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.Nrr.['M.61/{t0t267 Dated DisPur, the 30"1' March,2009


Subject.: I{elision of rate of 'Travelling Allorvance

in c:onnection vdth journr:y tbr medicaltreatnent.

Reference,: 'fhis clepartment O.M. No. Flr{.61/90/50, dated l8-03'1991 .

lrr partial modillcation of Finance Department's OiTce Memorandum under

rel'erenr:e. (iovern:rr ol. Assam is pleased to order that Travelling ltlloviance to the Covernment
Servanls/|et6iopei's tbr jouney in connection with medical treatment rvill strictly be ;lOverned by
the pro.visions rnacle in Rutes 13 & l4(a) of the Assam Medical Attendance Rules,2008 subject to

the conulirtipn lhar in additiorn to the eticket or jacket of the air-ticket, boarding pass should
invariablv with Traveling Allowance claims for such journey by air. .Iourney by
l,re ntf:echerl

air shall bc rrndertakcn in ,{per Fares r,vhercver possible and lly the Airlines tffering the
lowest lfnrr:s for the day of journey.

Im ense, horveyer, the journey is undertaken in a mode or class higher than the
class and rnode of entitlenrent, reimbunsement shall be allowed onl;y to the extent of entitlement
and the er.penditure incurred in excess of entitlement shall have to be bol ne by the
Governrn,ent employee/pensioner concerned,It is rnade clear that no proposal for sanction of
Travellirrgi t\llownnce for medical purpose beyond the entithlment of the G overnment
Servants/l[]ensiuners shall be entertained bv Government and no such case be ,'eferred to
Financc Dtepnrfnt,lnt.

'Ihr: Assam Medical Attendance Rules, 2008 will be applicable to th: All India
Service Ol'lir:ers rvlio opt lor thern during their tenure in the State. Thr:y should exercise this option

by giving 'i',rritten intimatiorr to this effect to tlie Personnel, Home & Political or Forest | )epartment,
as the cerse rnay be with a copy to the Finance (Audit &. Frnd) Department.

lr l 'I'LrLs;will come into force with immediate effect.

Sd/-( P. K.'fiwari)
/\-'#%": Commissioner and Secretary to the Government c f Assam,
Finance Department, Dispu.r. Guwahati - 781C06.

C rntd.......2


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