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Family Name: Dahal Family

Family Type: Joint Family


Dahal family consists of eight members including Sharda kumari Dahal as Grandmother.
Similarly, Bir Bahadur Dahal is elder son of family, his wife Nisha Dahal. Bir Bahadur Dahal
works in Army whose monthly salary is 30,000/ month. Similarly, Nisha Dahal looks over their
agriculture farm and montly return is 20,000 and certain portion of farming items. Ekraz Dahal is
the second son of Sharda kumari Dahal and the brother of Bir Bahadur Dahal. He works in
Sharda Group, and has monthly income 25,000 and his newly married wife Tara Dahal works in
Neuro Hospital call center and her monthly salary is 20,000. Moreover, the Dahal family consist
two grandsons Suahan Dahal, 21 years and Ashlesh Dahal 19 years. Sushan is syudying at CA
level and Ashlesh is studying at intermediary level Hence, the monthly earning of family is
50,000/month but expenditure is more than 60,000 because both grandsons expenditure exceeds
family income.

Family size: 8members

Major decision Makers:

Bir Bahadur Dahal is the major decision makers of family.

Major influencer:

To make a major decision in family, Bir Bahadur Dahal is influence by his wife Nisha Dahal,
Ekraz Dahal and head of family Sharda kumari Dahal.

Family Interference in children’s decisions:

 Decision on the college selection and the qualitative education.


 Decision regarding quality and healthy balance diet.

 Decision on purchasing low cost laptop or high cost.

 Decision on purchasing Bike.

 Decision for further education.

 Proper care takes for their children.

Kinds of Product to these families:

Dahal Family consumption Patternn

Dahal family is much focused quality and quantity of products not on price of the
product. Therefore, it seems that Dahal family is brand consciousness. Now-a-days, well I have
found that Dahal family used to visit Bhat-bhateni super market for shopping of grocery, kitchen,
room décor, and for latest clothes items. At present since they have realized that Bhat-Bhateni
cost more of them, they switch to Jogbani border area for shopping of grocery items. After
analyzing their consumption pattern, well I have found that this family is less serious about
fashion and brand to show-off their statue in society but focuses on providing qualitative
education to their childrens.

Being the marketer, well for tooth paste categories I will offer them Colgate Tooth paste.
Likewise, for the FMCG product I would like to offer Digestive biscuits, daily updated fruit juice
with different flavors, qualitative oil, for shampoo loreal is consider as best product etc.

Similarly, the family is more focused on qualitative education. So being marketer I should target
qualitative education intuitions for this family.

. Kinds of Product to these families:

Dahal Family consumption Pattern

Dahal family is much focused quality and quantity of products not on price of the
product. Therefore, it seems that Dahal family is brand consciousness. Now-a-days, well I have

found that Dahal family used to visit Bhat-bhateni super market for shopping of grocery, kitchen,
room décor, and for latest clothes items. At present since they have realized that Bhat-Bhateni
cost more of them, they switch to Jogbani border area for shopping of grocery items. After
analyzing their consumption patter, well I have found that this family is less serious about
fashion and brand to show-off their statue in society but focuses on providing qualitative
education to their childrens.

Being the marketer, well for tooth paste categories I will offer them Colgate Tooth paste.
Likewise, for the FMCG product I would like to offer Digestive biscuits, daily updated fruit juice
with different flavors, qualitative oil, for shampoo loreal is consider as best product etc.

Similarly, the family is more focused on qualitative education. So being marketer I should target
qualitative education intuitions for this family.



Family Name: Khatri Family

Family Type: Joint Family


Khatri family consists of six members including Grandfather Min Bd. Khatri, son Piyush
Khatri and his wife Manmaya Khatri, Moreover; Min bd. Khatri also has small son known as
Asutosh Khatri and his wife saroja kahadaka. This family also consist one child whose name is
Raxon Khatri, who is the son of Piyush Khatri. Piyush Khatri who works in Nabil Bank as
manager and Manmaya Khatri who works in Hospital is the main income generator in Khatri
family. The average income of Khatri family is Rs.60,000/month and average expenditure of
family is30,000/month. Mr. Raxon Khatri is the grandson in Khatri family whose age is 15 years
and studying at class9. Therefore, Khatri family spent 5,500 per month as Partik school fee.

Family size: 6 members

Major decision Makers:


Piyush Khatri is the major decision makers of family.

Major influencer:

To make a major decision in family, Piyush Khatri is influence by his wife Manmaya Khatri as
both are source of income generator in Khatri family.

Family Interference in children’s decisions:

Piyush Khatri, is the major decision makers in Family carefully makes decisions regarding his
child. Some of his influence towards her children future is:

 Decision on the school selection and the qualitative education.

 Decision regarding quality and healthy balance diet.

 Decision whether to celebrate or not to celebrate the child’s birthday party.

 Daily time scheduling.

 Decision whether to have internet connectivity or not at home.

 Decision regarding the peer group selection.

 Decision regarding extra tuition class for Raxon.

Kinds of Product to these families:

Khatri Family consumption Patternn

Khatri family is much focused quality of products not on price of the product. Therefore,
it seems that Khatri family is brand consciousness. Now-a-days, well I have found that Khatri
family used to visit Bhat-bhateni super market for shopping of grocery, kitchen, room décor, and
for latest clothes items. After analyzing their consumption pattern, well I have found that this
family is serious about fashion and brand to show-off their statue in society.

Being the marketer, well for tooth paste categories I will offer them synsodine Tooth paste which
is recognized all across the globe for its brand and quality. Likewise, for the FMCG product I
would like to offer Digestive biscuits, daily updated fruit juice with different flavors, qualitative
oil, for shampoo loreal is consider as best product etc.

Similarly, for clothes famous branded product as well as latest sunglasses should be targeted to
this family. Every weak this family used to visit weekend for refreshment so there should be best
weekend spot to entertain them and offered them value.

Neighbor No. 3

Family Name: Thapa Family

Family Type: Single Family


Thapa family consists of three members including Asutosh Thapa as family head, his wife Ritika
Thapa and Ranoz Thapa as son. Sandesh works in Acer Education consultancy whose monthly
salary is 30,000/ month. Similarly, Ritika Thapa works in her own Beauty parlor and according
to her statement her monthly salary is 20,000/month. Ranoz is still small with 3 years. Hence, the
monthly earning of family is 50,000/month but expenditure is more than 60,000 because they
hire on care taker to take care their son and maid for cleaning, cooking and to take care of the
house. This gamily is less cost sensitive and tries to maintain high status in society.

Family size: 3 members

Major decision Makers:

Asutosh Thapa is the major decision makers of family.

Major influencer:

To make a major decision in family, Asutosh Thapa is influence by his wife Ritika Thapa as both
are source of income generator in Thapa family.

Family Interference in children’s decisions:


AsutoshThapa, is the major decision makers in Family carefully makes decisions regarding his
child. Some of his influence towards her children future is:

 Decision on the school selection and the qualitative education.

 Decision regarding quality and healthy balance diet.

 Proper care takes for their children.

Kinds of Product to these families:

Thapa Family consumption Patternn

Thapa family is much focused quality of products not on price of the product. Therefore,
it seems that Thapa family is brand consciousness. Now-a-days, well I have found that Thapa
family used to visit Bhat-bhateni super market for shopping of grocery, kitchen, room décor, and
for latest clothes items. After analyzing their consumption pattern, well I have found that this
family is serious about fashion and brand to show-off their statue in society.

Being the marketer, well for tooth paste categories I will offer them synsodine Tooth paste which
is recognized all across the globe for its brand and quality. Likewise, for the FMCG product I
would like to offer Digestive biscuits, daily updated fruit juice with different flavors, qualitative
oil, for shampoo loreal is consider as best product etc.

Similarly, for clothes famous branded product as well as latest sunglasses should be targeted to
this family. Every weak this family used to visit weekend for refreshment so there should be best
weekend spot to entertain them and offered them value.


Family Name: B.k Family

Family Type: Joint Family

Family size: 6members

Major decision Makers:


Ashok B.k is the major decision makers of family.

Major influencer:

To make a major decision in family, Ashok B.k is influence by his wife Mina B.k, Avinash B.k
and head of family Gopal B.k.


B.k family consists of seven members including Gopal B.k as Grand Father. Similarly, Ashok
B.k is elder son of family, his wife Mina B.k. Ashok works in Army whose monthly salary is
30,000/ month. Similarly, Mina B.k works in her own retail shop and monthly income
20,000/month. Avinash B.k is the second son of Gopal B.k and the brother of Ashok B.k. He
works in Hospital as Medical Representative (MR), and has monthly income 25,000 and his
newly married wife kritaka B.k works in Neuro Hospital call center and her monthly salary is
20,000. Moreover, the B.k family consist a grandson Pyush B.k, 8 years and granddaughter, 12
years and their parents is Mina and Ashok B.k. Hence, the monthly earning of family is
50,000/month but expenditure is more than 60,000 because both grand son and daughter study in
Delhi Public School where monthly fee for Pyush study in grade 2 is 7,000 and his sister prakiriti
studying in grade 4 are 10,000 per month.


Family Name: Kafle Family

Family Type: Joint Family

Kafle family consists of five members including Grandfather Ram Bd. Kafle, Grandmother Rita
kafle, son Pradish Kafle and his wife Prava Kafle. This family also consist one son Piyush Kafle.
Pradish Kafle who works in Nepal Army and Prava Kafle who works in Bank is the main income
generator in Kafle family. The average income of Kafle family is Rs.90, 000/month and average
expenditure of family is 50,000/month. Mr. Piyush Kafle is the grandson in Kafle family whose
age is 12 years and studying at class 6. Therefore, Kafle family spent 4,500 per month as Partik
school fee.

Family size: 5 members

Major decision Makers

Prava Kafle is the major decision makers of family.

Major influencer

To make a major decision in family, Prava Kafle is influence by her mother-in-law and father-in-

Family Interference in children’s decisions

Prava Kafle who she is the major decision makers in Family carefully makes decisions regarding
her child. Some of her influence towards her children future is:

 Decision on the school selection and the qualitative education.

 Decision regarding quality and healthy balance diet.

 Decision whether to celebrate or not to celebrate the child’s birthday party.

 Decision regarding the peer group selection.

 Decision regarding extra tuition class for Piyush.

Kinds of Product to these families

Kafle Family consumption Patternn

After observing the whole consumption patternn, well I have found that every end of the
month Kafle family visit Jogbani nearby border to buy eating oil, kitchen items spices, and
different FMCG product like: Noodles from Maggi, Digestive Biscuits, Tooth paste from
Patanjali, Dove soap, shampoo and conditioner etc.. Therefore, on the special occasion like
Marriage ceremony this family used to visit Jogbani for buying clothes and for other shopping

Targeted Product and Pricing

Like other Nepalese families, Kafle family is also price sensitive. Since, in jogbani the
price of kitchen items as well others FMCG products are comparatively low but having high
quality, high brand. Therefore, not only price but also Kafle family is brand and quality

However, being the marketer the product to these family Grocery items like: branded oil, spices
for kitchen, wheat flour, Basmati rice, green salad etc. at optimum price.

Moreover, products as healthy diet such as: corn flex, milk, and fruit juice, coffee targeting old
age people, children and adult.

Similarly, different education institution which will offer quality education should be targeted to
this family because Kafle family is much conscious toward it.

 Focus on any 3 relatives of your relatives, based on any 5 determinants of social

class and which social class belongs to. Any three product category or brand do they
use and prefer the most and why?

Ans: As per my research on my relatives I found that their life style is quite good and standard.
They live their life happily with their family member without any major problems. Their family
members were understanding to each other and helpful when they other needed.

On the basis of social class they all belong to middle level family. And most of them are
determinant on the basis of:-

 Income

 Property

 Education

 Occupation

 Power

 Prestige and so on.


Relative no. 1

Relative Name: Bir Bhadur Khatri


 Occupation: Entrepreneur

 Age: 48 years

 Monthly salary: 2, 00,000

 Monthly expenditure: 1, 00,000

 Current address: Biratnagar

Three product categories

 Smartphone: Iphone x because it can suit their status.

 Car: Hyundai I 10 because of their habits that they are most interested in branded things

Relative No: 2

Relative Name: Dipendra Basnet


 Occupation: Owner Of Himalaya Hall

 Age: 28 years

 Monthly salary: 3,00000

 Monthly expenditure: 10,000

 Current address: Biratnagar Pichra

Three product categories

 Smartphone: Iphone 10 because it can suit their status.


 Bike: Land Rover because of their earning capability

 Laptop: Dell laptop because to maintain status and to control expenditure Dell is best

Relative No: 3

Relative Name: Ram Kafle


 Occupation: Teacher.

 Age: 50 years

 Monthly salary: 30,000

 Monthly expenditure: 10,000

 Current address: Ramilo, Morang

Three product categories

 Smartphone: Samsung J series because it can suit their status.

 Car: Cheap cars because of their habits that they are most interested in branded things

 Bike: Below 150 cc, because the costing of this bike is 2lakhs and if he will buy this bike
then his status can be maintained and loan can be easily recovered.

Even though people belong to same culture but the way marketer which used target the customer
are different. It is because of their income tendency and expenditure tendency. Some of the
relatives whose monthly are high but they are less on expenditure activities. But some who are
earning less spend more. But most of my relatives have high earning and they prefer branded and
qualitative products.

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