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Pacific Northwest District

July Board Meeting

Online Meeting | July 14, 2018

I. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez calls the Online Meeting on Saturday, July 14, 2018 to order at 11:06 
II. Attendance (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
Position    Name  In Attendance 

Governor    Esmeralda Hernandez  X 

Secretary    Anna Mylvaganam  X 

Treasurer    Angel Le   

Editor    Michelle Chang  X 

Snoqualmie Lt. Governor    Kelvin Anderson  X 

Rain Cap Lt. Governor    ** 

Peace Arch Lt. Governor    ** 

Cascade Lt. Governor    **   

Columbia Lt. Governor    ** 

Inland Empire Lt. Governor  ** 

Lt. Governor At Large  ** 

Position    Name  In Attendance 
PNWLA Chair  Incoming  Gloria Guizar  X 

DCON Chair  Incoming  Tasfia Ahsan   

Veena Lin  X 

Technology & Marketing  Incoming  Shane Petrus   

Chief Growth Officer  Incoming  Lauren Ho   

Parliamentarian  Incoming  Josh Kim  X 

Subregion A Trustee  Josh Kim  X 

Pacific Northwest District
July Board Meeting
Online Meeting | July 14, 2018

District Administrator  Greg Wegrich  X 

Assist. District Administrator  Tyson Diep  X 

Area Admin. Cascade  Nicholas Hafez   

Area Admin. Peace Arch  Lisa McCoy   

Area Admin. Rain-Cap  Dick Rust   

Kiwanis PNW Governor  Roger Bell   

Kiwanis PNW  Jerry Deas   

III. CKIx Update (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. Elect new International board 
1. Subregion A Trustee Isabelle Monroe 
2. President Laura Belmont 
3. Vice President Julia Dressler 
B. Amendments passed 
1. Subregions removed 
2. Optional membership recruitment and retention officer established 
C. Amendments not passed 
1. Budget proposal from New York District to reduce club dues 
IV. Kiwanis DCON (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. Register for DCON 
B. Select meals for Saturday and Sunday 
C. Transportation concerns should be addressed with Governor Esmeralda Hernandez 
1. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez can offer rides from Bellingham, WA to Spokane, WA 
2. Parliamentarian Josh Kim can offer rides from Seattle, WA to Spokane, WA 
V. DCON 2018 (Led by District Convention Chair Veena Lin) 
A. Possible Themes 
1. Goal: to incorporate in activities of the weekend 
2. Masquerade 
a) Decorations as part of fellowship activity 
b) Voting for teams with the best mask 
3. Great Gatsby 
4. James Bond 
B. Update 
1. Survey created to gauge the PNW population  
a) Number of members with passports 

Pacific Northwest District
July Board Meeting
Online Meeting | July 14, 2018

b) Number of international students, etc. 

2. Currently 5 members responded 
3. Survey to be closed by Tuesday, July 17 
C. Plan  
1. Marketing plan and timeline created 
2. Future correspondence with Technology and Marketing Chair Shane Petrus 
D. Committee 
1. Hiring for committee in August 
2. Ideally 5-6 people 
3. Goal: people from many different clubs  
a) Club members as opposed to district members 
VI. PNWLA (Presented by District Governor Esmeralda Hernandez on behalf of PNWLA Chair Gloria 
A. Usual schedule 
1. Ropes course 
2. Lunch 
3. Service project 
B. Possible amendments to schedule (Proposed by District Administrator Greg Wegrich) 
1. Split group after the ropes course (Campers Course) 
C. Fellowship 
1. Dreams, Connections, and Change 
a) Dreams: Introductions for members about their desires 
b) Transition to ropes course 
c) Connections: recruitment and retention (why people joined CKI) 
d) Change: After dinner  
(1) Plans, goals, and changes within the club 
(2) Desire to capitalize on fellowship 
D. Recruitment and Retention 
1. Engaging 
2. Why CKI, memories, impact 
3. Fears 
4. Plan 
E. Committee (where she needs help) 
1. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam volunteers to assist with advertising 
F. Wants leaders to have different name- “guides” 
1. Recruit guides by next month 
G. Talk to Shane about building a committee 
1. Advertisement 
2. Documents/Registration 
3. Recruitment for group guides 

Pacific Northwest District
July Board Meeting
Online Meeting | July 14, 2018

4. Activities/Camper’s Cup 
H. Anna- help with advertising 
1. talk with Shane 
VII. Council of Presidents 
A. Second meeting 
1. July 26 meeting time TBA 
a) Meeting starting early for presidents who have not received the update 
b) Attendance required: 
(1) Governor Esmeralda Hernandez 
(2) Secretary Anna Mylvaganam 
(3) Parliamentarian Josh Kim 
(4) District Administrator Greg Wegrich 
(5) Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep 
B. CLE Training 
1. Should be introduced by second council of presidents meeting (7/26) 
2. Training to be administered by mid-September 
C. Potential new charters 
1. Western Trinity 
a) Contact through student attending Langley campus 
b) Challenges: no on campus residency 
2. Simon Fraser University 
a) Interest from incoming Key Club alumni 
3. Portland area 
a) Charlie Fox 
b) Lewis and Clark college 
D. Plans – recruitment and retention (Led by Secretary Anna Mylvaganam) 
1. Reorganized strategic plan presented 
2. Suggestion to call individual calls on a monthly basis to update membership goals and 
support officers 
3. Membership deficit within the district analyzed by size and percentage loss 
4. Concern with lack of PNW-specific resources to support clubs 
a) Online meeting before Kiwanis DCON to discuss and reconcile website and 
individual resources to make available as new documents online for members 
b) Booklets and training videos 
(1) How to table at orientation week 
(2) How to assist club officers in recruiting personal contacts for Circle K 
(3) Planning effective fundraisers 
(4) Officer training for each position 

Pacific Northwest District
July Board Meeting
Online Meeting | July 14, 2018

E. Growth Opportunities 
1. “What additional membership benefits should be offered to members?” 
2. Career development workshop possibilities 
a) Career workshops at DCON 
b) Job fair workshops at DCON for seniors- linked with invitations to join Kiwanis 
c) District career fair 
d) Individual events such as UBC Circle K Career Panel promoted at the district level 
F. Future contacts for membership development 
1. District Administrator Greg Wegrich will contact International Director Patrick Hall 
2. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez will contact Past Subregion C Trustee Trevor Nicholas 
VIII. Closing Remarks 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez adjourns the July Board Meeting on Saturday, July 14, 2018 to 
order at 1:02 pm. 

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