The Problem and Its Setting

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Chapter I



Full inclusion of all children into school life is a fundamental principle in a free and

democratic society like the Philippines. Full inclusion means that students classified

“special” or “exceptional” because of individual physical or mental characteristics are not

isolated into separate school or separate classes. In the Philippines, just like in the United

States, the accommodation of children with special needs into the regular school system

is mandated by related laws. However, their full implementation in the Philippines remains


Special needs education is the practice of educating students by addressing their

individual differences and needs. Through special needs education, interventions are

designed to help the learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-

sufficiency and success in school as well as in their life as a member of a certain

community. Ideally, this process involves individually planned and systematically

monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, and

accessible settings.

Students with special needs are likely to benefit from additional educational

services such as different approaches to teaching, the use of technology, a specifically

adapted teaching area, or a resource room. Whereas special education is designed

supposedly to address the specific special needs of the learners, such scenario is

absolutely true in the Philippines.

Characteristically, special education in the Philippines is often regarded as the

rendering of “extra services” by the teacher brought about by the delivery of more

complicated and special forms instructional delivery, academic and non-academic

activities and the provision of not-so-ordinary physical facilities, all aimed at reducing the

social stigma and developing the self-confidence of the special child and be integrated

into the mainstream educational system.

The State ensures the protection and promotion of the rights of children with

special needs to quality education. It also recognizes their vital role in national

development and ensures their full integration to society as well as to facilitate their active

participation in the affairs of the State.

Apparently, there seems to be a “gap” between the related laws on special

education and the actual practice of special education among schools in the country.

Based on the observation of the researcher, the teachers in most basic education schools

in the Philippines, including General Santos City Division, are not even aware of the

existence of provisions that guarantee access to education among learners with special

needs. Worse, schools do not even conform to the minimum standards that such related

laws provide to the advantage of the learners with special needs.

Hence, this will be a proposed study.

Statement of the Problem

This study will describe the level of awareness and standards-conformance to

related laws on Special Education by the selected schools in General Santos City


Specifically, this study will seek to answers the following problems:

1. What is the level of awareness among the three groups of respondents with

respect to the following related laws in Special Education, namely:

1.1. DepEd Order No. 72, s. 2009;

1.2. Republic Act 7277;

1.3. Presidential Decree 603; and

1.4. DepEd Order No. 6 s. 2006?

2. How do the respondents assess the standards conformance and

implementation of the related laws on Special Education in the aspects of:

2.1. Child Find;

2.2. Assessment;

2.3. Program Options;

2.4. Curriculum Modifications; and,

2.5. Parental Involvement?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of awareness among the three

groups of respondents with respect to the aforecited related laws on Special


4. Is there a significant difference in the assessments of the three groups of

respondents in relation to their standards of conformance and implementation

of the related laws in Special Education?

5. What are the problems and obstacles perceived by the respondents in relation

to the implementation of the related laws on Special Education?

Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the philosophy of Existentialism in which “the importance

of the individual as the creator of ideas ” is stressed. Children with special needs are not

ordinary learners the fact that they have unique needs in the aspects of instructional

delivery, individual and group activities as well as the curriculum content. On the other

hand, the Special Education teachers have also to be equipped with the necessary and

proper training in dealing with the special learners. “Awareness” or “knowledge level” is a

determinant of standards-conformance; as the dictum goes, one cannot understand what

one does not know.

Finding out the awareness level of teachers, school administrators and parents in

relation to the provisions of related laws on Special Education is crucial in the sense that

such provides the scaffold that is needed to deal with standards-conformance. Since

these three groups of respondents are directly involved in the delivery of Special

Education, it is therefore necessary that they are well aware of their roles and


In addition, schools should also have a high level of conformance to the existing

legal measures considering that these serve as the legal bases for their operation, if not

of their creation. By being mandated by laws and statutes, schools should conform to the

standards of “child find”, “assessment”, “program options”, “curriculum modifications”

and, “parental involvement”.

The effective interplay among these variables leads to the full integration of the

learners with special needs to mainstream education, enabling them to develop their

potentials and become useful citizens of the country. By becoming so, the more that they

exhibit their “authentic being”, making themselves as “decision-makers”, and truly

realizing the marks of an Existentialist learner.

Level of Awareness Standards Conformance
and Implementation

DepEd Order No. 72, s. Child Find

Republic Act 7277
Program Options
Presidential Decree 603
Curriculum Modifications
DepEd Order No. 6 s. 2006
Parental Involvement

Full Integration of
Children with Special
Needs in the Schools
in General Santos
City Division

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

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