SOS Oct10 Dec10 Newsletter

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Volume 5, Issue 1 October—December 2010

Sisterhood of Survivors
Quarterly Newsletter
V O L U M E 5 , I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R — D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 0

Mission: Sisterhood of Sur- This year's event will be fantastic! The location is the same,
vivors is committed to assist- Jimy Wen’s, but Jimy has gone above & beyond by securing
ing newly diagnosed breast the vacant space next to his restaurant. The restaurant &
cancer patients and attached space will be for our exclusive use, double the
space for double the fun! We are seeking gift items: game
tickets, amusement park tickets, golfing certificates, gift bas-
Vision: SOS offers encourage- kets, spa packages etc. Donations of items to our raffle gifts
ment, support, monthly lunch- & silent auction will help assure the success of this worth-
eons, volunteer opportunities, while event. Contact Lisa Scroggin at lisascrog-
friendship, a resource library, if you wish to make a donation. We are
and a quarterly newsletter filled requesting donations be received by October 15th.
with inspiration, resources, and
event information. SOS delivers
educational “totes” to the re- Past Year’s
cently diagnosed, enabling “A Costumed Affair “
survivors the opportunity to
reach out to others just begin-
ning their treatment. Each “tote”
is delivered by a survivor, giving
the new patient an opportunity
to talk to another who has made
the journey herself. Contents
are donated by members of
SOS, the community, and pro-
fessionals. SOS pays for the
making of the totes as well as
some of the contents. SOS
totes are delivered at no cost.


This Quarter SOS Events 2 MEMBER HIGHLIGHT  

It might be hard to catch about the condition as completeness, finality,
Letter from the Editor 2 up with SOS member she could while educating fullness, and expectancy
Charyce Haynes these everyone along the way. that everyday is a gift
Guest Speaker 2
days. She is busy prepar- You can find Charyce from GOD.
Breast Cancer ing to participate in the sharing her knowledge
Awareness Activities
2 upcoming "Susan G. Ko- about Breast Cancer with
man Race for the Cure" on anyone who will listen.
Outreach Opportunities 3 October 23, 2010.
Charyce is also co-chair
Volunteer Opportunities 3 When Charyce was diag- for the SOS Young Survi-
nosed with Breast Cancer vors for women ages 45
Young Survivors News 4 she did not allow it to or under who are diag-
hold her back, instead in nosed with breast cancer.
Resources 5
her usual fashion, she
took up learning as much Charyce lives her life with
P a g e 2 S i s t e r h o o d o f S ur v i v o r s

S O S Q u a r t e r l y LETTER FROM THE EDITOR

M e e t i n g s Inspiration for each other
By Diana Dhuyvetter

During the month of October,

Luncheons @ Noon Planning Meetings @ 5:30
Carrow’s the world is focused on Breast
St. Agnes Cancer Center
Cancer Awareness, I thought it
1484 E. Shaw, Fresno 7130 N. Millbrook, Fresno
would be appropriate to share excerpts from
Between First & Cedar Herndon & Millbrook an email I wrote to my co-workers when I re-
October 16 October 11 ceived my first chemo treatment in 2003. How
thankful I am for the encouragement I re-
November 20 November 8 ceived from those around me; however, I did-
Guest Speaker: Dr. Perkins n’t have a support group like SOS, just a cou-
December 18 December 13 ple of ladies I knew who had survived their
journey and they were willing to share their
experiences. Those of us who bear the designa-
tion of Breast Cancer Survivor have a special
DON’T MISS THIS! bond that only we can understand.
Our guest speaker November 20th is
If you have a story of your journey that you
Christopher Perkins, M.D. would like to share and encourage others,
please contact me. SOS is about Inspiration
Dr. Perkins is Medical Director
for each other. Here’s one day from my jour-
and founder of California Oncol- ney…
ogy, and has been in practice in
Fresno for 20 years. He is board On May 15th, I started my chemo treatment (I was
certified and treats all forms of very nervous and scared) but all went well. The doctor
cancer. He specializes in com- and nurse were very comforting and supportive. I felt
prehensive treatment of breast very drowsy afterwards. They gave me an anti-anxiety
and gynecological cancers. He’ll drug to help me relax. It started with a mega dose of
be discussing new advancements anti-nausea medicine that took about 30 minutes
through the medi-port, then the first chemo drug took
in treatment for breast cancer. about another 30 minutes, and the second chemo
med (the RN referred to it as the "red devil") was two
large syringes pushed through the medi-port. The only
side effects I've had from the chemo are my nose
burning slightly, a headache, and very tired. Other-
October 2  Central Valley Komen Celebration of Life  wise, I have not felt very sick, just kind of run down.
Luncheon @ Torninos: 11:30am‐2:00pm  So, I am thanking all of you for your prayers - prayer
certainly works!
October 5  Cancer Care Associates: 5pm‐7pm 
I will have weekly exams by the doctor and chemo
October 7  Foster Farms Health Fair: 10am‐3pm  every 3 weeks. I should lose my hair in the next week
October 9  Vera Bradley Foundation Top Drawer @  or so. Jacquie and I will be picking out a hair-do for
me this Saturday. So watch for the premiere in the
Opus 1: SOS rep & tote display all day 
next couple of weeks.
October 21  Fresno County Health Fair : 7:30am‐4:00pm 
The kids and I are doing fine and know that God will
October 22  The Pink Show @ Tower Theatre: 6pm  lead us through this path and SO grateful that the
cancer was caught early. I am so thankful for all of
October 23  SJK Walk for the Cure @ FSU  your support - you are the BEST!
October 29  “A Costumed Affair” SOS @ Jimy Wen’s 
S i s t e r h o o d o f S ur v i v o r s P a g e 3

A special THANK YOU to

Volunteer Opportunities co-founders of Helping
The Planning Committee needs your help
with these events & activities: One a time,
• Writer for member highlight section Brenda Critzer and
• Writer for newsletter articles
• Website maintenance (someone Charlotte Bavaro
interested in creating new info and for taking time to speak at our
adding pictures) SOS luncheon on August 21st. We learned that HOW
• Assemble & Deliver SOS Totes exists because of two women who wanted to reach out
Quarterly tote assembly to other women in need and are willing to be used to
January 2011 help others. This organization is growing and spreading
check SOS website for date announcement
good will throughout California. If you would like more
The Advance Group
information about this organization or know someone
2930 N. Maroa Ave, located on NE corner
of Maroa & Michigan who is in need, you may contact Brenda at 485-4252
between Clinton & Shields or Charlotte at 250-0587,
For more info, call 227-1192 or visit their website at

T o t e N e e d s Each year, Home Instead Senior Care offices throughout North
America spread holiday cheer to lonely or financially challenged
seniors through the Be A Santa To A Senior program. In the
A basket is available at each luncheon and planning past five years, Home Instead Senior Care has helped provide
meeting where anyone can donate towards the more than one million gifts to 700,000 seniors nation wide.
"Totes" we deliver to newly diagnosed breast cancer
Home Instead Senior Care partners with local non-profit and
patients. Some suggestions are purse size hand
lotion, tooth brushes, lip balm, appointment books, community organizations to identify seniors who might not oth-
pill boxes, note pads, pens, hand sanitizer, breast erwise receive gifts during the holiday season. The company
cancer awareness accessories, and other items you then works with local businesses and retail stores to help facili-
tate the purchase and distribution of gifts by placing trees and
find useful or enjoy.
ornaments within various locations. Each senior’s gift requests
If you would like to donate to the SOS "Tote" are written on a Be A Santa To A Senior tree ornament.
Program but are unable to attend meetings, please If you would like to participate in this wonderful event, orna-
call Mary Ann Bellissima at 433-1763 ments will be available at the October 16, 2010 SOS luncheon.
The trees and ornaments will be in the local Walgreen’s stores
November 8, 2010. The date and location for the Gift Wrapping
Starting in October, watch event will be announced later.
for SOS Member Lisa Contact: Jan Clagg
Scroggin’s Public Service Phone – 559-360-0995
Announcement on Channel or: Pam Welte
18 generating breast cancer Phone – 559-417-8863
awareness to the Central


SOS could never afford to make the totes available to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients without support from our
grantors. However, we are required to document deliveries by providing aggregate information at the end of the grant
period. Personal information is confidential and never shared. Please help us keep our records complete by ensuring the
pink form in the Tote is completed and mailed to the address provided.
Thank you for your support!
P a g e 4 S i s t e r h o o d o f S ur v i v o r s

Young Survivors News

For Women Ages 45 or Younger
SOS has several breast cancer survivors age 45 and younger. In addition to coping with her breast cancer, younger
women have unique issues such as pregnancy, fertility, and affects on young children.

The group has just started forming and looking for members to join their luncheons. If you are a woman age 45 or
younger diagnosed with breast cancer, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join the luncheon at Luna’s
Pizzeria at 349 Pollasky in Old Town Clovis at noon the second Saturday of each month (this quarter: October 9,
November 13, and December 11).

Bring your friends, supporters, or family members for a time of sharing and learning from one another.

If you have questions, you may contact:

Charyce Haynes at 304-2146
Lynette McBride at 324-0208


Young women CAN and DO get breast cancer. While
breast cancer in young women accounts for a small
percentage of all breast cancer cases, the impact of
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 11TH ANNUAL this disease is widespread: There are more than
CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG WOMEN 250,000 women living in the U.S. who were diagnosed
with breast cancer at the age of 40 or under,
AFFECTED BY BREAST CANCER and approximately 10,000 young women will be diag-
Mark your calendars now for the 11th Annual Con- nosed in the next year. But, despite the fact that
ference for Young Women Affected by Breast Can- breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in
cer to be held at the Peabody Orlando on Friday, women ages 15 to 54:
February 25—Sunday, February 27, 2011. • Many young women and their doctors are un-
A joint effort by Young Sur- aware that they are at risk for breast cancer.
vival Coalition and Living Be- • There is no effective breast cancer screening tool
yond Breast Cancer, this for women 40 and under.
event is the only international • Young women are often diagnosed at a later
educational conference focused stage than their older counterparts.
on the needs of young women • There is very little research focused on issues
unique to this younger population, such as fertility,
affected by breast cancer. The weekend will fea-
pregnancy, genetic predisposition, the impact of
ture the latest educational information and net-
hormonal status on the effectiveness of treatment,
working opportunities for you and your caregivers. psycho-social and long-term survivorship issues
Visit web- and higher mortality rates for young women, par-
site for information about the 2011 conference ticularly for African-Americans and Latinas.
speakers, workshop topics, registration, and travel • Young women diagnosed with breast cancer often
grants. feel isolated and have little contact with peers who
can relate to what they are experiencing.
• As the incidence of young women with breast can-
cer is much lower than in older women, young
women are underrepresented in many research
Article retrieved 09.28.2010 from:
V o l u m e 5 , I s s u e 1 P a g e 5

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, Free treatment is Contact Julie Ruiz for eligibility requirements
available to all Californians who qualify through the Breast
& Cervical Cancer Treatment Program. Information about California Health Collaborative 1625 E. Shaw, Suite 155
this program is available on Medi-Cal’s website or call Fresno, CA 93720 Phone: 244-4554
800-824-0088 to speak with an eligibility specialist. email:


If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, contains comprehensive information
about cancer causes & prevention; screening & diagnosis; please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning
treatment & survivorship; clinical trials; statistics; funding; service that provides FREE housecleaning
One time, per month, for four months while she is in
training & employment opportunities; the institute & its
treatment. Call toll free: 877-337-3348
programs. You can also get cancer information online
through the LiveHelp instant messaging service at https:// or visit their website at:
INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER for your waiting room or office?
Questions & Answers Contact Terry Elrod at 289-4168
1-800-FOR-CANCER Do you know someone who needs a note of
encouragement, a thank you,
or is celebrating a birthday?
Cancer Detection Program Please call Gail Green at
Pays for eligible woman’s cervical exam
and breast screening. Totes are stored in two locations:
Until further notice, EWC is not accepting new enrollments North Fresno: Mary Jo 298-3206
800-511-2300 Tower District: Julie 227-1192
This enables deliveries to be made quickly and is
NEED A RIDE??? much more convenient for everyone. Please feel
If you need a ride or know free to call and schedule a pickup when you need
someone who needs transportation to deliver a tote. Don’t forget to complete and
to or from the Fresno/Clovis area for return the pink form in the Breast Book!
treatment, you can call
AT Medical Transportation at 897-8586
or ACS at 866-444-7672 Are you a recently diagnosed Breast Cancer patient
currently going through surgery and/or treatments
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY or do you know someone who is who has not
LOOK GOOD, FEEL BETTER already received one of our totes?
Did you know you can go to our website
Call 800-227-2345 for classes & reservations
WIG BANK 451-0722 option 2 to request one?
We will have a Breast Cancer survivor make
arrangements to have one delivered!
For single women/moms MESOTHELIOMA CENTER—407-965-5755
800-675-8416 With more than 3,000 pages of content, this site features
or information on asbestos, mesothelioma, and other cancers
PATIENT ACCESS NETWORK FOUNDATION that are caused by asbestos exposure (lung cancer, breast
866-313-7263 cancer, prostate cancer, etc.)

ADDITIONALLY RESOURCES AVAILABLE AT Helping One a time For those in financial need

We ask you and your loved ones to please consider Sisterhood of Survivors when planning to donate. Dona-
tions are tax deductible. Sisterhood of Survivors (SOS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

I would like to make a donation of $ I would like to volunteer

Please make your check payable to: Sisterhood of Survivors, Inc.

PO Box 3841
Pinedale, CA 93650

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Margaret Mims, Survivor & Fresno Co. Sheriff Special Projects—Julie Skiba
Janet Ames, Survivor Mikell Parson, D.C., C.C.N., D.A.C.B.N., 227-1192
Terry Elrod, Survivor D.A.C.N.B SOS Connections—Terry Elrod (temp)
Debbie Garrett, Bonna Rogers-Neufeld, M.D., F.A.C.R 289-4168
California Health Collaborative
PLANNING COMMITTEE Secretary/Treasurer—Gail Green
M. Margaret Hadcock, M.D.
Chair—Terry Elrod 298-5503
Jamie Ledezma, Survivor & Komen Public Policy
289-4168 Newsletter Editor—Diana Dhuyvetter
Chair, Central Valley
Membership—Patti Frediani
Mary Ann Rogozinski, Survivor
Marketing/Media Rep—Crystal Sherian
ADVISORY COUNCIL Outreach—Mary Ann Bellissima
Rodney Hernandes, H&O Medical Group 433-1763
Sharon Johnson, Survivor & Executive Ways & Means—Judy Pearson
Director, Komen Central Valley 674-7443

Sisterhood of Survivors
PO Box 3841
Pinedale, CA 93650

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