Abk Plastic Collected by Rifat

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Group Assignment onABK PLASTIC

Submitted to: Esnaina Quader (ESQ) Group: Stranger

Lecturer Course: Mgt368
Department of Management
North South University

Submitted by:

Submission date: 29 march 20

ABK Plastic

ABK plastic company is a company established in June, 2016 with a vision “To be the market leader
within next ten years and export products worldwide. Mr Kamrul Ahasan is the founder of the
company. ”The head office of this company is located at Jadhob Narayan Lane, 2nd floor, Nolgola,
Dhaka. The factory of ABK plastic is situated at Islambaag, Posta, Dhaka.

As it is near to a startup company so it is now operating its business with 5 permanent employees.
This company is mainly manufacturing plastic products targeting rural area. At the present time ABK
plastic is making household plastic products and selling their products all over the country by their


Vision:To be the market leader within next ten years and export products worldwide.

Company Size:It is a startup company with 5 permanent employees in head office and have 24
workers in the factory. They are a small company right now. But they have a vision. They want to be
the market leader within next 10 years. They also want to export their products worldwide within next
10 years.

Market: Their target market is the rural people of Bangladesh. Currently they are targeting the rural
people of Bangladesh. But in the next year they are going to target all the area of Bangladesh. They
are also going to target the urban and sub urban people of Bangladesh as well.

This company is mainly manufacturing plastic products. ABK plastic is making household plastic
products. They sell their products as the name of Akhi plastic in the market. They only making the
house hold products which re needed every day of human life.

These re this some products of their company. Currently they’reproducing this type of plastic
products. But from the June they started to producing more plastic house hold products.
History of the founder:

Bangladesh is a more populated country. People using plastic products for their household use. So the
demand of the plastic products re increasing day by day. People demandplasticmade household
products more over than other products. The founder of the company decided to start up new
business. The founder hada research. Afterthat he found that the demand of plasticmade household
products re increasing day by day in our country. So he wants to startplastic business. He wants to set
up his own factory. But before starting the business he faces some problems like capital problems,
funding problems, human resources problems. But he overcome all the problems. He hired places for
his factoryand office. Then build up the factoryanddecorate his office. Then he bought machine from
Chin. He hired 24 workers for his factory works. He recruits 4 employees for official works. He
works as the CEO of the company. They sell their products through dealersall the country. They
havea strong connection with theirdealers.

Rising capital: In the first step he faces the capital problems. He manages “Dhaka Bank” to give his
loan. By taking the loan from the bank he started his business well. Without this he has his own
saving money which he used to start the business.

Carrierchoice: The founder of the companyhadapassion to start up his own business. so he thought
he need to start new business. he thought that in Bangladesh people using plastic products for their
household use. So he decided to start up plastic business. so he established his own business “ABK
Plastic” in June 2016. Now he is the CEO of his company.

Cultural influence: Now a day, in Bangladesh people are using more plastics products for their
household use. The rural people uses more plastic products for household. People re influenced by
others for using plastic products. Most of the household productismade of plastic now.
Marketing Plan

Since we are new player in the market so we need to make some stringent strategies to penetrate
market and grab customers. The customers of the plastic industry are scattered due to lack well-
known brand names. So our first Priority will be to accumulate the defused customers.
The direct customers are the customers whom we are selling our product regularly. So for us
households whom we are selling plastic goods and dealers who are selling our plastics products in

Product Plan
The plastics companies require high quality machines and raw materials to make high quality plastic
products. The companies which are producing plastics products will reject PET (Polyethylene
terephthalate) plastics with even a small impurity/ opaqueness. So we the Care Plastics provide high
end PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) for the perfect plastic products. These processes will produce
clean, cost-efficient, recycled raw material for manufacturers of thermoform, laminate and other high
value-added products. There by reducing costs and creating a clear pricing edge among their

Pricing Plan
As plastic products do not carry any brand name so only pricing and distribution Strategies will work
to achieve competitive edge. The pricing strategy we will use is penetration pricing. The price of the
plastic products we will sell will be lower than the market price. Also for the PET standard the price
will be lower than the competitors. A lower price enables us to capture the market.

Place Plan
Firstly, we will target all rural areas. We will have a distribution center in lalbagh which continuously
maintains the supply of the plastics products and will be stored in warehouse which is close to the
facility itself. The sales people or dealers will directly contact to the companies which require these
kinds of plastics products. In lalbagh as stated above that we will have a distribution center, from that
center we will distribute to whole sellers or dealers.

Promotion Plan
We will promote through television advertising and print media advertisingetc. and we will also
develop our website which enables us to widely spread our contact among various suppliers, whole
sellers and dealers. The site will have full details of product which are available for suppliers, whole
sellers, dealers as well.
Business model canvas:

Key partners: Key activities: Value propositions:

 Currently they have no  Producing plastics  Quality products

key partners. products.  Low price

 Distributing the

Customer relationship: Customer segment: Key resources:

 Direct contact with  Rural people of  Human resources.

customers for feedback Bangladesh.  Factory equipment.
of their products.

Channels: Cost structure: Revenue stream:

 Office rent
 Distribute products  Factory rent  Revenue from
through dealers.  Employee salary selling products.
 Worker salary
 Miscellaneous expense
Critical Successful Factors:

Product Design: The rural people of Bangladesh are main target market for AKB plastics.
That is why they focusing on the design of their products on the basis of the rural market. In
that case their design is distinguished from the market to others and its really helps to
compete in this market.

Product Price:AKB plastic has the lower cost of product opportunities in the plastic
industries.The availability of cheap labor and less spending on advertising gives them the
opportunity to reducing price. They are always try to avoid spending more money on tvc also
more others advertising. AKB believes in push marketing strategy because they have now
only B TO B business clients that’s why AKB now maintaining relation with their dealers
rather than customer’s relation that’s the main reason behind their opportunity behind lower
cost of product.

Better quality: AKB plastic offers the better quality of product in this market to gain the
customers attention, they are trying to get in customer’s mind by offering better quality
plastics product than competitors product in the market this factor can contributed to success
or ongoing challenge of the business.

Largest market Place: There are few plastic companies leading this industry in our country.
It is little bit easier for AKB to entry in this industry because of there is not so much
competitor in this industry comparatively others industry. AKB got a large market place with
a lower competition opportunity.

High demanding market:Presently, the population of Bangladesh is increasing at a rapid rate. The
demand for plastic is very high, especially in Rural area. So the prospect of plastic business is
very high. Now AKB plastic companies run their business according to the demand of lower
middle class in the rural areas that’s why AKB got the higher plastic demand in that market.

ABK plastic is a newly established company. Now it has so many potential customers all over the
country. within next ten years the company will be the market leader and export their products

Secondary sources:

 https://www.facebook.com/Abk.plastic/


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