Army of The Lichemaster Better Scans

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Di - A u ® The Battle of Le Meera bac tr oe ~othe Cairns ‘ ee erica es cot em ect eo ene scnmules Bie tacrsme ace eer hag Pr Wowits Beer! BN Cote e im rcarer (ce aE Tito a oye ered MS RETURN OF THE WY f= LICHEMASTER Part One: Wood Elves clash with Heinrich Kemmler in the Battle of the Cairns Dark forces are at work, rmany of them ae fom eaty human Inthe winter of 2495, a dark and evil threatening the Wood Elves Pafaran cits some which being sought im hee. Te Es dre thought to owe thelr traditions to” ated ereature, cused and despised by realm of Athel Loren. In the i5- Nehekharan lands further south the Wood Elves was the Lichemaster first of a three-part serie Many priceless and powerfil arefacs ‘Heinrich Kemnr. A devious foe Mat Ward follows Heinrich were buried within these tombs, though Kemmler was often sighed twveling Kemmler and Krell as they the Wood hes, espe of sh through the forest sometimes alone, cs erin places and their long-dead inhabitants, often accompanied by a much larger, pet show ere ee leave them as they have lan for Srmoured igure ~ the Wight King, rel << peace of the forest. unis centures, slowly 0 be Bands of wood Fi Scouts would ofen fecimed by the forest Nevercless, sect conffont him, onl for him to there are many greedy tomb robbers __yanish ike mist onthe breeze, The atered through the wild heaths__who covet the ches within these bodes of other such sentis were Greece mb indothe ot ee feand meta dt y the eo foundess ancient burial calens, constancy bang against these magi or hacked apart bythe heay cmounds and barows Some ofthese tntefopers Sometimes, owever, the blows ofan axe. As the winter grew were built bythe frst ives dhat dive ins are sought for more sinister deeper the portents became ever more oom ‘on the edge ofthe forest, though a great reasons than simple greed, alte for Athel Loren. Mat: one of my favourite characters in the Warhammer background i the infamous Lichemaster, Heinrich Kemmler ‘Quite wi, really ean say — thous the hat. Asa happy coincidence, one of the beter Kemimler's grandiose schemes involves the Wood Elf ealm of Ail Loren. I've weltten 4 series of scenarios 0 re-enact the ‘Battle ofthe Calens. Along the wa, It somehow grew into a syhole slew of special characters, and even a variant army lis all foffwhich will unfold over the next couple of months. evil This cd by Great carrion, summoned by Kemmler ffom the southern deserts, begin 10 perch upon the cairns, serabbling and Aligging forthe bones ofthe lon Forgotten dead, With the forest sil slumbering in winter's embrace, the Eves could not ignore such an incursion, Yhil the Hawleeyed led his Kinband of Warhawk Riders sgainse the foul creatures. With sugprise on their side, the Elves descended upon the lundead beings, destroying many of them, before the others seemingly retreated from the forest Unfortunately, Kemmler was a more ‘cunning foe than the Asta gave him ‘credit for, Whilst the Elves batted his ‘minions, he and Krell were able to break {nto one of the largest ofthe ancient burial mounds ~ the tomb of a great, longlead king, Hiden from dhe eyes of the searching Elves in the sepulehre’s dank embrace, the Lichemaster carefully ‘counted the passing of the win moons through the dark skies, As no more sightings of Kemer were reported the Asta gradually, albeit Luneasily, abandoned theis hunt Midwinter arrived, and Athel Loren became weaker stil, Orion succumbed to the flames of his pyre, and Ariel began her slumber within the Oak of Ages. ICs then that Kemer struck. Under a spell of concealment, Kemer emerged from his hiding place and began to conduct a vile ritual, with knowledge stolen from the vals of the cursed Castle Vermisace, All across the Wild heat, the tombs and cairns were WAR ARANEER arrows before disappearing once more, Nevertheless their numbers were too few to hal the unlving A grand battle finally took place ina massive glade, deep within Athel Loren’s borders. Thousands of stoic Exernal Guard advanced oa the foe, led by the warsiorelder Sceolan, while Glade Riders galloped around the flanks, Overhead, Yehil the Hawk-eyed and his As the winter grew deeper, the portents became ever more dire for Athel Loren ‘opened from within by cold and lfetess skeletal hands, and bronze-bedecked ancient wartiors marched out to form a mighty army. Sereamning cacrion birds filled the skies asthe army of the undead marched through the soowdsifts and entered Athel Loren. Dark Deyads of winter, crone-like ant hateful, assailed Kemmler's army at every step. Waywatchers arose from the snow to launch their unessingly accurate Warhawk Rider kin swept down time and time again through the thick clouds bf rows and rivens fo attack the long: dead warriors. Many Elves were slain that dark day, but the Undead were Finally stopped, ancl Kemer shadow. fled away. This Was the farthest into Athel Loren any attack bi and as such the Wood Elve for vengeance against the hated Lichemaster, and are eveswatchfol for his return, #@ RETURN OF THE &* LICHEMASTER Part Two: Dust to Dust — Imperial year 2497 Mat Ward returns to Athel Loren to find Kemmler in the midst of raising an undead army, unaware that an alliance between the Forest Spirits and a Grail Knight is being forged. aving made his way safely across H dtkel Loren, Kemmler hao found the prize he sccks ~ an expansive barrow complex, bound and encircled ieih great power. nthe shelter ofthe Brclcnt tomb, the Lichemaster has Ample time to plan the next step of his Wile plan whilst, far above his head, orumin turns to mideinter and the forest becomes cree more dormant. Aer some swecks, Kemmler judges the ffnc o be right and emerges from the burrow. Under a spell of concealment, he begins timeless and terible ritual 2s the Wight Lord Krell ilenny stands gua. Reaching into the void with olen Knowledge he conjues dark Bete gy suas his undying minions from beneath Athel Loren, Everywhere in the barrow glade, tendrils of necromantic power sufuse the air and pierce the earth. For leagues around Kemmler’s rite, the trees wither land dic, as the very essence of life itself is stolen from them and rechannelled Tor the Lichemaster's dire ends. All across Athel Loren the forest screams in pain. Forest Dragons roar in frige and take flight, Dayads and Tree Kin are abruptly revived from th somnolence of winter. In the heart of the Oak of Ages, the stillsleeping form, of Ariel unconsciously perceives the events and weeps black tears, even as her mind reaches out to seek aid. The royal council ofthe Elves summons all kinbands to King’s Glade, yet, with the forest serithing in agony. many pathways are closed to Elves and theie army is Slow fo muster. Meanwhile. the Lichemaster’s ritual reaches its height and the tombs begin to open, breached from within by cold and lifeless skeletal hhands. With moss and lichen stil caked ‘upon their bones, the army beneath the barrows begins to sti into an awful parody of hfe. Driven wild by pain and Anges, many spirits ofthe forest hurl themselves at Kemmler and his awakening army, all thoughts of caution abandoned, Slowed by the cold, the first Diyas aggTree Kin are easy prey for among the mat | models available through 6 Workshop Direct and Banner Pole 9947020701702 Body 9947020701701 the Necromancer, who turns his magies ‘upon them and blasts them from. texistence without once sparing attention from his great work, Wave after wave of Deyads stream into the glade, only to meet the same fate and, with every ‘moment that passes, the Lichemas army grows stil stronger. Yer, a8 all seems lost, help arives from two somewhat unlikely quarters A Bretonnian Grail Knight, Sir Amaltic of Gaudaron, has been drawn fever loser to Athel Loren these past few days, guided by visions of the Lady. Even from the borders ofthe forest, Kemuler's handiwork is plain and, sensing a quest worthy of a Grail Knight, Amainic forces his steed to ride on through the sereaming skies and ‘writhing trees, Elsewhere in Athel Loren, the Branchwraith Drycha stands at the feet of the slumbering form of Durthu ~ even with the tumult around him, the Ancient slumbers as though nothing. ‘untoward is occurring, There is litle Jove lost between the renegade Branchwraith and the venerable ‘Treeman, yet she knows that only an Ancient can unite the disordered and desperate attacks of the forest sprit. Durthu is the only Ancient slumbering ‘lose enough to the ritual to intervene inutime and so Drycha begins to sing Bhim back ro wakefulness #S RETURN OF THE LICHEMASTER Part Three: The Field of Bones — Imperial year 2497 With his army at full strength, Heinrich Kemmler embarks on a major assault of Athel Loren. Mat Ward presents a complete army list and scenario as the Lichemaster executes the final stages of his plan. ‘emimier's plan has now reached Ke on, The ennaged attacks of the forest spit defenders of Al orem have done litle to halt his progress. For each unlving warrior torn down by sereeching Dryas, another three have aren from the silent tombs The ritual has now reached its peak and the skeleton legions hae been one by darker and more powerful creatures some raised from below, other called (0 Kemimlers side rom outside the forest or the Wood Elves, the suation s incredibly desperate With so mat foes assembling within their orders they can ‘ly survive this storm by killing the The forces of Kemmer endanger the fure of Athel Loven, forcing "he slumbering tree spirits 1.ance ‘again come 10s defence 92 RETURN OF THE LICHEMASTER Lichemaster or by grinding his army 10 powder. Neither course of aetion wil Be an easy one and, with Orion and Arie dormant, theie armies will be har ‘pressed to prevail, Ina last desperate ‘council, the warriorelder Secolan takes ‘command ofthe forces ~ including the ‘remnants of Drycha's ilMated assault on the glade ~ and leads them into bate against Kemmler’s grave-born army: Historically in che batle that was to follow, thousands of Elves lost their lives, fighting againse the seemingly neverending skeletal hordes that were the Lichemasters to command. Ulimately the battle was only won ‘when Sceolan led a handful of Eternal ‘Guard snxo combat with the Lichemaster And his bodyguard ‘Though Krell cat down Seeolan in the ensuing fight, Kemnaler was srievously wounded and, cloaking himself in magic, Ned the battlefield, abandoning his undead army and Krell to their fates. With the Lichemaster's ‘mind no longer guiding them, the army that he had raised swifly fll to the Fary ff the Wood Elves. Only Krell escaped the frozen glade, fleeing deeper into the forest with Dryads hard upon bis heels, ‘efight this tieanic struggle, and see ‘who will be victorious this ime Ss Overv ‘The ata crush th fal, the is doom: Histo The Glos Heinrich The Lich Heinrik Atsll is Necrom Warham the Arm later in The Wo inal 62 This se Wood £ player m special Amalie. normal: Doycha his isa Alterr This sce defende fs thereh Kemmler’s history is long, filled with dark deeds and terrible acts. His origins are clouded and his story reveals itself reluctantly, for Kemmler the only true source for these events and his word cannot be said to be free from bias. 2401- Already a powerful 2410 Necromancer, Kemmuler makes a journey to the lands of the Dead. Though most Tomb Kings react ‘with hostility to bis presence, be learns much from those who will treat with him. Kemmmler returns to the Old World with the goal of creating a realm that will rival the great Necropolises of the south. 2412 Kemmiler gathers a dozen lesser Necromancers to him and educates them further in the Dark Arts. Sensing the emergence of a rival, the Necrarch Brachnar the Damned subverts several of Kemmler's followers and forms the Council of Nine. 2415- 2419 Estalta becomes a battleground between Kemmler and Brachnar ‘The Estalian milttas do what they can to protect the citizens of the realm, but itis not until Kemmler pursues bis enemies northwards into Bretonnia that the land ts truly safe 2420. Kemmler crushes the legions of the Council of Nine in the bills beyond Quenelles. Brachnar the Damned escapes 10 Bogenbafen and gathers bis {followers to fortify bis lair in the Reikwald forest 2422 ‘The defences of Brachnar’s lair almost prove too strong for Kemmler’s forces but, ajter two years in whieb the soldiers of the Empire refuse to enter some ‘areas of the Reikwald forest, Brachnar is reduced 10 dust during a sorcerous duel Kenmiler enters the cursed Castle of Vermisace, searching {or one of the Nine Books of ‘Nagash. Despite bis spells of protection be 1s ensnared by the ‘ancient Liche, Crovan, who ‘keeps the Necromancer imprisoned as a lesson in bumility. Kemmler spends the next five years in a lightless 2460 2464 2470 2475 2478 crypt before finally being able to ‘escape and defeat Crovan and bis acolytes. In victory he takes the name Lichemaster. Kemmler constructs the great {fortress of Krinal in the Vaults ‘anid sends bis armies against the northerly lands of Tiles An Empire bedge wizard ‘mistakenly antmates the remains of Brachnar the Danmed. After feasting upon bis: unwitting saviour, the vampire spends the next fifteen years gathering fresh servanis to bin ‘and plotting bis revenge ayainst Keninler ‘The Dukes of several Tilean cities secretly pledge allegiance t0 Kemmaler to spare themselves the ‘worst of bis raids. The Lichemaster turns bis attention to the Bretonnian province of Carcassonne. Kemmler destroys the Bretonnian town of Breganalle and raises tts inbabitants as undead vassals, The Duke of Carcassonne leauls bis arnty ‘against Kemmler but is beaten soundly: The torn and ravaged remains of the Duke and his bousebold knights are later {found lashed to stakes along the side of the Breganalle road. King Theobald Il is dismayed and ‘outraged by these occurences ‘and offers a wast reward to any man who can lead the armies of Bretonnia to Kemmler’s lair. In midwinter King Theobald learns the location of Kemmler's stronghold in the Vaults and. leads an army into the ‘mountains. After a bloody siege, the Lichemaster's sorcery undoes the Bretonnian army, who are forced to retreat through the ‘snow: Theobald vows to return. — 2479. Theobald orders the holiest of weapons removed from their shrines and carried to war ‘against Kemmler’s fortress. Though the king is slain, the Lichemaster's armies are crushed and bis fortress és thrown down. Badly wounded, Kemmiler escapes with bis life ‘and flees deeper into the Vaults. 2480. Taking advantage of Kenmmler's illfortune, Brachnar ambushes the Lichemaster. In an epic display of sorcery’ that lasts three days and three nights, Kemmler ‘once more bests the Necrarch ‘and shatters bis armies, but is driven to the edge of madness in the process. A shadow of bis former self, Kemmler spends the next decade as a beggar, wandering bis way through the Grey Mountains and the Vaults 2491 Guided by unseen hands, Kemmler stumbles upon the burial mound of the dead Chaos Champion, Krell, and raises him back to life after striking a dreadful pact with the gods of Chaos who restore his wits to im. At the bead of a powerful Undead horde, the two sweep down into Bretonnia before being beaten by Skaven treachery and the valour of Tancred of Quenelles at the battle of La Maisontaal. 2495 The Battle of Montfort Bridge. Duke Tancred of Quenelles ‘confronts Kemmler and Krell ‘once more but 13 abandoned by bis followers. The Lichemaster sends the reanimated corpse of the Duke to bear greetings 10 King Feramand. 2497 The Battle of the Cairns. Kemer finds bis way into Athel Loren ‘and animates the Barrow Kings MODELLING CAIRNS ‘Build some game specific terrain and bring your scenario to life (or death!) ‘What could be better to refight the Battle ofthe Caimns over than some actual cairns? {Olay a fulton acre of Athel Loren would be pretty cool too, but we've covered trees ‘Man times before.) Cairns are simple to make, look great and instandy adda bit of Mlavoue to your gare. Now Heinrich Kemmler and sidekick Krell ean instantly fel at home, suarounded by burial grounds of ancient Old World warriors with whieh to practise their dark magick. To make your éairs, you will ned: Tools + testured paint Citadel Colour paints + Modelling knife + Green flock * chaos Black + Long-bladed knife + static grass + Scorebed Brown Decorating brush + chtadel PVA glue + Codes Grey + Large drybrush + Superglue * Fortress Grey + Sprue of Skeletons. © Skull White Materials + 25min round bases. + 10mm foamboard * Plastic glue 25mm polystyrene foam + Modelling sand * thin wood + Modelling gravel + Slate * Thick gravel Cut an oval shape Apply.a coat of Once dey from Tomo ‘stone texture’ tndercoat the Joamboard about (Gee boxout) 0 model with Chaos 1 B0mm by 50mm the surface with Black | ide Pet away PA glue You may ‘the top layer of reed t0-apply a ‘card, then shape ‘onl of coats to | trinto a smooth get asolid curve with a covering ‘modelling knife Extra Details Stone ‘Texture Throughout this article we refer to ‘Stone Texture this is a mix of thick gravel, modelling gravel and ‘modelling sand, which is glued to the surface of the scenery with PVA glue to give the appearance of layers of individual stones. Then drybrush with Codex Grey: kes obras kins of witha with Fortress light drybrush of Grey. ‘Sleull White ‘h calta is very simple to make ~ you can make half a dozen in no time. For added interest, try modelling on a few extra derail: for example a grave marker of some kind or even the remains of a body under a rock pile: Stone Pile: build up layer Marker Stone: another Deseerated: an empiy grave Grave with body: an Aipon layer of stone testure approach i to make a masiér) is easy t0 achieve by cutting #_altemative iso actually puta to create a simple grave ting a smal stone. Before deep groove into the body into the groove. Tissue marker. Large pieces of Texturing, press stone into foamboard. Use more sand can be used to imitate scraps ‘grvel look best the foam and glue i into than gavel inthe hole so that of cloth that has roted away place with PVA. ie doesn’t get filled in lover the centuries. (62. RETURN OF THE LICHEMASTER suppl and yo Undea | sculpt layers: top a the bo ut ar and ju base - flush « Sepplement your cairns with a barrow ‘ed you'll really be spoiling the ‘adead, This barrow is made by sculpting 2 smooth round hill from two ‘ers of 25mm polystrene foam. The sp layer should be 110mm wide and se bottom layer 150mm wide. ‘Gut an entrance way in 30mm wide ‘ead just as deep. Add a thin wooden sSase make sure the polystyrene sits ‘Sush onto the base. Bevel the edges. Entrance ‘To add to the high-status look of the barrow, choose square pieces of slate to build doorposts, the lintel on top and Take two similar sized pleces of Slate and press thers into the top of the foam, before gluing them in place with PVA glue D choose a piece of slate oft ontop of the standing stones, then glue the tree pieces together with superglue, ‘applying some stone texture to fill in the gaps. A mice toh isto ent ale i the side ofthe barrow ange @ body erating out of tthe undead rising to fe! To mabe our escaping sli, a Sbelton eat assembled with its sull and arms cut and roposttonsd atthe nec and wrist fo ableve a eraling pose. Finishing the Models fre hou you are going (gover the barrow With x coat Of green Dock fs worthwhile taking tes ne 0 plat th surat complete fe anyotthe hock Toul wear away ove tige through handling tic the earth Colour wl show {ough uademead whignlooks gute nature unlike a Chaos Black Undercsa perish ibe Apply a Finally, apply a Qj Finish off with Tie drybrush of light arybrush “Xa thin coat of with Bestiat Graveyard of Bleached PVA glue and Brown. Earth over the Bone. Uberalty apply top. green flock. Totems ‘The addition of totems or warning signs adds to the overall look of the ‘graveyard. They can be modelled onto separate bases or applied directly ‘onto the terrain models, as you wish. These primitive totems are made by using parts from the plastic Skeleton spruc. - f + SS = anes odes! ‘This offering to the gods is made These two examples are based on from a piece of slate with plastic skeleton spear bafts with the ‘skeleton skulls arranged on it and ‘cut off leaving a metal collar on one ‘glued in place. ‘and a leather strap on the otber. ‘ 63 ARMY OF THE LICHEMASTER ‘To add an extra dimension to this, campaign, we've included a variant army list to enable devotees of the ichemaster to field an army properly suited to the Battle of the Cairns. This list is designed to stand alone from any existing army books, 80 you don't need a copy of either Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts ‘or Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings 0 use this army list. What you will need is the profile for Heinrich Kemmler which, if you don't already have it, can be found on: eww As with most variant army lists, this will require you to do a litte bit of conversion work, although most of the ‘core’ units can easily be pressed into service in another Undead army (and vice versa) later on if you wish. ‘That said, if any of you still have elements of the Undead army from fourth edition Warhammer, you may well find you already have most of the units! Army special rules Undead. ll units in the Cairns army are Undead. All Undead models are governed by the following rules. ‘The Lichemaster. A Calen’s army can be led by Heinrich Kemmler Ihe is ‘the Undead it the army will i To phase when the General i killed, and at the beginning of every Undead turn thereafter, all Undead units on the battlefield must take a Leadership test. If the tests filed, the unit suflers a ‘number of wounds equal to the number they filed the Leadership test by. No Saves of any kind (not even Ward Saves) are allowed. Eg, a Skeleton Warrior unit (Ud 3) takes the test and rolls a7 the ‘unit suffers 4 wounds (7-3=4) Characters never suffer wounds because (of a destroyed General. Units can use the Leadership of a character leading the Lunt for this test, as normal. Note cha if the General is taken below one Wound, but manages to regenerate enough ‘Wounds to come back, this rule does not apply: The General has 10 be dead (ie, removed from the table) for this rule to take effect Break Tests. Undead cannot be broken, but Undead units beaten in combat suffer one additional wound for every point they lose the combat by (no saves of any kind, not even Regeneration lr Ward Saves, are allowed against such wounds) If characters are present fn the unit, of if they are riding a ‘monster, the controlling player ean decide how to allocate the wounds amongst the unit, the monster and the characters. In multiple combats, each Undead unit on the losing side suffers fone additional wound for every point theie side has lost the combat by. fan Undead unit is wiped out by combat resolution in the first tur of a combat, the enemy gets the option to make an ‘overrun move as normal Poychology. Undead are Immune to Psychology (sce the Special Rules “section of the Warhammer rulebook) | Charge Reactions. Undead can react to “charges only by holding their ground. "Marching. Undead cannot make a march move unless they are within 12° of the ral at the start of their Movement "Note that all the normal rules for Fear. Undead cause fear (see the Warhammer rulebook) Unit special rules Chill Attack. Ghosts do not atack in hae epreniadl ec ee nate chill presence is a danger to all who fea them: Atte start of each Combat phase roll 206-2 for any unit in base contac reiiyn hoot Forceck point by wet the roll beats the unit’ Leadership, i suffers 1 wound (allocated exactly ike ‘hooting hits). No Armour Saving thom tie allowed isnot these bie and they to cuted torerds Conia Units that are Immune ro Psychology ae not affected by this attack Tormented. Units with this special rule retain a fraction oftheir original will power, rather than existing 2s Feanimated husks. Furthermore, the clement of life that remains within the Jongs for death and constantly fights Kemmiler’s control (unlike Banshees 2 Wraiths, who are twisted souls who lon to inflice pain on the living). At the ta of each of Kemmler’s turns, before changes have been declared, the controlling player must make a Leadership test for each unit with this special rule, exactly as if Kemmler had been slain, If Kemmler has heen slain, the unit must take two such tests, with the casualties from both being added together. Tormented units may nor use the General's Leadershi Spirit Levy. Units with this rue still suffer the fears and tersors of the fest to some degree, and take comfort in numbers. A Spirit Levy unit adds its rt bonus to its Leadership. Impale. When this beast charges, i use its bony spines and tusk 1o impale its victims. This gives ita +1 Strength bonus in the turn when it charges. Undead Constructs. These creatures are more resilient than normal Undeae and suffer one less wound than they normally would when defeated in Combat. Fg, unit of Simulacra loses = ‘combat by 5. They would lose three ‘extra wounds bur, as they are Undead iE ‘the attack in gh their all who fe win theo Vand they solution chology a pecal rule nal wil re, the sithin them y fights rnshees an s who loos athe star fore he with this miler had en sain, ests, with g added ie sul the flesh nfore in ids is rank es may o impale siength ES. Army list organisation The army ists divided into four sections: characters. ‘These represent the Lichemaster Helnrich Kemmler and his powerful undead servants. They form a vital and potent part Dt your force. core Units Included in this categony are the most common forms of warriors ofthe cairns ~ Skeleton Warriors, Simulacra and Ghosts special Unies Special Units are your bese troops and include the swift Unquiet Horsemen and the mummified Embalmed Ones. They are available to your army ia limited numbers Rare Units So called because they are scarce compared to your ordinary ‘oops. They represent uncommon or unique creatures, such as ghostly Glooms or the terrifying Winged Nightmare. ‘Choosing an army Both players choose armies to the same agreed points value. | As you must flld Heinrich Kemmler with the army, the minimum size for the army is 2,000 points, but ic can | certainly be a lo higher. Mose players find that 2,000 points provides a game that will ist over an evening. Whatever alue you agree this isthe maximum number of points you | Can spend on your army. You can spend less and will | probably find it impossible to use-up every last point. Most | 2.000 points armies will therefore be something like 1,998 or | {1990 points, bur they are sil '2,000" points armies for our purposes. Once you have decided on a total points value it ts time t0 choose your force Choosing characters Characters are divided into two broad categories: Lords (the ‘most powerful characters) and Heroes (the rest) The Iaximum umber of characters an army can field is shown hpelow: Note that this table had been formatted to reflect the fact thatthere is only one (compulsory) Lord level character available to the army Army Max. Total Max. Max. Points Value Characters Lords ‘Heroes 2,000 oF more 4 t 3 3,000 or more 6 1 5 4,000 oF more s 1 7 Each +1,000 "2 1 #2 An army does not have to include the maximum number of heroes allowed, it can include fewer than indicated. However, an army must always inchude at least one character: the General, who inthis ease is always Heinrich Kemmles, Choosing troops Troops are divided into Core, Special and Rare units. The © number ofeach type of unit available depends on the a points value, indicated én the chart below. Army Core Special Points Value Units Units, 20000r more 3+ 04 3,000 or more a+ 05 {000 or more 5+ 06 Exch + 1,000 +1-minimum +04 In some cases other parameters may apply toa particular Kind of unit, This is specified in the unit entry For example, the Skeleton Warriors are a Core choice and at least one must be fielded in the army. Unit entries Each unit i represented by an entty in the army list. The ‘unit's name is given andl any limitations that apply are explained. Profile: The characteristics profiles for the troops in each ‘unit are given in the unit entry. Where several profiles are fegjulred, these ae also given even if asin many cases, they are optional Unit Sizes: Each entry speciies the minimum and maximum size for exch unit. Weapons and Armour: Each entry ists the standard weapons and armous for that unit type. The valuc of thes items is included in ts points value. Additional or optional ‘weapons and armour cost extra and are covered in the ‘Options section of the unit entry Options: Lists the different weapon, armour and equipment Options for the unit and any additional points cost for taking them. It may also include the option to upgrade a unit ‘member to-a Champion, Musician or Standard Bearer Special Rules: Many troops have special rules which are ‘explained in the army special rules section, and summarised for your convenience in the army Tt would be tedious to repeat all dhe special rules for every unit within the army list itself The army list is intended primarily as a tool for choosing armies rather than for presenting game rules, Wherever possible we have indicated ‘where special rules apply, and where space permits, we have provided notes within the army lst as ‘memory jogaers' Bear In mind that these descriptions are not necessary exhaustive fr definitive, and players should refer to the main rules for a full account KEMMLER’S ARMY OF THE CAIRNS Mee mat Lords’ Heinrich Kemmler es ee and details see White Dwarf 309 of log ont: | sew Kemmler is available trom) the Coline store and GW Direct. Shadow Druid the whims of the many gods, and of the future mapped in the stars. They were also the architects ofthe barrow complexes, and performed the rituals that accompanied a king into the nest life. Unlike a king's other servants, the druids would not pass into death alongside their maser, but would instead serve new rulers until the spark oftheir life was almost spent. | As death stirred 10 claim him, a druid would imbibe of a miagical poison that, though causing a terrible and agonising death, would allow theie spirits to endure and watch over the barrows for cteeniy M ows Bs Ss TW 1 Aw ShadowDrid 4 2 0 2 2 2.2 4 10 Unit Size: 1 Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon. Magic: A Shadow Druid isa Level 1 Wizand, He may ehoose spells fom the Lore of Shadow of the Lore of Death as described in the Warhammer rulebook Options: May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wieard for +35 points, May choose 4 mix from the Common or Army ofthe Cairns magic items list up t0 arora value of 50 point Special Rules: Undead, Fshercal, The bod of Dark Emissary was used as the bass ofthis ‘Shadow Druid, witha skeleton hea and a lite green suf completing the model. Other alternatives would be lassie Chaos Sorcerors, Neeromancers, and iompires. Ina Vampire Counts ‘a, hs could be weeds. Necrmancer ora Wraith 96 RETURN OF THE LICHEMASTER 70 points Kings have ever Been surrounded by advisors, courtiers and ‘iar and those entombed within the bacrows are no fxception. In fe, these druids counselled thelr masters on Core Un Army of alts th H Simula eroes Sculpted and the Krell, King of Wights said Compulsory choice.For rules sl full and details see White Dwatt 309 cach anc or log onto: wo watch confront ‘ww Kemer, ‘lls avlale from the online sore and GW Diet Sioulacra 1+ Barrow King 100 points J unit sie ach barrow complex was built to house a single peat King a his entourage. The greatest of the old kings were buried with ME Weapons servants 1 attend them i the next word and warriors o guar ‘hem, Mose moulder through the centuries, sorrounded by the MRE Special burial pits of thee people and osied remains ottheie followers, but some are not so fortunate: Many Nectomancers covet the seice of a Barow King’s entourage and seek out The Sin their bun sites with the aim of raising the fallen ruler~and hs WE made fro Tegion = Into tel service Wie mod resembles Miws'as ST Wor A id MMMavin sia BarowKing 4 4 3 4 42 4 3 9 MM wouldbec Chao ia pit an ot sielealSeed 8 2 2 3 207 2 4-0 Beers Co ube Unit Size: 1 Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon, heay armour and ie sreat weapon (Chariot has Armour Sve 4). josts Points/ Options: May choose a mix from the Common oF Army ofthe Some ser Cairns magi tems is up cota vale of 50 points defend or chosen 105 Special Rules: Undead, Magical Atak, King Blow osher nee the nex "Ths Barrow King if made from axonal wor 4: Chariot from a clase Chaos Though he Chariot and the mode or Kr Soe their ve Altemaives you could ase as Ghosts af the classe Wight Lond or Gore choice Chaos Warior modes In iampire Cnn ar the Barrow King could be wed as @ host Black Coach it Size Weapons 2 sespon Special Rl Ethereal, Ch This Got msec SNiimpire Co rors to guacd ded by the cheir ‘seek out wler—and ba on VieE nade from He Chaos Lor Krell i se any dor ma the sed as a CORE UNITS Core Units are the most common unliving warriors in the Army of the Cains. There is a minimum number of Core Units that must be fielded, as previously described. Simulacra Points/Model: 65 Sculpted inthe images ofthe almost countless deities of death and the dead chat prow! the warsior grounds ofthe othenword, Ss sald tha chese starues stalk the lands on the nights of new and full moons, Several of these edifices stand atop the site of haneient barrow, hound and commanded by enchantment so watch over the earthly remains within, awakening only to confront those who would distusb the tomb. Fortunately for {emmler, takes buta litle necromantie artifice to bind them MWS BS Ss T WI A Ld Simuacum 5 4 0 5 5 3 1 4 10 Unit Sizes 3+ Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon, Special Rules: Undead Constructs The Simulacra are made from clasic Wight modes painted to resemble sates. Once gain, sutablealtemaives Would be clasie Chaos Warriors or Vampires. na impire Cons army, these could be used as Spire Hots These Steleron Warriors have been assembled from the paste sprue, with handful of seratl-buie components use to adda lite variety 1+ Skeleton Warriors Points/Model: 7 Iwas tadion that when one of the old people's kings was buried, they would be escorted into eternity by loyal rasa. ‘Men from all walks of life were entombed alongside thet rules in this way, from unwilling slaves 0 the most dedicated ancl ‘experienced ofthe king's royal guard, Most common, however, gate those warriors who made up the bulk of the old king's ‘warbands — now animated to ghastly unlife as Skeleton ‘Warnors. The lesser kings would perhaps only have one such ‘nit of warriors, whilst the greatest would have legions beyond Ghosts Points/Model: 60 Some servants were sacrificed 10 ees se ee ine tl ries eel ES Ep ewan lie! ister eegamene Sock np cre benteon ca venio nad Mowe ess T wor a ee ae oenes Gant alge y ee tat Dsbealmoi, found lxeiciopncdiber macrvee SkekealGhietand 2 243 3) 3 4 3 Pena er ice separa tort ea car eters eee bunt me lagtieuincian ne | oaths (hows do nok oat se yous aaimtin meter of ; Bocas ica PAD hs gE es Me wSeee er: WTA, 1a Onumnd epee: er id eh go hot Gummy ol 0 to eee eee) Lay eed te coat Yi es ; eipehuions) Sepa a come ai ie jr Weapons sid Armour, Hand og. 4 CL peimoded | =e ‘ y etl net ieee detent j Gh vemarroadh Special Rules: Undead, Tormented, + hay cry pend one Warr amioiéaa as! | Ethereal, Chill Attack. for +5 points ij 4 cee ame Aces, Ghetan fo so owe = 1 Choa ia mae fom te casi + Rana opr one Wir ba Sanda) rossi nll cootthce tie Dem rs lU poms i ‘aManpire Counts army Special Rules: Undead, ‘ 97. Barrow | The Barrow ‘ SPECIAL UNITS ca ‘ thete lord, Special units are powerful and unusual Undead Troops. There is a maximum number of Special Units that can be fielded hin in the and this varies with the size of the army, as previously described. tarnished an than capable Embalmed Ones | Points/Model: 12 arrow Gua ‘Whilst te slaves of the old kings were burnt alive atop great Dread Guan pyres, so that their essence would continue to serve in the shadow land of the dead, those bondsmen who Unit size: served the ancient kings willingly were subjected to a form of mummification, Though the techniques used it ‘Weapons at their preservation are primitive in comparison to those armour, used on the rulers of Nehekhara, the corpses have endured the centuries in a remarkably intact ~ though highly ‘options: + combustible ~ state, MwsBs s T Wor Ad Imbalmed Ones 3 30 4 5 1 3 1 8 _ Cadaver 3350 4S apa oe Unit Size: 5.20, ‘Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon This unit of Embalmed Ones has been made from several classic A Standard & ‘Options: Upgrade one model to a Cadaver for +14 points, ‘Munomy models. ou wish, you could substitte Tomb Guard up (0 50 poi ‘models from the Tomb Kings range. The models could he used Special Rules: Undead, Flammable, {45a uit of Grave Guan ina Vampire Counts army. Spectal Rul Spectal Rul Unquiet Horsemen Points/Model: 16 wait size: 5.16 Jn the ancient kingdoms ofthe Old World, and in marked contrast tothe Nehekhsaran kingdoms further south, horsemen Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon, spear, light armour ‘were comparatively rare. Most kings saw litle point in and shield. __ maintaining battle-rained beasts, for such creatures caused! "additional complications inthe support ofan army and so only Options: + Any unit may replace their spears with lances (+1 the wealthiest of warriors chose to fight from horseback. As a pointsmodet) result only-a few score of Skeletal Cavalry are available 10 + Any unit may replace chee light armour with heasy Kemer at the Bate of the Cairns, earring thet long spears armour (+2 poinsimodel) ‘amew master, *+ Any unit may upgrade one Unguiet Horseman to = Musician for +5 points MWS Bs os oT Wor A id + Any unit may upgrade one Unguiet Horseman to 2 lignemin | 420203 3 102 4-55 Chieftain for +10 points Chiefain Me We)ks 3 gears * Any unie may upgrade one Unguiet Horseman to 2 Skeletal Steed 8 2 0 3 3 1 2 1 5 Standard Bearer for +10 points ‘Steteton plastics and alzle green suf ave been wed 0 create these Unguiet Horsemen. Black Kn ould make fora simple alternative. ] 98 RETURN OF THE LICHEMASTER jarrow Guardians Points/Model: 12 The Barrow King’s greatest warriors often died shorty ater Seirlord, willingly casting off the shackles of thei fe to guard ‘im in the next. Their bronze and Mint weapons, though Ssmished and worn, are sill deadly tools that remain more ‘an capable of inflicting death upon the living. Mows Bs os 1 SurowGuardand 3 3 4 4 4 w 1 Dread Guardian ¢ 3-3 4 1 woe 1 ta 4 s 3 8 Unit Size: 10-30 ‘Weapons and Armour: Hand weapon, corroded heavy Options: * Any unit may'be equipped with shields (C41 points model). + Any unit may be equipped with great weapons G43 pointsmodel). + Upgrade one modet t a Dread Guardian for 412 points + Upgrade’ one model to a Standard Bearer for +12 points + Upgrade one model to a Musician for +6 points ral classic b Guard be used | Standard Bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up © 50 points, Special Rules: Undead, Magical atacks, Killing Blow Special Rules: Undead ances (+1 vith heavy 2 been lack Krighee ‘Tomb Stalker Points/Model: 45 Many forms of defence exist within the barrows of Athel Loren, yet the most deadly of all are the ancient consteucts| ‘that stalk within the confines ofthe tombs, tireless abominations that exist only t0 slay the living. These horrifying beasts come in many forms and are forged from diverse ‘materials, depending upon the whims ofthe priests that ‘commissioned them, yet all are fashioned 0 prey upon the primal fears of mortal creaures, MWS Bs os T Won A id TombSulker 6 4 0 5 5 4 As: Unit Size: 1 ‘Weapons and Armour: Claws talsfists ete ee eR Stee ihe sculptor) Special Rules: Undead Construct. This Tomb Silber i @ Tomb Seorpion from the Tomb Kings range Abemativels, Sou could se 0 ‘Dragon Oere, Minow, or Troll ‘Kenmler's dieaded army d ese: 1020 In this rulebook be used | army list ‘Army of Commo Sword of Sword of Sword of iting Bla ‘The maximum number of Rare units that can be fielded These Glooms ar al Spin Host varies with the size of the army, as previously described. models refused onto 20mm buses. Ina : Vampire Couns arm shes could be Glooms Points/Model: 6 used so represen Ghouls or Zombies. ‘The spicits of those who were enslaved to the dead kings stil s lurk about the site of their long-vanished pyres, Though weak, ‘their sheer number and undying resentment ofthe living ‘makes them a dangerous foe. Unlike many ofthe Barrow King’s servants, however, their rage at thet fate grants them a sacasure of free wil, making them 3 challenge to any Necromancer who would seek to bind them. : every mod ate Mows ms Ss T Wor A Wd ‘Gacluding Gloom 4a Oe ay goat Diets Sirength 3 | Weapons and Armour: Throtling dead hands Special Rules: Undead, Ethereal, Tormented, Spirit Lew 2 . A age e Winged Nightmare Points/Model: 1 Talism: Ce Bg Se eS ae ae aw Ne y LS areeeterr ule oiermeirnpeeenese: fe Somer, le ee cee oe ae a a nc ee ee ie oe confident that their might would help his prevail or the te Mows ms § T WI A la Nightmare 6 #0 5 5 4 2 3S Special Rules: Undead, Fy, Terroe RE ee eee ‘stop you mounting a rider on it and using it in your Vampire Counts pene ea ‘Army of the Cairns only" magic items, Common Magic Items Sword of Striking 50 points sword of Battle 25 points Sword of Might 20 points biting Blade to points Enchanted Shield 10 points Talisman of Protection 15 points Dispel Serol 25 points Power Stone 25 points Staff of Sorcery 50 points War Banner 25 points Magic weapons The Stormsword of Medhe 50 points The god of the storm's eldritch power erackles about this blade, flowing along the metal like water and discharging Into those unfortunate enough to be struck by tt ‘Whenever a model suffers an unsaved wound from this sword, ‘every model in base contact with the wounded model (including the wielder, ridden monsters and chariots) takes a Strength 4 Magic Armour Shield ofthe Anclents 50 points The origins of tis sled are lst te depts of time, ye ts nehantment ts til abl to preserte te bearer rom bam Counts asa shield. The bearer receives +1 Toughness. Talismans The Ring of the Cailledh lel: 175 30 points es and One of the ancient Gods ofthe barrow people, the Cailledh aterpe fo was a deity subject to fits of reat rage ~ a trait sbe bestowed us and ‘upon those who followed ber -dand Secure ‘The Ring ofthe Cailledh confers a 5+ Ward Save on the bearer wo him, fa wound is saved in this way, the model is subject to Frenzy forthe rest ofthe game, even if normally Immune t0 Psycholowy A id a5 Hide of Retribution 25 points Fashioned from the pelt of a mountain bear, now heavy with le the dust of ages, this cloak is covered in runes of vengeance ‘Any moglel shat hits the wearer in combat takes an automatic hic of the same strength for each successful hi they inflicted ‘need’ Arcane items Counts Staff ofthe Trickster 150 points This oaken stave carries the blessing of the trickster Goddess, ARCHEOLOGICAL ARTEFACTS In this section the common magic items are listed first (see the Magic section of the Warhammer rulebook). They are followed by a list of ‘Army of the Cairns only” magic items. These items can only be used by models chosen from this list and must be selected within the points limitations set by the army list. Note that all the rules for magic items presented in the Warhammer rulebook also apply to Naiedbe. An accomplished Druld can use this staff to ‘rechannel the power of enemty spells into the very essence that “nwarts their casting Whenever you make a Dispel rll, you may exchange any one of your dice for one of your opponent's dice. This does not eller the easting level ofthe spell (and so will not cancel Irresistible Force oF cause 4 Miscast), but may be used 10 Increase your dispel total The Storm Cauldron +50 points The power of Medhe, the slormlord, flows through this ‘cauldron and allows the bearer to call down the fury of the elements upon bis foes “The bearer must take his spells from the Lore of the Heavens He receives +L10 his score when attempting to cist these spells and is immune to any lightning-based damage Gncluding Skiven Warp Lightning) Enchanted items ‘The Casket of Shadows Bound Spell Power Level 3 This plain wooden box is sald to contain one ofthe earthly passages to the shadow worl. At great risk the casbet can be ‘opened, bridging the realms and driving bis foes mad with their greatest fears. 50 points ‘The casket contains the Shades of Death spell from the Lore of Shadow. Rolla D6 each time iti used. On the roll of 1 the ‘energies ofthe casket ace desined and it cannot be used again ln thar bale Sky Charlot 50 points Barrow King only Said to be the very chartot in which Goederan, mother ofthe gods, would girdle the world, this construction soars aloft through ber blessing ‘The Batrow Kings chariot can fy Charm of Deflance 15 points The trickster goddess ofthe barrow people delighted in confounding enemy mages. This Charm binds a portion of ber ewe 0 be bare interrapting te ow of mage ney You may use 4 Charm of Defiance in your opponents Magic phase to add 2 dice to your Dispel pool character may carry any number of Charms provided they do not excecs their ‘magic items lina. ‘Charm of Destruction ‘Bound Spell Power Level 4 (One Use Only) This Charm surges the barrow people's god ofthe dead to smite the bearer’ enemies with crusbing force. ‘ All enemies in base contact with the character suffer 8 single Strength 4 hit with no Armoue Saves allowed. A character may catry any number of Charms provided they do not exceed thee rage items limi. 101 idl can eile i lia alae 15 points | | Heinrich Kemmler Points: 550 skull staft The Skull Staff constantly whispers to its bearer, Mows Bs os T 1A Ld revealing the secrets of magic Kemmler rae 5 Ear sate At the beginning of the bearer's Magic Weapons and armour: Kem ries the Skull Staff, phase, the enemy must reveal all magic Power Faniliar a rs Kemmler’s items carried by each one of his models Cloak of Mist and Shadows and wields the Chaos Tomb Blade, within 12° of the Skull Staff's bearer. In addition, thanks to the wise advice of Spells: Kemmler i a Level 4 Wizard and always uses the Lore the skull, after the bearer has rolled on ‘ofthe Lichemast the Miscast table, he can choose to re roll the dice. The second result applies. The Master of Necromancy: As long as he has enough Power dice. Kemmler can cast any of his spells, even one that Black Periapt has been cast alr ¢ same Magic phase, This maleficent jewel bas the power to trap the winds of Amethyst magic and accumulate Spells of Protection: Kemmler has spent many long weeks __themt for its bearer, or bis lord, o use. hidden, preparing moment of grand triumph, and has wore wsical defences about himself As a result, Allows the bearer to save one unused Power dice or Dispel he has Save. In addition, Kemmler (and any unit dice at che end of any Magi phase and store it, add it 10 his he i ne less wound than they normally would _side’s dice pool in the next Magie phase. when defeated in combat. Chaos Tomb Blade Cloak of Mist and Shadows Forged from the raw stuff of Chaos, this blade thists for the This cloak endows the wearer with ethereal form. Free from blood of the living. the bond of bis material body, the user is free to move I igh solid matter like a ghost This magic weapon allows Kemmler to re-roll failed rolls to ‘wound in close combat. This item can be used only by models on foot. The wearer is yhereal for the entire game — he may ignore terrain The profile given bere represents Kemmler at the rannot be harmed except by magical atacks. time of the Battle ofthe Cairns, fast approaching the Pinnacle of bs power ~ if not thwarted soon, bis Power Familiar sorcery will rival the mighty Nagash bimself A Power Familiar attracts raw magic power to its owner Kemmler counts as both a Lord and a Hero choice. He Vy The Familiar adds one dice to both the Power dice and the ‘must be fielded exactly as represented bere, and may Dispel dice pool of the bearer. rot be given additional equipment or magicks. Heit rks rt fort Nena sen Heirich weet ly and deo i ti Sul rivals began fo usurp his power. They pest ‘ime Now once gain the same of the Lichemastr Berccial im dome eenh clernn is deg aad fsekes terror into the heats of ordinary folk and re though he finally managed to defeat bis Tales of his foul deeds are whispered when retold Trtackets, his body was broken and his mind b Nicos the Old World lasted in the bate, For any ae ; eirich wandered the Grey Moustains Heinrich stands just under six fet tall and has ad the Border Princes st file beter long filthy shite har. His body is covered than a ballsine begat atl by some SFR with scam, cats and abrasions fom his years quirk of fate he stombled on the tomb of Gf madacs. aad is shrowded io + large dark Krell 2 Jong derd Chios ware 7 Cloak that swirls and twitches with + life of Of immense power. Here he iis own. Ia one band he caries the Chios struck a terrible pact with the “Tomb Blade. in the other he holds his Skull gods of Chios They woald Stal, 2 magical item which is topped with estore him to his former Shall that caters and: gibbers constantly powe and in Following his defen atthe Bretonian abbey of La Maisootal, Kemer remains determined to inflict his revenge upon Bfctonia I he can baraes the power ia the cates of Athel Loren he wil ulesh tn army upon the descendants of Gilles ind Teste the and a eorpse-choked ruin ell was mighty Chzos Champion Jong before the birth of the Em ‘At this time there were only 2 handful of scattered tribes of Men who were nothi ‘more than barbaris with few skills and Ii fearing. Keel was the ruler of one such tr that was corrupted by the Chaos god Khorse Krell quickly carved out an empire amongst THE LORE OF THE LICHEMASTER | a Ge” ecromancy isthe magic ofthe past, of withered N flesh and faded times, Its simllar to Amethyst magic, of which its @ somewhat corrupted version. lieing a Necromancer of almost incomparable power, ‘Kemmaler utilises more powerful versions of the spells of Undeath, Kemler automatically knows all six of the following spells. Invocation of the Lichemaster } Cast on 34+/7+/11+ Casting Value Models created Wounds restored. at D6 Skeletons D3 Wounds 7+ 2D6 Skeletons 203 Wounds ne 306 Skeletons 3D3 Wounds “This spell can be used in two different ways — to add models to ‘an existing unit, o create a new unit or to restore lost Wounds So t0.a model. In al cases, it has a cange of 18". The caster must declare if he is using the spell on an existing unit (declare | target unit), oF vo create a new unit of Skeletons as well as the | ‘Casting Value he is attempting (3+, 7+ or 11+), before he rolls the dice 10 cast. “The higher the Casting Value chosea, the more effective the result ofthe spell willbe if cast successfully Mows BS os T WiI Siglion 9 420-2) 343 1 2 Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster (9947020701301) Reece ee eee es Spell Casting value Invocation of the Lichemaster 34/74/14 Desiccating Grasp 6+ Eternal Vigour 7+ Withering Gaze 84 Kemmler's Danse Macabre 10+ Curse of Eternities Bt P : Invocation of the Lichemaster can be used to: + Recover wounds in an existing Undead unit or character. If successfully cast, choose one Undead unit or character model (even if engaged in close combat) and then measure the ‘ange to it. Ifthe unit isin range, that unit recovers 1D3/2D3/3D3 wounds (or wounds worth of models), depending on the Difficulty Level chosen. "New models will be armed and equipped exactly like the ‘other models in the unit. Note that this may not take the number of models in the unit above the number it began the ‘game at. The Victory Points value of the unit does not change ‘This spell may not be used to increase the frontage of the target unit beyond four models, though it may be used 10 increase the number of ranks. ‘Create a new unit of Skeletons. If successfully cast, choose any point within 18° and place one model on it. Then form the rest of the models around it. The new unit will consist of ‘D6 2D6'3D6 models, depending on the Casting Value chosen. Skeletons will be armed with a hand weapon and ; shield less than five models are created, the spell has filed to ‘work and no models can be placed on the table. Units Created in this way must be deployed atleast 1" away from any enemy, but may be in any formation and facing any direction. Immediately calculate the Vietory Points value of the new unit (at 8 points per Skeleton) and record it Desiccating Gras Cast on 6+ (Remains in pla The Necromancer fas the ability to cause anything he touches to age centuries within a second, destroying the bodies ot his enemies and enslaving them. As he grips his opponent tight the victim's Mesh and all his possessions are instantly turned to dust which is scattered by the wind of ages fa foc is slain ‘whilst Kener is under the effects ofthis spel, their form is reanimated as an Undead minion, This spell can be cast by the chemastcr on himself, even if hei in close combat. Onc as been cast, the spell sts until its dispelled, or util the Wizard decides to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain. ‘Whilst the spell remains in play, any model wounded by ‘Kemmler is killed automaticaly, with no Armour Saves allowed, ‘The enemy can take a Ward save, ifhe has any, but if the ‘wound is not saved the model is dead. This applies to all. ‘models, of any size, Ifa man-sized model is slain in this way it ‘s immediately reanimated as a Skeleton under Kemmier’s control and placed in base contact with the Lichemaster. It may be placect in combat with an enemy if Kemmler’s controlling player wishes, providing itis also in base contact with ‘Kemmler. Eternal Vigour Cast on 7+ Kemmler concentrates on animating the creatures under his control. They attack with such speed and ferocity that few can defend against their furry of blows. Target one of your own ‘Undead units within 18" and that is in close combat, In the next lose Combat phase all models in the unit attack first, even if they have been charged, are armed with great weapons and so fon (even Zombies! This is the only exception to the Braindead ‘ule, and can re-roll any failed to hit and to wound roll Withering Gaze Cast on 8+ Bolts of Dark Magic leap from the Undead spelicasters eyes. Where the beams couch the victims flesh, their skin blackens and withers, sloughing away til the white gleam of bone is visible beneath. Ths isa magic missile with a range of 36°. If ‘iceessfly east, the Wtbering Gaze hits its target and causes 2D6 Strength 4 hits Kemmler’s Danse Macabre —_—Cast on 10+ The Undead are filled with an unholy magical energy that ‘causes them to stride across the battlefield with a speed that ‘even most mortals are unable to match, Adapted from one of the most infamous spells in the great Necromancer Vanhal’s ‘repertoire, this incantation can mean the difference bewween Victory and defeat for Kemmler’s army; ‘This spell can be east ‘on a friendly Undead unit that is within 24°, and which is not already engaged in close combat, The unit éan immediately. make a move of up to 8” in the same way as a normal move ‘made in the Movement phase (it can wheel, tur, change formation or even reform) although it may ignore any hindering terrain or obstacles whilst it moves. ‘The unit can charge an enemy within 8" if opportunity permits and the same rules apply as for a normal charge (except that iF the charge is failed the Undead will stil move the full 8"). A ‘unit that is charged by means of Kemmiler's Danse Macabre can react t0 the charge as normal and must take the appropriate Psychology tests. Curse of Eternities Cast on 13+ (Remains in play) ‘The enemies of the Undead feel thei limbs become heavy and their hair turns grey ~ death comes to claim their souls. This spell can be cast on any one enemy unit within 24” (which ‘may be a unit in combat ifthe Lichemaster wishes) fsuccessflly cast, the enemy swiftly starts to age. Roll a dice for each model in the affected unit. A model will suffer a wound on the roll ofa 5+, No Armour saves are allowed. ‘Once cast, the spell remains in play. It lasts until dispelled, or ‘until the Wizard decides to end it (which he can do anytime), ‘attempts to cast another spell or is slain. If not dispelled, at the beginning of the caster's next Magic phase models in the affected unit suffer a wound on a.4+. In the caster's next Magic phase they will suffer a wound ‘on a 3+ and so on, to a minimum of 2+ No Armour Saves are allowed. ‘Characters who are part of a unit Points: 190 Aud Seapons and Armour: black Axe of Krell, Chaos armour (4+ Armour Save). He} so wears the Crown of the Damned! The King of Wights: n Krell’s hands his dreaded weapon reaches the pinnacle of ark powers. It delivers a Killing Blow every time Krell rolls a 5+ on his rolls to Laws of Undeath and ‘As Undead, Kemmler and Krell have the following special rules: Slack Axe of Krell: The Black Axe of Krell great weapon and follows all the csles for normal great Weapons. Also, any model that sulfers I or more wounds | Immune to Psychology m the Black Axe must roll a D6 atthe start of both its own and its enemy's } Undead are tmmmune to Psychology ge phases forthe rest of the game. On a roll of 1 or 2 (sce the Warhammer rulebook) fers 1 more wound with no Armour Save allowed (Ward Saves can be taken as norma) Cause Fear Unuead cause fear (see page 1 of own of the Damned: This crown confers a 44+ Ward the Warhammer rulebook). sive upon the wearer The wearer i subject to stupidity é en the model is normally Immune to | Charge Reactions sychology). > Undead can react to charges only by holding y this time, Krell and the Crown have become sed into a single entity ~ asa res, the Crown Break Tests ay not be destroyed by spells such as Vas Undead cannot be broken, but inmaking Kemlcr and Krell are beaten in combat, they suffer one addtional it the tbe profite given bere represents Krell atthe time of the ‘wound for every point they Tose the i the Baril ofthe Cairns, where the Crown of the Damned is Combat by (no saves of any kind, n0¢ nis I) starting to erode bis willpower, leaving bim ever more even Regeneration or Ward Saves, ac nself MBN dependant on Kemnter. If your army includes Heinrich allowed against such wounds). IF Kemmier tt may also include Krell. tho counts as a Hero either are wiped out by combat e He choice. He must be fielded exactly as represented bere resolution inthe rst tuen of a may YB and may not be given any additional equipment or 4 combat, the enemy gets the option £0 heir Pee barbarian tribes of the north and thought. In fact, Kemmler’ wanderings master Mc turacd agaist the Dears to the in the movatuins had been subtly ted. [Both This wis during the petiod the guided by Nagash as part of 2 cuasing etold [BP Deatis cl the Time of Woes, when pln that would fice Krell nd unite shir empire had been riven by Fin with the Lichemaste, so that he tithquakes and volcanic explosions, could unless, these two, powerful has WB sien tesauted by massed tribes of vodesd: champions against Broan. ed WB Orcs, Goblins, Sven and other evil Nagis’s plans soared tinor creatures Kell alled with the Night setae following the heavy castles Goblins who stormed the Dwarf their fores suffered a the Bate of Strongholds of Karak Ungor and Li Maisontaal Abbey, but in time they "Varn and his anes recorded ae) sure to Beir trie rv Giny tines in the Great Book of Untortustely for Krell is withered Grays ws nly sin y the for roving cei ero’ Granbul Habelm during suscepti. the corrupriog fhe asult on Kank Kadtin cocepe tifa Chow of the Damged ~ only Hundreds of years ltr, Heinvich Keninlete pve bow Kenmler cat a6 Krells tomh He susthn hi feck 2 del with the-warior and ftced him 40 do his bidding. or so

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