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Text type: Formal letters on a variety of topics (e.g.

letters of invitation)

Function: ƒ inviting
Context of use: ƒ It is used to invite others to join parties or
special functions.
Linguistic characteristics: ƒ Simple, precise and concise words
ƒ Detailed information
ƒ Tone should be friendly and sincere. Words
should be chosen carefully.
ƒ Style of writing should be formal.
Format of layout: ƒ Addresses of the addresser and the addressee
ƒ Salutation (Dear Mr. Lam)
ƒ Body
-State the invitation is for whom and given by who
-Reasons of invitation
-R.S.V.P ( it is a French word -"repondez s'il vous
plait" which means "please reply" )
ƒ Signature

Format of the envelope for the invitation is addressed

the same way as an envelope of a letter (i.e. with the
recipient’s address in the middle of the envelope and
addresser’s address on the left hand corner of the
Ways of organizing ƒ Reasons for inviting others
information: ƒ Detailed information about the party
ƒ Ask friends to come by using a sincere tone
Other characteristics ƒ An invitation to a child’s birthday party usually
has some colorful pictures on the cover.


Markstein. L. (1986). Beginning Writing Tasks-Write now! Regents publishing

company, INC.

VanHuss. H. (1987). Basic letter and Memo writing . South-western publishing co.

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