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Structural Safety Inspection

Factory Name Panache Knitted Accord ID 9912

Creations Ltd
Factory Address Gazariapara, Rajendrapur, Gazipur
Inspection Date 26/05/2014
Date of Review
Inspected by Md Rafiue Islam and Sourav Dutta

Item Accord Accord Timeline(D Progress
Accord Timeline Final Action Plan Comments after Physical Inspection Pictorial Evidence
No Observation Recommendation D/MM/YY Status
1 Structural Structural Engineer to 6 weeks Retrofitting work is in- 20/03/2016 On 8 March 2016: Previous Timeline:01/03/2015 This issue will be covered in DEA. In Progress
Drawings were not review existing progress. Revise DEA report is required to submit in ACCORD within the final time line mentioned
made available for conditions and provide here with proper corrections suggested in DEA review mail
Building 2, Shed 1, structural drawings On 9 May 2017: This issue will be covered in DEA. Factory submitted revised DEA on
and several reflecting actual site 12th march 2017 at ACCORD office and DEA was under review.
ancillary buildings. conditions. On 14 - November-2017 : This issue was covered in DEA. Factory submitted DEA to
ACCORD which was accepted on 20-Oct-2017. During verification inspection, some
discrepancies were observed on As-Built drawings. Factory is required to submit revised
documents to ACCORD as per verification report.
On 10/06/2018: This issue was covered in accepted DEA. During the inspection, it was
observed that there were some discrepancies between As-built drawings and actual site
condition. The factory was advised to submit revised documents to Accord as per
verification report dated on 17/11/2017.

2 Loading plans Structural Engineer to 6 weeks Load plan has posted 20/03/2016 On 8 March 2016: Previous Timeline:01/03/2015 This issue will be covered in DEA. No In Progress
were not made assess load bearing on each floor. Besides Load plan was posted on building 1&2 during physical inspection. This issue will be
available, however capacity of each floor Retrofitting work is in- finalized after DEA approval. Loading was found less than 42 psf.Factory Authority must
no overloading for Buildings 1 and 2 progress. re-submit DEA within the timeline.
was observed. and produce/post On 9 May 2017: This issue will be covered in DEA. Factory submitted revised DEA on
loading plans at each 12th march 2017 at ACCORD office and DEA was under review.
floor of these On 14 - November-2017 : This issue was covered in DEA. Factory submitted DEA to
buildings and manage ACCORD which was accepted on 20-Oct-2017. As per accepted DEA, retrofitting is
load. required to most of the buildings but retrofitting was not started till inspection date.
Factory must follow safe load plan until completion of retrofitting. Loading was observed
below the loading limits of safe load plan. During verification inspection, some
discrepancies were observed on As-Built drawings. Factory is required to submit revised
documents to ACCORD as per verification report.
On 10/06/2018: This issue was covered in accepted DEA. This accepted DEA suggested
retrofitting to the most of the buildings. During the inspection, it was found that the
retrofitting was ongoing. There was no floor load plan as well as load height marking
observed. However, the floor load was observed within the allowable load plan as per
accepted DEA. Some built up was found at toilet zone & roof of main building 1 which
was not mentioned in Drawing. The Factory engineer is required to check if the load from
this built up has been included in FEM model and update the drawing according.
Item Accord Accord Timeline(D Progress
Accord Timeline Final Action Plan Comments after Physical Inspection Pictorial Evidence
No Observation Recommendation D/MM/YY Status
3 Poor steel Detailed Engineering 6 weeks retrofitting work are in 20/03/2016 On 8 March 2016: Previous Timeline:01/03/2015 This issue will be covered in DEA. In Progress
detailing was Assessment is progress. Revise DEA report is required to submit in ACCORD within the final time line mentioned
observed for required for various here with proper corrections suggested in DEA review mail.
several of the steel roofs, canopies, On 9 May 2017: This issue will be covered in DEA. Factory submitted revised DEA on
steel roofs, sheds on the 12th march 2017 at ACCORD office and DEA was under review.
canopies, and premises & implement On 14 - November-2017 : This issue was covered in DEA. Factory submitted DEA to
sheds. any recommendations ACCORD which was accepted on 20-Oct-2017. As per accepted DEA, retrofitting is
from DEA. required to most of the buildings but retrofitting was not started till inspection date.
Factory must start retrofitting as soon as possible.During verification inspection, some
discrepancies were observed on As-Built drawings. Factory is required to submit revised
documents to ACCORD as per verification report.
On 10/06/2018: This issue was covered in accepted DEA. This accepted DEA suggested
retrofitting to the most of the buildings. During the inspection, it was found that the
retrofitting was ongoing. Steel detailing was found non engineered for most of the
buildings. The factory engineer is required to check these connections and recommend
remediation if any.

4 New Finding 1: Factory engineer shall (within 6 – weeks) Work in progress 13/06/2017 On 9 May 2017: Factory Engineer required to investigate and take remedial action if In Progress
crank in slab at investigate and take necessary.
toilet protion at proper step against On 14 - November-2017 : During inspection, Cracks were observed on slab at toilet
2nd floor this issue portion at 2nd floor of Building-1. No investigation report was observed. Factory is
required to investigate the reason of crack and take necessary repairing action as per
engineer's advice if necessary.
On 10/06/2018:During the inspection, Some cracks were found at toilet portion of
building-1. No investigation report was found during the inspection. The factory was
advised to investigate the extent of these cracks and take necessary repairing action as
per engineer's advice if necessary. Moreover, expansion joint was found during the
inspection which was not properly developed. The Factory engineer is required to check
the extent of this expansion joint and develop this expansion joint properly.

5 New finding 2: No Factory is required to (within 6 – weeks) 25/07/2018 On 10/06/2018: During the inspection, it was found that there was no water proofing In Progress
water proofing apply proper water membrane on the roof. Water ponding was observed on the roof.The factory is required to
membrane proofing membrane provide waterproofing membrane on the roof to prevent water ingress problem.
observed on rooftop

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