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Performance Task General Rubric

Understanding Planning and Execution Communication Persistence

• Shows complete understanding • Uses only the important elements of • There is a clear, effective explanation of • Works hard on the task
of the required the task. the solution. All steps are included so the and doesn’t need much
mathematical/scientific • Uses an appropriate and complete reader does not have to infer how the task help.
knowledge. strategy for solving the problem. was completed. • Student may extend his
• The solution completely • Uses only relevant information. • Mathematical/scientific representation is thinking beyond the
4 addresses all actively used as a means of problem and make new
• Uses clear and effective diagrams,
mathematical/scientific tables, charts and graphs. communicating ideas. connections or create new
components presented in the • There is precise and appropriate problems.
task. mathematical/scientific terminology and
• Shows nearly complete • Uses most of the important elements • There is a clear explanation. • Works hard on the task
understanding of required of the task. • There is appropriate use of accurate and only gets help after
mathematical/scientific • Uses an appropriate but incomplete mathematical/scientific representation. having tried many
3 knowledge. strategy for solving the problem. • There is effective use of mathematical/ strategies given
• The solution addresses almost all • Uses most of the relevant data. scientific terminology and notation. throughout.
of the mathematical/scientific • Appropriate but incomplete use of • Completes task, working
components presented in the diagrams, tables, charts and graphs. dutifully at the harder parts
task. There may be minor errors. also.
• Shows some understanding of the • Uses some important elements of • There is an incomplete explanation; it may • Can do simple parts of the
required mathematical/ scientific the task. not be clearly represented. problem with little help.
knowledge • Uses an inappropriate strategy or • There is some use of appropriate • Starts working on the
2 • The solution addresses some, but application of strategy is unclear. mathematical/scientific representation. harder parts, but unless
not all the mathematical/ • Uses some relevant data. • There is some use of mathematical/ there is help, gives up.
scientific components presented • Limited use or misuse of diagrams, scientific notation appropriate to the task.
in the task. tables, charts, and graphs.
• Shows limited or no • Uses none of the important elements • There is no explanation of the solution. • Needs help, even for the
understanding of the problem, of the task. The explanation cannot be understood, or very simple tasks.
perhaps only re-copying the given • Works haphazardly with no is unrelated to the task. • Gives up quickly, often just
1 data. particular strategy for solving the • There is no use or inappropriate use of wanting someone to give
• The solution addresses none of problem. mathematical/scientific representations. the answer.
the mathematical/scientific • Uses irrelevant data. • There is no use, or mostly inappropriate
components required to solve the • Does not show use of diagrams, use, of mathematical/scientific
task. tables, charts or graphs. terminology and notation.

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