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Respected members,Can anybody tell me how to prepare/generate the cash flow of each month for

the whole project.As it is requirement from client to submit the cash flow with schedule?

Abu Bakar Saddique you assigned cost/resource in schedule?


AQ Sid yes i assigned the cost


Abu Bakar Saddique step 1 clink on activity usage profile ( top

Abu Bakar Saddique step to left click on bottom graph window and click on activity usage profile option. check
the options as shown in picture.

Abu Bakar Saddique step 3 left click on graph window and click on timescale. set time to months.
Abu Bakar Saddique you can change bars colours, background colour,

· Reply · 1y

Abu Bakar Saddique step 4 go to page setup, in options just check profile (uncheck other), get print preview , you
can save it as image, u can copy or PDF. . you can set page layout, dates to set s-curve in one page.

· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6 Knowledge
Base. Saif Khan (y)

· Reply · 1y
AQ Sid Abu Bakar Saddique thanks (Y)

· Reply · 1y

AQ Sid Saif Khan thanks dear for such a good explanation :)

Vineeth Km
May 28
Could anyone please explain me the manpower loading in Primavera. Would be better if anyone who is
familiar in power plant construction. I want to know the simplest way for showing the manpower. What I
know is goto resources select labor type. And assign to activities. But I haven't done before. So an advice from
experienced ones would be useful. Thanks to all
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Afs K AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6 Knowledge
Base. Can't type a lot coz don't have access to computer for a few days; there was a post some months ago and the
entire thing was explained in detail. Please look for it in earlier discussions.

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· Reply · 7w

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6 Knowledge
Base. Let's say you have an activity 'Task-1' with planned duration of 10 days. For this activity it is estimated that
100 hours manpower resource will be needed to completely finish this task. Simple average comes out to be 10
hours per day. In the bottom layout, select the Resource tab and add desired resource. It will be added with some
default values. Now you have the option to either update the total resource requirement (budgeted units = 100) OR
update the per day column (budgeted units per day = 10).
The resource profile (select units from profile options) will generate the histogram and cumulative curve for the
Ali Hussnain
March 21
Aslam o alaikum.
Dear Seniors kindly explain to me strategic Priorities as I circled in pic below and clear why it's value
shown 500 ?
Please explain in simple words.


Afs P AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. This value shows the project’s priority in the strategic plan of an organization. Primavera
assigns a value of 500 by default for any project that is added and it is up to the users to change this value as
desired; Range is between 1 and 10,000. It is similar to making a list of things to do and arranging them in
ascending or descending order according to their priority. This value does not have any effect on calculations
or analysis whatsoever.

· Reply · 17w

Ali Hussnain Thanku very much sir.


Md.Abdul Salah
November 4, 2017 · Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
I'm working on an Infra Project.I need info. On productivity rate and resources to be assigned.
1. Suppose if we have to excavate an area of 100,000 in 30days. Which resources should we assign
and how much quantity.
2. I need resources on asphalt paving... Like productivity rate per day of asphalt paving machine .

Alan Delao Ortiz For number one when you say you have to do it in 30 days then it should be an activity
fixed duration and units, units would be the total man hours you will nees to accomplish tha 1000 mts, or you
can also use fixed duration and units time if your resources are limited and the same amount of workers will be
doing this activity. Number 2 is a non labor resource such a rental equipment.
· Reply · 36w

Md.Abdul Salah Alan Delao Ortiz thanks for reply

I want to know which resources should i assign for those activities and non labour material. I.e, equipments to
be assigned productivity rate per day
· Reply · 36w · Edited

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. There aren't any fixed numbers; a lot depends on the type and size of excavator, earth type,
working conditions (open area/trench), topography, etc. You've specified the area for excavation, not the
volume. Bucket capacities are by volume. For the sake…See More
· Reply · 36w · Edited

Md.Abdul Salah Afs Afs thanks a lot

I understood your explanation.
Can you please check if this calculation is fine.

For asphalt paving machine

Productivity 8hrs/day is 600tons.
If we take 1ton makes upto 16m2
In one day asphalt paving machine can finish work of 9600sqmtrs.
· Reply · 36w

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. Per the numbers specified by you, 9600 is correct. Note that paver will not work 8 hours
continuously. Also make allowance for maintenance.
· Reply · 36w

Md.Abdul Salah Afs Afs ok thanks

On an avg. How many hours it can work in 8hrs
· Reply · 36w

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. Site observations will provide the best answer

· Reply · 36w

Engr Rai M Zahid I also totally agreed with the Afs Afs commemts. Productivity is a thing which depends on
location, size of project,type of soil and equipment capacity etc. For example for laying asphalt 600ton can be
achieved per day. But it will also depend on your paver condition and asphalt plant capacity whether u r using
80ton/hour or 120 ton/hour plant or u r taking it as a readymix.

· Reply · 36w
Eng Nicola Moosa Nicolass
October 21, 2017
Hi all
Shall i load the cost in budgeted cost or budgeted unit ? And Why
I used to load it as budgeted cost then get cash flow curve but our consultant said it should be in budgeted
unit ..

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. There is no way cost can be loaded in units. Yes, one can input $100 as a numerical value of
100 in the units field but does that make sense logically?
Either the Consultant didn't explain it right or you understood it differently.
The logical way to generate cost would be through budgeted units times unit rate.
* You create a (material) resource with the same unit rate as in the BOQ.
* Assign this resource to relevant activities with appropriate budgeted units (e.g. Asphalt resource to
asphalting activities and the same length as the section length for the activity).
* Wherever this resource is assigned the monetary value for that activity will be computed as the product of
budgeted units (length) and unit rate (per meter or per kilometer) of asphalt.
* The sum of all activity costs where this resource is assigned will give the total budgeted units and total cost
just as in the BOQ.

If you explain this to the consultant he should be able to see that the budgeted cost is coming directly from the
budgeted units.

· Reply · 38w

‫ جيالني امين‬Put the same amount as budgeted units for each units and keep one sar per unit in order to give u
budgeted cost equal to budgeted units.

· Reply · 38w
Eng Nicola Moosa Nicolass Yes guys as ‫ جيالني امين‬said.. put the cost as budgeted unit and makr per unit 1 so
it come directly as budgeted cost .. in this way it will be in both cost and unit .. from budgeted unit we can got
the forecast
· Reply · 38w

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. This forecast can be (and should be, if cost is the intent) generated from the budgeted cost,
and budgeted units option should be utilized to see the 'work/effort to be performed' to generate the related
cost. Like I said, substituting cost for units can be done (within the software but not with practical logic) but
things should not be done merely for the sake of doing them. Cost can also be loaded using the expense option,
as discussed in an earlier very interesting series of posts (there are different opinions regarding this method as
well) and then the forecast can again be generated. However, the recent posts are about how to produce a
workaround to the issue. The answer to the original question "Shall i load the cost in budgeted cost or budgeted
unit ? And Why" ... is explained in the first post.

· Reply · 38w

Eng Nicola Moosa Nicolass Afs Afs Correct .. thanks all that was helpful

· Reply · 38w
Anas Ahmad SH
September 27, 2017
Greeting ...
I have a problem when I insert the cost of the resources from ( price / unit4 ) or ( price / unit5 ) it's contain
number4 or 5 but when I insert the costs on the activities i see (price / unit ) without number 4 or 5 ...
there is the different names and I can't unite the names from the costimize
so I can't calculate Budget cost as shown on the pictures
There is a column in the activity window resource tab called "rate type" so you can select which rate is used to
calculate the cost of the assignment, the price/unit field is automatically updated according to the rate type
selected, that will be always called "price/unit", be also aware that in the resource window you have the option
to select an effective date for variable rates during the duration of the activity.

· Reply · 42w

Anas Ahmad SH thank u my bro ... 50% from problem is solved but when I insert the cost on the resources
and go to the activites the value of cost is deifferent as shown in the pictures
Alan Delao Ortiz My broher Anas Ahmad SH the key is in the units/time as you can see your max units/time
for the resource is 6/d and for the activity 8/d, multiply 8 x 250,000 and then divide by 6 you will get
333,333.33 i hope this helps and be patient P6 is difficult to master let me know if you still have problems

so we can try to solve it.


· Reply · 41w

Anas Ahmad SH thanks for ur interesting 😊 i am replace the max unit and united it but i am faced same
· Reply · 41w
Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. Anas Ahmad SH
Please refer the attached image. It seems max. units/time or default units/time may not be the issue as the
image shows. Without looking at the schedule it will be difficult to advise. If you can send me the schedule
(inbox) some analysis can be made. I will share any findings only within this discussion.Manage

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. The calculation of costs, when done through resource budgeted units, is computed as
(budgeted units x price per unit).

See the resource "Test Pneumatic" in the attached image.

This is giving proper calculation:

For the other already existing resources, unit rate is being taken incorrectly by the application. I am trying to
find why.Manage
Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. In your schedule, I solved this issue by creating new resources, exactly the same as yours,
but developing the new ones as a totally independent hierarchical structure from your existing one ... see the
image to understand.
It wasn't first created within the existing structure and then moved out; rather its creation itself was external to
the existing structure so that it carries no legacy properties from the incorrectly behaving tree. This is giving
correct cost calculation.
As a workaround to your problem, if you create this alternate resource structure and then delete existing
resources from resource pool and assign the alternate as replacement resource the calculations will be correct
and you won't have to assign resources to every activity all over again. Just remember to recalculate
assignment costs. Cheers !!
Anas Daradkah
August 30, 2017
How to track daily actual resource (Labor, Non-Labor) allocation and then compare it with planned
resource allocation for a certain project ?

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. If you want to track / compare this info on a daily basis, you need to display the time scale
accordingly. This will provide info regarding planned numbers against the desired time period. Next you need
to have access to daily actual numbers, which can be found in site daily reports.

It is pretty unlikely that daily reports would tell you exactly how many numbers of which trade were employed
at which specific activity. You need to be making several rounds all around the site every day (and making
notes on drawings/sketches) in order to have this and other very useful data first hand. (BTW, in case you are
located at the site and don't do this, it is strongly recommended to start this practice).

However, if your analysis is limited to just the numbers without reference to specific activities, it is very easy.
Just follow para #1 and that's it.

It is also very rare for a schedule to be updated on a daily basis; normally there is at least a week's update. So if
you're not updating it daily, you may want to export the planned and actual information in an excel sheet to
produce desired reports. Else you may update the schedule every day and incorporate the actual numbers under
the Resources tab - Actual Units.
Faisal Arsalan
July 15, 2017
what is the difference in the EV calculations?

Engr Rai M Zahid This option is selected when u intend to assign new baseline to your project. By selecting
this option primavera will start to calculate everything w.r.t this new baseline means your current updated
schedule will be your new baseline

· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. These options enable selection of the manner in which planned values are required to be

The first one is pretty straightforward - Budgeted Values with Planned Dates :

The first image below shows the allocation of activity duration, units and costs.Manage

· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. When the above schedule is designated the baseline, and is updated midway (Update1, or
U1), 50% planned and 20% accomplishment is easily understood, ref. image 2.

In the update process both activities are 20% complete with RD of first activity as 20d and that of the second
activity as 10d. This makes the current total (or at complete) duration 22d and 12d, respectively.Manage

· Reply · 1y · Edited

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. Now, if this updated version U1 is applied as a baseline (B2) to U1 then planned values may
be calculated based on the updated dates shown in U1, from actual start to expected finish (i.e. 22d, as
explained above).
PV = elapsed duration / total duration * assigned cost = 2 / 22 * 1,000 = 90.91

In order to make the application disregard the original duration (10 days) which is stored in activity data, it has
to be specified that “current’ date must be used. This is where we use the option of ‘Budgeted Values with
Current Dates’.Manage

· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. The above calculation is wrt changed total (at complete) duration. What about changed total
(at complete) cost?

Let’s assume the Remaining Cost (and thereby the At Completion Cost) increases by $200. Meaning At
Completion Cost = $ 1,200…See MoreManage
Daniel Farenas
June 4, 2017
Pls i need help guys..
How to put multiple resources in 1 activity??like if i want to put 30laborers,how's that?thanks in advance.

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. It depends on your working hours. I will take 8 working hours / day as an example. I will
also assume you mean 30 laborers every day, meaning 30 x 8 = 240 man-hours every day (as opposed to 30
laborers worth of total work, meaning 240 man-hours total for the complete task).
Once you know how many man-hours (or man-days) is your per day (or total) requirement, you feed in that
value in the appropriate column of the Resources tab (budgeted units/time or budgeted units).
You can set the time units to hours or days under User Preferences.

· Reply · 1y

Eñgr Mohąmmąd Emåd Good


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Daniel Farenas Thank you so much Asim Fareed Shaukat,big help men

· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. You're welcome ... glad to be of some assistance
· Reply · 1y

Daniel Farenas Sir can i edit the budgeted units in resource tab?
· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. Sure you can.
Initially, when the resource is first added, some budgeted units are automatically populated in the budgeted
units field. This happens on account of default values (e.g. resource is added with default assignment of 8
hours/day; this is multiplied with activity duration:: = 'n' budgeted units). But go ahead and edit it in
accordance with your calculations.
· Reply · 1y

Daniel Farenas Thanks again sir,big help


· Reply · 1y

Afs AfsAfs and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Primavera P6
Knowledge Base. (y )

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