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Automotive Safety and t: Engineering Standards _ . “Geometric Dimensioning | and Tolerancing S "HY A Pocket Guide to, - - Siipplement the” See we a ASME Y14.5M- 194° 7 2 RS ‘ iy Dimensioning and Ro ae 4 - Tolerancing Standard wes i— * GP = D+M. | Sy Quai Basin Manacring ; \2 0 60° . 7 Environmental ~ and Safety . ° Engineering . “Ford Automotive - Operations ‘GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND — _ TOLERANCING (gor) : ~ . INTRODUCTION. . x The purpose ofan ‘engineering drawing i is taclearly convey thes~ . product design intent of function. Todo so, it must be interpreted by, Désign and. Manufacturing ‘uniformly. - Loe - -GDT is “the Engineering Prodiict-Definition “Standard. which déscribes the gedmétric features of a product and their . Operational relationships” ‘(expressed: as tolerances) to each other and’ their. functional. interfaces with . matihg: parts, _ assemblies, etc. It provides the. ‘documentation base for’ the A ~ design « ‘of the production. and quality Systems. ~ This. booklet is intended to sérve as an aid i in understanding ‘GDT andis a condensed version of the material. For additional “information refer to. “Dimensioning and Tolerancing, ASME. ¥14,5M-1994”._Drawings containing the note “DIMENSIONING ~ AND TOLERANCING IN. AGCORDANCE, “WITH. ASME. ¥14.5M-1994" comply. with the . above-: stated -stahdard. ‘Drawings not.containing this note must be i erpreted using the - _ applicable. Standard at the time of its drat DIMENSIONS SHOWN . IN THIS PUBLICATION ARE N _ MILLIMETERS. SY ~The Illustrations: shown i in this. booklet are’ Intended to aid the v -user. in understanding “the “principles and methods: of __ Dimensioning and Tolerancing. Many of the ‘filustrations-are incomplete by intent and should not be lised as the basis for ° * Design | Criteria, ‘Acopptanes, or: ‘Belection. of Components. TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE INTRODUCTION GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS ............- 1 COMMON TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .................. 2 FEATURE CONTROL FRAME ............0: 00000 cee eee 3-4 GENERAL RULES .... 00.20 e ccc eee eee 5-7 DATUM SYSTEM... 0... 2.0. cece cece cence 8-14 STRAIGHTNESS ..... 000.000 e cee cc ccc ence eee 15-16 FLATNESS 2.2.0... e eect eens 17 CIRCULARITY . 2.0... c eect eee ee eee 18 CYLINDRICITY «1.0... 00... e eee 19 PROFILE «2.0... cece eee eee e eens 20-26 PARALLELISM ..... ccc cece ccc eee 27-28 PERPENDICULARITY ............0..0 0.0 c cece eee ee 29-30 ANGULARITY .. 000.0002 cee eect e neces 31 TANGENT PLANE ... 6.00... 02. cece eee cece eee 32 101 (0) Sn 33-53 SYMMETRY cece cece cece ee ceeeeeeeeeee 54 RUNOUT .... 2.00. c cece cece 55-56 CONCENTRICITY ....... 0.0000 ccc cece cece seca es 57 GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLS CHARACTERISTIC ‘STRAIGHTNESS FLATNESS FORM CIRCULARITY CYLINDRICITY FOR INDIVIDUAL OR Prone | PROFILE OF ALINE RELATED PROFILE FEATURES PROFILE OF A SURFACE ANGULARITY ORIENTATION [PERPENDICULARTY PARALLELISM Locarion TOTAL RUNOUT *Arrowhead(s) may be filled or not filled. MATERIAL CONDITIONS MAXIMUMMATERIAL CONDITION LEAST MATERIAL CONDITION REGARDLESS OF FEATURE SIZE [DT NONEC«SCG ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS foram" | 2 | OR TOL. ZONE pessconenson | Taa]__| REFERENCE DIMENSION PROJECTED TOLERANCE ZONE —_— ae a DATUM TARGET POINT DIMENSION ORIGIN FEATURE CONTR ago CONICAL TAPER [sore COUNTERBORE/SPOT- FACE * Datum Feature Triangle may be filled or not filled. 41 FOR INDIVIDUAL FEATURES, FOR RELATED FEATURES: 8) >>] t ] BIC] COMMON TERMS AND DEFINITIONS BASIC DIMENSION A numerical value used to describe the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation, or location of a feature or datum target. It is the basis from which permissible variations areestablished by tolerances on other dimensions, innotes, or ina feature control frame. MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION () (MMC) The condition in which a feature of size contains the maximum amount of material within the stated limits of size — for example, minimum hole diameter, maximum shaft diameter. LEAST MATERIAL CONDITION (L) (LMC) The condition in which a feature of size contains the least amount of material within thestated limits of size —— for example, maximum hole diameter, minimum shaft diam- eter. REGARDLESS OF FEATURE SIZE (RFS) ‘The term used to indicate that a geometric tolerance or datum reference applies at any increment of size of the feature within its size tolerance. (No additional positional or form tolerance is available; no matter what the size). FULL INDICATOR MOVEMENT (FIM) The total movement of an indicator when appropriately applied to a surface to measure its variations. (Formerly called total indicator reading-TIR). VIRTUAL CONDITION A constant boundary generated by the collective effects of a size feature’s specified MMC or LMC material condition and the geometric tolerance for that material condition. EXTERNAL FEATURE MMC CONCEPT — a constant value equal to its maximum material condition size PLUS its applicable geometric tolerances. LMC CONCEPT — aconstant value equal to its least material condition MINUS its applicable geometric tolerances, INTERNAL FEATURE MMC CONCEPT — a constant value equal to its maximum material condition size MINUS its applicable geometric tolerances. LMC CONCEPT — aconstant value equal to its least material condition PLUS its applicable geometric tolerances. " IDENTIFICATION OF TOLERANCE ZONE Where the specified tolerance value represents the diameter of a cylindrical or spherical zone, the diameter or spherical diameter symbol shall precede the tolerance value. Where the tolerance zone is other than a diameter, identification is unnecessary, and the specified tolerance value represents the distance between two parallel straight lines or planes, or the distance between two uniform boundaries, as the specific case may be. FEATURE CONTROL FRAME FEATURE CONTROL FRAME (Cont.) The feature control frame consists of: 1. Type of control (geometric characteristic) '‘ 2. Tolerance zone 3. Tolerance zone modifiers (ie. @ or ©) % 23 Mild 4, Datum references if applicable and any datum feature modifiers. [e} D 07 Mid SYMBOL FOR ALL AROUND GEOMETRIC: CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL- TOLERANCE TOLERANCE GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC 1 |Z os @lek7 SYMBOL COMPOSITE FEATURE CONTROL FRAME DATUM TOL ZONE SHAPE REFERENGE LETTER MATERIAL CONDITION SYMBOL TOLZONE MATERIAL SHAPE CONDITION SYMBOL FEATURE CONTROL FRAME INCORPORATING FEATURE CONTROL FRAME A DATUM REFERENCE TWO SINGLE FEATURE CONTROL FRAME SEGMENT FEATURE WITH A SYMBOL CONTROL FRAMES FOR ALL AROUND ONE DATUM MULTIPLE DATUM REFERENCE PRIMARY [Dos @ © 16 PROJECTED TOLERANCE ZONE SYMBOL PRIMARY TWO SECONDARY DATUM REFERENCES MINIMUM PROJECTED HEIGHT OF TOLERANCE ZONE 2 05 @| Bic SECONDARY THREE PRIMARY TERTIARY DATUM REFERENCES Gos MlFlelo COMBINED FEATURE FEATURE CONTROL FRAME CONTROL FRAME AND WITH A PROJECTED DATUM FEATURE SYMBOL TOLERANCE ZONE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF DATUM REFERENCES GENERAL RULES LIMITS OF SIZE For an individual feature of size: No element of the actual feature shall extend beyond the specified high or low limits of size or the envelope of perfect form at MMC. Where the actual size of a feature has departed form MMC to LMC a variation in form is allowed equal to such 4 departure. This control does not apply to stock such as bars, sheets, tubing or other items produced to established industry standards, EXTERNAL FEATURE INTERNAL FEATURE AT 6223 (MMC) FORM SHALL BE 22-2(MMC) 0 1 ——>{ ' PERFECT —*1,k- 6 22.2(MMC) D221 —>|_- $22.2(MMC) D224 D221 eH LIMITS OF SIZE & FEATURE RELATIONSHIP The limits of size of an individual feature prescribes the extent to whach waitin in its geometric form, as well as size, are allowed (Fig. 1). ; FIG. 1 O13 14 25 Dea Doe DESIGN INTENT POSSIBLE RESULT Therefore relationship between individual features must be controlled to avandl incomplete drawing requirements; geometric tolerancing is used to control the location or orientation (Fig. 2). ' 4 14 wl 05 MOveMENT 13 ® 13 O11 DESIGN INTENT PERFECT FORM MMC & FEATURE RELATIONSHIP If it is necessary to establish a boundary of perfect form at MMC to control the relationship between features, the following methods (A, B, C, D) are used. 1 TOL- CONTROLLED RESULT 5 GENERAL RULES (Cont.) A. Specify a zero tolerance or orientation at MMC, including a datum reference (at MMC, if applicable), to control angularity, perpendicularity, or parallel- ism of the feature B. Specify a zero positional tolerance at MMC, including a datum reference at MMC, to control coaxial or symmetrical features. C. Indicate this control for the features involved by a note such as PERFECT ORIENTATION (or COAXTALITY or SYMMETRY) AT MMC REQUIRED FOR RELATED FEATURES. D. Relate dimensions to a datum reference frame by a local or general note indicating datum precedence. The noted dimensions define only the maxi- mum material condition envelope related to the datum reference frame defined by the datums. ALL GEOMETRIC TOLERANCES RFS applies, with respect to the individual tolerance, datum reference, or both, where no modifying symbol is specified. MMC or LMC must be specified on the drawing where it is required. EXAMPLE: IMPLIES RFS L005] [|e 0.13] A SCREW THREADS Each tolerance of orientation or position and datum reference specified for a screw thread applies to the axis of the thread derived from the pitch cylinder (diameter). Where an exception to this practice is necessary, the specific feature of the screw thread (such as MINOR DIA or MAJOR DIA) shail be stated beneath the feature control frame or beneath the datum feature symbol, as applicable. EXAMPLE: (APPLICABLE TO FEATURE CONTROLLED) (APPLICABLE TO DATUM) © [@ 0.05 @[A MAJOR & oe tee meee ai ae GENERAL RULES (Cont.) GEARS AND SPLINES A QUALIFYING NOTATION MUST BE ADDED TO THE SYMBOL OR NOTE (E.G., MAJOR @) EXAMPLE: 1B 008 Wa MAJOR © DATUM FEATURES AT VIRTUAL CONDITION When a feature is designated to be used as a datum feature (Fig. 1, B and C) these datum features apply at their virtual condition when used for verifying a feamee relationship to them (Fig. 2). +0.4 -01 |S os @{a[s@[c@} 2X O5 (3) 9 2XD g & FIG. 2 @ 9.25—2HOLES (VIRTUAL CONDITION OF DATUM FEATURES) (VIRTUAL CONDITION) GAGE FOR VERIFYING FEATURE RELATIONSHIPS DATUM SYSTEM DATUM A theoretically exact point, axis, or plane derived from the true geometric counterpart of a specified datum feature. A datum is the origin from which the location or geometric charac- teristics of features of a part are established. DATUM FEATURE SIMULATOR A surface of adequately precise form (such as surface plate, a gage surface, or a mandrel) contacting the datum feature(s) and used to establish the simulated datum(s). SIMULATED DATUM A point, axis, or plane established by processing or inspection equipment (datum feature simulator). DATUM FEATURE Anactnal feature of apart that is used to stage the part in the equipment (datum feature simulator) for purposes of relating its geometry (relationships) to the datum reference frame. DATUM REFERENCE FRAME Sufficient datum features, those most important to the design of a part, or designated por- tions of these features are chosen to position the part in relation to a set of three mutually perpendicular planes, jointly called a datum reference frame (see figure 1). This reference frame exits in theory only and not on the part. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a method of simulating the theoretical reference frame from the actual features of the part (see figure 2). This simulation is accomplished by positioning specificatly identified features in contact with appropriate datum simulators, in a stated order of precedence, to restrict motion of the a part and to relate the part adequately to the datum reference frame. DATUM POINT DATUM AXIS DIRECTION OF MEASUREMENTS DATUM AXIS DATUM AXIS MUTUALLY PERPENDICULAR PLANES DATUM SYSTEM (CONT.) MEANS THIS NOTE: Simulated datum feature (SERRE) not shown for clarity Datum feature simulator (e.g. Collet) Truegeometric counterpart of datum: feature A (smallestcircumscribed cylinder) ~ Component Datum axis A (theoretical) (Axis of true geometriccounterpart) Datum feature A FIG, 2b NON-SIZE DATUM FEATURE ESTABLISHMENT OF DATUM PLANE THIS ON THE DRAWING MEANS THIS Datum plane A (theoretical) (True geometric counterpart of datum feature A) Datum feature A / Component Datum Feature Simulator’ (e.g. Surface Plate) ‘Simulated datum plane A ‘Simulated datum feature (Plane established from the actual (Surface of manuafacturing or surface of the datum feature simulator) verification equipment) {a) Component & datum feature simulator prior to contact Datum feature A Datum Feature Simulator (e.g. Surface Plate) Datum plane A (theoretical) (True geometric counterpart of datum feature A) (b) Component & datum feature simulator in contact Simulated datum plane A (Plane established from the actual surface of the datum feature simulator) DATUM SYSTEM (Cont.) Datum feature A — \ Daium feature simulator True geometric counterpart {e.g Expanding Mandrel) | oj datum feature A (Largest inscribed cylinder} | f Datum axis A (theoretical) {Axis of true geometric counterpart) NOTE: Simulated datum feature not shown for clarity DATUM FEATURE SYMBOL PLACEMENT (SOME TYPICAL EXAMPLES) PLANE SURFACE DATUM REFERENCED BY THE A a FEATURE 1S TO BE A PLANE C7 Y TO THE FEATURE OUTLINE TO AN EXTENSION OF THE FEATURE CYLINDRICAL FEATURE DATUM REFERENCED BY THE FEATURE IS TO BE AN AXIS A A lg tg A NON CYLINDRICAL FEATURE — DATUM REFERENCED BY THE — FEATURE IS TO BE A CENTER— -L 20 19 PLANE 10 PART POSITIONING IN THE DATUM REFERENCE FRAME (DRF) NON-CYLINDRICAL DATUM FEATURES COMPONENT AS DRAWN | The primary datum feature relates the part to the datum reference frame by 7 bringing a minimum of three points on the surface into contact with the first da- | i tum plane. The part is further related to the frame by bringing at least two points of the secondary datum feature into contact with the second datum plane. The relationship is completed by bringing at least one point of the tertiary datum fea- ture into contact with the third datum plane. < Ss. SECOND DATUM PLANE B Qa a, ; t FIRST DATUM PLANE A go (PRIMARY) & Yh THIRD DATUM PLANE G <4 at 4 (TERTIARY) SEQUENCE OF DATUM FEATURES RELATING COMPONENT TO DATUM REFERENCE FRAME 11 (DRF) (Cont.) CYLINDRICAL DATUM FEATURES COMPONENT AS DRAWN The datum established by a cylindrical surface is the axis of a true cylinder simulated by the processing equipment. A cylindrical datum feature is always associated with two theoretical planes intersecting at right angles on the datum axis. ESTABLISH (SECONDARY) DATUM Axis B s~ FIRST DATUM PLANE A (PRIMARY) These two theoretical planes are represented on a drawing by center lines crossing at right angles. The intersection of these planes coincides with the datum axis. Once established, the datum axis becomes the origin for related dimensions while the two planes (X and Y) indicate the direction of measurements. NOTE: The processing equipment controls movement in three mutually perpendicular directions. These three directions establish the three perpendicular planes of the datum reference frame which can be used as origins of measurements. Machine tables and movements, surface plates, etc., are not true planes, but are of such quality they simulate datum planes adequately. Measurements, therefore are made from planes, axes, and points in the processing equipment. 12 DATUM TARGETS DATUM TARGET AREA A specified point, line, or area on a part used to establish a datum. A datum target area is indicated by section lines inside a phantom outline of the a desired shape, with controlling dimensions added. The diameter of circular areas DATUM TARGET POINT is given in the upper half of the datum target symbol. A datum target point is indicated by the symbol X (cross) which is dimensionally located on a direct view of the surface. BT BASIC LOCATION POINT CONTACT COMPONENT] AT BASIC LOCATION LOCATING - PIN LOCATING 7 DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION PIN DATUM TARGET AREA DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION Where it becomes impracticable to show a target area, the method shown below may be used. DATUM TARGET LINE A datum target line is indicated by the symbol X (cross) on an edge view of the sur- face, a phantom line on the direct view or both. COMPONENT LOCATING | PIN DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION 13 14 STRAIGHTNESS TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC. DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | CONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER SL MMC OR LMG —_ 1. COMPARES TO A PERFECT IF TOLERANCE FJ 008 | COUNTERPART OF ITSELF FORM STRAIGHTNESS — RFS APPLIES TO (STRAIGHT LINE) AN AXIS OR —| 0.08 2. ADDITIVE TO SIZE WHEN CENTER PLANE CYLINDRICAL APPLIED TO AN AXIS STRAIGHTNESS: A condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight line. STRAIGHTNESS TOLERANCE ZONE: A tolerance zone within which the considered element or derived median line, must lie. CASE 1 Straightness tolerance of element lines on a sur- face Ce g os 12.7 FEATURE CONTROL FRAME MUST POINT TO ELEMENT LINES ON A SURFACE DRAWING CALLOUT 0.08 @ 12.9MMC oot [ 0.08 root @ 12.9MMC roy @ 12.9MMC INTERPRETATION CASE 2 Straightness tolerance of an axis RFS —— 12.7 clea FEATURE CONTROL FRAME MUST BE WITH THE SIZE DIMENSION DRAWING CALLOUT LO & 12.9MAX + 0.08 @ 12.98 VIRTUAL COND (MAY NOT BE VIOLATED) @ 0.08TOL RFS AXIS MUST LIE WITHIN 12.9 12.7 AT ANY CROSS SECTION @ INTERPRETATION CASE 3 Straightness tolerance of an axis MMC Lee al @ 008 @] FEATURE CONTROL FRAME MUST BE WITH THE SIZE DIMENSION DRAWING CALLOUT L @ 12.9MAX+0.08 © 12.98 VIRTUAL COND @ 0.08 TOL AT MMC » AXIS MUST LIE WITHIN @ 12.9MMC ‘ AS THIS PART DEPARTS FROM THE MMC CONDITION, AN INCREASE IN STRAIGHT- NESS TOLERANCE IS ALLOWED BY THE AMOUNT OF TOLERANCE TO LMC (0.2); SEE BELOW. DIFFERENCE IN DIA SIZE STRAIGHTNESS@ TOL SPECIFIED @ 12.98 VIRTUAL COND: (MAY NOT BE VioLaTeD) [ °-08+02 © 0.28 TOL AT LMC @ 12.7LMC INTERPRETATION SL at FLATNESS TYPEOF | CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED “ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | GONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER . COMPARES TO A PERFECT COUNTERPART OF ITSELF ZZ] 008 (PLANE) FLATNESS £7 . NOT ADDITIVE TO SIZE OR TOTAL W' LOCATION LIMITS DTH }. NO PARTICULAR: ORIENTATION FLATNESS: A condition of a surface having all elements in one plane. FLATNESS TOLERANCE ZONE: ONY PLAGE WITHIN ANY PLACE WITHIN A tolerance zone is defined by two parallet planes within which the entire surface must lie. HIGH & LOW LIMIT — NO PARTICULAR [ LT ORIENTATION 0.05 | POSSIBLE SURFACE TOLERANCE ~~ CONTOUR ZONE 60 HIGH LIMIT 59 LOW Umit ¥ DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION CIRCULARITY TYPEOF | CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | CONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER 1. APPLIES AT SINGLE CROSS CIRCLES 0.48 SECTIONS ONLY TOTAL WIDTH TOL, 2. IS LIKE A STRAIGHTNESS Fors ciroutanity O ZONE BETWEEN TOL ZONE CURLED TWO CONCENTRIC AROUND A CIRCLE CIRCULARITY: Accondition on a surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, sphere) where all points of the surface intersected by any plane perpendicular to a common axis (cylinder, cone) or passing through a common center (sphere) are equidistant from that axis or center. CIRCULARITY TOLERANCE ZONE: A tolerance zone bounded by two concentric circles within which cach circular element of the surface must lie. Gora MEASUREMENT AT THIS SECTION) 32 g 195 \*— 30] 95 fe» 12 (SELECTED) nal 0.13 TOL + POSSIBLE - ZONE PART 7 CONTOUR AT THIS SECTION 0.13 TOL ZONE SECTION ENLARGED DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION 6L CYLINDRICITY “ TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOl LERAN TOLERANCE | ANDSYMBOL | REFERENCE | CONDITION | MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER CYLINDRICITY: CYLINDRICITY TOLERANCE ZONE: =| wen <[-|- A condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of the surface are equidistant from a commen axis. A tolerance zone bounded by two concentric cylinders within which the surface must lie. 0.13 . APPLIES OVER THE ENTIRE SURFACE TOTAL WIDTH TOL 2, IS LIKE A FLATNESS TOL ZONE BETWEEN ZONE CURLED AROUND A TWO CONCENTRIC CYLINDEREXPENSIVE] CYLINDERS. POSSIBLE PART CONTOUR 32 10 § 30 @ 0.43 TOL ZONE D974 \_ pa 0.13 TOL ZONE @10 MAX. (ACTUAL MEASUREMENT _DERIVED FROM DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION NTE SURFACE) PROFILE TYPEOF | CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE ‘AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | CONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER PROFILE OF A UNE 7 WITH OR PROFILE WITHOUT RFS PROFILE OFA SURFACE CY DATUM MMC OR LMC 704 [fy] | PROFILE OF A SURFACE/LINE MAYBE APPLIED | ‘TOTAL WIDTH | TOLERANCING ALLOW THE TRUE TO THE DATUM Wi _| PROFILE TO BE DEFINED BY OF REFERENCE [loa] A] | Basic DIMENSIONS, FORMULAS, ONLY TOTALWIDTH | ORUNDIMENSIONED DRAWINGS PROFILE: Profile of a line and profile of a surface tolerancing is a method used to specify a uniform amount of variation of a surface or line elements of a surface. BASIC CONTOUR DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION BILATERAL TOLERANCE Where a bilateral tolerance is intended, it is only necessary to show the feature control symbol with a leader directed to the surface, SPECIAL CASE DRAWING CALLOUT/INTERPRETATION indicate the distribution of the tolerance. For an unequally disposed profile tolerance phantom lines are also required to PROFILE TOLERANCE ZONE: Tie tolerance for profile of a line or surface may be divided bilaterally to both sides of the true profile or applied unilaterally to either side of the true profile. le 0.4 Ol o4 f cH (' 1 on DRAWING CALLOUT/INTERPRETATION UNILATERAL TOLERANCE For a unilateral tolerance, a phantom line is drawn parallel to the basic profile to clearly indicate whether the tolerance zone is inside or outside the basic profile. on QI 04 “7 (f le PROFILE (Cont'd.) PROFILE OF A LINE PROFILE OF A SURFACE TOLERANCE ZONE: TOLERANCE ZONE: A uniform two dimensional zone limited by two parallel A uniform three dimensional zone contained between two zone lines extending along the length of a feature. envelope surfaces separated by the tolerance zone across the entire length of a surface. CASE 1 CASE 2 PROFILE FOR SPECIFIC LENGTH PROFILE ALL AROUND S a BASIC H LY} 0.4 ~ PROFILE | 6 o=eH & DRAWING CALLOUT 5 DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION CASE 3 © 0.2 TOL ZONE PROFILE ALL OVER 0.4 TOL. ZONE | MEASUREMENTS ZLEACHLINE TAKEN NORMAL Ql 04 PROFILE PROFILE TO BASIC } 4 PROFILE ALL OVER FOR ENTIRE DATUM _“” SURFACE FEATURE A . SIMULATOR DATUM FEATURE B SIMULATOR . 0. INTERPRETATION DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION PROFILE — COPLANAR SURFACES 7 +4 bal | co po) =! 1 — 1 0.9 WIDE TOLERANCE ZONE O[ 09 2 SURFACES EACH SURFACE MUST LIE BETWEEN TWO COMMON PARALLEL PLANES 0.9 APART. DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION PROFILE — COMPOSITE PROFILE TOLERANCING OF AN IRREGULAR FEATURE DRAWING CALLOUT 0.9 WIDE TOLERANCE DATUM PLANE G ZONE 0.1 WIDE soueranced ZONE DATUM PLANE B. DATUM PLANE roa THE FEATURE SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN A LARGER BOUNDARY (0.9) RELATIVE TO THE PRIMARY DATUM A, SECONDARY DATUM B, AND TERTIARY DATUM C, ONCE THE FEATURE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE LARGER BOUNDARY (0.9) ITS SIZE SHALL BE CONTROLLED RELATIVE TO THE BASIC FEATURE DEFINING DIMENSIONS AND TO THE PRIMARY DATUM A WITHIN THE SMALLER BOUNDARY (0.1). INTERPRETATION DRAWING CALLOUT TRUE PROFILE MMC OF FEATURE PROFILE CONTROL THE SURFACE, ALL AROUND, MUST LIE BETWEEN TWO PROFILE BOUNDARIES 1.4 APART EQUALLY DISPOSED ABOUT THE TRUE PROFILE. TRUE PROFILE , CI FROM (AT BASIC LOCATION) DATUM PLANE B wa DATUM PLANE A 27 POSITIONAL FROM DATUM BOUNDARY PLANE C (0.7) MMC OF FEATURE POSITION CONTROL NO PORTION OF THE SURFACE MAY BE PERMITTED TO LIE WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF MMC CONTOUR MINUS THE TOTAL POSITIONAL TOLERANCE WHEN POSITIONED WITH RESPECT TO DATUM PLANES A, B AND C. INTERPRETATION Ze 8% PARALLELISM: CASE 1 A my TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL _ wv [Z| 05 [A qa DRAWING CALLOUT DATUM REFERENCE PARALLELISM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE CONDITION MODIFIERS MAY BE MODIFIED. TO MMC OR LMC IF TOLERANCE APPLIES TO AN AXIS OR CENTER PLANE OF A FEATURE OF Two parallel planes; parallel to a datum plane within which the feature must lie. /, ‘DATUM FEATURE A SIMULATOR 7 7 TOLERANCE ZONE SHAPE A Os |A TOTAL WIDTH A \@O05| A CYLINDRICAL The condition of a surface, center plane, or axis which is equidistant at all points from a datum of reference. PARALLELISM TOLERANCE ZONE: Parallelism tolerance zones will be one of the following types: Case 1 — Tolerance zone between 2 parallel planes. Case 2 — Tolerance zone between 2 parallel lines. Case 3 — Tolerance zone with a cylindrical shape. PPPELOLTLTPLIOLD TIGL INTERPRETATION CASE 2 element fine must lie. r W\ 051A EACH ELEMENT DRAWING CALLOUT Two parallel lines; parallel to a datum plane or axis within which the 2 PARALLEL PLANES i 0.5 TOL ZONE KEYS TO REMEMBER RELATION TO MORE THAN ONE DATUM FEATURE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO STABILIZE THE TOLERANCE ZONE IN MORE THAN ONE DIRECTION. PARALLEL TO DATUM PLANE A. + 1 2 PARALLEL LINES AT ANY PARALLEL TO DATUM LOCATION CHECKED GAP 0.5 TOL PLANE A ZONE INTERPRETATION CASE 3 axis of the feature must lie. 2 + A cylindrical tolerance zone parallel to a datum axis within which the Thy D 0.25 A] DRAWING CALLOUT @0.25 TOL ZONE PARALLEL POSSIBLE ORIENTATION OF FEATURE AXIS DATUM AXIS A INTERPRETATION 62 PERPENDICULARITY TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE MAY BE MODIFIED RELATION TO MORE THAN TO MMC OR LMG IF ONE DATUM FEATURE TOL APPLIES TO “Tora SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO AN AXIS OR L[@ 08 [A] | STABILIZE THE TOLERANCE CENTER PLANE CYLINDRIGAL | ZONE IN MORE THAN ONE OF A FEATURE DIRECTION. OF SIZE ORIENTATION | PERPENDICULARITY _ | PERPENDICULARITY The condition of a surface, center plane, or axis which is exactly at 90° with respect to a datum plane or axis. PERPENDICULARITY TOLERANCE ZONES: Perpendicularity tolerance zones will be one of the following types: Case 1 thru 4 — Tolerance zone between 2 parallel planes. Case 5 — A tolerance zone with a cylindrical shape. Case 6 — Tolerance zone between 2 parallel lines. CASE 1 Two parallel planes perpendicular to a datum plane within which the surface of a feature must lie. CASE 4 Two parallel planes perpendicular to a datum plane within which the center plane of a feature must lie. POSSIBLE ORIENTATION 0.5 TOL OF CENTER PLANE ZONE 0.5 TOL ZONE 90° TO DATUM 1 PLANE A 90° TO DATUM PLANE A (AJ DATUM FEATURE A SIMULATOR DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION DATUM FEATURE A SIMULATOR DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION foe Nemes, comme ome CASE 2 Two parallel planes perpendicular to a datum axis CASE 5 A cylindrical tolerance zone perpendicular to a datum within which the surface of a feature must lie. plane within which the axis of a feature must lie. POSSIBLE 051A] DATUM ORIENTATION OF 90° AXIS 7 I] 2 os FEATURE AXIS + h DATUM fF PLANE A 0.5 i @ 0.5 TOL ZONE TOL ZONE \ EH DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION CASE 3 Two parallel planes perpendicular to a datum axis CASE 6 Two parallel planes perpendicular to a datum plane or within which the surface of a feature must lie. axis within which an element of the surface must lie. LJos[A EACH ELEMENT & DRAWING CALLOUT AXISA [¥ I 0.5 TOL ZONE 0.8 TOL ZONE —#|E°~— POSSIBLE ORIENTATION 2 PARALLEL OF FEATURE AXIS. LINES AT ANY LOCATION CAUTION THIS CONDITION ONLY APPLIES IN CHECKED ‘THE VIEW WHERE IT IS SPECIFIED INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION Le ANGULARITY TYPE OF | CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | CONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER CYLINDRICAL DIRECTION. MAY BE MODIFIED Z[o3a [a RELATION TO MORE THAN TO MMC OR LMC ONE DATUM FEATURE IF TOLERANCE TOTAL WIDTH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO ORIENTATION] ANGULARITY Z YES APPLIES TO AN AXIS. STABILIZE THE TOLERANCE OR CENTER PLANE Z|G05] A ZONE IN MORE THAN ONE OF A FEATURE OF SIZE. ANGULARITY: The condition of a surface, center plane, or axis, at a specified angle from a datum plane or axis. ANGULARITY TOLERANCE ZONE: Angularity tolerance zones will be one of the following types: — Tolerance zone between 2 parallel planes —- Tolerance zone with a cylindrical shape — Tolerance zone between 2 parallel lines These tolerance zones must be at a specified basic angle. [Zoos] a AW. {Z[03 [A aut , ate * SIMULATED DATUM PLANE A AN DRAWING CALLOUT 2 PARALLEL POSSIBLE ORIENTATION @0.5 TOL ZONE PLANES OF FEATURE AX!S 0.3 TOL ZONE INTERPRETATION ORIENTATION — SPECIFYING A TANGENT PLANE: Where it is desired to control a feature surface established by the contacting poi i V ig points of that surface, the tangent pli b in the feature control frame after the stated tolerance. ent plane symbol is added 0.8 PROFILE ZONE 0.3 TOLERANCE ZONE QI 0 8 os @ A] 04 TANGENT PLANE PARALLEL DATUM FEATURE SIMULATED DATUM A a A PLANE CONTACTING THE HIGH POINTS OF THE SURFACE SHALL LIE WITHIN TWO PARALLEL PLANES 0.3 APART. DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION 3 POSITION TYPEOF | CHARACTERISTIC IMPLIED | ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | CONDITION| MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER MMC OR LMC MAY WITH THE MMC MODIFIER, Be SPECIFIED WITH |[@10.5@/A|B@) 1. PERMITS FUNCTIONAL RESPECT TO THE CYLINDRICAL GAGING TECHNIQUES 2. ALLOWS ADDITIONAL [025 [ale@ TOLERANCE BASED ON SIZE (BONUS) IF APPLICABLE. TOTAL WIDTH 3. RELATIVELY INEXPENSIVE LOCATION POSITION @ POSITION: A term used to describe the perfect (theoretically exact) location of individual features in relationship with a datum reference or other feature(s). POSITION TOLERANCE ZONE: ‘A zone within which the center, axis, or center plane of a feature of size is permitted to vary from its true (theoretically exact) position. OR Where specified on an MMC or LMC basis a boundary, detined as the virtual condition, located at the true (theoretically exact) posi- tion, that may not be violated by the surface or surfaces of the considered feature. AXI8 MUST BE CONTAINED WITHIN CYLINDRICAL @ TOL ZONE TOLERANCE ZONE eS W) FOR POSITION AND (SEE CASES BELOW) ORIENTATION TO THE DATUM REFERENCE FRAME ESTABLISHED BY THE DATUM FEATURES IN THEIR ENLARGEDVIEw ORDER OF PRECEDENCE CASE1 0.5 TOL ZONE AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) @ 2.5 TOL ZONE AT@ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) CASE 2 G05 TOL ZONE AT@ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) 2.5 TOL ZONE AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) CASE3 B0.5 TOL ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE HOLE SIZE DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION DATUM PLANE A MIN. THD. DEPTH ENGLARGED VIEW INTERPRETATION DATUM PLANE A - 14MIN (PROJECTED MINIMUM | TOL ZONE) ~~ be— THD. DEPTH 7 POSSIBLE AXIS OF M6 THD. @ 0.5 TOL ZONE ENGLARGED VIEW DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION POSITION -- AS APPLIED TO BI-DIRECTIONAL RECTANGULAR DATUM PLANE A POSITIONAL TOLERANCING (SEE CHART BELOW) Dime | 1 POSSIBLE 0.25] A tt T 0.25) ENLARGED VIEW DIMA DIMB CASE 1 CASE1 0.5 TOL ZONE 0.25 TOL ZONE AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) AT 8 (MMC OF HOLE) 2.5 TOL ZONE 2.25 TOL ZONE AT & 10 (LMC OF HOLE) AT @ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) CASE 2 CASE 2 0.5 TOL ZONE 0.25 TOL ZONE AT@ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) AT @ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) 2.5 TOL ZONE 2.25 TOL ZONE AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) CASE3 CASE 3 0.5 TOL ZONE 0.25 TOL ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE REGARDLESS OF THE HOLE SIZE HOLE SIZE DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION Ze se POSITION — AS APPLIED TO ELONGATED HOLES — BOUNDARY CONCEPT iy 16 ak 14 [15 @[a[8[c] BOUNDARY 8.0 MMC WIDTH OF HOLE 7.5 WIDE BOUNDARY 1 ax 10 }05@ Alp BOUNDARY 14.0 MMC WIDTH OF HOLE 5 POSITIONAL TOLERANCE 12.5 WIDE BOUNDARY —0.5 POSITIONAL TOLERANCE HOLES MUST BE WITHIN SIZE LIMITS AND NO PORTION OF THEIR SURFACES ARE PERMITTED TO LIE WITHIN THE AREA DESCRIBED BY THE 7.5-12.5 BOUNDARIES WHEN PART IS POSITIONED WITHIN THE DATUM REFERENCE FRAME. DRAWING CALLOUT =e POSITION — AS APPLIED TO CONICAL TOLERANCE ZONE @TOL. ZONE (SEE CHART BELOW) PHA SURFACE D a= [2 025 @ [A AT. DATUMFEATURE A $[¢ 05 @ [Als AT SURFACE D |G 02 Ola AT DATUMFEATURE A |G 05 Ola AT SURFACE D [do [al AT DATUM FEATURE A $12 05 A AT SURFACE D SURFACE D AT DATUM FEATURE A CASE 1 0.25 TOL ZONE AT 8 {MMC OF HOLE) 2.25 TOL ZONE AT @ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) CASE 2 D 0.25 TOL ZONE AT @ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) G 2.25 TOL ZONE AT@ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) CASE3 @ 0.25 TOL ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE HOLE SIZE B B B DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION . POSSIBLE AXIS ENLARGED VIEW AT SURF D CASE 1 0.5 TOL ZONE AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) @ 2.50 TOL ZONE AT @ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) CASE 2 G0.5 TOL ZONE AT @ 10 (LMC OF HOLE) @ 2.5 TOL ZONE AT @ 8 (MMC OF HOLE) CASE 3 @ 0.5 TOL ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE HOLE SIZE INTERPRETATION 6E DRAWING CALLOUT POSSIBLE FEATURE G02 W P 02 @ % 02 [AW] D o2\a DRAWING CALLOUT POSITION — AS APPLIED TO NON-CYLINDRICAL FEATURES POSSIBLE CENTER PLANE ZONE (SEE CASES BELOW) d 4 DATUM PLANE A ENLARGED VIEW CASE1 0.5 TOL ZONE AT 8 (MMC OF SLOT) 2.5 TOL ZONE AT 10 (LMC OF SLOT) CASE2 0.5 TOL ZONE AT 10 (LMC OF SLOT) 2.5 TOL ZONE AT 8 (MMC OF SLOT) CASE 3 0.5 TOL ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE SLOT SIZE INTERPRETATION Axis A AXIS ly . wf. TOL. ZONE (SEE CASES BELOW) DATUM CASE1 0.2 TOL. ZONE AT @ 20 (MMC OF FEATURE) AND (10 (MMC OF DATUM FEATURE) 1.7 TOL, ZONE AT 19 (LMC OF FEATURE) AND @®9.5 (LMC OF DATUM FEATURE) CASE3 @ 0.2 TOL. ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE FEATURE AND 10 (MMC OF DATUM FEATURE) @ 0.7 TOL. ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE FEATURE AND @ 9.5 (LMC OF DATUM FEATURE) INTERPRETATI CASE 2 0.2 TOL. ZONE AT 20 (MMC OF FEATURE) REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE DATUM FEATURE $1.2 TOL. ZONE AT @ +9 (LMC OF FEATURE) REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE DATUM FEATURE CASE 4 0.2 TOL. ZONE REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE FEATURE AND REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE DATUM FEATURE ION POSITION — AS APPLIED TO SYMMETRY DEFINITION: DATUM CENTERPLANE B TOL. ZONE A CONDITION IN WHICH A FEATURE IS SYMMETRICALLY DISPOSED 2 PARALLEL PLANES ABOUT THE CENTERPLANE OF A DATUM FEATURE (SEE CASES BELOW) iB) POSSIBLE CENTER PLANE CASE1 CASE 2 12 WITH DATUM FEATURE B WITH DATUM FEATURE B " AT 40 (MMC SIZE) AT 39 (LMC SIZE) 0.5 TOL. ZONE AT 11 (MMC 0.5 TOL. ZONE AT 12 (LMC CASE {e OF FEATURE) OF FEATURE) case2 | 1.5 TOL. ZONE AT 12 (LMC 1.5 TOL. ZONE AT 11 (MMC OF FEATURE) OF FEATURE) cAsE3 |<] 0: CASES THE LOCATIONAL TOLERANCE OF 0.5 MUST BE HELD REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE FEATURE AND DATUM FEATURE B DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION CALCULATIONS: USING THE FORMULA H @ — F@ =-¢ T WHERE H (@) = MIN. CLEARANCE HOLE F (@) = MAX. DIA. OF FASTENER @ T =POSITIONAL TOLERANCE SUBSTITUTING: PT = 105-10 QT = 0.5 POSITIONAL TOLERANCE CALCULATION FOR GAGE PIN SIZE @ PIN =H@- OT 10 = 105-05 4X B10(GAGE PINS) A B COMPONENT PART 2REQ’D COMPONENT GAGE FOR COMPONENT CHECKING GAGE MAKERS TOLERANCES APPLY POSITION — FIXED FASTENER SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: USING THE FORMULA H @) — F@) = Ts + To WHERE H (@) =MIN. DiA. CLEARANCE HOLE F 8 = MAX. DIA. OF FASTENER @ T =POSITIONAL TOLERANCE (COMPONENT 1) @ Tz =POSITIONAL TOLERANCE (COMPONENT 2) SUBSTITUTION: 4xmio 10.5-10 = G0.25 + 9.25 G0.25O 14[ A CALCULATIONS FOR GAGE PIN SIZE No.1 No.2 @PN-H@-@T GpPn=F@+ OT 10.25 = 10.5-0.25 10.25 = 10 + 0.25 COMPONENT 4X Gi0.25 lat al eV, AZB \O--O1e Wp [fe lb off Ly Lg OY OM GAGES COMPONENT 1 COMPONENT2 DRAWING CALLOUT — AS APPLIED TO HOLES AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION (M) (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THREADED HOLES) 11.0 4X Digs 4x Dip os 2025 @ [Ala[c] o[S 0 @ WITH ZERO, TOL. CALLOUT NGTG |e TOLERANCE FEATURE SIZE ZONE RANGE IS INCREASED WITH THIS ENVELOPE PROVIDING MAXIMUM SPECIFICATION THE 1 MANUFACTURING TOL. FEATURE SIZE aie ® Boos 0.1 MUST BE CONTAINED ¥ . WITHIN THIS RANGE. . Bors Go2 Go.25 0.35 gas 0.! goes SINCE THE MMC SIZE (10.25) Go75 IS EQUAL TO THE MMC VIRTUAL CONDITION — NO SEPARATE MMC LIMIT FEATURE SIZE GAGE (GO OR SIMULATION) DRAWING CALLOUT IS REQUIRED. Sp POSITION — FEATURE RELATIONSHIPS CONTROLLED BY A COMPOSITE POSITIONAL TOLERANCING DRAWING CALLOUT ‘B03 PEATURE-AELATING TOLERANCE 0.9 PATTERN-LOCATING TOLERANCE ZONE CYLINDER (4 ZONES, BASICALLY ONE CYLINDER (4 ZONES, BASICALLY RELATED TO EACH OTHER AND ACTUAL RELATED TO EACH OTHER AND ORIENTED TO THE DATUM) BASICALLY LOCATED TO THE DATUM REFERENCE FRAME) EN [sc] Goa Wa ACTUAL FEATURE AXES [43] MUST SIMULTANEOUSLY LIE WITHIN BOTH TOLERANCE ZONE CYLINDERS ACTUAL Lio} FROM DATUMB FROM DATUM G ONE POSSIBLE DISPLACEMENT OF ACTUAL FEATURE PATTERN. INTERPRETATION POSITION — TWO SINGLE-SEGMENT FEATURE CONTROL FRAMES WITH SECONDARY DATUM IN LOWER FEATURE CONTROL FRAME +0.14 4x D7 "5 [¢ 09 @ [Als (|S 03 Walp DRAWING CALLOUT 0.9 FEATURE-RELATING TOLERANCE 0.9 PATTBRN-LOCATING TOLERANCE ONE CYLINDER (4 ZONES, BASICALLY ONE CYLINDER (4 ZONES, BASICALLY RELATED TO EACH OTHER AND RELATED TO EACH OTHER AND ORIENTED TO THE DATUMS) BASICALLY LOCATED TO THE DATUM REF FRAME) [1d oo @ Jalslc] [goa @ [a]s} FEATURE AXES MUST 48 SIMULTANEOUSLY CIE WITHIN BOTH TOLERANCE ZONE CYLINDERS: ACTUAL HOLE 20 / {22.5} = FROM DATUM B FROM DATUM C DOES NOT APPLY ‘ aa} +| 35 FROM DATUM C ONE POSSIBLE DISPLACEMENT OF ACTUAL FEATURE PATTERN. INTERPRETATION OOOO EE EOeEG7n7~OOOO a ©! COORDINATE MEASUREMENT CONVERSIONS TO TRUE POSITION LOCATION ACTUAL HOLE PRODUCED AT G8.45 MAX INSCRIBED CYLINDER +05 4X 08.25 “o PLANE C @ TOLERANCE ZONE 0.25 alplc = 0.25 + 0.2 (8.45-8.25) [ele @ ACTUAL MMC = 0.45 TOL ALLOWED DATUM PLANE B ACTUALMEASUREMENTS TAKEN FROM DATUM T REF FRAME B CALCULATIONS VERTICAL Y = ACTUAL - BASIC 12.1-12 Y=0.1 H X= ACTUAL — BASIC X= 1216-12 X= FROM CHART SHOWN ON PG. 38, 0.16X & 0.1¥ YIELDS B0.377 TOL. ZONE WHICH IS WITHIN LIMITS ALLOWED (0.45) DRAWING CALLOUT . * ween ° - CONVERSION — COORDINATE MEASUREMENTS TO TRUE POSITION ZONE DIAMETER TRUE POSITION ZONE DIAMETER (Z) 4.001 0.981 0.921 1.003 1.007 1.013 1.020 1.028 1.038 1.050 1,068 1.077 1.093 1.109 1.127 1.148 1.188 1.187 1,209 1.232 1.256 1. 1.932 1.359 a a: 0.881 oF ou 0. 0. 003 963 0.967 0.973 0.981 0.990 1.000 1.012 1.025 1.040 4.056 1.073 1.092 1.111 1.192 1.154 1.176 1.200 1.224 1. 1.802 1,936 923 0.928 0.934 0.941 0.951 0.962 0.974 0.988 1.003 1.020 1.038 1.057 1.077 1.098 1.121 1.144 1.168 1.193 1.219 1.246 1.273 1.301 884 0.868 0.894 0.902 0.912 0.923 0.936 0.951 0.967 0.984 1.002 1.022 1.043 1.085 1.088 1.112 1.197 1.163, 1.245 1.273 844 0.849 0.855 0.863 0.874 0.885 0.899 0.914 0.930 0.948 0.967 0.988 0.010 1.092 1.056 1.08F 1.106 1.133 1.160 1.188 1.217 1246 04 0.801 0.809 0.816 0.825 0.835 0.848 0.862 0.877 0.894 0.913 0.933 0.954 0.97 1,000 1.024 1.050 1.076 1.103 1.131 1.160 1.189 1.219 0.761 0.764 0.769 0.777 0.786 0.797 0.810 0.825 0.841 0.859 0.878 0.899 0.921 0.944 0.968 0.994 1.020 1.047 1.075 1.103 1.193 1.163 1.193, 0.721 0.724 0.730 0.738 0.747 0.759 0.773 0.788 0.805 0.824 0.844 0.65 0.888 0.912 0.937 0.963 0.990 1.018 1.047 $106 1.197 1.468 0.681 0.685 0.891 0.699 0.709 0.721 0.735 0.752 0.769 0.789 0.810 0.892 0.856 0.881 0.907 0.934 0.962 0.990 1.020 081 1.112 1.144 0.641 0.645 0.651 0.660 0.671 0.684 0.699 0.716 0.734 0.755 0.777 0.800 0.825 0.850 0.877 0.905 0.994 0.963 0.994 1.024 1.056 1.088 1.121 4.187 0.601 0,605 0,612 0.621 0.632 0.646 0.662 0.680 0.700 0.721 0.744 0.768 0.794 0.821 0.849 0.877 0.907 0.937 0.968 1.000 1.032 1.065 1,098 1.166 0.581 0.986 0.573 0.562 0.595 0.609 0.626 0.645 0.665 0.688 0.712 0.738 0.764 0.792 0.821 0.850 0.881 0.912 0.944 0.977 1.010 1.043 1.077 1.146 0.522 0.526 0.534 0.544 0.557 0.573 0.591 0.611 0.632 0.656 0.681 0.708 0.735 0.764 0.694 0.825 0.858 0.888 0.921 0.954 0.988 1.022 1.087 1.092 1.127 0.482 0.487 0.495 0.506 0.520 0.537 0.556 0.577 0.600 0.625 0.651 0.679 0.708 0.738 0.768 0.800 0.832 0.865 0.899 0.933 0.967 1.002 1.038 1109 0.442 0.447 0.456 0.468 0.483 0.501 0.522 0.544 0.569 0.595 0.622 0.651 0.681 0.712 0.744 0.777 0.810 0.844 0.868 0.913 0.948 0.984 1.020 1.093 0.402 0.408 0.418 0.431 0.447 0.466 0.488 0.512 0.508 0.566 0.595 0.625 0.656 0.688 0.721 0.755 0.789 0.824 0.859 0.894 0.930 0.987 1.003 1.040 1.077 0.362 0.369 0.379 0.394 0.412 0.433 0.456 0,482 0,509 0.538 0.569 0,600 0,632 0.666 0.700 0.734 0.769 0.805 0.841 0.877 0.914 0.951 0.988 1.025 1.069 0.22 0.330 0.342 0.958 0.977 0.400 0.425 0.459 0.482 0.512 0.544 0.577 0.611 0.645 0.680 0,716 0.752 0.788 0.825 0.862 0.899 0.936 0.974 1,050 0.283 0.291 0.305 0.322 0.344 0.369 0,396 0.425 0.456 0.488 0.522 0.556 0.591 0.626 0.662 0.699 0.735 0.773 0.810 0.848 0.885 0.923 0.962 1.000 1.038 0.243 0.253 0.268 0.268 0.12 0.339 0.369 0.400 0.493 0.466 0.501 0.537 0.573 0.609 0.646 0.684 0.721 0.759 0.797 0.895 0.874 0.912 0.951 0.990 1.028 0.204 0.215 0.233 0.256 0.283 0.912 0.344 0.977 0.412 0.447 0.483 0.520 0.557 0.595 0.692 0.671 0.709 0.747 0.786 0.825 0.863 0.902 0.941 4,020 0.165 0.179 0.200 0.226 0.256 0.288 0.322 0.358 0.394 0.431 0.488 0.506 0.544 0.582 0.621 0.660 0.699 0.738 0.777 0.816 0.955 0.894 0.934 1.013 0.126 0.144 0.170 0.200 0.283 0.268 0.305 0.342 0.379 0.418 0.458 0.495 0.534 0.573 0.612 0.651 0.691 0.730 0.769 0.809 0.849 0.888 0.928 0.967 1.007 0.089 0.113 0.144 0.479 0.215 0.253 0.291 0.330 0.369 0.408 0.447 0.487 0.526 0.566 0.605 0.645 0.685 0.724 0.764 0.804 0.844 0.894 0.923 0.983 1.003 0.057 0.089 0.126 0.165 0.204 0.243 0.283 0.322 0.962 0.402 0.442 0.482 0.522 0.561 0.601 0.641 0.681 0.721 0.761 0.801 0.841 0.881 0.921 0.961 1,001 0.841 ‘ACTUALMEASUREMENT 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 026 0.28 0.90 0.92 094 0.96 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 046 0.48 0.50 —_— x Fan BASICHIMIENSIONS. DIAMETER CONVERSION CHART POSITION TOL TO COORDINATE TOL COORDINATE TOL TO POSITION TOL POSITION TOLERANCE DIAMETER ° POSS SLSSOOSS 99004 aaa RRO RPE AP ROR BaP RE RrS™ eeoo a COORDINATE DIFFERENCE EXAMPLE: 0.5 DIA TOL = 40.175 COORDINATED TOL COORDINATE DIFFERENCE ° * vee . RELATION OF MMC HOLES TO ANOTHER MMC HOLE 18.75 (MMC VIRTUAL COND.) A @ 7MMC HOLE 06 =1TOLZONE_ 4 PINS @ 6GAGEPING AS THE 4 HOLES INCREASE IN SIZE FROM 7 TO 8 (A BONUS AMOUNT) + 7 IS ADDED TO THE POSITIONAL TOLERANCE. NOTE: ASIZE INCREASE FROM 18.0 TO 19.1 (0.1) IS ADDED TO THE HOLE PATTERN POSITIONAL TOLERANCE AS A GROUP. DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION 8 RELATION OF MMC HOLES TO RFS HOLE 19.1 r= 20 MAX Pi90 EXPANDING PIN TO CENTER HOLE }— 13MAX 8 AT ANY FEATURE SIZE 4x Bs [L]¢ 2s] a 29 | 13 @ als ar yy {| 6 9.08 4PINS GAGE AS THE 4 HOLES INCREASE IN SIZE FROM 7 TO 8 (A BONUS AMOUNT) + 1 1S ADDED TO THE POSITIONAL TOLERANCE. NOTE: ASIZE INCREASE FROM 19.0 TO 19.1 (0.1) IS NOT ADDED TO THE HOLE PATTERN POSITIONAL TOLERANCE UTILIZING RFS ON DATUM FEATURE. INTERPRETATION DRAWING CALLOUT TYPEOF | CHARACTERISTIC Es IMPLIED LLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL Es CONDITION ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER 1. | VERY EXPENSIVE LOCATION SYMMETRY = 2. SHOULD FIRST TRY TO USE POSITION SYMMETRY: The condition where the median points of all opposed or correspondingly located elements of two or more feature surfaces are congruent with the axis or centerplane of a datum feature. SYMMETRY TOLERANCE ZONE: A tolerance zone defined by two parellel planes being equally disposed about the datum axis or plane within which all median points of opposed elements of the feature must lie. TOTAL WIDTH 8.8-9.2 THE CENTER PLANE OF 0.5 WIDE =]05]A DATUM FEATURE A TOLERANCE ZONE 16.8 DERIVED MEDIAN 16.7 POINTS DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION a RUNOUT TYPE OF CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL. REFERENCE | CONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE CIRCULAR ae 7 RUNOUT YES FIM TOTAL puNout 27 A [ZA|_0.5 RUNOUT: A composite tolerance used to control the relationship of one or more features of a part to a datum axis during a full 360° rotation about the datum axis. RUNOUT TOLERANCE: The tolerance zone is the total amount of tolerance specified by a full indicator movement (FIM) when rotated 360°. There are two types of runout — circular & total. CIRCULAR RUNOUT: NOTE: INDICATOR REMAINS IN FIXED Each circular element of the feature must be within the runout tolerance. POSITION NORMA TO THE TRUE A {025 [A x . N osrIM Sf DATUM AXIS A 7] , Cc’ ln 03 [A DRAWING CALLOUT KEYS TO REMEMBER 1. CAN BE DEFINED AS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO FEATURES 2. RELATIVELY INEXPENSIVE fA | 05 ROTATE PART 360° DATUM FEATURE A SIMULATOR SINGLE CIRCULAR ELEMENTS INTERPRETATION TOTAL RUNOUT: All surface elements across the entire surface must be within the runout tolerance. INDICATOR MOVED AT EVERY LOCATION ON THE SURFACE NORMAL TO THE TRUE GEOMETRIC SHAPE WITHOUT RESET OF INDICATOR ROTATE PART 360° Lverum FEATURE A 0.25 FIM SIMULATOR DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION 2g CONCENTRICITY TYPEOF | CHARACTERISTIC DATUM IMPLIED ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE AND SYMBOL REFERENCE | CONDITION MODIFIERS ZONE SHAPE KEYS TO REMEMBER 1. MUST COMPARE AXES @ 05 [A] | 2 [VERYEXPENSIVE} SONDHIOAL 3. SHOULD FIRST TRY TO USE POSITION, RUNOUT, OR PROFILE INSTEAD CONCENTRICITY: ‘The condition where the median points of all diametrically opposed elements of a figure of revolution are congruent with the axis of a datum feature. CONCENTRICITY TOLERANCE ZONE: A cylindrical tolerance zone whose axis coincides with the datum axis and within which all cross-sectional axes of the feature being controlled must lie. [OL 05 TA LOCATION | CONCENTRICITY © POSSIBLE FEATURE AXIS @ 0.5 TOL ZONE DATUM AXIS A DRAWING CALLOUT INTERPRETATION ‘Engineering Standards Automotive Safety and _ Environmental and Satety Engineering “ USA Ford Automotive Operations : 700 C Fairlane Plaza South - oo ED Automotive Regulations, cos . _Homologation and Conformity, Envronmentl and Safely Engineer ‘Europe Ne - : Ford Automotive Operations - Y ~ Koeln - Mérkenich ° : Spessartstrassé. D-50725 Koeln os 3 No, 80-14-215B> =o . | 1st Edition: January 1995 - © Ford Motor Company, 1995 |

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