Jesus Expression of God's Love

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the Expression of
God’s Love
In John 1:1 the Bible refers to Jesus
as the Word of God.
T h e
Ho ly The Gospel of Jo
l e
1. In the b

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Word, and ing was the

the Word
with God, was
and the W
God. ord was
2. The sa
me was in
beginning the
3. All thin with God.
gs were m
him; and ade b
without him y
not any th was
ing made
made. that was
4. In him
was life; a
was the li nd the life
ght of me
5. And th n
e light shin .
darkness; eth in
comprehe d the darkness
nded it no
Words are
used by people
how are you
as a means of today? Il dit: Bonjour,
communicating comment Tres bien,
with each allez-vous merci.**
other… aujourd’hui?*

*He’s saying: Hello, how are you today? **Very well, thank you.
“Dear Aunt And here’s
Rosa. Today the latest from our
we went fishing correspondent in
with Daddy. …” Nigeria. …

…and communication is the way we give and receive information or messages.

God sent Jesus to die for
us as proof of His great
love for us.

For that reason, God
refers to His own Son as
“the Word”—God’s Word
to us.

s Wo r d
H o ly
B i b l e
Jesus is God’s expression of love to us!

good looking

I love

cool y
o ne

being smart
S&S link: Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, God’s Son: 2c.

Authored by Christi S. Lynch, based on the writings of David B. Berg.

Illustrations by Didier Martin. Design by Stefan Merour.
Copyright © 2010 by The Family International

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