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Tropical Medicine and International Health doi:10.1111/tmi.


volume 00 no 00

Systematic Review

Pregnancy and HIV disease progression: a systematic review

and meta-analysis
Clara Calvert and Carine Ronsmans

Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK

Abstract objective To assess whether pregnancy accelerates HIV disease progression.

methods Studies comparing progression to HIV-related illness, low CD4 count, AIDS-defining
illness, HIV-related death, or any death in HIV-infected pregnant and non-pregnant women were
included. Relative risks (RR) for each outcome were combined using random effects meta-analysis
and were stratified by antiretroviral therapy (ART) availability.
results 15 studies met the inclusion criteria. Pregnancy was not associated with progression to
HIV-related illness [summary RR: 1.32, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.66–2.61], AIDS-defining
illness (summary RR: 0.97, 95%CI: 0.74–1.25) or mortality (summary RR: 0.97, 95%CI: 0.62–1.53),
but there was an association with low CD4 counts (summary RR: 1.41, 95%CI: 0.99–2.02) and
HIV-related death (summary RR: 1.65, 95%CI: 1.06–2.57). In settings where ART was available,
there was no evidence that pregnancy accelerated progress to HIV/AIDS-defining illnesses, death and
drop in CD4 count. In settings without ART availability, effect estimates were consistent with
pregnancy increasing the risk of progression to HIV/AIDS-defining illnesses and HIV-related or all-
cause mortality, but there were too few studies to draw meaningful conclusions.
conclusions In the absence of ART, pregnancy is associated with small but appreciable increases in
the risk of several negative HIV outcomes, but the evidence is too weak to draw firm conclusions. When
ART is available, the effects of pregnancy on HIV disease progression are attenuated and there is little
reason to discourage healthy HIV-infected women who desire to become pregnant from doing so.

keywords HIV, disease progression, pregnancy, systematic review

post-partum woman to HIV not only requires knowledge

of the woman’s HIV status, but it also requires decisions
In 2000, the fifth Millennium Development Goal about whether it is indirectly attributable or coincidental
(MDG5) set a target of reducing maternal mortality by to the pregnancy (the latter are not classified as maternal
three-quarters between 1990 and 2015. As this deadline deaths). Clinicians assigning causes of death classify most
approaches, there is evidence of worldwide progress, but deaths of HIV-infected pregnant or post-partum women
countries in sub-Saharan Africa are lagging behind (Loz- as indirectly attributable to the pregnancy, although justi-
ano et al. 2011; World Health Organization 2012). The fications for this choice are rarely provided (Black et al.
reasons for this are multiple, including high fertility and 2009; Onakewhor et al. 2011). In global mathematical
health systems challenges, but the high burden of HIV is models of maternal mortality, varying assumptions are
thought to be a key factor impairing progress (Bicego made about the proportion of deaths to HIV-infected
et al. 2002; Abdool-Karim et al. 2010). The contribution pregnant and post-partum women which should be classi-
of HIV to maternal mortality is not well known, but fied as maternal. The Institute of Health Metrics and
around 25% of pregnancy-related deaths in sub-Saharan Evaluation classifies all deaths of HIV-infected pregnant
Africa may be attributable to HIV (Calvert & Ronsmans or post-partum women as attributable to pregnancy (Loz-
2013; Zaba et al. 2013). ano et al. 2011), while the Maternal Mortality Estima-
Quantifying the contribution of HIV to maternal mor- tion Interagency Group only considers 50% of such
tality is difficult. Attributing the death of a pregnant or deaths as attributable to the pregnancy (World Health

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Organization 2012). These assumptions are largely opin- country income level and by whether studies used a risk
ion-based however, as there are few rigorous assessments or a hazard ratio.
of whether and to what extent HIV-related deaths during
pregnancy are attributable rather than coincidental to the
pregnancy. Methods
Technically, the death of an HIV-infected pregnant or
Search strategy and inclusion criteria
post-partum woman is attributable to the pregnancy if
mortality of these women is in excess of what would be This systematic review adheres to the Meta-Analysis of
expected if the HIV-infected woman had not been preg- Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) guide-
nant. This can happen for two reasons: either because lines (Data S1) (Stroup et al. 2000). Searches of Pubmed,
HIV increases the risk of direct obstetric complications, Embase, Popline and African Index Medicus were under-
or because pregnancy accelerates the progression of HIV taken up to 13 December 2013 using MeSH and free-text
disease. A recent systematic review suggests that HIV terms for ‘pregnancy/ maternal’, ‘HIV/AIDS’ and ‘pro-
does not increase the risk of direct obstetric complica- gression’ (full search strategy in Data S2). There were no
tions, except for puerperal sepsis (Calvert & Ronsmans restrictions on language or year of publication. Reference
2013). The empirical evidence in support of an accelera- lists of relevant articles were hand-searched to identify
tion of HIV disease progression during pregnancy is additional articles, including grey literature. Where neces-
inconclusive. Some studies of HIV-infected women show sary, authors of published studies were contacted to pro-
that CD4 counts decrease faster during pregnancy (Van vide additional information.
der Paal et al. 2007; Mayanja et al. 2012), although one Cohort and case–control studies, which allowed a com-
study found change in CD4 count rebounds in the post- parison of the progression of HIV in pregnant and non-
partum period to match that of women who did not pregnant women, were eligible for inclusion. Studies were
become pregnant (Mayanja et al. 2012). A systematic included regardless of the definition of the length of the
review published in 1998 did not find evidence that preg- pregnancy or post-partum period at risk. Progression of
nancy accelerates progression to an HIV-related illness or HIV was defined as: drop in CD4 count below a defined
a low CD4 cell count, but did find weak evidence that threshold, progression to an HIV-related illness (as
the odds of acquiring an AIDS-defining illness or death defined by the authors), progression to AIDS-defining ill-
were higher amongst HIV-infected pregnant than HIV- ness (as defined by the authors) and progression to an
infected non-pregnant women (French & Brocklehurst HIV-related or any death. Conference abstracts were not
1998). An update of this review in 2009 suggested that eligible for inclusion.
there was no effect of pregnancy on HIV disease progres-
sion, but only identified two additional studies and did
Data extraction and quality assessment
not include a meta-analysis (MacCarthy et al. 2009).
Knowing whether pregnancy accelerates the progression Data on study design, setting, year, sample size, study
of HIV also has relevance for the reproductive choices population, the definition and method of measuring HIV
HIV-infected women make. Many HIV-infected women progression, the definition of pregnant and non-pregnant
choose to become pregnant given the low risk of mother- women, and the crude and adjusted effect estimates com-
to-child transmission and with the introduction of antiret- paring HIV progression by pregnancy status were
roviral therapy (ART) which has enabled many HIV- extracted from all eligible studies by C.C. using a stan-
infected women to lead long, healthy lives. However, this dard protocol. For case–control studies, the odds ratios
decision is made in the absence of conclusive data on (OR) were extracted. Where cohort studies used survival
whether pregnancy detrimentally affects their HIV disease analyses to assess the association between pregnancy and
progression, or whether ART modifies any association HIV progression, the hazard ratio (HR) or rate ratio
between pregnancy and HIV disease progression. (RaR) was extracted; otherwise the risk ratio (RR) was
The aim of this study is to systematically review the lit- taken. Information was also extracted on whether ART
erature to examine whether pregnancy accelerates the was widely available, partially available (i.e. available for
progression of HIV. We compare HIV disease progression only part of the study period) or not available. If data
in pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive were duplicated across several publications, we extracted
age and perform a meta-analysis of relative risks for low data from the paper providing most information.
CD4 count, HIV-related illness, AIDS-defining illness, The risk of bias was determined using the component
HIV-related death and any death. We also assess whether approach outlined by The Cochrane Collaboration (Hig-
pooled relative risks vary by availability of ART, by gens & Green 2011) for a number of pre-defined quality

2 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

criteria which were adapted from those used by French tially/ widely available versus unavailable), by country
and Brocklehurst (French & Brocklehurst 1998). All income level (The World Bank Group 2014) (high
studies were assessed on the following criteria: income versus not high income) and by the type of effect
• Methods of ascertaining pregnancy status – high risk estimate (hazard ratio versus risk ratio). Meta-regression
of bias if pregnant women were identified through models were used to assess whether the subgroups modi-
self-report or clinical records rather than through a fied the pooled effect estimate (Higgens & Green 2011).
pregnancy test or through restriction to women who Meta-analyses were conducted for each quality criterion,
had given birth in hospital. stratifying the pooled effect estimate by studies at high,
• Methods of defining non-pregnant group – high risk low or unclear risk of bias.
of bias if women who had been pregnant between Funnel plots were produced, and the Egger funnel plot
HIV seroconversion and study entry could be classi- asymmetry test was conducted to assess whether there
fied as non-pregnant. was publication bias for any of the outcomes.
• Methods of ascertaining outcomes – high risk of bias
if pregnant women were likely to be monitored more
frequently than non-pregnant women. Results
• Length of follow-up – high risk of bias if pregnant
Study selection and characteristics
and non-pregnant women were followed up for dif-
ferent lengths of time. The search produced 21 744 citations, and 20 237 of
• Adjustment for differences in HIV stage or CD4 cell these were excluded through title and abstract screening
count in pregnant and non-pregnant women – high (Figure 1). Of the 1487 full-text papers which were
risk of bias if pregnant women were likely to be at a reviewed, 15 contained relevant data. Three studies pro-
different stage of HIV infection during follow-up vided information on progression to an HIV-related
compared with non-pregnant women. illness (Deschamps et al. 1993; Alliegro et al. 1997; Bes-
• Adjustment for key confounders – high risk of bias if singer et al. 1998), four to an HIV-related death (Berrebi
no adjustments were made for confounders such as et al. 1990; Deschamps et al. 1993; Kumar et al. 1997;
age and parity. Allen et al. 2007), four to a CD4 count below a thresh-
old level (Hocke et al. 1995; Alliegro et al. 1997; Weisser
If a study did not provide sufficient detail to be classi- et al. 1998; Van der Paal et al. 2007), nine to death
fied as high or low risk of bias for one of the quality cri- (Hocke et al. 1995; Alliegro et al. 1997; Bessinger et al.
teria, then the risk of bias was deemed to be unclear. 1998; Weisser et al. 1998; Tai et al. 2007; Van der Paal
et al. 2007; Mayanja et al. 2012; Matthews et al. 2013;
Westreich et al. 2013), and ten to an AIDS-defining ill-
Statistical analyses
ness (Berrebi et al. 1990; Deschamps et al. 1993; Hocke
STATA version 13 was used to calculate pooled effect et al. 1995; Alliegro et al. 1997; Bessinger et al. 1998;
estimates comparing HIV Disease progression in pregnant Buskin et al. 1998; Weisser et al. 1998; Saada et al.
and non-pregnant women for each of the different mea- 2000; Tai et al. 2007; Van der Paal et al. 2007). AIDS-
sures of HIV disease progression. The DerSimonian and defining illnesses were defined according to CDC criteria
Laird random effects method was used to pool the effect in most studies (Table S1), but HIV-related illnesses
estimates due to variation between study designs. Under included conditions as varied as weight loss, oral hairy
the random effects model, summary effect estimates leukoplakia and herpes zoster. HIV-related deaths were
should be interpreted as an average of the study effect defined as deaths from AIDS (Berrebi et al. 1990; Des-
estimates which genuinely differ from one another. champs et al. 1993; Kumar et al. 1997) or HIV-related
Where possible, the adjusted HR was used as the effect illnesses (Allen et al. 2007). For progression to a CD4
estimate, and if that was not available, the adjusted RR count below a threshold level, two studies used a thresh-
or OR was used. Crude effect estimates were used if old of 200 cells/ll (Hocke et al. 1995; Van der Paal et al.
adjusted estimates were not presented. The I2 value and 2007) and two used a threshold of 100 cells/ll (Alliegro
P-value from the test of heterogeneity were calculated to et al. 1997; Weisser et al. 1998).
assess whether there was evidence of between-study vari- The characteristics of each study are described in
ation in the individual effect estimates which was not due Table 1. The studies were conducted in the USA (Bessing-
to random variation. er et al. 1998; Buskin et al. 1998; Tai et al. 2007),
Three subgroup analyses were planned a priori stratify- France (Berrebi et al. 1990; Hocke et al. 1995; Saada
ing the pooled effect estimates by ART availability (par- et al. 2000), Italy (Alliegro et al. 1997), Switzerland

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Medline, Embase, Popline,
African Index Medicus

Search results1
n = 21 744
Excluded through title
Full text not and abstract screening
available n = 20 237
n = 20
Full text obtained Main reasons for exclusion from
n = 1487 systematic review (n = 1472)2:
No data (review, comment, editorial): 565
No outcomes of interest: 501
No appropriate control group: 159
Cause of death study only: 74
Seroprevalence study only: 61
No information on HIV and/or pregnancy status: 55
Studies which Conference abstract: 25
Vital statistics/surveillance only: 17
measure HIV Duplication of data: 6
Other: 28
progression in
pregnant and
women: 15

Figure 1 Flow chart of study selection

Progression to Drop in CD4 cell Progression to HIV-related Any death: 9 for inclusion in the systematic review.
HIV-related count: 4 data AIDS-defining death: 4 data data sets Total after removing duplicate
illness: 3 data sets illness: 10 data sets references. 2Articles may have been
sets sets excluded for multiple reasons.

(Weisser et al. 1998), Haiti (Deschamps et al. 1993), sified as pregnant (Allen et al. 2007); one classified the
Rwanda (Allen et al. 2007), Uganda (Van der Paal et al. time spent pregnant and up to one year post-partum as
2007; Mayanja et al. 2012; Matthews et al. 2013), South ‘pregnant’ (Matthews et al. 2013); and one included all
Africa (Westreich et al. 2013) and India (Kumar et al. person-time of women who were pregnant during the
1997). ART was not available in four studies (Berrebi baseline of the study as ‘pregnant’ (Buskin et al. 1998).
et al. 1990; Deschamps et al. 1993; Allen et al. 2007; In the latter study, the ‘non-pregnant’ person-time
Van der Paal et al. 2007), partially available in six stud- included both women who did not become pregnant and
ies (Hocke et al. 1995; Alliegro et al. 1997; Bessinger women who were not pregnant at baseline but became
et al. 1998; Buskin et al. 1998; Weisser et al. 1998; pregnant during follow-up. The remaining two studies
Saada et al. 2000), and widely available in five studies did not provide sufficient information to understand how
(Kumar et al. 1997; Tai et al. 2007; Mayanja et al. the pregnant person-time was allocated (Deschamps et al.
2012; Matthews et al. 2013; Westreich et al. 2013). 1993; Bessinger et al. 1998).
All studies were cohorts, but there was extensive varia- Within the five studies not using person-time for at
tion in how the ‘pregnant’ and ‘non-pregnant’ groups least one of the measures of HIV disease progression, the
were defined. Of the 12 studies which allocated person- pregnant group was defined as women who were preg-
time pregnant, five considered pregnant and post- nant at baseline (Berrebi et al. 1990; Kumar et al. 1997;
pregnancy time (regardless of length) as ‘pregnant’ Mayanja et al. 2012), or at any time during follow-up
(Hocke et al. 1995; Alliegro et al. 1997; Weisser et al. (Deschamps et al. 1993; Alliegro et al. 1997). Only one
1998; Saada et al. 2000; Westreich et al. 2013): two trea- of these studies had a fixed period of follow-up (Kumar
ted all person-time in women who became pregnant at et al. 1997), while another matched pregnant and non-
any time during follow-up as ‘pregnant’ (Tai et al. 2007; pregnant woman on the length of follow-up (Berrebi
Van der Paal et al. 2007); one divided all person-time et al. 1990). Two studies had longer follow-up in preg-
into three-month intervals, and if a woman was pregnant nant than non-pregnant women, but did not present suffi-
at any time in the interval, then that full period was clas- cient data for person-time to be calculated (Deschamps

4 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 1 Description of studies which compare HIV progression in pregnant and non-pregnant women

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect
population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

Allen et al. Tertiary hospital Women aged Person-time was Person-time was No All participants Progression to Not stated HR: 0.87 HR: 0.96
Tropical Medicine and International Health

(2007) with in Kigali, 18–35 split into split into 3-month followed up an HIV-related (0.44–1.72) (0.48–
further Rwanda (1988 3-month intervals, and if for 6 years, death 1.93)*
details –1994) intervals, and if the woman was with an
provided by the woman was not pregnant overall loss to
the author pregnant at any throughout the follow-up of
point in the whole interval, 10%
3-month interval then the interval
then that period was classified as
of time was non-pregnant
classified as
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Alliegro et al. 14 clinical Women with a Person-time after Person-time Partially Not stated Progression to Not stated HR: 0.82 HR: 0.72
(1997) centres in Italy known date of conception in 69 between HIV HIV-related (0.48–1.42) (0.41–
(1981–1994) seroconversion women who had seroconversion illness 1.26)†
a least one and conception for Progression to Not stated HR: 0.74 HR: 0.69
pregnancy 69 women; for the AIDS-defining (0.34–1.58) (0.32–
262 women who illness 1.51)†
did not conceive Progression to a Not stated HR: 1.08 HR: 1.24
all time was CD4 count of (0.57–2.08) (0.62–
classified as non- less than 2.49)†
pregnant 100 cells/ll
Progression to Not stated RR: 0.63 –
any death (0.23–1.76)‡

volume 00 no 00
Table 1 (Continued)

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect
population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

Berrebi et al. One university Women in 35 women who 64 women who had No Pregnant: Progression to Not stated RR: 1.22 –
(1990) hospital in clinical stage II had a never been 17 months AIDS-defining (0.37–4.03)
Toulouse, or III (Centre pregnancy. pregnant or had Non- illness
France for Disease These women terminated their pregnant: Progression to Not stated RR: 1.83 –
(1985–1989) Control AIDS were followed last pregnancy at 16 months HIV-related (0.12–28.35)
Tropical Medicine and International Health

classification), up from the least two years death

excluding those termination of before entry to the
with a their pregnancy study
ending before
Bessinger Medical clinic in Women aged 15– 45 women who 45 women who did Partially Pregnant: Progression to Not stated HR: 1.27 HR: 1.63
et al. (1998) New Orleans, 35 years with at had a pregnancy not have a 32 months HIV-related (0.60–2.71) (0.66–
USA least 12 months after testing pregnancy after Non- illness 4.03)§
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

(1988–1996) follow-up, positive for HIV testing positive for pregnant: Progression to Not stated HR: 1.56 HR: 1.25
excluding and after clinic HIV, although 20 months AIDS-defining (0.58–4.16) (0.38–
women who entry, although unclear whether illness 4.12)§
had a pregnancy unclear whether pre-pregnancy Progression to Not stated HR: 0.86 HR: 0.98
not ending in a pre-pregnancy person-time was any death (0.33–2.24) (0.27–
live birth person-time was included in the 3.59)§
excluded from ‘non-pregnant’
the ‘pregnant’ group
Buskin et al. Nine outpatient Women who did Person-time of 83 Person-time of 289 Partially 35 months Progression to Not stated – HR: 0.80
(1998) clinics in not have AIDS women who women who were (study AIDS-defining (0.47–
Seattle, USA at the start of were pregnant at not pregnant at finished illness 1.36)¶
(Unclear start the study, were baseline baseline (including in 1997
date–1997) less than 26 women who but start
49 years old became pregnant date not
and had more during the follow- provided)
than one month up period)

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

volume 00 no 00
Table 1 (Continued)

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect
population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Deschamps Haiti Women aged 15– 44 women who 96 women who No Pregnant: Progression to Pregnant: RR: 1.93 -
et al. (1993) (1984–1988) 45, who were had a least one were not pregnant 51 months HIV-related 20 months (1.37–2.70)
asymptomatic pregnancy during the study Non- illness Non-
for HIV at entry during the study period and either pregnant: pregnant:
to study, period; all post- had never been 41 months 19 months
excluding three pregnancy time pregnant or had Progression to Pregnant: RR: 1.70 -
women who included in the their last delivery AIDS-defining 35 months (0.93–3.09)
Tropical Medicine and International Health

had a pregnancy pregnant group ≥12 months before illness Non-

which was not but unclear study entry; pregnant:
viable whether pre- unclear whether 33 months
pregnancy pre-pregnancy was Progression to Pregnant: HR: 2.1
person-time was included in the HIV-related 49 months (0.9–4.7)**
included in the ‘non-pregnant’ death Non-
‘pregnant’ group group for the pregnant:
for the hazard hazard ratio 45 months
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Hocke et al. One university Women aged Person-time from 114 women who Partially Pregnant: Progression to Not stated HR: 1.02
(1995) hospital in 15–45 years, beginning of had not conceived (ART 61 months AIDS-defining (0.48–
Bordeaux, excluding pregnancy in 57 since being available Non- illness 2.18)††
France women who women who had diagnosed with from pregnant: Progression to a Not stated HR: 1.20
(1985–1994) had a pregnancy at least one HIV matched to 1989) 50 months CD4 count of (0.63–
not ending in a pregnancy since pregnant women less than 2.27)††
live birth HIV diagnosis; on age, CD4 200 cells/ll
authors state count and Progression to Not stated HR: 0.92
that pregnancy diagnosis period; any death (0.48–
was treated as a for hazard ratio 2.18)††
time dependant assume person-
variable so time preceding
assume pre- first conception
pregnancy time classified as ‘non-
was excluded pregnant’
Kumar et al. A tertiary Women with 32 women who 39 women who Widely 4 years Progression to Pregnant: – RR: 2.19
(1997) hospital in AIDS were pregnant at were not pregnant HIV-related 9.7 months (1.19–
Manipur, India entry into the at entry into the death Non- 4.06)
(1992–1996) study study pregnant:
22.6 months

volume 00 no 00
Table 1 (Continued)

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect
population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

Matthews Mbara Women aged Person-time after Person-time spent Widely (all 4 years Progression to State that Rate Ratio: HR: 5.18
et al. (2013) University HIV 18–49 pregnancy was not pregnant or up women any death median time 3.56 (0.97– (1.36–
clinic, Uganda first reported up to one year post- had been from ART 11.07) 19.71)‡‡
Tropical Medicine and International Health

(2005–2011) to one year partum in 109 on ART initiation to

postpartum in women who for one death in
109 women who became pregnant; year) non-
became pregnant for the 245 pregnant
women who did woman was
not conceive all 8.5 months.
time was classified No
as non-pregnant information
for pregnant
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Mayanja South-west Women aged 23 women who 65 women who did Widely Pregnant: Progression to Time to death RR: 0.47 –
et al. (2012) Uganda 20–40 became pregnant not become 3.1 years any death was (0.06–3.71)
(2004–2009) during follow-up pregnant during Non- 0.5 years for
the study pregnant: the one
2.1 years pregnant
woman who
died. Time
to death
ranged from
between 0.1
2.2 years for
the non-

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

volume 00 no 00
Table 1 (Continued)

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect
population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

Saada et al. Numerous Women aged Person-time after Person-time Partially Pregnant: Progression to Not stated HR: 0.69 HR: 0.69
(2000) hospitals and 45 years or less conception in between HIV 39 months AIDS-defining (0.41–1.18) (0.39–
Tropical Medicine and International Health

obstetric who had a 241 women seroconversion Non- illness 1.22)§§

departments documented and first pregnant:
throughout date of conception for 65 months
France seroconversion, 241 women; for
(1988–1997) excluding the 124 women
women who who did not
had a pregnancy conceive while
which did not HIV-infected all
go to term time was classified
as non-pregnant
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Tai et al. A comprehensive Women who had All person-time of All person-time of Widely Pregnant: Progression to Not stated HR: 0.55
(2007) with care centre in either CD4 139 women who 620 women who (100% of 58 months AIDS-defining (0.27–
further Tennessee, count and/or had a pregnancy did not have a pregnant Non- illness 1.11)¶¶
clarification USA HIV RNA level at any time pregnancy during and 77% pregnant: Progression to Not stated HR: 0.28
from (1997–2004) available from a during follow-up follow-up of non- 33 months any death (0.10–
Westreich & test obtained up pregnant 0.78) ¶¶
Kipp (2008) to 120 days women
before, but no on ART)
later than
365 days after,
the initial clinic
visit during the
study period

volume 00 no 00
Table 1 (Continued)

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect
population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

Van der Paal South-West Women aged All person-time of All person-time of No Not stated Progression to Pregnant: – HR: 1.16
et al. (2007) Uganda (1990– 15–49 22 women who 58 women who AIDS-defining 10.4 years (0.51–
with further 2003) had only one did not have a illness Non- 2.65)***
details pregnancy since pregnancy after pregnant:
Tropical Medicine and International Health

provided by HIV HIV 8.2 years

the author seroconversion seroconversion Progression to a Pregnant: – HR: 1.67
CD4 count of 4.9 years (0.77–
less than Non- 3.63)***
200 cells/ll pregnant:
6.0 years
Progression to Pregnant: – HR: 1.78
any death 7.8 years (0.84–
Non- 3.78)***
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

6.8 years
Weisser et al. Various Women aged 19 Person-time from Person-time from Partially Pregnant: Progression to Not stated – HR: 1.92
(1998) university to 35 years at conception in 32 enrolment of 416 (1% of 60 months AIDS-defining (0.80–
centres and registration who women who had women who did pregnant Non- illness 4.64)†††
hospitals in had a CD4 a pregnancy not conceive and 3% pregnant: Progression to a Not stated – HR: 1.77
Switzerland count available during the study during the study of non- 55 months CD4 count of (0.81–
(1985–1995) before period matched to the pregnant less than 3.84)†††
pregnancy, pregnant women women 100 cells/ll
excluding on age, year of on ART) Progression to Not stated – HR: 1.14
women who enrolment to study any death (0.48–
terminated their and CD4 count at 2.72) †††
pregnancy by entry to study
abortion and
pregnant before
study entry

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

volume 00 no 00
Table 1 (Continued)

Study Study Definition of Crude effect effect

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

population: population: Study population: ART Median length HIV Median time estimate estimate
Study setting Inclusion criteria Pregnant Non-pregnant available of follow-up progression to event (95% CI) (95% CI)

Westreich A single hospital Previously All person-time Person-time Widely 2.1 years Progression to Time to death HR: 0.67 HR: 0.84
et al. (2013) in HAART naive following the between-study any death in pregnant (0.43–1.05) (0.44–
Johannesburg, women aged 18 start of the first entry and first group: 1.60)‡‡‡
South Africa –45 who were pregnancy which pregnancy during 15 months;
Tropical Medicine and International Health

(2004–2011) starting occurred during follow-up in 918 no

HAART follow-up in 918 women; for the information
treatment and women 6616 women who provided for
were not did not have a non-
pregnant at the pregnancy pregnant
baseline of the reported during group
study follow-up all time
was classified as
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

ART, antiretroviral therapy; HAART, highly active ART; RR, risk ratio; HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval.
*Adjusted for lifetime number of pregnancies, breastfeeding, oral contraceptive use, injectable contraceptive use, HIV disease stage, age and knowledge of French.
†Adjusted for age at seroconversion, exposure group (heterosexual vs. Injecting drug user), most recent CD4 count, ART and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia prophy-
‡Demonator number of women rather than person years.
§Adjusted for age and ethnicity.
¶Adjusted for baseline CD4 count, clinical category (symptomatic or asymptomatic non-AIDS), age, HIV risk category (injecting drug user, no identified risk and other),
year of enrolment, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia prophylaxis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex prophylaxis and ART.
**Adjusted for age and parity.
††Adjusted for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention group of human immunodeficiency virus infection, CD4 count, age and calendar year at the time of HIV
‡‡Adjusted for time-updated age, CD4 count and plasma HIV-1 RNA level.
§§Adjusted for age at seroconversion, the baseline CD4 cell percentage and the way in which seroconversion was dated.
¶¶Adjusted for CD4 count, HIV-1 RNA level, age and durable virologic suppression.
***Adjusted for age at seroconversion.
†††Adjusted for CD4 count at entry.
‡‡‡Weighted models which account for age, employment status, active tuberculosis at study entry, calendar date at entry, WHO stage, and baseline and time-updated
measures of weight, body mass index, haemoglobin, CD4 count and per cent, adherence and current drug regimen.

volume 00 no 00
Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

et al. 1993; Mayanja et al. 2012). One study did not pro- matched on HIV clinical stage but did not specify how
vide information on the length of follow-up in pregnant this was categorised (Berrebi et al. 1990), one matched
and non-pregnant women, although did provide hazard on CD4 count grouped into three categories (Hocke et al.
ratios for all outcomes except any death (Alliegro et al. 1995) and two studies matched on CD4 count with no
1997). further information on how this was grouped (Kumar
et al. 1997; Bessinger et al. 1998). The final study both
matched on and adjusted for CD4 count grouped by
Data quality
100 cells/ll increments (Weisser et al. 1998). Only one
None of the studies were judged to be at low risk of bias study did not try to account for other key confounders
across all of the quality criteria (Table 2). Only three such as age (Mayanja et al. 2012). Two studies presented
studies (20.0%) used robust methods to identify pregnan- adjusted hazard ratios for some outcomes while crude
cies (Hocke et al. 1995; Van der Paal et al. 2007; May- risk ratios could only be extracted for other outcomes
anja et al. 2012), while seven studies relied on either (Deschamps et al. 1993; Alliegro et al. 1997).
clinical records or self-report to identify pregnancies
(Alliegro et al. 1997; Bessinger et al. 1998; Buskin et al.
Pregnancy and HIV progression
1998; Allen et al. 2007; Tai et al. 2007; Matthews et al.
2013; Westreich et al. 2013). Five studies did not ade- The strength of association between pregnancy and HIV
quately describe the methods used to identify pregnancies progression is presented in Figure 2. Overall, pregnant
(Berrebi et al. 1990; Deschamps et al. 1993; Kumar et al. women had 1.32 times the risk of developing an HIV-
1997; Weisser et al. 1998; Saada et al. 2000). Nine of related illness compared with non-pregnant women, but
the 11 studies enrolling HIV-infected women after sero- the confidence interval (CI) was wide (95% CI: 0.66–
conversion did not attempt to exclude HIV-infected 2.61) and there was strong evidence for between-study
women who had a pregnancy before study entry and heterogeneity (I2: 77.1%, P = 0.01). Pregnant women
women who had a pregnancy since HIV seroconversion were at 1.41 times the risk of progressing to a low CD4
could therefore be classified as non-pregnant (Berrebi count compared with non-pregnant women (95% CI:
et al. 1990; Deschamps et al. 1993; Kumar et al. 1997; 0.99–2.02, I2: 0%, P = 0.83), but there was no evidence
Buskin et al. 1998; Saada et al. 2000; Allen et al. 2007; that pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of
Tai et al. 2007; Matthews et al. 2013; Westreich et al. progression to an AIDS-defining illness (summary effect
2013). estimate: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.74–1.25, I2: 20.1%, P = 0.26)
Eight studies had a longer length of follow-up in the or death (summary effect estimate: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.62–
pregnant than in the non-pregnant group (Deschamps 1.53, I2 = 48.9%, P = 0.05). There was, however, some
et al. 1993; Hocke et al. 1995; Bessinger et al. 1998; evidence that pregnancy was associated with 1.65 times
Weisser et al. 1998; Saada et al. 2000; Tai et al. 2007; the risk of an HIV-related death (95% CI: 1.06–2.57)
Mayanja et al. 2012; Westreich et al. 2013). Nine studies with low between-study heterogeneity (I2: 13.9%,
were at high risk of following pregnant women more fre- P = 0.32).
quently compared with their non-pregnant counterparts
(Hocke et al. 1995; Alliegro et al. 1997; Bessinger et al.
Effect of ART, country income, type of effect estimate
1998; Buskin et al. 1998; Weisser et al. 1998; Saada
and study quality on the strength of association between
et al. 2000; Allen et al. 2007; Tai et al. 2007; Westreich
pregnancy and HIV progression
et al. 2013). Twelve studies adjusted for differences in
HIV stage between pregnant and non-pregnant women. Table 3 shows the pooled effect estimates for the differ-
Six adjusted for HIV stage in the analysis: one used HIV ent measures of HIV progression, stratified by whether
clinical stage grouped into two categories (Allen et al. ART was available or not. The pooled effect estimates
2007), two studies used CD4 count as a continuous vari- were higher for progression to HIV-related illness, AIDS-
able (Saada et al. 2000; Matthews et al. 2013), one defining illness, death and drop in CD4 count before
grouped CD4 count into two categories (Tai et al. 2007) ART was available compared to settings where ART was
and two studies adjusted for CD4 count but did not pro- available. Interactions by ART availability were only sig-
vide more detail (Alliegro et al. 1997; Buskin et al. nificant for progress to AIDS-defining illness (P = 0.07)
1998). One study used weighted models to adjust for and death (P = 0.05) where ten or nine studies were
HIV clinical stage and CD4 count (categories not speci- available for analysis. In these studies, there did not
fied) (Westreich et al. 2013). Four studies matched preg- appear to be an association between pregnancy and death
nant and non-pregnant women on HIV stage: one study (summary effect estimate: 0.87, 95% CI 0.54–1.41) or

12 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 2 Assessment of the quality of the studies

Exposure Confounding
Outcome Follow-up
Risk of incorrectly
classifying a woman as
not pregnant when she Adjustment for
had been pregnant The extent of follow-up differences in HIV stage
Ascertainment of since HIV Ascertainment of by pregnancy group in pregnant and non- Adjustment for other

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

pregnancy seroconversion outcome(s) (person-time) pregnant group* key confounders

Allen et al. Self-reported by No information on Deaths reported by 90% follow-up rate Adjust for HIV disease Also adjust for
(2007) with woman at HIV seroconversion family members; after 6 years stage at study entry lifetime number of
further details interviews six and no attempt to symptoms around (two categories: Stage pregnancies,
provided by the months apart exclude women who death taken from I/II and Stage III/IV) breastfeeding, oral
author were pregnant before hospital/outpatient contraceptive use,
Tropical Medicine and International Health

the study began from records or from family injectable

the non-pregnant report at 6-monthly contraceptive use,
group interviews age and knowledge
of French
High risk High risk High risk (clinical data) Low risk Low risk Low risk
Alliegro et al. Clinical record Known dates of Not clear; state that No information Adjust for most recent Also adjust for age
(1997) seroconversion so data came from CD4 count (except at seroconversion,
should correctly clinical centres when looking at the exposure group
classify all pregnancies outcome: progression (heterosexual vs.
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

since HIV infection in to any death) injecting drug user),

pregnant group (categories not ART and
specified) Pneumocystis
carinii pneumonia
prophylaxis (except
when looking at the
progression to any
High risk Low risk High risk Unclear risk Low risk Low risk
Berrebi et al. Not clear No information on Follow-up by one of Non-pregnant women Non-pregnant women Pregnant and non-
(1990) HIV seroconversion; the study authors; were matched to were matched to pregnant group
the non-pregnant data collected at pregnant women on pregnant women on were matched on
group included pre-defined follow-up length of follow-up stage of HIV disease age
women who points (categories not
terminated their last specified)
pregnancy at least
2 years prior to
entering the study
Unclear risk High risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk

volume 00 no 00
Table 2 (Continued)

Exposure Confounding
Outcome Follow-up
Risk of incorrectly
classifying a woman as
not pregnant when she Adjustment for
had been pregnant The extent of follow-up differences in HIV stage
Ascertainment of since HIV Ascertainment of by pregnancy group in pregnant and non- Adjustment for other
pregnancy seroconversion outcome(s) (person-time) pregnant group* key confounders
Tropical Medicine and International Health

Bessinger et al. Clinical records Known dates of From clinic database Follow-up was longer Pregnant and non- Adjust for ethnicity
(1998) seroconversion so and through the AIDS in pregnant than in pregnant group were and age
should correctly surveillance non-pregnant women matched on closest
classify all pregnancies programme at the (32 vs. 20 months) CD4 count at entry to
since HIV infection in Louisiana State office clinic (categories not
pregnant group of Public Health specified)
High Risk Low risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
Buskin et al. Medical record No information on Medical record review No information on Adjust for CD4 count Also adjust for
(1998) review HIV seroconversion. whether follow-up at the start of clinical category
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Only classify women varied by pregnancy follow-up (categories (symptomatic or

as pregnant if they group not specified) asymptomatic non-
were pregnant at AIDS), age, HIV
baseline of study; risk category
women who were (injecting drug user,
pregnant before the no identified risk
start of study or and other), year of
became pregnant after enrolment,
the start of the study Pneumocystis
would be classified as carinii pneumonia
non-pregnant prophylaxis,
prophylaxis, and
High risk High risk High risk Unclear risk Low risk Low risk

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

volume 00 no 00
Table 2 (Continued)

Exposure Confounding
Outcome Follow-up
Risk of incorrectly

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

classifying a woman as
not pregnant when she Adjustment for
had been pregnant The extent of follow-up differences in HIV stage
Ascertainment of since HIV Ascertainment of by pregnancy group in pregnant and non- Adjustment for other
pregnancy seroconversion outcome(s) (person-time) pregnant group* key confounders

Deschamps Unclear how No information on Follow-up visits same Six patients lost to No attempt to take into Adjust for age and
Tropical Medicine and International Health

et al. (1993) pregnancy status HIV seroconversion; in the pregnant and follow-up; longer account differences in parity
was ascertained the non-pregnant non-pregnant group follow-up in the HIV stage but do state
group include women pregnant than in the that a sample of
who had their last non-pregnant group pregnant and non-
delivery at least (51 vs. 41 months) pregnant women had
12 months before similar
study entry b2-microglobulin
serum levels at study
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Unclear risk High risk Low risk High risk Unclear risk Low risk
Hocke et al. Women who gave Known dates of Questionnaires 26 patients lost to Pregnant women were Pregnant and
(1995) birth in Bordeaux seroconversion so administered at every follow-up; longer matched to non- non-pregnant group
University Hospital should correctly consultation or follow-up in pregnant pregnant women on were matched on
classify all pregnancies hospitalisation than in the non- CD4 count (three age and year of
since HIV infection in pregnant group (61 vs. categories: >500, HIV diagnosis
pregnant group 50 months) 200–500 and
<200 cells/ll)
Low risk Low risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
Kumar et al. No information Do not have HIV Do not provide Follow-up should have Restricted to women Pregnant and non-
(1997) seroconversion dates information on the been four years in who had AIDS and pregnant group
and do not state that frequency of follow-up both groups; state that matched pregnant and were also matched
they excluded women visits or the methods they achieved follow- non-pregnant women on age, parity and
who had previously used to collect the up in all patients on CD4 count ‘demographic
been pregnant from outcome data (categories not characteristics’
the non-pregnant specified)
Unclear risk High risk Unclear risk Low risk Low risk Low risk

volume 00 no 00
Table 2 (Continued)

Exposure Confounding
Outcome Follow-up
Risk of incorrectly
classifying a woman as
not pregnant when she Adjustment for
had been pregnant The extent of follow-up differences in HIV stage
Ascertainment of since HIV Ascertainment of by pregnancy group in pregnant and non- Adjustment for other
pregnancy seroconversion outcome(s) (person-time) pregnant group* key confounders

Matthews et al. Self-reported by Women entering the Follow-up visits State that loss to Adjust for CD4 count Also adjust for age
(2013) woman at study reported scheduled every follow-up did not (continuous) and viral
quarterly whether they were 6 months. If contact differ between women load suppression
interviews currently pregnant but was not made with a who were pregnant (< vs. ≥400 copies/ml)
Tropical Medicine and International Health

did not report on participant within and those who did not both treated as time
dates of pre-enrolment 6 months of a have a pregnancy dependant covariates
pregnancy or scheduled visit, then
post-partum status HIV clinic records
were reviewed and
family members were
contacted to identify
High risk High risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Mayanja et al. At all follow-up It is not clear if they Participants attended Longer follow-up in None None
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

(2012) visits urine exclude women who the clinic for three pregnant than in the
pregnancy testing may have been monthly routine visits, non-pregnant group
was performed pregnant and where a clinician (3.1 vs. 2.1 years)
HIV-infected before administered a
enrolment into the medical and sexual
cohort history questionnaire
and undertook a full
physical examination
Low risk Unclear risk Low risk High risk High risk High risk
Saada et al. No information Estimate dates of Women are examined Longer follow-up in the Adjust for CD4 count Also adjust for age
(2000) seroconversion but do every 3/6 months non-pregnant than in at study entry (CD4 at infection and the
not exclude women depending on clinical the pregnant group percentage was treated seroconversion
who might have been status and whether (65 vs. 39 months) as continuous) dating method
pregnant between pregnant or not
seroconversion and
study enrolment from
the non-pregnant
Unclear risk High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

volume 00 no 00
Table 2 (Continued)

Exposure Confounding
Outcome Follow-up
Risk of incorrectly
classifying a woman as
not pregnant when she Adjustment for
had been pregnant The extent of follow-up differences in HIV stage

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Ascertainment of since HIV Ascertainment of by pregnancy group in pregnant and non- Adjustment for other
pregnancy seroconversion outcome(s) (person-time) pregnant group* key confounders

Tai et al. (2007) Clinical data were No information on Clinical data were Longer follow-up in the Adjusted for CD4 Also adjust for HIV-
entered into an HIV seroconversion entered into an pregnant than in the count at study entry 1 RNA level, age
electronic medical and no attempt to electronic medical non-pregnant group (two categories: >200 and durable
record by medical exclude women who record by medical (58 vs. 33 months) and ≤200 cells/ll) virologic
Tropical Medicine and International Health

providers at the were pregnant before providers at the time suppression

time of patient the study began from of patient encounter
encounter the non-pregnant
High risk High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
Van der Paal Study participants Only include women Study participants are No information None Adjust for age at
et al. (2007) are seen routinely who seroconverted seen routinely every seroconversion
with further every three months during the study three months by one
details provided by one of two period so should of two study
by the author study physicians correctly classify all physicians who
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

who ask about pregnancies since HIV perform clinical

date of last mensus infection in pregnant examinations
and reasons for group
any amenorrhoea
Low risk Low risk Low risk Unclear risk High risk Low risk
Weisser et al. State that Excluded women who Follow-up visits Longer follow-up in the Tried to match Pregnant and non-
(1998) pregnancies, were pregnant before scheduled every pregnant than in the pregnant and non- pregnant group
abortions and study entry 6 months and non-pregnant group pregnant women on were matched on
deliveries are questionnaire is used (60 vs. 55 months) CD4 count at study age
recorded to identify new and entry (categorised by
prospectively, but recurring HIV- increments of
no information on associated diseases; 100 cells/ll) but
how this data is additional data from a pregnant women did
collected second study where have a higher mean
pregnant women have CD4 count than
3-monthly visits controls so also
adjusted for CD4
count at entry
(categorised by
increments of
100 cells/ll)
Unclear risk Low risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk

volume 00 no 00
Table 2 (Continued)

Exposure Confounding
Outcome Follow-up
Risk of incorrectly
classifying a woman as
not pregnant when she Adjustment for
Tropical Medicine and International Health

had been pregnant The extent of follow-up differences in HIV stage

Ascertainment of since HIV Ascertainment of by pregnancy group in pregnant and non- Adjustment for other
pregnancy seroconversion outcome(s) (person-time) pregnant group* key confounders

Westreich et al. Identified from Do not exclude women Deaths were obtained Pregnant woman were Weighted models Weighted models
(2013) clinical records who may have been from the clinic less likely to be loss to accounted for WHO accounted for age,
and records of pregnant and HIV- database and from the follow-up compared stage (categories not employment status,
antiretroviral drug infected before national death registry with non-pregnant specified), and active tuberculosis
regimens enrolment into the women baseline and time- at study entry,
cohort updated measures of calendar date at
C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

CD4 count and per entry, and baseline

cent (categories not and time-updated
specified) measures of weight,
body mass index,
adherence and
current drug
High risk High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk

ART, antiretroviral therapy; WHO, World Health Organization.

*In particular whether matching for time since HIV diagnosis or a measure of immune function occurred.
†A second estimate is available from the paper which includes women with unknown dates of seroconversion date but excludes women who had been pregnant before
enrolment to the study.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

volume 00 no 00
Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Publication Effect %
Study date Country estimate (95% CI) Weight

HIV-related illness
Alliegro et al.* 1997 Italy 0.72 (0.41, 1.26) 34.45
Bessinger et al.* 1998 USA 1.63 (0.66, 4.03) 25.15
Deschamps et al. 1993 Haiti 1.93 (1.37, 2.70) 40.40
Subtotal (I-squared = 77.1%, P = 0.013) 1.32 (0.66, 2.61) 100.00
Drop in CD4 count
Alliegro et al.* 1997 Italy 1.24 (0.62, 2.49) 26.46
Hocke et al.* 1995 France 1.20 (0.63, 2.27) 31.13
Van der Paal et al.* 2007 Uganda 1.67 (0.77, 3.63) 21.28
Weisser et al.* 1998 Switzerland 1.77 (0.81, 3.84) 21.12
Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, P = 0.829) 1.41 (0.99, 2.02) 100.00
AIDS defining illness
Alliegro et al.* 1997 Italy 0.69 (0.32, 1.51) 9.33
Berrebi et al. 1990 France 1.22 (0.37, 4.03) 4.39
Bessinger et al.* 1998 USA 1.25 (0.38, 4.12) 4.42
Buskin et al.* 1998 USA 0.80 (0.47, 1.36) 16.47
Deschamps et al. 1993 Haiti 1.70 (0.93, 3.09) 13.87
Hocke et al.* 1995 France 1.02 (0.48, 2.18) 9.72
Saada et al.* 2000 France 0.69 (0.39, 1.22) 14.93
Tai et al.* 2007 USA 0.55 (0.27, 1.11) 10.83
Van der Paal et al.* 2007 Uganda 1.16 (0.51, 2.65) 8.45
Weisser et al.* 1998 Switzerland 1.92 (0.80, 4.64) 7.58
Subtotal (I-squared = 20.1%, P = 0.258) 0.97 (0.74, 1.25) 100.00
HIV-related death
Allen et al.* 2007 Rwanda 0.96 (0.48, 1.93) 32.87
Berrebi et al. 1990 France 1.83 (0.12, 28.35) 2.58
Deschamps et al.* 1993 Haiti 2.10 (0.90, 4.70) 24.68
Kumar et al.* 1997 India 2.19 (1.19, 4.06) 39.86
Subtotal (I-squared = 13.9%, P = 0.323) 1.65 (1.06, 2.57) 100.00
Any death
Alliegro et al. 1997 Italy 0.63 (0.23, 1.76) 10.86
Bessinger et al.* 1998 USA 0.98 (0.27, 3.59) 8.18
Hocke et al.* 1995 France 0.92 (0.48, 2.18) 14.51
Matthews et al.* 2013 Uganda 5.18 (1.36, 19.71) 7.82
Mayanja et al. 2012 Uganda 0.47 (0.06, 3.71) 4.04
Tai et al.* 2007 USA 0.28 (0.10, 0.78) 10.83
Van der Paal et al.* 2007 Uganda 1.78 (0.84, 3.78) 14.58
Weisser et al.* 1998 Switzerland 1.14 (0.48, 2.72) 12.88
Westreich et al.* 2013 South Africa 0.84 (0.44, 1.60) 16.29
Subtotal (I-squared = 48.9%, P = 0.048) 0.97 (0.62, 1.53) 100.00
NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis.

0.15 1 30
Pregnancy decreases risk Pregnancy increases risk

Figure 2 Forest plot showing the strength of association between pregnancy and HIV progression (includes all studies regardless of the
effect estimate available). *Adjusted estimates.

AIDS-defining illness (summary effect estimate: 0.83, patterns beyond those observed for ART for progression
95% CI: 0.63–1.08) once ART became available. Strati- to a low CD4 count, HIV-related illness or AIDS-defining
fying by country income level did not reveal any distinct illness (Table S2) as the study level measures of ART

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 19

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Table 3 Stratified analyses exploring the effect of antiretroviral therapy (ART) availability on the pooled effect estimate

ART Number of Pooled effect

available studies estimate (95% CI) I2 Coefficient* (95% CI) P-value

Progression to an HIV-related illness No 1 1.93 (1.37–2.70) – 1

Yes 2 1.00 (0.46–2.19) 55.8 0.83 ( 9.80–8.15) 0.45
Drop in CD4 count No 1 1.67 (0.77–3.63) – 1
Yes 3 1.35 (0.90–2.02) 0 0.30 ( 2.22–1.61) 0.57
Progression to an AIDS-defining illness No 3 1.45 (0.92–2.27) 0 1
Yes 7 0.83 (0.63–1.08) 2.8 0.59 ( 1.23–0.06) 0.07
Progression to an HIV-related death No 3 1.35 (0.79–2.31) 3.2 1
Yes 1 2.19 (1.19–4.06) – 0.67 ( 2.88–4.21) 0.05
Progression to any death No 1 1.78 (0.84–3.78) – 1
Yes 8 0.87 (0.54–1.41) 44.8 0.95 ( 1.93–0.02) 0.05

CI, confidence interval.

*Change in pooled effect estimate between studies conducted when there was no ART (baseline) to those when there was ART avail-
able; note that the coefficient does not align exactly with the difference in the observed pooled effect estimate as in the meta-regression
only one random effect is estimated, whereas in the subgroup analysis separate random effects are calculated for each group.

availability and country income level were closely corre- the so-called ‘healthy pregnant woman effect’ whereby
lated. There was no evidence that country income level healthier women are more likely to become pregnant
modified the association between pregnancy and either (Khlat & Ronsmans 2000). Pregnant women may there-
progression to an HIV-related death (P = 0.96) or pro- fore appear healthier than non-pregnant women, even if
gression to any death (P = 0.41). pregnancy accelerates disease progression. This is particu-
Stratification by risk or a hazard ratio modified the larly important for HIV, as women who are at a more
relationship between pregnancy and progression to advanced stage of HIV are less likely to become pregnant
AIDS-defining illnesses (P = 0.06), with studies using (Ronsmans et al. 2001). Most studies adjusted for or
hazard ratios showing lower effect estimates (Table S3). matched pregnant and non-pregnant women on HIV clin-
Stratifying by study quality did not affect the findings ical stage or CD4 count; however, some studies relied on
(Table S4). very broad categorisations which may not fully account
for the healthy pregnant woman effect. Furthermore,
questions have been raised on the validity of using
Publication bias
HIV clinical stage and CD4 cell count in pregnant and
There was no evidence for publication bias for any out- post-partum women, with studies showing that both
comes except progression to a low CD4 count (P = 0.03) these measures can be relatively insensitive to actual dis-
(Figure S1) and any death (P = 0.07) (Figure S2). ease status (Ekouevi et al. 2007; Carter et al. 2010).
Therefore, pregnant women may still have been at an
earlier stage of HIV progression compared with non-
pregnant women.
In this systematic review, we find no evidence that preg- Only three studies stratified their analyses by CD4
nancy is associated with accelerated progression to HIV- count: two found no association between pregnancy and
related illness, AIDS-defining illness or all-cause mortality, HIV disease progression amongst women with either high
although there is some evidence for acceleration to a drop or low CD4 count (Hocke et al. 1995; Tai et al. 2007),
in CD4 count and HIV-related death. In settings where while another study found much higher mortality in preg-
ART was available, there was no evidence that pregnancy nant than in non-pregnant women with very low CD4
accelerated progress to HIV/AIDS-defining illnesses, death counts at time of ART initiation (Matthews et al. 2013).
and drop in CD4 count. In settings without ART availabil- However, in the latter study, the five pregnant women
ity, all the effect estimates were consistent with pregnancy who died were very ill at the time of recruitment, and it
increasing the risk of progression to HIV/AIDS-defining ill- is uncertain whether these findings apply to the general
nesses and HIV-related or all-cause mortality, but there population of pregnant HIV-infected women. Five studies
were too few studies to draw meaningful conclusions. excluded women who had a pregnancy not resulting in a
One critical factor in interpreting disease or mortality live birth and/or going to term, which may also introduce
rates comparing pregnant and non-pregnant women is a similar selection bias to the healthy pregnant woman

20 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

effect if deteriorating health is associated with these explain the lack of effect of pregnancy on HIV disease
adverse pregnancy outcomes (Berrebi et al. 1990; Des- progression with ART availability. Only four studies
champs et al. 1993; Hocke et al. 1995; Bessinger et al. provided information on the proportion of pregnant and
1998; Saada et al. 2000). Two of these found no differ- non-pregnant women receiving ART in their study popu-
ence in the level of immunosuppression comparing preg- lation (Weisser et al. 1998; Tai et al. 2007; Matthews
nancies which did or did not go to term (Hocke et al. et al. 2013; Westreich et al. 2013), however, and the
1995; Bessinger et al. 1998), and one found no evidence effects were inconsistent.
for a difference in the risk of HIV disease progression in The comprehensive search, with no restrictions by publi-
women whose pregnancy terminated before 28 weeks, cation date, language or country, was a strength of this
compared with women whose pregnancy continued systematic review. We identified an additional 12 studies
(Berrebi et al. 1990). compared to the previous systematic review of the effect of
The main argument put forward in support of an pregnancy on HIV disease progression (French & Brockle-
adverse effect of pregnancy on HIV disease progression is hurst 1998). There were, however, a number of limita-
that the systemic suppression of cell-mediated immunity tions. There was extensive between-study heterogeneity in
during pregnancy may increase the susceptibility to or studies looking at progression to HIV-related illnesses
severity of infections (Jamieson et al. 2006). Infectious which was likely to be driven, in part, by the wide varia-
diseases such as influenza, malaria, measles and varicella tion in the definitions of HIV-related diseases. However, in
are generally thought to be more severe during pregnancy spite of the methodological differences between the stud-
(Haake et al. 1990; Atmar et al. 1992; Temmerman et al. ies, there was no evidence for extensive between-study het-
1995; Okoko et al. 2003; Louie et al. 2010; Mor & erogeneity for the other outcomes. We also combined risk
Cardenas 2010; Rowe et al. 2012; Kourtis et al. 2014). ratios and hazard ratios in the meta-analysis, but stratifica-
However, these conclusions are largely based on clinical tion by risk or hazard ratios did not affect our summary
impressions, while the epidemiological evidence-base is effect estimates. Finally, as most of the included studies
scant. Very few studies, for example, assess how long the were not set up with the primary objective of evaluating
immuno-suppressive effects of pregnancy may persist into the effect of pregnancy on HIV disease progression, the
the post-partum period. In our review, only one study quality was generally poor, with no study judged to be at
examined whether pregnancy itself increases the risk of low risk of bias across all the quality criteria.
HIV disease progression (Allen et al. 2007), while most The methodological weaknesses of the studies highlight
studies extended the exposure period to one year or more the need for high-quality data examining whether preg-
after birth, without separating the effects during preg- nancy aggravates HIV progression. In particular, future
nancy from those in the post-partum period or breaking studies need to ensure that the non-pregnant group
down the post-partum period by time since pregnancy. excludes women who have been pregnant since HIV sero-
Few studies clearly articulated how and for how long conversion, define the pregnancy period from the begin-
pregnancy may accelerate progression to HIV-related ill- ning of pregnancy onwards and, where sample size
ness or death, and no study examined the effects of permits, break down time post-pregnancy to establish how
breastfeeding, which may increase the risk of mortality in long any aggravating effects of pregnancy may persist.
HIV-infected women (Nduati et al. 2001). The lack of a Because of concerns over the healthy pregnant woman
clear conceptualisation of how pregnancy may affect HIV effect, strict matching or adjustment for staging of the dis-
disease progression clearly impairs the interpretation of ease would be required. While it is unlikely that cohorts
results. will be set up specifically for this purpose, ongoing HIV
When restricting the analysis to studies where ART cohorts [for example Crampin et al. (2012) and Lederger-
was available, pregnant women appeared to have a ber et al. (1994)] should have this question in mind so that
slightly lower risk of death and progression to AIDS- relevant data can be made available when necessary.
related illnesses than non-pregnant women, although the The findings of this review have implications for the
confidence intervals were wide. Caution is required in definition and measurement of maternal mortality. If
interpreting such subgroup analyses, as we were not able pregnancy does not aggravate HIV disease, most of the
to compare individual women with or without ART. excess mortality in HIV-infected pregnant women (Cal-
Pregnant women tend to have greater contact with health vert & Ronsmans 2013; Zaba et al. 2013) is probably
services, may be more likely to be tested for HIV and/or coincidental to pregnancy and HIV/AIDS-related deaths
be eligible for ART at higher CD4 counts than non- should not be counted as maternal deaths. If pregnancy
pregnant women and may therefore have greater access does aggravate HIV disease, then some of the excess mor-
to ART than the general population. This could partly tality in HIV-infected pregnant women is attributable to

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C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

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© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 23

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 00 no 00

C. Calvert & C. Ronsmans Pregnancy and HIV disease progression

Supporting Information Table S3. Stratified analyses exploring the effect of

using risk ratio verses hazard ratios on the pooled effect
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article:
Table S4. Meta-analysis of the effect estimate for HIV
Figure S1. Funnel plot for studies measuring the effect
progression in pregnant compared with non-pregnant
of pregnancy on progression to a low CD4 count.
women stratified by quality of studies for each quality
Figure S2. Funnel plot for studies measuring the effect
of pregnancy on progression to any death.
Data S1. Moose Reporting Guidelines.
Table S1. Definitions for HV progression.
Data S2. Search Strategy.
Table S2. Meta-analysis of the effect estimate for HIV
progression in pregnant compared with non-pregnant
women stratified by country income level.

Corresponding Author Clara Calvert, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK. Tel.: +44 20 7636 8636; E-mail:

24 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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