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The procedure we have followed is known as dimensional regularization:

evaluate the integral for (for which it is convergent); analytically

continue the result to arbitrary d; fix A and B by imposing our conditions;
take the limit .

We also could have used Pauli-Villars regularization:


makes the integral convergent for

evaluate the integral as a function of ; fix A and B by imposing our
conditions; take the limit .

Would we get the same result?

We could have also calculated without explicitly calculating A and B:

differentiate twice with respect to :

this integral is finite for

evaluate the integral; calculate by integrating it with respect to
and imposing our conditions.
Would we get the same result?
What happened with the divergence of the original integral?

To understand this better let’s make a Taylor expansion of
about :

divergent for
divergent for

divergent for

but we have only two parameters that can be fixed to get finite .
Thus the whole procedure is well defined only for !
And it does not matter which regularization scheme we use!
For the procedure breaks down, the theory is non-renormalizable!
It turns out that the theory is renormalizable only for .
(due to higher order corrections; we will discuss it later)
Loop corrections to the vertex
based on S-16
Let’s consider loop corrections to the vertex:

Exact three-point vertex function: defined as the sum of 1PI diagrams with
three external lines carrying incoming momenta so that .
(this definition allows to have either sign)

We will follow the same procedure as for the propagator.
Feynman’s formula:

Wick rotation:

(is divergent for and finite for )

for :

for with the replacement we have:

take the limit :

let’s define and ; we get:

we can choose

just a number, does not depend on or

finite and independent of

What condition should we impose to fix the value of ?

Any condition is good!
Different conditions correspond to different definitions of the coupling.
E.g. we can set that corresponds to:

The integral over Feynman parameters cannot be done in closed form, but
it is easy to see that the magnitude of the one-loop correction to the
vertex function increases logarithmically with when .

E.g. for :

the same behavior that we found for (we will discuss it later)


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