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Loop corrections to the propagator

based on S-14
The exact propagator:

contributing diagrams at level: sum of connected diagrams

following the Feynman rules we get:

where, the self-energy is:

It is convenient to define to all orders via the geometric series:

One Particle Irreducible diagrams - 1PI

(still connected after any one line is cut)

1PI diagrams contributing at level:

It is convenient to define to all orders via the geometric series:

One Particle Irreducible diagrams - 1PI

(still connected after any one line is cut)

we can sum up the series and get:

we know that it has an isolated pole at with residue one!

and so we will require:
to fix A and B.
let’s get back to calculation:

(is divergent for and convergent for )

The first step: Feynman’s formula to combine denominators

more general form:

14.1 homework
In our case:

next we change the integration variables to q:

The second step: Wick’s rotation to evaluate the integral over q
integration contour along
the real axis can be
rotated to the imaginary
axis without passing
through the poles

It is convenient to define a d-dimensional euclidean vector:

and change the integration variables:

valid as far as faster than as .

in our case:

and we can calculate the d-dimensional integral using

for a= 0 and b = 2

prove it! (homework)

other useful formulas:

is the Euler-Mascheroni constant

One complication: the coupling g is dimensionless for and in general
it has dimension where .
To account for this, let’s make the following replacement:

then g is dimensionless for any d!

not an actual parameter of the d = 6
theory, so no observable depends on it.

it will be important for when we discuss renormalization group later.

returning to our calculation:

for a= 0 and b = 2 and we get:

and for the self-energy we have:

The third step: take and evaluate integrals over Feynman’s variables

we get:

or, in a rearranged way:

it is convenient to take

with this choice we have

just numbers, do not depend on or

finite and independent of we fix them by requiring:

Instead of calculating kappas directly we can obtain the result by noting :

The condition can be imposed by requiring:

Differentiating with respect to and requiring we find:

The integral over Feynman variable can be done in closed form:

acquires an imaginary part for

square-root branch point at

Re and Im parts of in units of :

Im part is logarithmically divergent (we will discuss that later)


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