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EXERCISE 1- Passive form

1 He almost fell from the balcony. I'm sure that if he had fallen, he

(break) his leg or something.

2 If I leave now, I (be) home in two hours.

3 If you (like) , I'll lend you my car for two days.

4 If we increased the price, we (run) the risk of pricing ourselves out

of the market.
5 If you (ask) your boss, I'm sure he would have considered your proposal.

6 The radio is broken. When you turn it on, it (make) a strange noise.

7 I'd set them the task if they (be) more reliable. However, I don't think they're
capable of doing it.
8 If I had known how long the journey was, I (take) something else to read
with me.
9 If you (not/manage) to finish the catalogue on time, we'll have to postpone
the printing until next month.
10 The accident (might/not/be) so bad if you'd been driving more
11 That was a bad decision. If I (be) you, I would change it as soon as
12 Sunshine - at last! Imagine if the English weather was like this all the time.

(it/not/be) wonderful?
13 He's usually pleasant, but when he's tired he (be) pretty short-tempered. That's the
way he is.
14 If you (not/be) so stubborn you would find it a lot easier to keep your
15 Sorry I didn't call you and tell you I wasn't coming. I would have called you if I

(have) your number with me.

16 He says that if he (not/be) so busy he would go with you to the movie
tomorrow. As it is, he simply has too much work to do.
17 We (miss) the bus unless you hurry.

18 If only I (have) more free time. All the things I would do. All I ever do is work.
Exercise 2- The passive form

1. Mr Jones watches films.

2. The people speak English.
3. He reads comics.
4. We play volleyball.
5. They sing the song.
6. I take photos.
7. She does the housework.
8. The policemen help the children.
9. He writes poems.
10. Mother waters the flowers.
Past passive
11. The meal . (to cook)
12. The trees . (to plant)
13. The words . (to substitute)
14. The question . (to answer)
15. The correct answers . (to tick)
16. The apps . (to download)
17. The door . (to lock)
18. The children . (to pick up)
19. The house . (to burn down)
20. He . (to rob)
Exercise 3- reported speech

1. Benjamin: "I often have a big hamburger."

Benjamin says (that) .
2. Hannah: "They live in Boston."
Hannah said (that) .
3. Tyler: "Ian doesn't invite girls to his parties."
Tyler told me (that) .
4. Dominic: "She understands Japanese."
Dominic remarks (that) .
5. Sophia: "Bella doesn't collect stickers."
Sophia explains (that) .
6. Robert: "Dennis often downloads the latest tunes."
Robert added (that) .
7. Olivia: "Leroy is out riding his new waveboard today."
Olivia explained (that) .
8. Luke: "I don't know what to do."
Luke added (that) .
9. Lily: "Mr Jones is rude to Samantha."
Lily thinks (that) .
10. James and David: "We have to go now."
James and David tell me (that) .

Exercise 4- Conversion of time

1. today →
2. yesterday →
3. tomorrow →
4. a week ago →
5. last weekend →
6. next week →
7. these days →
8. last week →
9. now →
10. this morning →
Exercise 5- Mixed tenses

1. Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow."

Emily said that .
2. Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday."
Helen told me that .
3. Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year."
Robert told me that .
4. Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago."
Lisa said that .
5. Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend."
Patricia said that .
6. Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."
Michael said to me that .
7. Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow."
Jason and Victoria told me that .
8. Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago."
Andrew remarked that .
9. Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday."
Alice complained that .
10. David: "John had already gone at six."
David said that .

Exercise 6- use of tenses

1. Andy is tired because he (work) all day.

2. By 1960 most of Britain’s old
colonies (become) independent.
3. David broke his leg when he (ski) last week.
4. (you/have) a nice time in Rome?
5. (you/finish) your homework yet?
6. He (be) at his computer for six hours.
7. How long (she/have) that car?
8. How many people (die) in the fire yesterday?
9. I (not/know) much about art, but I like some artists.
10. I (wait) for ages when finally the bus arrived.
11. I (receive) a postcard from Jane yesterday.
12. I (correct) all morning, I’m exhausted.
13. I (never/be) sailing, what’s it like?
14. It was late. Most of the shops (close) .
15. It (rain) when I got up this morning.
16. Janet (start) a new job in September.
17. Nelly (have) a great time in New York at the moment.
18. She was cooking dinner when we (arrive) .
19. She (just/come) back from a Mediterranean cruise.
20. My husband (be) free for most of the afternoon.
21. The children were tired because they (swim) in the
pool all afternoon.
22. They (go) to spend six weeks in the USA.
23. We can use the car, I (repair) it.
24. We were tired because we (be) to a party the night
25. We (be) too late for the train, it had just left.
26. When I got the airport I realized I (forget) my
27. As soon as they (arrive) we had dinner.
28. When they were driving home last night they (see) a terrible
29. Where (Robert/live) now?
30. Who (Mandy/talk) to?

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