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Chapter 1 Tax Rate – is the burden ratio, usually the

Taxation in General percentage at which a person, property

privileges or occupation is taxed.
A. Definitions:
Taxes – are the enforced proportional B. Theories
contributions from persons, property, - 1. Necessity / Lifeblood Doctrine – It has the
levied by the State by the virtue of its right to compel all citizens and property within
sovereignty, for the support of government its limits to pay taxes.
and for all public needs. - - It constitutes as the lifeblood of the nation
and are greatly needed to support the
Taxation government.
Government’s Perspective: - - It should be collected without unneccesary
- is the power by which the sovereign, hindrance.
through its law-making body, raises revenue- - Claims for refund or tax credit should be
to defray the necessary expenses of exercised within the time foxed by law; should
government. not be delayed or hampered by incidental
Taxpayer’s Perspective: - -Neglect or omission of government officials
-is the compulsory transfer of money (or entrusted with the collection of taxes should
goods) from private individuals, institutions, not be allowed to bring harm or detriment to
or groups to the government. (May be levied the people
upon wealth or income, or in the form of a- -Primary purpose is to generate funds for the
surcharge on prices. State to finance the needs of citizenry and to
-It is a destructive power which interferes advance the common weal.
with the personal and property rights of the
people and takes from them a portion of 2. Benefits-Protection Theory/Theory of
their property for the support of the Reciprocity/Symbiotic Relationship -It is
government. when a citizen pays from his property the
portion demanded in order that he may by
Economic’s Perspective: means be secured in the enjoyment of the
It is a non-penal, yet compulsory transfer of benefits of organized society.
resources from the private to the public
sector levied on a basis predetermined 3. Taxation as Government Violation of the
criteria and without reference to specific Non-aggression Principle and the Social
benefit received. Contract Theory – under this view, taxation
wrongfully presumes that the government
Tax base – measure upon which the has a higher claim on property than the
assessment or determination of tax liability owner.
is based or the wealth within a jurisdiction
that is liable to taxation. i.e. taxable income C. The 6 Rs of Purposes and Effect of
is the tax base income tax and assessed Taxation
value is the tax base.
1. Raise Revenues – The primary
purpose is revenue/ to generate
funds or property for the Sate to 4. Imposed, levied, and collected for
finance the needs of the citizens. the purpose of raising revenue –
2. Regulatory Purpose – Be levied with imposed primarily to generate funds
a regulatory purpose covering but have regulatory or economic
matters which are affected with purpose.
public interest as to be within the 5. Used for public or governmental
police power of the state. purposes -cannot be used for private
3. Redistribution of Wealth/ Reduction purposes.
of Social Inequality - used to 6. Levied by the authority which has
redistribute resources between jurisdiction over the person,
individuals or classes in the property, transaction, rights and
population. It is an act of privileges – Attributes of sovereignty
transferring wealth from the richer and the jurisdiction to exercise the
sections to the poorer sections. power is coterminous with the
4. Repricing – levied to address bounds of the sovereign jurisdiction.
externalities. Externality is the cost
or benefit that is not transmitted Requisites of a Valid Tax:
through prices and is incurred by a a. The person or property taxed
party who was not involved either a should be within the jurisdiction
buyer or seller of the goods or of the taxing authority
services causing the cost or benefit. b. The assessment and collection of
i.e. Pigouvan Tax certain kinds of taxes guarantee
5. Resuscitate Economy – A first aid against injustice
measure to resuscitate an economy c. It should be for public purpose
in distress. d. Shall be uniform and equitable
6. Representation – “There is no e. Must not impinge on the
taxation without represtation”. Shall inherent and Constitutional
originate in the House of limitations
E. Nature of Taxing Power
D. Characteristics and Requisites of Taxes Two-Fold Nature:
1. An enforced contribution – it is - Inherent Power – an essential and inherent
involuntary and does not depend on attribute of sovereignty, belonging as a
the will or acquiescence of the matter of right to every independent
taxpayer. It is mandatory in nature. government.
2. Exacted pursuant to legislative - Legislative
authority – power is exercised only - The power is not granted in the constitution
by the legislative department except - It is a contract between the state and its
in case of valid delegations of the citizens
power or when there is - It is not political in nature
constitutional grant. - Taxes are personal
3. Contribution being in the form of - It is unlimited in range
money - It is imprescriptible
F. * Aspects of Taxation:
1. Levy – determination of the persons,
property or exercise to be taxed,
amount to be raised, rate to be
imposed and the manner of
implementation. It is exercised by
the Legislature.
2. Assessment and Collection – manner
of enforcing the obligation of taxes
already levied upon taxpayer. This is
the act of administration and
implementation by the Executive
3. Payment and /or Exercise of
Remedies – It is the compliance and
resistance by the taxpayer. The
exercise of remedy is initially either
through the Executive or the
Legislature and ultimately through
the Judiciary.

 Grant of Exemption is an Exercise of

the Power of Taxation

G. Sound Tax System

1. Canons of Taxation
a. Canon of Equity
b. Canon of Certainty
c. Canon of Convenience
d. Canon of Economy
e. Canon of Productivity
f. Canon of Elasticity
g. Canon of Simplicity
h. Canon of Diversity
2. Basic Principles of Sound Tax System
a. Fiscal Adequancy – means that
sources of revenues must be
adequate to meet government
expenditures and their
variations. (Balanced budget
b. Theoretical Justice -

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