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Abercromby Press

Ramesside Inscriptions
Historical & Biographical


Kenneth A. Kitchen

Historical & Biographical

Volume I

Kenneth A. Kitchen

Abercromby Press
ISBN: 978 0 9930920 1 5

© 2015 Abercromby Press

First published in the United Kingdom by B.H. Blackwell (Oxford), 1969–75.

Reprinted in 2015 by:

Abercromby Press,
12a Elm Park Road,
CH45 5JH,
United Kingdom.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechan-
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A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library

Abbreviations and Sigla xvi


1. Sinai, Larger Stela, No. 244 (Brussels E.2171) 1

2. Sinai, Lesser Stela, No. 245 (Cairo JdÉ. 38264) 1
3. Buhen, Stela of Year 2 (Louvre C.57) 2–3
4. Statue Base in the Louvre (E.7690) 3
5. Donation Stela, Year 1 (Strasbourg No. 1378) 3–4
6. Karnak North, Donation(?) Stela, Year 1 4
7. Fragments from Abydos & Heliopolis 4
8. Obelisk Fragment, Copenhagen (National Museum Inv. 468) 5
9. Monuments of Queen Sitre (Tomb QV 38; Abydos; Tomb KV 17) 5

Northern Wars

1. Karnak (E: bottom), Campaign from Sile to Pa-Canaan, Year 1 6–11

2. Beth Shan, First Stela, Year 1 (PAM, Jerusalem S.884) 11–12
3. Karnak (E: middle), Campaign to Yenoam & Lebanon, Year 1 or later 13–15
4. Beth Shan, Second Stela, [Year lost] (PAM, Jerusalem, S.885 A/B) 15–16
5. Tell esh-Shihab, Stela, Istanbul, Ancient Orient Museum 10942 17
6. Karnak (W: bottom), Campaign against the Hittites (Undated) 17–20
7. Karnak (W: middle), Campaign against the Libyans (Undated) 20–24
8. Karnak (W: top), Campaign to Qadesh and Amurru (Undated) 24
9. Qadesh (Tell Nebi Mend), Stela, Aleppo Museum 384 25
10. Karnak (E. Side), Triumph Scene & Topographical List (XIV) 25–29
11. Karnak (W. Side), Triumph Scene & Topographical List (XIII) 29–32
12. Abydos, Temple of Sethos I, Topographical List (XVI) 32
13. Qurneh Temple, North Sphinx, Topographical List (XV) 33–34
14. Qurneh Temple, South Sphinx, Topographical List 34–35
15. Kanais, Temple of Sethos I, Triumph Scene & Nubian List 35
16. Kanais, Temple of Sethos I, Triumph Scene & Northern List (XVII) 36
17. Split, Sphinx, Diocletian’s Palace, Topographical List 36–37

Works of Peace
Dated Inscriptions & Associated Monuments

18. Buhen, Larger Stela, Year 1 (BM 1189) 37–38

19. Karnak, Alabaster Stela, Year 1 (Cairo CGC 34501) 38–39
20. Karnak, Temple of Ptah, Stela, Year 1, after 1 Campaign
21. Speos Artemidos, Great Inscription, Year 1 41–43
22. Speos Artemidos, Lesser Texts 43–44
23. Fayum, Boundary Stela, Year 2 (Cairo CGC 34502) 45
24. Nauri, Decree for Abydos Temple of Sethos I, Year 4 45–58
25. Abydos & Reqaqna, Wine Jar Dockets, Years 4 & 5 (Cairo 2789; B.107) 59
26. East Silsila, Rock Stela, Year 6 59–61
27. East Silsila, Rock Stela of Official Hapy 61
28. Sinai (Serabit el-Khadim), Stela (247+248) of Asha-hebused, Year 8 62–63
29. Sinai (Serabit el-Khadim), Stela (250) of Asha-hebused, under S. I and R. II 63
30. Sinai (Serabit el-Khadim), Minor Fragments & Relief (246 & 249) 64
31. Wadi Hammamat, Three Rock Scenes (Montet 94, 213 & 214) 64
32. Kanais, Temple of Sethos I, Threefold Inscription, Year 9 65–70
33. Kanais, Temple of Sethos I, Dedicatory Texts 70–71
34. Kanais, Stela of aAnena & Colleague 72
35. Kanais, Stela of Official with Seven Deities & Astarte, etc. 72–73
36. Aswan, Lesser Stela of Year 9 73
37. Aswan, Larger Stela of Year 9 74
38. Gebel Barkal, Stela of Year 11 (Khartum Museum 1856) 75–76
39. Giza, Sphinx-Temple, Stela of Sethos I as Huntsman 76–77
40. Giza, Sphinx-Temple, Jambs of Sethos I 77–78
41. Giza, near Sphinx, Stela of Official Hatiay 78
42. El-Dibabiya (opp. Gebelen), Stela of Huy 79
43. West Silsila, Rhetorical Stela of Sethos I 80–81
44. West Silsila, Invocation & Offerings to the Nile (Stelae of Sethos I, Ramesses II,
Merenptah and Ramesses III) 81–96

Undated Stelae & Associated Monuments

45. Elephantiné (“Nilometer”), Stela to Khnum 97–98

46. Qasr Ibrim, Stela with Viceroy Amenemope 98–99
47. Buhen, Lesser Stela, Year 1 100
48. Gebel Dosheh, Rock Stela, King & Viceroy Amenemope 100–101

49. Nubian War, Year 8(?): Amarah West and Sai Stelae (Brooklyn Museum 39.424; Sai MAF
1970 F.25.11+) 102–104
50. Amarah West, Stela Fragment, Khartum Museum 3063 104

Cult of Ramesses I by Sethos I

51. Qantara, Monument of Sethos I for Ramesses I, restored by Ramesses II 105–107

52. Abydos, Osirian Statue of Ramesses I by Sethos I, Cairo JdÉ. 89525 108
53. Abydos, Chapel of Ramesses I erected by Sethos I 108–110
54. Abydos, Dedicatory Stela for Ramesses I 110–114
55. Qurneh Temple, Chapel for Ramesses I, Dedications by Sethos I 115–116

Other Royal Monuments—Geographical Series

56. Tyre, Rhetorical Stela 117

57. East Delta Fragments: Tell Birka, Kom Sheikh Raziq, El-Mineiar 117
58. Heliopolis [Rome], Flaminian Obelisk, Piazza del Popolo 118–120
59. Heliopolis [Alexandria], Sandstone Doorjamb 120–121
60. Heliopolis [Cairo], Table of Offerings, Cairo CGC 23090 121
61. Heliopolis(?) [Grottaferrata], Statue 122
62. Votive Temple Model, Tell el-Yahudiya from Heliopolis, Brooklyn Museum Acc. 49.183
[66.228] 122–124
63. Memphis, Temple of Sethos I, Foundation Deposit(?) 124
64. Memphis, Statue of Sethos I, Cairo CGC 1293 124
65. Memphis, Lintel of Sethos I, Oratory of the Goddesses(?) 124–125
66. Saqqara, Cow-head Weight, Cairo CGC 31651 125
67. Hermopolis, Decree of [Sethos I] 125–126
68. Abydos, Statuette from “Metropolitan Temple” of Osiris, Cairo CGC 751 126
69. Abydos, Ebony Box from Cemeteries 127
70. Abydos, Osireion, Hieratic Ostracon No. 1 127–128
71. [Abydos, Oriseion], Ostracon Berlin P.11292 128
72. Abydos, Osireion, Ostraca Nos. 2 & 3 128

Abydos, Great Temple of Sethos I

73. Hypostyle Halls, Dedications (108–120) & Province Lists (120–125) 129–147
74. Seven Chapels, Dedications 147–162
75. Osiris Suite, Dedications 162–169
76. Suite of Sokar & Nefertem 169–176
77. Gallery of the Kings (incl. List of Kings, 153–156) 176–185

78. Stairway Corridor (Speeches of Thoth/Seshat, 161–163, 163–166) 185–192

79. Butchers’ Hall or “Slaughterhouse”, and Annexe 193–195
80. Treasuries, Dependencies & Lesser Remains (statue, sealings, etc.) 196–199
81. Medamud, Statue-base of Ramesses I with Sethos I 200

Karnak, Great Hypostyle Hall

82. Dedications on Architraves, Doorways, etc. (incl. Addenda) 200–206
83. Festival of Opet, rear of Pylon II 206–208
84. Processional Scenes, North Wall (interior) 208–211
85. Karnak, Royal & Divine Statuary, Cairo CGC 927, 39210–12, 42139, etc. 212–214

Qurneh, Temple of Sethos I

86. Hypostyle Hall, Architrave & Ceiling Dedications 214–215
87. Hypostyle Side Rooms III & IV 215–216
88. Hypostyle Side Room V 216–217
89. Barque Sanctuary, on side-walls 217–219
90. Rear Sanctuary, on walls, pillars, architraves (plus Addenda) 219–221
91. Suite of Ramesses I, Vestibule 221–222
92. Minor Remains (waterspout, ostraca, sealings) 222–223
93. Medinet Habu, Amenophis I Amun-Statue, Cairo CGC 1244 224
94. Valley of the Kings, Tomb KV 17, Sethos I enters the West 224
95. Deir el-Medina, Hathor Temple, furnishings & stelae 225–226
96. El-Kab, Lion Figure, Cairo JdÉ. 89120 226
97. Aksha, Temple Precinct, Subsidiary Buildings 227
98. Renewal Inscriptions (Selected: Lower & Upper Egypt, Nubia) 227–230

Miscellaneous & Minor Monuments (Royal)

99. Stela, BM 1665 231

100. Boundary Stela, Brooklyn Acc. No. 69.116.1, Year 1 231
101. Stela, Leiden V.16 232
102. Barque-Stand for Seth of Avaris, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna 232–234
103. Table of Offerings for Seth of Ombos & Nephthys, New York, MMA No. 22.2.22 234–235
104. Table of Offerings for Horus, Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek, E.115/AEIN
44/A.742 235–236
105. Pillar & Naos Fragments, Berlin 2288 & 16782 236
106. Saqqara, Precinct of Djoser, Graffiti Q & R, Year 4 237
107. Scarabs and Minor Objects (Selected) 237

Documents of the Reign & Period

108. Papyrus Cairo CGC 58057, Letter of an Official of an Estate of Ramesses I 238
109. Papyrus Northumberland I, Memphite Affairs 239–240
110. Papyrus Northumberland III, Literary Jottings 240–241
111. Papyrus Northumberland II, Army Baking Account 241–242
112. Palace Accounts, Memphis, Years 2 & 3 (Spiegelberg, Rechnungen, etc.)
(i) Deliveries of Fowl, Year 3 (Papyrus BN 203) 243–244
(ii) Baking & Bread Accounts, 1st Series (Papyri BN 204–208) 244–259
(iii) Baking & Bread Accounts, 2 Series (Papyrus BN 205)
(iv) Baking & Bread Accounts, 3 Series (Papyrus BN 209, rto. I)
(v) Timber Accounts, 1st Series (Papyrus BN 209, rto. II–V) 263–267
(vi) Grain Issue & Other Accounts (Papyrus BN 209, vso. I) 268
(vii) Baking & Bread Accounts, 4 Series; Clothing (Papyrus BN 209, vso. II–III)
(viii) Inventory of Personnel (Papyrus BN 209, vso. IV) 270–271
(ix) Timber Accounts, 2nd Series (Papyrus BN 210, abc, rto.; ab, vso.) 271–272
(x) Timber Accounts, 3rd Series (Papyrus BN 211, rto.) 273–276
(xi) Timber Accounts, 4 Series; & Reeds (Papyrus BN 211, vso.)
(xii) Timber Accounts, 5 Series (Papyrus BN 212, rto. I–III)
(xiii) Timber Accounts, 6th Series (Papyrus BN 213) 279–280
(xiv) Baking & Bread Accounts, 5 Series (Papyrus BN 237)
(xv) Timber Accounts, 7 Series (Papyrus Amherst XI, Fragments A & B)
113. Papyrus Fragment, Turin, Year 2 282

The Royal Family

114. Cross-References 282

Private Monuments of Contemporaries

A. Civil & Royal Administrations

Category I: Viziers
115. I.1: Nebamun, Vizier:
Statue, Cairo CGC 1140; base, Karnak TCC.1; Cross-Reference 283–284
116. I.2: Paser, Vizier: Theban Tomb No. 106
a. Doorway 285–286
b. Façade, Southern Stela 286–290
c. Duties of the Vizier 290–291
d. Sethos I rewards Paser 291–293

e. Paser inspects the Work of Karnak Temple Craftsmen 293–295

f. Solar Barque & Family Scenes 295–298
g. Pillar B, Face A, Biographical Text 298–299
h. Pillar C, Paser & Family, etc. 300
i. Pillar E, Praise of Montu & King 300–301
j. Pillar H, Broad Hall, Face A, Paser before Mertseger 301
Cross-References 301

Category II: Viceroys of Nubia

117. II.1: Amenemope, Viceroy:
Graffiti, Aswan & Sehel; Cross-References 302–303
118. II.2: Iuny, Viceroy:
Rock Stela, Kanais; Cross-References 303–304

Category III: Colleagues & Subordinates of the Viceroys of Nubia

119. III.1: Huy, Aide to the Viceroy Amenemope:
Buhen, Stela, Philadelphia Univ. Museum, E.10998 [Mahiy, see p. 227] 304

Category V: Chiefs of Granaries in the South & North, & Staff

120. V.1: Nefersekheru, Steward & Granary Chief:
Tomb-chapel, Zawiyet el-Meitin (Kom el-Ahmar) 304–305
121. V.2: Siese the Elder, Granary Chief:
Abydos, statuette, Brussels E.4069; Cross-References 306

Category VIII: High Stewards of the King & his Foundations

122. VIII.1: Haunefer, King’s High Steward & Superintendent of Cattle:
Papyrus BM 9901, titles & prayers 306–307
123. VIII.2: Ruru, King’s High Steward & Sem-priest in his Abydos Temple:
Stela, Louvre C.92; Cross-References 307–308

Category IX: Royal Cupbearers & Court Functionaries

124. IX.1: Khnumemhab, Superintendent of Retainers:
Sedment, Shabti-figures; Book of the Dead papyrus, UCL 308
125. IX.2: Hori-Min, Chief of the Royal Harim at Memphis:
Relief Louvre C.213, reward by King 309
Berlin Stelae Nos. 7274 & 7305 (Saqqara) 310–312
Tomb-relief, Museo Civico, Bologna, No. 1944 312–313
Statue, Leiden Museum D.38 313–315

Tomb-reliefs, Cairo, Mon. Div., pl. 60; JdÉ. 8376–8378 and 8380–8382; TN.
1/7/24/6; Cross-Reference 315–319

Category X: Secretariat, Palace Administration, Etc.

126. X.1: Amenwahsu, Table-Scribe of the King:
Relief, Chicago, Oriental Institute No. 10507; Cross-Reference 320
127. X.2: Haremhab, [Official] of the King:
Graffito, West Silsila [X.3: Hatiay, see above p. 78] 320

B. Armed Forces, Police, Building & Transport

Category XI: The Army

128. XI.1: Userhat, “Regimental” Army-Scribe:
Abydos, Stela (Mariette, Cat. 1137) 321
129. XI.2: Nakht, Royal Scribe & General:
Book of the Dead, Papyri BM 10471 & 10473; Titles & Family 321
130. XI.3: Mai-Sutekhi, Standard-Bearer:
Papyrus Cairo CGC 58053: Letter to Garrison Commanders 322
Papyrus Cairo CGC 58054: Letter to a Soldier 323–324
Papyrus Cairo CGC 58055: Letter to a Taxation Officer 324–325
131. XI.4: Hatiay, Standard-Bearer:
Tell Edfu stela, Cairo Museum JdÉ. 46749; Cross-Reference 325
132. XI.5: Hatiay, Scribe of the Stable of Ramesses I:
Stela, Musée Guimet 325

C. Temples: Priesthoods, Administrators & Other Staff

Category XV: High Priests of Amun at Thebes

133. XV.1: Wep(wat)mose, High Priest of Amun:
Box, Cairo JdÉ. 45386; Block, Medinet Habu 326
XV.2: Nebneteru, High Priest of Amun:
Cross-References 326

Category XVI: East Thebes, Other Priests & Staff

134. XVI.1: Didia, Chief Draughtsman-Painter of Amun:
Wooden Palette, Louvre N.2274 327
Two-sided Stela, Louvre C.50 327–329
Stela, BM 706, Deir el-Bahari, Dynasty 11 Temple 329–331

Category XVII: West Thebes, Other Priests & Staff

A. Temple of Sethos I at Qurneh

135. XVII.1: Harnufer, Priest of (the Temple of ) Sethos I:
Funerary Box, Louvre Inv. 4011 331
136. XVII.2: Amenmose, Scribe & Chief of Water, Temple of Sethos I:
Model Palette, BM 12778 332
137. XVII.3: Huyshery, Treasury Scribe of the Temple of Sethos I:
Stela, Stockholm National Museum Inv. 25 332–333

B. Other West-Theban Cults

138. XVII.4: Userhat, High Priest of Tuthmosis I:
Theban Tomb No. 51, Western Thebes 333–341
139. XVII.5: Akheperkare-sonb, called Amenmose, High Priest of Tuthmosis I:
Funerary Cones, DMC 484, 371–372; Cross-References 341

Category XXIII: Abydos, High Priests of Osiris & Staff

A. “Metropolitan Temple” of Osiris, Abydos

140. XXIII.1: To/Tjay, High Priest of Osiris:
Abydos, Shabti-figure, Boston Museum; Cross-References 342
XXIII.2: Hat, High Priest of Osiris:
Cross-References 342
141. XXIII.3: Mery, High Priest of Osiris:
Abydos, Shabti-figure; Cross-References 342

B. Temple of Sethos I, Abydos

142. XXIII.4: Miya, Scribe of Offerings of all Gods of the Temple of Sethos I:
Abydos, Stela, Brussels Museum E.5300 342–344
143. XXIII.5: Roma, Scribe of Troops of the Temple of Sethos I:
Stela, BM 146 344–345
144. XXIII.6: Nianuy, Chief of Goldminers of the (Abydos) Temple of Sethos I:
Stela, Louvre C.93 345–346
145. XXIII.7: Sayempetref, Chief of Goldsmiths of the Temple of Sethos I:
Seven blocks from Tomb-chapel, Abydos:
1. Kestner Museum (old Scheurleer 603) 346
2. Jelgersma Collection (old Scheurleer 625) 346–347
3. Kestner Museum (old Scheurleer 308) 347
4. Allard Pierson Museum (old Scheurleer 523) 347–348

5. Gemeente Museum (old Scheurleer 675) 348–349

6. den Haag Museum Inv. 630 349
7. Cairo Museum JdÉ. 52542 349
146. XXIII.8: Hori, Officiant of the Temple of Sethos I & the Estate of Ramesses I:
Abydos, Stela, Cairo Museum JdÉ. 34503 349–350
(XXIII.9: Ruru, Sem-Priest, see above, pp. 307–308)

D. Other Special Groups & Life at Deir el-Medina

Category XXVII: Specialists & Other Scribes

147. XXVII.1: Iuny, Chief Royal Scribe, & Family:
Asyut, Tomb-chapel with father 350–352
Deir Durunka, Asyut, Double Statue, MMA 15.2.1 352–353
Asyut, Kneeling Statue with Naos, MMA 33.2.1 353–355
Kneeling Statue CGC 728; Shabti BM 32692; Stela Ashmolean Mus. 1883.14 355–356
Stela Louvre C.89; Tet–amulet; Cross-References 356–357
148. Hymns to Abydos: Iuny, Userhat, Khay & Haremwia:
Berlin 8172; Leiden K.9; Vienna 90 (Haremwia) 357–359
149. Hymns to Re, Osiris, Wepwawet & Thoth:
Berlin 8172; Leiden K.9; Vienna 90 359–360
150. XXVII.2: Khay, Royal Table-Scribe:
Leiden K.9; Vienna 90 360
151. XXVII.3: Userhat, Chief Sculptor:
Leiden K.9; Cairo Museum CGC 457 361–363
152. XXVII.4: Haremwia, God’s Father of Horus-the-Youthful
Stela (cf. above §148) 363

Category XXVIII: Life at Deir el-Medina

Section A: Collective Sources

(α) Dated/Datable to Regnal Years

153. A.1: Laundry List, Year 1, O. DM 30 363

154. A.2: List of Vessels, Year 2, O. Cairo CGC 25704 363
155. A.3: Wood & Pottery Accounts, Years 3 and 2, or 4:
O. DM 1–28; O. Gardiner 43 (now O. Ashmolean Mus. 43); O. Berlin P.14261;
Leipzig, Münich 364–368
156. A.4: Pottery Accounts, Years 7 and 9
O. DM 91; O. Berlin P.10840 368

(β) Not Dated by Regnal Years

157. A.5: Lawsuit(?), O. DM 636 369

158. A.6: List of Foodstuffs, O. DM 29 (Leipzig) 369
159. A.7: Delivery of Vegetables by Police Chief Montemhab, O. Nash 7 369
160. A.8: Wood Account, O. DM 220 370
161. A.9: Personnel & Work Record, O. Cairo CGC 25501 370
A.10: Graffito, Spiegelberg, No. 721 (b) 370

Section B: Individuals & Families

I. Chief Workmen
162. B.I.1: Baki, Chief Workman (Left Side):
Theban Tomb No. 298 & Minor Remains from Tomb 370–372
Stelae: Turin Cat. 1549 (now N.50055); BM 265; Louvre E.16369; Turin Cat. 1543
(now N.50051); Headrest, Cairo JdÉ. 65832, etc.; Cross-References 372–374
163. B.1.2: Pashedu, Chief Workman (Left Side):
Theban Tomb No. 3 375–377
Offering table, Cairo TN 9/6/26/1; Theban Tomb No. 326; Jamb; Stelae (Florence
Inv. 7624; Cairo JdÉ. 27820; Geneva D.55); Offering table fragment; Coffin frag-
ment 378–380
164. B.I.3: Neferhotep the Elder, Chief Workman (Right Side):
Offering table, Deir el-Medina; Cross-References 380

III. Scribes of the Tomb

165. B.III.1: Amenemope, Scribe of the Tomb:
Theban Tomb No. 215, incl. Turin Cat. 1517 (now N.50085) 381–385
Bases, Turin Suppl. 9508/N.50221 & Suppl. 6176/N.50236; Stela Fragment 385
Double Statue, with wife, Berlin 6910 386–388
Offering Table, Louvre E.13997; Jamb; Graffito No. 95 (with guardian Khay); statu-
ary fragments; O. DM 629; Shabti coffin fragment (TT 215) 388–389

IV. Outline Draughtsmen and their Chiefs

166. B.IV.1: Pay, Outline Draughtsman:
Stelae: BM 373, Turin Cat. 1553 (now N.50052), Turin Cat. 1554 (now N.50042),
Turin Suppl. 6144 (now N.50048); Jamb, BM 186; Graffito No. 817 390–391
167. B.IV.2: Pashedu, Outline Draughtsman:
Theban Tomb No. 323, incl. stela 392–394
Stelae: Hermitage 8726 and Deir el-Medina; other fragments, Turin Prov. 859 (now
N.50226), BM 261; Graffito No. 2614 394–396

V. Sculptors
168. B.V.1: Piay, Sculptor:
Stelae: Bankes No. 8, Louvre E.14405, etc.; Pyramidion, Louvre D.19; Offering table 396–397

VI. Chief Craftsmen, Etc.

169. B.VI.1: Huy, Chief Craftsman & Workman:
Theban Tomb No. 361, and Canopic Jars 397–398
Stelae, jambs, lintel, including Bankes No. 2, Turin Cat. 1609 (now N.50069), Ber-
lin 20143, Turin Cat. 1661 (now N.50214), BM 448; Offering tables, incl. Louvre
E.13996; Graffito No. 1930 398–402
170. B.VI.2: Didi, Chief Craftsman & Workman:
Stelae, Shabtis, etc., Deir el-Medina; Cross-References 402–403

VIII. Workmen, Etc.

171. B.VIII.1: Amenemone, Workman:
Tomb-relief, Cairo Museum JdÉ. 43591 403
172. B.VIII.2: Pashedu, Workman:
Theban Tomb No. 292, including Stelae Turin Suppl. 6150 (now N.50242) and
Suppl. 6168 (now N.50083) 404–406
Stelae, etc., including BM 262, Turin Suppl. 6149 (now N.50076), Turin Cat. 1546
(now N.50026); Lintel, BM 598; Pillar Fragment Turin Suppl. 6154 (now N.50213) 406–408
O. DM 108 and Graffito No. 819 409
173. B.VIII.3: Nebdjefa, Workman and aA-n-a:
Stelae BM 268 & BM 807; Offering table, Cairo JdÉ. 72008; Graffiti Nos. 2134 &
2187; Fragments, Tomb 1319A 409–410
174. B.VIII.4: Sennudjem, Workman:
Theban Tomb No. 1 411–412
Wooden Door from Theban Tomb No. 1 (Cairo JdÉ. 27303); Pyramidion 412–413
Stelae: Bankes No. 6, Turin Suppl. 6138 (now N.50035), Turin Suppl. 6152 (now
N.50075); Lintel fragment 413–414

Addenda et Corrigenda
175–176. Karnak, Great Hypostyle Hall, Addenda to Architraves 414–415
177. Karnak, Temple of Khons, Block reused in Pylon 415
178–179. Qurneh, Temple of Sethos I 415–416
180. Minor Corrigenda (to pp. 1–64) 416

Additional Corrigenda 417–426



BM British Museum (accession number)

CdD (CEDAE) Centre of Documentation and Study of Ancient Egypt / Centre
du Documentation et d’Études sur l’Ancienne Égypte, Cairo
CGC Catalogue Générale du Musée du Caire, Cairo, with number.
Definitive museum numbers of monuments used in the official
Catalogue volumes
DelM, DM Deir el-Medina
EA British Museum reference number prefix
EEF Egypt Exploration Fund
J., JdÉ. Journal d’Éntrée, accession register and accession numbers for
monuments in Cairo Museum
KV Valley of the Kings (tomb number)
LPH Life, Prosperity and Health!
MMA Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (accession number)
MS./MSS. Manuscript(s)
O. Ostracon
O. BM Ostracon, British Museum
O. CGC Ostracon, Catalogue Générale du Musée du Caire, Cairo
O. DM Ostracon, Deir el-Medina
PAM Palestine Archaeological Museum, Jerusalem
Pap. Papyrus
Pap. BN Papyrus Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris)
QV Valley of the Queens (tomb number)
R. I, R. II, etc. Ramesses I, Ramesses II, etc.
rto. Recto
S. I, S. II Sethos I, Sethos II
Th. III Tuthmosis III
TN. –/–/–/– Cairo Museum, Temporary Register Number of monuments, by
day/month/year/individual number
TT Theban Tomb (number)
vso. Verso


Acta Or. Acta Orientalia

Aeg. Inschr. Berlin G. Roeder et al., Ägyptische Inschriften aus den Königlichen Museen
zu Berlin, II, Leipzig, 1924
ASAE Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte
BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
Bibl. Aeg. IV C.E. Sander-Hansen, Historische Inschriften der 19. Dynastie, I,
Brussels, 1933, being Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca, IV
BIFAO Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire
BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis
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NAWG Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaft, Göttingen
Newberry, Scarabs P.E. Newberry, Scarabs, London, 1906
OHNL See under Černý, OHNL

Penn. Univ. Mus. J. Pennsylvania University Museum Journal

PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly (formerly … Quarterly Statement)
Petrie, Qurneh W.M.F. Petrie, Qurneh, London, 1909, British School of Archae-
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Petrie, Sc., Cyl., N W.M.F. Petrie, Scarabs & Cylinders with Names, London, 1917,
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PM, P-M, P & M, B. Porter & R.L.B. Moss, E.M. Burney, Topographical Bibliog-
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PM2 I–III Idem, with and by J. Málek, ibidem, 2nd ed., I:1 & I:2 (1960–
1962), II (1972), III pt. 1 (1974)
PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
Rd’É Revue d’Égyptologie
RIK, I–II The Epigraphic Survey, Reliefs & Inscriptions at Karnak, I–II, Chi-
cago, 1935–1936. Oriental Institute Publications, Volumes 25
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RT Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égypti-
ennes et assyriennes
Sander-Hansen, Bibl. Aeg. IV See Bibl. Aeg. IV
Schott, Kanais S. Schott, Kanais, der Tempel Sethos I im Wadi Mia (NAWG),
Göttingen, 1961
Simons, ETL See ETL
Speleers, Rec. … Bruxelles L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions égyptiennes des Musées royaux
du Cinquantenaire à Bruxelles, Brussels, 1923
Spiegelberg, Rechnungen W. Spiegelberg, Rechnungen aus der Zeit Setis I …, Strassburg,
Sp(iegelberg), (Äg.) Gr. (Th.) W. Spiegelberg, Ägyptische und andere Graffiti (Inschriften und
Zeichnungen) aus der Thebanischen Nekropolis, Heidelberg, 1921
(cited by number)
Top(ogr.) Bibl(iogr.) See PM, P & M, etc.
Tosi & Roccati, Stele … Deir el M. Tosi and A. Roccati, Stele e altre epigrafi di Deir El Medina,
Medina (n. 50001–50262), Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino, Serie 2:
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Urk IV K. Sethe & W. Helck, Urkunden IV/der 18. Dynastie, Leipzig &
Berlin, 1906–1958
VDI Vestnik Drevnei Istorii

Wb., Wb. Blgst. A. Erman, H. Grapow, et al. Wörterbuch der Aegyptischen Sprache,
I–VII, Leipzig & Berlin, 1925–1963, and idem, Die Belegstellen,
I–V, 1935–1953
Wreszinski, Atlas W. Wreszinski, Atlas zur altägyptischen Kulturgeschichte, I–II,
Leipzig, n.d.
ZÄS Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
ZDPV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins


cj. r(s). conjectural/(ly) restoration(s)/restored

corr. correction
pr. probable
sic unexpected, but present in the original or the copy used
so usually correct, but not always obviously so
tr(s). trace(s), i.e., of damaged signs
[ ] encloses signs now lost, but recorded in earlier copies
[////] encloses text (or text-space) lost; hatched signs are cj. r.
< > encloses signs erroneously omitted by the original
{ } encloses superfluous signs in the original
( ) encloses signs reported (in publications, etc.) but not actually giv-
en, or not available to the editor
∫∫ separates distinct sections of unrelated text here written on the
same line in this work
// parallel (text)

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