INTEREST, SUSPENSION OF
No. 49 of the President of the THE RUNNING OF, ALTHOUGH
Philippines." DEBT HAS NOT BEEN PAID.—The
matter of the suspension of the
9.OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS; running of interest on the loan is
PAYMENT BY CHECK, WHICH WERE governed by principles which regard
LOST OR DESTROYED.—The reality rather than technicality,
stipulation that the seller "shall not substance rather than form. Good
hold the vendee responsible for any faith of the offeror or ability to make
loss of these checks," which were to good the offer should in simple
be void if not presented for payment justice excuse the debtor from
at the Bank within 90 days from date paying interest after the offer was
rejected. A debtor cannot be principal. The agent has an absolute
considered delinquent who offered obligation to make a full disclosure
checks backed by sufficient deposit or complete account to his principal
or ready to pay cash if the creditor of all his transactions and other
chose that means of payment. material facts relevant to the agency,
Technical defects of the offer cannot so much so that the law as amended
be adduced to destroy its effects does not countenance any
when the objection to accept the stipulation exempting the agent
payment was based on entirely from such an obligation and
different grounds. Thus, although considers such an exemption as void.
the defective consignation made by Same; Failure of agent to make full
the debtor did not discharge the disclosure makes him guilty of
mortgage debt, the running of breach of his loyalty to the
interest on the loan is suspended by principal.—–An agent who takes a
the offer and tender of payment. secret profit in the nature of a bonus,
gratuity or personal benefit from the
13.ID. ; DEBT MORATORIUM.—The vendee, without revealing the same
mortgagor is not entitled to to bis principal is guilty of a breach
suspension of payment under the of his loyalty to the latter and forfeits
debt moratorium law or orders his right to collect the commission
because the bulk of the debt was a that may be due him, even if the
pre-war obligation and the principal does not suffer any injury
moratorium order as to such by reason of such breach of fidelity,
obligation has been repealed except or that he obtained better results or
where the debtor has suffered war that the agency is a gratuitous one,
damage and has filed claim for it. or that usage or custom allows it;
Moreover, the debtor herself caused because the rule is to prevent the
her creditor to be brought into this possibility of any wrong, not to
case which resulted in the filing of remedy or repair an actual damage.
the cross-claim to foreclose the
mortgage. Same; Duty of fidelity when not
applicable.—–The duty embodied in
No. L-30573. October 29, 1971. Article 1891 of the Civil Code does
VICENTE M. DOMINGO,represented not apply if the agent or broker
by his heirs, ANTONINA RAYMUNDO acted only as a middleman with the
VDA. DE DOMINGO, RICARDO, task of merely bringing together the
CESAR, AMELIA, VICENTE JR., vendor and vendee, who themselves
SALVADOR, IRENE and JOSELITO, all thereafter will negotiate on the
surnamed DOMINGO, petitioners- terms and conditions of the
appellants, vs. GREGORIO M. transaction.
TEOFILO P. PURISIMA, intervenor- G.R. No. 141485. June 30, 2005.*
respondent. PABLITO MURAO and NELIO
HUERTAZUELA, petitioners, vs.
Agency; Obligations of an agent.—– PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,
Articles 1891 and 1909 of the Civil respondent.
Code demand the utmost good faith,
fidelity, honesty, candor and fairness Civil Law; Agency; Private
on the part of the agent to his complainant’s right to a commission
does not make him a joint owner of extinguishers pertained to LMICE.
the money paid to LMICE by the City When petitioner Huertazuela, as the
Government of Puerto Princesa but Branch Manager of LMICE in Puerto
merely establishes the relation of Princesa City, with the permission of
agent and principal.—His right to a petitioner Murao, the sole proprietor
commission does not make private of LMICE, personally picked up
complainant Federico a joint owner Check No. 611437 from the City
of the money paid to LMICE by the Government of Puerto Princesa, and
City Government of Puerto Princesa, deposited the same under the
but merely establishes the relation Current Account of LMICE with
of agent and principal. It is PCIBank, he was merely collecting
unequivocal that an agency existed what rightfully belonged to LMICE.
between LMICE and private Indeed, Check No. 611437 named
complainant Federico. Article 1868 LMICE as the lone payee.
of the Civil Code defines agency as a
special contract whereby “a person Same; Same; Criminal Law; Estafa; A
binds himself to render some service fiduciary relationship between the
or to do something in representation complainant and the accused is an
or on behalf of another, with the essential element of estafa by
consent or authority of the latter.” misappropriation or conversion
Although private complainant without which the accused could not
Federico never had the opportunity have committed estafa.—Since
to operate as a dealer for LMICE LMICE is the lawful owner of the
under the terms of the Dealership entire proceeds of the check
Agreement, he was allowed to act as payment from the City Government
a sales agent for LMICE. He can of Puerto Princesa, then the
negotiate for and on behalf of LMICE petitioners who collected the
for the refill and delivery of fire payment on behalf of LMICE did not
extinguishers, which he, in fact, did receive the same or any part thereof
on two occasions—with Landbank in trust, or on commission, or for
and with the City Government of administration, or under any other
Puerto Princesa. obligation involving the duty to
_______________ make delivery of, or to return, the
same to private complainant
Same; Same; All profits made and Federico, thus, the RTC correctly
any advantage gained by an agent in found that no fiduciary relationship
the execution of his agency should existed between petitioners and
belong to the principal.—All profits private complainant Federico. A
made and any advantage gained by fiduciary relationship between the
an agent in the execution of his complainant and the accused is an
agency should belong to the essential element of estafa by
principal. In the instant case, misappropriation or conversion,
whether the transactions negotiated without which the accused could not
by the sales agent were for the sale have committed estafa. Murao vs.
of brand new fire extinguishers or People, 462 SCRA 366, G.R. No.
for the refill of empty tanks, 141485 June 30, 2005
evidently, the business belonged to
LMICE. Consequently, payments G.R. No. 192085. February 22,
made by clients for the fire 2012.*
CARIDAD SEGARRA SAZON, Court does not review the factual
petitioner, vs. LETECIA VASQUEZ- findings of an appellate court, unless
MENANCIO, represented by these findings are “mistaken, absurd,
attorney-in-fact EDGAR S. SEGARRA, speculative, conjectural, conflicting,
respondent. tainted with grave abuse of
discretion, or contrary to the
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; findings culled by the trial court of
Appeals; When a case is appealed, origin.”
the appellate court has the power to
review the case in its entirety.—In Civil Law; Human Relations;
Heirs of Carlos Alcaraz v. Republic of Quantum Meruit; Unjust
the Philippines, 464 SCRA 280 Enrichment; The doctrine of
(2005), we reiterated the cardinal quantum meruit (as much as one
rule that when a case is appealed, deserves) prevents undue
the appellate court has the power to enrichment based on the equitable
review the case in its entirety, to wit: postulate that it is unjust for a
In any event, when petitioners person to retain benefit without
interposed an appeal to the Court of paying for it.—The doctrine of
Appeals, the appealed case was quantum meruit (as much as one
thereby thrown wide open for deserves) prevents undue
review by that court, which is thus enrichment based on the equitable
necessarily empowered to come out postulate that it is unjust for a
with a judgment as it thinks would person to retain benefit without
be a just determination of the paying for it. Being an equitable
controversy. Given this power, the principle, it should only be applied if
appellate court has the authority to no express contract was entered
either affirm, reverse or modify the into, and no specific statutory
appealed decision of the trial court. provision is applicable. Although
To withhold from the appellate court petitioner was given the authority to
its power to render an entirely new set the amount of her salary, she
decision would violate its power of failed to do so. Thus, she should at
review and would, in effect, render it least be given what she merits for
incapable of correcting patent errors her services. We find no reason to
committed by the lower courts. reverse the finding of both the RTC
Thus, we agree with respondent that and the CA that P1,000 per month
the CA was free to affirm, reverse, or for 15 years is a just, reasonable, and
modify either the Decision or the fair compensation to petitioner for
Order of the RTC. administering respondent’s
properties. The lower court is
Same; Same; Same; Factual findings ordered to add this amount to the
of the trial court are accorded high deductibles that petitioner is able to
respect and are generally not prove or, if the deductibles exceed
disturbed by appellate courts, unless the monetary value of the income
found to be clearly arbitrary or generated by the properties, to add
baseless.—Factual findings of the this amount to whatever respondent
trial court are accorded high respect ends up owing petitioner.
and are generally not disturbed by
appellate courts, unless found to be
clearly arbitrary or baseless. This
[No. 42958. October 21, 1936] 3.ID.; ID.; CHARGING INTEREST IN
C. N. HODGES, plaintiff and ADVANCE.—Section 5 of Act No.
appellant, vs. CARLOTA SALAS and 2655, as amended by section 3 of Act
PAZ SALAS, defendants and No. 3291, expressly permits a
appellees. creditor to charge in advance
interest corresponding to not more
1.EVIDENCE; PROBATORY VALUE than one year, whatever the
OF SECONDARY EVIDENCE duration of the loan. What is
ADMITTED WITHOUT prohibited is the charging in advance
OBJECTION.—It is universally of interest for more than one year.
accepted that when secondary or Section 6 reiterates said rule in
incompetent evidence is presented exempting a creditor found guilty of
and accepted without any objection usury from the obligation to return
on the part of the other party, the the interest and commissions
latter is bound thereby and the court collected by him in advance,
is obliged to grant it the probatory provided said interest and
value it deserves. (City of Manila vs. commissions are not for a period of
Cabangis, 10 Phil., 151; Bersabal vs. more than one year and the rate of
Bernal, 13 Phil., 463; Kuenzle & interest does not exceed the
Streiff vs. Jiongco, 22 Phil., 110; U. S. maximum limit fixed by law.
vs. Choa Tong, 22 Phil., 562; U. S. vs.
Ong Shiu, 28 Phil., 242; De Leon vs. 4.USURY, ACTION FOR;
Director of Prisons, 31 Phil., 60; U. S. PRESCRIPTION; REQUISITES FOR
vs. Hernandez, 31 Phil., 342; 23 C. J., PRESCRIPTION TO CONSTITUTE
39, section 1783, and the cases VALID DEFENSE.—In order that
therein cited; 10 R. C. L., 1008, prescription may constitute a valid
paragraph 197, and the cases therein defense and it may be considered on
cited.) appeal, it must be specifically
pleaded in the answer and proven
2.MORTGAGES; LOANS; CHARGING with the same degree of certainty
COMPOUND INTEREST; with which an essential allegation in
APPLICATION OF THE SAME.—The a civil action is established.
fact of charging illegal interest, Otherwise it will not be taken into
although it exceeds the maximum consideration, much less if it is
limit of interest that may be charged, alleged for the first time on appeal.
does not make the loan or the
mortgage usurious because the 5.AGENCY; POWERS or THE AGENT;
transactions took place subsequent LIMITATIONS.—The pertinent
to the execution of said contracts clauses of the power of attorney
and the latter do not appear to be from which may be determined the
void ab initio (66 C. J., pages 243, intention of the principals in
244, section 194). Said interest authorizing their agent to obtain a
should be applied first (to the loan, securing it with their real
payment of the stipulated and property, were quoted at, the
unpaid interest and, later, to that of beginning of the decision. The terms
the capital. (Aguilar vs. Rubiato and thereof are limited; the agent was
Gonzalez Vila, 40 Phil., 570; Go thereby authorized only to borrow
Chioco vs. Martinez, 45 Phil., 256; any amount of money which he
Gui Jong & Co. vs. Rivera and Avellar, deemed necessary. There is nothing,
however, to indicate that the denial is to the prejudice of another;
defendants had likewise authorized and (4) that there is a demand made
him to convert the money obtained by the offended party on the
by him to his personal use. With offender. While the first, third and
respect to a power of attorney of fourth elements are concededly
special character, it cannot be present, we find the second element
interpreted as also authorizing the of misappropriation or conversion to
agent to use the money as he be lacking in the case at bar.
pleased, particularly when it does
not appear that such was the Same; Same; Sales; Agency; An agent
intention of the principals, and in does not ipso facto commit the crime
applying part of the funds to pay his of estafa through conversion or
personal obligations, he exceeded misappropriation by delivering
his authority (art. 1714, Civil Code; jewelry she received to be sold on
Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. De commission basis to a sub-agent—
Coster, 47 Phil., 594 and 49 Phil., the law on agency in our jurisdiction
574). In cases like the present one, it allows the appointment by an agent
should be understood that the agent of a substitute or sub-agent in the
was obliged to turn over the money absence of an express agreement to
to the principals or, at least, place it the contrary between the agent and
at their disposal. the principal.—Petitioner did not
ipso facto commit the crime of estafa
G.R. No. 130423. November 18, through conversion or
2002.* misappropriation by delivering the
VIRGIE SERONA, petitioner, vs. HON. jewelry to a sub-agent for sale on
COURT OF APPEALS and THE commission basis. We are unable to
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, agree with the lower courts’
respondents. conclusion that this fact alone is
sufficient ground for holding that
Criminal Law; Estafa Through petitioner disposed of the jewelry
Misappropriation or Conversion “as if it were hers, thereby
(Art. 315, par. 1[b] of the Revised committing conversion and a clear
Penal Code); Elements.—The breach of trust.” It must be pointed
elements of estafa through out that the law on agency in our
misappropriation or conversion as jurisdiction allows the appointment
defined in Article 315, par. 1(b) of by an agent of a substitute or sub-
the Revised Penal Code are: (1) that agent in the absence of an express
the money, good or other personal agreement to the contrary between
property is received by the offender the agent and the principal. In the
in trust, or on commission, or for case at bar, the appointment of
administration, or under any other Labrador as petitioner’s sub-agent
obligation involving the duty to was not expressly prohibited by
make delivery of, or to return, the Quilatan, as the acknowledgment
same; (2) that there be receipt, Exhibit “B”, does not contain
misappropriation or conversion of any such limitation. Neither does it
such money or property by the appear that petitioner was verbally
offender or denial on his part of such forbidden by Quilatan from passing
receipt; (3) that such on the jewelry to another person
misappropriation or conversion or before the acknowledgment receipt
was executed or at any other time. to effect the sale, it is also consistent
Thus, it cannot be said that with usual practice for the seller to
petitioner’s act of entrusting the necessarily part with the valuables
jewelry to Labrador is characterized in order to find a buyer and allow
by abuse of confidence because such inspection of the items for sale.
an act was not proscribed and is, in
fact, legally sanctioned. Same; Same; Same; Same; The rule is
that where an accused is acquitted of
Same; Same; Same; Same; Words estafa may nevertheless be held
and Phrases; The essence of estafa civilly liable where the facts
under Art. 315, par. 1(b) is the established by the evidence so
appropriation or conversion of warrant; An agent who is not
money or property received to the prohibited from appointing a sub-
prejudice of the owner; The words agent but does so without express
“convert” and “misappropriated” authority is responsible for the acts
connote an act of using or disposing of the sub-agent.—Petitioner is not
of another’s property as if it were entirely free from any liability
one’s own, or of devoting it to a towards Quilatan. The rule is that an
purpose or use different from that accused acquitted of estafa may
agreed upon.—The essence of estafa nevertheless be held civilly liable
under Article 315, par. 1(b) is the where the facts established by the
appropriation or conversion of evidence so warrant. Then too, an
money or property received to the agent who is not prohibited from
prejudice of the owner. The words appointing a sub-agent but does so
“convert” and “misappropriated” without express authority is
connote an act of using or disposing responsible for the acts of the sub-
of another’s property as if it were agent. Considering that the civil
one’s own, or of devoting it to a action for the recovery of civil
purpose or use different from that liability arising from the offense is
agreed upon. To misappropriate for deemed instituted with the criminal
one’s own use includes not only action, petitioner is liable to pay
conversion to one’s personal complainant Quilatan the value of
advantage, but also every attempt to the unpaid pieces of jewelry.
dispose of the property of another
without right. G.R. No. 137162. January 24, 2007.*
CORAZON L. ESCUETA, assisted by
Same; Same; Same; Same; It is her husband EDGAR ESCUETA,
consistent with usual practice for the IGNACIO E. RUBIO, THE HEIRS OF
seller of jewelry entrusted to be sold LUZ R. BALOLOY, namely,
on commission basis to necessarily ALEJANDRINO R. BALOLOY and
part with the valuables in order to BAYANI R. BALOLOY, petitioners, vs.
find a buyer and allow inspection of RUFINA LIM, respondent.
the items for sale.—It cannot be said
that petitioner misappropriated the Pleadings and Practice; Admissions;
jewelry or delivered them to The factual admission in the
Labrador “without right.” Aside from pleadings on record dispenses with
the fact that no condition or the need to present evidence to
limitation was imposed on the mode prove the admitted fact, and all
or manner by which petitioner was proofs submitted by the party
making such admission “contrary cause of action or defense, as the
thereto or inconsistent therewith case may be. There is no reason for
should be ignored whether objection the Baloloys to ignore the effects of
is interposed by a party or not.”—An the above-cited rule. “The 60-day
admission, verbal or written, made period is reckoned from the time the
by a party in the course of the party acquired knowledge of the
proceedings in the same case, does order, judgment or proceedings and
not require proof.” The “factual not from the date he actually read
admission in the pleadings on record the same.”
[dispenses] with the need x x x to Agency; The agent may appoint a
present evidence to prove the substitute if the principal has not
admitted fact.” It cannot, therefore, prohibited him from doing so.—
“be controverted by the party Article 1892 of the Civil Code
making such admission, and [is] provides: Art. 1892. The agent may
conclusive” as to them. All proofs appoint a substitute if the principal
submitted by them “contrary thereto has not prohibited him from doing
or inconsistent therewith should be so; but he shall be responsible for
ignored whether objection is the acts of the substitute: (1) When
interposed by a party or not.” he was not given the power to
Besides, there is no showing that a appoint one x x x. Applying the
palpable mistake has been above-quoted provision to the
committed in their admission or that special power of attorney executed
no admission has been made by by Ignacio Rubio in favor of his
them. daughter Patricia Llamas, it is clear
that she is not prohibited from
Annulment of Judgments; The 60- appointing a substitute. By
day period for filing a petition for authorizing Virginia Lim to sell the
annulment of judgment is reckoned subject properties, Patricia merely
from the time the party acquired acted within the limits of the
knowledge of the order, judgment or authority given by her father, but
proceedings and not from the date she will have to be “responsible for
he actually read the same.—Section the acts of the sub-agent,” among
3 of Rule 38 of the Rules of Court which is precisely the sale of the
states: SEC. 3. Time for filing subject properties in favor of
petition; contents and verification.— respondent.
A petition provided for in either of Same; Sales; A contract executed by
the preceding sections of this Rule an agent without authority to sell is
must be verified, filed within sixty not void but simply unenforceable.—
(60) days after the petitioner learns Even assuming that Virginia Lim has
of the judgment, final order, or other no authority to sell the subject
proceeding to be set aside, and not properties, the contract she executed
more than six (6) months after such in favor of respondent is not void,
judgment or final order was entered, but simply unenforceable, under the
or such proceeding was taken; and second paragraph of Article 1317 of
must be accompanied with affidavits the Civil Code which reads: Art.
showing the fraud, accident, mistake, 1317. x x x A contract entered into in
or excusable negligence relied upon, the name of another by one who has
and the facts constituting the no authority or legal representation,
petitioner’s good and substantial or who has acted beyond his powers,
shall be unenforceable, unless it is voluntarily assumed after having
ratified, expressly or impliedly, by accepted benefits therefrom. To
the person on whose behalf it has countenance such repudiation would
been executed, before it is revoked be contrary to equity, and would put
by the other contracting party. a premium on fraud or
Same; Same; The acceptance and
encashment by the owner of a check Same; Same; Double Sales; A second
representing the purchase price of buyer of the property who may have
his property sold through his agent had actual or constructive
constitute ratification of the contract knowledge of a defect in the seller’s
of sale and produce the effects of an title, or at least was charged with the
express power of agency.—Ignacio obligation to discover such defect,
Rubio merely denies the contract of cannot be a registrant in good
sale. He claims, without faith.—Applying Article 1544 of the
substantiation, that what he received Civil Code, a second buyer of the
was a loan, not the down payment property who may have had actual
for the sale of the subject properties. or constructive knowledge of such
His acceptance and encashment of defect in the seller’s title, or at least
the check, however, constitute was charged with the obligation to
ratification of the contract of sale discover such defect, cannot be a
and “produce the effects of an registrant in good faith. Such second
express power of agency.” “[H]is buyer cannot defeat the first buyer’s
action necessarily implies that he title. In case a title is issued to the
waived his right of action to avoid second buyer, the first buyer may
the contract, and, consequently, it seek reconveyance of the property
also implies the tacit, if not express, subject of the sale. Even the
confirmation of the said sale argument that a purchaser need not
effected” by Virginia Lim in favor of inquire beyond what appears in a
respondent. Torrens title does not hold water. A
perusal of the certificates of title
Same; Same; Estoppel; The doctrine alone will reveal that the subject
of estoppel is not only that which properties are registered in
prohibits a party from assuming common, not in the individual names
inconsistent positions, based on the of the heirs.
principle of election, but that which
precludes him from repudiating an Same; Same; Earnest Money; Earnest
obligation voluntarily assumed after money constitutes an advance
having accepted benefits payment to be deducted from the
therefrom.—Similarly, the Baloloys total price.—Earnest money has
have ratified the contract of sale been given by respondent. “[I]t shall
when they accepted and enjoyed its be considered as part of the price
benefits. “The doctrine of estoppel and as proof of the perfection of the
applicable to petitioners here is not contract. It constitutes an advance
only that which prohibits a party payment to “be deducted from the
from assuming inconsistent total price.”
positions, based on the principle of
election, but that which precludes Same; Same; In a contract of sale, the
him from repudiating an obligation vendor loses ownership over the
property and cannot recover it until justice x x x on a given question.” In
and unless the contract is resolved private suits, standing is governed
or rescinded.—Ignacio Rubio could by the “real-parties-in interest” rule
no longer sell the subject properties found in Section 2, Rule 3 of the
to Corazon Escueta, after having sold 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure which
them to respondent. “[I]n a contract provides that “every action must be
of sale, the vendor loses ownership prosecuted or defended in the name
over the property and cannot of the real party in interest.”
recover it until and unless the Accordingly, the “real-party-in
contract is resolved or rescinded x x interest” is “the party who stands to
x.” The records do not show that be benefited or injured by the
Ignacio Rubio asked for a rescission judgment in the suit or the party
of the contract. What he adduced entitled to the avails of the suit.”
was a belated revocation of the Succinctly put, the plaintiffs’
special power of attorney he standing is based on their own right
executed in favor of Patricia Llamas. to the relief sought.
“In the sale of immovable property, Ombudsman; The Office of the
even though it may have been Ombudsman is mandated to
stipulated that upon failure to pay “investigate and prosecute on its
the price at the time agreed upon the own or on complaint by any person,
rescission of the contract shall of any act or omission of any public
right take place, the vendee may pay, officer or employee, office or agency,
even after the expiration of the when such act or omission appears
period, as long as no demand for to be illegal, unjust, improper or
rescission of the contract has been inefficient—the Ombudsman can act
made upon him either judicially or on anonymous complaints and motu
by a notarial act.” proprio inquire into alleged
improper official acts or omissions
G.R. No. 136433. December 6, 2006.* from whatever source, e.g., a
ANTONIO B. BALTAZAR, petitioner, newspaper. Thus, any complaint
vs. HONORABLE OMBUDSMAN, may be entertained by the
EULOGIO M. MARIANO, JOSE D. Ombudsman for the latter to initiate
JIMENEZ, JR., TORIBIO E. ILAO, JR. an inquiry and investigation for
and ERNESTO R. SALENGA, alleged irregularities.—The Office of
respondents. the Ombudsman is mandated to
“investigate and prosecute on its
Locus Standi; Parties; Words and own or on complaint by any person,
Phrases; Civil Procedure; Locus any act or omission of any public
standi is defined as “a right of officer or employee, office or agency,
appearance in a court of justice on a when such act or omission appears
given question”—in private suits, to be illegal, unjust, improper or
standing is governed by the “real- inefficient (emphasis supplied).” The
parties-in interest” rule found in Ombudsman can act on anonymous
Section 2, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of complaints and motu proprio
Civil Procedure which provides that inquire into alleged improper official
“every action must be prosecuted or acts or omissions from whatever
defended in the name of real party in source, e.g., a newspaper. Thus, any
interest.”—Locus standi is defined as complainant may be entertained by
“a right of appearance in a court of the Ombudsman for the latter to
initiate an inquiry and investigation
for alleged irregularities. Due Process; Preliminary
Investigation; Courts are given wide
Litigations; The Rules allow a non- latitude to accord the accused ample
lawyer to conduct litigation in opportunity to present
person and appear for oneself only controverting evidence even before
when he is a party to a legal trial as demanded by due process.
controversy.—Filing the petition in Thus, we held in Villaflor v. Vivar,
person before this Court is another 349 SCRA 194 (2001), that “[a]
matter. The Rules allow a non- component part of due process in
lawyer to conduct litigation in criminal justice, preliminary
person and appear for oneself only investigation is a statutory and
when he is a party to a legal substantive right accorded to the
controversy. Section 34 of Rule 138 accused before trial—to deny their
pertinently provides, thus: SEC. 34. claim to a preliminary investigation
By whom litigation conducted.—In would be to deprive them of the full
the court of a justice of the peace a measure of their right to due
party may conduct his litigation in process.—Courts are given wide
person, with the aid of an agent or latitude to accord the accused ample
friend appointed by him for that opportunity to present
purpose, or with the aid of an controverting evidence even before
attorney. In any other court, a party trial as demanded by due process.
may conduct his litigation personally Thus, we held in Villaflor v. Vivar,
or by aid of an attorney, and his 349 SCRA 194 (2001), that “[a]
appearance must be either personal component part of due process in
or by a duly authorized member of criminal justice, preliminary
the bar (emphases supplied). investigation is a statutory and
Legal Maxims; Words and Phrases; substantive right accorded to the
Agency; The legal maxim potestas accused before trial. To deny their
delegata non delegare potest; a claim to a preliminary investigation
power once delegated cannot be re- would be to deprive them of the full
delegated, while applied primarily in measure of their right to due
political law to the exercise of process.”
legislative power, is a principle of
agency—for another, a redelegation Jurisdictions; Actions; It is settled
of the agency would be detrimental rule that jurisdiction over the
to the principal as the second agent subject matter is determined by the
has no privity of contract with the allegations of the complaint—the
former.—The legal maxim potestas nature of an action is determined by
delegata non delegare potest; a the material averments in the
power once delegated cannot be re- complaint and the character of the
delegated, while applied primarily in relief sought, not by the de-fenses
political law to the exercise of asserted in the answer or motion to
legislative power, is a principle of dismiss.—It is a settled rule that
agency. For another, a re-delegation jurisdiction over the subject matter
of the agency would be detrimental is determined by the allegations of
to the principal as the second agent the complaint. The nature of an
has no privity of contract with the action is determined by the material
former. averments in the complaint and the
character of the relief sought, not by that he was anthorized to execute
the defenses asserted in the answer contracts of this kind, and it not
or motion to dismiss. appearing from the record what
Probable Cause; Ombudsman; The limitations, if any, were placed
function of determining the upon his powers to act for his
existence of probable cause is principal.
proper for the Ombudsman in this
case and we will not tread on the
[No. 10099. January 27,
realm of this executive function to
examine and assess evidence 1916.]
supplied by the parties, which is TEOFILA DEL ROSARIO
supposed to be exercised at the start DE COSTA and BERNARDINO
of criminal proceedings.—The COSTA, plaintiffs and appellants,
function of determining the vs. LA BADENIA, a corporation,
existence of probable cause is defendant and appellee.
proper for the Ombudsman in this
case and we will not tread on the PRINCIPAL AND AGENT;
realm of this executive function to LIABILITY OF PRINCIPAL.—
examine and assess evidence The principal is liable upon
supplied by the parties, which is subagency contracts entered into
supposed to be exercised at the start by a general agent in the name of
of criminal proceedings. In Perez v. the principal, when it appears
Hagonoy Rural Bank, Inc., 327 SCRA
that the general agent was
588 (2000), as cited in Longos Rural
clothed with such broad powers
Waterworks and Sanitation
Association, Inc. v. Hon. Desierto, as to justify the inference that he
385 SCRA 392 (2002), we had was anthorized to execute
occasion to rule that we cannot pass contracts of this kind, and it not
upon the sufficiency or insufficiency appearing from the record what
of evidence to determine the limitations, if any, were placed
existence of probable cause. upon his powers to act for his
principal. Del Rosario and Costa
[No. 10099. January 27, 1916.] vs. La Badenia., 33 Phil. 316, No.
TEOFILA DEL ROSARIO DE 10099 January 27, 1916
COSTA, plaintiffs and
appellants, vs. LA BADENIA, a
corporation, defendant and
PRINCIPAL.—The principal is
liable upon subagency contracts
entered into by a general agent in
the name of the principal, when it
appears that the general agent
was clothed with such broad
powers as to justify the inference

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