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National Unification and the National State, 1848--1871

QFocus Question: What actions did Cavour and Italian peninsula. Naples, and with it the
Bismarck take to bring about unification in Italy Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, fell in early
and Germany, respectively, and what role did September in 1860. Ever the patriot, Garibaldi
war play in their efforts? chose to turn over his conquests to Cavour’s
Piedmontese forces. On March 17, 1861, the
The revolutions of 1848 had failed, but within
new kingdom of Italy was proclaimed under a
twenty-five years, many of the goals sought by
centralized government subordinated to the
liberals and nationalists during the first half of
control of Piedmont and King Victor Emmanuel
the nineteenth century were achieved. Italy and
II of the house of Savoy. The task of unification
Germany became nations, and many European
was not yet complete, however. Venetia in the
states were led by constitutional monarchs.
north was taken from Austria in 1866. The
The Unification of Italy Italian army annexed the city of Rome on
September 20, 1870, and it became the new
The Italians were the first people to benefit capital of the united Italian state.
from the breakdown of the Concert of Europe.
In 1850, Austria was still the dominant power The Unification of Germany
on the Italian peninsula. After the failure of the
After the failure of the Frankfurt Assembly to
revolution of 1848--1849, more and more
achieve German unification in 1848--1849,
Italians looked to the northern Italian state of
more and more Germans looked to Prussia for
Piedmont, ruled by the royal house of Savoy, as
leadership in the cause of German unification.
their best hope to achieve the unification of
Prussia had become a strong, prosperous, and
Italy. It was, however, doubtful that the little
authoritarian state, with the Prussian king in
state could provide the leadership needed to
firm control of both the government and the
unify Italy until King Victor Emmanuel II (1849--
army. In 1862, King William I (1861--1888)
1878; 1861--1878 as king of Italy) named Count
appointed a new prime minister, Count Otto
Camillo di Cavour (1810--1861) prime minister
von Bismarck (1815--1898). Bismarck has often
in 1852. As prime minister, Cavour pursued a
been portrayed as the ultimate realist, the
policy of economic expansion that increased
foremost nineteenth-century practitioner of
government revenues and enabled Piedmont to
Realpolitik---the ‘‘politics of reality.’’ He said,
equip a large army. Cavour, allied with the
‘‘Not by speeches and majorities will the great
French emperor, Louis Napoleon, defeated the
questions of the day be decided---that was the
Austrians and gained control of Lombardy.
mistake of 1848--1849---but by iron and blood.’’
Cavour’s success caused nationalists in some
Opposition to his domestic policy determined
northern Italian states (Parma, Modena, and
Bismarck on an active foreign policy, which led
Tuscany) to overthrow their governments and
to war and German unification. After defeating
join Piedmont. Meanwhile, in southern Italy,
Denmark with Austrian help in 1864 and gaining
Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807--1882), a dedicated
control over the duchies of Schleswig and
Italian patriot, raised an army of a thousand
Holstein, Bismarck created friction with the
volunteers called Red Shirts because of the
Austrians and goaded them into a war on June
color of their uniforms. Garibaldi’s forces swept
14, 1866. Though the Austrians were barely
through Sicily and then crossed over to the
defeated at Koeniggraetz on July 3, Prussia
mainland and began a victorious march up the
proceeded to organize the German states north
of the Main River into the North German early part of the century, Great Britain was
Confederation. The southern German states, governed by the aristocratic landowning classes
largely Catholic, remained independent but that dominated both houses of Parliament. But
signed military alliances with Prussia due to in 1832, to avoid turmoil like that on the
their fear of France, their western neighbor. Continent, Parliament passed a reform bill that
Prussia now dominated all of northern increased the number of male voters, chiefly by
Germany, but problems with France soon arose. adding members of the industrial middle class.
Bismarck realized that France would never be By allowing the industrial middle class to join
content with a strong German state to its east the landed interests in ruling Britain, Britain
because of the potential threat to French avoided revolution in 1848. In the 1850s and
security. Bismarck goaded the French into 1860s, the British liberal parliamentary system
declaring war on Prussia on July 15, 1870. The made both social and political reforms that
Prussian armies advanced into France, and at enabled the country to remain stable. One of
Sedan, on September 2, 1870, they captured an the other reasons for Britain’s stability was its
entire French army and the French emperor continuing economic growth. After 1850,
Napoleon III himself. Paris capitulated on middle-class prosperity was at last coupled with
January 28, 1871. France had to give up the some improvements for the working classes as
provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to the new real wages for laborers increased more than 25
German state, a loss that left the French percent between 1850 and 1870. The British
burning for revenge. Even before the war had sense of national pride was well reflected in
ended, the southern German states had agreed Queen Victoria (1837--1901), whose sense of
to enter the North German Confederation. On duty and moral respectability reflected the
January 18, 1871, in the Hall of Mirrors in Louis attitudes of her age, which has ever since been
XIV’s palace at Versailles, William I was known as the Victorian Age. Events in France
proclaimed kaiser (emperor) of the Second after the revolution of 1848 moved toward the
German Empire (the first was the medieval Holy restoration of monarchy. Four years after his
Roman Empire). German unity had been election as president, Louis Napoleon restored
achieved by the Prussian monarchy and the an authoritarian empire. On December 2, 1852,
Prussian army. The Prussian leadership of Louis Napoleon assumed the title of Napoleon
German unification meant the triumph of III (the first Napoleon had abdicated in favor of
authoritarian, militaristic values over liberal, his son, Napoleon II, on April 6, 1814). The
constitutional sentiments in the development of Second Empire had begun. The first five years of
the new German state. With its industrial Napoleon III’s reign were a spectacular success.
resources and military might, the new state had He took many steps to expand industrial
become the strongest power on the Continent. growth. Government subsidies helped foster
A new European balance of power was at hand. the rapid construction of railroads as well as
harbors, roads, and canals. The major French
Nationalism and Reform: The railway lines were completed during Napoleon
European National State at Mid- III’s reign, and iron production tripled. In the
Century midst of this economic expansion, Napoleon III
also undertook a vast reconstruction of the city
Unlike nations on the Continent, Great Britain of Paris. The medieval Paris of narrow streets
managed to avoid the revolutionary upheavals and old city walls was destroyed and replaced
of the first half of the nineteenth century. In the by a modern Paris of broad boulevards,
spacious buildings, an underground sewage Russia was falling hopelessly behind the
system, a new public water supply, and western European powers. Tsar Alexander II
gaslights. In the 1860s, as opposition to his rule (1855--1881) decided to make serious reforms.
began to mount, Napoleon III began to liberalize Serfdom was the most burdensome problem in
his regime. He gave the Legislative Corps more tsarist Russia. On March 3, 1861, Alexander
say in affairs of state, including debate over the issued his emancipation edict. Peasants were
budget. Liberalization policies worked initially; now free to own property and marry as they
in a plebiscite in May 1870 on whether to chose. But the system of land redistribution
accept a new constitution that might have instituted after emancipation was not that
inaugurated a parliamentary regime, the French favorable to them. The government provided
people gave Napoleon III a resounding victory. land for the peasants by purchasing it from the
This triumph was short-lived, however. War landlords, but the landowners often chose to
with Prussia in 1870 brought Napoleon III’s keep the best lands. The Russian peasants soon
ouster, and a republic was proclaimed. found that they had inadequate amounts of
Although nationalism was a major force in good arable land to support themselves. Nor
nineteenth-century Europe, one of the region’s were the peasants completely free. The state
most powerful states, the Austrian Empire, compensated the landowners for the land given
managed to frustrate the desire of its numerous to the peasants, but the peasants were
ethnic groups for self-determination. After the expected to repay the state in long-term
Habsburgs had crushed the revolutions of 1848- installments. To ensure that the payments were
-1849, they restored centralized, autocratic made, peasants were subjected to the authority
government to the empire. But Austria’s defeat of their mir or village commune, which was
at the hands of the Prussians in 1866 forced the collectively responsible for the land payments
Austrians to deal with the fiercely nationalistic to the government. And since the village
Hungarians. The result was the negotiated communes were responsible for the payments,
Ausgleich, or Compromise, of 1867, which they were reluctant to allow peasants to leave
created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary. their land. Emancipation, then, led not to a free,
Each part of the empire now had its own landowning peasantry along the Western model
constitution, its own legislature, its own but to an unhappy, land-starved peasantry that
governmental bureaucracy, and its own capital largely followed the old ways of agricultural
(Vienna for Austria and Budapest for Hungary). production.
Holding the two states together were a single
monarch---Francis Joseph (1848--1916) was
emperor of Austria and king of Hungary---and a
common army, foreign policy, and system of
finances. At the beginning of the nineteenth
century, Russia was overwhelmingly rural,
agricultural, and autocratic. The Russian
imperial autocracy, based on soldiers, secret
police, and repression, had withstood the
revolutionary fervor of the first half of the
nineteenth century.

Defeat in the Crimean War in 1856, however,

led even staunch conservatives to realize that

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