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Scum, Subs, and Muties

“Dere ain't a soul 'ere who won't fleece ya for everyting ya have on ya. Gimme twenty
Thrones and I'll see ya troo' dis scumville in one piece.” - Madigan One-Look

A look at the less than noble populace of the Imperium within the Inquisitor game by Ruaridh

A Realm of Deviants The environmental and genetic factors faced

by man have wreaked havoc on the holy
The Imperium of man has within its borders human form over the 30 millennia since he
worlds of shimmering spires, wealth and walked the stars in the Golden Age, and now
prosperity where man thrives free from ill- the race of men is no longer one glorious
health, war and worry. These blessed few whole. Cosmetic differences in build,
know nothing of the hardships faced by the complexion and hair colour vary almost
vast majority of their fellow men. Their lives between every world and ship, but in many
couldn't be further apart from those countless places the changes are far more disturbing.
billions that barely scrape an existence in the On some worlds men long ago grew into
depths of hives; those voidborn unfortunates giants and on others became diminutive.
that gasp for air in the depths of spacecraft These Ogryns and Ratlings are tolerated
holds; those scarred ferals that are hunted subspecies, but even these are not the most
from birth in carnivorous jungles; and those outlandish of creatures that were once men.
deep space miners that are one punctured Not even the shrunken, saucer-eyed
voidsuit away from oblivion. These desperate troglodytes of the darkest caverns of the
men cheat, steal and kill to survive, but even galaxy, nor the horned and hooved beastmen
this gutter scum is not the lowest of the low. that gene-splicing once breathed life into are
the most despicable of the once-men. It is
the true mutants, those of hunched form and
skewed features that populate the rad-zones
and the underhives of the Imperium that bear
this dubious honour. The worst of the galaxy
has written itself into their genes and
imprinted its darkness onto their very visages
and implanted evil within their souls.

As the galaxy becomes an ever more

dangerous place for the human race,
muddying its gene pool and wreaking
catastrophe, the descent of man will only gain
in speed.
Scum: The Downtrodden, are not unheard of. Indeed, some Inquisitors
would say it is the politicians and rulers of
Destitute, and Desperate this realm that are the worst of all. Whatever
their origin, scum present a useful resource
“First things first – I will cut you unless you for an Inquisitor whose investigation has
do exactly as I say. Throw down your gun taken him to the less savoury communities of
and then your coin purse. In that order” - the galaxy. Oftentimes a local guide is
Gentleman Garrotte needed, as well as cheap muscle. Amoral
companions are of use when a target needs a
knife in the back, or an artefact needs stolen.
Even the finest Garden Worlds of the No one is likely to miss them either...
Imperium are home to shadowy figures keen
to make a quick buck by whatever means. Author's note: This archetype is a sweeping
On most Imperial worlds one will find men generalisation of a myriad of ne’er-do-wells
who wouldn't think twice about turning to from all facets of Imperial society, and
crime to better their lot in life, and on the players and GMs should feel free to alter
worst hiveworlds one would be hard-pressed profiles as they like, keeping in mind the
to find even one single honest worker. guide to appropriate values at the start of the
Pickpockets, hatchet-men, fences, confidence LRB. Most Scum are weak-willed, quick on
tricksters, dealers, stick-up crews – there's no their feet and far more inclined to stab
end to the variety of scum that lurk in the someone in the back than face them down in
Imperium, preying on the weak. Most are a straight up fight, and the stats above reflect
career criminals, in it for the money, but this. Scum are unlikely to be armed with
rogues from noble families seeking thrills anything other than common equipment,
outwith the rigid structures of their family life unless they come from an affluent

WS BS S T I Wp Sg Nv Ld
Scum 55 55 50 50 60 45 40 50 35
Random 45+2D10 45+2D10 40+2D10 40+2D10 50+2D10 35+2D10 35+D10 40+2D10 30+D10

New Equipment
Blunderbuss (Common): Special: The maximum range of a
Little more than a metal tube with a flared blunderbuss is 20 yards. A character hit end
strapped to a wooden stock, there is by a blunderbuss takes damage to D3+1
little skill needed to construct a blunderbuss. locations.
Even the ammunition can be collected from
the hive floor, provided one has gunpowder
on hand to expel the resultant mix of nails,
stones and glass.

Type Range Mode Accuracy Damage Shots Reload Weight

Blunderbuss Basic A Single 10 D6+1 1 4 30

Chain Knife (Rare): Compact Pistol (Scarcity as per original

In the close confines of the hive, there is weapon):
often little room for fighting with anything Concealed weapons provide for ease of
larger than a knife. Anyone who carries avoiding unwanted attention, and the scum of
something other than a mundane blade is at a this galaxy thrive on stick ups with an easily
distinct advantage, and many scum aspire to pocketable pistol. A compact pistol uses the
owning a chain knife. They practice their profile of the weapon it is a miniaturised
blade work endlessly for a chance of claiming version of, but has half the shots and half the
one... weight (rounding up). A compact laspistol
would therefore have 15 shots and a weight
Reach Damage Parry Penalty of 8.
Chainknife 1 D10+2 -30.00%
Scrap Armour (Common):Scavenged boiler New Special Abilities
doors, tank tracks and the general metal
detritus of underhives the galaxy over provide Create A Scene:
durable, if heavy, armour to those that can't The fast-talking character makes a
afford a fitted suit of carapace. Scrap armour commotion, drawing the attention of those
provides 5 points of protection to each around him. Those that are close enough to
location, plus an additional +1 point of hear the character talking must pass a
armour against primitive weapons, mundane Willpower test or be at -1 Speed the following
hand to hand weapons, and solid projectile turn as they struggle to ignore the distraction
weapons such as stubbers, autoguns and in front of them.
shotguns (not bolt, las, or other energy
weapons). Characters wearing scrap armour Street Fighter:
suffer -2 yards of movement per action (to a Years of scrapping in alleys has taught the
minimum of 1). fighter all sorts of dirty tricks to gain the
upper hand. Any unarmed hit the character
makes counts as a critical hit.

Thief their morning prayers cursing the name of

Yves Urthault, the man who stole a decade's
produce from their ancestors.
Why pay for something when you can take it
for free? Countless billions live by that Author's note: Thieves are quick-witted
mantra, but amongst the petty thieves and characters, happier to skulk in the shadows
bullies can be found talented individuals that than engage in combat. They are unlikely to
excel at robbery. These pickpockets, cat be armed with anything bigger than a pistol,
burglars and tithe robbers pull off feats of though equipment to help them evade
legend that leave local enforcer cadres detection such as smoke grenades would be
stumped. Every juve on Othello worth his appropriate. Special Abilities such as Catfall
shiv knows how Dalton Vebb lifted the Crown and Scale Terrain would fit a cat burglar.
Prince's sceptre from above his bed while he Other equipment and skills useful for a Thief
slept, and the Tithemasters of Trem begin character can be found below.

WS BS S T I Wp Sg Nv Ld
Thief 50 45 45 45 70 50 50 45 40
Random 45+D10 40+D10 40+D10 40+D10 60+2D10 35+2D10 45+D10 40+D10 35+D10
New Equipment Stummers (Rare):
Stummers deaden sounds as an individual
Coolskin (Exotic): moves, allowing him to move quietly and
A Coolskin is a membrane layer, or safely. A character equipped with Stummers
refrigerated, hooded bodyglove, that removes may force other characters to re-roll sound
a users heat signature, effectively making based Awareness tests focussed on the
them invisible to infrared vision and character.
Vox Scrambler (Rare):
Grapnel Gun (Rare): Whether ordained by tech priests to prevent
This launcher shoots a claw-like grapnel spying on military planning or cobbled
attached to a line into almost any material together by hereteks to stop guards
and then pulls the bearer to that location with communicating, these devices block all vox
a powerful reel. A grapnel gun counts as a signals within a given radius. Average quality
Pistol with range band A, 1 shot, a reload devices have an active range of ten yards.
value of 1, and a weight of 15 (in desperate Poor quality versions have an active range of
circumstances the grapnel gun may be used five yards, but are Common. Good quality
as an offensive weapon, and inflicts D6 devices have an active range of twenty five
damage). Characters may aim before firing yards, and are considered Exotic.
the grapnel gun, and suffer a -30% penalty to
hit any specific terrain features they wish to
hit (such as a pipe between two buildings).
Missing with the shot results in the grapnel
scattering as per a grenade. Once the resting
place of the grapnel is determined, the
character may reel himself towards it at a
speed of 4 yards per action. The line may be
detached and reeled in for a single action.

Lock Breaker (Rare):

A catch all term for a number of devices used
to aid the opening of locked doors and safes.
Some use acid to dissolve lock mechanisms,
others contain small explosive charges, some
commune with the machine spirits of cogi-
locks, and some are little more than hairpins.
Lock Breakers give a +10% bonus to opening
locked doors and safes (GMs may increase or
decrease the bonus at their discretion
depending on how secure the door is – simple
padlocks are easier to bypass than gene-
locked stasis fields).

New Special Abilities equipment from the other character (or place
an item on the target). Both characters take
Pickpocket: an opposed Initiative test – if the pickpocket
The character is adept at lifting possessions wins he adds the piece of equipment to his
from the person of another. If the character character sheet. If his opponent wins, he
manages to successfully sneak up on another becomes aware of the attempted theft and
character (get within 1 yard undetected), he receives one free action. Note: drawn
may attempt to pickpocket a single piece of weapons, bionics and clothing/armour cannot
be removed by pickpocketing!
Reclaimator different from the arch-hereteks that design
blasphemous AI constructs, infuse their
The mysteries of the machine are a closely weapons with warpstuff and converse with
guarded secret, known only to that select daemons. Those caught disrespecting the
band of individuals that make up the Adeptus tenets of the Adeptus Mechanicus are one and
Mechanicus. While there are technomats and the same in the eyes of the Omnissiah.
laymen shown how to operate machinery, the
average man of the Imperium has no clue as
to the workings of the engines and technology
around him, and knows that attempting to
understand will bring him the enmity of the
techpriests. Reclaimators are an unusual
exception – their role is to reclaim scrap and
put it into working order, and to fashion
repairs aboard ship or in manufactoria, tasks
which inevitably require an understanding of
the machine. Some come to worship the
Machine God, but a significant minority take
the knowledge they have acquired and put it
to use for personal gain. Serious money can
be made on the black market selling
archeotech, and ever there are arms dealers
after new ways of dealing death. Going down
this path can be ill-advised for the average
Reclaimator, is it can draw the enmity of Author's Note: Reclaimators present groups
those that trusted them with their machines of less than noble bent an alternative to using
and equipment. Any that have attempted the a Techpriest for matters of the machine.
mastery of machines without the prescribed Conversely, they make for appropriate
rituals are known to the Adepts of Mars as enemies of the Adeptus Mechanicus,
hereteks, and they are hunted ruthlessly. especially if they are accompanied by
Though the Reclaimators on this path may constructs of their own design. Reclaimators
have done nothing more than adapt have access to common and rare equipment,
machinery to suit their purpose or have and possibly even exotic and legendary
recovered pieces of tech and combined them equipment, though the latter will undoubtedly
into new designs, they are not considered any draw the ire of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

WS BS S T I Wp Sg Nv Ld
Reclaimator 45 45 45 45 55 55 60 45 40
Random 45+D10 45+D10 40+D10 40+D10 50+D10 45+2D10 50+2D10 40+D10 35+D10

New Equipment
Tractor Field Generator (Exotic):
Haywire Wand (Exotic): Used for moving large pieces of scrap, a
Commonly a 3 foot long copper rod with an tractor field generator is a man-portable
insulated grip, a Haywire Wand is used to device occasionally found in the hands of
deliver debilitating electro-magnetic pulses to archeotech prospectors and reclaimators. A
machinery to allow the Reclaimator to tear character with a tractor field generator counts
them apart all the easier. The technique is as having the Telekinesis psychic power,
also surprisingly effective against augmetic though tests his Sagacity rather than
parts, and many a Techpriest has been taken Willpower when attempting to activate the
by surprise by a cornered heretek and found power.
himself immobilised momentarily. The
Haywire Wand is an improvised close combat
weapon that effects targets as per a Haywire
grenade for a single turn.
New Special Abilities rudimentary, though still abhorred, artificial
intelligence. Few Reclaimators would let a
Tech Aware: member of the Adeptus Mechanicus examine
The character has more than a rudimentary their construct too closely for fear of reprisal.
understanding of the mysteries of the
machine. Unusual outside of the natives of
Forgeworlds, this dangerous knowledge allows
them to interact with machinery that would
leave the average man baffled. The character
receives a +10% bonus to any tests involving
interaction with machines (such as
programming a cogitator).

Servitor Construct

The pride and joy of many a Reclaimator,

these creations tread a fine line between
Mechanicus orthodoxy and techno-heresy.
Built from reclaimed parts, the most skilful
(or heretical) Reclaimators can do away with
the need for biological components almost
entirely, gifting their creations with

WS BS S T I Wp Sg Nv Ld
Construct 40 30 80 80 35 90 5 90 10
Random 30+2D10 20+2D10 70+2D10 70+2D10 30+D10 80+2D10 D10 80+2D10 2D10

Servitor Constructs are largely mechanical, quality.

and are likely to have an armour value of 6
on all locations. Though slow and lumbering, Exotic Abilities: Blunt
they have an independence of thought
greater than the average servitor, but are As they are essentially all machine, Servitor
unlikely to be able to undertake even simple Constructs will be shut down by Haywire
problem solving. They are unlikely to have Grenades and weapons with similar effects
any equipment greater than common in while in their area of effect.

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