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Practical Deception and Perception Management

The world is, indeed, an illusion. Unbeknownst to its common citizenry, the sea of
civilization rests within a gale of competing social, political, military, commercial, and
private interests. Powering this tropical storm of self-opportunism is the breath of
human existence, the creative element that often clouds judgment and illuminates
hysterics. This whirlpool of confusion is both endorsed by, and confounding to, a
nation‟s Intelligence and Counterintelligence personnel respectively. Succeeding within
such a “nasty business” necessitates corrective action on the part of those able to fuse
innovation with primal instincts for survival.

Unclogging the Reducing Valve

Everything that an individual sees, feels, hears, smells, or even tastes must first progress
into the wiring of the human brain for processing. In and of itself, this “extraordinary
instrument of calculation and control” is durable, adaptable, and quite capable of lasting
for a hundred years if properly cared for and nourished, but it remains tainted by its
operating system – the human mind.1 The thoughts and actions an individual acquires
since birth serve as a virus, force the brain into more of a reducing valve, and limit that
individual‟s abilities and thoughts.2

As with most electronic computers, the human brain is rarely pushed to its full
capacity. Its function seldom addressed past eating, sleeping, working, and more often
than not entertaining its owner. Unlike the electronic version, however, the human
computer consumes everything the individual‟s five senses throw at it and fuse all into
the proverbial “sixth sense” that all individuals possess but few acknowledge. These few
include professional gamblers and late nineteenth century gunslingers, people whose
lives survived on the “ability to judge an adversary‟s character and intent immediately.”3
As for the rest, they routinely ignore their environment until it becomes too late to act.

Such neglect leads to deception, itself a subject “about which so little generally is
known.”4 If not properly contained, deception leads to such atrocities as brainwashing
and mental bullying.5 These devices serve little but to convince the uninitiated to
undertake a path or thought detrimental to their well-being. Classes on the „art‟ of

negotiation often include the dictum that everything the student wants or needs are
controlled by someone else. Applied to the powers of perception, the dictum may read,
“Everything the individual sees or hears is controlled by someone else.” How can this

All human individuals progress through life affected by two avenues of maturity.
The first is “progressive learning”, a linear path from infancy to adulthood where the
individual rebels from, and ultimately acquiesces to, the combined influences of
guardianship and heritage.6 The second comprises asymmetrical influences and cover
education/religion/work/conflicts, friendships/associations/heroes/leaders, and
fears/desires/resentments/fantasies, etc (see Figure ) as the individual passes from the
“certainty of childhood” towards the “confidence of adulthood.”7 Maturity – with
susceptibility to influence virtually extinguished – usually sets in by thirty-five years of

The first step in defending against deception, brainwashing, or “mental bullying”

remains to address these human realities. That is, once the individual understands their
heritage, the role of their parents or guardians, and the sea of outside influences they
pass through, they will be able to navigate through life without ending upon the shoals.
The second step involves mastering the human mind; understanding what it is that the
five senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste mean. In other words, does the
equation of any combination of the five senses on the one side and the “sixth” on the
other balance out. If the hair begins to stand erect on the nape of the neck, then chances
are that the scale is unbalanced.

Acknowledging the Illusion

Commercial advertising thrives on illusion. So, too, does everything produced for airing
on television. Fortunately, for the world, these deceptions are easy to distinguish once
common sense and pragmatism are considered. For instance, one asks, “How effective
can Viagra® be if a bunch of guys are sitting around a recording studio at 2 A.M.
singing instead of being at home in bed with their wives?” The writers of the television
commercial obviously overlooked this tidbit of human practicality when they parodied
Elvis Presley‟s Viva Las Vegas.

Other examples are not so obvious. Consider Fox News Channel personality
Glenn Beck. Renowned for his efforts to restore American Constitutionalism, less known


(or scrutinized) are his Mormon beliefs that mandate his actions. These conflicts of
interests include:8

 Mormons believe that patriots of the American Revolution are prophets,

equitable with ancient Israelite prophets of the Old Testament. Does Mr. Beck,
therefore, sincerely believe in restoring America‟s constitutionality? Or does his
faith require him to uphold the honor of these “pre-Mormon” prophets as part of
his personal salvation?

 Mormons believe that when they die, they become „gods‟ in their own right,
possessing of their own planet in some distant realm of outer space (They also
believe that the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. was once a
mortal man who became god through his own actions). How, therefore, does
Mr. Beck address the issue of inalienable rights? Why is it that he prefers to use
the term “Creator” (which suggests human, superhuman, as well as supernatural)
instead of the much more popular “God” when discussing America‟s founding?
When eighty-four percent of the United States today believes in “God,” why does
Mr. Beck attempt to explain to his viewers that the founding fathers envisioned
anyone‟s God as appropriate?9

Nothing suggests that Glenn Beck‟s public intentions are invalid. However, they must be
addressed vis a vis the commentator‟s private beliefs. Any individual capable of
forfeiting his native Christianity for a highly secretive non-Christian cult merely to
marry a woman begs for scrutiny.10 Could such an individual remain true to a nation? It
depends upon the power exerted by the Asymmetrical Influences model discussed

A third example of „common‟ deception retreats to commercial marketing, such

as that employed by Detroit‟s automakers. These advertisements remain geared towards
visibility more than rational thought. For example:

 “Fully loaded” automobiles are depicted whereas the prices shown represent that
for more stripped down versions, leading viewers to believe that a real bargain
might be in the offering;

 Bare-minimum interest rates are promoted, even though few (if any) consumers
qualify for such “0% APR” rates. Similar to this, are pronouncements by
companies such as Publishers Clearinghouse that profess, “You are one of three
finalists!” for giveaways surpassing $10 Million. This author (R.J. Godlewski)


once worked for an envelope manufacturer where six million such “Three
finalists” envelopes were produced.11

 New automobile stickers carry an “additional dealer markup” item. Dealer

markups are included within the manufacturer‟s suggested retail price. By adding
this extra, dealerships are 1.) Able to recoup losses from poor trade-ins; and/or
2.) Able to present the consumer with „discounted prices‟ without affecting the
profit margin.

Deceptions in the commercial sector ruin finances, but generally avoid destroying lives.
Illusion in the social and political sectors, however, place entire nations at risk.

Islam, for example, represents the ideology of choice for terrorists attacking the
United States and the West in droves since the 1979 founding of the Islamic Republic of
Iran. Many media and political personalities, however, suggest that Islam is a “religion
of peace” despite that Muhammad, the founder of the sect, actively engaged within
several political assassinations to advance his cause.12 Moreover, Muhammad planned
sixty-five military campaigns and personally led twenty-seven of these.13 To suggest that
Islam – by virtue of the cult‟s founder – represents a peaceful religion is to ignore the
facts. Nor can one adequately hope for tolerance as Muhammad did not believe that
Trinitarian Christians (that is, the traditional Christianity of Roman Catholics, Russian
Orthodox, Protestants, etc. ) were remotely worthy of salvation.14

The U.S. Government also propagates deception across „civilian‟ lines. It

controlled academic programs in mass communication studies at American universities
from about 1948 to 1970.15 It masquerades office amateurs as seasoned intelligence field
professionals under the context of acting politically correct.16 It is also suspected in
blatantly lying to the American people regarding terrorist attacks not reported as such.17
That these acts may have intended to keep further disasters (i.e., public chaos) from
transpiring make little difference. Deception is deception, for good or bad. The
importance arises from acknowledging that one has been duped to a degree.

Developing the Perception

No one deceives without purpose. A husband might deceive his wife if he is cheating on
their marriage. A company might deceive a competitor to hide the development of a new
product. A football coach might deceive an opponent to shield an incoming play
selection. Radical Islamists might deceive Christians in order to „fit in‟ while planning


their demise. These scenarios show that deception can run the gamut from personal to
professional to catastrophic. The trick, therefore, is not knowing that one is being
deceived – for we are all saturated with deception – but to understand why we are being
deceived within each case.

Consider the forgoing marriage example. A husband might begin an affair if he

feels that his marriage is valueless, his wife unaffectionate, or perhaps that he is old and
desirous of a younger woman to stroke his ego. Deception comes into play when divorce
is not an option. Whether guilt, religious obligation, or faint traces of genuine love for
the wife, the man understands that his extramarital affair is simply a temporary “fix” for
his psychological deficiencies. He then begins an elaborate campaign to carry out his
affair without his wife or family knowing about it. An entire ulterior world of “business
meetings,” “errands”, and other excuses develop. He may even begin to show artificial
affection towards his wife, such as flowers, dinners out, and gratuitous comments. The
wife, however, does not need to concentrate on these articles of affection. She simply
knows that they are unusual within their marriage and “something” necessitated their

Now, consider the corporate environment. A company recently develops the

latest electronic gadget and surreptitious marketing suggests that it will take the
consumer market by storm. To protect this niche, the company manufactures an
elaborate campaign of its own to deceive would-be competitors. The company begins to
hire numerous employees in fields far removed from the product development. Perhaps
they begin to talk “merger” or “acquisition” to keep media attention away from the true
story. An astute competitor, however, is not easily swayed by the “public” image. If
Company A does „X‟ then Competitor B looks into the opposite direction to learn the
reason for „X‟ because Competitor B understands that magic is the acknowledged
product of deception.18

Radical Islamists remain a bit more bloodthirsty in their deceptions. In fact,

Islam itself is a bit of a deceptive practice. Many purport that the ideology is a “religion
of peace.” However, as Durant reminds us, “[n]o other religion in history has so
consistently tried to make men strong, or so generally succeeded.” 19 He further reminds
us of the narrow gap between Islamic theory and application and warns “only the
uninformed think of Mohammedanism as a morally easy creed.”20 Shiite Muslims
incubated the concept of al-Taqiyya, which, depending upon how you define the term,
permits lying to infidels or, perhaps, stretching the truth a bit for diplomatic reasons.
However defined, its mere existence casts suspicion upon Muslim actions. Founded by
one who supported assassinations and active military operations, it remains at best an


amalgamation of carefully selected tenets of pre-existing Jewish and Christian theology

and Bedouin tribalism.

The perceptive will see the existence of Islam as Muhammad‟s attempts to unify
the warring clans of Arabia run amok. Regardless, seventh century intentions do not
mesh with twenty-first century realities. Islam has abdicated to extremism and the
subsequent deception has transferred to suicide bombers (murderers deceiving the
world as pedestrians), improvised explosive devices (bombs deceiving the world as
ordinary articles), and al-Taqiyya (an all-encompassing, warrior ideology
masquerading as a “religion”). The Middle East‟s Muhammadanism is virtually the same
as sixteenth century Europe‟s Muentzeranism.21

The deception offered by Islam as a peaceable enterprise is relatively easy to


1. Muhammad turned to, and advocated, violence during his period in Medina
when the tolerance and compassion suggested by his time in Mecca failed to win

2. The Quran promises paradise to those who die in war, stresses up close and
personal “hand-to-hand combat with knives”, mandates fighting even if badly
outnumbered, and advocates Maoist-style “mobile warfare”;22

3. The major terrorist attacks against the United States in 1979, 1983, 1985, 1988,
1993, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, etc. were carried out by Muslims – not Jews,
Christians, Mormons, Buddhists, Moonies, or atheists;

4. Muhammad did not consider Christians as worthy of salvation;23

5. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Iranians were the only Muslim
people who voiced solidarity with the people of the United States. Arab Muslims
largely danced in the streets;

6. Shiite Islam is the only major religious sect that possesses an official doctrine to
deceive non-believers for the purposes of “fitting in” until in they are in control;

7. Even “moderate” Muslims claim that radicalized members amount to no more

than 10-15% (that is, 100-150 million) of the total number of Muslims worldwide,
equaling the number of total combatants of the Second World War.24

The assumption made that “actions speak louder than words” suggests that Islam is
anything but a “peaceable” enterprise. In reality, it is a doctrine of war, social and

political law, and a means to conquer the world. Its primary deception is that the
foregoing is not considered as part of official Islamic teachings.

Employing the Senses

Counterdeception operations necessitate the proper employment of the human senses.

To be deceived is, after all, tantamount to disaster. Few consider that the Crusades –
launched after the Muslims began to invade sovereign Christian territory – were largely
successful until the Saracen armies began to employ “extremely sophisticated tactics
involving guile, subterfuge and deception.”25 Such practices of deception remain
consistent within Islamic dealings with the West today.

Deception works because those deceiving us know our limitations. For instance, a
photograph of trees shown to a group of students with the instructions to locate „the
man‟ hiding in the woods identifies this intimately.26 After giving up, the students
acquiesced to shock and disbelieve to learn that “the man” represented words
emblazoned across the whole of the photograph and not merely a human individual. The
instructor perpetrated the deception because he understood that the students‟ natural
inclination was to seek out a person and not a phrase.

The same technique holds true within the broader world. The Islamists speak of
“God” and the world assumes they mean religion. Similarly, the Mormons (the “Church
of Latter Day Saints”) speak of Jesus Christ and the world assumes they represent
Christians. Both assumptions are wrong. Islam is only partially religious (man‟s
relationship with God) and mostly political (man‟s relationship with other men) in
nature. Mormons believe that God was once a mortal human individual and believers
become gods equal to Jesus (a “perfected” human being) in their own right upon death,
which is diametrically opposed to Christianity. Regardless, these deceptions go on
because the world allows them to perpetuate.

Few bother to employ the senses. The sights and sounds of radical Islam are
nearly as deafening as the sights and sounds of Muslim silence towards their fanatical
brethren. When an atrocity against Western culture is undertaken, the Muslim world
remains silent vis a vis Islamic culpability, often exchanging hostility towards the
perpetrators for aggression against the victims. When the action in question is targeted
against the Muslim world, even if it merely represents rumor or innuendo (as in the case
of the recent “Quran burning” fiasco in Florida), the Islamic world erupts with calls of
“Jihad!” against America, Israel, and anyone else who had even remotely cast a
sorrowful glance upon the precious world of Muhammadanism.


Unlike Roman Catholicism, for example, which maintains a 2,865-paragraph

Catechism and countless thousands of pages of papal decrees and writings to define its
doctrine, Islam merely contains the oft-misinterpreted Quran and “works of
Muhammad” to gauge allegiance. Most importantly, the liturgy of the Catholic Mass has
remained relatively unaltered since St. Justin described the Eucharistic celebration to
emperor Antoninus Pius in ~ 155 A.D.27 Islam does not represent such continuity for
practice of faith other than the belligerence of its adherents. Its modern comparison
with the Catholic Church can be deciphered quickly and easily – they repel one another.

That Islam continues as a “religion” is paramount to its survival. If the five billion
or so non-Muslim occupants of the planet determine the ideology to be a threat, it
effectively ceases to exist. So Muslims continue to tweak the sensibilities of their
neighbors, particularly those living within the heavily Judeo-Christian West. Islam thus
becomes not a warrior culture destined to rule the world, but a maligned “touchy feely”
victim persecuted by the infinitely horrible Western peoples. Deception.

The Islamic terrorists thrive within the digital information age, surpassing the
rest of the world in psychological warfare (read that, deception) capabilities.28 That
modern computer and graphics technologies can fashion alternate realities virtually
indistinguishable from the real thing magnifies this capability.29 Swamped with
televised images of dead infants, scorched mosques, and parading Americans, few
within the Middle East would pause to determine the validity of the images before
taking to the streets in protest and the Islamists understand this.

Compounding this situation, Islamic terrorists are able to fund, launder, plan,
recruit, conduct reconnaissance of targets, and practice their operations through social
networking and alternative reality sites such as Second Life. 30 These tactics are not
dissimilar to modern American political strategy, which also employ psychological
warfare and deception-based techniques.

Progressive politicians, known for their spin of public and media sentiment,
pounce upon the opposition. Apolitical Tea Party participants, for instance, become “Tea
Baggers” or “Domestic Terrorists” – descriptions designed to slander at best and indict
at worst. Allied liberal media outlets package demonstrations and criticisms of the
government to appear hostile or ignorant. Under the pretext of „entertainment‟,
television shows orchestrate popularity of certain beliefs while aggressively pursuing the
destruction of opposing thoughts.

All these examples are designed to saturate the human senses, making it
impossible to apply rational thought. Such urgency prevents the natural reflection upon


the truth that comprises human perception. Repetition further solidifies the distraction,
such as when the “Anybody but Bush!” period morphed into the “It‟s Bush‟s fault!” era
from 2008 onwards. Sustained, overpowering assaults upon the senses require
deflection through filtering of the intent, the perpetrator, and the method of the attack.
In other words, fighting deception of the consciousness through application of the

Managing Perceptions

Society Building
Associations, Co-
workers, Heroes,
Leaders, etc.

Fears, Desires,
Resentments, etc.
HUMAN Survival MIND Towards Maturity.

Education, Religion,
Work Experiences,
Alliance Building/Cooperation Conflicts, Disasters,

The Discovery of Entitlements.

To effectively counter deception and adequately employ natural human sensory

perception requires a review of how the human mind fully develops. The foregoing
model is a consolidated representation of the linear, asymmetrical, and core
development models of human mental evolution. The human brain, itself, is an
evolutionary product of survival, competition/aggression, alliance building/cooperation,


society building, and finally relaxation upon perceived entitlements. The deeper the
recesses of thought, the more survival oriented they become. The individual, however, is
a product of guardianship, associations, desires, fears, and their social environment.
Although the „brain‟ has matured over eons of existence, the „mind‟ remains juvenile
until maturity sets in during the individual‟s thirties.

To detect deception, the first course of action is to understand the target of the
practice. Deceivers calculate the habits, hates, and hobbies of the target.31 They also
focus on the individual‟s “Night-Side” that allows for blackmail opportunities.32 By
remaining vigilant and self-aware of his or her own lifestyle, the target can thwart the
deceiver by employing the truth. A writer, for instance, can fend off accusations of
ignorance (deception employed to suggest unprofessionalism) by referencing his or her
sources. Similarly, a commentator can likewise fend off charges of “foolishness” by
presenting their audience with biographical data or verifiable credentials.

Truth rests within its simplicity. Deception – an admittedly complex human

practice – requires vast resources and talents proportionate to the legitimacy of the
truth. Resources and tactics that can be detected with patience and understanding on
the part of the target. The British use of a helium-filled, glowing soccer ball during
WWII to deceive Germany worked because the autocratic Nazis could not cross-
reference their intolerance for initiative with English humor.33 The British held the
upper hand because they knew both themselves and their enemy as mandated by Sun-

Deception employed by the Islamists, conversely, can be challenged by both

understanding their culture and Western apathy. By spreading the truth that Islam is
most assuredly not a religion (at least in whole), the citizens of the West will
differentiate between God and Evil, shifting the burden of “proof” to the terrorists. To
keep the charade of “religion” alive, the Muslim world requires far more resources,
talents, and “marketing” than they possess at the present. One motion picture about the
life of Muhammad would silence more terrorists than all the battalions on the planet.

Furthermore, the deception from the political left must be perceived, many of
whom equate Christian individuals with the excesses of Muslim doctrine. In this
context, they suggest that abusive priests, as but one example, legitimize abusive Islam.
This deception can be countered by proving that “abuse” of any sort is not official
Christian doctrine whereas Islamic extremism is often based upon Muhammad‟s actions
or the words of the Quran.



The planet remains inhabited by liars. At least this would appear to be the case with only
politicians, entertainers, military tacticians, and academics (remember “Global
Warming”?) examined. The truth of the matter is that “lying” is a human – not natural –
function. Certain animals deceive for survival, but they do not do so intentionally for
profit or gain. Politicians deceive to gain office, entertainers deceive to gain popularity,
academics deceive to gain recognition, and tacticians deceive to gain tactical advantage.

Being that deception is such a human endeavor, the human mind is hard-wired to
detect the practice. It is what makes the hair on the back of the neck stand erect even
when threats are not visual. It is also what makes women think twice about accepting a
drink from a stranger. Deceptions make the individual commit actions or entertain
thoughts detrimental to thousands of years of evolutionary survival. Such deceivers
rarely acknowledge the individual, such as when President Obama championed
socialized medicine (deceivers trend away from the use of the word “socialism” for
anything actually socialist in nature) or when House Speaker Pelosi tried to deceive
voters into waiting for the legislation to pass before they worried about what was within
the bill.

Fortunately, deception remains a science and art while perception remains a

personal trait. Practice, study, and more practice defeat deception on all levels. The
harder that it becomes to deceive, the more noticeable the practice becomes. This,
incidentally, explains why the two “Greats” of the trade involve politicians and Islamists.
Such individuals cannot rest upon the truth alone.

R.J. Godlewski is an independent counterterrorism consultant and president of Tactical Extractions. His specialty is Middle Eastern
Terrorism and Improvised Explosive Device [IED] social networks.



1R.J. Godlewski, “Cultivating Creativity within Intelligence Analysis,” American Intelligence Journal 25,
no. 2 (2007/208), 85.

2 Ibid.

3R.J. Godlewski, “Human Intelligence: Perceiving an Enemy‟s Thoughts,” American Intelligence Journal
27, no. 2 (2009), 29.

4H. Keith Melton and Robert Wallace, The Official C.I.A. Manual of Trickery and Deception (New York:
William Morrow, 2009), 69.

5Haha Lung, Mind Control: The Ancient Art of Psychological Warfare (New York: Citadel Press, 2006),

6 Godlewski, “Human Intelligence,” 29-31.

7 Ibid., 31-32.

8For a brief outline of otherwise secretive Mormon beliefs, see

9 See American statistics for 2002 at

10Glenn Beck was reared a Roman Catholic, but converted to Mormonism in 1990 as a condition to marry
his current spouse.

11Husky Envelope Products, Walled Lake, MI. I produced ~300,000 “you are one of three finalists”
envelopes during one afternoon shift alone in 1993. Six million envelopes to alert three individuals seems
a bit excessive.


13 Will Durant, The Age of Faith (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950), 170.

14Reza Aslan, No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam (New York: Random House,
2006), 102.

15Christopher Simpson, Science of Coercion: Communication Research & Psychological Warfare 1945-
1960 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 107.

16 Robert Baer, “A Dagger to the CIA”, in GQ: Politics, April 2010.


17Peter Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI: The Untold Story (New
York: Regan Books, 2003), 308-316 [Not acknowledging that OKC conspirator Terry Nichols may have
visited WTC culprit Ramzi Yousef in the Philippines]. Yossef Bodansky, Chechen Jihad: Al-Qaeda‟s
Training Ground and the Next Wave of Terror (New York: Harper, 2007), 278-279 [That American
Airlines Flight 587 on November 12, 2001 may have been brought down by a bomb similar to two previous
Russian aircraft disasters].

18 Melton and Wallace, The Official C.I.A. Manual, 71.

19 Durant, Age of Faith, 183.

20 Ibid.

21 Ralph Peters, “Rebels and religion: How fighters become fanatics”, Armed Forces Journal (January
2007), 28-31. Reformation-era Protestant extremist Thomas Muentzer was every bit as violent and fanatic
as today‟s al-Qaeda types. Five thousand of his followers met their fate in a violent crackdown near
Frankenhausen. Muentzer himself fled and tried to survive by “deceiving” the authorities “disguised as a
sick man in bed,” 31.

22H. John Poole, Tactics of the Crescent Moon: Militant Muslim Combat Methods (Emerald Isle:
Posterity Press, 2004), 173,

23 Aslan, No god but God, 102.

24Estimates of the total number of combatants during 1939-1945 approximate 105,542,100 individuals.
Source: John Ellis, World War II: The Encyclopedia of Facts and Figures (Military Book Club, 1993),

25 Michael Dewar, The Art of Deception in Warfare (Devon: David & Charles Publishers, 1989), 27.

26 Godlewski, “Cultivating Creativity.” 85.

27 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph #1345.

28Frank G. Hoffman, “Mind Maneuvers: The Psychological Element of Counterinsurgency Warfare can be
the Most Persuasive”, Armed Forces Journal (April 2007), 28-32.

John R. Vacca, Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (Hingham: Charles River

Media, 2002), 248-249.

30Steven Nutt and Josh Lyons, “Virtual Worlds and Terrorist Attack Planning”, Urban Warfare Analysis
Center (August 22, 2008), 3-9. Steven Nutt and Josh Lyons, “Virtual Worlds and Money Laundering”,
Urban Warfare Analysis Center (August 8, 2008), 3-8.

31 Lung, Mind Control, 16.

32 Ibid., 17.

33 Godlewski, “Cultivating Creativity”, 85.


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