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Religions Chart: Unit [3]

Religion Name [Buddhism] [Jainism]
Origins: Founder of Buddhism was Siddhartha Gautama. He was so Mahariva is considered the founder of Jainism. After non-
Founder, Key Figures, Historical disgusted with marriage that he left his nagging old lady (and satisfaction with his Hindu religion, he sought another way and
Development, Cosmogony, Myths possibly a child, there seems to be no certainty on this) and in traveled naked and poor and begging until he found a way. The
desperation to just get the heck out and, have nothing for his ex- Jains believe in the principle of “ahisma” or that no living thing
wife to take, the wise Buddha left all worldly possessions. Smart should be hurt or feel pain. Also, the Jains do not believe in sex or
move as by doing this he had nothing left to for his ex’s vultures any type of personal gratification, so feel free to shake the hand of
(attorney’s) to take from him. He contemplated life under a tree a devout Jain. The believers in Jainism believe that Mahariva’s
and decided having been through the hell of a bad marriage, the birth was one pronounced by visions by his mother to bear a great
only way to move was up and so he arose after some time and child.
changed his name to “Buddha”. Another wise move, as due to
ancient India’s record keeping they could not now locate the ex-
husband formerly known as Siddhartha. Yes, this is meant to
inject a bit of jocularity into not only class but my own personal
Basic Beliefs: Buddhists revere the Buddha, but are also allowed to believe in There are five vows in Jainism, 1) nonviolence, 2) truth, 3) do not
God, Afterlife, Humanity, Evil, other gods. But, they must acknowledge that in order to attain steal, 4) celibacy and, 5) non-possessiveness.
scripture/sacred writings, authority, enlightenment, you must follow the path of the Buddha. This The sincere believer in Jainism sincerely believes in not harming
other unique beliefs or points of enlightenment is called Nirvana. The belief is that the Buddha was any creature of this world. Not insects, not animals and not
view. born of a miraculous conception. people. Always speak the truth, never take what is not yours.
Reading more online some take celibacy to mean that if married,
do not cheat on your partner, and if you are a monk or nun, NO sex
at all.
Practices: As monks have given up all worldly possessions and do not seek to Some of the more important festivals of Jainism are the Mahavir
Annual Festivals, Regular empower themselves with worldly things, Buddhist monks are Jayanti and, the Mahamastakabhisheka festival. The latter is held
Meetings, Rites of Passage, reliant upon the local people to feed them and provide sustenance only once every 12 years. Another very important one is Diwali.
Ethical Codes, Expectations of and monies for daily living. Some of the more important Buddhist The is the festival where Jains give offering to their goddess of
Individual Piety events/festivals are; the Buddhist New Year, Vesak or Buddha Day wealth.
and, Dhamma Day. There are more celebrated days but there are
also some that are mainly noted by the country or region of that
particular sect of Buddhism.
Sacred Spaces: Geographical Lumbini is a very sacred place for Buddhist as this is the place of There are many places within India that are sacred to Jains. Bothe
Locations, Special Places, Typical birth of the Buddha. The city of Bodhgaya is where the Buddha because of the direct tie with Mahariva and because if the ancestry
worship location attained his enlightenment. The city of Sarnath is where the of Hinduism. It is worthy to note here that my online research has
Buddha taught his first sermon. The city of Kushinagar is where found most of the sacred sites are on hilltops or out of the areas of
the Buddha died after accidentally being given tainted food. cities. I’m guessing this owes to the meditation that is required of
Jains. Mount Parsvanatha, the Delwara temples on Mount Abu.
Also, Shatrunjaya is very important to the Jains as this is where the
first Tirthankara reached moksa.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 01, 2017, from

History of Jainism. (2016, November 18). Retrieved August 29, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved September 01, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2017, from

(n.d.). Retrieved September 01, 2017, from

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