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1A Barbell bench press

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip that's just beyond shoulder width, and
hold it above your sternum with arms straight. Lower the bar, pause, and
then press it back to the starting position. Do 1 set each of 15 reps, 10 reps,
and 8 reps, increasing the weight each time. Immediately after the 8-rep set,
reduce the weight by 20 percent and complete as many reps as you can.
1B Pullup
Grab a pullup bar with a shoulderwidth overhand grip and hang at arm's
length. Pull your chest up to the bar. Lower back to the starting position and
repeat. Perform 3 sets and complete as many reps as you can in each set.

2A Incline dumbbell bench press

Lie faceup on an incline bench and hold a pair of dumbbells with your arms
straight. Lower the dumbbells to your chest, and then press them back to the
starting position. Do 1 set each of 15 reps, 10 reps, and 8 reps, increasing
the weight each time. Immediately after the 8-rep set, reduce the weight by
20 percent and do as many reps as you can.
2B Single-arm dumbbell row
Grab a dumbbell in your right hand, bend at your hips and knees, and lower
your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbell hang from
your shoulder. Pull the dumbbell to the side of your torso, keeping your
elbow tucked close to your side. Perform 1 set of 15 reps with each arm,
followed by 2 sets of 10 reps with each arm, increasing the weight each
time. Immediately after the last 10-rep set, reduce the weight by 20 percent
and complete as many reps you can.

3A Dip
Grab the bars of a dip station and lift yourself until your arms are completely
straight. Slowly lower yourself by bending your elbows until your upper arms
dip just below your elbows. Pause, and then push back up to the starting
position. Do 2 sets of as many reps as you can.
3B Pushup and row
Place a pair of hex dumbbells on the floor and grip them while you do a
pushup. Once you're back in the starting position, row the dumbbell in your
right hand to the side of your chest. Lower the weight and repeat on your left
side. That's 1 rep. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
4A Overhead triceps extension and pushdown
Attach a rope to the high pulley of a cable station and face away from it.
Grab an end of the rope in each hand and bend over. Without moving your
upper arms, push your forearms forward, pause, and return. Do 15 reps, turn
around, put your upper arms at your sides and your forearms at 90 degrees,
and pull the rope down. Do 10 reps. That's 1 set. Perform 2 or 3 sets.
4B Dumbbell biceps curl
Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang next to your sides. Turn your
arms so that your palms face forward. Without moving your upper arms,
bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as you
can. Pause, and slowly lower the weights back to the starting position. Do 2
or 3 sets of 10 reps.

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