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One characteristic feature of animals is their motility or mobility ;

In fact over millions of years they have evolved many varieties of
means of moving around to suit their respective circumstances ;
And some of them display really very interesting and notable ability.


The caterpillars of moths and butterflies have 3 pairs of true legs called
‘ walking legs’ at the front (on thorax) and 6 pairs of false feet at the
back (on abdomen) to move in a rippling fashion ;some even spin a
carpet of silk to help them to move over smooth surfaces .

Mole rat is a mammal that behaves like a bee living in underground

colonies dominated by a queen which alone gives birth to young ,others
acting as subordinates looking after her and her babies like worker bees
and capable of excavating in a regimented way .

Duck billed Platypus is a mammal which lays eggs like a bird ?

Kangaroo is a mammal which nurtures half developed embryonic

offspring in an external pouch ..

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