MET Service Marketing

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Date - 10/07/2018

 A product concept is developed into 5 stages – core concept, generic concept, the
expectations, segmented and potential concept.
 The marketing mix consist of 4 Ps such as product , place and promotion which form
the core centre and price which is the revenue centre.
 A service is any act of performance that one party can offer to another which is
essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.
 Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.
 The extended Ps of service are physical evidence, process and people.
 People refer to both internal customers (employees) as well as external customers
 Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to
promote their products or services in an unconventional way with little budget to
Lecture - 2
Date - 10/07/2018

1. The marketing mix is most commonly executed through the 4 P's of marketing. The 4
Ps of marketing include Product, Place, Price and Promotion while the extended 3 P’s
are People, Process and Physical Evidence.
2. Service Marketing is usually classified into 5 shares such as by end user ,by expertise
, by location, by profit orientation and by contact.
3. External customer could be either an existing customer or a potential customer.
4. Let’s take the example of McDonald’s here, their 4 core principles of are Quality,
Service, Cleanliness and Value.
5. Performance is a sum result of attitude, knowledge and skills.
6. There is noteworthy difference between a product and a service.
 Services are always intangible in nature. One can own a product but cannot own
a service, one can only experience a service.
 While products are homogeneous, service is heterogeneous.
 Products have a low rate of perishability whereas services have a higher rate of
 Service cannot be separated from the service provider.
 Tangibility spectrum Products and services have varying degrees of tangibility
attached to them.
7. Understanding the customer involves studying and analysing the customer profile.
8. Service marketing is marketing based on relationship and value.
Date- 17/7/18

1. The service marketing triangle of a company consists of three elements

 The company itself, which is the manufacturer of the product,
 The internal customers, who are the providers of the product and
 The external customers, who are the end users of the product.
2. The internal customers are the P.R.O. (Public Relations Officer) of the company.
3. The ideal internal marketing strategy for a company should be in the form of training
and development, which enables the providers to deliver their promise while it also
does external marketing for the external customers.
4. Moment of truth (MOT) or A Service Encounter (ASE) is the moment when a
customer interacts with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression or
opinion about that particular brand, product or service.
5. MOT can be via three forms
 Remote (not at service providers location)
 Phone to phone (p2p)
 Face to face (f2f)
6. Maximising MOT will eventually lead to business growth.
7. Service performances especially those that contain few tangible clues can be difficult
for consumers to evaluate.
8. product attributes could be divided into search, experience, and credence properties
9. All products can be placed on a continuum ranging from "easy to evaluate" to
"difficult to evaluate" depending on whether they are high in search attributes,
experience attributes, or credence attributes
10. Search Attributes Physical goods tend to emphasize those attributes that allow
customers to evaluate a product before purchasing it.
11. Experience Attributes When attributes can't be evaluated prior to purchase, customers
must "experience" the service to know what they are getting.
12. Credence Attributes Product characteristics that customers find impossible to evaluate
confidently even after purchase and consumption are known as credence attributes
13. The seven habits of highly effective people are :
 Being proactive
 Start with the end in mind
 Prioritise and don’t procrastinate
 Always go for a win-win situation
 Seek to understand first, then to be understood
 Synergise
 Sharpen the saw
14. The RATER model stands for :
 Reliability (ability to perform the service accurately)
 Assurance (provide the assurance of quality)
 Tangibles (physical aspects)
 Empathy (ability of the employees to empathise with the customers)
 Responsiveness (willingness to help customers and give prompt service)
15. The service profit value chain flows from internal to external customers. It begins
with the satisfaction of the internal customer (the employee) and ends with the
satisfaction of the external customer ( the end user) resulting in the company’s
ultimate aim of making profits.
DATE- 7/8/18

 The link in the internal service chain begins with internal service quality which results
in employee satisfaction thus causing employee retention and increased employee
productivity. Increased productivity results in enhanced external service value which
further results in customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction causes customers to
develop a sense of belongingness and loyalty towards the brand which ultimately
enables the brand to make profits and generate revenue.

 The six market model by Adrian Payne consists of :

- Internal customer markets
- Influencer markets
- Supplier markets
- Referral markets and
- Recruitment markets
These elements together enable to satisfy the needs and desires of the customers.
 The flower of service includes :
1. Facilitating service : basic services for the customers.
- Information : Providing genuine and precise information of the brand.
- Order taking, billing and payment : making these processes easy and
simple for customers.
2. Enhancing service : the services which the brand provides in addition to the basic
- Consultation, hospitality, safekeeping and exceptions : providing a
delightful environment and enjoyable experience for the customers.
 The value that the customer gets may be either perceived value or emotional value.
 The value that the customer derives out of a service may also be either monetary or
non - monetary.
 The solution provided by the service brand should be adding value to the customers

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