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MEE2033 Production Planning and Control L T P J C

3 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite : MEE1014
Module Topics L Hrs SLO
1 Introduction to Production Planning and Control - Definition - 6 1,2,
Objectives of Production Planning and Control – Functions of
production planning and control - Elements of production
control - Types of production - Organization of production
planning and control department – Internal organization of
2 Aggregate Planning - Introduction-Linear decision rules (LDR) 7 1,2,7,9,17
- Graphical approach - Mathematical programming model.
3 Master Production Schedule (MPS) - Role of MPS-Inputs- 5 1,2,9,17
Outputs-MPS approach to production strategy-Principles of
MPS-MPS performance measures-Case study example.
4 Material Requirements Planning (MRP)- Introduction- 7 1,2,9,17
Objectives-Functions-Terminology-MRP System: Inputs,
Outputs, Benefits, Technical issues-MRP logic-Lot sizing
considerations-Manufacturing resource planning.
5 Capacity management- Introduction, Capacity control, Capacity 7 1,2,9,17
planning-Resource requirement planning (RRP)-Rough cut
capacity planning (RCCP): Benefits, Pitfalls of RCCP-Capacity
requirement planning: Inputs and outputs of CRP.
6 Shop floor control – Just in time (JIT) – Key elements, 5 1,2,4,9,17
techniques – JIT & PPC – Pull & Push Systems – Kanban
system – Types, number of Kanban calculations, Design,
advantages and disadvantages.
7 ERP systems – Components, Modules, Implementation, 6 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,
advantages and disadvantages - Technical aspects of SAP. 11,
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Introduction-Components, 13,17
stages, Decision phases – Supply chain macro processes in a
8 Contemporary Discussion 2
Total 45
Lecture Hours
# Mode: Flipped Class Room, [Lecture to be videotaped], Use of physical
and computer models to lecture, Visit to Industry and study the
metallurgical equipment, Min of 2 lectures by industry experts
Text Books
1. Vollmann, T.E., Berry, W.L., Whybark, D.C., and Jacobs, F.R., (2010), Manufacturing Planning and
Control for Supply Chain Management, 6th Edition, Mc Graw-Hill Irwin.
Reference Books
1. Curran, T. and Keller, G., (2009), SAP R/3 Business Blueprint, Prentice-Hall.
2. Sipper, D., Bulfin, R.L., (2007), Production Planning, Control, and Integration, Mc Graw Hill.
3. S.K. Mukhopadhyay (2009), Production planning and control – Text and Cases, PHI Ltd.
Mode of Evaluation Digital Assignments /Surprise Test /CATS/FAT
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 03.03.2016
Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 18.03.2016
Compiled by Prof. Dega Nagaraju

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