The Last Lesson

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The last lesson

Q1. What was the mood in the classroom when M. hamell gave his last French lesson ?

a. It was as quiet as Sunday morning. Usually there was a great bustle which would be heard
out in the street, the opening and closing Off this Desks And lessons repeated in unison
b. The whole school Seemed So strange And solemn
c. On the back benches that would always empty The village people were sitting quietly Old
Hauser, The former mayor, The former postmaster, And several others beside. Everybody
looked Sad.
d. Students Were quiet And sad That The language French Was replaced by German
e. Sad that Hamel Who rendered his services For 40 years Would be gone
f. No hustle and bustle… All very attentive and solemn. Sorry for not learning the language.
They were overcome with sense of Gratitude
g. Even the village elders Where sitting On the back benches As a way Of their tribute to M.
h. M. Hamel and the students were Very emotionally charged And yet become very
i. Students weather remorseful, pained and hurt And regretted That they did not take the
language seriously And now the order Had come from Berlin To teach only German In the
schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Q2. Lord did the French teacher Tell his students In his last French lesson? What impact did it have
on them? Why?

a. And Ham it said it would be his last lesson to give them

b. Orders from Berlin not to teach French but to teach only German in the schools of Alsace
and Lorraine
c. Newmaster to come the next day
d. Urged the students to be attentive as this was the last French lesson
e. He tells Franz that he won’t scold Franz for surely, he must feel bad for not learning his
f. The trouble with alsace is that she puts off learning till tomorrow. We have a great deal to
reproach ourselves with for we pretend to be Frenchman but can neither speak nor write
our own language.
g. Blame the parents as well as himself for the poor learning
h. French is the most beautiful language in the world-the clearest, the most logical-he said
i. Ask them to guard it and never forget it
j. Said the language is their key to freedom-for when people are enslaved, as long as they hold
fast to the language it is if they had the key to their prison
k. Impact-
l. Students become nostalgic slash emotional
m. Regretted their earlier carelessness In being inattentive
n. Developed a spirit of patriotism and left for language
o. Why- They realized it was the last lesson / they had lost the opportunity to learn it

Q3. What changes came over little France after he heard M. Hamels announcement?

a. He was amazed to see how well he understood it .All M. Hamill said seemed so easy. He had
listened very carefully.
b. Initial excitement.
c. Felt regretful
d. Guilt ridden for having neglected his lessons and escaping school
e. Realised the worth of the teacher and the language
f. Suddenly books become his prized possessions.

Q4. What had the narrator counted on to enter the school unnoticed?

a. Comotion, noise , hustle and bustle, opening closing of desks, lessons read out loudly,
preoccupation of the teacher.

Q5. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for the school that day ?

a. Rules of participles slash grammar

Q6. Franz thinks, “ will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What does this tell us
about the attitude of the Frenchmen?

a. It echoes the sentiments of French people

b. Defiance against the imposition of German language
c. Sense of patriotism
d. Regret/ repentence
e. Helplessness, frustration, pain, sadness
f. Reflects his anger

Q7. How did hamrell say farewell to his students and the people of the town?

The teacher had on his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all
embroidered, that he never wore Except on inspection and prize days. Besides, the whole school
seems so strange and solemn. On the back benches that you were always empty, the village people
were sitting quietly. Everybody looked sad . Hammell mounted his chair and in grave and gentle tone
said that this was the last lesson that he would be giving them. The order has come from Berlin dirty
only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, and that the new master will come the next day.

It was an honor of his last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes. He went on to talk of
the French language saying that it was the most beautiful language in the world- the clearest, the
most logical, That be must be guarded among us and never forget it because when people are
enslaved, as long as they hold fast to the language It is as if they had the key to their present . Daily
opened a grammar book and read them a lesson. He had never explained everything with so much
patience. It seemed almost as if the poor man wanted to give all he knew before going away, and to
put it into our heads in one stroke. After the grammer there was a lesson in writing. That day M
Hamel had new copies for the students, written in a beautiful round hand- France, Alcase, France,

He had the courage to hear every listen to the very last. He was crying, his voice trembled with
emotion. Finally hamrell stood up, very pale in his chair and tried to say something but something
choked him. He could not go on…He wrote on the blackboard-“Vive La France”, “School is dismissed,
you may go”

Q8. Do the character sketch of hamel on the basis of your study of the story ?

a. Patriotic, loyal to country

b. Had left for his country and the countries language
c. Dedicated, committed, served for 40 years faithfully
d. Strict teacher, who scolded and used the ruler
e. Cranky in behavior
f. Emotional, he couldn’t speak at the end
g. Sentimental, was attached to everything there, was looking at everything present here and
there to register them in his mind Stop listening
h. On the last day he was kind, didn’t scold, patient, understanding.
i. Wanted to give all he knew at one go.

Q9. Which where the words that shocked and surprised franz?

The words are uttered by hamel when he addressed the class in a grave and gentle way saying, “My
children, this is the last lesson I should give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only
German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new master comes tomorrow. This is your last
French lesson. I want you to be very attentive.”

Q10. Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom ?

The villagers felt sorry for not learning the language, to thank the teacher for his 40 years of faithful
service, Showing their respect for the language and their country

Q10. Whom did hammill blame for not learning the French language?

a. Add milk blamed the parents who sent the children to work instead of sending them to
school .
b. It also blamed himself for making them water The plants and giving them a holiday when he
wanted to go fishing
c. He blamed the students for delaine the learning of their lessons(Thinking that there was
plenty of time )

Q11. Everybody during the last lesson is filled with regret .Comment.

Regret in Franz-

a. Vagit he had attended classes more often

b. Paid more attention
c. Found lessons more interesting

The village people regretted-

a. They had paid less here to learning the language

b. For not letting their wards go to school more often

M. Hamel-

a. For sending his students to water flowers

b. Giving students at holiday when he wanted to go fishing

Q12. How did the order from Berlin change the situation in the school?

a. School seeing was a totally different

b. Silence prevale everywhere, feeling of regret
c. Even the noisy classroom braids are quiet ambience
d. Presence of villagers in the classroom
e. M. Hamel had worn special dress meant for special occasions
f. Since it was the last lesson, everyone paid full attention .
g. Hammell delivered his lesson to the best of his capability
h. People realized the worth of hamrell and the French language
i. Children found a lesson very easy

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