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Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.

com D1

A StarPhoenix Special Section

Northwest Resistance
q Province commemorates 125th anniversary

Louis Riel

Maj-Gen. Middleton

Chief Poundmaker

Chief Big Bear

Glenbow Museum Archives —
Dumont: PA-2218-1

Saskatchewan Archives Board —

Dumont: PA-2218-1
Riel: S-B8573
Poundmaker: R-A2872-1
Militia: R-A446
Camp life for militia in 1885 during the Northwest Resistance
Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.com D2

It was history in the making

q Many events in 1885 led to this momentous event
By Jason Warick with dozens of North West Mounted Police
Senior Reporter and volunteers.
The StarPhoenix An apparent misunderstanding led to the
first shot fired by “Gentelman” Joe McKay,

B ATOCHE — Jackie Gaudet walks

across the field once farmed by her
great-great grandparents, Marguerite
and Jean Caron, as she discusses their central
role in the Northwest Resistance 125 years
a railroad engineer working as an interpreter
for the North West Mounted Police, said ama-
teur historian and area native Dennis Fisher.
The dead included 12 police and volunteers,
five Metis and one First Nations man.
ago. In the Battlefords region, First Nations
Gaudet, a 42-year-old Metis mother of people faced rampant starvation and disease.
three who lives in the Batoche area 70 On March 30, Chief Poundmaker led a
kilometres northeast of Saskatoon, is hopeful delegation to Battleford to ask for assistance.
the events taking place across Saskatchewan To his surprise, the town was deserted.
this year will serve as a “turning point” for Hundreds of residents had heard about
relations among First Nations, Metis and the the Duck Lake battle, as well as the murder
province’s more recent arrivals. of another white man, and feared a general
“What does the 125th anniversary mean to uprising. They sought refuge in nearby Fort
me?” she said. “It means freedom — freedom Battleford.
from the negative feelings I’ve had for years.” Poundmaker requested a meeting with fed-
In May of 1885, Canadian government eral officials, but none came out for several
forces, led by Maj.-Gen. Frederick Middle- days. In the interim, some in the party raided
ton, arrived in the Batoche area to confront Battleford homes, stealing food and other
Louis Riel and his supporters. Middleton items.
sought an open, elevated section of land to Negotiators eventually emerged and
establish a base. after discussions Poundmaker and his men
The Caron homestead, located just outside returned to their reserve several kilometres to
the village of Batoche on river lot No. 52, the west. Although no one was injured and
was commandeered. no fighting occurred, it earned the historic
The Caron house was leveled and their live- designation of the “Siege of Battleford.”
stock butchered to feed the 900 government Poundmaker’s intentions and actions have
soldiers. Caron, Dumas and their children fled been widely misrepresented, said his great-
behind Metis lines. great grand-nephew, Tyrone Tootoosis. There
“Our family lost everything,” said Gaudet. was no “siege” of the town of Battleford, he
Caron and his three eldest sons fought in said.
the Battle of Batoche, a bloody, desperate “If there was a ‘seige mentality’ amongst
and eventually losing attempt to assert Metis the 500 frightened occupants of Fort Bat-
rights in the area. tleford, it was due to an irrational distrust and
“It is our region’s Plains of Abraham,” said fear of the Cree,” said Tootoosis, who served
Darren Prefontaine of the Saskatoon-based as researcher and played the lead role in the
Gabriel Dumont Institute, referring to the National FIlm Board documentary, The Trial
famous 1759 British victory over the French of Poundmaker.
near Quebec City. “Poundmaker had absolutely no interest
While the Battle of Batoche remains a key in joining the Metis Rebellion. He went to
event of 1885, there’s much more to the story. Battleford to reaffirm his loyalty to the Queen
It was a year of child starvation, guerilla and in so doing hoped that his people would
warfare and the largest mass execution in be rewarded with extra rations. Upon arriving
Canadian history — all on the soil of pres- the Cree did not surround Fort Battleford nor
ent-day Saskatchewan. From Duck Lake to did they cut off supplies.”
Battleford to Cut Knife Hill, 1885 shaped the Not all First Nations people were content to
Canadian prairies. negotiate.
“It is a painful story to tell,” said Saskatche- On April 2, just across the present day
wan Premier Brad Wall. “But it must be told.” border of Saskatchewan and Alberta, nine
people, including an Indian agent and two
qqq —SP Photo by Peter Wilson priests, were murdered in the Frog Lake
Until recent years, the 1885 narrative massacre. Chief Big Bear apparently tried in
seemed straightforward. The largest mass hanging in Canadian history took place in Novem- vain to stop his starving and embittered band
A rebellion led by Louis Riel and abetted ber, 1885 when eight First Nations men were tried for murder during members, but was later jailed for treason.
by chiefs such as Poundmaker was defeated the Northwest Resistance. They were executed within the wall of the Tensions rose across Canada as word of the
by the government forces of Maj.-Gen. stockade at Battleford. The bodies were buried in a common grave site killings spread. But even before the incidents
Middleton. The story was written by the (above) close to the fort. at Frog Lake and even Duck Lake, Middle-
victors. Metis and First Nations voices were ton and his troops had begun the trek from
largely absent. Ontario out west.
Today, for many reasons, a more nuanced
view is possible. New perspectives have been qqq
revealed as aboriginal leaders, academics On April 6, Middleton and his 900-strong
and the descendants of the combatants, assert force got off the train at Qu’Appelle and
their versions. began the 300-kilometre march north to
For example, the events of 1885 were confront Riel.
traditionally described as a rebellion. That There were hundreds of other soldiers as
term has rapidly been overtaken by the word well, but Middleton was forced to send them
“resistance.” further down the rail line to Swift Current
“The change has come from a re-evaluation and Calgary, where they walked north to
of history,” said Prefontaine, the curriculum quell what they feared to be a full-scale war
development officer for the Gabiel Dumont with Big Bear, Poundmaker and others.
Institute. From Qu’Appelle, Middleton and his men
“Canadian history is maturing.” covered more than 30 kilometres a day, arriv-
The Canadian government webpage of the ing at Clark’s Crossing 50 kilometres south of
Batoche national historic site now includes Batoche.
both terms — rebellion and resistance. After several days of rest and planning,
Premier Brad Wall said last month the Middleton began what he likely believed
Saskatchewan government uses the words would be an uneventful advance on Batoche,
interchangably, but he prefers “resistance.” positioning half of his forces on each side of
A plaque on the Gabriel Dumont statue in the river.
downtown Saskatoon describes the “resis- One of the scouts for Middleton was
tance.” Jerome Henry, recalled Henry’s great-grand-
“We were not rebels,” said Jackie Gaudet. son Bob McLeod. But Henry, who McLeod
Also, the events of 1885 — while momen- described as a light-skinned Metis, was work-
tous — were erroneously depicted as a uni- —SP Photo by Gord Waldner ing as a double agent. Henry secretly spied
fied, mass uprising of Metis and First Nations FSIN Vice-Chief Morley Watson signs an elk skin at the Trails 1885 historical for Dumont. He drew maps of Middleton’s
people. In reality, the issues raised and battles camp at Clark’s Crossing and Middleton’s
fought by First Nations at Cut Knife Hill and proclamation occasion signing last month
expected marching route and had it smuggled
other locations were largely seperate from back behind Metis lines, said McLeod, a
those of the Metis. Nations and many Metis. to the English-Canadian square township Saskatoon man who serves as a director for
And the decision to fight was far from First Nations chiefs entered into treaties system. The Metis feared loss of their land. the Metis Nation-Saskatchewan.
unanimous. Even at Batoche, only 200 Metis with the Crown. But by the early 1880s, the White farmers in the area were angry at the On the morning of April 24, Middleton and
and a few dozen First Nations people with chiefs saw the federal government had no lack of assistance from the federal govern- his troops marched along a trail 20 kilometres
family ties agreed to fight with Riel. The intention of honouring the terms. ment and the decision to build the trans-con- south of Batoche at Tourond’s Coulee, also
majority of First Nations, as well as Metis in Federal Indian agents acting under govern- tinental railroad several hundred kilometres known as Fish Creek.
other parts of the region, declined. ment orders decreased the promised food south of them. As government troops approached, they
rations to reserves, resulting in mass hunger When peaceful protests and petitions were ambushed by Dumont’s men, who
qqq and starvation. Discontent threatened to erupt accomplished nothing, a council of Metis opened fire from the cover of brush and deep
The armed conflicts of 1885 were years in in violence across the region. and disgruntled European farmers decided it ravines.
the making. In 1884, in present-day southeast Saskatch- needed Riel’s help. Henry “led Middleton right into Fish
In 1870, Riel successfully pressured the ewan near the town of Grenfell, 30 armed In 1884, Gabriel Dumont and three other Creek,” McLeod said.
federal government to recognize Metis claims warriors from the Sakimay band, led by chief men travelled to Montana. They convinced The Metis inflicted heavy damage before
in the Red River region, leading to the cre- Yellow Calf, occupied a federal warehouse Riel, now a father of two and a U.S. citizen, both sides retreated later that day.
ation of the province of Manitoba. in an attempt to secure food. Violence was to come to Batoche. The other half of Middleton’s force
However, with the arrival of hundreds of averted after extensive negotiation by Chief At first, Riel enjoyed broad support as he remained helpless on the river’s west bank,
Canadian government troops and European Louis O’Soup. petitioned the federal government on behalf getting across on a makeshift ferry only after
settlers, aspirations for a true Metis homeland In the Battleford region, chiefs petitioned of area residents. The federal government fighting ceased.
would not be realized. federal officials at the decrease in food rations of John A. Macdonald appointed a commis- At least six government soldiers were killed
Many of these “Red River” Metis moved and the failure of the government to provide sion to study the issue, but declined to make and dozens wounded, while four Metis died.
west and in 1872 established a settlement on the promised medicine, agricultural tools and immediate decisions. Henry fled Middleton’s camp around this
the bank of the South Saskatchewan River. It other items. On March 19, the Batoche Metis estab- time. He took refuge behind Metis lines,
was named Batoche, after prominent resident lished a provisional government, with Riel as joining his faher, Joseph Vermette. Both
Xavier Letendre dit Batoche. qqq the political leader and Dumont its military father and son were wounded in the Fish
Riel was forced into exile in the U.S. The Batoche Metis were angry. head. Riel lost most of his European allies as Creek battle. While Henry survived, his father
During Riel’s time in Red River, he’d over- Upon arriving from Manitoba, they estab- he took several hostages and began preparing died of his injuries several days later, said
seen the execution of a prominent opponent lished farms along the South Saskatchewan for war. McLeod.
in Manitoba, Irish-Canadian Thomas Scott. using the Quebec-style river-lot system. The Metis dug rifle pits and trenches
Riel also had two stays in asylums. Long, narrow plots ensured riverbank access. qqq around the town of Batoche, preparing for
Around this time, tens of millions of buffalo However, Metis attempts to obtain land The first confrontation occurred one week Middleton’s inevitable assault.
had been wiped from the prairie landscape, titles proved unsuccessful. Federal workers later — on March 26 — in a field near Duck
eliminating the main source of food for First soon arrived and began surveying according Lake. A Dumont and Riel-led party clashed n CONT’D: Please see History/Page D3
Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.com D3

History: All sides of story told

n Continued from Page D2 Howard got his first taste of battle as an drawn out into another area, and the second for trial. He was found guilty of treason.
underage recruit in the U.S. Civil War. group easily charged them. Macdonald rejected appeals for mercy
He then spent five years in the U.S. By this time, Abroise Jobin and the other and Riel was executed Nov. 16, just days
qqq Cavalry’s “Indian wars.” remaining Metis fighters were shooting after Prime Minister John A. Macdonald’s
Middleton waited more than two weeks A machinist by trade, Howard manufac- nails, stones, forks — anything they could national dream — the transcontinental
before moving on Batoche. In the interim, tured shells and other munitions, owning desperately find. railroad — was completed.
on May 2 just west of Battleford, Lieut.- several businesses. “You’ve got to be proud of them,” said On Nov. 27, the six Cree convicted in the
Col. William Otter attacked members of In 1885, he offered his services to the Ron Jobin. “They had something to do and Frog Lake Massacre, as well as two First
Poundmaker’s band at Cut Knife Hill. Canadian government in the hopes of mar- they did it.” Nations men convicted of an earlier murder,
The band’s leader in time of war, Chief keting the now-famous Gatling gun. Joseph Jobin, Riel, Dumont and others were hanged at Fort Battleford.
Fine Day, routed Otter, who retreated. Howard was part-owner of the company and others escaped. Ambroise Jobin was It is the largest mass execution in Cana-
According to various accounts, Pound- manufacturing the guns — the world’s first wounded on the battlefield and could not dian history.
maker stopped the warriors from pursuing automatic weapon capable of firing many flee. Poundmaker and Big Bear also turned
the fleeing troops. Six band members were bullets a second. Ron Jobin said some of the Metis were themselves in and were jailed.
killed, compared with eight of Otter’s men. He travelled with Middleton to Batoche bayonetted by government troops in the For 90 per cent of the Metis who had
“Poundmaker did everything in his and fired on the Metis forces throughout the final moments of battle. property destroyed or confiscated during
power as a Peace Chief to prevent blood- Battle of Batoche. the battle, such as the Caron family, no
shed and in so doing, saved many lives,” “He was a pretty tough compensation was awarded, said Gaudet.
Tootoosis said. guy,” Sammis said. Many left the Batoche area, attempting to
“He was fighting make yet a fresh start in Alberta and other
qqq wars all over the locations.
On May 9, Middleton’s forces arrived world, mar- For other Metis who did not participate,
at the homestead of skilled carpenter and keting the such as those in other regions, the merchant
farmer Jean Caron Sr. and his wife, Mar- Gatling class, or those with ties to the federal Con-
guerite, the local midwife. Fearing the gun. servative party — life went on as before,
Metis would use the now-abandoned Caron Prefontaine said.
home for cover, federal troops burned it As for First Nations people, they faced
down. continued deprivations and harsh rule, such
Middleton established his camp on their as the pass system which forced them to
land, constructing a “zareba.” The 12-acre obtain permission from the Indian agent to
enclosure, a combination of trenches and leave the reserve.
fortification of North African origin, shel- “If you were aboriginal, you had to be
tered the soldiers, 600 horses, 50 cattle and put in your place — that’s what 1885 was
all the supplies. all about,” said Darren Prefontaine of the
“It must have been one crowded little Gabriel Dumont Institute.
camp,” Batoche-area resident Ron Jobin With the west pacified and the railroad
said recently as he stood on a viewing complete, European settlers streamed
platform. into the region which became the prov-
Jobin’s great-great grandfather, ince of Saskatchewan in 1905.
Joseph, and brother Ambroise fought
for the Metis side. qqq
Middleton planned to attack on two For years, the Batoche battlefield
fronts during the first day of fighting. and surrounding areas were treated as
One group would make a direct attack. any other farmland.
Another would attempt to travel on Dennis Fisher, who lives in Saska-
the fortified steamship Northcote and toon, has spent hours combing through
attack the Metis from the side and the dirt and dust and brush.
rear. He has amassed more than 1,000
However, when the Metis saw the artifacts from the area, including
Northcote coming, they raced down Gatling gun shells, a nine-pound can-
to the river and lowered a ferry cable, non projectile, jacket buttons, wrappers
decapitating the ship’s smoke stacks. The from some of the government’s 267
boat floated helplessly downshore and out pounds of tobacco and even pieces of
of the battle zone. doorknobs from both Gabriel Dumont’s
Middleton’s ground force was slow to and Xavier Letendre dit Batoche.
co-ordinate its assault. The Metis had time Fisher’s basement is a museum, an hom-
to regroup before engaging Middleton. age to the last war fought on Canadian soil.
The day ended in a stalemate, but Metis The retired draftsman has documented the
fighters harassed the government forces
inside the Zareba, firing guns every 10 LOUIS date and precise location of every find.
“The kids don’t like it so much,” Fisher
minutes until the following morning.
The next two days also saw heavy fight- He RIEL He
said with a laugh.
Today, the battlefield is part of a national
ing, with neither side gaining significant prob- thinks historic site.
advantage. ably his The house which was rebuilt by the Caron
According to accounts, some of the Metis enjoyed great-great family in 1890 and occupied by descen-
fighters were in their 70s and older, while being a sol- uncle may dants until 1970, has been restored through
a number of Middleton’s troops were as dier.” have been spared a partnership between the Gabiel Dumont
young as 15. Howard survived because he spoke Institute and the federal government.
Batoche unharmed. He English. The bodies of Ambroise Jobin and
qqq was killed after enlisting to Ambroise Jobin was taken another fighter, Joseph Ouelette, were
Many of Dumont’s fighters were skilled fight for Canada in South Africa’s Boer to the Marr residence in Saskatoon, where recently discovered to have been in the
marksmen with extensive hunting back- War in 1901. “He was fearless,” she said. he was one of only two Metis patients in Batoche cemetery.
grounds. Many of Middleton’s men were the a makeshift field hospital filled with Following a successful fundraising cam-
volunteers or part-time militia members qqq government troops. He died of an infection paign, a formal ceremony takes place this
with limited training. By the fourth day of fighting, the Metis before the end of the month. weekend to mark the installation of new
However, Middleton had an overwhelm- had nearly exhausted their ammunition. He was one of eight resistance fighters headstones for the men.
ing advantage of numbers. Howard was to play a key role. killed. This summer, events are planned for
His force outnumbered the Metis by a Middleton and some of his men were sup- About 22 were injured. More than double Batoche, the Poundmaker Cree Nation and
ratio of more than three to one. He also had posed to flush the Metis from their rifle pits that number of government fighters died or other location to commemorate the 125th
superior firepower and loads of ammuni- and into an open area where the Gatling were wounded. anniversary of the resistance.
tion. gun was positioned to open fire. The Metis resistance had been crushed. Most agree it’s time to tell the story from
Middleton also had A.L. (Gat) Howard on When the rest of the federal government Minor incidents took place in the follow- all sides and to use the knowledge to form
his side. Howard was an American soldier- forces heard the shots, they were supposed ing weeks involving First Nations people at bonds among groups once pitted against
of-fortune and arms dealer. to attack from another side. places such as Frenchman’s Butte and Loon each other.
Howard’s ancestry in North America can However, the wind was strong and the Lake, but were of little consequence. “It was a tragic period. All sides lost
be traced to 1620, when his relatives arrived second group couldn’t hear the shots. Their Dumont fled to the United States, work- somebody or something,” said Metis
with other English separatists by sea on the attack did not come at the time Middleton ing in a travelling carnival before returning Nation-Saskatchewan president Robert
Mayflower, according to Howard’s great- had ordered. Middleton, apparently furious, to Batoche under a general amnesty. Doucette.
great grandaughter Gina Sammis. went back to the Zareba for lunch. Riel surrendered three days after the “We can’t undo the past, but we can chart
Sammis, who lives in California, said However, the Metis had indeed been Battle of Batoche and was taken to Regina a better future where we all benefit.”

—SP File Photo by Greg Pender

The exhumed remains of Chief One
Arrow were re-buried (above) on the
reserve named after him in August,
—SP Photo by Jason Warick
2007. One Arrow fought with Louis Riel
Jean Caron and Marguerite (Dumais)
and died at age 76 after being convicted
Caron, whose land and animals were com-
of treason and serving a three-year
mandeered during the Battle of Batoche in
sentence. He was originally buried next
1885, are buried in the Batoche cemetery
to Riel in St. Boniface, Man.
(right). It’s unclear why the headstone
spells their surname as “Carron,” said
great-great granddaughter Jackie Gaudet
D4 TheStarPhoenix.com Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Thursday, May 13, 2010 Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.com D5

Big Bear takes over Fort Pitt Battle of Battle of Loon Lake Battle of Cut Knife Hill Battle of Duck Lake Battle of Batoche 6 Battle of Fish Creek 5
– April 13, 1885 4 Frenchman’s Butte
8 – June 3, 1885
9 – May 2, 1885
6 – March 26, 1885
1 – May 9-15, 1885 – April 24, 1885
- Big Bear and 250 mounted First Nations – May 28, 1885 - Last battle on Canadian soil; - Located on - Site of the first - May 9, Middleton attacks - Major Métis victory over
surround Fort Pitt; - Major-General Strange brings - Small detachment of NWMP led by Major Poundmaker reserve; confrontation of 1885 Batoche; government forces attempting to
- Demand surrender of fort and inhabitants and ask for NWMP detachment from Calgary; Sam Steele caught up to Big Bear’s band - Site of surprise dawn attack by Lieutenant Resistance; - Riel’s forces greatly outnumbered stop rebellion;
tea, tobacco, blankets; - Decides to pursue Big Bear’s band and open fire in a surprise attack; Colonel Otter’s forces; - Dumont defeated 90 Prince and run out of ammunition after - 5,000 volunteers, militia and 1,000
- Civilians go to First Nations camp as hostages, later after finding bodies left at Frog Lake; - Cree almost out of ammunition and - Cree war-chief, Fine-Day, leads First Nations; Albert volunteers and Northwest three days; police fought against Louis Riel’s
released unharmed; - Skirmish at Frenchman’s Butte led forced to flee; - 300 Canadian militia and army regulars had Mounted Police (NWMP) led by - Métis resort to firing small rocks forces of 500 irregulars;
- Francis Dickens (son of novelist Charles Dickens) in by Wandering Spirit; - Big Bear escapes; greater firearm power than Cree and used Inspector Crozier; from their guns until forced to retreat - 177 dead, wounded or captured on
command of Fort Pitt, had reputation of incompetence, - First Nations withdraw; - Steele out of ammunition and withdraws; Gatling guns (early form of rapid-fire gun and - Federal government sends by Middleton’s soldiers; government side;
did not play a major role during the attack; - Strange broke off pursuit until - Otter, Strange and Irvine spend month of forerunner of modern machine gun); Major General Middleton and - May 13, Riel and his forces are - 80 dead or wounded on Riel’s side;
- That night, NWMP abandon Fort Pitt and make their reinforcements, supplies arrived. June chasing Big Bear; - After seven hours of fighting, First Nations 3,000 troops; defeated; - Reversal not enough to alter
way to Fort Battleford on the North Saskatchewan - Big Bear and his followers successfully forced Otter to withdraw; - Middleton adds 2,000 English- - May 15, Riel surrenders and is outcome of war;
River; elude capture. - Poundmaker then stepped in and stopped Canadian volunteers and later transported to Regina for trial; - Halts Major General Middleton’s
- Fort Pitt later looted, burned to ground, rebuilt 1886. the First Nations from attacking the retreating NWMP into his forces. - Dumont and others escape across advance on Batoche.
troops. border to Montana region.

Siege of Battleford
– March 30, 1885
- Band of Cree people are starving because of
declining bison populations;
- Approach town of Battleford;
- 500 white inhabitants flee to nearby Fort
Frog Lake Massacre 3 Battleford NWMP post, remain there for one
– April 2, 1885 - Chief Poundmaker (influential, young Cree
- Cree uprising led by Wandering Spirit chief) attempts negotiations for food with
(warrior chief of Big Bear’s band) attacks Indian Agent Rae but fails;
small town;
- Big Bear (main leader of Plains Cree
- Cree take food and supplies from abandoned 10
in the North Saskatchewan River area)
stores and houses despite Poundmaker’s Aftermath
attempts to stop them; – July 2 to Aug. 17, 1885
and his Cree, angry with unfair treaties - Most of town had already been looted by - Poundmaker and Métis surrender in May,
by Canadian government and dwindling Canadian soldiers. Poundmaker imprisoned;
buffalo population;
- July 2, Big Bear runs out of food and
- Decide to rebel after successful Métis
surrenders after a chase by the NWMP;
victory at Duck Lake;
- July 18, Big Bear taken to jail in Battleford;
- Gathered white settlers into a local
- July 24, Jackson found not guilty by reason
of insanity, sent to asylum in MB. escapes in
- Argument leads to murder of Thomas
November. flees to U.S.;
Quinn, town’s stubborn and unpopular
- Aug. 1, Riel tried in Regina, found guilty of
Indian Agent;
treason, sentenced to hang;
- Wandering Spirit fires first shot;
- Aug. 5, Sir John A. Macdonald requests
- Cree kill nine settlers and take three
murder charges be laid against First Nations
involved at Frog Lake massacre;
- William Cameron only white, male
- Aug. 14, Métis Riel followers tried, get prison
survivor writes book, Blood Red Sun,
sentences ranging from one to seven years;
describing his experience.
- Aug. 17, Poundmaker found guilty, sentenced
to three years in jail, states he would rather
hang than be imprisoned.
- 1884: Métis ask Louis
Riel to return to the
area that would laer
become Saskaatchewan
from the U.S. where
he had fled after the
Red River Rebellion) 11
and appeal to federal Riel hanged at Regina
government on their behalf; – Nov. 16, 1885
- Executed at police barracks;
- Métis alarmed by new process for land - Nov. 17, rumour started that NWMP police
allotment by Ontario settlers and over- kicked Riel’s body before placing him in coffin;
hunting of their chief food source, the
Mass Execution
12 - Catholic Church outraged and coffin is
bison; - Dr. Augustus Jukes examines body, finds no
- Riel, Gabriel Dumont and Honoré at Fort Battleford evidence of abuse;
– Nov. 27, 1885
Jackson (Riel’s press secretary) - Nov. 20, body laid to rest in cemetery of the
- In largest mass execution in Canadian
Cathedral of St. Boniface in Winnipeg.
form Provisional Government of history, Wandering Spirit and seven other First
Nations men hanged for Frog Lake massacre;
Saskatchewan; - Buried in common grave outside fort gates.
- Hope to influence federal government
and preserve rights and culture of
– Compiled by Jenn Sharp

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Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.com D6

SUMMER Frog Lake

EVENTS Massacre
June 5
The Gathering Festival — Prince
Albert (www.princealberttourism.com)
Prince Albert has been historically
a day
known as “the gathering place” and
Prince Albert Tourism has planned
a day for families to tell their stories
of infamy
in a place of neutrality and peace. By Jenn Sharp
Organizers say it will be a chance for The StarPhoenix
for “resolution and reconciliation,”
and the site will be dedicated to all
nations who now share this place.
A site on Warriors Hill will also be
dedicated to all who fought in the
Resistance of 1885.
I n 1885, many Cree (and other)
tribes were starving, a situa-
tion that led to an uprising and
eventual massacre of Frog Lake
settlers on April 2.
That day would become known as
June 18 the Frog Lake Massacre and would
Commemoration of original lead to the largest mass execution in
Humboldt land and the 1885 North- Canadian history.
west Resistance (Humboldt-www.
humboldtmuseum.ca). The free Wandering Spirit was the warrior
commemorative event will explore chief of Big Bear’s band of Plains
the stories of the original Humboldt Cree people in 1885.
land and the events of 1885 through In traditional First Nations
an exciting multi-media presenta- culture, the leadership of the band
tion. Following the program, every- was assumed in times of conflict
one is invited to the new tourist area by the warrior chief and Wandering
at the original Humboldt townsite, Spirit’s decisions superseded those
where visitors can discover fascinat- of Big Bear, who pleaded the Cree
ing stories of courage, heartache and to negotiate with words, rather than
adversity. The Humboldt telegraph —SP Photo by Peter Wilson
station, built in 1878 on the Carl- Jamie Benson, manager An editorial published on March
ton Trail, was instrumental in the 13, 1885, in the Saskatchewan
development of Western Canada. of Prince Albert’s Herald newspaper stated that Big
The station also played a pivotal museum, stands outside Bear had not complied with the
military role during the Northwest the historical log build- Canadian government’s request for
Resistance of 1885. ing used as a blockade all First Nations people to stay on
during the 1885 the reserves.
Canadian Red Cross re-dedica- Resistance According to the editorial, the
tion of Red Cross flag — Bathoche government told him that if he and
National Historic Site of Canada his followers had not settled down
(www.parkscanada.gc.ca/batoche) by the beginning of 1885, their food
The event will be held in conjunc- rations would be cut off.
tion with Saskatoon’s Marr Resi-
dence (the house served as a field
hospital during the 1885 Resistance)
and will include both the Saskatoon
Prince Albert’s connection The threat was apparently carried
out because Big Bear’s band did not
comply with this order.
Red Cross and Canadian Red Cross.
June 21, 22
to the Northwest Resistance Wandering Spirit was angered
at what he felt were unfair treaties
and mistreatment by the Canadian
Aboriginal Day Celebrations By Jenn Sharp assault on Riel was printed July 25: “To talk of rebel- government and also by the ever
for The StarPhoenix lion now, is simply bosh. The government could bring dwindling buffalo population, his
(Batoche — www.parkscanada. band’s main source of food.
gc.ca/batoche). The two-day celebra- us to our knees simply by removing the machinery of
tion is hosted by the Gabriel Dumont
Institute, Friends of Batoche, Parks
Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs
Canada in honour of National Aborigi-
P rince Albert has a long and rich history and
has been known as “the gathering place” for
thousands of years by First Nations.
It was also home to a group of citizens who asked
Louis Riel to return from Montana in 1884 and plead
civilized government.”
Riel had been careful, thus far, not to incite violence
or any type of revolt, but that did not stop the citizens
of Prince Albert from becoming very fearful of a First
Metis victory
The Métis victory over 90 Prince
Albert volunteers and Northwest
nal Day. The festival will feature book Nations and Métis uprising. Mounted Police at Duck Lake on
launches from aboriginal artists, Métis their case to the federal government, an act that would Later that summer, settlers even planned to move
eventually lead to the Northwest Resistance in 1885. east to escape the danger and alarm quickly spread to March 26 encouraged Wandering
jiggers, and First Nations drummers and Spirit to rebel.
fiddle players. Many of the First Nations and Métis people, along the townsmen who had supported Riel in the spring.
with white settlers in the area were united in 1884 by By the spring of 1885, Prince Albert settlers aban- He and his followers attacked a
their grievances against the government. doned the Métis cause. small town near Frog Lake (now in
June 25 Alberta.) They gathered all of the
Commemorative days Battle of The Métis people’s discontent spread, and included While the battles of the Northwest Resistance never
those in settlements from St. Louis to Batoche and St. reached the town of Prince Albert, settlers there were white settlers from the area into a
Duck Lake (www.dlric.org). A com- local church and, after arguing with
memoration ceremony will be held Catherine. They were worried about an assault on their prepared.
traditional lifestyle, brought upon by the Hudson’s Bay A log building still stands today in Kinsmen Park Thomas Quinn, the settlement’s
for the Battle of Duck Lake, which often stubborn and unpopular
took place on March 26, 1885. The Company and new settlers from eastern Canada, who and, according to Jamie Benson, the manager of Prince
ceremony is open to the public and were hunting the buffalo to near-extinction. Albert’s Historical Museum,it was used as a block- Indian Agent, Wandering Spirit
will include Willow Cree drum- A detailed account was written by Gary Abrams in house in 1885. fired the first shot, leaving Quinn
mers and dancers and prayers and 1966, titled Prince Albert: The First Century, 1866- The building was located at the corner of the town dead.
speeches. The ceremony will be at 1966, and provides considerable background into these and the rifle slots are still visible today. The Cree then attacked the set-
the Duck Lake Regional Interpretive events. “They stored weapons and ammunition there as well tlers, killing nine men and taking
Centre and will be followed by a fid- White settlers had a long history of discontent with as using it for an outpost and a look-out tower. There three captive.
dling and dance cabaret at the sports the government, regarding things like imposed tariffs were a lot of fears at the time the battles would reach Theresa Gowanlock and Theresa
grounds. Cabaret tickets are $10. on crown lumber used by settlers or the privatization the town,” he says. Delaney were the only women
of the flour industry, which prevented many farm- Besides Prince Albert’s involvement in the North- to survive. William Cameron (a
June 26 ers from selling to the First Nations people or to the west Resistance, a hill and area by the river has been Hudson’s Bay Company employee)
Commemoration music festival Northwest Mounted Police. known for centuries by First Nations as a place for was the only male survivor and
— Duck Lake (www.dlric.org). A On April 11, 1884, The Prince Albert Times vision quests and healing. would go on to write a book about
pancake breakfast kicks off the day reported a quote from a disgruntled resident, who Known as Wounded Warriors Hill and The Gather-
said, “Some of the government officials here are fast ing Place, these areas are sacred, indigenous places for his experiences, titled Blood Red
at 9 a.m., followed by an educa- Sun.
tional workshop from Métis fiddler becoming obnoxious to the people. . . . (The) wonder the Dakota Oyate people.
is that they have been tolerated so long.” Leo Omani, a Dakota elder, says his ancestors were The massacre prompted the
John Arcand about the history of Canadian government to realize the
the Red River Jig. Enjoy the best of The agitation shared by both sides made the town historically known as the buffalo people.
of Prince Albert (which then numbered about 700 They inhabited an area known as the Great Bison severity of the growing unrest in the
Saskatchewan’s aboriginal musical Northwest Territories and, on Nov.
talent with performances by Andrea people) the centre of a protest movement which would Belt, which encompassed Western Canada and the
soon embrace the entire northwest region. Prince Albert region. Cree and Dené people came to 27, 1885, hanged Wandering Spirit
Menard, Ovide Pilon, Liverpool, and seven other Crees at Fort Bat-
Terri-Anne Strongarm and Donny Shortly after, on May 10, The Times published a join the Dakotas and all nations expanded, along with
scathing editorial, labelling the Dominion government, the Métis, after the establishment of fur trading posts tleford for their role in the massacre.
Parenteau. Children’s activities will The bodies were buried in a com-
be provided throughout the day by “a greedy, grasping, overbearing bully” and concluded near Prince Albert in 1751.
Fort Carlton. The cost is $25 per by saying, “Where they get the information which Major small pox epidemics would later eradicate mon grave outside the fort gates.
person, $10 for students, children induces them to believe the people are likely to submit much of the population. The day before he died, Wander-
five and under free. much longer, we do not know; but we can answer Prince Albert Tourism, along with the Dakota and ing Spirit received a visit from
them that they need not look for their friends among Cree people, is dedicating Warriors Hill and The Cameron, and tells him his reasons
June 27 the Canadians, half breeds or Indians, as they are likely Gathering Place as ‘new’ cultural and historical sites for killing the settlers: “Four years
Trial of Louis Riel play — Duck soon to be made aware of in a manner at once startling for Prince Albert. ago we were camped on the Mis-
Lake (www.reilcoproductions.com). and unpleasant.” A Cree story tells of a warrior wounded during souri River in the Long Knives
The second-longest running play in The editorial was translated into French and circu- the battle of Batoche in 1885, who came to the hill Land (U.S.A.). Riel was there,
Canada is based on the transcripts lated to the Métis people. because he knew it to be a place of healing. trading whiskey to the Indians.
from Riel’s trial. John Coulter wrote A settlers ‘union meeting’ was held in May and A site will be dedicated there to honour all of those He gave us liquor and said he
the play in 1967. attended by many in Prince Albert, including the who during the 1885 Resistance. would make war on this country.
town’s founder, James Isbister. Below Wounded Warriors Hill, at the mouth of the He asked us to join him in wiping
June 28 - July 2 It was decided to ask Riel for help in presenting their Shell River, is an area known as The Gathering Place.
grievances to the Canadian government. This special place was a protected site where stories out all Canadians. . . . Last fall,
125th Commemoration of the Riel sent word to us that when the
1885 Battle of Poundmaker Hill Four delegates from that meeting brought Riel to and news could be shared, ceremonies held, and hunt-
Prince Albert later that summer. ing parties coordinated. leaves came out the half-breeds
— Poundmaker Cree Nation (info would rise and kill all whites.
at 306- 398-4971 Ext. 239). The On July 19, the now-famous meeting with Louis It will be dedicated to honour the ancient memory
Riel was held in Preston Hall on River Street. of the bison hunters of the Prince Albert Region who The Long Knives would come.
commemoration event will kick off They would buy the land, pay the
with a Treaty Annuities Day and Abrams writes, “Riel assured all that ‘their object gathered here to share stories, have ceremonies, trade
would be gained faster if they acted orderly and peace- medicines, make peace and inter-marry. Indians plenty of money for it, and
a grand re-opening of the Pound- afterwards, trade with them. All
maker historical centre. The week ably.’” Omani says these places are now for all nations,
The first stage of a movement that would unite the “past, present and future,” especially those who are the tribes who wished to benefit
will include treaty forums and a must rise too, and help rid the
medicine chest task force group northwest was beginning in Prince Albert. going through times of conflict.
meeting. There will also be a However, by September the movement to unite the “(The Dakota) have always shared their healing country of Canadians.”
reconciliation gathering for Indian white settlers and Métis had lost momentum largely ceremonies with others,” he explains and invites all —Frog Lake is now a small, Cree
residential school survivors. On because of aggressive Tory assaults, led by The Times to come and share their story as “part of the healing community and has been declared a
July 2, a re-enactment of the Battle and directed at landowners and merchants. One such process.” National Historic Site of Canada.
of Poundmaker Hill will be held.
July 1
Fort Carlton 200th birthday and
Canada Day celebrations — Fort
Carlton Provincial Park (www.
tpcs.gov.sk.ca/FortCarlton). A day
full of activities, including tea at
the teepee, beading, setting up a
mini teepee, retro-toy making,
a children’s archaeological dig, Louis Riel’s councillors were
‘tracking’ animals, scavenger hunt, held as prisoners in 1885
guessing games and Gabriel the Ox
& His Red River Cart. Don’t miss
the Canada Day and Fort Carlton’s
—Saskatchewan Archives Board R-B714-1
birthday cake.
n Continued on Page D7
Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.com D7

A catch basin of memories SUMMER

q Fort Pitt rich in history as many explorers passed through its walls July 2-4
International Competition Pow
By Peter Wilson Wow — Poundmaker Cree Nation
of The StarPhoenix (306-398-4971 Ext. 239). Everyone
is welcome to attend the drug and
alcohol-free powwow, which is

hen Wayne Brown scans the land-
scape ahead, he’s adding a gener-
ous overlay of history to a famliar
We are touring the area where Fort Pitt once
part of the North American circuit.
Dancers, drummers and singers from
across Canada and U.S. will compete.

stood. An early Hudson’s Bay Post and base for July 2-4
a NWMP detachment, Fort Pitt is now a catch Fransaskois festival — Back to
basin of memories from the momentous events Batoche grounds (www.parkscanada.
that fired up the country 125 years ago. gc.ca/batoche). Saskatchewan’s
“This portion of the province, adjacent to the French cultural festival will be held in
North Saskatchewan River, is so rich in history a weekend full of music, theatre and
it absolutely reeks,’’ says Brown. celebration of the province’s French
In his mind’s eye, the amateur historian and heritage.
writer is back in 1885, musing on the part the
region played in the Northwest Resistance. July 3
Not far from here, nine people, including two The story of the Saskatoon field
Roman Catholic priests, were murdered at Frog hospital — Marr Residence, Saska-
Lake in April of that year, and all hell broke toon (www.meewasin.com/educa-
loose in this part of west-central Saskatchewan. tion/marr). The Marr Residence is
Soon afterwards, Cree warriors laid siege the oldest building in Saskatoon and
to Fort Pitt, forcing the defending North West stands on its original site. The house
Mounted Police to escape down the ice-filled was built in 1884 by Sandy Marr
river to Fort Battleford. and in 1885, the house served as a
“They only had a short time to make their field hospital during the Northwest
escape, which they did towards dark. They Resistance.
pulled a scow down to the river, got it afloat and
piled in and made the harrowing journey all the July 4
way to Battleford,’’ Brown says. Field hospital re-enactment —
Rising from the river valley, the flat land Marr Residence, Saskatoon (www.
where the fort stood blends in with the broad meewasin.com/education/marr)
expanse of Prairie that climbs away to the
horizon. While there’s interpretive panels are July 10
original buildings once stood, you’ll also need —SP Photo by Peter Wilson Re-dedication of Fort Pitt- Fort Pitt
some imagination to help stir the visions of the Wayne Brown looks around the historical site of Fort Pitt Provincial Park (www.tpcs.gov.sk.ca/
past if you visit here. FortPitt). A ceremony will be held
Fort Pitt is rich in heritage. The first fort was to be erie about, he says, strolling through the the historical sites of the area. to recognize the importance of Fort
built in 1829, and hosted many of the early old fort graveyard recently rejuvinated by Sas- They journeyed not only to not designated Pitt, established in 1829, and its role
explorers who happened to be passing through, katchewan Parks. historic sites, but included militia camps, Cree in the fur trade, the signing of Treaty
says Brown. The tranquil cemetery isn’t the only legacy camps, long forgotten trails and sites of small Six and in the Northwest Resistance
A second fort was built after the original that shows the tenuous nature of life during that “fire-fights” such as Pipestone Creek between of 1885.
one burned down. Even before the Northwest era. Steele and Memmnook, a Saddle Lake Alberta
Resistance, the remote enclave had witnessed “Somewhere, not far from the fort, there’s Cree warrior. July 14-16; 21-23; 28-30
violence. a mass grave of probably hundreds of First In a year marking a long list of 1885 celebra- The Trial of Louis Riel — MacK-
“There was even a real ‘Wild West’ gunfight Nations people who died in the small pox epi- tions, Brown is particularly looking forward to enzie Art Gallery, Regina (www.riel-
demics and who knows who else.’’ reconnecting with Steele’s Scouts, a Calgary coproductions.com). The second-lon-
between two American gold seekers in March gest running play in Canada is based
1859. One guy died of his wounds, the other Today, the Fort Pitt site contains the archaeo- group of riders and historic re-enactors who will
logical remains of the two different posts. be visiting the area this fall. on the transcripts from Riel’s trial,
was slightly wounded,” Brown says. in November of 1885. John Coulter
The second fort was really a conglomeration Interpretive panels explain the post’s history From Sept. 1-8, Steele’s Scouts will make a
and a National Historic Sites and Monuments re-enactment trail ride on horseback from Frog wrote the play in 1967 and the issues
of buildings. The fact it was a fort in name only, surrounding the trial, such as justice,
possessing no palisades and a zero inventory of plaque commemorates Big Bear and the signing Lake southeast to Fort Pitt.
of Treaty Six. By Sept. 4, they will be in Frenchman Butte land, language, race and religion are
big guns, says Brown. still valid discussion points today.
Brown began exploring the history of the and afterwards will travel cross-country to ter-
uprising back around 1972 when his family took mination ceremonies at Steele Narrows on Loon
NWMP headquarters a camping holiday that included an itinerary of Lake Sept. 7. July 17-25
Nevertheless, it was headquarters for a detach- most of the sites of the Rebellion. That was long They’ll be 50 Scouts and numerous other ‘Back to Batoche Days’ — Back to
ment of NWMP under the command Insp. before there was much serious development of riders says Brown, who adds that there should Batoche Grounds (www.backtobato-
Francis Dickens, son of Charles Dickens. the sites. be a large public presence as the riders are very che.ca). To celebrate and remember
“Dickens had less than a sterling reputation When he took an early retirement from his colourful individuals and are real characters. the 125th anniversary of the North-
as a leader, and it wasn’t long after he escaped career as a conservation officer in Alberta, he set The whole scene will offer a glimpse of the west Resistance, this eight-day family
with his men to Battleford that he would quit the to increasing his research of the 1885 Resis- drama of 125 years ago, he says, an added festival will feature square dancing,
force he’d served in for a dozen years. But the tance. dimension of excitement sparkling in his eyes. jigging and fiddling competitions,
fort was totally non-defendable, and you can’t Four years later, his extensive efforts led to the The anniversary opens the door to opportuni- rodeo, chariot and chuckwagon races,
blame Dickens for abandoning it during the publishing of “Steele’s Scouts,” a book that tied ties for more research, he says. Metis musical performances and
Rebellion,” Brown says. his work together. Much of our local history is still lying in wait programs for children and youth. Day
While there is little evidence of the actual The Scouts were formed by Inspector Samuel of discovery, only recently has either federal or passes are $10 to $20, and festival
fort’s presence, it’s still a fascinating place to B. Steele and were a cavalry unit of the Alberta provincial governments developed any interest passes are $35 or $50. Children 12
visit, Brown adds. Field Force under the command of Maj.-Gen.l in the historic sites of Frenchman Butte, Fort Pitt and under free.
“Go there on a calm autumn evening and the Thomas Bland Strange. and Steele Narrows, Brown says.
whole place is alive with ghosts. I’m not kid- Brown has praise for the late Edgar Mapletoft, “It’s a bad business to develop an interest in July 17
ding, you can feel the presence of them in the another local history buff who was an immense our heritage as it festers inside of you. As one Parks Day — Batoche National
dusty fall air.’’ help to him in proofing the book. He was also a question is answered, that produces 10 more to Historic Site of Canada (www.
It is a truly eerie feeling, but then there’s lots knowledgeable companion on Brown’s tours of search out.’’ parkscanada.gc.ca/batoche). A day
of bird watching and nature walking
will be held at Batoche for Canada
Parks Day. Parks Day began 20 years

Telegraph station played a pivotal role ago as a nationwide partnership to

celebrate the importance of our parks
and the contribution they make to
healthy and diverse ecosystems.

W hile military action of the

1885 Northwest Resistance
was unfolding across the
region, a lonely prairie communications
post was playing a crucial background role
telegraph station on their way to crush the
Middleton even left a detachment behind
to guard the station from the possibility of
sabotage. Lt. Col. George T. Denison was
July 18
Celebrating Fur Trading Days
— Fort Carlton Provincial Park
in the turmoil. in command at Humboldt and his column (www.tpcs.gov.sk.ca/FortCarlton)
Close to present-day city, the Humboldt consisted of about 450 men and an exten- Fort Carlton is the original site of a
Telegraph Station, received and trans- sive amount of supplies. Hudson’s Bay Company fur trad-
mitted information in support of Gen. “During those days, my time was princi- ing post that operated between 1810
Middleton’s advances on Louis Riel’s pally spent in the telegraph station,” Deni- and 1885. The site houses a recon-
forces throughout the conflict. son said in his book, Soldiering in Canada. structed palisade, fur and provisions
Fortified with trenches and defended by “Dispatches came pouring in from all store, trade store, clerk’s quarters, and
a strong force of militia, the remote station points, from General Strange, from Win- teepee encampment. Artifacts such
kept its solitary telegraph line open despite nipeg, from Battleford, from Qu’Appelle, as buffalo hides and beaver pelts on
other lines being severed by Riel’s forces. display.
Swift Current, etc., all demanding attention
“The station here was the end of the line from the General. It took about two days to
because the line was cut to limit commu- Aug. 8
get dispatches to the General at Batoche, Fiddles, Pipes and Drums — Fort
nications,” says Jennifer Hoesgen, curator and a reply back. On May 9th, the first
of the Humboldt and District Museum and Carlton Provincial Park (www.tpcs.
day of the fighting at Batoche, I had sent gov.sk.ca/FortCarlton). To further
Gallery. Trooper Scholfield with dispatches to the
On March 23, 1885, the Winnipeg Daily celebrate the 200th anniversary of
General. He got into General Middleton’s Fort Carlton and the heritage of the
News reported that “the reported uprising entrenchment safely, and some hours after
of Riel at Carlton, announced by dis- area’s earliest settlers, a music festival
he was sent back with a parcel of telegrams featuring bagpipes and Scottish drum-
patches from Humboldt, N.W.T., beyond to bring to me, and on his return he reported
which the lines have been cut, is causing mers will be held at the historical site.
that he had been fired at four times in get-
great excitement . . . the telegraph wires ting away. A bullet was afterwards found
have been cut northwest of Humboldt, Aug. 14
imbedded in his horse’s neck.” The Siege of Battleford — Fort
thereby cutting off communication and Archeologists still find the occasional
necessitating the carrying of messages on Battleford National Historic Site of
bully beef tin, pottery pieces and numer- Canada Organizers for the event aim
horseback.” ous cartridge casings from the time of the
Inside the museum, Hoesgen is recon- to give visitors a glimpse into what
necting with those events that shaped Resistance. life was like for the 500 civilians
Saskatchewan’s history. Last year, the 80 acres of land where the who took shelter at the fort in the
—SP Photo by Peter Wilson telegraph station stood were purchased
We’re up on the top floor of the popular spring of 1885. Interpretive vignettes
facility, and Hoesgen is providing a human Jennifer Hoesgen taps out Morse code using private donations and has been depict the atmosphere of tension and
touch to the historical exhibition that at the telegraph station display in Humboldt handed over to the City of Humboldt. uncertainty, while allowing visitors to
surrounds her in a recreated version of the The stewardship of this project will be ‘meet’ the people involved.
original telegraph station’s interior. It was just eight kilometres southwest of the overseen by the original Humboldt commit-
Here, visitors can step inside a log cabin and museum where the original Humboldt Telegraph tee for the Humboldt and District Museum and Sept. 1-7
travel back more than 130 years to discover what Station was located, a tiny communications post Gallery board of directors, says Hoesgen. Sam Steele Scout’s re-enactment
communications were like before telephones and that played an important role in the drama that “In the ongoing archeological investigations at ride — Frog Lake, Alta., to Steele
long before the birth of the Internet. played out across the prairies in May 1885. the site, we’re making some exciting discoveries, Narrows, Sask. During the Northwest
She says young visitors are particularly awed by Strategically placed alongside the busy Carlton such as where the earth works constructed by the Resistance, Gen. Strange formed his
the display. After checking out the early telegra- Trail, the Dominion Telegraph Station and stage soldiers are located,” she says. militia and relied on NWMP Superin-
phy equipment on display, young students can depot was the centre point between Fort Edmon- On June 18, an official commemoration of the tendent Sam Steele for a scouting
tap out the dots and dashes of Morse code on a ton in the west and Fort Garry to the east. land and the unveiling of information signage at force. Steele’s Scouts were to act as
interactive telegraph computer station. Since the station’s construction in 1878, it had the site will take place. the leading position for Strange’s
From a chronological perspective, the 19th cen- provided a welcome break for travellers mak- That same day, the community will present militia, and served with aggressive
tury technology that Hoesgen’s demonstrating is a ing the difficult 60-day journey between the two “Trail of Louis Riel” at Humboldt’s historic distinction throughout the campaign.
long way from the museum’s touch screen interac- settlements. Court House. Members of today’s Sam Steele
tive monitors. But the rapid tapping of her finger When Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont gathered —WILSON Scout’s stage an annual re-enactment
on the small key provide echoes of Humboldt’s their forces at Batoche in the spring of 1885, —You can view the museum’s website at www. ride of the path taken by the Scouts
connections with the tumultuous events of 1885. Gen. Middleton and his army camped near the humboldtmuseum.ca for more information. in 1885.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TheStarPhoenix.com D8

Codd Flag’s storied history

W hile the Red Cross flag had flown during
European conflicts since the mid-1860s,
its use to identify refuges for wounded first
began in Canada in the 1885 Northwest Resistance.
Parks Canada says that one such flag story is from
the memoirs of Colour Sgt. C.F. Winters who fought
with Lieut.-Col. W.D. Otter at Cut Knife Hill.
Winters provided medical care to wounded soldiers at
Such a banner, now known as the “Codd Flag,” the end of this engagement and talks of gathering cot-
belonged to Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Alfred Codd of the ton sheets and red flannel to make up a Red Cross flag.
Winnipeg Field Battery who tended wounded soldiers The flying of another flag is recorded in the memoir
in the battles of Fish Creek and Batoche. of George S. Ryerson, a physician and member of the
A designated Heritage property, it now hangs in the Royal Grenadiers of Toronto who also travelled west
offices of the Red Cross in Regina. with his regiment in March of 1885.
Another surviving flag is located in the national Parks Canada says Ryerson explained in his
office of the Canadian Red Cross in Ottawa. memoirs that he tended the wounded of both sides at
The Codd Flag, is was one of possibly three Red Batoche and constructed his flag . . . “of factory cot-
Cross flags flown during the 1885 Northwest Resis- ton and sewed on it a Geneva Red Cross made from
tance, a campaign that marked the first time the Red pieces of Turkey red which I got from the ammunition
Cross flag ever flew in Canada. column.”
Parks Canada says a variety of reports of the North- As for the Codd Flag, memories told through Codd’s
—SP Photo by Peter Wilson
west Resistance mention the three Red Cross flags, daughter “recalls her father going out with the Win-
Amanda Ulrich of the Canadian Red Cross looks each handmade and each associated with a different nipeg Field Battery to the Rebellion and his returning
at the Codd Flag on display at the Regina branch group or individuals. with the flag which flew over his medical cart.”

Gatling gun arrives in Sask.

By Peter Wilson
of The StarPhoenix

W hen Scott Whiting, site man-

ager of Fort Battleford National
Historic Site tours the facility’s
Interpretive Centre, he’s particularly enam-
oured with the vintage Gatling gun that is on
The Gatling gun was one of the first effec-
tive machine guns used in battle and two of
them were part of the militia’s ordinance
as they advanced on the First Nation and
Metis forces. In 1885 two Gatling guns were —SP Photo by Peter Wilson
loaned on a trial basis by the Colt Firearms Scott Whiting, site manager at Fort
Company to the Canadian Militia. Battleford National Historic Site,
One of the Gatlings, manned by Captain
A.L. Howard of the Connecticut National with the vintage Gatling gun
Guard, was part of Middleton’s forces at around a central shaft. Mounted directly
Batoche. The second Gatling came to Fort behind the barrels is the crank-operated load-
Battleford with Colonel Otter’s column. ing, ejecting and firing mechanism.
While it was a “state of the art’’ weapon,
it wasn’t destined to play a major role in the Ammunition was fed into the gun by
1885 conflict. Manned by men from ‘B’ Bat- gravity from a magazine mounted above the
tery, the Gatling achieved relatively little at weapon. The Gatling gun was operated by
Cut Knife Hill, although it did provide effec- turning a side-mounted crank which revolved
tive covering fire while the troops retired the barrels around the central shaft, each bar-
from the battlefield, says Whiting. rel being loaded, fired and re-loaded during
“While its firepower wasn’t fully utilized every revolution. The gunner could control
during the campaign, the gun not surpris- the rate of fire by turning the crank handle.
ingly had a tremendous psychological effect The Gatling gun at Fort Battleford is a
on the battlefield,’’ Whiting says. 1876 model and used .45/70 ‘Government’
The Gatling gun is not the actual gun that calibre. The standard U.S. military rifle car-
came to Battleford in 1885, but it is an origi- tridge from 1873-92, ammunition, it became
nal piece from that period. famous for its use in the “trapdoor” Spring-
The gun’s firepower consists of a number field carbines carried by Custer’s 7th Cavalry
of rifle-calibre, breech-loading barrels fitted at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

A photo of the plaque which provides a direct link to 1885

Grandpa and Riel

q Long-time journalist’s personal connection
to a major player in this province’s history
By Ned Powers the North-West Campaign 1885.
for The StarPhoenix The battalion came west by train. There
were gaps in the new railway system and

F ordyce Allan Powers was an 18-

year-old from Port Hope, Ont., when
he volunteered to join the Midland
Battalion and head west to suppress what is
commonly known as the Riel Rebellion.
the young soldiers walked at times in snow,
several feet deep, and in temperatures of 20
On May 4, the battalion arrived by
steamer at Clark’s Crossing. On May 5, they
He was a member of Company E, which travelled on the Northcote to Fish Creek,
was led by Lieut-Col. A.T.H Williams, a practising on the Gatling gun while en
distinguished soldier from Ontario and wit- route.
ness to the surrender of Louis Riel on May On May 7, the Northcote steamed towards
15, 1885. Batoche. During the period from May 9-12,
The success against Riel was somewhat the Battle of Batoche took place, with heavy
tempered by the death of Williams, who fighting, and with Williams leading the
suffered from inflammation of the brain and Midlanders in a break-through against the
died aboard the steamer, North West, on Metis lines.
July 5. A telegram recounts the events of May 15:
Fordyce Powers was my grandfather. “Riel has just been brought in at half-past
I only remember meeting him once. When three this afternoon.
I was 11 years old and living on a home- “There was no demonstration. He walked
stead in the Peace River country, he came quietly into the general’s tent, appearing to
to visit. take the event in a nonchalant manner. The
I remember him as a kind, gentle, funny result was generally expected as it had been
man, who came with all the tricks of being a rumoured that he wanted to surrender.”
practical joker. In grandpa’s obituary, which appeared in
Less than a year later, on April 22, 1942, The StarPhoenix, there was mention that he
he died in Saskatoon at the age of 77. saw action in the chase for Big Bear, took
My fond souvenir of grandpa’s life is the part in the capture of Chief Poundmaker
last letter he wrote. and was in contact with Riel after the Metis
Significant among its contents was the leader had been arrested.
joy he received from hearing the Toronto Grandpa’s division turned up at Bat-
Maple Leafs beat the Detroit Red Wings in tleford, Fort Pitt and Frog Lake, mostly on
the Stanley Cup final, important because it missions to insure peace.
was the first time a team had ever bounced The Midland Battalion returned July 19
back from a three-game deficit to win four to Toronto’s Union Station, where they
straight and the cup. were overwhelmed by the magnitude of the
Given the career choice I eventually reception.
made, there’s regret that grandpa might have Grandpa wanted to enlist in South
one day become a newspaperman’s dream Africa’s Boer War but his parents strongly
interview. objected and wouldn’t let him go.
He was part of perhaps Saskatchewan’s Two of his sons fought in the First World
most historical event. War, my uncle Clarence, who died from
My cousin, Gerry, possesses the North- injuries sustained in battle, and my father,
west 1885 Canada medal, with Queen Allan, who in spite of being gassed at Vimy
Victoria’s portrait adorning the front and Ridge, lived until he was 94.
a wreath of maple leaves surrounding the Another of his sons, Walter, served in the
inscription on the back. Second World War.
There is also a copy of the E Division Although true easterners in their early
photo. There are some newspaper clippings. lives, my grandfather and grandmother set-
The most valuable resource in charting tled in the west at Tugaske, near Moose Jaw,
grandpa’s trip west came from Saskatoon in 1917, and lived there for seven years.
historian Dennis Fisher, who found invalu- Then they lived in both Regina, where he
able information from a book, Telegrams of was employed by the CNR, and Saskatoon.

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